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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 6, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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go to and apply now. . now at 11:00. how rainy can the rainy season be? business owners are hoping for something less biblical than last year. >> the water was up to here. i open today up t poured in. we had a foot inside already. the popular place making half a million bet that it will hold back the floods >> it was stressful. to get through this winter hi to cut
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staff. they are toasting to a better year after a brutal 2023. the hits they have taken from the weather to war. and she does not know it yet but this little girl just hit the jackpot. the abandoned senior dogs getting the star treatment. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hi, i'm sara donchey alongside my friend paul heggen welcome to wednesday night. >> yep. >> and it was a rainy wednesday. most of the bay area saw some shower activity today. a little bit of gloom. it seems like it has tapered off. >> yes. we are not done with the rain chances just yet. another wave of rain. the showers on the radar are very, very limited. not talking about a substantial amount of rain that is still on doppler right now. if you look at the perspective here you can barely pick them up. zooming in for a
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closer look and show you where the showers are still falling right now. those are mainly over marin county. a little over the bay. drifting farther to the south along 101 and san rafael. seeing light additional showers. it is not substantial. not result in anything more than 1/100th of an inch of rain on top of what we picked up today. speaking of which, let's look at the amounts seeing the lowest amounts, the santa clara valley. 4/100th of an inch of rain for san jose. amounts elsewhere, limited farther south. picked up under 1/10th of an inch of rain. that is a quarter of an inch of rain for concord. over the north bay. the amounts variable. over 3/10th of an inch of rain. half an inch through napa and petaluma. a lot of variation as well. picking up a quarter of
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an inch of rain. falling between the last 15 or 20 minutes or so. picking up half an inch of rain. you can see where the, where it will be squeezed out more as the terrain changes. we have additional rain that is on the way for tomorrow. let's look at our hour by hour rain chances. they are going to peak around midday to early afternoon. tapering off heading towards drive time. there could be puddles left over on the roads for the morning commute. should be a dry morning commute on thursday. once this chance of rain moves out, that is it for rain. these are the rain chances over the next seven-days, tomorrow represents the entirety of the rain chances for at least the next seven-days. we are going to settle into a quiet period of time. >> continuing the rain conversation, people were floating down san francisco streets last winter when that new year's eve storm caused massive flooding. it left a lot
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of homes and business owners a huge expensive mess to clean up. and since then, one of them has spent even more money to make sure it doesn't happen again. we checked out the improvements at rintaro in the mission. >> as the rain poured down off of the canopy protecting the outdoor seating area. the chef and owner could not help but remember how it looked a year ago. >> all of the trees were floating and the tables were floating. and pushing the cart out of the way and opening the sliding door. everyone was up on the stools and then literally pushed people out into the water and we waded out. >> rintaro was flooded with
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over two feet of water during that new year's eve storm. it took them 45 days to reopen. now that the rainy season is back he is not leaving anything to chance. >> i am kind of expecting it. so, we have done upgrades to keep street water from coming in and also a backflow preventer. >> reporter: they poured a new foundation to reenforce their outer fence and instored a track that can hold industrial strength panels to keep out street water. it cost the business more than half a million s.we have a generator i power goes out if it is windy. some pumps for any water that gets in. we will see what happens. >> the city is also preparing for another potentially wet winter. they say it is investing over $600 million on projects to help reduce flood risk including one that will upgrade the sewer pipes on this stretch of 14th street in front of rintaro. however, that
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portion of the project is not scheduled to begin until 2025. >> do you think that every, all of the things you have made is enough to prevent? >> i hope so. yeah, i do. i mean, i don't know. i hope so. >> reporter: now, sfpuc is offering grands up to $100,000 for eligible residents and businesses who install their own flood prevention projects. rintaro says they applied for that grant but did not get any funding. across the bay in oakland craft beer makers are struggling after a brutal 2023. andrea nakano reports it is not just crime keeping customers away. >> reporter: the owner of tiger's tap room near jack london square. to say 2023 has been tough would be an under statement. >> it was hard. i almost closed down in october. >> reporter: it was his dream to open this space, tiger's tap room opened in 2018 as a place for people to gather. and enjoy
