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tv   The Late News  CBS  September 30, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area , this is the evening edition. >> now 11:00, security footage captures the moment a bay area convenience store worker was set on fire by an alleged shoplifter. >> i am still in trauma right
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now. with the government shutdown avoided with hours to spare, we have details on the unexpected bipartisan deal. >> dianne feinstein's body arrived in san francisco as of the debate over her replacement heats up. >> a convenience store clerk is in the hospital recovering from horrible wounds after being set on fire. we want to warn you this video may be disturbing. surveillance video captures the moment a man pours lighter fluid on the clerk and set him on fire before other people in the store russell into the ground. >> betty yu spoke to the clerk . >> reporter: he's doing okay but he says he's in incredible pain, brian. the store clerk says he is used to dealing with shoplifters on a weekly basis but nothing like this has ever happened. he also said shoplifter didn't say a word during their entire confrontation. surveillance
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video capture the moment amanda store clerk said shoplifter three times that day, poured lighter fluid on him and set him on fire. he attacked left suraj with second and third degree burns on his face, neck, chest, and shoulder. he has been hospitalized since last friday. >> it is terrible. i am still in trauma right now. the pain is like seven, eight out of 10. when we clean the wound, it is like, it is over 10. >> reporter: suraj, who declined to share his last name, says he has worked as a clerk for about five years. on this day, he said his coworker alerted him to the repeat shoplifter, who stole lighter fluid each time. suraj try to stop him while his coworker grabbed a bat. >> there was lighter fluid on my face and i was so scared. i
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don't know what to do. just come to stop him and i don't remember, he just lit the fire on me. >> reporter: the contra costa county sheriff's office as deputies arrested the suspect, 38-year-old kendall burton, a homeless person in elsa bront÷. he's facing charges including assault with a deadly weapon, battery, arson and battery. >> nobody has to go through this kind of situation. >> reporter: suraj says he needs several surgeries and faces a long road to recovery. his family started an online fundraiser to help with medical bills. how is your family holding up seeing you like this? >> all the time, they are crying when they come here. >> can't imagine. betty yu,
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you mentioned shoplifting had been a problem at the store, have they ever dealt with this particular person? >> what they said on this day, nobody had ever seen , nobody in the store had ever seen this person before. on this day, this man within a matter of hours came back three times and every time took lighter fluid for whatever reason. >> that they call the police or anything? >> reporter: he was arrested that very day shortly after this. >> okay. i'm sorry much. dr. c. in san francisco, mourners, a police pursuit of a vehicle that police say was connected to several armed robberies. it ended with one person died and another injured. this is pretty rough the aftermath near san bruno avenue went manzella street in the visitacion valley neighborhood. there was no word on the second suspect condition. no officers were hurt. to oakland, where two restaurants have closed their
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doors for good after the owners say ongoing crime is killing their business. today was the last day for le cheval, a 38 year institution. also shutting down is galeto brazilian steakhouse . both restaurants are located three doors down on the same block of clay street in downtown oakland. dozens of loyal customers waiting in front of le cheval for one last meal. the owner blames what he described as out of control car burglaries and violent crime for scaring many longtime customers away. he is not alone. the owner of galeto brazilian steakhouse says he has lost workers due to crime. >> right over there. he got robbed , three pistols in his head. he came back crying. he said you like i can't take it and quit. >> it's tough. after 38 years . >> the owner of le cheval hopes to find a new location outside of oakland. as for galeto brazilian steakhouse they have another location in arizona. elon musk is coming ,
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calling out her supervisor dean preston for the second time in as many weeks. this time, demanding the district 5 supervisor be jailed. elon musk said dean preston should go to prison in response to an article about legislation that would ban security guards from drawing their weapons over property crimes. that proposal was introduced by preston in response to the killing of a man at a san francisco walgreens. preston responded to all this by citing a billionaire calling for a democratically elected official to be sent to prison for no recent is textbook fascism and that he will continue to make billionaires uncomfortable and increasingly unhinged. a week ago, elon musk said preston should be fired,
