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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  October 24, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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broader impacts. blinken is not currently scheduled to speak. the united auto workers union expanded its strike monday with 6,800 workers walking out of a stellantis plant in michigan. the uaw says it's called the strike because stellantis has, quote, the worst offer on the table of the big three carmakers. stellantis said it was outraged. and the texas rangers are world series-bound after beating houston in game seven of the american league championship series. they'll face either philadelphia or arizona, who have their own winner-take-all game tonight. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm jarred hill, cbs news, new york. it's tuesday, october 24th, 2023. this is the "cbs morning news."
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hostages freed. hamas releases two elderly israeli women days after an american mother and daughter were let go. the u.s. now pushing israel to delay the ground offensive to allow more time to try to secure the release of more hostages. and then there were eight. house republicans will meet behind closed doors again today to try to pick a speaker nominee as one candidate drops out of the crowded race. >> we got the try that tried to shut the engines down out of the cockpit. midair scare. a pilot under arrest accused of trying to take down a plane full of passengers. why did he do it. well, good morning and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we start in israel where two more hostages were freed and are back on israeli soil, giving dozens of families a glimmer of hope their loved ones will be returned. israel launched one of its heaviest barrages of air strikes yesterday as a top marine corps
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general is helping them plan for the ground assault. the united nations says around 20 trucks with humanitarian aid made it into gaza yesterday, but the situation there continues to grow dire. and secretary of state antony blinken is expected at the united nations today for an update on the war. ian lee is in tel aviv with the latest developments. ian, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, anne-marie. that rafah border crossing with egypt is the only lifeline for gaza, and every day more trucks with aid enter the coastal strip, 20 here, 12 here, but it's not even close to the number of trucks the u.n. says that are needed to sustain the people in gaza. and sources tell cbs getting aids in and hostages out is a priority for the white house. overnight two israeli women freed by hamas arrived at a tel aviv hospital. 79-year-old nurit cooper and
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85-year-old yocheved lifshitz were taken hostage during the deadly october 7th hamas raids along with their husbands who are still being held. lifshitz's grandson says his family is excited and thrilled she's been released and hopes she's in good health. this latest hostage release comes days after two americans were also freed, but israeli officials estimate more than 200 hostages are still being held by hamas. >> it's crime against humanity. >> reporter: nir shani says hamas took his 16-year-old son during the kibbutz be'eri attack. >> he's a boy. he's not a warrior. he was taken from his room and from his bed. >> reporter: israeli air strikes have intensified in recent days, and there are new warnings for evacuations in gaza ahead of an imminent ground invasion. two sources told cbs news the white house has sought to slow israel's plans for a ground invasion in order to free
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hostages and a give aid to gaza. yesterday president biden was asked if he supported the exchange of hostages for a potential cease-fire. trucks filled with humanitarian aid continue to flow from egypt into gaza, though united nations officials say civilians there need much more assistance. it seems like israel may keep postponing the ground invasion. for now the french president emmanuel macron is in town to meet with israeli officials while later today the u.n. council is expected to meet to discuss not only the war but the humanitarian situation in gaza. anne-marie? >> ian lee in tel aviv. thank you so much. well, family and friends of a young boy believed to be held by hamas in gaza gathered in is rile to mark his 9th birthday. ohad munder-zichri was kidnapped by hamas terrorists along with his mother and grandparents during their deadly attack. people held a photo of the boy and clutched balloons yesterday as they called for the release
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of the family and the more than 200 other hostages. >> i hope he's celebrating in some way. i hope his mother is hugging him. god bless them. and we must free them now. >> the boy's uncle was killed in the october 7th attack. and while the u.s. is advising israel to delay its full-blown ground invasion, the military is conducting limited ground raids into gaza. "cbs mornings's" co-host tony dokoupil sat down with israel's chief military spokesmen to talk about the duel mission, rescue the hostages and eliminate hamas. >> reporter: as israeli air strikes pound inside gaza, rear admiral daniel hagari's job is to explain the aftermath. in these pictures every day of women and children in the rubble, that doesn't help your cause. >> this is a tough fight, but it shows the face of hamas using
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the gazans as human shields. >> reporter: israel's chief military spokesperson says the war has two goals. >> one is to destroy hamas, leaders, infrastructures, and the other goal is to release the hostages. >> reporter: but for the families of the more than 200 people still held by hamas, hagari had little comfort. >> can you at least tell them tonight that they are alive and that they are not being mistreated? >> i cannot tell them that. we're in a war, and our goal is to bring everybody home as long as it takes. >> reporter: that commitment to fight comes from evidence like this, he says, a note newly recovered off the body of a hamas attacker. >> this is what it says. the enemy is a disease that has no cure. >> why was it so important for you to show it to us today? >> because the world needs to
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understand it's not an issue of palestinians and israelis. it's an issue of a crime against humanity. >> reporter: but there's also the critical question of what comes after hamas, both for gaza and the israelis. and on that hagari said it's just too soon to tell. tony dokoupil, cbs news, tel aviv. >> and tony dokoupil will have more of his interview live from israel ahead on "cbs mornings" at 7:00 eastern. house republicans are expected to meet again today to try to nominate a candidate for speaker. eight lawmakers made their pitch to fellow republicans last night during a closed door forum. there were originally nine candidates, but one dropped out. it's been three weeks since kevin mccarthy has been ousted as speaker, and it leaves them unable to do business.
