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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 9, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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drugs in her system. >> hey, there is a needle right here. >> it makes you stop breathing if you have too much. >> was it a murder? >> how crucial were those journals? >> very. >> "48 hours" saturday on cbs streaming on paramount plus. f0 from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00, three oakland coffee shop worker lost their jobs following a confrontation over the israel-hamas war. we have the latest from the cafe. plus, family and customers mourning after a 7-eleven security guard is shot and killed on the job in oakland. >> he was protecting the families of 7-eleven. that's who my father is. and find out what pleasant hills' police chief has to say about letting a shooting
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suspect stay in his home alone for 18 hours before being taken into custody. thank you for joining us at 11:00, i'm andrea nakano. we start tonight in oakland where three cafe workers no longer are on the job after a confrontation with a customer over the violence in gaza. this was the message posted outside farley's east in oakland. the owners calling the confrontation shocking and unacceptable. the owners say it start when had a jewish customer noticed graffiti in the bathroom and tried to take a picture. here's what happened next. >> currently this is a private property. >> i know israel loves taking private property and saying it's their own. >> eventually the woman is let in and records images, including the message zionism is fascism written below a bathroom mirror. the staffers appear to dismiss the woman's concerns and say free palestine
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as she leaves. earlier this week the cafe posted they'd be closed this weekend. that message has been taken down. they released a statement saying nothing we say can adequately capture the horrific suffering and loss of innocent lives in gaza and the suffering in israel. these difficult times should bring us together, and this starts with us creating a safe space for anyone that patronizes our coffee house. this is the latest in rising tensions here in the bay area. richmond and oakland city councils have each passed resolutions calling for a permanent ceasefire. and recently, the group you belong has posted large pink
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billboards across the bay area speaking out against hamas. an eastbound congressman has called for a ceasefire. he held a town hall with the san francisco office on the council of islamic relations today. there were speakers, demonstration, and an art exhibit of children's shoes representing the thousands of innocent children killed by israeli bombs. >> the message is ceasefire now. the message is end the genocide and deaths of innocent civilians and children and vote against funding for israeli arms and weapons. >> this comes after the u.s. was the only one to vote no yesterday striking down a united nations security council resolution for a ceasefire. and after the state department approved the sale of 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition to israel. this is happening on third night of hanukkah. tonight in tel aviv, families of hostages tried to cling on to hope they would see their loved ones again. >> i believe he'll be back. you
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can call it a miracle or whatever you want, but i believe he'll be back. >> an estimated 138 israeli hostages remain captive by hamas. and since the fighting has started, the gaza health ministry says more than 17,000 palestinians have been killed, and more than 2 million people have been displaced. a 7-eleven security guard in oakland was gunned down on the job. this is the second time it's happened this week. monday someone was killed in the lake merit area, and last night's incident was across the lake at harrison and bay. da lin spoke with the guard's daughter. >> reporter: oakland police say they responded to more than 110 homicides so far this year. the latest victim is a beloved security guard. his daughter came by the scene and broke down on the sidewalk. an emotional and gut wrenching scene in front of 7-eleven. a young woman devastated over the
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killing of her father. >> that was my father. my father's dead. >> reporter: she goes by the name snow, and says the security guard was 59-year-old james johnson. i was interviewing a long time customer when we heard screams in the background. >> i was talking to james all the time, you know? he was a good person. i'm very sad because i won't see him anymore. >> reporter: people were walking past her, so i went to check and make sure she's okay. the tore is locationed across from whole foods in the normally quiet adams point neighborhood. police say just after 10:00 on friday night, someone shot the guard inside the store as he tried to stop a man from taking merchandise. police say james died at the scene. snow says her father worked at the store for roughly two years. he lived in a building right behind 7-eleven. >> he was taking care of the families of 7-eleven. that's how my father is. he would do
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that for anyone. >> reporter: she and long time customers described james as a protecter and a kind man. >> he was one of those guys who would, you know, like, give you anything if you need anything. >> james is a good person, good for the community. this guy helped everybody and took care of everybody here. >> he was a nice man. giant man. pretty tall. he would talk to everyone that came in. >> reporter: criminals have repeatedly targeted 7-elevens in oakland. on monday, investigators say someone shot and kill aid man pumping gas at the international boulevard store. two weeks ago, witnesses say eight gunmen, some with extended magazines, robbed a cigarette delivery delivery driver and security guard in front of the grand avenue 7-eleven. and a few years ago another 7-eleven was robbed of cash and cigarettes. snow says her mother julie died ten
