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tv   The Late News  CBS  November 5, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. protesters crashed a pro israel gala in san carlos. the latest on both the war and the
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tensions in the bay area. scandal inside the san jose police department. what was discovered which led officer to resign. rainy days and mondays. darren says it is in the forecast. we will have the details. good evening. >> we start with the chaos outside a fundraiser in san carlos. >> it was a benefit for the israeli defense forces. you can see the crowd surrounding the building, yelling at those inside. betty yu was there, and she said things turned violent. >> shame on you, shame on you. >> reporter: pro-palestinian protesters chanted shame on you as guests arrived in their cars for the annual friends of the idf gala in san carlos. the fundraiser support israeli soldiers on the front lines . the protest began hours before the event. they carried flags, and signs which read, stop killing kids, and no gala for genocide.
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>> reporter: dozens of sheriff deputies in riot gear contained the crowd. tensions rose , as tow trucks arrived to remove cars blocking skyway road. san francisco resident, bianca fernandez, who is african-american, peruvian, and native american, brought her wife and stepson. >> we are not palestinian, but we are indigenous. those of us who have gone through our own hardships, our ancestors going through the same thing, we are here to show support for the palestinian people. >> reporter: this is the second protest in two days for the family. >> i felt really good about my first day of protest because you are protesting about what is happening in palestine, and dissolve it. >> reporter: explain your sign. >> my sign says cease-fire, because we need to stop the cease-fire in gaza. >> reporter: a few pro israel protesters also showed up.
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>> they ripped the flag out of our hands, hit my friend with a stick and pepper sprayed us. i would rather not say my name, for fear of retribution from this group. >> this is the scariest time it has ever been to be jewish in my life. i have never felt so threatened, for the way i was born. >> reporter: pro-palestinian protesters stood behind barricades, chanting, for several hours, outside, as the gala went on as scheduled. jewish voice for peace, a group which says it stands in solidarity with the palestinian freedom a struggle, was among the protest organizers. >> the nicest thing that we can say is that it is in bad taste but the israeli military has killed over 9000 palestinians. this is not a time to be having a gala. >> reporter: protesters left peacefully. >> they are trying to wipe out what is left of them in the
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land they have left and it's not right. we all need to unite together. >> we tried to get in touch with the event organizers, but did not hear back. men in palo alto say their goal is to shape a stronger goal between the jewish community and israel. the conference was scheduled for a while but organizers say it became a time for jewish people to come together and heal after the attack on october 7th. one of the men has a daughter abducted by hamas at the israeli music festival, and is still being held hostage. >> she and all the hostages deserve support. i ask you here to support families, support israel, and make sure . >> the israeli military says it believes hamas is holding 240 people hostage. as dawn broke over the
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middle east, israel says it has cut gaza in two, reaching the coast south of gaza city. this is where the 10,000 palestinians lay dead a month after the war broke out. israel released pictures of ground troops. the hamas run health industry says dozens of people have been killed over the weekend and what it calls an israeli airstrike at a refugee camp. secretary of state antony blinken met with iraq's prime minister, blinken says the u.s. joins israel in rejecting a cease-fire. but, the u.s. is thinking about what is called a humanitarian pause to the violence in gaza. >> so that we can advance other things we are committed to doing, as is the government of israel and others in the region, especially getting more humanitarian assistance to people who need it, in gaza. >> reporter: israeli prime minister benjamin nett and yahoo says he will not agree
