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tv   The Late News  CBS  October 14, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, thi is the evening edition. now at 11:00, the u.s. escalating its response in israel where an aircraft carrie is heading and what's being sai about a ground invasion of gaza plus, a woman recently move
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to oakland, but now she's movin again. the crime that was the last straw. and police will have more eyes on bay area streets. tonight, air strikes from israel lighting up the sky. bradley blackburn has the latest. >> reporter: president biden says hamas is causing the death of thousands of civilians in th gaza strip. >> innocent palestinian familie and a vast majority have nothin to do with hamas. they're being used as human shields. >> reporter: the u.s. is still looking for a way to get american citizens stuck in gaza out. this man said the u.s. embassy told them to show up at
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a check point by noon saturday, but the egyptian guards weren't letting anyone through. at leas 29 americans have been killed i the conflict. israel has conducted a heavy campaign in the wake of the surprise hamas attack. >> we saw hate manifested in th worst massacre on jewish people since the holocaust. >> reporter: biden spoke on the phone saturday with both the palestinian president and the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. netanyahu met with soldiers in southern israel who are massing near the gaza border. he told them the next stage is coming and asked if they were ready. bradley blackburn, cbs news, new york. >> a spokesperson for the israe defense forces says they will start significant military operations only when they can see civilians have left. earlier today in san francisco, hundreds gathered at the ferry building to protest
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israel's relentless bombing of gaza. people shouted free palestine while holding signs and the palestinian flag. they protested the fatal consequence of the bombing on women and children. >> 2,000 palestinian civilians have been slaughtered. 600 of them children. there's 2.3 million people in gaza now because most of these people were evicted forcefully from their homeland. this is the, th source of the conflict. >> israel is a state, it's not religion. my judaism is not determined by israel. my judais says i know what genocide looks like, and what's happening in palestine looks like genocide. >> medical supplies for gaza have landed in egypt, but right now egypt can't get in to help. the w.h.o. is pleading with israel to call off their evacuation order for northern gaza, saying that people have n
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safe place to go. president biden spent more than an hour on friday speaking with families of the american citizens still unaccounted for. some are believed to be in captivity. the president talked about efforts to get them out. >> i say we'll do everything in our power to find them. everything in our power. i'm no going to go into the detail of that, but we're working like hell on it single game record you can see more of that exclusive interview on america' role in the war tomorrow night at 7:00 here on kpix. >> and we'll continue to follow the latest developments out of the middle east on air and streaming on the cbs news app and back here in the bay area, take a look at this. seats charred, windows gone. this is how one woman in oakland found her car after it was stolen. there is barely anything left. she's not alone. california
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leads the nation with about 100,000 vehicle thefts through july of this year according to the national insurance crime bureau. da lin spoke with the woman and has her story. >> reporter: oakland has a car theft epidemic, and it's impacting people in different ways. the victim you're about t meet not only lost her car, she says she still owes $20,000 on the car loan. it's been three weeks since someone stole gender's car from her gated garage near jack london square. but the troubles keep piling on >> i'm beyond furious, still beyond furious. >> reporter: oakland police recovered her hyundai within 24 hours. someone burned the inside. her insurance company recently denied her claim. she says e-surance dropped her coverage because she failed to update her address when she moved from florida to oakland.
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>> the car loan is around $20,000, and right now i'm stil responsibility for that. >> reporter: the tow fee and storage fee add up to a couple of thousands dollars. at this point, she'll let the towing company keep the car. >> i feel like i've been treate like i'm the criminal, and that's not okay. >> reporter: police say they recorded 11,417 stolen cars in oakland from january to october 8th. they say this number includes cars stolen in oakland and cars stolen outside of the city and recovered in oakland. officers say that's a 50% increase compared to the same period last year. investigators say they deal with a lot of hyundais and kia. those models are easy to steal because they don't have an ignition mobilizer. >> i've rented cars on tura, an uber i've spented like $1,200 getting back and forth to work. >> reporter: jennifer not only lost her money, but her sense o
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safety. once her lease is up, she and her boyfriend are movin out of oakland. >> we don't want to be here. i' concerned any time we leave the house, our car will be taken. >> reporter: police tell drivers, especially if they own a hyundai or kia, buy a steerin wheel lock like this one that should deter if not slow down the thieves. oakland can now install speed safety cameras along the san jose and other cities. here's that story. >> reporter: governor gavin newsom has signed a bill into law that will allow the use of speed cameras in the state. the law will allow san francisco to install 33 cameras across the city. the organization walk san francisco was a huge supporter of the bill from the beginning. walk sf's executive director jodie says she believes the new
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law will really hstreets. >> we've seen it work in other places. a place like new york city has brought down speeding around the cameras by, um, almost 60%. >> reporter: the pilot program will begin in 2025 here in the city and run for five years. th cameras will be placed on streets with the highest crash rates as well as school zones. jodie told me while she's happy this program will be going into effect, it's just one of severa strategies the city needs to prioritize to make san francisc streets safer. >> i mean, this is one tool in our tool box, right? so a city like san francisco has a lot of other tools. this is one tool, and it is, it's a layered effect, right? we can't just pu one thing out there and think it's going to cure our speeding problem. it is a multi-layer need in a city that has a
