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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 5, 2023 1:37am-2:13am PST

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- this has been a production of look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient?
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mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ . now at 11:00, they are used to rolling out the red carpet in l.a. but now it is the bay area's turn. >> san francisco is the pinacle. >> why some of the biggest stars were in san francisco. >> this happened outside of the nation's capitol. a young tech woman murdered. what we are learning from her former employer. >> devastating. especially to the families.. a lesson on the conflict in the middle east, the dispute on what kids should be learning inside of oakland classrooms.. ♪. from kpix, this is the late
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news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey, the war between israel and hamas is fought thousands of miles away but it has, no doubt, effected people in the bay area and beyond. and ignited a serious debate about how we should talk about what is happening including at local city council meetings and inside of schools. tensions flair on school board meetings now oakland teachers are planning a teach in. it is supposed to happen on wednesday. the school district does not support a, what some call it, a one-sided curriculum. the lesson plan and the strong reaction on both sides. >> reporter: cbs news bay area obtained this google document that details a proposed curriculum for students pre-k to high school to learn about the war between israel and hamas. the lesson plan shows
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the conflict from a palestinian perspective. >> know that our outrage is noble and just. our power is building and you can play a big role in that. >> reporter: a youtube video that encourages teachers to weigh in on the conflict. it is not clear who is behind it. >> devastating to oakland families, especially jewish families. >> teaching right from wrong. education is about teaching morals and values, teaching, teaching how to live your life. when you decide that you don't like something happening in the world and you decide to, you know, put together a curriculum that will teach about hating other people that is what this is about. >> reporter: the rabbi says the teach in for palestine plan deepers anti-semitism in a city that never experienced such hate. >> what it does is people who are walking here on the street that look jewish will be targeted. >> reporter: the lesson plan comes from a group called oea for palestine, a group of
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teacher that want to use the day to teach about palestinian liberation. the material and the effort is not backed by the oakland school district. local care president says that it presents an opportunity for current events to be taught. >> students feeling alienated and targeted at school. when i heard about the teach in happening across oakland unified schools, i was sincerely excited. >> but for the rabbi, leaving out perspective may be harmful for the jewish community, particularly before the beginning of hanukkah. >> the lighting of the world and fighting darkness of the world just like in times of hanukkah it was the few against the many. the same thing is today. we have to educate others and show kindness, kindness brings kindness, hate brings hate, positivity brings positivity. >> san francisco is joining a growing number of cities considering a resolution calling for a ceasefire. >> i don't think the berkeley,
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richmond, oakland, san francisco councils really have much of a role at all to play in returning the hostages or ending the war or anything like that. so it gives a platform for all of this inflammatory rhetoric and does nothing to help israelis and palestinians on the ground. >> we have resolutions, you know, in support of armenia, and the russian invasion of ukraine. those things matter and reflect the will of the people. >> richmond and oakland passed similar resolutions but not without major controversy. accusing them of ethic cleansing. berkeley's mayor said his city would not formally weigh in on the war to avoid flaming tensions. a tragic story out of san francisco, a tech worker murdered in her own apartment. 27-year-old kimberly wong was
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found dead during a police welfare check. she lived in a building on clay street with a partner. the police have not announced any arrests in the case or said exactly how she died. wong worked at a banking software firm and tech company splunk, confirmed she worked there from 2017-2021. a spokesperson told us that kimberly wong was a hardworking dedicated employees and that she will be missed. faculty at san francisco state are hitting the picket lines tomorrow. part of a series of strikes across cal state campuses. union members want a 12% raise, smaller class sizes, pay equity and expanded parental leave. the strike at sf state will last one day. a plan to crack down on illegal street vending in the mission is in full effect. while some say they have seen big improvements outside of the b.a.r.t stations since this video was shot, others say the
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problem has just changed locations. da lin spent the weekend exploring the street's new street vending ban and looked into if the city is playing a game of wack-a-mole. >> i feel like the street is narrower. we are just two people wopping, but if there was another person walking down here, they would have an issue. >> reporter: neighbors say access is the biggest issue right now. the vendors have taken up half of the sidewalk on 34th street. >> not enough room to walk by. it is not pleasant. >> reporter: the bigger concern is more vendors will follow and set up across the street and on the next block. neighbors worry people who sell stolen goods will do the same. >> we just don't want to have that in our neighborhood. we can not let our latin corridor suffer. >> homeless people followed the
