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tv   The Late News  CBS  November 9, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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f0 now at 11:00, san francisco gets its first taste of a week long traffic nightmare to come. >> the weekend hasn't even hit yet, and streets are shut down. >> who should fork over the cash to keep bart on track. taxpayers or the transit system itself? whatever happens, chances are no one will be happy. and some north bay cafe owners devastated by a hateful attack on their business bet
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the taggers didn't expect what happened next. >> i couldn't believe this happened. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. i'm juliette goodrich in for sara donchey tonight. the big apex summit doesn't really get going until next week, but if what we're seeing tonight is any indication, san francisco commuters will have a tough timing to anywhere for awhile with so many world leaders headed to town, the secret service seems to be changing the security plan minute by minute. the city has actually activated its emergency operations center to coordinate with all the agencies securing the area around where most of the big events are happening. ten foot iron fences already going up in the area. our jose martinez was in the middle of the afternoon traffic snarl. >> reporter: this is a situation down here on mission and 4th street. you can see the
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street is closed at this time. we can only see buses going through it now. on this side you can see how the traffic is already backing up because of this first closure on 4th street. >> east bay commuters will have even more headaches. one lane of the bay bridge will be closed in each direction tuesday through friday. that's so law enforcement has a clear path through traffic we're told. >> next week will be a fun week in san francisco. there's a lot going on, but it is not going to be a fun week to drive. >> the city says bottom line, everyone who can take public transit next week should. but even hopping on muni won't be business as usual. the t third line will be rerouted at 4th and king to an old route along the embarcadero. then there's the matter of people that actually live and work in the security zones. how will people get to their jobs? and will customers even bother trying to
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follow? the city says it's been doing a lot of outreach, but some business owners tell us it's not enough. >> it's terrible communication. originally we heard monday, then saturday they'd start closing things down. it's thursday. the wednesday hasn't even hit yet and streets are already shut down. overpasses are already shut down. you know, it's going to be really difficult for the city to be able to make it in this area for people to make some money and get people out here. >> traffic will be worse in certain neighborhoods depending on the day. on monday, expect shutdowns and detours in knob hill near the fairmont will a lot of dignitaries will be staying. and the area around moscone will basically be impassable. and across market from moscone, union square all dressed up to impress. but will the shoppers still show up
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after all the extra security is gone? we sent jocelyn moran to find out. >> 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! [ applause ] >> reporter: it's the most beautiful time of the year. >> i love christmas. i'm excited. we have our christmas tree up from last year, so i just love christmas. >> reporter: it's up from last year? >> we haven't taken it down! >> reporter: so she had to come to union square. liana is visiting san francisco from kentucky with her family. >> we were coming back from the pier last night, and we were walking up here and seen it, and we were like does it light up and talking to people like yeah, they said it lights up at 6:00. >> reporter: macy's tree lighting is known for its festive feeling and a prime spot for shopping.
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>> yes, these are my new shoes. i just got them. >> reporter: unfortunately, it's also a place that's gotten attention for smash and grabs. this year the city has plans to improve safety during the holidays. additional officers, downtown ambassadors, and license plate readers. >> what i love about this union inquiry is the ambassadors. the people that come and get your information. everybody has been so friendly. >> reporter: liana and her mom say they felt safe walking around and shopping. >> no problem. we walked and had no problems whatsoever. >> reporter: but are also staying away from other parts of the san francisco. >> we've seen a little bit of questionable stuff. >> i know that we have had some challenging times, but there's something new in the air. >> reporter: liana is here to experience just a little bit of it. >> i loved it. i mean, it was beautiful. really pretty. absolutely gorgeous. and it was a gorgeous night for taking a spin around the union square ice rink! ah, paul, there won't be many good nights for that next week though. >> might be a few puddles to skate through next week. more
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on the rain chances momentarily. but it was dry and cool across the bay area this evening. looking towards downtown from sutro tower. let's talk about what's happening the next few days. we'll see passing clouds tonight, and tomorrow like we saw today, near normal high temperatures friday. then a little warmer heading into the weekend. veteran's day weekend is looking very nice, including if you're off tomorrow in observance of the holiday that's on saturday. despite the passing clouds today, we didn't do too bad in terms of solar electricity generation. i think we'll see a little more sunshine on saturday, but it's the short daylight hours that are kind of hampering that this time of year. a different experience looking to the east. temperatures falling into the 40s in a number of locations. low 50s in san francisco and san jose. everybody else in the 40s. that's pretty much where we bottom out later on. 40s across the board. around 40 on the lower end of the spectrum.
