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tv   The Late News  CBS  November 9, 2023 1:37am-2:12am PST

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- this has been a production of entertainment studios. look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money
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get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ . now at 11:00. checking for weapon on your way to work. as apec descends on their neighborhoods >> that is the thing that i was kind of freaked out about. >> pull the plug. a local city's unconventional approach against the fight against hate speech and you might have your complaint b.a.r.t but have you thought about what it would be if it disappeared completely? >> my life would be more expensive. it would be slower. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey. on cbs
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news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. a lot of us get so stuck in our routines. how often do you feel like you are on auto pilot when you are driving or walking to work? that is not going to happen to certain people next week because they will have to get checked out by secret service as going back to their homes. >> starting on saturday, parts of the city will be shutdown for apec. things will not get back to normal for a full week. here is why. >> feds and local cops will carve out the security zones that you see here. surrounding the moscone center and big named hotels in knock hill. parking will be restricted. people on foot will need to be screened at checkpoints to make sure they do not pose a threat to dignitaries and vips that will flock to town. in other words getting to a, b, c will mean a stop the dee and f. at
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d, e, and f. he usually walked down california and by the fairmont to get to work. now he has to figure out better routes >> it was easy to find. once i found a map i was able to see what was shutdown. >> residents are preparing as best they can, including ryan. he is preparing for a checkpoint. >> that is what i was freaked out about with the dog and everything, i am prepared. should not be a big deal. i get it. >> reporter: he usually takes b.a.r.t to go to work but his job gave him an option to work from home. as for dudley, he will not be able to play at his favorite park. >> we usually go to huntington park that is closed off. not looking forward to that. he
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loves going up there to play with his friends and stuff. >> the map labeled checkpoints, two, she walks by it to get to and from work. >> are people at work talking about it? >> yes. >> how long have you been hearing about apec? >> probably two months. >> reporter: she has looked at the plan and plans to work around it for her job. he is waiting to see how everything plays out and he is ready if he has to show an id. >> always have my id on me. i exfect to lane to me as i am wandering around the city. i am planning to avoid all of that. but, you know, we will figure it is a possibility. >> at least he is thinking about it. alsos in that security zone in knob hill schools, including at least one elementary. the district told us the schools will be in session next week and they will share information with families about closures and what to expect. >> and just two blocks from the security exclusion zone around moscone center someone spotted
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this. a person walking down 7th and market last night, casually holding an air rifle. that area is known for open air drug dealing after dark. we will have to see if the city, chp or anybody else makes changes there during apec. don't expect to see cruise cars riding around san francisco for awhile on their own. gm is pulling all of them off of the roads for a software update. that is after one car dragged a pedestrian along a san francisco street last month. the victim was thrown in front of the cruise vehicle after being hit by a human-driven car. g plrks says the software update will keep a car stationary if something like that happens again. palestinian protesters shutdown tonight's oakland school board meeting almost as soon as it started. the board was set to take up the board calling for a ceasefire in gaza and the release of the hostages. but the crowd got
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angry when they were told they would have to wait to comment on it. >> because it is our by laws. okay. >> when people got up to speak any way the board president called a five minute recess that five minute recess was called over four hours ago. unclear if the meeting will continue or when. meanwhile, more and more bay area cities are pulling the plug on zoom commenters because so many people are just showing up to do one thing and one thing throonl has nothing to do with city government, spewing hate, a lot of it. sometimes anticemettic, -- anti-semitic. now, they are opting not to disable remote comments despite what happened at their last council meeting. >> reporter: the city of sanoma got its first taste of a zoom
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bombing. instead of getting rid of online public comment all together it has more of a old school approach to hang up hate. >> yes, topics not related to city business are out of order and clearly the callers were not here to offer anything with regard to city business. >> reporter: sonoma mayor says there were 20 zoom caller who's tried to spread hate speech. she says it was their first and last chance. >> people start going off on us we are hanging up. period. it is what you would do if you picked up the phone and somebody did the same thing. >> a few negative words slipped through, banning public comment is not the answer. >> why should we punish people doing the right thing because there are people doing the wrong thing? >> she says the rise of zoom meetings during the pandemic gave people who can not attend
