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tv   The Late News  CBS  November 18, 2023 2:06am-2:31am PST

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to be discontent. no, you have to replace it with something, and when you do, you will discover life. ♪♪♪ ... f0 know at 11:00, the rain is coming down while apec is wrapping up in san francisco. one business owner says running a bar behind security barricades has been brutal. >> we had to close at 9:00 p.m.
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instead of midnight. >> why he says the city should be helping with the tab he ran up just trying to stay open. and this north bay man is on a mission to travel the world. >> my idea is like christopher columbus, just go that way. >> but his longer journey didn't even take him away from home. i'm in for sarah tonight. let's start outside. a very wet start to the weekend for parts of the bay area at least. let's bring in paul, he's tracking how long it's going to last. >> we have meager amounts of rain in the santa clara valley to over a half inch in san rafael, and the most widespread rain is lurking off the coast.
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what we're tracking right now is scattered showers over the bay. locally heavy downpours along and west of 101. farther west we have a band of showers trying to make its way up the peninsula, but the majority of the rain is hanging out offshore. not just straight to the west, but also to the south. these two areas of rain will converge on the bay area just past midnight, and once it starts, it will last awhile. most of the night is looking wet across the region. nothing to cause a significant flooding threat, just enough to put an end to fire season for most of the region. the rainfall will gradually wind down throughout the day on saturday, and by saturday afternoon we have spotty showers left over across the region. then a dry second half of the weekend. i have the full weekend forecast and a look ahead to thanksgiving coming up in a few minutes. san francisco is also washing away apec or at least starting to dismantle the barricades and security check
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points around the hot zones like the fairmont hotel in nob hill where president biden stayed. a lot of bars and businesses are adding up their losses. in fact, one bar owner told our betty yu if he knew then what he knows now, he wouldn't have bothered opening at all. >> reporter: all this infrastructure around the hotel where the president was staying is being dismantled. apec related closures are still having big impacts on small businesses across the city. in fact, those we spoke to say they're reporting six figure losses. apec may officially be over, but the high security zone is still a fortress of sorts. security check points, fences, and concrete barriers are still driving away customers. this bar near moscone center would normally be packed on a friday night according to the owner. he also owns two other lounges outside
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the zone. in total, he estimates a $250,000 loss. >> we had a lot of high hopes that we would get a lot of people coming in. again, because we host many conferences. and they're very different. we had a lot of hopes, and this is just not the same. >> reporter: in fact, he said on monday night novella only had about ten customers and closed early. several large groups canceled their buy outs during the week. he also dramatically reduced his staffing. the city promised big business for apec and 20,000 visitors. >> if you're a small business in san francisco, i don't think you would see the benefit of the apec, right? if you're a large hotel, right? if you're a rental company where they rented a lot of fences and stuff, i think you would see the benefit. >> reporter: arash wrote this letter to the mayor requesting a financial support program to help small hospitality businesses impacted by the conference. >> the small business office executive reaching out to me,
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kind of hearing my concerns and agreeing this is a situation, but no further action. >> reporter: across town in fisherman's wharf, abica restaurant never saw crowds of people. the chef and owner said he also saw a storm of cancellations, which forced him to close for two days and cancel a ticketed collaboration dinner with another chef. >> actually we're still getting hit. what we would normally even for brunch get tomorrow, you know, typically we'd do at least a reservation of 100, 150 and a bunch of walk ins. right now i think we're at like 30. >> reporter: and on friday night, when they reopened, they'd hoped for a bounce back. the dining room was less than half full, and 20 parties canceled around dinner time. >> restaurants have really slim margins for us to be closed certain days.
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>> reporter: in fact, he's looking at $150,000 in losses due to apec. >> if you can, come out and support your favorite restaurant, small business, and you know, that's all we can do. that's all we can ask for. >> we reached out to the mayor's office today for comment on the business owner's concerns. we did not hear back. it isn't just apec delegates skipping town. the holiday travel rush is kicking into high gear. the peak travel period for thanksgiving starting today. plenty of people lugging rain soaked suitcases. some people set goals to travel to all seven continents, some the world's highest peaks or visit every country on earth. that last one is what one north bay man has been trying to do, but he actually just completed one very long trip on a much smaller scale. he told andrea nakano why he set out to walk every inch of
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his own city. >> reporter: david calls petaluma his home, but he's not originally from the north bay. he grew up in the azors, and his curiosity to learn more about the world brought him to california. while he's lived in the north bay for decades now, he wanted to know more about the city he lives in. >> i started down here on the old walkway, and then i did all the west side of 101. >> reporter: so he took to the streets of petaluma, every single one of them. for two to three hours a day over the span of two years, he walked 177 miles of petaluma. >> i wanted to stay mobile because i'm a person that never stays still very long. >> reporter: staying still is something that's impossible for him. the journey took more than two years because of his mission to see as much of the
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world as he can. >> from tokyo to singapore, singapore to dubai, and then dubai to barcelona. >> reporter: he just returned from a 60-day crew. he's visited 49 countries, 17 just this year. >> my idea is like christopher columbus, just go to that. >> reporter: and you can't do that anymore. luckily he found a partner in life that loves to travel as much as he does. >> it's in our dna. >> reporter: david and melinda explore the world together. their home is filled with souvenirs, each that holds a special memory of the places they've visited. >> this is from jerusalem. these are made out of olive trees from jerusalem. >> reporter: while going on a safari and traveling to south africa tops david's travel list, melinda has another lace
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in mind. >> bora bora. >> reporter: that seems like a way too calm destination for you. >> i really want to go there! >> she's always wanted to go there. >> i want to stay in the huts on top of the water with the glass bottom. that is one of my items on my bucket list. >> reporter: they'll most likely cross off all the locations on their wish list and more, each time coming back with more souvenirs and stories to share with their grandchildren. >> i'm trying to instill in them the desire to go and see things and go places and show them that there's much more to the world than just the united states. >> yes, there is. like antarctica where the pilot of this boeing dream lynner pulled off a landing that looks like a bit of a nightmare if you ask me. and while you may be able to land a jumbo jet there, the native penguins are on much
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thinner ice. >> emperor penguins, their survival and ability to reproduce is 100% tied to having appropriate sea ice. >> the bay area researcher trying to rescue them. meanwhile, chinese pandas could be making a comeback in the u.s. based on what president xi said at apec this week. and if we're showing this to you, you can probably guess what is going to happen, but you still may not believe it when you see it.