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upper 40s around the bay and along the coast. then we manage to warm up. let's look at tomorrow's high temperatures. despite that cool start we end up a couple of degrees above average. san jose around 70. barely above 70 in morgan hill. same inland east bay, around or just above 70 with mostly 60s near the water. fremont upper 60s. mid-60s in san francisco and oakland by tomorrow afternoon. and temperatures in the north bay maybe a couple of degrees cooler than other inland parts of the bay area. more likely to level off in the upper half of the 60s opposed to reaching 70 degrees. but we'll be a degree or two warmer heading into the weekend. let's talk about the rain chances that are still in the forecast next week, but the details have been confounding. the two long range forecast models are now fighting with each other. here's monday evening. that's not too bad. but winding the
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clock forward, the european says there's a good chance of rain monday night into tuesday. the american forecast model says hang on, it won't move in until around sunset tuesday evening. but they agree that tuesday night into wednesday probably represents the better chance of more widespread and heavier rain, but they've been waffling on even those details. then the european dries us out thursday and even friday while the american keeps the wet weather going through the end of the work week. so what i'm saying is all possibilities are on the tame. there's a chance of rain monday through friday, but at no time can i say we're likely to get rain. the atmospheric conditions will be on the low end of that spectrum. we ran all the forecast models dozens of times and took the average, and we have heavier amounts for the north bay, but not enough to be problematic. let's look at the seven-day forecast. warmer temperatures heading into the weekend. saturday and sunday
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looking really nice with low 70s farther inland, and then we cool off as the wet weather arrives next week. temperatures around the bay also mild over the weekend around two to four degrees above average. around 70 degrees or so. the wet weather, we're not too specific at this point because there's a lot of time between now and then. at the moment for all parts of the bay area, coast, bay, inland, we're talking showers tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. one of those days will end up much wet ter than the others. we'll continue to narrow it down through the weekend. >> we'll just be ready for it. paul, thank you. tonight, community activists are demanding systemic change at the san jose police department over a slew of racist texts. the chief says he's already taking steps to ensure the former officer who sent them never works as a cop again. officer mark mcnamara resigned from the force after
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the texts were turned up. one said bluntly, i hate black people. police say it stems from a shooting last year. security video shows kwan green appearing to disarm a man who was holding a gun inside. he was backing out of the restaurant when the officer shot him four times. he's now suing the city. the naacp wants any other officers mcnamara texted to be investigated as well. the chief said the department has already gotten the ball rolling with the state to decertif y mcnamara as an officer. but green's attorney says that's just the first step. >> you have to show us, not tell us, that you're serious about this problem and actually go deeper down into the worm hole to get to all the officers who carry this type of hatred
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in their heart. >> green's attorney is also demanding all charges be dropped in cases mcnamara worked. hateful messages went to divide another bay area community ended up doing the exact opposite. >> i'm very thankful for everybody. >> we know they like us, but not that much. >> it's quite a story. how people are coming together to comfort a local deli that's hurting. bart is careening toward a fiscal cliff. the money to keep it moving has to come from somewhere, so will it be all of us to pay up or should bart cut back? later in the show, a couple of injured niners also, matt. >> yep, some injured niners are back on the field against the jags, and a new face will be joining them. plus, after a marathon road trip, the dubs are coming back home, and despite a tough loss, they aren't feeling sour.
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welcome back. when it comes to keeping bart on track financially, who should foot the bill? is it up to bart to cut back, taxpayers and passengers to pay up, a little bit of both? whatever happen, one thing seems to be for sure. no one's really going to be happy. >> reporter: deborah allen is one of nine people on bart's board of directors. she represents district 1 that
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includes the four bart stations from lafayette to concord in central contra costa county. before getting elected to the board in 2016, deborah worked for decades as an accountant and financial officer. >> i decided, you know, this would be a place where i could bring my financial background to possibly, you know, help the public and do some good. >> reporter: but when deborah got into office, she says she quickly realized bart's finances were in trouble. >> if you look at the numbers for the operating costs and spending since the pandemic, it has consistently, for the most part, risen every year. >> reporter: from 2018 to 2022, bart's operating and expenses increased from $992 million to just over $1 billion. while at the same time, operating revenues plummeted from $546 million to just $166 million.
