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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 2, 2023 2:06am-2:31am PST

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decisions and live with fewer regrets. thanks so much for watching, and we will see you right back here next time on "your move." ♪♪♪ ... f0 now at 11:00, this is one of the most popular places to eat and drink in san francisco, so why are owners struggling? they're pointing the finger at a new addition knot neighborhood. plus, the sister of the suspect in a tech executive's murder is making headlines of
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her own tonight. her arrest and what was seen in her front seat. and a blunt warning from a california mayor. >> do not sleep alone tonight. >> the grainy photos that could point to a serial killer. and will this downtown light show help light up cash registers this holiday season? from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. when you think of lively streets in san francisco, places you might tell someone from out of town to go drink or eat or shop, valencia street is probably up there on your list. so it might be one of the last places you'd expect a business owner to tell you that they're struggling. but they say one big change smack in the middle of the road seems to be tanking their bottom line. bike lanes were put down the middle of the street to keep cyclists safer on a very busy street, which sounds like a noble mission. but some say it's had
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unintended consequences. tonight businesses tell our betty yu those bike lanes have left them spinning their wheels. >> reporter: it's been about six months since the city installed the new center like bike lanes here on velancia street, and many business owners say it's driven people away. >> it's just less people. >> reporter: just look at this nearly empty dining room friday night at yasmin, a mediterranean cafe in the mission. the owner said business is done at least 30 to 40% i since the city installed the valencia street bike lane from 15th to 23rd streets. he says the unusual design meant to improve safety limited parking in the area, changed traffic patterns, and caused a downturn in sales. >> it tooks me about sometimes an hour, hour and a half to
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find parking. there is no parking on valencia street. the enforcement has been really tough on people, even businesses. they don't allow you to unload your food. >> reporter: several long time businesses in the area have closed this year. he says a huge factor has been the controversial yearlong pilot program for the center bike lane. >> a lot of my other neighbors are about to close. there's no help from the city or anybody. >> reporter: kevin ortiz, the co-president of the sfx latin x club, is having a press conference in the bike lane thursday to raise concerns linked to the closure, a drop in foot traffic, and increase in traffic accidents. a cyclist himself, he says the lanes create more danger. >> i usually take folsom because i get really scared going down valencia. >> reporter: sfmta said in a statement in part, we want businesses on the corridor to thrive, and we want to do everything we can to support
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them. that's why last week we temporarily adjusted the type and duration of many of the loading zones on valencia street to create more general parking ability in the neighborhood. >> we want the city to remove the bike lane and start over, do a full community-based transportation plan and actually involve the small businesses and community members in a cohesive plan. >> reporter: staff will update their board of directors on the project's performance in early 2024. in the meantime. >> just survival mode. 16, 18 hours a day, me, my wife, and kids just to survive. we're just trying to keep our workers, just trying to keep going. >> after their press conference tuesday, the group also plans to protest at the mta board of directors meeting. tonight we have a look at the moment a woman was arrested
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on a tenderloin street for drinking and driving. she's the sister of the man accused of killing cash app founder bob lee earlier this year. nima allegedly had gotten into an argument about his sister's relationship with lee before he was accused of stabbing lee to death in the street. now new video obtained by the daily mail shows the moment kazar was arrested, pleading with an officer not to be taken to jail for hit and run. >> you're being detained. >> the daily mail video showed what looked like a can of nitris oxide in the front seat of her vehicle. inhaling it can cause dangerous side effects. sfpd told us tonight she was charged with dui, two counts of hit and run, and other charges.
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meanwhile, her brother recently made headlines for asking to move his murder trial outside of san francisco. his attorneys claimed bias and unfair media coverage would prevent him from having a fair trial here. now to santa rosa where multiple teens, all 16 and younger, have been arrested for gang-related fights with guns and knives over the last two days. police say 18 teens were involved in a fight between two rival gangs yesterday at the santa rosa transit mall. officers that chased them through the mall arrested three 15-year-old boys. they say one teen had a ghost gun tucked into his waistband, and another had a knife. this past wednesday, a student at a santa rosa high school was injured in a knife fight with a kitchen knife on campus. a 16-year-old student was arrested for that. tonight, san francisco city hall is all lit up for the 35th annual world aids day. it's a time to fight the stigma of the virus and remember the 32 million people who have died.