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in person a say in local policy. that should not change now that the pandemic has passed. >> we opened government up to people in a way that i don't think government has been open to people in such a way for many, many years. and, you know, you can not unring that bell. >> no matter how quick city employees may be to hit the mute button, residents worry hate will still spread. >> i think if it is weaponized in any sort of way i think that it really needs to be, frankly, e rat indicated. if eradicated. pull the plug. >> just cut that previous person off. i don't occur them cussing or swearing or anything. >> the accountability should not be on the side of people doing the right thing. the accountability should be on the side of the people that are disrupting government. and i don't believe that at the
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moment, we have sufficient laws that will hold them accountable. >> the mayor says she asked the police if there is anything else the city can do. given the whole free speech she thinks it is san issue for the state or federal government to take up. okay. try explaining this to your insurance agent, how a car's tango with a train led to a pileup on the peninsula. we hear your complaints, so does b.a.r.t. before you wish for a world without it, consider this. >> traffic congestion on roads and highways would skyrocket and it would really erode our overall quality of life. >> we take a look at a bay area without b.a.r.t . clear skies over the bay area this evening. temperatures are dropping off quickly without any blanket of cloud cover. clouds start to move in tomorrow. will they drop sprinkles on us? >> now the game has stopped as
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-- some bats are swarming the floor. >> since when do bats comes in play on the basketball court. turns out it was not the first time. and they are both steamy, except one is a hollywood hot throb and the other comes from cu
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. this was an unusual pileup in burling game today. cal train was part of it. it clipped this white car near the broadway crossing and sent it crashing into two others. one rider took these pictures from the train minutes later. you see the other two cars involved. one person taken to the hospital. no one else was hurt including the 195 passengers on the train. >> do you ride b.a.r.t? half a million people a day used to. the pan demic and crime scared most away. now b.a.r.t is on the brink. all this week we expose what is wrong and what it will take for b.a.r.t to survive. >> it is impossible to imagine the bay area without b.a.r.t. >> you might complain about b.a.r.t, you might ride it less now, but have you imagined a bay area without all of it? we show you what it might look
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like. the first leg of this commute from san francisco to oakland is done on two wheels. the second leg takes her under ground. she has relied on b.a.r.t to get her to and from work. >> four to five days a week. >> reporter: and all around the bay area for more than 10 years. >> i love how it shows a full b.a.r.t train holds 1500 people. >> reporter: in recent years full trains have not been the norm. b.a.r.t ridership has not roared back from pandemic lows and the agency that it depends on teetered on the fiscal cliff. b.a.r.t plannaged to stay on the tracks, however, without drastic service cuts thanks in part to a temporary boost from the state. getting a share of $1.5 billion over the next few year that is allocated for california's 2023-2024 state budget. >> but say that did not happen. nothing changed and b.a.r.t became a thing of the bay
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area's past. what would that alternate reality look like? >> i would say my life would be slower. it would be more expensive. and, it would be a mind shift on how i move around, get around and make decisions. >> reporter: emily, the vp of public policy of the bay area council put it bluntly >> it is hard to imagine the bay area without the b.a.r.t system >> the ripple effects throughout the region. hurting economies and livelihoods >> b.a.r.t is the backbone of our regional economy >> one effect that we would all experience regardless if we ride b.a.r.t or not you >> know, traffic congestion would sky rocket and make it much more difficult to get around. >> reporter: we have a preview of this about 10 years ago during the b.a.r.t strike. >> it is ridiculous. >> a round trip car commute during that b.a.r.t strike from walnut creek to san francisco
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was over three hours. so, just imagine the intensity of the traffic and how difficult it would be to move around. >> reporter: aside from the inconvenience it would create, all of that extra traffic says the professor from uc davis would have a drastic impact on the environment. >> the congestion on the freeway it would have emissions that went along with that congestion. >> everybody is going slower. each car is emitting more. >> watkins, the expertise is in transit and operations says a bay area without b.a.r.t would reduce the significance in meeting climate goals. >> the more we can focus on mode shift from getting people out of vehicles and on to more sustainable modes, transit, cycling, walking to work, you know, those types of things, the more we are going to make gains in these climate goals. >> and thinking bigger picture. >> you are creating a last liveable city if you do not have a city that has a backbone