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to cover that gap, bart received emergency funding from the federal government, but that funding runs out in 2025. with ridership still below half of what it was pre-pandemic, bart needs to come up with a new source of funding fast or risk significant cuts to services. one of the people working to secure that funding is state senator scott weiner. >> so we need stop gap emergency funds so make sure these systems don't fall apart. >> reporter: there are a few different ways bart can secure funding. the state could raise bridge tolls or taxes on gas and sales or increase investment from state transportation from the state's general fund. the senator told me that's the option he thinks is best. >> that would be the cleanest way of doing it and make sense for the state to step in and do it. >> reporter: but it's unclear how realistic that option is. bart says it will the need around $300 million a year
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starting in 2025 just to stay afloat. and it comes as a time the state is dealing with its own budget deficit. that's why senator wiener is author of a bill that also looks to increase bridge tolls to fund bart. >> we also have ideas about how to make sure commuters who are really commuting every day on the bridges are not harmed. >> reporter: bart itself is also working to get a voter initiative on the 2026 ballot that would raise texass texas taxes to fund the system. the hope is one or a combination of the different ideas will work to get bart back above water. however, public polling from an organization called joint venture silicon valley suggests securing any of the funding options may not be that easy. russell hancock is the president and ceo of joint venture. >> specifically we asked about our region's struggling rail systems. bart and cal train.
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and we learned some interesting things. >> reporter: according to joint venture's poll, 57% of respondents said commuter rail needs to keep going even if it costs taxpayers more money. but when asked where the money should come from, the same percentage of people, 57%, disliked all of the available options, including raising fares, bridge tolls, and taxes. angel sambrano has been riding bart to work every day for the past 25 years. he told me he's a part of the other 43%. those willing to pay more if it means services aren't cut. >> how can i get to my work without the bart? >> reporter: but deborah told me the issue will be getting those that don't ride bart every day on board. she understands many are frustrated with bart's handling of its finances. she has too. that's why she's not only looking into ways to secure more funding for bart, but she's also looking
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into ways to cut costs on everything from future projects to labor. >> this board has refused to ask for concessions out of the labor contracts on things not necessarily just on pay decreases. we could be talking about overtime rules, which are very generous to bart employees. >> reporter: but union leaders say even if they wanted to, renegotiating the labor contract wouldn't solve the funding problem. they believe it would only make it harder for them to retain employees. >> this has to be a state level solution for all transit agencies. it won't be by cutting raises or laying people off that you'll get there. >> reporter: deborah told me she knows bart can't just cut costs to get out of the deficit. her hope is to find a balance of both cutting costs and securing additional funding.
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>> perhaps if 80 million of cuts can be found in an annual budget, now we're only looking for 120 million per year of revenue, and that might be more palatable to taxpayers, to bridge toll payers, or even state and local governments. >> reporter: deborah told me she believes the more people see bart trying to rein in its spending, the more willing they might be to support future funding of the system and help bart avoid its looming fiscal cliff. >> kelsey, just listening to your story, bart needs a pot of gold. is there any kind of funding that could happen within eye's reach? >> yeah, i mean, they actually did get a big kind of news worthy thing that happened just a few weeks ago. the mtc says it potentially is going to give them a few hundred million dollars. that will do a huge amount in that deficit that deborah was talking about. >> and then let's talk about
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the board of directors because they're elected. will deborah run again? will the other board members? how will that impact the whole picture for bart? >> yes, i think a lot of people don't know that much about the board of directors, but deborah is in the minority when it comes to how they're looking at kind of financing bart. but she said that about half of the board of directors is up for re-election next year, and however those elections go could play a huge role on what bart does in the future. >> that's a game changer in itself. thank you so much for that look. appreciate it. coming up, fans make one final pitch to keep the oakland a's in town. how ♪ ♪ is it possible to be more capable? and more practical?
