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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 5, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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are dead in a shoot-out outside waco, texas, tonight. >> he calls himself the lamb of god. >> wanted to get the kids out of there. >> we are going to fulfill our commitment to god. . parents torn on if they should send their kids to class >> she is eight years old. she is not ready for that. >> the lesson plan in oakland that has some families feeling left out. plus, it may be convenient for you but the delivery could come with a price tag for the people that live and work near the kitch -- kitchen came from. from kpix, this is the late
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news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. teaching kids about a war is tough. but, some parents in oakland say a controversial lesson plan is only going to stir up more hate. in fact, they feel so strongly about it they are considering keeping their kids home from school tomorrow. a group of teachers is planning a teach in for palestine. we don't know how many or at what schools, it is meant to teach kids about the war from the perspective of palestinians. we spoke to parents who are worried that the lesson will fan the flames of anti-semitism. >> racially not worried. e emotionally, everything has me worried now. >> reporter: 12 hours before his daughter goes to school he was still weighing on her going to school >> we want her to be a critical thinker and know what is going
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on but she does not need to be ready for that right now. she is eight years old. she needs her math, her english and her socialization. >> reporter: he says he feels helpless as a father to an israeli. >> how do we as parents interject ourselves to either protect our children or to give our children a sense of balance? >> reporter: he says the climate is so intense his girlfriend stop speaking hebrew to their daughter in public. now they are looking at other schools. >> it leaves us questioning if not osd why oakland. >> reporter: he is not alone. a mother of a 7th grader at a middle school says they placed a transfer request after experiencing anti-semitism in the classroom. >> right now we are playing it day to day to be honest with
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you. if push comes to shove i don't want to any longer. >> she left the decision to attend school on wednesday up tow her son but supports him showing up in front of his jewish and israeli identity. >> i am torn and so is he because he is proud of who he is and he wants to make sure he shows up and represents. >> he is split on the decision but steadfast in the decision that the classroom is not the best place for any demonstration to be held. >> i understand wanting to be on the right side of history. and coming from their protests. look at what is happening in the community that you are part of that you are committed to fostering. just look around. take stock of the damage thank you are doing here. >> looking at the classroom.
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yesterday, the oakland school district super intend event says it is unsanctioned and warned teachers against it saying she is looking at the plrls as factule. >> it is something that so many people want to talk about that they packed the board of supervisor's meeting inside and outside. public comment started at 3:55 and just ended minutes ago after seven hours. almost everyone seemed to thereby to voice their support for the palestinian people and for a ceasefire resolution introduced by preston. >> the line was here so long that it wrapped around the entire second floor of city hall. >> free, free, free palestine. >> free, free, free palestine.
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>> ceasefire and the release of all of it. condemning all racially rhetoric and attacks. i am here as the granddaughter of a holocaust survivor. the safety of my loved ones are bound together in the safety of their palestinian neighbors. >> i lost over a dozen members of my family in two months. there is absolutely a genocide. >> instead of speaking inside opponents held a vigil outside for hostages still held by hamas. scott wiener joined them and so did three supervisors. we were told that the city needs to focus on problems it actually has the ability to fix. >> we need to be able to work together on stopping drug overdose deaths and getting, getting care to mentally ill people and addressing crime and getting housing for folks. i do not see how the board taking up
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this issue helps us advance any of those solutions. >> it is unclear how many supervisors support the resolution or when they will vote on it. >> pro palestinian protests put off the annual tree lightinger lighting ceremony in person. they plan top host it virtually tomorrow for the safety of the participants, especially he says, children. we need to talk about weather with paul because it sounds like we do have the possibility of a little bit of rain on the way again paul, right? >> we will not see it impacting the morning commute. the past couple of mornings the commute has been slowed down by dense fog. so far this evening we are not seeing much of that developing just a little hint of it on the horizon. locally dense fog is likely to develop by tomorrow morning, not as widespread or consistent but the rain is going to impact the travel conditions later in the day. the pacific northwest has been getting soaked over the past couple of days. it is just a far north western corner of
