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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  December 6, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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now at 3:00, police going room by room looking for answers after deadly shooting at ulmv. we'll have the latest from campus. and happening in oakland today, we have reaction from parents in the district. we are tracking today's rain as we're seeing this band of showers start to wind down. and we will track you thursday morning rain chances coming up in the first alert forecast. thanks for joining us today, i'm anne makovec. police shot and killed a man who
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opened fire on several people at the university of nevada, las vegas. the police there say at least three people have been shot and their condition is unknown at this time. and the number of victims could change as they learn more. police say there is no further threat to the campus though. gunshots first reported just before noon from the business school and the student union. this is a live look at the scene as you can see heavy police presence, blocking the intersection. this is near one of the school's entrances and the shopping center. unlv is less than two miles east of the las vegas strip. the school sent out a tweet to students saying this is not a test. run, hide, fight. >> we were in the student union, and we heard at the business building on the second floor there was an active shooter. we found out cops were on site, and we just sheltered in place. and so we evacuated. >> police and first responders are still in the area. as of
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now, there is no word on the gunman's motive here. they'll be providing more updates on this later on. we'll keep an eye on this and bring you the latest throughout the day. just hours before the shooting in vegas, senate republicans in dc were blocking the latest attempt to ban assault-style weapons. majority leader chuck had schumer attempted to pass the legislation with what is known as unanimous consent. that means it wouldn't need a formal vote. but senator john barasso of wyoming stopped that from happening. >> americans have a constitutional right to own a firearm. every day people across wyoming responsibly used their second amendment rights to quippy and bare arms. today is about defending those rights against those on the other side of the aisle who wish to take them away from us. >> and so that bill would have banned the sale and production of more than 200 types of military-style assault weapons.
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schumer said it is the senate doing what the majority of americans wants them to do. >> and the gun violence, in america is a national crisis. the american people are sick and tired of enduring one mass shooting after another. they are sick and tired of vigils and moments of silence for family, friends, classmates, coworkers. we say to the republican friends, stand with families fearing for their lives or stand with the gun lobby. and block this assault weapon ban. >> the most recent pew research poll showed that about six out of ten americans support stricter gun laws, while a fox news poll published earlier this year shows 87% of people support background checks. 77 support a 30-day waiting period on all gun purchases. 2023 is on pace to be the deadliest year for mass shootings since they started tracking in 2006.
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turning now to the latest in the war between israel and hamas, israel says they have breached a mass defense line in southern gaza. tomorrow will mark two months since the terrorist attack on october 7. 1,200 people were killed and more than 200 taken hostage. israel says about 138 people are still being held by hamas. gaza's health ministry says more than 16,000 palestinians have been killed in gaza, most of them women and children. the u.s. has pledged in humanitarian aid for the palestinian territory in part to help build a field hospital. we are continuing, in the meantime, to see protests around the bay area, calling for a complete ceasefire in that war. some activists raised a palestinian flag at the golden gate bridge toll plaza
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this morning. in oakland, today is the so-called gaza to oakland teaching, in which some parents were presenting lessons or teachers rather were presenting lessons. from a palestinian point of view. it was not officially organized by the teachers union, but by a small group of teachers. we have not been able to get a real firm number on exactly how many participated, but we did speak to one of the organizers who said about 100 teachers signed up. they also told us many teachers have been talking to students about the concept over the past few months. >> students are quite knowledgeable on the subject. and through myself as a jewish teacher. i think this issue is so important. >> now the district opposed the event and a number of parents and local jewish groups raised
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concerns. and to be removed from classrooms. katie nielsen is there talking to parents in oakland and we'll have more at 6:00. another big story we're following is the rain. and it is a gorgeous rain vote in that shot. let's get a check of first alert meteorologist, darren peck. it sounds like the rain is not over? >> it is not over as you can see some of that in the vantage point. a few light showers moving up across the bay. at one look, it is pretty widespread showers here. we've seen the best of this, but we are not done with it yet. and there is some rain. this will start around noon and will take us into the early afternoon today up to right now. it is kind of in the last frame before the final band of rain will clear out right there. put this into the futurecast to show you how much longer this will take will leave behind the live first alert and show you the showers for the most part
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will start to clear out. and we would have come to an end from this particular band. there is another one coming. we're going to look out there. and that will bring us more rain for tomorrow and that one is getting here earlier in the day. and i will see you with that in a few minutes. the san jose earthquake is taking over part of the santa clara county fairgrounds. the county is leasing 30 undeveloped acres with less than half that will house the new training facility and four professional quality soccer fields. but in addition to that, the team is partnering with san jose to develop four new public fields. the teenage midfielder and san jose native, edwin mendoza, says growing up, it was sometimes tough to find places to play. >> i think all the kids in san
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jose who are passionate about soccer, they deserve a place where they could go in and to have fun and to play. >> the new public fields would have artificial turf and lights for night games. and there is a new historic landmark in the bay area, the lower crystal springs dam was recognized today by the american society of civil engineers. the 135-year-old dam is one of the largest concrete structures in the world when completed back in 1888. and providing more. what will make it more impressive is the fact it is built so close to the san andreas fault. >> this dam we're standing on is survived by not only the 1906 earthquake, but also the 1989 earthquake. and that alone is a reason to celebrate that work that is done and that engineering that is done and the history of the old dam.
