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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  December 5, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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[narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at
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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. controversy at san francisco city hall. vigil fuller -- a vigil for is weasley hostages. fog moving into the east bay. darren peck will tell us how long it will stay. a scrooge showing up in san mateo, stealing cheer from a parked car. we will tell you what happened next. good afternoon. i'm elizabeth cook. san francisco getting ready to take a stand in the war between israel and hamas. let's start with the latest on the conflict today. as israeli commander is calling today the heaviest day of
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fighting for his troops since the ground operations in gaza began. unicef's director says close to 2 million palestinians are now displaced with nowhere to go. the u.s. is planning to help create a field hospital inside the gaza strip were wounded civilians. the president saying hamas needs to release all of the hostages immediately. let s take a live look at san francisco city hall where the city could pass a resolution calling for a cease-fire in gaza. this follows similar moves and controversy in richmond and oakland. anne makovec has a look at san francisco resolution. >> the board of supervisors meeting has begun. this resolution is expected to come up within the next hour or so and it is drawing emotional reaction from both sides. the resolution calls for a sustained cease-fire in gaza. unitarian aid, release of hostages and condemning anti-semitic, anti-palestinian, and islamic public rhetoric's and attacks. outside of san francisco city hall, some city
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leaders and jewish community leaders held a vigil for hostages. at one point, some speakers had to talk louder of the microphone because of someone trying to interrupt them with a megaphone. they said it is important to remember how this round of fighting started. >> people can have whatever opinion they want about the war and there are many opinions, even within our community. what is so incredibly disturbing to me is the attempted erasure of what happened on october 7. people who neglect to mention or even deny what hamas did. >> the supervisors are scheduled to talk about the resolution at around 4:00 so we will be monitoring that debate. some oakland educators are planning a teach-in for palestine tomorrow. this google document details the proposed curriculum for oakland students, ages pre-k to high school. the lesson plan shows the conflict from a palestinian's perspective. it
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comes from a group called oea for palestine. it is a group of teachers who want to use the day to teach about palestinian liberation. today, on the noon news, we asked mayor jocelyn moran for her thoughts. >> i want to be very clear. the anti-semitism and islamophobia has no place in oakland. as mayor, i am truly focused on making the city safe for all. the oh usd superintendent is addressing this. she has authority over this school district. >> the school district said it does not authorize the sheng thao -- teach-in and states the board expects teachers to ensure that all sides of the controversial issue are impartially presented with adequate and appropriate factual information. a lot of unknowns right now as far as how many teachers and campuses might be involved and what, if any disciplinary action the district might take against teachers who participate.
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now, another story we are closely following is that fog that moved into the bay area. this is a time-lapse look at the golden gate bridge. you can't really see it. >> it did not last as long today. we cleared out all of it. yesterday at this time we had a patch left over. what matters is what we will do tomorrow and we will probably do it again. if we use the high resolution futurecast, it is a majority of the bay looking at it once more. if we put the numbers on here, the visibility numbers actually show us we will be getting down to numbers that are less than a mile again as we get into tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. right after this, plan on some fog. after that, we will change our focus. there is a system that will bring us rain tomorrow. it is getting here too late to blow the fog out of here. when we get back
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together in a complete forecast, we will time it out through the day tomorrow. plan on rain through the late morning and early afternoon for just about everybody. this is not the only one. there was another one coming in on thursday as well. thursday has some rain on it and there is another high surf advisory that the national weather service has just issued for the coastline. we will tell you when to be aware and careful if you will be on the sand at any local beaches. is official. state assembly member evan low is running for congress. he released this campaign video. he is hoping to take over the seat currently held by congresswoman anna eshoo. she recently announced she will not be seeking re-election. she has been in congress since 1992. lowe was elected to the state assembly in 2014. he is entering what is expected to be a very crowded race. faculty at san francisco state university hit the picket lines today as part of a series
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of strikes across multiple cal state campuses. one day rolling strikes got started at cal poly pomona yesterday. union members at the california faculty association are demanding a 12% raise, smaller class sizes, pay equity and expanded parental leave. cal state officials say if they meet the union's demands, it could mean tuition increases. >> we live in the bay area. it is the most expensive place in the nation. we are the lowest paying faculty in the region. we work really hard and we are educators. we love what we do. >> today is the final day for actors to vote on their tentative agreement with the studios. they were on strike for more than 100 days. sag-aftra was fighting for more money from streaming shows and protections from ai. starting with the grange in san mateo, take a look at this. this happened on friday in front of the bridgepointe shopping center. you can see