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california that is seeing the first showers, we will see it moving towards the bay area heading through the day tomorrow. starting the day dry, i don't think the first showers will move into the north bay until we get to middle to late morning. the north bay will see the heaviest rain over all. not enough to cause any concern about flooding, just enough to be inconvenient from midmorning to early afternoon. it is ceryl afternoon with the rain spreading ark cross the rest of the bay area. showers diminishing in intensity as they move farther and farther inland. they will be out there, likely left over puddles for the evening commute and lingering showers, this rain event is not going to last long. followed up by another chance of rain on thursday. we will add up on how much rain to expect overall coming up. >> thank you, paul. if you ordered food on a delivery app chances are you scrolled through the menus of ghost kitchens, shared spaces set up just to prepare for delivery. the cost saving benefits are obvious for the restaurants but what about the surrounding neighborhood? one critic trying to run a business
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near a ghost kitchen says the whole thing is a recipe for disaster. >> stay, stay. >> reporter: within these walls is a school of obedience. >> you stay. you stay. >> reporter: that is how he makes a living. but step outside of his business he points out examples left and right. >> all of the cars are parked illegally. >> and at dinnertimes the unspoken common courtesy. >> it never ends, there is my gate. there is my barricade he is running over, right? that is, that is, that is an everyday thing, right there. >> reporter: frustrating to him and his neighbors. >> all of the -- [beep] . >> reporter: the business is at the end of the cul-de-sac by this ghost kitchen, inside are take out only restaurants, that is why there are so many cars here, they are not customers, many are delivery drivers
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waiting for their orders. spend a few minutes there and you will see drivers idling in the road, booking cars in, not obeying parking rules, close misses and to his ire, constantly blocking driveways like his. >> it damages my business. makes it difficult for my clients who have every right to park in my spots and they can't because it is always filled up. time and time again when i ask them nicely, please, don't block my driveway. i usually get the f-word, threats, i had to call the police on multiple occasions, had fights, we had employees hit, cars hit. >> we reached out to cloud kitchens but did not hear back. >> would you please come out and be part of the solution and not the problem. you make enough money, you can hire somebody to come out here and make sure that these cars are parked properly that they are moving properly. >> on top of that. he says it feels like the city turns a blind eye to the situation.
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despite what he says have been numerous attempts to get parking envorsment involved. >> this is it every single day the city does not do anything about it. >> reporter: even though there are visible safety concerns. >> here is a fire hydrant. how is the fire department going to come down and identify the fire hydrant and get a hose hooked up to it and put out a fire in this general neighborhood when they are blocked with the cars? >> we reached out to the agency in charge of parking to see if they would talk. they did not call back. >> reporter: as the problem persists he is pleading for solutions for a new path forward. >> good, heal. >> reporter: he can not go in circles here forever. >> cloud kitchens is occupied by former uber ceo. it has dozens of locations across the country. most of them are in california with 9 spread across the bay area. does president biden really want to run for president again? maybe not, but he says
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someone is forcing his hand. owning a winery sounds like a dream until you realize how much work it is and how much can go wrong. >> every year, the challenges. >> if you are cracking open a bottle of napa valley wine you already won, but the people who make it is a this year they hit the jackpot. >> what was your immediate thought when they froze. >> i thought jesus was coming back. >> the mystery behind why this woman's chickens stopped dead in their tracks
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. president biden got very candid today about why he is in the 2024 presidential race. he told donors at a boston area fundraiser quote, if trump wasn't running i am not sure i would be running. democrats can not let him win. reporters were quick to ask him about that. >> would you be running for president if trump wasn't running. >> he is running and i have to run. >> would you drop out if trump dropped out? >> no, not now. >> what does donald trump have to say about that? that is what was asked? >> i think somebody gave him a talking point that would sound good. you know, i just found out that democrats are funding nikki haley's campaign. i hear democrats are contributing to ron desantis campaign. >> trump is a front-runner in
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the republican race despite facing four criminal cases. owning a vineyard in napa county can be a huge gamble with vines under the threat of wildfire, smoke, frost, harsh frost depending on the time of the year. this year was different after a stormy winter. the harvest was pushed back and john ramos reports the wait could be worth it. >> reporter: it is quiet at the winery. the harvest is over and the wine sits in barrels, slowly transforming into what has been called bottled poetry. but as serene as the process seems, the wine maker says over the last few years they come to expect just any anything. >> you know, every year these challenges, we never know what is coming until it is right on top of us. >> reporter: in 2021, the drought produced high quality grapes but not many of them. volumes were small. then in
