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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 11, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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now at 11:00. her father was murdered in cold blood, tonight, the security video that the police want you to take a good look at. they had seconds to react when the home next door went up in flames >> we had to go the other way and climb over our neighbor's fence. >> what was going on inside of that house that the investigators are looking into tonight? >> he wanted an autograph so badly he walked into the front door of steph curry's house. a trip down the slopes in tahoe takes a turn when a bear
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decided to take a run. hi, i'm sara donchey in is no closure for a bay area family whose loved one was shot and killed on the job. a new clue could be the key in finding them justice. james johnson was killed during a robbery while working as a security guard at a oakland 7/11 store. johnson, you see him by the door, exchange words with the suspect who was in the aisle. it looks like the suspect was holding something. seconds later, johnson throws something at the suspect, the suspect shoots him and running out the door. people have been leaving flowers outside of the store and long time customers tell us they want the violence to stop and that someone or everyone needs to do something about it. >> it is sad. close to home. like a family member. >> one of those people greeting
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you with a smile and filled with energy. >> reporter: while covering the story over the weekend our reporter, da lin had to stop an interview midway through. what happened next was heartbreaking and touching. >> reporter: an emotional and gut-wrenching scene in front of 7/11. a young woman devastated over the dilling of her father. [crying] >> my mom is dead, too. >> reporter: she goes by the name snow. the security guard was 59-year-old james johnson. i was interviewing a long time customer when we heard screams in the background. >> i am talking to him all of the time. a good person. i am very sorry. i don't see him no more james. >> reporter: people were walking passed her. i went up to check on her to make sure she was okay the store is located across from whole foods in the normally quiet adams point neighborhood. the police say after 10:00 on friday
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night, someone shot the guard inside of the store as he tried to stop a man from taking merchandise. james died at the scene. snow says her father worked at the store for roughly two years. lived in the building behind 7/11. >> he was protecting the family at 7/11. i know my father he would do that for anyone he cares about. >> reporter: james is a protector and a kind man. >> he was one of those, one of those guys that, you know, would give you anything if you needed anything. >> james is a good person. good for the community. this guy, you know, helped everybody. took care of everybody here. >> he was a nice man. pretty tall. a giant man. he would talk to everyone that came in. >> reporter: criminals reportedly targeted 7/11s in oakland. on monday, investigators say someone shot and killed a man pumping gas at
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the international boulevard store. two weeks ago, witnesses say that eight gunman, some with extended magazines robbed a cigarette delivery driver and a security guard in front of the grand avenue 7/11. a few months ago a gunman robbed mcarthur boulevard. >> oakland is dangerous right now. we need it to change. >> reporter: snow says her mother died 10 months ago. she has few family members left. she wants justice. >> she died four days before my birthday. [crying] and i just found out through my little brother that my dad died >> so sad for that family. no arrests made in this case. oakland police responded to 110 homicides this year alone. this fire that consumed an entire house in san francisco seems scary just looking at this video. it was a real life horror for someone who was almost caught in it. they had
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to leap from the third floor. it spread to other homes, two people had to go to the hospital. tonight, this is the aftermath. a huge mess. betty yu had to talk to people who had to get out fast. >> reporter: they are boarding up the home that went up in flames. it displaced neighbors living nearby. >> reporter: it took 100 firefighters 3-1/2 hours to bring this fire under control on monday morning. a woman jumped from the third floor to escape the burning home and landed in the backyard, sustaining serious injuries. another was rescued by firefighters and also hospitalized. they were sleeping when the fire broke out after 3:00 a.m. between grove and hay streets >> we were asleep. my dog barked and woke us up. and, when we got up to see what she was barking at we thought at
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first it must be an intruder of some kind, it just sounded like crashing and things breaking but when you looked outside it was clear that the, there was a fire. >> charlotte said she had no time to grab anything but her dogs. >> there was so much fire there we could not go out. we had to go the other way and climb over the neighbor's fence. >> the fire caused extensive damage to homes next door and displaced several residents including charlotte. >> it made me think of loony toons houses on fire. the flames pushing out of both floors >> what were you doing in that moment? >> very little honestly. it was just very -- in a lot of shock. >> reporter: sf fire said the home was under renovation. it was occupied. >> renovation factors, construction factors can lead to fires having more flow paths. >> reporter: the cause is still