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>> and that dam was recognized as a state historic engineering landmark by the american society back in 1976. all month we're partnering with food banks to spread the need in the bay area. and where they just got a big donation to help them feed the hungry in the south bay. >> reporter: most of the donations that will come to second harvest will come during the holiday season, lasting all year round and from corporations with one example here. and you have quite the donation here for second harvest. >> we are so proud to support silicon harvest as we want to donate $50,000 for them this year. >> now this is not the first time you have donated, right?
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and you have a whole history of 20 plus years of donations. >> it san organization that we are strongly supporting and we wanted to again show our support this year. we have employees who have volunteered their hours as well. >> why is that so important for you and your coworkers? >> we have a commitment to giving and supporting our bay area communities. >> how does that feel? >> it will make us proud. we're a strong supporter. we're just happy to do so every year. >> reporter: all right, i'll bring in les knee. this is such an important donation. tell us how much it will mean. >> well, absolutely, it is critical. this will provide enough food for 100,000 meals. it is so important and what is one in six folks in san mateo
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will need food from the food bank. having the supporter is critical for us. >> absolutely. after seeing this, you are also inspired to give. you can do so. you can give financially and of your time. we will have information on how to do that or sign up. google is launching the answer to chatgpt. what experts are saying about the new generation of artificial intelligence. and the federal government and private companies are getting into the high-speed rail game in california. where they are
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google is taking a leap forward in the artificial intelligence race. gemini is out today. it's their answer to chatgpt. gemini goes further than other programs because it can handle multimedia inputs like pictures, audio, and programming code. experts say it will give consumers more options. >> it is also from a security perspective a time when our technology stacks are evolving rapidly. it's important to see how the models change while they are trained and built with security, so they can't provide
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hazardous and dangerous responses out of the box. >> google's a.i. chat bot, bart, has the gemini upgrades. elon musk wants to raise $1 billion for a new a.i. business called xa.i. the first stock for the company was sold on november 29. musk has said investors in x corp., formerly known as twitter, will own 25% of the new company. california's high-speed rail is getting a $3 billion boost from the federal government. the money is from the infrastructure bill. it's going to go towards buying test trains and building infrastructure in the central valley. meanwhile another $3 billion is going to be going to high-speed rail in southern california. it would cut the trip from l.a. to las vegas down to two hours. a private company called bright line west is behind that project. experts say the new line could potentially take millions of cars off the road and ease some airport traffic. >> i think that would be
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spectacular. you know if you think about it, it takes you three and a half hours to get there. >> every single time i fly in or out of vegas, i have some kind of trouble. >> bright line hopes to have the project finished in four years. there is already high-speed rail in florida between west palm beach and miami. live alert weather now, first alert weather, starting with a live look outside. meteorologist darren peck is in our own virtual view studio. we still have those rain drops on our cam looking at the bay bridge. >> drops from the camera on treasure island look good there. we're not done. i'll show you what the rain is doing for the next hour or so. but first, here is what it has brought us. rainfall totals at this point. if you take a look at san francisco, you picked up about .14 inches of rain, but the north bay got the most. santa rosa picked up .25 inches. it is pretty good as you can see it is still raining here, going right through the golden gate and across the bridge. here is what the system looks like, still widespread rain to go and the last few frames, we'll show you a few
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showers that are just taking their sweet time to clear out of here. let's switch in to the futurecast. for the most part the forecast model shows this is clearing out within the next two hours or so. by the time we would get to sunset, we'll be done with any rain that might still be falling and then we're pretty much finished with this system. so let's look out to the next one. because that one is getting here for tomorrow morning. we already see it out here. that one is a lot more impressive, but it won't get here. that one is ours. so we're going to put this into the futurecast. it's going to go fairly quickly. we're going to watch that in more detail in just a second, but i want you to see what they will be doing after they guetta rain tomorrow. look at that storm. it's another really impactful, very rainy atmospheric river that's going to dodge us, going up to the north. let's take a look at ours. this is tomorrow morning and watch the line of showers that will march across the bay, being the 8:00 hour. for the later morning hours of the commute tomorrow, you should plan on some light rain