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the next month's deadline to fund the government. donald trump is expected to face off today in a new york courtroom with his former personal lawyer, fixer michael cohen. cohen is set to testify in trump's fraud trial. trump is accused of deflating the value of his properties to gain favorable loan terms and tax benefits. in 2019 cohen called trump a con man and a cheat when he testified before the house committee. trump said he was a convicted liar. trump denies any wrongdoing. a terrifying scene in the skies now. an airlines pilot is due in court facing 167 counts including attempted murder. he's accused of trying to shed down a plane's engine mid flight on sunday. kris van cleave has the story. >> we've got the guy that tried to shut the engines down out of the cob pic. >> reporter: it was about 30
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minutes after alack can airlines took off withet 84 passengers holding infants in their laps. police say 44-year-old joseph emerson, an off-duty alaskan pilot riding in the jump seat attempted to shut off the plane's engines at about 31 feet. there are reports he may have tried to pull the red engine suppression handles. emerson was handcuffed in the back of the plane as pilots made an emergency landing in portland. there were no injuries. >> it seems like he settled down as soon as he -- after one moment of going a little bit overboard. rsher . >> reporter: passenger jessica verrilli testified, i was on this flight with my two kids. thank god everyone is okay. >> if i was in a cockpit jump seat, how hard would it be to grab the engine controls? >> all he or she would have to do is jump out of your seat and
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grab sunday and turn the engines off. >> reporter: they wrote this is not connected in any way, shape, or form to world ee vents and i not related to any form of terrorism. he's a father of two and is seen visiting sick kids in the hospital. well, coming up, tragedy on a louisiana interstate. more than 150 vehicles are involved in a deadly pileup blamed on a so-called super fog. and later, spooky sticker shock. why the price of halloween chocolate is going up this year. this is the "cbs morning news." this year. this is the "cbs morning news." . because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away
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if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ looking for a smarter way to mop? introducing the new swiffer powermop. an all-in-one cleaning tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time. our new cleaning pad has hundreds of scrubbing strips- that absorb and lock dirt away, ( ♪♪ ) and it has a 360-degree swivel head- that goes places a regular mop just can't. so, you can clean your home faster than ever. don't mop harder, mop smarter, with the new swiffer powermop. travis, did you know you can get this season's covid-19 shot when you get your flu shot? huh. two things at once. two things at once! ♪ two things at once. i'll have the... ...two things at once, please. now back to two things at once. ♪ two things at once. that's not two things at once.
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moooom! travis? ask about getting this season's covid-19 shot when getting your flu shot. at least seven people were killed after a massive multi-vehicle pileup near new orleans. authorities say 158 vehicles were involved yesterday when smoke from marsh fires combined with a dense fog to form a super fog limiting visibility.
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one vehicle went over a guardrail and went into the water, but the driver escaped unharmed. panera's caffeinated lemonade is related to a college student's death, and there are new details in a michigan stabbing. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. the "detroit free press" are confident the stabbing death of a detroit synagogue president are not related to anti-semitism. samantha woll was found outside her home yesterday. authorities believe she was attacked in the house after she returned from attending a wedding and collapsed outside in her yard. police are speaking with several people of interest but believe the killer acted alone. the "new york post" says a university student died after drinking panera caffeinated lemonade which had three times the caffeie of a red bull. that's according to her parents in a lawsuit.
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the wrongful death lawsuit said she suffered cardiac arrest hours later. the suit claims she did not know the drink had so much caffeine and it also stated the panera caffeinated lemonade contains as much caffeine as its dark roast coffee. panera says it is investigating. and the "denver post" says a former colorado nsa employee pleaded guilty to attempting to sell classified secrets to russia. 31-year-old jareh dalke admitted giving information last year to an undercover fbi agent. authorities say dalke thought the fbi employee was a russian agent. federal prosecutors say they'll recommend about 22 years in prison when he's sentenced in umbrella if he abides by the terms of the plea deal. still to come, a new age discovery. what rock samples reveal about the real age of the moon. the mo. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind.