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serious problem. >> reporter: according to walk sf, 14 pedestrians have been killed in the city this year, and hundreds more injured. in addition to the speed cameras, the organization is pushing the city to ban cars from turning right on red lights and from parking near intersections. jodie says she believes the cit still has a long way to go to make the streets as safe as possible, but this law will definitely help. >> this is, you know, something that we, um, have been working on and believe that it's going to change the way that people drive and really realize that, you know, um, it's not acceptable to be speeding in a very dense neighborhood-based city like san francisco. >> reporter: specific locations for the 33 cameras have not yet been chosen. the city is expected to work with local communities to create the program guidelines. >> a coalition called oakland privacy opposes the cameras. they sent us a statement that
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says a lot, not all, of speedin is related to bad road design and lack of traffic calming features, which is especially present in inner city low incom neighborhoods with traditionall low levels of public investment >> political news site california globe says governor newsom has signed 890 bills thi session. some notable ones signed yesterday include change for school curriculums. cursive hand writing is now a requirement in grades six or lower, and media literacy must be considered a part of high school english classes. he also signed the first statewide collective bargaining agreement for minor league baseball players. and coming up after the break, an ultra rare ring of fire eclipse blazed briefly in the skies over the west. gettin to see it, though, was a real trip. and coming up in the first alert forecast, technically we
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got a little rain in the bay this morning. sonoma county. couple hundredths of an inch. and then we do a complete 180 and the 90s are coming back for part of the bay. that's coming up in the first alert forecast.
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people in the bay area saw partial eclipse this morning. you missed the golden ring unless you were like brian. >> because you have to travel t see it. >> travel. >> but you don't want to be lik me first with that caveat. i tried to see an annular eclipse in san diego in 92 or 94. and just at the moment of the ring of fire, clouds come down and obscured the whole thing. so i was bound and determined to see this one even though it was a seven hour drive and the crowds were just as determined. >> reporter: it began here before dawn this morning. in nevada, about 30 minuting outside of reno, it's 6:15 a.m. >> well, that could look better >> reporter: yeah, there's the clouds, but i didn't have a choice. i had to drive another
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130 miles east across nevada to get within this black band wher you could see this morning's eclipse as a ring of fire eclipse instead of just a partial one. but the more i drove, the cloudier it got. the forecast for mostly sunny was mostly wrong. 8:25 a.m., annularity 45 minutes away. gas is a dollar a gallon cheaper! but the sky is 90% cloudy. so i head farther east on 80. just 2 minutes to annularity. i pulled off on a remote off ramp with many people. but the sky is still mostly cloudy! desperate now, 15 minutes. i head toward patch of blue that became a patch of gray. now it looks lik it's sunnier back where i was. so racing back, i pull off here off 80 where the sky seems
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lighter, set up my camera. annularity has begun. i have four minutes, and three minutes later i catch the tail end of annularity! and it was great! i turns out that the folks back i town had pretty much the same thing. >> we had a little window! >> yeah, one minute or so. >> reporter: you got it though! oh my god. it was all over by 9:24 a.m., and now i have to head 400 miles back to work pas sacramento just so i can be her to say darren, what's the forecast! [ laughter ] >> hey, did you see it back here, by the way? >> no, it was cloudy. >> was it really? >> there were some views across the bay where people shared tha look very similar to at least
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seeing as much as you could. we didn't get the annularity, but now the partial eclipse about a well as you could. >> all right. that's too bad. but you know there's a total eclipse in april. not here, but farther east in the u.s. so if you have never seen a total eclipse, you've got to see it. you haven't seen it, you have to. >> are you going to make your way east? >> what do you think? april of 2024, the total solar eclipse. >> driving or flying? >> it's too far to drive. >> where did you get that music by the way? >> well, let's talk about that later. [ laughter ] >> we're glad you made it back in time to share that story. that was really cool to see tha up close. >> it was great. it was great. >> totally worth it. awesome. well, we had our share of cloud here today. the clouds were kin of their own show. i just want to show the clouds that blocked our view of the eclipse, what
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they were doing today. watch th time lapse. you'll see the clouds that look like uf os, an also building clouds behind them. it was a really unique view in the sky. look back there, building clouds behind the lenticulars. this was a really unique day here at home because of the clouds. it was a beautiful thing to watch. then the third actor comes on and blocks the view. watch the marine layer stream in front of them. now you have the third type of cloud. those are the cirrus clouds. we don't get a sky that looks like this often. it was a bummer for the eclipse but the clouds put on quite a show today thanks to the cold front that came through and dropped a little rain in sonoma county. there's another one coming just as impressive as today's, which means it won't be. but that rain will be linke up with a much more well developed and important part of the system right there. we're