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blaming all of the city's problems on dean preston and promisising to donate $10100,00 toto whoever r runs agaiainst h the e district 5 seatat. > federal regulalators say seseparate shshops acroross the area owned by a marrieied coup childrdren as younung as 14 to withth dangerouous equipmpment scheheduled minonors to workrk hours. investigators say the owners also failed to pay regular wages, bounced paychecks, and still tips left by customers. a federal judge has therefore ordered the owners to sell or shutdown their stores by late november. meanwhile, more than 75,000 kaiser workers are set to walk off the job in the largest health care strike in u.s. history. they have set a deadline of midnight tonight to reach a deal on better pay, job protections, and working conditions. if that doesn't happen, they plan to walk out for four days starting on wednesday. also, striking workers who were hoping to get a government handout were disappointed by gavin newsom. a bill passed by senate democrats would have given striking workers unemployment benefits. gavin newsom vetoed the bill and said the unemployment fund is outdated and vulnerable to insolvency. expansion of
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eligibility for unemployment would increase california's debt projected already to be nearly $20 billion by the end of the year . and, it would significantly increase taxes on employers. with just hours to spare tonight, the senate passed a 45 day spending bill to keep the government open. that means millions of federal employees will be getting their paychecks at least three mid-november. it succeeded despite continued opposition from hard right members of the republican party. >> we went from devastating cuts that would have impacted the health, safety, and economic well-being of the american people, in 24 hours to a spending agreement that meets the needs of the american people across the board. >> i am the type of conservative that wants to get things done. it is easy to be a conservative that wants to do nothing. but, i believe america
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wants to find the conservative that can make government work efficiently, effectively, and accountable. i do not believe our troops need to be punished for us not the work done. >> the package has no money for ukraine, which was a white house priority. but, it was opposed by a growing number of gop lawmakers. with the docketing past just-in-time, officials from san francisco fleet week say all events for next week, including the blue angels, will go on as planned. events kick off this monday for which you can watch right here on cbs news bay area. that events founder was diane feinstein. her body arrived in san francisco this evening. the senator and local political icon died yesterday morning at the age of 90. while people continue to mourn the loss and remember her life,
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they can't help but look forward. >> the senate seat she held in washington is vacated after more than 30 years. it was already up for a vote in 2024. the leading candidates have been fighting for an edge. governor gavin newsom has the responsibility of appointing a temporary replacement for the next year. in the past, he said his next appointment will be a black woman but that will not be representative barbara lee, who is already running for the seat. >> will you abide by your pledge? >> on an interim appointment. i don't want to get involved in the primary repute >> he would not appoint anyone who has filed for this race ? >> it would be unfair for the democrats who have cooked their tail off. i don't want to tip the balance. >> democrats are urging gavin newsom to make a decision soon because of their razor thin majority in the senate, meaning they cannot appoint federal judges or any other crucial business until that seat is
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filled. one that has been thrown around is that of current san francisco mayor. she was asked if she would do with on cnn. mayor breed didn't say yes but she also didn't say no. >> your name has been floated as a potential placement. is that job something you would be willing and ready to take on? >> well, right now, i am the mayor of san francisco. i am running to be mayor of san francisco for next year. i want to continue to be the mayor of san francisco. >> as of now, there has been no indication of when and who the governor's appointee might be. still ahead tonight, we had out to one of dianne feinstein's lasting legacy in san francisco as pier 39 celebrates its 45th anniversary. it is not a government shutdown slowing traffic on the peninsula. details on the project closing down a busy stretch of 101. that was an interesting day. did you get any rain on your part? the north they definitely did. i will show you what the totals look like. we will look back at this
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gorgeous view and to see clouds we don't normally see. then we need to look ahead. there is a noticeable jump in temperature is about to take place in this
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welcome back . if you need to go anywhere on the peninsula this weekend, it is best if you avoid highway 101. caltrans has removed a big chunk from the freeway so crews can replace a bridge. it is happening on the border of san carlos and redwood city. max darrow has more on the impact to traffic. >> reporter: caltrans is 24 hours and a 55 hour closure of a part of highway 101 on the peninsula. you are looking at the middle of south bound 101, just before the withhold road exit in redwood city. caltrans crews are replacing the old creek bridge built in the 1930s. according to caltrans spokesperson pedro cantona. >> it is reached life service.