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to a cease-fire in gaza which does not include a return of all the hostages. lincoln also made a stop in the west bank, where he met with the palestinian president. you can find the latest developments in gaza on, and streaming any time on the cbs news app. back in the bay area, we are tracking some rain in the forecast, bubbly just in time for the morning commute. darren peck has more on that. >> it will rain on the morning commute tomorrow but that is the main forecast of the forecast. if you look at doppler right now, this is from today's system. it is entirely different than the one we will get tomorrow. let's look at where it is raining, now, because we finally got rain down to the south bay. three or four hours ago, but you got your share, now i will show you the rainfall totals coming up in a bit, but look at what is going on now in the santa cruz mountains and the diablo range and over the hill from the diablo range in the tri-valley were even livermore has gotten 15 hundredths of an inch of rain out of this. let's look ahead to tomorrow's commute
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but we will clear out tonight rain over the next few hours and then the next entirely separate system, that is a different cold front which comes in starts in the predawn hours in the north bay, and then it gets really well-organized and starts marching across the entire bay. here we are tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m., and it is going to arrive through the middle of everything. it is not going to be heavy downpours, that looks a lot more impressive than it probably will be, but it will be rain and it will get the streets slick and it will stay that way through the 6:00 and 7:00 our still down in the south bay. we will do this again in the complete forecast. i will walk you through this one, then walk you ahead. back to you. >> turning now to the south bay, he broke up a fight and disarmed a man. many would call him a hero, but, he was the one who was shot four times by police. this happened in san jose, last year. now it turns out that the policeman who shot the man has been sending racist
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text messages. da lin has that story. >> reporter: officer mark mcnamara can be seen in the surveillance video shooting and injuring k on green in 2022. green is stunned by the racist texts. >> he feels no weight in his heart that he was wrong. that's pretty scary to me. >> reporter: san jose police released the text messages mcnamara reportedly sent to to people where he bragged about shooting green and repeatedly used the n word. he reportedly wrote, quote, i hate black people. >> i never thought somebody could just have that much hatred in their heart, to where they would want to kill me because of what i look like. >> reporter: the 22-year-old green is still recovering mentally and physically. the san francisco city college defensive and says football is his therapy. >> i used to be able to dunk a basketball. i can barely jump off my left leg, now. everything pretty much hurts.
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but, just because i don't want to go do any more depression, or be down on myself i force myself to play. >> san jose police say mcnamara shot green four times. surveillance video shows a man pulling out a gun during a fight in a restaurant. green disarmed the manned . the officer shoots green as he backs away from the man holding the confiscated gun in the air. >> doing the right thing was being a hero. >> reporter: mcnamara resigned after investigators found the text messages where he reportedly mocked green and his attorney. attorney dr. poynter reads one of the texts. >> if you give a f , i will shoot you to. and then he laughed. they should all be bowing to me and bringing me gifts, since i saved a fellow letter and word, by making him
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rich as f. otherwise, he would have lived a life of poverty and crime. >> >> reporter: they want the district to file aminal charges against mcnamara. they also want mcnamara to never work as an officer again. green says he won't let the incident hold him back. >> i'm still trying to make it to the nfl. and trying to put everything that i have into that. in school and on the field. >> reporter: green and his attorneys filed a civil lawsuit against the cities of san jose. it is scheduled to go to trial next year. >> greens attorneys is the racist text shows signs of racism on the force. we
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received a statement defending the police department, saying, it is a testament to the culture of the sj pd that our internal affairs investigators found these texts, reported them to the chief of police, and the chief took immediate action to rid the cancer of mr. and mcnamara. santos story less than a week away from hosting an international event, and one nation is hoping for a boost in tourism. world leaders are set to descend on the twitter for the asia-pacific cooperation summit . chinatown to benefit. it has been a slow recovery for them, from the pandemic. now, they are going all out. >> chinatown is putting on a nonstop show. there will be line dancing, there will be arts and cultural activities, there will be a night market. this is going to be chinatown packed with programming, packed with fun. >> and packed with traffic. despite road closures, chinatown will be open and accessible, with transit running and parking garage is open.