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of a really good transit system. >> reporter: for now that is not the reality. b.a.r.t will keep moving. loper says the status quo must change. >> we need to be focused on making b.a.r.t the best system it can be to draw more riders back and increase fare revenue and restore confidence in supporting funding measures to support the system going forward. >> after her ride under the bay, she is back on two wheels for the final leg of her commute. her solution to b.a.r.t's ridership and revenue reality. >> subsidize it as much as you can. this should be treated like a public service like, i don't know, water, electricity. it should have as many subsidies as they need. it will be better people will use it. >> reporter: she hopes a bay area without b.a.r.t never becomes a reality. tonight, b.a.r.t is a little over a year away from running right off of a fiscal
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cliff. the money has to come from somewhere. it will be from you or b.a.r.t itself? >> this board has refused to ask for concessions out of the labor contracts. >> it will not be by cutting raises or laying people off that you will get there. >> tomorrow night at 11:00 we will take a look at different ideas for keeping b.a.r.t from running off of the rails. we will post all of our special b.a.r.t on the brink stories this week on our website, i know this is something paul is going to enjoy and we will bring him in a second. pilots recorded this during a night flight. it was really beautiful. paul, i know you this is a bu me. i can not remember if you have seen it in person, have you? >> i have. when i lived in minnesota? you can see it when it is dark enough and when it
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makes it that far to the south. i retweeted that if you want to watch the entire video. spectacular, the time lapse of the pilots recording that. it is something to really see. let's talk about weatherwise, more cloud cover come moving in, thursday, friday, passing clouds, the odds of it dropping the temperatures. it will stay farther to our north for now. more details on that in just a minute. let's take a closer look at the impact on solargeneration. you see the impact of that with the numbers dropping, tomorrow, and dropping again on friday. today, we had full sunshine. made the most of our roughly 10 hours and 20 minutes of daylight. not a lot this time of the year. the numbers go down heading through the workweek. future cast slows the cloud cover moving in. any moisture moving through the north. aiming it at the pacific northwest. there is an outside chance a couple of sprinkles making its way to the north pay coast tomorrow night and friday. that is it for the
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moisture out of there one. a few clouds passing through on saturday. we will see full sunshine once again heading through the weekend. then, changes down-the-line. here is the outside chance of a sprinkle for the north bay tomorrow night into friday. much better chance of rain shaping up next week. tuesday is the iffy day. forecast model data all over the place. and it is going towards the middle of next week. it is down-the-line in the forecasting process. reevaluating the rain chances going closer to winter. this is in the trend forecast right now. so, we are looking at if the rain is more or less likely. right now, more likely getting closer to it arriving that is when we narrow down the details and get to the specific details. looking outside right now, i love this view. towards downtown san francisco. san francisco and san jose are the only spots still in the 50s.
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everybody else dropped into the 40s. we are going to see 30s on the map by early tomorrow morning, no records being set. just a chilly start to the day on thursday with the cloud cover holding off until tomorrow morning. it means there is no blanket over head to hold the warmth. despite the chilly start, temperatures will warm up to close to what is normal this time of the year about two degrees of average. exactly the high temperature in san jose getting just short of 70. temperatures inland, east bay. couple degrees cooler than that. upper 60s down the peninsula in redwood city. lower 60s. in the cool spots, not that much cooler than everybody else. a degree or two cooler. inland in the north bay, the clouds will get to you first you will still have a chance to warm up in the upper half of the 60s. warmest spots approaching 70 degrees. a better chance of hitting 70 as we head into the weekend. that is when the temperatures warm up. a couple very nice days as we look at saturday and sunday. the temperatures reaching up into the lower 70s inland and cooler weather does go with the
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rain chances that are heading our way by the end of the seven-day forever cast. around the bay, nice weekend as well. the temperatures close to 70 degrees, maybe falling just a little bit short in san francisco and oakland. along the coast, while your temperatures will not be as warm it looks like it will be a pleasant weekend across the entire region. plenty of sunshine for both halves of the weekend. more clouds arrive on monday. showers could arrive on tuesday. more likely we are looking at widespread and heavier rain and gusty winds with the atmospheric river heading our way next week. >> all right, paul, thank you we will be ready for that. these unexpected invaders at a college basketball game bringing up memories of an epic nba moment, vern? >> straight ahead in sports, nick bosa, chase young, like the peaches and herb, 1978 hit "reunited and it feels so good" that and the doves four game road trip is over. a thrilling
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end at the defending nba champs