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september, the glass fire broke out filling the air with smoke. >> we still had 10 tons of grapes on the vine and the grass fire was just a few miles of north of here. it was so close we lost those grapes. >> last year, heatwaves forced growers to rush to pick their crops early to effect the taste of the wines. one thing after another until this year. the blogger, who wrote the wine bible, says they were bracing for more heat spikes this year but none came. >> and still, the gentle weather continued, clear skies, cool sun, no heat domes, no fires, no rain. you could feel the excitement all over the valley. when was the last time napa grapes were picked in november? >> simply put, the weather has been perfect. >> reporter: mcneil says it will be reflected in the quality of the wine. >> i have no doubt that 2023 will go down as one of the most phenomenal vintages ever in the
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napa valley. >> at this point there is not a lot of doubt. just an under current of excitement for the wines that will be coming, on the way. >> reporter: he says he feels a responsibility now that nature supplied him with the perfect raw material >> it is absolutely my job not to mess this up. i am kind of like a glorified baby-sitter at this point in time. got to keep the kids healthy and sleeping and tired by the time the parents get home. . >> reporter: it will be three years before wine customers will get the taste. wine makers are convinced it will be worth the wait. >> the temperatures were cooler, cab grapes stayed on the vines as late as mid-november. they say the extended hang time will allow their flavors to develop fully. >> for the refined palette, right? >> you are a wine drinker. >> for which we must wait three years >> yes. if not more. >> you can appreciate a good
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wine. >> oh, yeah, do you have a favorite? >> no, i don't drink wine. i am a soda person. i am just a child. >> soda and? >> candy. [ laughter ] >> not what i was going for. we are good with that. plenty of time to expand a little bit. >> i will grow up eventually >> well. [ laughter ] >> let's not go too far >> my body is 10% diet soda at this point. i don't know what to do about that. we will see how that expands going into the holidays. >> thank you. not much fog at the moment but we will see dense fog developing for the rest of tonight. looking towards downtown from treasure island. what you need to know heading through the next few days locally dense fog developing. the rain will arrive by late morning, midmorning by the north bay. breezy at times as well to track that hour by hour coming up in just a moment. and then another batch of showers will roll out. future cast
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keeps us dry as we continue. the locally dense fog could slow it down. i don't think it will be as much of a problem as the past couple of mornings. there is the rain. rolling, and then rolling across the bay area as we head into the afternoon. brief heavy downpours, not heavy enough or last long enough to lead to any flooding threat. but just a little inconvenient for the afternoon and evening commute for leftover showers dotting by 11:00 and left over puddles as well. then, mostly dry period tomorrow night and to begin the day on thursday. but the next round of showers will be knocking on the doorstep already as the sun comes up. this one will be lighter and shorter. not much in terms of additional rainfall. just enough, again, for puddles on the roads heading through the middle of the day on thursday. how much rain are we talking about? north bay, a quarter of an inch to half an inch. some spots overachieve. higher elevations along the coast
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getting over half an inch. a good wetting rain overall. even on the low spectrum. driest locations some of the rain shadow spots. 1/10th of an inch of rain once you add the systems together with, again, higher elevations, likely to see a little more. this is going to be more of a snow maker. winter weather advisory in effect on thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. that is where they will pick up snow over the course of the day on thursday and gusty winds with waves of rain. strongest in the 20-30 mile-an-hour range. strong enough for a wind advisory and moving around on the roads, not seeing any fog out there right now. the temperatures in the 50s, a couple spots dipping into the upper 40s. plenty of company by tomorrow morning, blanket of clouds, keeping the temperatures from going into the 30s. additional cloud cover and the emerging rain chances, we will manage to warm up, especially if we have to wait longer for the rain to arrive. middle 60s in san jose. half a
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degrees above average. for the rest of the bay area, lower half of the 60s. that is above normal as well. almost all of us will crack 60, the exception could be the north bay where the rain will start earlier. could fall a little short of hitting 60 degrees as the clouds thicken up upper early in the day. taking a look at the seven-day forecast. not much of a change to the day to day temperatures, we will dry the forecast out beginning friday, continue with the dry pattern on saturday and sunday and then a bit of a warm up, a baby warm up in storm for us for monday and tuesday next week. temperatures inland and through the bay. not going to last forever. the dry stretch looks like it will last a week or so once we get rid of the last of the showers. the next chance of rain does not look like it will head our way until next friday. that is a long way down-the-line in forecasting terms. we will have to go through a stretch of dry
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weather before the next chance of showers heading our way. we will watch for that heading into next week. >> okay, paul, thank you very much. this looks like a normal check until you see the signature. . straight ahead in sports is there a little simmer in baseball free agency this week? if so, what does it mean for the giants? meantime, san jose sharks may have seven wins but the 7th win tonight sent shock waves from queens, new york, throughout the nhl. what a come back
