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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 13, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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m/casting and apply now. . now at 11:00. have draymond's dreams be handed to him? we asked fans, are you still down for draymond? >> weapon, fights, stabbings, what is going on at santa rosa schools. the debate about putting police back on campus.
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>> had i been here, they would not have gotten away with it. knocking out anti-semitism with actual martial arts. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i'm sara donchey. dray plrks mond green is feeling blue, the league suspended him indefinitely for that haymaker on the hardwood. the indefinitely part is new for him. the suspension thing is not. he has been ejected 18 times in his career. the most out of any active nba player. he has been suspended six times. this one is going to cost him about $153,000 for game. if it is less than 20
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games, $202,000 if he is out longer than that. >> until he meets the leagua team's condition. it will not be in time for the time they play the clippers tomorrow night. he got 5 for the choke hold. the optics of it were just, they were just bad. a spitting backs in is what we like to call it. [music] >> and can curry has the board. three gets tied up. he grabs
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him. he steps on him. that was intentional. with that right foot. oh, man. >> that will be a flagrant. >> that is a swipe across the face. >> i am going to guess they are going to get him for two. >> i think you are right coach. >> oh, buddy. he is polarizing, okay. but sara, this team is build with green as a vessel for the offense and the defense where he makes the play calls. each one of these missteps has come with an apology. we have seen this movie before. >> i was wrong for my actions that took place on wednesday and for that i have apologized
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to my team. i have apologized. >> it don't work, draymond will not be moved. i will continue to play the game like continue to play the game and operate how i operate. be exactly who i am because that leads to winning. i will always be there for my teammates that is who i am. that is who i am as a teammate and a friend. i will be there for you. right, wrong, indifferent. you look to your side i will be. >> i hit him. i do apologize to him. i did not intend to hit him. i think you have known me long enough if i intended to do something i am not apologizing for it. >> oh, there it is. he leads the team for games in the record for 10, 10 and 13. at the bottom of the division. for sure. he will be around to
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practice with the team. game presence, gone, defense, gone, all going to hurt the team. kerr had it right. there has to be a way to harness that self-control. they can not win without him. they know it. we know it they have gone on with us over and over and over again internally and still, not going to change the way he plays. i would be interested in private without the cameras, without the press, just to hear what he has to say to him. >> it would not be a g-rated conversation. >> i think not, on either side, actually. >> well, vern, thank you very much. it seems like for awhile they had draymond's back, all of the ups and the downs, we were asking fans, are you still
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with draymond? >> reporter: the ejection during the game was a hot topic among warrior fans, many can not sweep it under the rug anymore and say it is draymond being draymond again. >> reporter: these brothers were enjoying food and drink. they watched that video of green striking him several times. he said it is hard to believe the blow was not intentional. >> you over sold it. you could of fallen forward, that haymaker, no. >> he has been called the heartbeat of the team. the player that provides the energy. he has not provided that spark consistently this season. >> i did not mind his behavior when he was playing well, right? he has not been playing
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well for quite awhile.. >> reporter: it leaves fans to contemplate the unthinkable. >> he has had many opportunities. he talks the talk, lately he can not back it up. i love the guy but it is time to move on. >> there is always hope that green will return from a suspension, this time, as a changed man. fans say it is still early enough in the season for them to turn it around. >> they have the second half to go, we will see. it is bay area sports, that is all i can say. >> what does that mean? >> you have to wait until the end, you know. >> as for people on line be sides the flood of wrestling gifts with his face on it. he posted a lot on x, a lot of people being silent, maybe they are sleeping or maybe they finally woke up. the organization inability to discipline and control draymond green within their own locker
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room should be the sorry. warriors built a three times defense around green, let's not discount that. >> in the north bay tonight, the police officers are coming back to santa rosa high schools and middle schools for the next two weeks after violence and weapon on campuses the latest happened just this morning at herbert slater middle school. a 14-year-old boy was arrested for trespassing on campus with a knife. they say he attends a different school. some parents and teachers waited over an hour to get inside this packed school board meeting tonight to talk about campus safety. many had to settle on an overflow area after the main space filled up. school resource officers were booted from santa rosa schools three years ago. tonight, people were divided on to bring them back. some of the people who don't want them on catch us want more mental health help for students instead. tonight, one parent told us she had to go to extremes to get the district to stop her son from being
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bullied. >> i complained many times to the school. then the school basically say it is okay. we are going to talk with the perpetrator. we are going to talk to the parents. that happened three times to my kid and i, i decided to talk with the principal and i said if it does not stop i will sue the school and the district and at that point they do something. >> over the past two weeks there have been violent incidents at three campuses. herbert slater middle school, santa rosa high and montgomery high. santa rosa police say they confiscat everything from kitchen knives to gun parts on campuses. we will continue to follow the debate over if santa rosa schools should bring officers back to campus. one bay area studio owner is taking anti-semitism to the mat. >> they are worried if someone grabs me, chokes me. >> the growing interest in israeli martial arts at a time
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when tensions are at a boiling point. what this man did with a knife on a freeway overpass is a hate crime. taking a little while for this morning's fog to dissipate. it gave way to plenty of sunshine and high cloud cover. we will not see nearly as much fog. high clouds here for the next couple of days and details coming up in the forecast. if you love dogs but love looking at muscles it is going to be a happy new year.