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people who lived through it when hiv first hit san francisco say they'll never forget the devastation it left behind. one man used a 27-page obituary list from 1989 and 1990 to honor the people that may not have gotten a personal tribute. and in san jose, the billy defrank center displayed squares from the national aids quilt. we spoke with one man diagnosed with hiv at just 22 years old and was once told he had only months to live. >> it was overwhelming, um, but i went home and cried. my doctor says i'm a miracle for people living with hiv. it's important to remember everyone that has passed away and also the people living positive here still today. >> he lost three partners and
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countless friends to the disease. that's why every year he makes a point to honor their memory. people at tonight's event also told us doing things like this helps fight misinformation about hiv and aids. people are being told to sleep with one eye open and not to sleep alone. the search for a southern california serial killer targeting a particular vulnerable population and the grainy pictures that police are hoping could somehow help. and if you feel like allergy season is becoming more of a year round thing, you're not alone. >> i don't think there's a season anymore. it's just continuous. >> why scientists say you can blame climate change for that. and the dazzling light show meant to boost business downtown this holiday season. and these guys were dumped in a box in an east bay grocery store. tonight they're the bay area's tiniest police dogs. the department that swooped in to give them a second chance.
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a serial killer targeting homeless people is on the loose in la, and now city leaders are pleading with the unhoused not to sleep alone on the street. three people were shot and killed over the course of four days in different parts of la. some of the victims were asleep. here's more on the desperate search across socal. >> this is a killer preying on the unhoused. >> reporter: the message was clear and direct.
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>> do not sleep alone tonight. seek shelter, seek services, stay together, seek support. >> reporter: as mayor karen bass sent out a warning to la's tens of thousands of unhoused residents that a murderer is preying on them. >> we need you to tell them about this danger. we need you to tell them that they should not be alone tonight, that shelters will be open. >> reporter: all of this comes after three deadly shootings in four days in various parts of the city. all three crimes targeted homeless men alone on the street. police say a couple were even sleeping at the time. >> the individual was alone, he was on the sidewalk, he was sleeping, and he was approached by, again, a lone individual. he was brutally shot and killed. >> reporter: tonight the los angeles homeless services authority activated its winter shelter program, hoping the homeless come inside. we know the three shootings happened in the middle of the night in south la, downtown, and lincoln heights. all three victims were
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shot, and police believe it was by the same person. the lapd released two photos. this is the man they believe pulled the trigger on all three crimes, and this is the vehicle they believe he is driving. although the lapd thinks he is acting alone, they are fearful he may shoot again. >> and to the person responsible, we will find you, we will catch you, and you will be held accountable. >> the victims include two hispanic men ages 37 and 52, and a 62-year-old black man. a chemical scare forced shoppers and staff out of the albany target store tonight. the hazmat team was called around 5:30 after people reported smelling a strange odor. ultimately, they couldn't figure out what it was, and the store reopened an hour later. and do allergies seem worse than usual? it may not be all in your head. in tonight's project earth, we look at how a
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warming planet could be to blame. >> reporter: acaria loves the great outdoors, but not during allergy season. >> stuffy nose, itchy mouth, and sneezing. >> reporter: recently he's noticed a perplexing change about his hay fever. >> it used to be seasonal based, and the in the wintertime i barely had allergies at all. but the last couple of years it feels like it's definitely changed. i've had intense allergies year round with no break. >> reporter: his mom noticed it as well. >> i don't think there's a season anymore. it's just continuous. it's progressively gotten worse. it does impact his day-to-day functioning because he wakes up congested, sneezing for the first 45 minutes. >> reporter: his experience is not unique. research shows seasonal allergies are lasting longer and turning more
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intense. as to what's happening? >> climate change is what's happening. >> reporter: this doctor is with the sean parker center for allergy research at stanford medicine. >> some allergy seasons start as early as january or february. >> reporter: they've discovered how the bay area's pollen and mold season has lengthened by eight to nine weeks. >> we saw longer durations of pollen seasons due to rising temperatures. >> reporter: in fact, for the world, 2023 will likely be the hottest year ever recorded. in addition, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at an all time high. so what's the connection to more pollen? >> as we have higher temperatures due to increased greenhouse gases, one of those gases is co2, and that's what wants use for photo synthesis. as there's more co2 around, plants are using this, in