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vendors and now sleeping on the street. >> it is hard to walk and hard to park. >> it is hard to walk and hard to park? >> yeah. >> reporter: neighbors who live in front of the vendors say they are sympathetic because many of the vendors are hardworking grandmothers. >> everybody has to survive, you know, send money for the family. but not for a long time because this effect, you know, the people walking. >> all of the vendors declined to speak on camera. a few of the vendors tell me off camera they set up at the free city run in door facility but no customers. one grandmother said she made $10. that is why they decided to set up on 24th street where there is a lot more foot traffic. the city-run building was open on sunday but few vendors and no shoppers while we were there. >> free advertising with the city, market the space more properly.. >> reporter: neighbors want a
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win-win situation. the area is now cleaner and safer after the ban. the vending operation a block away and closer to their homes is not sustainable. >> we need to keep our streets thriving. the city can not die. we must not let it die. >> we spoke to the supervisor who helped create the plan about the criticism and she said her office is working to make adjustments >> we are constantly shifting the strategy on a daily basis, responding to realtime events and we are usually a day behind. so, what i would ask of san francisco is to be patient with us. it has been one week. >> she said help is on the way for vendors following the rules, including economic in you qualify. she is working to draw more people to the new legal vending areas. >> i never gotten so many thank you notes as i have gotten this week in terms of how much better the mission feels as a whole. now, is some of that
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activity going to move in a small way to another street and are those neighbors going to freak out? yes. are we going to address it and deal with it? yes. >> for now the ban is set to last 90 days but it could be extended. some of hollywood's brightest stars took the trip up the 5 for the sf film awards. one of the biggest events in film since the actor's strike ended. betty yu has more on how some of the biggest honorees have a special connection to the bay area. >> reporter: . ♪. >> reporter: the brains behind this year's record-breaking megahit "barbie" is filmmaker who was born and raised in sacramento. she is the first female to solo direct a billion dollar movie. >> highest grossing movie of the year. you said i can not believe anyone ever let me do this. has that sunk in yet? >> no, i still sort of can not
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believe it i am, i am so grateful that they did [music] >> and on monday. honoring her for film direction at the star studded awards and fundraising to support the film. >> ryan gossling presented her the award. >> you wrote ryan's name into the manuscript. you manifested the "kennergy." >> how does that feel, ken? >> it is like that movie "big" like my experience was little. but like greta wrote me and then i woke up and then i was ken. i "kenned" it as hard as i
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could you >> are out of the box. >> yeah. >> how has ken-life been after the actor strike and then to be here at this major event tonight? >> i am so excited to be here. i am so glad they are honoring greta. >> reporter: oscar winning nicholas cage who received the lifetime achievement award. >> what is it like to be a genre in and of itself. >> i never thought of myself in those terms, happy to be back in the city. so important thing that do raising funds to develop and locate and give the means to young filmmakers to express their dreams. >> i am quitting acting. >> reporter: the actor who has more than 100 films used to live in san francisco. >> i love the weather. i love it to be a little misty and i love the architecture. some of my best memories of my life are in this city. my childhood with
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my cousins >> nick cage. >> reporter: cage is not slowing down any time soon. he has another five movies coming up. for inspiring actors that may feel a career like his is out of reach. >> change your thinking, do not think of it as an unobtainable dream. give it time. wherever you are developing your skills just keep doing it. >> serving search warrants can be dangerous work. there is no good way to be prepared for something like this. the huge blast that leveled a home just as officers were moving in. plus, drugs, guns, gambling machines, cops say they found it alled all inside of a home. the fog has been rolled back in this evening. the time lapse from the hotel shows it making its move. tomorrow morning we are going to see, once again, widespread reduced visibility, dense fog advisory in effect. tracking a chance of rain in the forecast later this week coming up in first alert weather. later on in sports, plenty
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of time to jump on the 49er bandwagon. victory monday
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. wow, that huge explosion is what awaited the police who were trying to serve a search warrant at a home outside of the nation's capitol. it rocked the entire neighborhood. officers were called into the home after someone was firing a flare gun. when the police moved in to search the duplex it exploded and burst into flames. >> i was sitting in the livering room watching television and the whole house shook. it was not a earthquake kind of tremor, the whole house shook. and, i could, i could hear noises from things on the second floor. that it, you know, noises from something, stuff shaking up there. and i thought a tree had fallen on the house. >> some officers were hurt but not badly which is pretty amazing looking at that. they
