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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  November 2, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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whopping right now, federal state and bay area officials are teaming up. the joint operation to crack down on fentanyl. marking five years since the campfire, one of the deadliest and most destructive wildfires in history. tourism from asia making a comeback. how it could provide a much-needed boost to the sightseeing industry. i'm ryan yamamoto. let's start with the latest escalation in the hard line approach to the drug crisis. the u.s. attorney for northern california along with joint law enforcement task force making an announcement about fentanyl moments ago. >> the dev stating effects of fentanyl are visible everyday on our streets. my office and the district attorney's office are focusing on the prosecution of street dealers in the tenderloin and those who supply them. >> he added under the new joint program they can fast track
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cases. federal charges will be brought against anyone caught selling fentanyl near the federal building in sonoma. he is speaking right now. let's listen in. >> a new collaboration, cooperation, coordination are at the core of this joint law enforcement response. finally, you can help. all hands on deck recognizes that the cost to our society of fentanyl being sold in our neighborhood are far worse than those of the drugs that came before it. this means we all must do what we can to recognize and address the issues presented by fentanyl. we can all play a role in riding our neighborhoods of this menace. all hands on deck means we all say no to experimenting with fentanyl. all hands on deck means we all do what we can to discourage
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anyone else at any time from experimenting with fentanyl. all hands on deck means we all educate ourselves about fentanyl. we all should avoid the tendency to treat the dangerous new phenomenon as though it was the latest popular drug trend. it's not. the fentanyl sold on our streets today is more lethal, more addictive and cheaper thani any other street drug on the market. it also is finding victims -- and you have been listening in on the press conference of the new joint task force. we will have much more at 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on kpix. it has been nearly five years since the campfire scorched more than 155,000 acres on its way to becoming the deadliest and most
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destructive wildfire in california's history. it's hard to forget the scenes out of paradise and surrounding communities. many have been able to rebuild homes, property and lives, there are challenges facing those communities which is why local and state leaders gathered to commemorate the anniversary. >> over the past five years, we have been working hard to restore the community and recover. >> we realize that paradise isn't just a replication of our past but an opportunity to create something new. >> pg&e plead guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter after a grand jury investigation found the faulty power lines sparked the campfire and the company ignored warnings about the danger leading up to the fire. pg&e customers have to wait a come more weeks to find out if the rates are going up. john chitnis looks at the proposed rate headache and where the money will be going. >> reporter: the vote has been
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delayed two more weeks. the company is saying that this rate hike will help with fire prevention measures specifically power lines. a new group that rallied at this location this week says they want to see more transparency. they are called fair california and made up of housing advocates, business leaders, labor unions and environmental groups. they argue that pg&e has been able to push through rate increases without being transparent how the money is spent. they are considering three proposals that range for a 9% to a 26% hike. with the money, the company has a goal of eventually bearing 10,000 miles of power lines across the state to reduce the risk of wildfires but as of today only 300 miles have been completed. the lack of transparency on spending is hurting rate payers like small businesses. >> electric bill goes up not just for us but the consumer, too. you have less money coming in the store and you are
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charging more because the electricity. it's basically going to be a double whammy. >> reporter: pg&e said investing in the system to be more climate resilient will make it safer and cleaner. rates have gone up 38% over the last three years. that is according to the public advocates office. that is three times higher than the rate of inflation but less than what some residents had to pay in southern california over the same time period. >> thanks, shawn. firefighters are fighting a two-alarm fire right now. here is a look from high above on the hill. you can see the smoke billowing from the hillside. this is downhill from julian drive near douglas. nearby residents are being warned homes could be in danger. a water main break left a mess in this san jose neighborhood. san jose water said it happened on martha's street around 1:30 in the morning. there have been traffic delays and a big
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cleanup. they expect repairs to finish by 6:00 p.m. but the cleanup could continue into the night. a couple of dozens customers are impacted. community leaders gather for the walk over the webster street bridge in japan town. that new red color was chosen to resemble the red gates in japan where it symbolizes gratitude and harmony. a lot of san francisco post-pandemic recovery depends on tourism. now it could be getting a boost from across the pacific. in 2019, more than 26 million people visited san francisco and the peninsula. that is according to sf travel. less than 2%, about half a million came from china. but chinese visitors spent $1.2 billion by far the most of any international group in more than 12% of the area's total