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the best of local craft beers. >> i did not think i would be in the situation five years after being open. i thought i would be flourishing at that point. >> reporter: in the last five years he has seen a number of fellow business owners be forced to close-up shop. >> it is stressful, very stressful. i mean, honestly, to get through this winter i have had to cut staff hours, i have to cut inventory, and order to make it survive. >> reporter: it is not just about the crime in oakland, he says weather has played a key role as well with rain this past year, wiping out the outdoor beer garden for months. then, there is the economy, and inflation. >> beer is made of grain. the cost of grain, bread, all of that, gone up because of the war in ukraine and that impacts everything, right? so, people just have less to spend. >> reporter: so, on this
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wednesday night the craft beer community came together. a pub crawl of six local craft beer bars and restaurants to toast for a better year in 2024. >> i feel like today is a great example of people showing up and answering the call to help. [ laughter ] >> it means everything. especially, this is the hardest time of the year. >> chance says december and january are the toughest months for his business. it is a struggle to keep his doors open, having these erk vents gives him hope for the future.. >> instead of focusing on the negative it is nice to see focus on the positive. we are doing our best. a lot of loving people who are really helping support us. organizers say it was such a success other communities can use a boost. earlier in oakland as well. a lot of tension calling on
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educators as young as 4 from the palestinian view t. is unclear how many teachers participated. parents of teachers that organized it said they are doing the district a favor and giving kids brooder look at the other side. >> it is not a perspective that occupies center stage very often. i feel it is just so important for that to happen right now >> i don't think our schools are the soapbox for this. and our children are not the audience. and their education is not the weapon. >> the super intend r tend ent superintendent says it is harmful. tonight, jewish and muslim places of worship are ramping up security after the fbi warns terror groups will likely use the israel/hamas war to call for violence in the u.s. over
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the holidays. there are metal detectors at some, the rabbi says the big church next door he feels has no need for extra security. >> the fact that the jewish community has to invest in security because people are speaking in ways that are so harmful and so hateful, it is a huge disappointment. >> the foundation installed video monitoring at its mosque at belmont and community center in burlinggame. >> house of worship, be ita i mosque, a church, a synagogue needs to be a safe and protected place for people to connect. to feel the same with jews who are feeling the anti-semitism need to be protected in we are making sure we are a place that people will come and celebrate. it begins at sun down tomorrow. lighting
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the first calendar on the huge menorah in union square at 5:00 p.m. we asked sfpd if they are planning extra security for that event. no word back from them. oakland police are not aware of any credible threats to hanukkah events. political debates are rarely friendly. the candidates tend to be at each other's throats that is what prompted this reaction. >> i love all of the attention, fellas, thank you for that. >> the big target on stage tonight in the absence of president trump. the judge said he never has handed down a sentence like this. the woman who will now have to sling fries for a living after her viral fast food freak out and she is not just ready for her close-up, she is ready for her forever home. the senior dog getting
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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. a gunman killed three people and wounded a fourth at unlv campus before the police shot and killed him was turned down for a professor job there according to a law enforcement official that spoke with them. the shooter was 67 years old. >> we have one patient right now. we have more patients inside. >> the gunfire erupted just before noon inside of the university's business school sending students and faculty diving for cover. >> i did not get really scared until we were sitting there quietly and i heard three gunshots, pop, pop, pop, i was like, oh, my god. i turned to my two students and i said i think we should get down.
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everyone started to get really upset at that point and people started crying. a second when -- i thought ooh [crying] -- i thought that was it. >> vegas is still scarred from the 2017 music festival shooting that left 60 dead and hundreds wounded. it was the deadliest mass shooting by a single gunman in american history. something was different at tonight's gop, it was the target. instead of going after trump primarily, they went after each other. but former u.n. ambassador nikki haley took the brunt of it likely because she is doing the best with donors >> we know from her history she will cave to the big donors when it counts. >> you have a corruption problem. >> i heard from nikki earlier. she said donald trump was good on trade. he wasn't. >> i love all of the attention, fellas, thank you for that.