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. on the second to the last night of hanukkah, people gathered at the menorah. local leaders including mayor london breed were there. in oakland, hundreds of people from all backgrounds and religions gathered to relight a menorah that was destroyed. the base was spray painted also with a pro feign and threatening message that read in part "we are going to find you." >> i feel outraged. i feel upset. i feel that, you know, the city can do better. it is awful that a sim bomb that symbolizes love and light and hope and dispelling darkness and hate should be, you know, destroyed by hate. >> oakland say city of love, oakland is a city of so many
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people from so many different backgrounds >> there is a look at the menorah, nine feet tall, 350 pounds and made out of steel. the state senator called the vandalism an act of cowardes.s. a group called care said they were saddened and outraged. such an act is not only an attack on the jewish community but an affront to all that stand for religious freedom. they wrote, i want to be clear what happened was not just an attack on the jewish community but our entire city and shared values. the police are looking into a possible pair of hate crimes as pro-gaza banners were torn down from overpasses. one of them was caught on camera there weekend. >> sir. do not take the banner down. >> care, they posted this video on what happened on sunday at
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an overpass. a man with a knife started slashing at a banner that read "end israeli occupation, save gaza" he ended up putting it in his car and drove off. in san francisco, student protesters blocked streets around the school district officers calling for a permanent ceasefire in gaza. >> as the youth collectively we stand with palestine, free palestine. we wanted to show that. >> the students are demanding more support for palestinian, arab and muslim students amid what they say is a wave of discrimination and violence. they are reporting a 170% spike in antimuslim, and antipalestinian hate acts since the war began. during that same time, the antidefamation league says anti-semitic incidents jumped by 337%. that pushed plane members of the bay area jewish community to find ways
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to fight back against hate. >> reporter: with anti-semitism on the rise, members of the jewish community are taking matters into their own hands by flipping the script. >> for years, they wanted to learn self-defense. but it took a war in the middle east to kick start his martial arts journey. >> it is isolated. people are talking about me and my family and my people in a way that are less than human. >> reporter: israeli american, the last couple of months, he says, have been rough. first came the horrific attack by hamas on innocent civilians then came the expressions of anti-semitism. in this country and around the world. >> i worry about my family all of the time. it is, it is unimaginable. >> reporter: combat is an israeli martial art where they attack the vulnerable targets
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>> if you can move you can defend yourself. >> good job. well done. >> reporter: joel brown is member of combat in san francisco. since the war began he has seen a 74% jump in students. >> when they come in, they are shy. they are, they are really worried about what happens if someone grabs me, someone chokes me. >> reporter: last week his own school sign was the target of anti-semitism when it was defaced. >> i felt violated. had i been here they would not have gotten away with it. i would of stopped them. given them their first lesson for free. >> find where you are in the room and go and attack. >> today's session is focused on being able to identify your attacker on a crowded train. he passes the test with flying colors. >> this feeling is stronger. just feeling like i have a better grasp in my surroundings and what i can do. >> reporter: wearing his star
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of david with pride. knowing that now he can fight a good fight. >> if you would like to learn more, you can check out our website at >> you would be good at that, no? >> i never really did any hand to hand combat stuff. never was like in boxing or wrestling as a kid >> yes but you have endurance that goes a long way. >> yes. especially . >> yeah. tough. >> yes. i don't know any of them that are easy, though. >> no. that one focused on efficient and stay down. >> that is what you do to the other stations when it comes to forecasting. >> we try. [ laughter ] >> it is our new bumper sticker. [ laughter ] >> yeah. yeah. let's take a look -- that is stretching a metaphor really far. >> let's check on what is going on, the next rain chances. first we will look at what you