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all right, so get this, a's fans are making one last pitch to keep the team in town. they're hoping these stay in oakland boxes will sway just enough mlb owners into voting against the team's relocation. so, you know, they're filled
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with things like baseball cards featuring the owners' likenesses, custom clothing from last dive bar, and a personal letter from the mayor. the owners are set to vote on the relocation next week. the team needs approval from three quarters of the 30 owners to make the move, and the swag boxes went out to 15 of them. that's just going the seal the deal. matt lively is joining me now. >> how do i get one? >> you have to be a voter. you have to keep the team in down. you got some pull? >> i don't have that much money. >> okay, you don't get a swag box. >> no, but hey, we know that the niners are staying in town. >> they are. >> except this weekend, actually they're out of town. but the good news is trent williams participated in practice today. that's huge. he was limited, but it was his first practice since injuring his ankle october 15th, and the all pro missed the last two games. so they need him back. this sunday in jacksonville, defensive coordinator steve
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wilkes will move to the sidelines in hopes of improving communication with his players. he's received a lot of criticism in the team's three-game losing streak, but it doesn't seem to be bothering him. >> i can honestly say i'm sort of built for this. we're 5 and 3. the standard is so high here. we lost three? in a row, so everyone feels like the ceiling is collapsing on us. i have confidence in myself. most importantly, i have confidence in the players and coaches that we're together and will come through this. to hockey, the sharks hosting the oilers. connor mcdavid. sturm sets up the goal. break up the sharks, they beat edmonton 3-2. they've got their second straight win. college basketball. 23rd ranked st. mary's hosting new mexico in a great
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non-conference match up. the gales knock down the 3 scoring 21 of his career high tying 25 points in the first half. st. mary's led wire to wire, and they win it 72-58. to the nba. after playing seven of their first nine games on the road, the warriors will finally get to spend some good time at home. golden state has only had two road games the rest of the month. last month they were on the road. they lost a thriller to defending champs in denver. the final game of a stretch where golden state played eight straight games in eight different cities. despite the travel heavy schedule, the team is 6 and 3 and very happy with their start of the year. >> we just had to get through the stretch, and we did more than that going 6 and 3. that's a great way to start the year out. we're in a good position. the team is connected and competing every night and doing a great job, but i'm looking forward to getting practice
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time. we've hardly practiced at all the last couple of weeks. back home saturday and sunday. i will say, they're finally back home, but now all the fans have the traffic of apec to get to the stadium on saturday. >> it will be fine! >> i'll be in the traffic, so if it's not, i'm going to call you and say remember when you said it was fine? now, matt, get your hawaiian shirt and parrot head hat ready because margaritaville could be coming to napa county. well, camp margaritaville. the county is working with developers to explore building a resort at the lake in the spirit of jimmy buffet's hit song. the initial proposal is building over 400 cottages, an rv park, and fishing pier. we haven't seen any renderings, but this is what florida's version looks like. people had things to say at the board of supervisors meeting tuesday. >> we should be drawing people
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to the lake, to the nature-based activities, and not to a theme park. the very idea of something called margaritaville in napa county is kind of cringe. >> i don't see mass scale development. i don't see seven story hotels. i think we have to make sure we're being true and not using scare tactics here. >> margaritaville is also moving into south lake tahoe. test expected to open up this winter. all right, coming up, a hateful message meant to divide
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so the graffiti taggers who scrawled messages of hate across a petaluma business probably didn't realize what would happen next. the owners tell andrea nakano they certainly didn't.
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>> reporter: racist graffiti was left on these windows at urban deli. i wasn't just paint, so you can still see the faint marks here. the words were meant to divide the community, but ended up doing exactly the opposite. three years ago, when they opened urban deli in the theater district of petaluma. he's been working 15 hour days because customers are coming in nonstop. >> like, i couldn't believe this happened. >> reporter: tears of sadness quickly turned to tears of joy as the petaluma community embraced the family. >> a lot, a lot, a lot of support from the community. like, we didn't expect really this. we know they like us, but not that much. >> reporter: seeing these images on their store window so much that marla couldn't come in for a couple of days. that's
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when a close family friend sent out e-mails asking people to bring in flowers. now bunches of bouquets are everywhere in the store. luigi, a palestinian himself, was also one of the first to come in and help erase the graffiti. >> it's hard to see it, and scraping it was this futile effort at making it not have happened. >> reporter: with the number of diners coming in, wait times have been a little longer, but there have been no complaints. many petaluma residents have just wanted to come and support the family. >> also just wanted to come tell them that i was sorry that, you know, this isn't representative of my hometown. shouldn't be representative of my country either. >> reporter: the family says this incident has reminded them that love can erase hate. >> we don't want hate. we just want peace and love and help each other and be together.
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>> reporter: the support doesn't come in just the number of customers. marla tells me there's somebody waiting outside of her store every night to walk her to her car so she gets home safely. >> that is community spirit. >> that's awesome. >> i wonder if they'll stay up late for us and we can go there right now? >> hungry, are you? >> don't push your luck! >> what a great story. we love that. thank you andrea for that. and thank you for watching. the late show with stephen colbert is up next and the news continues streaming on cbs news bay area. have a wond ful night. >> there's a track that's being billed as the last new beatles song, and it will drop thursday. it is called "now and then" the new song features all four of the beatles, thanks to artificial intelligence. ai was able to modify john lennon's vocals from a rough version of a previously unreas


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