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have not said if the suspect survived or if the suspect was hurt. a suspected serial killer appeared in a los angeles county courtroom today. the authorities say they think 33-year-old jarad powell was targeting homeless people. he killed four people in four days starting last wednesday. he shot three people while they were asleep on the street. powell had already been arrested for another killing during a follow home robbery. officers say video and a license plate reader let them to powell. >> it is a striking set of circumstances that is puzzling. we are committed to understanding more about it in the days and weeks ahead. >> powell is faces life in prison without the possibility of parole. a underground casino bust led officers to drugs, guns and cash. san jose police say they were investigating a home on garden avenue for months. that it was a front for illegal
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gambling. these two men and a woman were arrested for firearms, drugs, conspiracy, and gambling charges. 34 people were inside when they raided the home. some hiding in a crawlspace. officers seized nine gambling machines, $2,000 in cash, meth and illegal gun. they even found metal numb chucks. >> the fog was thick earlier that it caused a lot of problems for the oakland airport. a couple dozen arriving and departing flights were delayed but the usual suspect sfo was not impacted. when i was driving up 101 in the peninsula. it was so thick you could not tell what was sky and what was water >> and it hung on until early afternoon. that is when it dissipated. we are in for a repeat heading tonight into tuesday. it will allow extra time on your way out the door
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tomorrow morning and extra stopping distance as you are navigating through the fog. the rain, the atmospheric river is heading to the northwest. it will stay up north for the next couple of days. it will change heading towards midweek. future cast shows the fog spreading into the valleys early tomorrow morning, all of the gray slowing up, retreats out of the inland valleys by late morning, it will take awhile on the coast. all of the rain continues to follow from the north. concerned about flooding problems. some of the rain sneaks on to the north coast of california tomorrow night. we will have to wait into farther daylight hours for wednesday for the first raindrops hitting the bay area. should see a descent amount of rain falling. midday to the north bay. spreading out to more of the bay area heading through wednesday afternoon. the rain will diminish as it moves farther and farther inland. a typical pattern for this type of system. that is the first round. starting the day on thursday. then, a weaker ripple
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in the atmosphere. squeezing out more showers midday thursday. the showers fall apart as they make their way farther and farther inland. that does it for the rain chances, seeing how much we can add up. in general, a quarter to 1/10th of an inch of rainfall. some spots may overachieve on that pick up closer to half an inch of rain. not a huge rainmaker, this point of the season. yeah, we will chip away from that rain deficit. it will grow. 6-10 day out look takes us to basically the midpoint of the month shows a significant chance of drier than normal conditions setting up shop for most of california. pivots as it gets passed december. a return of maybe an active weather pattern but it is a long way down-the-line. we will keep you updated. looking outside, there is the view from the mark hopkins hotel. there is the fog moving out. it will be stubborn tomorrow morning, 48 degrees in livermore, everyone else in the middle
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50s. dropping down to the middle to upper 40s to around 50 degrees with that fog. very stubborn, dense fog advisory through tuesday. most of the bay area, allow extra time and make sure you are driving cautiously. middle 40s to 50 degrees tomorrow and then we warm up despite the presence of the fog early in the day we will still end up five or 10 degrees above average. up to 73 degrees in morgan hill, you will be the warm spot on the map. everyone else in the middle to upper 60s that may not sound that warm but it is early december. average high temperatures are 50s to 60 degrees, if we are a degree or two above 60 puts us in positive territory and that is where we will be tomorrow. the temperatures, not flirting with records but well above average for early december. then, once the rain moves in the temperatures drop off. let's take a look at the forecast. starting with the bay forecast, so, the temperatures around the bay are going to drop off tomorrow to wednesday. you will see the changes from the fog on
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tuesday to the rain showers likely on wednesday to lighter showers on thursday. then, the forecast dries out and it looks like a tranquil pattern heading into the workweek and the second week in december. let's bring the inland forecast. the temperatures a degree or two warmer. then back down to what is normal by the end of the workweek which is around 60 degrees and along the coast your temperatures not a whole lot different. fog tomorrow morning and showers for the next couple of days before we dry it out. all systems go for the 9ers game as they take on the sea chickens on sunday. >> straight ahead in sports, 49ers trending up. who is the most valuable player on the team? is it number 19? is it number 13? is it number 23? well, that decision is a nice problem to have.