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what we need to do is go out of there, demolish the old bridge and build a new bridge along u.s. 101. >> reporter: the plan is to replace the triple box culverts with a single span bridge. this is typically a busy stretch of 101. it is shutdown between britain and whipple. if you look on the right side of your screen, you will see traffic slowing down just south of hillsdale. avoid south bound 101 around here if you can consider taking public transit this weekend. >> please be patient with us. we know this is very inconvenient to maneuver around disclosure. we just want to make sure our highway systems are safe. >> in two weeks, starting october 13th, the northbound 101 lanes will shut down for a full weekend as well. quintana says the inconvenience now will mean fewer nightly closures for this project in the long run. >> the bridge replacement projects take three years to complete with these closures, we are condensing the timeline
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and 18 months. >> by doing the bulk of the work this way, it will be safer for crews and for drivers. at this point, quintana says caltrans is on schedule to reopen south bound 101 between britain and whipple before the 5:00 a.m. commute on monday. we have rain today and we have summer back in the middle of the week. it's a weird, wacky weather pattern. >> and one since it is, in another sense, it is fall. >> we have nice weather here in the fall. >> the rain today was much weirder than the warm-up we are about to get. let me start off with the rain. i want to show you what it looked like today and how we are done with system. before we move on, this is a time lapse from the top of the mark hopkins hotel. what could this, about 2:30 in the afternoon. you can see the rain bands. see the remove over mt. tam. then you see something else. the sky clears almost
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instantly and you get is a beautiful blue sky and then the cumulous clouds show up. look at this. look at their. we get clouds here all the time. we don't get clouds like that often. it is rare when you get billowing cumulous clouds like that. it is part of the system brought brief downpours. that is how napa got for tenths of an inch of rain. sonoma got 3/10 of an inch of rain. san rafael got 16 hundredths of an inch of rain. in the santa cruz mountains we got almost a half an inch of rain. there were many places that got nothing. that is the way it works in a scenario like this, these were pop-up showers. almost like they could have developed into thunderstorms, there just wasn't enough energy for that. i think we did have one between sonoma and. we had a hail signature up there. it was isolated. all that, that
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houses the national weather service believes this is over because they switched the radar and what we called clear error mode, where it picks up everything. futurecast thinks we might have a little bit of a shower in the north bay but we don't. we are not going to have anymore going forward. let's look ahead to tomorrow. this is sunday morning. sunday, we wake up with clear skies with the exception of maybe patchy stratus clouds. everyone will be looking at relatively clear skies. for napa, you will have more sunshine than anything else. temperatures are a little warmer than today. you won't notice much of a difference tomorrow, not even monday. by the middle of the week, you will. there goes that system leaving the counter clockwise spin, showing the area of low pressure that was close enough that we had to be billowing cumulous clouds. with very few clouds tomorrow, those are the daytime highs. mid to upper 70s for the inland valleys. coming in maybe four, 5 degrees below average still. let's skip ahead to what is the most important part of the forecast now that the rain is done. that is the warm-up. san francisco, by the
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time we get wednesday, thursday, friday, you have three days at 80, maybe a little above. it is only 10 degrees above average. if we are going to do 80s in the city, we do it in october. on the one hand, this will be a warm stretch of days for us. we are not breaking records. this falls within the range of what you would expect for an october warm spell. we will be in the low 90s for north bay valleys. when you look at the beaches, we could have these at the coast that get near 80 on thursday. october is pretty much when that kind of weather happens. coming up in sports, we are hours away from the 49ers taking the cardinals. warriors media date is monday. already some big news
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everery day, bususinesses everywhehere are asksking: is it t possible?? with comcacast bubusiness... . it is. is it possible t to help kekeep our onlnline platfofm safe f from cybertrthreats? absolutelyly. can we p provide heaealth carere virtuallyly anywhere? we canan help with thahat. is it popossible to o use prpredictive m monitoringg to addreress opererations issssues? we can helelp withth that, toooo. with the a advanced connecectivity and inintelligencece of globl secucure networkrking fromom comcast b business. it's's not just t possible. it's h happening..
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some shuffling going on as the 49ers get ready to face the cardinals tomorrow. only one wide receiver was brought up from the practice squad, which means with jennings out, deebo samuel will most likely play, despite his injuries. the 49ers defense will be tasked with stopping cardinals quarterback josh dobbs, set to start in place of an injured kyler murray. dobbs has rushed for more than 90 combined yards in his last two games. the 49ers feel they are confident they can slow him down. >> he doesn't like to slide. you have to be ready to tackle him. he's going to try to get extra charts like a running back and we have to pressure him. i don't think many teams have gotten good pressure on him. >> we see how much he wanted to
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slide. we will circle back sunday after the game. raiders quarterback jimmy garoppolo has been ruled out of sunday's game against the chargers. jimmy garoppolo is in concussion protocol after taking a hit to the head last sunday. the raiders will either start rookie aiden o'connell or veteran brian hoyer. warriors media date isn't until monday to the warriors are already making headlines. star forward draymond green suffered an ankle sprain. this was reported by espn mark spears. the injury happened during a pickup game at chase center early in the week. to college football, cal hosting arizona state. sam jackson finds jeremiah hunter in the end zone for a 21 yard touchdown. it was the running game that fueled the offense. running back ott finished with 165 rushing yards to put cal up by 10. the past broken up.
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cal wins 24-21. they are 3-2 on the season and they host oregon state next week. stanford 0-2 in conference play, facing ninth-ranked oregon but the cardinals looked pretty good. second quarter, kicker josh mccurdy hits the field goal from 53 yards out to put stanford up by 6 but then it was all oregon from there. oregon quarterback bo nix conducts deep down the field for a touchdown. stanford falls to 1-for the season. toughest test for coach prime and the buffs, hosting eight the -ranked usc. defending heisman winner caleb williams connects with taj washington deep down the field. washington goes the distance. 71 yards into the end zone. williams had six touchdown passes on the day. colorado didn't go down easy. under two minutes to play, shadeur
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sanders finds jimmy horn up the middle. colorado tries in onside kick but unc recovers. the trojans win 48-41, colorado follows the 3-2 on the season. coming up, highlights from both bay area baseball teams in action. gabe kapler you know i i got two h home r. you got t two jacks.s.