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i'm so glad we did this. edward jones travel. there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't been easy. now, i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so, you can clearer skin and noticeably less itch serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pains, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent hi, i'm norma, and i lost 53 pounds on golo. wi(soft music)g to your doctor. a lot of people expect to fall apart as they age, but since taking release, my energy's improved, my skin's improved. i've never felt better. ♪ here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country.
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we'd like to share a piece of this rock with so many of the countries throughout the world. >> a new discovery is rocking the science world. it turns out the moon is 40 million years older than previously thought. a new analysis of lunar dust collected by apollo 17 astronauts in 1972 shows the moon is 4.46 billion years old. the research is shining new light on the early days of our solar system. why there may be more tricks than treats when buying halloween candy this year, and a warning about an e-scooter. here's jarred hill with today's hey, there. wall street had another mixed finish monday. the ongoing volatility comes amid higher treasury yields,
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impacting how much investors pay for stocks, making it more expensive for everyone to borrow. the dow dropped 190 points, the nasdaq up 34, and the s&p 500 fell 7 points. there's an urgent warning to stop using a certain electronic scooter over a fire risk. this goes for the 2's elite 60-volt e-scooter. it sold under the brand name zoos and 2s. the plea from federal regulators comes after an apartment fire sparked by the scooter's battery killed two people in new york. the regulators say the company refused to an acceptable recall. today, more than 100 days into the actors strike, the screen actors guild and hollywood studios are headed back to the negotiating studio. it's already delayed the installation of films and you can add "mission: impossible" to that, postponed a year.
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and halloween candy may be more expensive this year, and you can blame the weather. the hotter, dryer conditions are in cocoa growing regions are stunting the growth of the key zbrenlt in chocolate. analysts say this could mean the companies produce smaller candy bars to keep sizing down. fun size candy is not fun. that's your cbs news "moneywatch" for tuesday morning. i'm jarred hill, b is s news, new york. up next, world series bound. the texas rangers pull off a big game seven victory over the reigning champs. ya got a little somethin' on yuh face. needed a quick shave. quick shave? respect the process! it ain't my dad's razor, dad, it's from gillettelabs. gillette...labs? gillette's ultimate shaving experience. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! while the flexdisc contours to it. lookin' smooth. feelin' even smoother. how 'bout hookin' me up with some gillettelabs? check your texts. you're the best. nah, you're the best. the best a man can get keeps getting bettuh. the next generation of shaving is gillettelabs. relapsing ms isn't the only thing i have going on. that's why i take kesimpta.
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it's the only b-cell treatment for rms i can take at home once a month. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses active lesions and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ask your doctor about treating rms with kesimpta. (vo) wish you knew what your cat was feeling? ask your doctor about the tidy cats innovation lab does! introducing our latest litterventions. tidy care alert, for health monitoring. and tidy care comfort, for cat-preferred paw-feel. tidy care, new from tidy cats!
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here's a hook at here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. a cow on the mooove, if you will. in colorado the runaway bovine had to be chased down a residential street by police just outside of denver. the sheriff's deputy said the cow escaped its pasture in nearby parker and was evading capture. the joke was the steaks are high. yeah, that's the joke. the cow was eventually corralled in a nearby park. mary lou retton is back home after a major health scare. the 55-year-old gold medalist had been in an intensive care unit while battling a rare form f pneumonia.
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her daughter posted on social media the legendary gymnast is still facing a long road to recovery and is taking baby steps. the texas rangers are headed to the world series for the first time in 12 years. that i beat the houston astros, 11-4, in game seven of the american league championship series. outfielder adolis garcia homers twice for the rangers. they'll play the phillies or arizona diamondbacks when the world series starts on friday. the diamondbacks beat the phils 5-1 to force a game seven tomorrow in the ncls. so coming up only on "cbs mornings," oprah winfrey announces her next pick for oprah's book club, and we'll speak to the author. book club, speak to the author. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm.
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it's comeback season. remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. ask your doctor about fasenra. dude? dog food in the fridge? it's not dog food. it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. real weird.
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well, hello and thank you for joining us this morning. it's tuesday, october 24th. >> much better when somebody says well, hello. let's get started. >> we've got the -- guy to try to set the end of this down. out of the cockpit. >> dicey moments on board an alaska airlines flight. a bay area pilot now charged with attempted murder. [ inaudible ] >> dozens of hostages still held captive in gaza but two more are now back home on israeli soil. some people have -- depression and it's


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