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under investigation. sf fire captain said the department's firefighters are specifically trained to effectively battle these kinds of structure fires that are unique to san francisco. if you live near a home that is doing any renovation work. >> you can always if you nor the comfortable talking to your neighbors you can go on the department of building inspection's website and see what permits they have and if you don't see permits file a complaint to have an inspector go and see what they are doing. >> reporter: in the meantime, charlotte is taking stock of what might be salvageable in her home. >> charlotte said she and her partner will stay with friends. sf fire said three other people accepted help from the red cross. a man accused of killing his own girlfriend, a tech worker, will be back to work on friday to be arraigned for murder. the 29-year-old scott fisher stabbed kimberly wong to
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death. given no bail at his initial appearance. wong was found dead on november 30th in their apartment. this is the first domestic violence homicide her office prosecuted this year. >> my message is for anybody in a relationship involving domestic violence that they please, please contact the authorities. that they find a place of safety. there are so many shelters and resources available to victims of domestic violence including my office. we want to be here to support the victims. >> fisher faces 26 years to life. the da says she will push for him to stay in custody tonight . tonight, the mayor is facing questions about how the police handled a barricaded police officer after shooting and wounding his wife. then they backed off friday morning
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without arresting him. that was time to give, that was meant to give him time to cool down. the police lifted a shelter in place order for the neighborhood. then it was back in place for friday evening when s.w.a.t. negotiators moved in. saturday morning he fired shots at armored vehicles before surrendering. his wife is expected to be okay. the mayor gave a statement saying the police believed that he wanted to force a violent encounter with law enforcement and deescalating led him to safely surrendering. this taco vendor was held up at knife point for everything he had. tonight, people lined up for hours to help him make it all back. and people running for their lives when part of an apartment building collapsed on top of them. why firefighters are calling this a miracle. and, how far would you go to get steph curry's autograph? the authorities say one guy went far enough to get arrested. the fog has pretty much swallowed up downtown san
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francisco. our live view from the hotel shows all of that fog. this is what it will look like tomorrow morning, widespread dense fog for the morning commute. warning up in the afternoon. details on that and the next forecast. if victory for the 49ers can not get any better, it did. the niners did not have to play. we have seen a lot of videos of bears stuck in cars, raiding homes, this one, it was an interesting close call.
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. the new york fire department is calling this one a miracle. no one was hurt after a seven floor apartment building came crashing down this afternoon. a security camera caught the moment that a building came down. people were running for their lives, yellow school bus right there got out of the way in time, too. >> we don't know the structural integrity of the building has been compromised. you can see bedrooms and living room that have been collapsed. >> wow, tonight, dozens of families are displaced. the building was almost 100 years old and had seven open code violations. alameda sheriff deputies are looking for the driver who took a shot at a 70-year-old man and his 14-year-old dog in an act of road rage. it happened early this afternoon near foothill and castro valley boulevard. investigators say the other driver sped up to pass the man and fired a bullet right in the bed of his truck. he pulled into a nearby chp station unharmed but shaken up. all we know is they were
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driving a light colored sedan. wanting an autograph from one of the greatest basketball players ever is understandable. showing up to his house to get it, not so much. walking snow his house, well, that is on another level. the san mateo da says someone did it. someone got into curry's home back in expowct he did not have to work hard to do it. he allegedly pushed buttons at the gate. it opened, he walked through the unlock front door. the family's nanny scared him off. the man said he only wanted his autograph. there is a warrant out for the man's arrest after missing a court date. mass destruction in tennessee after tornadoes tore through parts of the state. six people killed, 80 people hurt. the debris stretched for miles now people are working to cleanup and find shelter for all of the people that lost their homes, this
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video of a substation going up in a fireball when a tornado hit is all over social media. you can see a moment when the tornado moved in. then, there it goes. the flames. all right, paul heggen, obviously this is near and dear to your heart. tweeting about this all weekend, you saw. kind of talking about the fact that people need to be warned when these kinds of things happened. life-threatening weather is a big part of the concern. that is scary. >> six people lost their lives in the tornadoes. half a dozen different tornadoes touched down in december. not exactly prime tornado season. just know it is a symptom of a changing environment. around here, the weather is the act opposite of that. just calm conditions, taking over as we head through the rest of this week. by the weekend, things will shift a little bit. a more active weather pattern by the second half of the weekend. we will talk about that in a moment. in the short term, a lot of fog swallowing the tops of all of