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months ago. she has few family members left. she wants justice. >> she died four days before my birthday. and i just found out from my little brother that my dad died. >> reporter: investigators have surveillance footage of the killing, but so far no arrests. they did not release any suspect information. in contra costa county, pleasant hills' police chief is defending his decision to leave a shooting suspect alone in his home for 18 hours. the suspect is a former pittsburgh police officer. john ramos has the story. >> reporter: the man living in the house behind me had already shot his wife and ended up shooting multiple rounds at a swat team. so neighbors here are wondering how he wasn't considered a threat to the public by the police. on saturday morning, there were lots of police at the home on cleopatra drive, just like there were on thursday at 7:00
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a.m. after a woman was shot by her husband when she tried to enter the back door of the house. her injuries were minor, but police tried to get the man to come out. he'd been posting videos to social media wearing a flak vest and holding an assault rifle and the message anyone trying to break into my home is going to be killed, and i will have no remorse because i did a good thing to rid evil. but at around 11:30 p.m. thursday night, with the suspect still inside, the swat team packed up and left. a news release said despitehe fact that his posts suggested he might be suicidal, circumstances suggested that he was quote, not an immediate threat to the general public. police chief scott vermilion says it was his decision. >> i believe i made the right decision. having said that, the factors changed, and my decision to do that, eventually
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it really didn't work. for that i'm accountable. >> reporter: vermilion said he believed the suspect had a grudge against police, and by leaving, they'd deescalate the situation. >> i believed there would be a cooling off period, and he would not escalate. in fact, he did the opposite. >> reporter: the chief says some officers remained in the neighborhood in unmarked vehicles watching the house. but at 5:30 p.m. friday night, 18 hours later, the swat team returned after the suspect's angry posts continued, and he ended up firing some 30 rounds at their armored vehicle. finally at 8:00 saturday morning, he surrendered. peter shears lives in the neighborhood and couldn't figure out why the street had suddenly become reopened. >> that was weird to me too, you know? i didn't understand it. i thought maybe he escaped the house or something. but he was still in the house. >> reporter: ed george was helping a friend move out of a home next door while the suspect was still in the house. >> so my concern is if he's
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still there and there's no police presence around, he could run and become a fugitive and endanger someone else's life. to me that's endangering the public. >> reporter: as for shears, he thinks the fact that the suspect was a former cop played a major role in how the situation was handled. >> i think if it was a black guy, he was dead by now for sure. sounds racist, but that's the way it is. do you understand the perception of a lot of people in the bay area, they'll look at this and say the police just walked away from an armed suspect who was a former police officer? >> yeah, i absolutely do understand that. i made those decisions for the reasons i've stated. at the end, it ended peacefully, and nobody got hurt. that's the best resolution we could have asked for. >> reporter: still, the police chief says he considers this a learning point for the next time something like this should occur. >> the suspect faces a charge of attack with a deadly weapon on his wife as well as multiple
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counts of attempted homicide of a police officer. meanwhile, the city of oakland is working hard to make one street safer. community members and volunteers gathered this morning for a community clean up. this was in the area of alameda avenue. it comes after the city cleared out all the rvs parked there in october. this is by the home depot on high street. today they removed graffiti, picked up trash, and pulled some weeds. >> our management team came out and did a closure, clean up and closure of the area. and now we're working with neighbors to provide ongoing clean ups and sustainability for the corridor. we probably have 250 bags of debris we cleaned up from the home depot entrance to the fruitvale bridge. >> they hope to continue the clean ups on a monthly basis. their next event is set for
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january. still ahead here on kpix 5 news at 11:00, colorful lanterns lit up the streets of san francisco tonight. we have the meaning behind the peril festival. and the latest on a wildfire burning in southern california that's already destroyed thousands of acres. and here at home we have another frost advisory tonight. it's just for the north bay valleys. you'll be in the low 30s. doesn't mean it's not going to be cold for your part of the bay. we'll look at everybody's numbers, and then we're going to jump ahead. the next chance of rain showing up by next weekend. we look at how quickly it may or may not be in the forecast next.