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>> as it is custom, former president trump was not there. he held a fundraiser instead. the party front-runner took plenty of hits on stage. >> he is the one who put it in the pools. i have people competing. they don't want to talk about it. >> the idea that we are going to put someone up there almost 80 and there will be no effects from that, we all know that is not true. >> if you can believe it the iowa caucuses are just 40 days away. chain controls are in effect in the sierra tonight where all of the rain that we saw here in the bay area is dumping down as snow. paul? i mean, it is the time of the year. time to be prepared for that. >> yep. exactly. they are under a weather advisory that continues through 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. we will talk about it in a moment. we will talk about the our rain first, unsettled weather returning to the bay area today and again tomorrow. then, it is going to come to an
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end. storm tracker will move farther to the north and continue aiming a lot of rain towards the pacific northwest. flooding problems over the last couple of days, no significant issues, we have a couple leftover showers zoomed in on those earlier. moving to the north and south. not entirely dry out there the rest of tonight. but, mostly dry until the next wave of rain starts to hit the coast of the north bay. right as the sun is coming up tomorrow. the band of rain is going to move from northwest to southeast across the bay area as we head through tomorrow morning. it looks like a second area of rain is going to develop as well. once the first batch moves through we are not done. early afternoon, it will be moving back through the north bay with a potentially wet afternoon and evening commute once again. earlier, a bit optimistic that maybe we would be able to dry the roads up before that afternoon commute. not as optimistic on that regard heading into tomorrow. we will keep an eye on things heading through the day. not going to talk about a lot of rain, a few/100th of an
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inch of rain. widespread basis, higher elevation spots. potentially picking up another quarter of an inch of rainfall. that will be it for awhile. snow in the high sierra, adding up snow. they will get another 1-4 in general. again, winter weather advisory continues through 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. chain controls in effect through the higher elevations, road crews should have all day friday to catch up. if you want to take advantage of the snowfall on ski resorts i think it will look good friday and friday evenings on the road. temperatures, lower to middle 50s. down to 48 degrees in santa rosa. mostly ending up in the middle 40s. the wave of rain moving in. again, it will come at us in a different line and we will have time in between for the temperatures to warm up to a couple degrees above normal. three degrees above normal. the normal high is 60. high temperature, 63 degrees. one of the warm spots across the bay area. for the rest of us where the rain arrives earlier it will keep most of us close to what is
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normal. around 59, 60 degrees, average high temperature for all of the bay area. does not matter if you are along the coast or inland. everyone is in the same playing field. that is the case for friday and saturday as well. not much change to our temperatures to finish off the workweek and heading into the weekend. but, there are changes a little farther down-the-line in the seven-day forecast. not in terms of rain but temperatures. we will look at the out look, start with the inland areas of the bay area, temperatures reaching up to middle 60s. continuing in that territory on tuesday and again on wednesday. we get into middle december, running 6 or 7 degrees above normal for this time of the year and temperatures around the bay, similar pattern. not quite as far into the 60s literally a degree or two cooler than the inland parts of the bay area. not a lot of variation, what you don't see beyond tomorrow any rain chances. not only are we drying things out for the duration of
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the seven-day forecast. maybe a chance by the end of next week and into the following weekend. a huge maybe at this point. unusually long stretch of calm weather as we head through mid-december >> paul, thank you. to find his missing dog all he had to do was look up. 25 feet up a tree to be exact. the owner's theory on how this shepherd got up here in the first place . hey, straight ahead in sports, the 49ers one day into the real preparation for another wrestle with seattle. there is another 49er that did not finish the last game and i know is ready to get after it. the golden state warriors keep grinding, tonight, they did someth
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. you have a phrase that you like to use, we talk about sports, it only matters at the end of the day it only matters in you get. >> 1 point better than the other guy. that is really all
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that matters. but still, the warriors, you figure, okay, they will stream roll it, no, no one fears these guys anymore. and when they show up, they are there to just beat these guys the warriors are still trying to figure it out. the 10 guys off of the bench, rotations, tonight, out of the gate, not good. on to the warriors, a point in the third quarter, sara, where the warriors had 15 turnovers and 12 assists. dove nation can be forgiving, feeling queasy. it is portland. they always beat portland at chase center >> three minutes left. warriors within one. grown, throwing a brock purdy-like pass. hitting in stride. gave the warriors the lead. bringing down the house. a two-hand rip. the blazers stuck around until curry said night night. straight, cash, money. it was really night night for
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portland. warriors came from behind and won it 110-106. next, going to oklahoma city, a pressure cooker game against the thunder on friday night. now, about steph curry's night, the blazers led most of the game. like samuel l. jackson says in his movies, enough is enough. finish with all 22 of them came in the second half. recapping, though, through 20 games, curry scored 30 or more points. nine of them. he has done it 272 times in his career. fourth most among active players, lebron james, durant and harden have more. the win would not have been possible without jonathan who did not even play in the first half. but finished the night with 13 points off of the bench. and that youth movement continues with mosses who got it down on both ends of the floor. finished with 12 points, added a block and a steal. now, pivot to the nfl and the 49ers.