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waiting for that area of low pressure to pull in that line o moisture. by the time we get to monday, now we're getting moderate strength atmospheric river getting pulled into oregon. this one isn't for us, but it's worth seeing these things. when you see a line of rain that looks that impressive on the futurecast, that's a pretty decent put together atmospheric river towards california. the very southern edge just peters out. we're going to get very little, if anything, out of it. if you loo at the accumulated rain, there will be an inch of rain that falls monday on the far northwest coast. and a lot more in oregon where the atmospheric river makes landfall. but here at home, coming in for a closer view. there it is. a few shower monday afternoon. maybe holding together, probably not, for par of sonoma county. that's it. then the whole pattern is going to change. watch the storm in
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the pacific completely reorder, and by saturday it's arcing ove us. let me put the temperatures on there. area of high pressure warmer temperatures. this is th day when we go back to the 90s for many of the warmer inland valleys. so tomorrow is really nice. less in the way of clouds we won't get the same cloud sho tomorrow. but we'll have the marine layer in the morning. we start out gray and then get sunshine in the afternoon. everyone will have the marine layer tomorrow. let's take tomorrow's daytime highs with afternoon sun and advance it to thursday, and now you can see the peak. we're back into the low 90s for daytime highs. 91 concord, 92 in santa rosa. it's wednesday and thursday really. thursday, technically is the peak. but wednesday's the day you notice it. both days are going to be warm. for oakland that means mid-80s. san francisco, you're going to 80. this is the time of year to do it in san francisco. that's still about ten degrees above average, but you'll notice it's a warm day. inland value lease 89 and 92. san jose gets to 91
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on thursday, and inland east ba gets to 91 thursday. and yes, w cool down for next weekend with a 10% chance of more light rain now matt over to you. ahead in sports, the sharks looking for win number one on the season, but they had to go through one of the top teams in the league. plus, we preview the niners alaska airlines $99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend... you know, one of us is gonna have to change? but we're twinning? oh yay. ♪♪ ♪ we care a lot. ♪ (♪♪) (♪♪)
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it's no secret that christian mccaffrey is putting up video game numbers in the offense. bu he's taking hits though. he's averaging 20 carries a game not even counting his touches in th passing game. as the run game coordinator explains, it's easier said than done to easy his workload. >> he didn't want to come off after the big hit sunday. he's like no, i'm fine. we were like let's get him out for a play, and he said i'm not coming out of the game. i'm going to have chance to get back at them. tha was his mentality i think. >> reporter: how many players o the team can do that? say i'm not coming out? >> um, not many. i coach one that's probably not coming out. he usually does. but there's a couple, but not many. and you trust him. like dude, do you need a rep and he says i'm good but other times you're like get over here, you have to get him
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out. to hockey. goal tender mackenzie black providing goal support early. the sharks up. san jose shut out the avalanche for over 58 minutes, but with just over a minute left in regulation, a wrister sent this into overtime. game ended in a shoot out. sharksneeded a goal to extend it, but colorado wins 2-1 in the shoot out. still to come in sports, ca looking to upset utah on the road. plus, it was an instant classic and comeback for the ages. we are breaking down that
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it's about accomplishing something bigger than itself. a clean future for all. the coach prime show has been must watch tv. last few weeks kind of a roller coaster for the buffs though, so when they saw stanford on the schedule, they must have though this is perfect. but as lee corso says, not so fast because the cardinal game to play. colorado burst out of the gate faster than ralphie and started hot. it was 29-0 colorado at th half, but what a comeback from
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the cardinal. final seconds, stanford drives from the one yard line. they hit a 46-yard field goal forcing overtime. after the buffs score on the first play of ot, then stanford gets a touchdown. game tied at 43. cu has an interception in the second overtime. stanford just needs a field goal, and they nail it. they rally from down 29-0 to stun the buffaloes 46-43. >> reporter: just simply put, how does this team go forward? >> you have no choice but to go forward. that's life. this ain' the only thing going on in life all you guys are dealing with something, you're still progressing and going forward. we have to do the same thing. w didn't expect that. a lot of things go on in life is expected. this is one of them. we got to knuckle up and let's go. we can't sit down and have
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no pity party. y'all don't feel bad for us, i know that. but that's cool. cal in action today on the road taking on 16th ranked utah hot start for the bears. mendoz connects with ott. 48 yards, puts cal on the board first. bu the utes were just too good at home. barnes trots into the end zone, makes it a three possession game. utah wins 34-14. cal is now 3 and 4 entering the bye week. san jose state looking for their first mountain west win against new mexico. in the thir and trailing, robinson gets the screen pass and scorches this new mexico defense. he goes 55 yards, and gives san jose the
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lead. later, cordero finds nash 54-yard score. spartans win 52-24. top ten match up between oregon and washington. huskies got the ball back with over a minute to play after a failed oregon 4th down. the back shoulder strike, touchdown dubs and they got a lead. ducks put themselves in field goal position, but the 43-yarder goe wide, and washington walks away with a win in an instant classic. great day of college football. the bay area teams 1 and 1 there, but the stanford game was fantastic. >> and it will be 6 and 0 tomorrow for the pro team in th bay area. >> very well could be. >> the cleveland browns. >> matt, you'll be watching, i know. all right, still ahead, san francisco got weird tonight. th purpose behind the how weird street fair after the break.
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howard street how weird fair. people came together for what's billed as the longest running dance festival on the west coast. this year's theme, time travel star gate. djs, electronic music, festival booths, and of co se a
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