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and ththen my granand slam. i sisigned a balall for you. okay.. and it sayays papapa i love yoyou. why y did you dodo that? bebecause you'u've tauaughte everytything aboutut basebal. ohoh hunny bununny, ththat's s so sweet.. (♪♪♪) (♪♪♪) how's ththe chicken?n? ththe prawns a are delicioio. ohoh, i have a shellflfish allergrgy. one prprawn. very y good. did i i say chickeken wrong? tired d of people e not listeng toto what you u want? itit's trufflele season! ah thahat's okay..... nenever enoughgh truffles.. hohow much arere they? it's a lotot. oh okay y - i'm goodod, that- itit's like a a pricelesss piece e of art. enjoy. or whehen they selell you whwhat they wawant? yeah.. the more w we understatand yo, the betttter we can n help yo. that's whahat u.s. bank is fofor. hugege relief. yeahah... ♪
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wewe made it! ! bmo has ararr. hello? you sasaid it. hehello to morore ways to savave money, grow your r wealth, growow your busisiness. just w what we neeeeded, ananother big g bank. not so f fast. how manyny banks do o youw that reweward you fofor saving evevery month?? he's got a a good poi. did i i mention bmbmo has more f fee-free atatms than the t two largestst usus banks comombined? uh, b-m-o?o? just "bebee-mo", actctually. quick ququestion, wiwill all this stuffff fit in yoyour car? ( ( ♪♪ ) should i g get rid of f the? ♪ bmo ♪ at cretors, we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn.the?
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like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. great on their own, even better together. try cretors, handcrafted small-batch popcorn. after nearly 4 seasons with the giants, gabe kapler was shown the door after the team crumbled down the stretch. for the final series, scoreless in the third inning, rookie tyler fitzgerald took one deep to left off clayton kershaw. second home run of his career and both against the dodgers. the giants held onto a one run lead until the bottom of the ninth. chris taylor trying, he's the tying run at first but he didn't get the memo on patrick daley. the rookie catches to stealing. the
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giants win 2 and 1. gabe kapler released a statement on his instagram on saturday saying "i missed the players, coaches, the clubhouse staff. i may not have been expressive enough and how much i care for everyone in the organization." he went on to say "i know i was very lucky to be manager of the san francisco giants." oakland a's finishing the season on the road facing the angels. you might as well and the year with some momentum. game tied at 3-3. say l'engle ears had 20 right field for a three run home run. oakland wins 7-3. that is when number 50 the season for oakland. a lot of names being tossed around for the giants manager job but no one candidate has come up yet. >> anyone that comes to your mind? >> i think the fans really want buster posey but i don't know if buster is willing to take that day in, day out job of being a manager. we will see.
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coming up next, we will head out to pier 39 for the sights and sounds of the
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♪ ♪ everery day, bususinesses everywhehere are asksking: is it t possible?? with comcacast bubusiness... . it is. is it possible t to help kekeep our onlnline platfofm safe f from cybertrthreats? absolutelyly. can we p provide heaealth carere virtuallyly anywhere? we canan help with thahat. is it popossible to o use prpredictive m monitoringg to addreress opererations issssues? we can helelp withth that, toooo. with the a advanced connecectivity
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and inintelligencece of globl secucure networkrking fromom comcast b business. it's's not just t possible. it's h happening.. welcome back. based on a new way to experience shows in las vegas, at least that's what this says. it is inside of a giant sphere. u2 was the first band to take stage inside of the sphere. he may have seen it from the outside but this is the inside . not quite getting this. the state-of-the-art venue has a dome shape, wraparound screen program to create breathtaking effects like this one. took my breath away. u2 will be there through december. back here in the bay, people were out at pier 39 to celebrate the 45th anniversary
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. celebrating with live music and a dj, special shopping and dining events and, of course, the sea lions. as crowds start to return back to pre-pandemic levels, officials are saying they are on pace for 50 million visitors in 2023. it is coming back. >> pier 39 is doing well this when we challenged ourselves to create the world's most emotional anand sustainanable vehiclc wewe had totothink diffeferen wewe had to pupush the bououns toto not just t create a c r but a a movement. . every fisksker ocean i is prodd with ovever 50 kilogograms o ethicalllly sourced,d, recycleded materialsls. it's's about accccomplishin someththing bigger thahan itself.. a a clean fufuture for a a.
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♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ male announcer: "in touch," the teaching ministry of dr. charles


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