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this person in a white suv pull up next to the victim's car. they cut the rope holding it to the roof, the tree. then, they stuff the tree into the back of their car and drove off. as of now, police have not made an arrest but according to the san mateo police department, the victims were given a tree free of charge from where they were originally bought. san jose police have arrested three people for a shooting at the party in august. police say they believe the shooting was gang-related. the victim did survive. police say when they searched one of the suspect's homes, they found drugs for sale and live ammunition. a man was killed in a crash near pacheco. happened between highway 4 and the pacheco boulevard offramp . contra costa county fire says multiple cars were involved in that crash. this all happened around 9:30 this morning. the man's identity has not been released. families across the bay
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area are facing food insecurity. food banks are relying on donations at this time to fill the need. shawn chitnis with more on one donation that has made a huge impact to the alameda county community food bank. >> we are here at alameda county community food bank where they are hard at work because in this community, one in four are food insecure. that is why donations are so crucial this time of year and one company that is stepping up to do just that is kaiser permanente. we want to say hello to deborah florez. what do you have for us today? >> i have a big check. so big, i needed jake mccarty to come along with me to carry it. we have $85,000 that we are donating to the food bank. >> tell us why that is so important to kaiser, to be a part of this effort. >> it is so important to us because it is consistent with our mission to improve the health of our community that we serve. with 8.8 million californians food insecure, we are so thankful and grateful that we can do our part to
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support the community. >> let's bring in the man who gets to receive this check. that is reggie young with the food bank. what does this mean to you to get a check like this? >> this is huge for us. we rely on our corporate donors to help fuel a lot of the work we are doing. this check will do a lot of great work for our community, especially as it relates to children's food programs throughout alameda county. >> you can be a part of this effort by making a donation on our website, or use the qr code on your screen. still ahead, atmospheric rivers turned vacaville streets into rivers. the proactive measures the city is taking to move water away from homes. a sergeant turned yogi. one instructor's ploy behind
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vacaville is getting ready for another rainy season. last year, a series of atmospheric rivers dumped 4 inches of rain in the city in just one week. the flooding was so bad in alamo creek, the water started flowing backwards. now, the city has put in metal gates to stop floodwater. they also created these large areas of land they are calling stormwater basins to collect the runoff. >> ultimately, we are trying to keep the water in the creek.
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>> something needed to be done and it is nice to know that the city is taking care of that. >> vacaville crews have been working the last few months to clear debris out of creeks while water is still low and fixed erosion along the creek banks. people in vacaville are preparing themselves for potential wet weather ahead. let's get to first alert weather now. it looks like we are all going to get a little bit of rain coming up. >> this will be a widespread equal opportunity rainmaker coming in on wednesday. you can see the leading edge of the rain up here. you can see how it will take a little bit of time to get here but late morning, it is right off the coast. let's go closer. this holds off through the morning commute. that is good news. you don't start getting rain here in a widespread nature until we get to where the 9:00, 10:00 hour in the northbay. by this point, we are getting some of the best rain appear. that line
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works its way south and gets to the golden gate by noon and then from 1:00, some of the better bands of rain are moving right across the city in the east bay. it takes that long before it clears the south bay. late morning to early afternoon is where we get the most widespread noticeable rain out of that one. thursday, there was another one coming in but it is not as well put together. there is a chance of rain. we will likely get more rain on thursday and we will see the timing on that one. it is this next line that approaches. at this point for thursday morning, plan on some light rain on the roads for the northbay. as we watch that progress southward, it takes its sweet time and gets down to the golden gate. it falls across the rest of the south bay and then we are waiting for things to clear out. we want to get a look at rainfall totals. here is the wednesday morning rain and that fills in. you can
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see the totals come into about a half inch of rain in the northbay. maybe a little less for the south bay. if we add on top of that those -- the thursday rain, not blockbuster totals but the totals to go up a bit. that is the rain story. the other item to discuss is a new high surf advisory that the national weather service has issued. i know we had one for very early this morning. here is the next one. this will likely be a bit bigger in terms of the waves. it does not expire until thursday. the people that pay attention to this are not necessarily the surfers and the people who you think need to know about high surf advisories. needs to know about this? anybody who will be on the beach because those are the people more at risk. people who go down to watch the waves and don't know what is coming. look at the wave energy in the pacific. the last few days, there has been a lot of it. we can visualize that swell and that is just about to hit the coastline right there. this