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addition to warm climates, to produce more plants and more pollen. >> reporter: then there's this. climate change has boosted the chance of severe thunderstorms, as well as a rare phenomenon known as thunderstorm asthma. thunderstorms create a unique set of weather factors that can break up pollen and mold spores into tiny fragments that are easier to inhale and launch into the lower part of the lungs. that can exacerbate asthma. >> that's been well documented in australia, this thunderstorm asthma effect, as well as in other parts of the u.s. where we've had thunderstorms because of severe weather conditions. >> reporter: as we face a warm, wet winter, she has this advice. >> to minimize your exposure to the allergens in mindful ways, and really to keep proper
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medications on hand. >> reporter: as for acaria, he believes his generation and those to come will do all they can to fight climate change. >> we know it effects our future, so we have more incentive to change it. >> reporter: so everyone has a chance to breathe a little easier. all right, we have two allergy sufferers here. you worse than me, i think. >> yes, but not here. it was worse what i lived in the southern u.s. >> is that where you shake the trees and just see the pollen dust? >> especially north carolina, the carolina pines, you just see a cloud of pollen. if coming in for a landing into charlotte, it's just a green haze. >> i know the one thing that seems to help with that is rain. >> right. we're getting a little tonight. no thunderstorms to worry about, so no thunderstorm induced asthma. just an unsettled pattern. i'll send you off into the pacific ocean. hope you can swim. this northwest flow sends ripples in the atmosphere towards us, and there's not a
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lot of moisture to work with, but it's been enough to squeeze out a few showers around the bay area. heftiest totals a few hundredths of an inch for the north bay. that shower activity continues to make its way from northwest to southeast. let's track it as we head through the rest of tonight. switching over to futurecast. these will be hit or miss showers. if it rains, it won't amount to a lot. it won't last long. but the chance will be with us as the sun comes up tomorrow and then intermittently throughout the day tomorrow. in any one particular spot, it's about a 40% chance of rain, so far from a guarantee. in fact, the odds are better than 50/50 you'll stay dry, but if it does rain, be prepared for it. just wait it out and then go about whatever your outdoor activities are on saturday. the showers should be fewer and fact between and down to a few lingering sprinkles by the afternoon. the second half of the weekend is looking drier. we have plenty of sunshine today making the most of our short hours of daylight here. back closer to those levels by
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the time the second half of the weekend rolls around with more sun peeking through the clouds. the rain chances sunday aren't technically zero, but it's a 40% chance tomorrow down to a 10% chance sunday. wednesday, thursday, and friday we have another chance of rain, but the long rain data is all over the place at this point. eventually, one of those days will end up being wetter, but it's impossible to tell which one at this point. looking outside, downtown is lit up, and plenty of cloud in the background. because of the clouds, temperatures haven't dropped much. that blanket of cloud cover is holding warmth near the ground level. we're in the low to mid-50s right now. we'll drop to a mix of mid to upper 40s and low 50s to start the day on saturday. a warmer than average start, and even with the clouds overhead, because of that warmer than average start and just the weight of the atmosphere on top of us, we'll warm up to slightly above average tomorrow
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afternoon. 65 saturday afternoon. most of us in the lower half of the 60s. the cool spot will be the upper 50s for half moon bay, just short of 60 degrees. average high on december 2nd is exactly 60, so we'll beat it by a degree or two. as we dry out the limited rain chances, temperatures will warm up. let's check out the seven-day forecast. by the middle of the next week, high temperatures 60s and inland around the bay. some spots hitting the upper 60s, close to seven or eight degrees above average for early december. additional cloud cover comes wednesday, thursday, and friday. the most noticeable cool down is friday. at this point in the seven-day forecast, we're leaving things dry. just clouds moving towards us wednesday, thursday, and friday. we're being deliberately vague in terms of the rain chances because it's not a guarantee of any one particular spot. eventually one of those days, wednesday or
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thursday or friday, we'll be able to zero in on it as the best chance of light shower activity. but no atmospheric rivers headed our way soon. the high sierra will be a little snow starved through the first half of the month. we'll continue to watch for rain down here and snow up there. >> all right, thank you. christmas is in the air in san francisco, or more specifically on the side of the building. they flipped the switch tonight on let's glow sf, and organizers hope the projection light display will light up some cash registers downtown. >> reporter: i'm here at the foot of market, and there's quite a show on the facade of the ferry buildings. high-tech projectors and lasers are projecting art concepts right on the clock tower. throughout the holiday season, you'll be able to see this on five landmarks in san francisco, including the ferry building and the salesforce tower. this event is in its third year.