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. all right, you can always correct me if i am wrong. even
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the most faithful of the faithful are thinking, a win would be great. i don't know how many people were expecting a full on blowout. >> this team is hot. you better get on that red and gold train while you can before it passes you on by. they are favored over seattle by 10.5. here we go. it is, on wednesday, it will be game plan day for the 49ers. they will get ready for seattle. this game with the eagles? let me tell you, it will be forgotten until there is a next one. sunday, you know the saying, release the hounds. kyle shanahan's call, release my deebo. samuel backed up all of the trash talk he delivered. and get this, sunday was his first career three touchdown game. caught all four balls thrown his way for 116 yards as he waived good-bye to phillies defense. >> i was in the zone all weeklong. >> i love the fact that he
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could talk and set the stage and walk into hostile environment and just thrive. you know, deebo is one of the best football players i ever seen. performances like that don't surprise me. people were saying things about things he may of said before the game. i think it is safe to say his actions spoke louder than his words. >> mutual respect? maybe, when they meet, niners and eagles get after it. tensions reached a max with greenlaw, got into it with eagles head of security. both were ejected the nfl is investigating the incident. next man up, cj had to make it happen in a hurry with over a monday left. down three. enough yards to set up a game-tying field goal. this
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game went to overtime. that is when jake browning shined. the receiver juggled the ball in for a catch. he needed every bit of his 149 yards receiving to help set up mcpherson here with a walk off, field goal from 48. the bengals bumped off jacksonville 34-31. it was browning, a 5th year man first career win. stanford soccer fans revved up in north carolina. championship soccer. cardinal in black. it was not their night. florida state scored twice in 26 seconds in this battle of unbeaten. stanford gotten as close as 2-1. it was a night for them 5-1. stanford was seeking their first title since 2019. i have seen it too many times i know the coach, that guy, reloads with top talent every single
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year. >> yeah. >> i don't know how he does it. >> i am sure it was a tough loss for them for sure. >> imagine the plane flight home. quiet, huh? >> very quiet. we are still proud. thank you, vern. what does a former politician do after they have been booted out of congress? turns out the options are endless
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. life after politics is probably interesting no matter what your exit is like. former new york congressman george santos made headlines when he was expelled from congress after there was evidence suggested he broke many laws. if you are wondering what one can do, there are a lot of options? >> fadeaway? no. that is not it. cameo, paying celebrities to record greetings, hired for birthday and holiday greetings and the platform's co-founder said he raised the prices from $75 to $200 for all of the demand. the capitol democratic
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senator fetter man paid him to troll bob menendez. he is under federal indictment. fetterman tweeted that earlier today and tagged senator menendez. >> hey, bobby, look. i don't think i need to tell you, but, these people that want to make you get in trouble. shut up, you stand your ground, sir and don't get bogged down by all of the haters out there. >> cameo is one thing. santos seems to have other career ambitions after he is cut off from his $175,000 a year house benefits. he will not do a possible appearance on "dancing with the stars." >> if i go on television and embarrass myself with my four left feet. i will write a book.
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i refused every single offer for a documentary. >> santos has to contend with the federal trial next year on 23 charges >> oh, yeah, that. >> on identity theft to wire fraud to using donor money for botox. he has pled not guilty. all of this made me think of, if you guys were to leave the business what your cameo pages would look like. >> wow! >> i feel like there would be good things on there from both of you. >> my gosh. >> i like the pop up greeting. >> yes. i like that. facebook, face time. messages. i can do that. >> yours would be crass. >> it would be nonexistent. i will not be on camera again, no. [ laughter ] >> i work with a guy who famously said, hey, when i am done, you will never see me again. he was right. ken bastida. >> who? >> he grew the mountain man
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beard. >> yes. thanks for watching, the late show with stephen colbert is coming up next


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