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from that. by the time we've gotten into the 10:00 hour, light showers are coming right in across the golden gates. it's not a whole lot to this, but it will be enough that tomorrow is still at least for the first half of the day going to look and feel kind of gloomy, maybe even a little misty. and then watch the back edge of the clouds clear out there just in time for the last hour or so. of daylight. and we will be done with that by the time we would get to sunset. we are just looking at rainfall totals here for the system tomorrow, and they are pretty low. a couple hundredths of an inch of rain. that's the last one. a couple of other things, still a high surf advisory. be real careful anywhere near the waves. and if you're going to be on the beaches, it is not the surfers we're concerned about here. it's the people who just want to go down and hang on the beach when they're not aware. it will be a lot of wave energy out there. just be careful through thursday. there is still more snow to go in sierra, still looking at the winter weather advisory. that's going to stay in effect until tomorrow night. so any travel over 80 or 50, you should go
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planning that you're going to need change and there could be some delays up there. all right, so that covers the details. let's get in to the seven-day forecast. for that, we're going to go back to the virtual set. i'll show you what things look like in terms of the day time highs, but also that leftover chance of rain here on thursday. there is no other day that's got it. things look pretty quiet. even a little bit of a warm up back here. we'll see numbers that climb back up in the mid to upper 60s. those are numbers that apply for the inland micro climates. when we do the same thing for the bay, it's the same story. a bit of a cloud for thursday. we know it's not major rain, but it's technically rain and it's the last one. things will clear out and even warm up into the mid-60s bit time we get towards the middle and end of the next coming week. all right, back to you. >> all right, we will be prepared for more rainbows, darren coming up at 3:00. the 49ers offense stacked with stars from brock kittle, mccaffrey, and deebo. vern glenn looks into with a could be their most valuable player coming up in the red and gold
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the niners are one game behind the eagles for the no. 1 and brock purdy is the current favorite to be the nfl's mvp, but he might not be the 49ers most valuable player. vern glenn explains in today's red
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and gold reports. remember when the 49ers lost three straight games? there was a guy missing. and that is bad news for seattle. deebo samuels strikes plenty of fears of opposing defenses. and they ran right through them in the second half for three touchdowns. deebo is one of the toughest players in the league to get to the ground. and to get full head of steam to bring them to the party. >> the 49ers and the veteran defensive back for the stretch run. and the two-time super bowl champion has not played this season. here is a fun
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fact. the pick six in the 2019 playoffs was the last pass he threw as a member of the patriots. with the red and gold report, i'm vern glenn. still ahead, meets with the kind of gifts you probably won't find in stores. how wood workers are making this christmas special for kids in need. and remember, you can watch this any time anywhere on the streaming service cbs news bay area. you can catch all the live newscast and plus news and weather updates throughout the day. you can find u
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coming up tonight, the fighting intensifies in southern gaza. israeli prime minister saying israel has killed about half of hamas' battalion commanders. plus what we're learning about the ids possible plan to flood hamas tunnels in gaza. those headlines and more are coming up on the cbs evening news. and coming up at 5:00, our special climate series continues. a look at what is under glaciers in norway and why that is important to greenhouse gases here in the u.s. that story and a lot more coming up on ryan yamamoto and elizabeth cook at 5:00 on kpix and streaming on our website, and on the cbs news app. and finally today, some
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wood workers stepping in to help santa elves, making hand crafted wooden planes, puzzles, even a game of go fish. >> the wood workers spent months making more than 3,000 toys and then they give them to the salvation army. those toys will be under family's christmas trees this holiday season. well the world of plastic to see that wood. it's a blast from the past. sounds good. cbs evening news is next and in our local news on our streaming service cbs news bay a a. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, the breaking news. an active shooter on a college campus in las vegas. what we are learning about the gunman and victims. all of the developing details. ♪


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