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the buildings downtown. it is stabilized over the last few hours. as the fog develops and holds some warmth near ground level to keep the temperatures from falling too much farther, the fog will be widespread going through the rest of tonight into early tomorrow morning, future cast slows the bright white, the low-lying cloud cover. the fog is sitting at ground level. the duller shades of gray, clouds up in the atmosphere. the fog, not lasting all day. about 10:00 or so. it should break up along the bay and the coast. the temperatures tonight, they are going to be nearly steady or dropping a few more degrees or a couple spots as the fog continues to develop. just a couple of spots dipping down. a few degrees above average. stop trying to put the brakes on the warm up. the warm spots, san jose, morgan hill, climbing up
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to 65 degrees by tomorrow afternoon. similar to the charges across the bay area. cooler spots around, maybe slightly below 60 degrees, half moon bay, hitting 59 for the afternoon. only around 60 degrees. a degree above in oakland. the temperatures in the north bay. the fog, slowing down the warm up. hitting the lower to middle 60s by tuesday afternoon. similar temperatures through the rest of the workweek and even into the weekend as the rain chances increase. the temperatures are going to be above normal. let's talk about the rain chances, two major long-ranges but to do this when the weather event is. >> the forecast model pushing through this afternoon. the europe model keeps it off of the coast. i would be flexible. anything you want to get done
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outside, saturday looks like a better day. the rain will move in. that is the point of agreement. they bring in widespread rain across the area on monday. bringing in quite a bit of snow, high-level of weather pattern to carry us through much of next week and the long-range forecast. 6-10 day outlook from the climate prediction center. showing a significant chance of wetter than normal conditions, the 8-14 day outlook takes us all of the way through christmas day. parts of the inland bay area, day-by-day, the temperatures will not change a lot. lower to middle 60s across the bay area. does not matter if you are inland, around the bay or along the coast. the active days the most two days of the seven-day forecast. uncertainty at this point in terms of when the rain will arrive. right now we are adding rain chances, widespread rain in the forecast by monday. we will keep you updated as everything evolves heading through the rest of this week. fog is the issue, fog in the
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mornings, wednesday, thursday, friday as well. we know there is dense fog out there already. heading through the rest of tonight into tomorrow morning, heading out the door tomorrow. no rain to worry about. allow extra time as you are leaving the house, extra stopping distance on the roads as well to a coincident for the reduced visibility. >> good advice, thank you, paul. in south l.a. people stood in huge lines for dinner to show support for a community favorite taco vendor. that is after the family was held up at knife point. a man walked over to the stand on friday night and then he held a knife to the owner's neck. turns it toward's the man's wife, demanding all of the $600 that the family made that night >> it is a lot for them. all of their sacrifices. their life does matter first. >> tonight, the family was back at their usual coroner with armed security that provided their services for free. the family thinks the suspect and
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his accomplice bought tacos from them earlier that night. so far they have not been caught. we are two weeks away from christmas. bay area is working around-the-clock to give healthy meals to local families at the food bank, half of the food they send out into the community it is fresh produce. >> volunteers are critical to our mission. we could not do this work without them. we would have to have about 50 more people or a third of our staff without the volunteers. we need more. as important as ever you can scan the qr code on your screen to donate for our food to bay area drive. every dollar raised buys two meals. sign up to volunteer your time that is appreciated. here is a question for you. would you wear this christmas sweater? in-n-out was in charge of this saucy design last year. >> tonight, two monday night football games. 49ers have
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their eyes on one of them with interest. why? don't worry. i will tell you.
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. i admit when i don't know something. sometimes it is hard for me to understand what the math looks like. >> yes. >> it is easier when you are number one. when you are on top i feel like i understand your chances are good >> yes. but you got to keep going and keep the pressure going. how do you mentally do that? i don't know. we are talking about the 49ers, sara, nice being first. 9ers number one seed in the conference. they say in the old game slows, but wait there's more. the g-men, i will tell you why, they are hosting the packers picking up late. giants knocking at the door. trying to make a play. both feet down.