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artists from around the world match the art with the music to create the show. it came about during the pandemic as a way to bring people back to downtown. just last year, the downtown sf partnership estimates this event brought in more than 50,000 people and $3 million to the local economy. >> so downtown san francisco needs to go through a major transformation and a major reimagination, and it starts with hospitality and bringing the creative class back to downtown. this is one step in the right direction. >> this is an area with a lot of value. it's really beautiful. great restaurants, great bars. >> reporter: if you come down for the show, it's a bit chilly, but there are lawn chairs to sit back and take in the art show. downtown sf partnership raised $700,000, and it's an amount they'll need to raise every year to keep
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this event going. drag queens can really serve on the stage, but have you seen them sleigh on the ice? ahead in sports, it's the biggest game on the schedule for the san francisco 49ers, but what do the players think about this match up with the eagles? plus, a farewell to the conference of champions, in football at least. washington and oregon fighting for there was a holiday
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celebration unlike any other at the sonoma county courthouse. they had the second annual drag on ice. milk in the middle is a two time contestant on rupaul's drag house and also a fine skater. >> holidays are about people, human beings enjoying themselves and celebrating. what better way to do it than with drag queens on ice. >> couldn't have said it better myself. the show is put on by sonoma county pride. skating in costume with makeup and a wig, plus 100 for me. >> i don't know how to ice skate, fun fact. >> we'll have to get you out there. pressing issue, pac-12 football is over, at least in its current form. but it's going out with a bang. on friday, in the conference's last ever football game, washington and oregon met in a top 5 match up. the winner likely going to the college football playoff. the game also
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featured two heisman trophy favorite quarterbacks. ducks score to put oregon in front 21-20. uw answers right back. johnson with his second touchdown of the night. washington retakes the lead 27-24. under three minutes to go. pennix finds moore, caps off the drive and gives the huskies the ten point lead. they win 34-31. they're 13 and 0 and will be the first pac-12 school to reach the college football playoff since 2016. the niners match up against the eagles sunday is one of the biggest in the nfl season. two of the best teams in the league. it's an nfc championship rematch. yet, george kittle isn't buying the hype. >> there's more media people this week at practice than i've seen all year. you guys tend to make things a little bigger than they are. it's a week 13 game. yes, it's against the eagles. yes, they're the one
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seed. yes, that's all big. i 100% agree there. i'm not really holding on to anything that happened last year. we lost, got to get better and figure out how to win. the former giants manager gabe capler is reportedly joining the marlins as an assistant general manager. i don't know if there's an assistant gm revenge game, but they play in the third week of the 2024 season, so who knows. sharks in new jersey facing timmo myer for the first time since he was traded. duclaire scores his second of the night. san jose wins their first road win of the season 6-3. they were 0 and 10 entering the game. stanford women's soccer taking on byu in the semifinals of the college cup. opens minutes it was 1-0 cardinal. do ms with the strike makes


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