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well, there won't be local dungeness on the thanksgiving table this year, and christmas is looking dicey as well. the commercial season that normally starts around this time just got delayed again to no earlier than december 16th. that's for two reasons. a risk of entangling migrating whales, and tests that reveal the quality of the crab meat just isn't up to par. plenty of deals came out of president biden's bay area visit with chinese president xi. they agreed to reopen military and personal communications and to work on curbing the flow of fentanyl. but xi also had a surprise for the white house on a much cuddlelier topic. china has loaned pandas to more than 20 country as a gesture of friendship. beijing first loaned a pair of pandas to the
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national zoo in washington in 1972. atlanta and memphis also had successful china panda programs. and they could soon be back in san diego hinted xi. speaking of san diego, meet the newest edition to the emperor penguin colony at sea world. pearl is the first chick to hatch at the zoo in more than ten years. every error penguins are endangered because their breeding grounds are melting away. brian hackney looks at the effort to save them. >> they show up at the breeding season, the ice isn't there and they have nowhere to breed. that will likely happen more and more frequently losing chicks due to the ice going away. >> reporter: it's hard to imagine ice going away here when temperatures in the
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antarctic are usually below 0 for six straight months. but when professor mcdonald returns to her home, emperor penguin numbers are not looking good. >> right now we're analyzing data. >> reporter: and an analysis made by scientists globally came to a deeply disturbing conclusion. >> the lowest ice level on record was this year. >> reporter: thousands of emperor penguins lost their chicks because of this. >> emperor penguins, their survival and ability to reproduce is 100% tied to having appropriate sea ice. >> reporter: note the world appropriate. you can have too little ice, you can have too much ice. >> if you have too much ice, that can actually be bad for emperor penguins also because then they have to walk over the ice to get to the water to
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forage. we need this kind of nice, stable sea ice, and with climate change we're finding there tends to be more abnormal events. >> reporter: one study showed that of 10,000 or so breeding pairs in one region, only about 850 chicks survived. with global warming only beginning to unleash its effects, it seems inevitable that things will only get worse. >> yes. most likely it is going to continue. it's been very hard to model what exactly is going to happen with the sea ice in the antarctic. >> reporter: but the best models we do have look grim. >> the red dots indicate that 90% of the emperor penguin colonies will be extinction in about 80 years if we don't change our behavior. >> reporter: as usual, that comes down to the largest source by far of greenhouse gas emissions, burning fossil fuels. >> we really need to reduce our emissions. the more people can
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reduce their emissions, the better. >> reporter: so ultimately, it's all up to us. oh my. pulling off a landing like this would probably make any pilot nervous. this boeing dream liner just became the biggest plane to touchdown in antarctica. it landed on a blue ice runway. no pavement to be seen. and no, this won't become a regular tourist route. the plane carried 45 people, mostly scientists, and over 12 tons of research equipment. pilot is like hey, i got this. >> they're doing a lot of cool stuff out there. there's a documentary on the national geographic channel called continent 7 and life below ceo zero. >> can't you make some penguins come across here? >> we can work on that. like an
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icecap instead of the floor maps i'll bring up as i walk over here. throughout the rest of tonight, let's get you what you need to know for the last weekend before thanksgiving. we'll be seeing showers and thunderstorms as we go through the rest of the night. lingering showers becoming fewer and farther between on saturday. then we clear out sunday. breezy for the second half of the weekend. something to keep in mind for anything outdoors. dry, mild, pleasant weather taking hold toward thanksgiving itself. let's check out first alert doppler lit up mostly with offshore rain, but there's plenty of rain along 101 extending down to petaluma, san rafael getting some heavier downpours as well. it's activity lifting to the north, but all this rain offshore to the west and south will surge across the bay area
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as we head through the rest of the night. we switch over the futurecast and track that. you can see that once it arrives, it's going to be here for several hours. so this is the most significant rain we'll add up. another half inch to inch. that wave of rain moves off to the east as the sun comes off tomorrow, but we have about a 70% of additional rain saturday morning. those rain chances diminish saturday afternoon. but they don't entirely go away, so be flexible with any outdoor plans saturday afternoon. have an indoor alternative or push it back to sunday. it will be windy sunday, but dry for the second half of the weekend. may not be dry for for the 126th playing of the big game on saturday. bring the rain gear. the wind will likely pick up during the afternoon. and the cloud cover is really going to take a bite out of solar electricity generation saturday, but with the sun reemerging sunday, we'll makeup for lost time. let's look at tomorrow's forecast high temperatures, which after we start in the mid to upper 50s, we climb to the mid to upper 60s. doesn't sound like much, but it's above average. temperatures on the warm end of the spectrum