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linebacker, greenlaw, will be back on the field on sunday after he was ejected in philly for his sideline scuffle for eagles head of security. today he said both sides apologize. security guy's name is tom desondro. given that possible momentum-shifting dust up, will the 49ers have to worry about other teams using people on their sideline to bait them into a similar altercation? >> could it be a strategy to use a nonplayer or coach to try to get them kicked out of a game? >> wait until you see what we do this week. >> no, that can't be a strategy. i put an end to it, i think i already have >> it starts on the field with players trying to get into player's heads, let me backtrack to what i said before the break. for the warriors, the first time they won a game when trailing at the half. >> all right. vern, thank you very much. this video of a
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woman throwing a chipotle bowl in a woman's face now a judge wants her to know what it feels like being behind the counterdealing with customers. the judge gave the 39-year-old a choice. time in jail or fast food job. but the judge says he is not sure the woman is sorry and said she was still complaining about the bowl during a hearing. >> wow! >> you have heard about a cat stuck in a tree more than likely. what about a 70 pound german shepherd? >> hi, luna >> that is 10-month-old luna stuck 25 feet up in the air. her owner says she went on sunday morning, he was afraid a mountain lion snagged her and his friends joined in on the search. they did not have to go far. she turned up a day later behind the house. they just had
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to look up. >> just driving down the road and, looked left. i will be darned. i see something in the tree. holy cow, that is the dog. kind of reached up and grabbed her and bear hugged her and walked down the ladder with no hands, just, what? as carefully as possible. >> so, the big question is, what was she doing in the tree? he has his theories. >> we were thinking she chased a squirrel. the squirrel took off up the tree and luna just went right up there. if she ever gets lost again we look up because she can climb trees. [ laughter ] >> no kidding. >> luckily she is safe and sound and she is back on
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. one local rescue is on a
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mission to save 100 senior dogs by giving them the star treatment. guys? >> we have this heart-warming "tail." >> there we go. >> reporter: it is not every day that a doing emerging from a car gets a standing ovation. but even though they don't know it yet these pooches are about to hit the jackpot. >> this is their new beginning. everyone is here to welcome them and make sure they feel safe and loved. >> all right little one. >> angela is the chief veterinarian officer at muttville, senior dog rescue in san francisco. >> you can just take him inside. >> the new arrivals are part of an effort to save 100 elderly dogs from bay area animal shelters where they face possible euthanasia. >> we want to save as many as possible. >> welcome to muttville >> this 8-year-old was found roaming the streets of oakland.
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now she is given a new leash on life. not to mention a name. >> she is no longer homeless. officially got a name, she is going to get put in our computer system and she started off on the right foot for finding her forever home. >> the bay area shelters already stretched to the limit are bracing for tough times. more and more people surrender their pets because they can no longer afford them. >> we always see a pretty significant increase in surrenders during the holidays. >> and the director of oakland animal services. she says since the beginning of 2023, she has taken in more than 1700 dogs, a 25% increase sits last year. it is so bad she had to euthanize five dogs for space for the first time in a long time. >> come on sweetheart. >> when muttville offered to take 10 of her oldest she jumped at the chance. >> we have one vet for over
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7,000 dogs and cats. that is where muttville does is special they will take the dogs with the greatest need, provide medical care and get them in great homes. >> reporter: for glitz it is not just the much-needed visit to the vet. but also her first ever make over which includes a manicure, a bath, and a new hairdo. all of that leading up to a professional photo shoot aimed at finding glitz her last forever home. >> she is pretty adorable dog. dogs there cute typically only stick around for a couple days. >> saving a dog that is clearly ready for her close-up. >> good job. >> okay. we wanted to show you the results of glitz photo shoot. her looking fabulous in her holiday sweater. so cute. >> look at the fur baby. >> look at the ears. adopt her or any of the dogs that you just saw by going to
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and clicking on the link in the story. >> shared a lot of muttville dogs to get them adopted out and some of the other shelters, too. that time of the year people surrender animals. >> i know. >> we try to reverse that. >> i have a rescue dog, very rewarding. he is san older man. >> we have two. one is real old. >> yours is how old? >> almost old enough to vote. 18 next year. yeah. we get him registered and see what he says next winter. >> we got our lab mix chubby who is 9 going on 10. >> we all have older dogs. >> they are the best. >> thanks for watching "the late show," with stephen colbert is next >> former president donald trump is in court. a civil fraud case brought against former president trump and his businesses is under way in new york city. >> among the interesting side notes about today: secret service had to deliverrdp in the courthouse.


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