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visitor areas. the industry has suffered but as max darrow explains, it's starting to take off once again. >> mic check. better? all right. get ready for this sightseeing excursion. >> reporter: if there is anyone with a finger on the pulse of tourism in san francisco -- >> look to your right. trans america building. >> reporter: it's kirk chappelle. he drives a hop on, hop off bus for san francisco sightseeing tours. >> i have been doing this 15 years. >> reporter: the last few have been a challenge. he says the situation this year has improved. he noticed more international tourists on his buses. >> we are doing good but it could be a lot better. >> reporter: but noticeably absent or less common, tourists from asia, more specifically from china. >> they make up a lot of the population that comes here. and we haven't been seeing them. >> reporter: however, san francisco may soon start to see
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that change. and that, says chappelle will be a big deal. >> it matters to me. i make a living 0 doing this. the more tourists better for me and the company and san francisco. >> reporter: this air china triple 7 touching down on wednesday marked the beginning of numerous major airlines resuming regular service between destinations in china and sfo for the first time since march of 2020. airport spokesperson doug yakell is egg another to see more appearing on the arrivals and departure boards. >> we went years and months with so many missing from the board. having them back up now and knowing that there is more coming, that is a sign of recovery. europe has been recovered over 100% of pre-pandemic levels. australia over 100% of pre-pandemic levels. it's asia lagging behind and in particular recovery to china. now we are seeing that come back.
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>> reporter: air china will fly to beijing twice a week. united launches daily flights to beijing on the ninth. china southern brings back flights on the 11th. on the 29th, china eastern resumes twice a week service to shanghai. >> when more airlines come back to sfo, that benefits tourism and businesses in sfo. there is an effect that ripples throughout the region. not only exciting for sfo but for the san francisco bay area. >> i'm smiling because, yeah, that is good news. >> reporter: chappelle is optimistic and ready to see how this plays out. >> i'm not sure if it will get all the way back like it was in 2019, but san francisco is san francisco. everybody wants to see san francisco. >> reporter: and if those visitors are lucky, maybe they will get to see san francisco for the first time. >> welcome aboard. >> reporter: with captain chappelle driving it way. >> they usually get off the bus smiling. i like what i do.
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>> san francisco's travel most recent forecast for this year shows the city reaching about 89% of the pre-pandemic visitor levels overall. they project it to grow to nearly 93% in 2024. still ahead, honoring loved ones that passed away.
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms.
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today, the 2024 open enrollment period with new incentives to help people pay
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for health care. >> we are reminding uninsured californians that affordable options are available to them. thanks to the expanding financial assistance made possible, we saw a steady rise in affordability and the number of people able to access health insurance through covered california. >> there is still an estimated 3 million uninsured californians. 1.3 million that qualify for financial assistance through covered california or medical. nearly three quarters of a million are in the bay area. they are available for additional subsidies to make the coverage cheaper. enrollment runs through the end of january. on the health watch, detecting cancer early critical. researchers say they have developed a new low cost blood test that could spot cancer sooner. the test detects a specific protein produced by
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cancer cells but more research is needed. sugar can be harmful for people with type 2 diabetes but research shows salt may cause problems. a study from tulane found frequently adding salt to food is linked to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. researchers suggest eating more salt encourages people to eat larger portions that can lead to obesity and diabetes. day to day continues today. it gives people a chance to honor and remember their late loved ones. jose martinez spoke to families about the important call tur rail holiday and shares his personal connection. >> reporter: it's a special day. they are organizing an altar with elements and pictures. it's through these that both of them will be able to meet with those family members and friends who are gone. >> we created a community
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altar. the first component here is our folks who have passed away at the hands of police brutality. for example -- >> reporter: it's part of day of the dead. a celebration happening in many parts of san francisco including the mission cultural center for latino arts. >> these people have a close personal relationship with me. for example, jose is the first drag queen who ran for public office in 1961. >> reporter: behind the sell brace is martina, director of the cultural center. >> one of the elements that you need is a bright orange flower that has a strong scent. it's believed that our ancestors and