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. we admit there have been some pretty weird basketball game delays over the years. everything from bent rims to smoke, but there one was freaky. >> now the game has stopped as some bats are swarming the floor. >> boy, there are a lot of them right now. holy mackerel. >> sacramento state was playing nevada. with less than six minutes left bats started dive bombing the players. it happened in 2019, a colony of 30 bats made a stop over the rafters on their way south for the winter. nevada coach says it is embarrassing and needs to be fixed. i'll say. >> it made us think of the legendary bat incident on the court halloween night 2009. >> oh, knocked it out of
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midair. >> it is just decked that thing. he swatted the bat flying around the court against the sacramento kings, the crowd went wild. target accuracy high. the bat got away, though and he had to get multiple rabie shots. >> i remember that game. i don't want to be near a bat. not at all. >> i do kind of like watching them, you know, take off and fly. >> no, no, nah. no. sorry. >> maybe there is something wrong with me. >> maybe bats are hovering around mile high. what was up with higgins, he and klay thompson, off, nine turnovers, five in the first quarter, they rolled the ball out in the mile high city, short staffed defensively. every reason to get up for the champs. the doves ran the floor with the
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nuggets. warriors dug themselves into a hole, stormed back, took the lead, lost it. if you have number 30 on your team you got a shot for big slots. this one pulled the doves within two. at 18 seconds. a situation where they had to foul. they put mvp nikola jokic on the line. he missed them both. huge chance for the warriors, down 2, curry drove, took a left-handed floor. tough shot for him. refs gave the loose ball to denver. home call? reggie jackson to seal the game, he missed it. klay thompson lost the handle on the ball for a good look to tie it and that is how denver won the game, 108-105. a 2-2 road trip, 6-3 record as they host cleveland on friday. all right, now, big reason the warriors were in this one was chris paul on the bench. i am talking about moses moody. that
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bench scored 42 points as paul ran point for that second unit. paul usually king of the big range scored 10 points, took a couple threes. would probably like to have back. that unit had 10 of the warriors 21 assists and just one turnover. >> all right, segue to the 49ers. a slight road favorite at jacksonville nearly full strength. today, deebo samuel practiced. he should play on sunday. trent williams got the day off. allowing for more time to heal for a ankle injury that kept him out the last couple of games. this sunday will be our first look at edge rusher class young. listed as a starter with his former ohio teammate. nick bosa. something about the buckeyes, when the move was made bosa was the first to call young. >> it was five minutes after he did it. he called me. bro, and [ laughter ] it was a good
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moment. >> face timed him right away. i was in here. just shocking. honestly, we never expected to play together. it is a little weird seeing him walking around this building. >> all right, so, three straight losses they got to do something. a lot will be made of this. for the first time defensive coordinator will make defensive calls from the sideline coming down from the coach's box. apparently a preference by some veteran defensive players, certainly worked for ryans and sola before that. >> all right, vern, thank you very much, we appreciate it. with the warriors on the road the chase center was free to host rock royalty [music] >> queen and adam lambert hit the stage. they have not played the bay area since 2017. there are still tickets available for tomorrow's show starting at $59 bucks. after four months it looks
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like it is a wrap on the hollywood actor's strike. they just struck a deal. putting 160,000 actors back to work. this actor known as mcdreamy and this fast-food
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. gentleman, it is late. it is that time of the night where
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things get more out landish on tv. >> kpix after dark. >> what a better time to talk about the sexiest man alive. >> here he is [ laughter ] all of his silver fox . just named sexiest plan alive. 20 years since he made his debut at mcdreamy. the maine native says it given him an ego boost but he plans to make a positive impact with the title. he had a lot of competition, some of the others, lenny crafits and pedro pascal. it is all well and good. all hand some men, there is another who lights hearts on fires with his curves, you can call him jack. as in jack-in-the-box! jack makes the list? >> he makes the list. >> it is the head. >> i am intrigued and hungry.
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>> there is something about it. >> the first restaurant plays cot to join the ranks, are you attracted to him or what he has to offer in the drive-thru after 10:30 >> food wise you mean? >> we hope. >> i stand in judgment of no one. >> do your thing. when you think we covered all of the bases, we have this. >> oh! >> vern glenn sports director, dad and . >> shut it down, let's go loam. >> lover of fine cabernay. >> pour that glass of wine for me. daddy is coming home. [ laughter ] >> oh, man. i feel like it could be the shirt t could be the suit with the sweat pants and the sneakers you never see that sneak their way on the set. it was good. thanks for
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sticking with us. >> casual. >> thanks for sticking with us through all of that. we will see you morrow (female) i grew up in a home that didn't have running water. my shoes always had holes in them. i know how it is to be poor. i listened to a message of dr. stanley's, talking about, you know, how you never really live your life until you actually give it away.


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