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severe storms and tornadoes in tennessee left three beam dead and nearly two dozen injured. storm clouds gathering together over the city of clarksville earlier today. the twister left thousands of people without power and caused widespread damage to homes and businesses. in southern california, evacuation orders were put in place in parts of ventura county as crews battle this brush fire. flames broke out on south mountain just east of ventura this morning. the fast growing wildfire torched more than 2400 acres. >> every time there's a fire in
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the area, you can't help but wonder are they going to put it out in time or is it going to grow? but we know in december there will be fire, so we have to be vigilant. >> right now there's no containment. a red flag warning is currently in effect in the area. no red flag warning over here, but a cold advisory maybe because it is freezing! >> it is. in some spots literally. north bay valleys got down to 32 this morning in santa rosa. we're very likely going to do that again. a clear view from the top of the mark hopkins hotel. but looking ahead to tomorrow morning, you pick out your part of the bay on here. then i'll spotlight the deep pools of blue. the interior valleys, central valley into sonoma county and napa. that's where we have a
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frost advisory for tomorrow. good news is this might be the last one for a little while. we'll get a subtle warming trend on the morning lows. tomorrow is even a couple of degrees warmer than today, but it's still close enough. you probably won't notice a lot of difference. that system will be interesting for saturday's rain. we'll talk about the difficulties of the forecast for the next chance of rain on saturday in one moment. these are tomorrow's daytime highs. you get a pretty afternoon. then a cold morning in the low 60s. these numbers are a little above average for this time of year. before we get to saturday's rain, there's one other thing we need to discuss. there will be a bit of an increase in the potential for fog again on tuesday. then on tuesday morning something else develops. a different looking cloud. central valley fills. i want to brighten this and come in for a closer look at the
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bay. if you look inside some of the low spots, we're developing low stratus clouds. there's the tri-valley, santa clara valley, the entire bay and north bay valleys as well. this is what it looks like when we develop radiation fog. it's not like the normal stuff we get in the summer that's relatively high. this develops in the bay near the ground, and can usually be a bigger issue for fog. so tuesday morning, early heads up on that. we had quite a fog issue last week. now the rain. we look at the storm track, and you can see the systems for now want nothing to do with us. then the next line develops. another cut off low develops right back there. see it? sits there and spins for a few days. this is what the season has been like for us so far. they're difficult to forecast because they're not being
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pushed along by the storm track. they're cut off from the jet stream and just sit out there and wobble. so we have to look at it this in a slightly different way. this is one model's depiction of what it will look like. but the best way to forecast a low like this is use the ensembles that gives the consensus in different forecast runs. even though the singular model we looked at where we could see it spinning didn't think the system would come on shore for the weekend, the ensembles do. doesn't look like major amounts of rain out of this. the totals have been going up and down all day. we're not going to get too bogged down in how much rain we'll get. we'll just say a chance of rain. probably not major, but chance of rain saturday into sunday. seven-day forecast showing no big differences in the daytime highs. we looked at the long range storm track in the last newscast at 6:00 where you
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might have been hearing as we get towards christmas, it looks like the jet stream is going to start orienting itself in a much more el nino way, and we could be looking at more widespread rain. but that's two weeks down the road. too early for that. andrea, over to you. roughly 3,000 people turned out in san francisco for the 21st annual peril lantern festival. awards were given out for the best lantern creators. it's a tradition from the philippines to honor ancestors. it celebrates love and hope and putting light over darkness. >> whether or not you were born in the philippines or you grew up here, we love christmas, and it's so important for us to come together and be able to preserve our culture. >> tonight's theme was breaking dawn, focused on illuminating mental health. organizers see
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the free event as not only a fun night, but a way to build community and having lasting positive impacts. switching over to sports. the giants fans know all about missing out on big free agents, but this one may sing more than the rest. ohtani won't be coming to san francisco. - [narrator] every day, our lives are filled with choices, both simple and life-changing. what's not a choice? addiction to opioids like fentanyl. but even with opioid use disorder, you still have a choice.