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i know the importance of taking care of myself. how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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. this is one of the things that i love about sports. when you are a fan you are a fan no matter what. when the team is i think sharks fans deserve a little bit of a win. >> every now and then something happens that you don't even see coming. >> yeah >>and you got to leave with it. so, why would we lead with the
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what the experts say is the worst team in the nhl? the san jose sharks put on a show like tonight. down 4-1, third period, sharks chipped away at the islanders. making it 4-2. here, three minutes remaining. poking a pass in. and the sharks trailed 4-3. 90 seconds in regulation. hurdle got his third goal. the hat trick tied it at 4. this one went to overtime, sara, incredibly with time running out william took a shot, game, and the sharks 0-15, trailing after two periods, won the game 5-4, wow. >> nfl 49ers sign defensive back ryan for the stretch run. the two-time super bowl champion has not played this season. here is a fun fact. the pick 6 in the playoffs were the last pass tom brady through as
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a member of the patriots. price, the 2022, third round pick played only seven games with san francisco. baseball, what is the game have in common with nashville, tennessee? it is the site of the league's winter meetings where deals get done. that is the hope for the giants in its pursuit of super star ohtani. report that they met with him. they are seen as likely destinations for the two-way super star. new giants general manager knows san francisco could use a star. >> san francisco always has been a star-power town. when i grew up watching willie mayes, curry, montana, it is a star-powered town. i think they understand we need a little bit more of that. hopefully we will
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end up with one of the guys at the top of the market for a long period of time. >> giants fans looking for and clue that ohtani could come to san francisco. the two-time mvp followed giant's ace logan webb on instagram. but, you know what? he is right. the giants need a star. by the way the giants get the 13th overall selection in next year's mlb amateur draft. a's have the 4th. cleveland gets the number one. but it is officially 49ers and seahawks week. media day, they are 10.5 point favorites to take care of seattle this weekend. >> i would say we are the team to beat. >> we, who is we? >> how many plays did you play? >> all right, vern. >> okay, what about you? >> vern is closer to the organization than i am. something else to be excited about. a new soccer stadium
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heading to santa clara county. the county will release 30 acres to the san jose earthquakes organization, the site of the team's new state of the art practice and training facility with four professional quality soccer fields, some of which will be open to the public. why in the world would someone offer to trade $30,000 for a $4 check? well, it is all about the signature at the bottom. this one steve jobs wrote out to radio shack in 1976. it is up for auction. jobs famously did not give out autographs, signed items are rare. you want to try to top that $30,000 bid you have time. the auction closes tomorrow. frozen chicken is not an ingredient for this ahead. the chickens are
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look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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. paul loves when we start stories with these words. >> a florida woman's chickens
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went viral on tiktok for strange behavior. that had the owner wondering, is it the end of the world? >> no it is just florida. >> reporter: the owner of these chickens in tampa, florida, is so new to raising them she has not given each of them names. >> pepper, pepper, pepper, pepper. because do you see a difference? >> even a rookie knows chickens are supposed to run for food. so, brianna was stunned. >> why are you all not moving? hello. when all five of her chickens simultaneously froze. and staid paralyzed for over two minutes. >> what was your immediate thought when they froze? >> i thought jesus was coming back. what you are witnessing in that video is a live panic attack. >> what is happening right now. chickens. >> the internet had theories, people asked. >> did you try unplugging them
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and plugging them back in >> reminded us of a black lab that froze when he encountered five wooden black cat lawn decorations >> maverick [ laughter ] >> this was pointing behavior. pointing out prey until finally. >> it is okay, dude. >> maverick's tail unfroze first as for the paralyzed chickens when she yelled for her fiancee they suddenly unfroze. >> nick! >> what the . >> what we now know and what my fiancee was able to see in the tree is a hawk. >> the hawk killed four of the chickens. by standing motionless they are trying to be invisible. is this what they mean by acting chicken? >> did i do something?
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>> that would have been me. >> did i break it? >> maybe they will not see us. >> my first instinct was a cat running through and the birds . >> do you notice when you call someone else to witness what is happening it stops. >> yes. >> when you bring your car in, check out the light? oh, the light went off >> frustrating universal experience. >> just reboot the chickens. >> rebooting now. thanks for wa >> in the new york civil fraud trial, it's eric trump who has now taken the stand following several hours of testimony from his brother, don jr. >> ivanka trump, the daughter of the former president, is expected to testify. >> their father has taken to social media attacking the judge, telling him, "leave my children alone." ♪ ♪


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