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getting up close to 70 degrees, but really not a lot of a lot of variation. 60 at half moon bay to just below 70 for the warmest spots around the bay area. we'll be slightly above average. while temperatures drop slightly sunday and monday with northerly winds kicking in sunday, at worst we'll be close to normal temperatures. then we warm up for the last couple of days before thanksgiving arrives. we have warmer weather in store by tuesday and wednesday. only about three to five degrees above average, but it counts. looks like the nice weather sticks around into thanksgiving itself. so we're down to one wet day in the seven-day forecast. that widespread rain moving in tonight. off and on showers lingering tomorrow. then just passing clouds on sunday. breezy conditions sunday. we'll be able to handle it. then calm, pleasant travel weather as we lead up to the thanksgiving holiday. if you're sticking around locally, nice
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weather for the short work week. passing clouds on thursday, and dry weather should stick around through the four-day holiday weekend. >> love it. thank you. designer shoes and bags are all well and good, but this display is even better. the mission to give hundreds of pets new homes for the holidays. all right, and ahead in sports, the bucks are coming to town on sunday, and it will be a full circle moment for brock purdy. plus, the big game is one of the fiercest rivalries in college football. troy taylor learned that decades ago, but not for the reason you'd expect. stick around.
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all right, matt joining me now. check this out. i know you're a golfer. do you think you could sink a full court putt? >> i golfed today and couldn't sink a four foot putt. >> easier said than done. take a look. but that's exactly what he did. >> oh! >> didn't even want to take the shot at first, but after some pressure from his wife, stepped up. good man. did a good thing. and he did, he says the money will go to gifts for his family for the holidays and his wife better get something good as well. >> that's so cool.
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>> the right to say i told you so. boy, that's one of those lucky days. >> my last market was waco, texas. i've covered dozens of games in that gym, but never once did they let me try that for five grand. >> i know, that's fun. all right, the 49ers have you haven't heard from found their franchise quarterback in brock purdy. the bucs are coming to levi stadium, and it was purdy's first career start the last time they were there. he'd beat them 35-7. he's now 13 and 4 as san francisco's quarterback one, but before the game, he knew there were questions about him, even in his own locker room. >> everyone's eyes were on me. i feel like the guys in the locker room and stuff, like how is this rookie going to handle it. >> i think tampa maybe underestimated him a little bit, but who can blame them. he was their first opponent. it seemed like a tall task for him
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last year at this point, and now we have 17 games to judge. you kind of look back and say, you know, we should have did that. >> it worked out for brock. college basketball, randy bennett and st. mary's in vegas playing san diego state. the gales have a 48-31 lead. all aztecs after that. san diego state won 79-54. the gales have lost two straight. it's finally here. cal and stanford meet in the 126th big game on saturday. the cardinal will be looking to take back the ax after it spent the last two years in berkeley. >> man, honestly nothing else matters. this is the one that matters. we have to bring that ax back. >> this year is troy taylor's first as the head coach, but he's familiar with the rivalry.
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he started two big games for the bears in the 80s and realized the intensify of the game not from the play on the field, but from the mascots. >> i remember them getting in a fight, and it was a legitimate fight. they were trying to hurt each other. i think it trying to tear the tree apart and he pointed his finger, one of his four ringers he has at the tree like this isn't over, you know? it will continue at some point. i thought this is bizarre living in a cartoon world or something. >> i wouldn't hate seeing video of maybe that happening tomorrow. by the way, this is the final big game in the pac-12 era. it's kind of becoming extinct unfortunately. >> it's a huge deal. >> it is. but the acc that stanford and cal are joining next season, they've released their conference schedule opponents through 2030, and the big game is included each year. >> i was going to take my mom to dinner tomorrow night, and i
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said do you want to go to dinner? she said can't, i'm going to the big game. >> oh, got an extra ticket? >> okay, you're here, but it's a long standing tradition that the kpix news room gets the first official taste of the big game, usually starts right here, and it startles us because they just burst right through. take a look. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> the cal band always sneaks in and catches us by surprise with a pretty cool show. thanks for visiting us. where was the stanford band? all right, if skiing is more your sport, you can do it at boreal. it opened for the season today thanks to snow guns working around the clock. it sits a bit higher than the other results allowing it to make snow when others can't. ah, union square,


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