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coming up, is a prize in a bay area backyard. the increase in coyote spotting's. sharks shut down a california beach. we will tell you where. but, first, we will generate some revenue. we will be right back. bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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hi, i'm so sorry. [ kisses noises ] i'm trying honey. i'm going as fast as i can. are we going to be late? oh, hold on! the gift! we are so late. get over it, i'm sorry. we're always late. always. what do you think of my cookies? is that my sweater? ehhhhhh. this holiday season, how we get there matters. but being there matters more. your family might wait, but the season of audi offers won't. get these exceptional offers now. let's have a segment devoted to animals. it has been an interesting week for animal
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sightings around the entire bay area. we begin in the north bay. somebody spotted what is called a wolf hybrid. a hybrid of what? we are not sure. in the outskirts of sebastopol this morning. police scene it was last seen heading south on highway 12 on its way to work. no, whatever wolf packs do. in the eastern city of sevastopol, the urging people not to approach the animal if they find it, but call police instead. incentive disco, an officer from animal care and control was called out to remove this coyote which had made itself very comfortable on somebody's patio furniture. the officer said that he asked the coyote to leave, it took a big stretch, and talking to some nearby brush but this is also the season when coyotes born earlier in the year start to track down on their own. that is when i saw above stinson beach, it was on the verge of speech asking if i had a picnic basket in my little red car. in southern california, be
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disclosed to the public due to shark activity. lifeguards say people saw an aggressive shark splashing in the surf and then a beached whale was discovered, still alive, with white marks. this is sunset beach in the city of huntington beach. the closure will last two days. >> people out there in the southland on the beach, i guess they had a warm spell as well. >> they did. >> that is the result of the wind from the storm going over the sierra nevada and i wanted you to see this, this is reno, today. you can see the big lenticular cloud right there, looks like a big ufo parked over the sky. the wind was racing over the sierra. there is downtown reno. it caused the wind to go into a wave pattern, and where the air goes up, you get a cloud. when the air goes down, you disappear. the cloud stays stationary as the air moves through it. they are spectacular, and great for forecast. we see lenticular
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cloud like that down in the mountain range, you know there are strong upper-level wind writing in on the storm system. watch the rain come through around 5:00. from the city looking out over the water, angel island got some rain there. the city did get some rain, finally, measurable rain, anyway. we got six hundredths of an inch of rain there. santa rosa with 4/10 of an inch. a couple hundredths in san jose but livermore had 16 hundredths, all from this system. this is still dropping rain. top of the newscast, plan on these showers to linger a bit. this is 3:00 in the morning, marching across the bay, we got to this point in the last visit, where you can see that really well-organized line of showers right through the heart of the bay, over the
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golden gate, it works its way down to the south bay. look at the time, that is 6:30, right through the morning commute. streets get slick, these will not be intense downpours but you might get moderate rain but the rainfall totals aren't huge. still, that is enough rain that it will make it to the ground, it is going to wet the roads. then we get to the afternoon and it's more interesting. look at this little bull's-eye, here. some of these are likely going to come in the form of thunderstorms . isolated thunderstorms are now in the mix into the afternoon and the north bay is the more likely location, together. and then things will clear out through the afternoon and evening. it could be a busy day tomorrow. daytime highs noticeably cooler. middle and upper 60s, you were in the low 80s for the inland valleys, yesterday. tomorrow you will be in the mid 60s. today, you split the difference and cool down a bit but tomorrow is really the day where you can see all that. i mentioned friday's system, let's look ahead to that. you
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can see the storm out there, into the long-range, let's let that play forward, and in the long-range model this will do exactly the storm we have right now appeared to be doing in the long-range model. that is the one we have right now, and also looks like it would be doing this model. we will watch these. right now, i don't have rain in the forecast on friday, but the clouds increase, and if you have plans on friday, stay on top of them. we said the same thing about this weekend days ago and the models have such a difficult time resolving it, and they went back and forth and we got the rain. that does not mean they all go that way, but sometimes, patterns do develop, and the way the storm track gets aligned and models resolve . anyway, one at a time. it will be an interesting day tomorrow. plan on rain for the commute. >> thanks. coming up in the first part of our series, b.a.r.t. on the break. we look at its promising future and how we got to the upcoming fiscal cliff. what have we got on game
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day without the first-place 49ers? plenty. they get to play with a shiny new toy. staff is going to staff and she runs with a purpose, so did this guy. when we challenged ourselves to create the world's most emotional test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
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do you ride b.a.r.t.? 500,000 people per day used to, but pandemic and crime scared most away.'s budget has lost about 60% of its avidly average daily riders. >> b.a.r.t. is on the brink. all week we expose what is wrong and what it will take for b.a.r.t. to survive. >> 51 years ago, b.a.r.t. opened into the area with a promise to take transportation into the future. >> somewhere along the way, things changed. and now the agency is struggling to lure riders onto the trains. what happened? john ramos explains. >> reporter: it was in 1947 that a joint army navy report was released recommending some sort of tunnel under the bay to transport troops and material if something were to happen to the bridges. from it, the dream of b.a.r.t. was born.