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need to know for the next several days. not seeing any fog yet this evening but patchy fog is possible as we head through early tomorrow morning. should not take long to dissipate. passing high cloud cover tomorrow and friday, resulting in filtered sunshine. a warm dry start to the weekend on saturday. get your outdoor stuff done on saturday. the rain arrives on sunday. it will stick around monday and tuesday and even into wednesday. now, the high cloud cover it is going to allow the sunshine to filter through. you will see the impact it has on solargeneration. the clouds will be thicker on friday. let's take a different look outside. this time from san jose and check out current temperatures, dropping down to the 40s. holding on to 53 in san francisco and 50 in san jose. a mix of 30s and 40s by early tomorrow morning, middle to upper 30s and 40s inland with lower to middle 40s along the bay and the coast. all of the numbers close to what is normal for this time of the year. despite the high cloud
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cover we will warm up tomorrow. the temperatures will warm up 3-5 degrees above average. more for san jose. middle 60s for most of the valley. the warm spots on the plan along with middle 60 s in fremont and down in the peninsula. inland, the east bay, cool spot, 59 degrees in antioch. that is not that cool for mid-december. in fact, exactly normal. everywhere else will be above average. lower 60s in the coast and oakland and even throw you will have chilliest temperatures tomorrow morning in the north bay valleys, dropping down to a few degrees above freezing, we will warm up to the lower half of the 60s. let's talk about the rain chances. our side by side forecast models the last time we will have to do this. beginning tomorrow, higher resolution data. we will be closer to arrival of the rain. there is uncertainty when it will arrive. the likely scenario t is not with us as the sun comes up but moves in throughout the day. the
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european forecast model, aggressive, pushing the rain in faster. but, what the two models agree on, it will be a prolonged stretch of wet weather. more rain likely monday and again on tuesday and again on wednesday. we are going to have to work out is the timing of the waves of the heaviest rainfall. so you can plan around that. of course, we would hope they do not arrive right around the evening or morning commutes. but, just going to be a wet stretch of weather next week associated with the low atmospheric river and the 6-10 day out look, climate prediction point to a good chance of wetter than normal pattern sticking around for awhile all of the way passed christmas. taking a look at the forecast. two halves of the forecast. i will stand in between the two halves with the seven-day forecast, talking about dry weather for the next few days, calm conditions, tomorrow and friday and saturday. then, things shift. we get into the unsettled and occasionally breezy pattern associated with the atmospheric river as well. sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday. i said it
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initially i will say it again. any outdoor stuff you want to get done, get it done by saturday, by the time sunday rolls around we will see widespread rain moving through the area and coming at us in waves. four straight days of general wet weather does not mean it will be raining everywhere all of the time on sunday and monday and tuesday and wednesday. it is just one of those times you need to keep the umbrella handy and adjust to the rain. this is finally the arrival of the el nina pattern. >> yes. more of the same likely in january. >> you will not do outdoor? >> no, i will not. >> i will hide that. >> all right, thank you, paul, vern? here we go, ahead in sports, 49ers with a game plan for arizona cardinals. they did it today. that game is in three days, 13 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds from now . around the league, will the mvp come with this 9ers team?
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there are great candidates.