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yes. 90 seconds left. green bay within five, jordan love, hit the pylon, son. packers scored and led 22-21. got the giants to field goal range. if he hit, 49ers in the playoffs. game. 37 yarder gave the giants a 24/22 win and it also allowed the 49ers to be the first team to clinch a playoff spot. so, the quarterback brock purdy and the fellas, playing in the post season for a second straight year. purdy making a case for mvp. he is at the top or near the top of the key quarterback stats in the league. he through for a career high in sunday's win over seattle. how does another mvp candidate running back mccaffrey feel about his quarterback? >> he is the same guy every day. he is silent assassin. he is growing but playing at a high-level all of time if he
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just continues to be him, we are in the right spot. >> [ inaudible question ] >> oh, man. i mean, i am sort of going to not answer that. i respect that, thank you, christian. >> dolphins, two touchdown favorites at home against tennessee. tied with under six minutes to play. the former 49er scored and made the lead. here is how they celebrated. cute. the titans did not fool around. trailed. down six. henry takes the lead. they won the game 28-27 a stunner and get this. the titans are the first nfl team since 2016 to win after being down by 14 with three minutes to play. and,
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baseball. oh. dodgers officially announce the signing of ohtani he will defer millions of it once the deal ends in 2024. those are eye hopping. >> speaking of numbers. i will not lie. the dolphins lots. it cost me a bye in the fantasy football league playoffs. >> he was my quarterback. it did not go well, i think, i am out now. >> well, we will see what the tiebreaker had to say tomorrow. >> we will check in again, vern. >> question, do you like ugly christmas sweaters? >> i do. >> if you want to add a new one. in-n-out. this year's sweater, white with red trim with classic red palm trees, it says "bite me" with a giant double cheeseburger. i would like the producer to know double double. that is a nod to
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the bumper sticker. they cost $70. it seems like the company really scaled back its design there year. last holiday they this questionable creation, a lot going on here. french fries with tiny christmas hats, decorating a let us christmas tree with oh, yeah. special sauce but it looks like worms rather than a tasteful decoration. >> our favorite late night host is back after being off of the air for two weeks. stephen colbert tested positive for covid and then over thanksgiving weekend he had emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix. liz cheney joining him tonight and olivia rodrigo is the musical guest. when a bear shows up on the slopes it gets a little trickier
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. are you guys skiers? >> no. sorry. >> i have not been since i was a kid. >> that would be interesting to see. [ laughter ] >> people do seem to have enough to worry about when they are skiing, staying up right for example. not running into other people. staying away from trees. but something happened on the slopes in tahoe this weekend that nobody could of seen coming truly. a skier posted this as they were going down the slopes, there is at heavenly in south lake tahoe. the bear cut right through the ski run. almost took out the camera person. it looked like the other people around did not notice until the last second. that could of gone badly for all parties involved. i mean, imagine. >> yes. i would say those.
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those are big animals, getting tangled up with the bear. >> the bear would not be pleased. >> that is what i assume. >> yeah, no. pass on all of that. >> that bear can go anywhere he wants, pass on right through >> go ahead. put him on a snowboard. >> yes. that has not convinced me to go to tahoe. speaking of bears behaving badly. they are busting down doors. one homeowner said a bear seemed to go grocery shopping inside of her house. >> the bears are just, you know, running amuck. they are breaking into the houses. >> the double bolted door that the bear busted through at christine's home in tahoe city. now boarded up. >> i can not imagine how they have squeezed through the front door let alone raid my refrigerator. and, you know, go shopping in the pantry in the kitchen. >> his friend came to check on her home when he discovered it has been invaded by a bear.
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>> the bear opened the freezer. we can see the bear's paw prints on the freezer. all of the food was thrown on the floor where the bear picked through it. at the same time, little did he know, his own home eight miles away became the target of a bear break in. >> i think they are crazed for calories right now. >> you would think they would slow down. but we are still getting these bear calls. >> they have gotten calls about bear break ins every single day in december. but, the sheriff's office says it is not uncommon. >> bear break ins are pretty much a normal occurrence. we are living in their habitat. >> hmm. >> okay. >> yeah. >> i know. keep talking about the forecast and how nice it is and the beautiful snow. >> and the bears are eating. >> cleanup on aisle 5. >> they will get quite a bit of
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snow next week. the ski resort is happy. hibernation. that and all of the granola bars. >> i am not an expert on anything. [ laughter ] >> all right. well, we wish them well. thanks for watching, the late show with stephen colbert is all new and is next good night. >> gotta get out of my way. >> from "no comment" to endless cameos on command... >> hi! i'm former u.s. congressman


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