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>> reporter: as years went by, the concern was no longer about moving troops, but about moving cars. >> bay bridge was already packed every morning. with cars, and so, there had to be a way to relieve that, because there was, you know, people weren't going to be able to cross the bridge anymore. >> reporter: my kiwi wrote the book on b.a.r.t., literally. as longtime spokesman for the agency, he was there in 1972 when the system first started operating , and he says those were heady times for the engineers who approach the challenge as if it were a moonshot. >> the first all-new rail rapid transit system to be built in this country since 1907. it was very exciting. >> reporter: the unofficial slogan among planners was, pamper the passenger. magazine ads across the country
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trumpeted the comfort of tomorrowland ride, promising safe, relaxing travel. >> these are the amenities that give people a new kind of transit experience. >> i think it was an exciting time for the public , and they seemed to accept it. there were always little problems but they seemed to accept it , and ridership grew. >> did it ever? as ridership grew, b.a.r.t. cars became cramped and with more people, came more problems. writers had to put up with rude, antisocial behavior, and open drug use, in aging cars that were often dirty or smelly. and then, the pandemic hit, and people suddenly felt they had other options. >> we have deep concerns about art. it has lost about 60% of its average daily riders. >> reporter: jim wonderment is ceo of the bay area council .
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an organization which laid the framework for b.a.r.t. back in the 1950s. he says, over the year, the board has become focused on various social equity issues , establishing policies that have diminished safety on the trains. he says people are avoiding writing b.a.r.t. for that reason. >> the public does not see b.a.r.t. as a social service agency, they are looking for b.a.r.t. to provide safe, clean, reliable transit, and i think that's to some degree, the board got off in some other directions, and needs to really focus on those things, do those things well, and you will win people back. >> reporter: so, has an agency that runs on rails managed to take a wrong turn? many believe so . but, it still has an important role to play in the bay area, and there are those who appreciate that. >> this is a good little system. enjoy it. use it. >> mike healy agrees. >> i don't think it's
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anything close to what b.a.r.t. is like but i think the bay area is very lucky to have had art over the years. >> the problem still exists, even if not fully delivered. to convince riders to return, most agree that something big needs to happen. to get b.a.r.t. back on track. >>
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we are grocery outlet and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now through november 7th. we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because this deal won't last long. stop in and save today.
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people packed into redwood city's courthouse square tonight for lively celebration of dia de los muertos. this year's theme was mayan culture. mayans once thrived in the southern reaches of mexico and guatemala, and influences live on today. formers reflected that, and people came dressed in elaborate garb , alters to honor the dead, and vendors and activity , as well as food . >> people were out today getting ready for christmas in the park,, which will open the day after things giving.
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community groups will fill cesar chavez plaza. trees will go up thanks giving week. today they were working on the musical and animal tronic displays. christmas in the park also has a drive through light display at history san jose. if you've never seen it, you should, it's pretty cool. up next at 11:00, a new crab king has been crowned.
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this is the bay area chevy dealers "gameday" on cbs news bay area. first "gameday" of the month, november 5th, welcome. a lot of story telling ahead, but you know what? let's get your heart rate up with some up tempo basketball. the warriors, what they have been doing on the road so far, winning. in cleveland kevon looney starting his 200th straight regular season game, golden state not scoring the first five minutes of the second quarter, draymond


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