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. the macy's window all dressed up for the holidays. let's put the doves behind us, the ups, the downs, let's talk about something more cheerful. the niners >> it is a good thing we have a commercial break. i can rehinge my jaw. they are favored by 12.5. a game on cbs. let's give you the 49ers. headed to a major election in 2024. there is still a big race there year. that is too close to call. who will be the nfl's mvp. let's
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sweep the candidates in santa clara. >> going to get me in trouble with the two guys. that is the only reason i will not overly comment. i don't want them to cancel each other out. >> they don't want to choose sides so, here is the case for brock. number one quarterback rating and completion percentage. third in yards and touchdowns. >> he is playing the best. if it is not him, i think christian should get it. one of them. it is kind of a no-brainer. >> the only running back over 1,000 yards this season. number one in total yards, and second in touchdowns with 17. >> if any nonquarterbacks get an mvp i don't get how mccaffrey can, he is amazing with all he has done all year going to a quarterback. i will talk about christian, we can talk about our quarterback. >> with four weeks left who will it be? brock? or cmc? >> i think it is a good problem
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to have at the end of the day >> still time for a third party to enter the race. >> when you get into december you see how special deebo is. i don't know if it is a switch he flips or something like that >> that was from our producer. he is pretty good, isn't he? >> yes, four week, it is a four week race as to who will be on top. a lot of people are talking about other candidates out there. the 9ers, boy, they got up to three that can win it. >> that is really, really nice. you know, i know we will cover the presidential election as well. this feels a little less controversial but there is an argument to be had about all of them. >> mag, major, you are right. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. an 8-year-old girl wrote a letter to santa asking for a bicycle and something very specific for her baby brother. we will get to in a minute. today christmas came early for both of them with a little help from local firefighters, sheriff deputies and the chp. they showed up to the family's
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home surprising the girl with a bike and her family with food and other essentials. >> i did it on the last day that i can put it in the letter because i had to write it fast. so i did it fast. >> the officers say that what touched their hearts the most is that the girl asked santa for milk for her baby brother. we told you yesterday about a donor at the redwood matching donation dollars 100,000 only if it was raised in 48 hours. we are very happy to report they reached that goal. >> incredibly the community stepped up to support us. our $100,000 match we are meeting it. we are really excited to report back that the match is going well. the only unfortunate part is that we are still down $1.3 million to keep up with the need. >> if you would like to donate to our food for bay area families drive or volunteer your time, scan the qr code on
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your screen or go to pets are popular calendar subjects. some like to put bodybuilders up on the wall. now with this calendar you can have both
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. if you know a dog lover who say man lover they will be counting the days until they can put this on the wall. it is called the hunks and hounds calendar. it is out now. it a beagle. >> yeah. >> how did they take my body and -- i got to talk to somebody. >> yes. that does not seem
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right. hunky men, i am told, posing with cute dogs. they are greasy, not the dogs. >> that is going to collect a lot of fur. [ laughter ] >> i feel like that is going to slide somehow. the dog is going to slip right out of there >> the dog is like what is this? why? >> the calendar has fitness and bodybuilding legends in each of the pups features are up for adoption. the calendar is a joint effort between a photographer and animal rescue in ohio. they figured it would double the chances to keep eyes on dogs that need homes. >> yes. >> i fully support the beagle on the cover as the owner of two mixes. >> you don't like the six pack? >> i am all about the hounds. >> was there a person in that picture? all i saw was the beagle. >> since we are on the subject. we thought we would bring this back in case you missed it earlier in the show. what are the chances. >> tonight, on "the late show."
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jason mamoa and an adorable puppy. one of them starred in aqua man 2, tune in to find out which. >> we did not plan that. the way it happened. >> he seems to get it. >> jason or the dog? >> jason. the dog was licking him. >> seriously jealous of the dog >> yes. any way, i will get that calendar for vern since he is featured in it and you will be happy to know it is in my wish list on line. thank you for watching so much. the late show is coming up next, the news continues on streaming on cbs news bay area. >> up here? i will bring it down. [ laughter ] ." >> gay nutcracker. complete with a rainbow hat, a trans flag. >> a gay nutcracker? it doesn't make sense. you have to ask yourself, you know, why do they keep pushing this? who are they trying to appeal to? this


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