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gets us into tonight and wednesday which is why we have the timeframe on that high surf advisory the way that it is. just be real aware. if you are going down to the beach or you know somebody who might have the free time, those are the people who usually get impacted by this. heads up to anyone. as far as daytime highs tomorrow go, we are looking at numbers that will be in the mid 60s. the temperatures don't change a whole lot. it will be high clouds for the rest of today. for tomorrow, when we have the rain come through in the morning, you will get a break by the late afternoon and we should be clearing up by sunset for most locations. that is the way things look for tomorrow. let's get into the 7-day forecast. we will take a look at the amended microclimate. you can see the chance of rain for thursday and there is a drop that shows up on thursday. we already know that it is two systems coming our way. if we take a look at how this will play out for the bay, we will see the same story but the numbers will be different. rain
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chances are the same. this will be bay area wide and then a nice break. no more rain coming our way for the rest of the seven day after that. one unlikely yoga instructor is helping people find balance. he teaches at a studio in san francisco's presidio. max darrow has the story of a marine corps veteran who says yoga saved his life and now he wants to pay it forward. >> when sean silvera found his breath for the first time at a yoga class in fairfax , it was a life-changing experience. one that he knew he would want to share with others. >> i cried. here is my body. >> it was quite a surprise for the marine corps veteran who, at the time, thought yoga was for hippies and definitely not for men. >> it blew my mind. i had not had that kind of experience since boot camp. difficult,
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transformational, just changed how we look at things. >> since then, silvera has opened his own studio in san francisco. he runs it like a boot camp sometimes. silvera is eager to help others get balance as he has. >> i still have sergeant silvera back there but i can manage them better. >> he is on a mission to break a barrier that yoga is not for men. >> the stigma has been there and it has prevented guys from coming to yoga. >> guys like himself, who come from intense backgrounds, who may not know it can be a life-changing practice. >> it likely saved my life. who i was in the past, who i am now. >> silvera has gone through the barbed wire, working with the prison yoga practice, sharing it with incarcerated individuals and watching its power unfold. >> it is such an opportunity to heal.
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>> he says in recent years, he has started to see a shift . the stigma is losing strength. >> most of the time, we have 50-50 men and women in the class which is different than it was 10 or 15 years ago. >> clearing minds and creating community with every class, in the hopes of creating positive change. >> i wish the whole world would participate. i think it would be a better place altogether. >> he will continue to do his part to try to make that happen one breath at a time. >> sean teaches weekly classes to incarcerated veterans. he is also on the board of directors for veterans yoga project which provides yoga therapy to veterans struggling with ptsd. the niners offensive line making all kinds of news. what is the plan to keep that focus and intensity? the red and gold report is next.
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the 49ers are flying high after sunday's big win in philadelphia. they are now one game behind the eagles for the number one seed. vern glenn has more on today is red and gold report. >> this is the volkswagen red and gold report. >> brock purdy still has not played a full game in philadelphia. this time, he was on the sidelines in the fourth quarter because san francisco had a 23 point lead. >> i got hurt here. was it a revenge game or anything like that? no. >> purdy was all smiles watching sam darnold. he earned a little time off after the 49ers scored touchdowns on six street possessions to match their season-high with 42
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points. >> was i going, that is four in a row, five in a row? i was not thinking like that. >> not three, not four, not five. >> we just wanted to keep the foot on the gas pedal and keep pulling away. >> i have full confidence that we would have this type of game. >> the 49ers embraced their role as the villains in philadelphia. a few of them arrived dressed in all black for sunday's game. coincidence? >> i don't know. it is just an outfit. i was just going to go all-black and did not know about other players wearing all black. it came together well. >> you know me and deebo. rate minds think alike. >> with the red and gold report, i'm vern glenn. mariah carey's all i want for christmas is you is in the number two slot on the billboard hot 100 charts. we
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will tell you what song knocked it off the top spot. you can watch us anytime, anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. catch all of
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coming up tonight, fbi director christopher wray warrants security threats to the united states are at a whole other level since hamas' october 7 attack. what you need to know about the elevated risk and how the director answered one member of congress who compared the warning signs to 9/11. those headlines and more on the cbs evening news. a christmas classic is taking over the charts. >> ♪ >> who doesn't love brenda lee 's rockin' around the christmas tree? it is in the number one
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spot on the billboard hot 100 chart for the first time, believe it or not. billboard says the song has nearly 35 million streams and 21 million radio plays so far this year. it was recorded back in 1958 . mariah is fine. she has dominated the charts. all i want for christmas is you, also classic, came in at number two and is of course number one on the global charts. you pretty much hear it in every store, every shopping mall around these days. the cbs evening news is coming up next on kpix. local news continues on ur streaming ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, the fbi director's dire warning, terror threats against the united states are at a whole other level since the israel-hamas war began. plus our new reporting about a new intelligence bulletin. what it says about calls for violence right here in america during the holiday season. ♪ ♪


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