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by choosing treatment, you choose family, your career and your life on your terms. choose change, california, and find medically proven treatment options at i know the importance of taking care of myself. how are you doing pro between practices?ns i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look
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at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente. all week the giants and fans waited for news on ohtani and where he'll play next season. well, it's not san francisco, and that's not the worst part of this whole story. he announced on instagram that he is signing with the dodgers.
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the deal is for a ten-year deal worth $700 million. it's the largest contract in sports history. it's the biggest deal in baseball history by more than 250 million. and the 70 million average per year is higher than the a's entire payroll last season. the giants along with la, cubs, blue jays, and angels were seen as the favorites to sign the two-way superstar. today's news is a frustrating trend for the giants and big name free agents. last season aaron judge passed on returning to northern california and resigned with the yankees. san francisco did agree to a deal with carlos correa, but it fell apart when he failed his physical. and now they miss out on ohtani, the biggest name in baseball who signs with their bitter rivals in la. high school football, sera high reached the state division title game for the third straight year, but they were
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heavy underdogs to their southern california opponent. they faced the third ranked team in the country, mater day. elijah harris gives the the monarchs a 14-0 lead. 28-0 in the fourth, and here's the trick play for mater day. the 31-yard strike. they blow out serr a 35-0 as the padres lose in the state title game for the third straight year. the first state championship game appearance for acalani. the dons trailing birmingham 23-21. they score for a 28-23 lead. they go for it on 4th and goal. bailey throws his fourth touchdown pass, a ten yarder to put the
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game away. they win 35-23 to win their first state title. the lakers win it all tonight. well, at least the inaugural in season tournament. and the 49ers prepare to host the seahawks tomorrow. we'll have more on the newest addition to su
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the 49ers signed safely logan ryan earlier this week. he's yet to play in the nfl this season, but he did leave a title contender. >> coaching my kid's soccer team, my five-year-old, we were undefeated with three games left. i had to leave the kids. >> ryan would have been here sooner. san francisco reached out last month, but ryan had already booked a family cruise over thanksgiving. >> i knew that the 49ers were interested at that point. there wasn't any drinking on the cruise, unfortunately, and i occupied that gym quite a bit. >> reporter: was your wife bummed when the cruise turned into watching 49ers tape? >> we put the kids in child care, so she got to read a book
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and i watched film. she wasn't too bummed. >> and the key word there is the children were in child care. college football, lsu quarterback won the heisman trophy saturday night beating out other players. he started his college career at arizona state and passed for 3800 yards, ran for over 1100 and totaled 50 touchdowns. this is the championship game of the nfl's first in season tournament. lakers facing the pacers. james with the oop to davis. 41 points and 20 boards for him. the lakers pulled away late finishing the game on a run. lebron caps it off with a dunk and wins tournament mvp. lakers win 123 to 109 to win the first in
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season tournament, and each player takes him $500,000. not bad. terrell davis in the house for st. mary's visit to colorado state. gales up 1. jefferson hits the three to beat the shot clock. st. mary's trying to pull off the upset. both shots from beyond the arc are off, and the gales upset the third ranked rams handing csu their first loss of the season. coming up, a new book for kids debuted alaska airlines $99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend... you know, one of us is gonna have to change? but we're twinning? oh yay. ♪♪ ♪ we care a lot. ♪
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you know, my friend funshine would have loved this trip. ♪♪ well our companion fare is just $99 with the alaska airlines visa card, so your friend can come along with you! next time you're the legs! ♪ ♪ we care a lot ♪ today was the laying low toy drive in san jose. this was also the launch of the book the abcs of low riding. the book is designed to reach kids the
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alphabet while they learn about low riding culture. toys collected at today's event will go to kids at two schools in san jose. i didn't know there was even an abcs
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female: thank you so much for the recent sermon on gratitude. i needed to hear that, as i often struggle with how much i'm being blessed in the moment. i'm so thankful for dr. stanley's life, and grateful that in touch is continuing his mission. female: dear in touch, the daily devotion i received this month was so timely, as i'm dealing with the loss of my mother. i now have a plan to connect with the elderly in my community to help carry on her legacy. female: oh, this is pretty.


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