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loved ones come to our altars guided by that strong scent of that beautiful flower. >> reporter: she invited me to build an altar for my grandmother. following the tradition, we got elements. >> everything that you need for your altar, you will find the sugar, the candles and the marigold. and we give you this. >> reporter: with those things in hand, we went to the gallery, turned into a typical mexican cemetery with different altars built by some residents of the mission including mine. >> what was your grandmother's name? >> reporter: ines. >> we ask that her spirit comes and visits you and she will be with you inspiring her through the life lessons she taught you. >> reporter: so, i placed this
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in front of her picture. we invited everyone to come and learn and enjoy the celebration. >> come and share space with us and learn more about it. >> the celebration in the mission is this evening between 24th and 26th streets. expect life music, fashion shows and dance. first alert weather, not a bad time to get outside. jessica burch looks at the mild conditions and changes ahead. >> daytime highs throughout the bay area are in the 70s. that puts us about 9 degrees above average where we warm to the upper 70s in san jose and los gatos. upper 70s in the east bay and it feels summer-like despite we are two days in to the month of november. heading into this weekend, we will get the fall like weather. for now, enjoy what we have. we have cloudy skies this afternoon and showers in the forecast for us as we head into the weekend forecast. we will get to that in a second. day tame highs in
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the 70s. we warm up into the north bay this afternoon. now, here is what we are looking at into this weekend, clouds are rolling in from offshore. showers to the north of us impacting much of northern california. once we head into the weekend, those showers will sweep in and impact us in the bay area. that happens late saturday night. here is the first band of rain sweeping in from the north bay to the south as it dissipates throughout the land. it's not that impressive of a system. we will continue to see the unsettled weather saturday and as we head into the weekend forecast. what it is, it's low pressure offshore. these are the systems that will see more frequently into the fall months moving in from the gulf of alaska. that's what we are expecting into this weekend. as we head into next week, that unsettled weather continues. we will see cloudy skies throughout the bay area. temperatures warm up to the 80s tomorrow to cool down into the 60s as early as monday. we hold on tight to the 60s across the
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bay area. we will see sunshine throughout mid portions of next week. into the bay now, 70s today, 70s tomorrow t. 60s saturday then cool down into next week. 64 by tuesday with partly cloudy skies lasting in the forecast. >> thanks, jess. the golden state warriors unveiled the new look. they showed off the new city addition uniforms that gives a nod to the cable cars. they say the goal is to make connections between community and the court. and coming up in the red and gold report, 49ers hope to turn it around with the help of their newest teammate.
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a lot of optimism as the 49ers welcome defensive end chase young. he is in town and gets on the field on monday. >> reporter: this is the volkswagen red and gold report. the 49ers won't get a chance to end the losing streak this weekend. but it feels like they got a win after picking up chase young at the trade deadline. san francisco saw firsthand how he can wreck an offense in 2020. the rookie season he had a sack, forced fumble and returned a fumble for a touchdown. fast forward four years, young is fully healthy and the 49ers general manager, john lynch wasn't confident they had enough to land young before tuesday's trade deadline. >> i had this feeling going to bed. i didn't sleep very well, waking up that nothing would
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come to fruition. hopefully chase can give us a lift the rest of the way. i know we had some excited people around here, excited players and we needed a lift after the recent stretch. >> reporter: with the red and gold report, i'm vern glenn. still ahead, saving money on your holiday feast. a couple of retailers say they are giving customers a break for thanksgiving.
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coming up at 5:00 an oakland youth football team was worried about their safety. that is at 5:00. the cost of just about everything is going up. a couple of retailers are giving you a break this thanksgiving. target is selling a full feast for $25, serves four people and a 10-pound turkey, green beans, cranberry sauce, stuffing mix and graphy. you can get the deal on the target website. walmart is offering lower
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prices on holiday staples. there are two means one you cook from scratch and a ready to bake option that are cheaper than last year. "cbs evening news" is next on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. have a great afternoon. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight the hundreds of people including many americans now escaping the war-torn territory of gaza is more aid makes its way in on the fighting between the israeli army and hamas militants intensifies. here are tonight's headlines. ♪ ♪ >> people that i love, leaving them behind and i don't know if i'm going to see them ever ag again. >> norah: we are at the rafah border crossing. americans are allowed to leave but missiles continued to rain down across gaza even as they


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