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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 15, 2023 1:37am-2:12am PST

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- this has been a production of look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy
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to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ . now at 11:00. expect more of this lovely view when you wake up in the morning. what it will take to clear the air. >> the guy came with a hammer, smashed it, just left. >> the bay area city doubling down on fighting holiday retail theft. could paying people to throw parties be the key to activating oakland? >> you can let it out for three hours of pure fun you are going to come out of here with solutions. >> how our reporting brought this pup home for the holidays. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey. >> good evening. i'm in for
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sara. we can almost see the weekend from here. if it was not for all that smoky smog. it will not get better tomorrow. paul heggen has more on what is hanging around and what it will finally take to get rid of it. >> poor air quality across the entire bay area and the poor air quality continues right now. this is the current update from the purple sensors across the bay area. these are not the official sensors but there are more of them and update more frequently. gives us a good snapshot on it. all of the orange.s indicate air quality . this is largely due to smoke trapped in the air from wood burning fireplaces t. is trapped in the upper levels of the atmosphere that will still be here tomorrow. improvements around the south end of the valley and the valley. moderate air quality. not great on
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saturday and sunday. finally, improvement by next week basically a lid on the air pressure. ground level, we will be dry with passing clouds tomorrow and saturday. then, it will send rain towards the pay area beginning late in the day on saturday. we will track that hour by hour with future cast coming up in a few minutes >> all right, thank you, paul. organized retail crime is a multibillion dollar industry. we have seen it in actions across the city in the bay area. the police have this message to retail thieves, basically, not in my town. officers will be out in full force to stop people from swiping merchandise. people at oakridge mall told our mary lee they are noticing a difference. >> reporter: it is that time of the year for holiday shoppers and shoplifters that is why san jose police are cracking down on theft by doing extra patrols at shopping centers and malls throughout the city. we spoke to store managers who say it is
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working. >> $38.. >> this one right here? >> reporter: angela is the manager of banter in the oakridge mall in san jose. she says this year the mall has a completely different vibe. it has a lot to do with the extra police patrols. >> i have been here at the -- mall for four years, there is the most police patrol. last year i never saw them walking around like in, in three or fours or in twos, i never saw that. >> reporter: she is grateful for the increased police presence. just a few months ago angela says smash and grab robbers got away with a couple thousand dollars worth of jewelry. >> these cases right here, like, september. and then before then it was a homeless person just had a hammer and just, did not take anything but just, we have the homeless encampment. i think they cleaned it up. there was one
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over there months ago before they cleaned it up the guy came with a hammer, smashed it and just left. >> reporter: the san jose police department is deploying one sergeant and three officers to conduct daily six hour patrols in the evening four days a week. we met this shopper who says he feels better knowing officers are out there. >> it a great idea. i think it is needed. it will be helpful. you know, more power to them. you got to love and appreciate them. >> it is nice, comforting to know they are here. >> san jose police have four dedicated investigators with the soul purpose of tracking and following up on organized retail theft. tonight, oakland could be a big step closer to filling the top jop of the police department. a staffer with the oakland side are reporting that the police commission has agreed on three names and they are planning send to the mayor to consider for her new police chief. that office has been vacant for most of the year after she fired armstrong in
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february. she has been adamant she is not going to give him his job back. that, however, did not stop the commission declaring they, at least, would consider it. armstrong spokesperson told us tonight he is not sure if the former chief made the short list or not. oakljust launched a program that aims to activate public spaces around town. the goal is to get people out and about and give organizations and vendors a chance to show off what they got to offer. jose martinez shows us the strategy is pretty simple. essentially paying people to throw parties [music] >> reporter: it is a special night for many oakland residents like kiki. >> it is very important we have fun. it has to create balance, you know what i am say something a lot going on in the world and a lot to be stressed about. when you can let it out for like three hours of pure fun you are going to come out of her with solutions, you will
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forget why you were mad. i do. it will change your mood. >> reporter: she is one of the founders, collective volunteer group of roller skaters in west oakland >> it is not just about roller skating t is having somewhere to be where everybody accepts you regardless of your circumstance or who you are or standing. what can you do on those skates, you know what i am saying. it is a cause i am passionate about. >> she applied for activate oakland. city program meant to activate public spaces throughout the city through fun community events. 40 groups will put on dozens of events through 2024 like the night markets, music events at foothill fiesta. >> we are going to try. all they can do is a no. if you don't ask you will never know. >> reporter: people like kiki receive marketing assistance and up to $15,000 in financial assistance to help with events like this. >> we have been wanting to expand the offerings of our
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program. and, we did just finish buying some skates for our lending library from a grant we got from the department of violence prevention. and, with some of the money from activate oakland we are looking to expand that. >> for all of these kids and families. and the future of oakland. >> you have to be the change or it won't. a lot of people don't have an example of what it means to be positive or what it looks like to lead because they have not had that. if you have some of that in you, it is your job to be the change. >> the panter prowl will continue the next two thursday nights other events include a holiday market and a toy give away. the man known as napa's king of chardney died. he put california wines on the map with twhoon beat french wines in the 1976 judgment of paris. he eventually founded his own winery a year later in 1977.
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another big speed bump for cruise tonight. the robo taxis are not the only thing on the chopping block. >> oh, my god, you guys, what do i do? >> this is not supposed to happen. not really, not at a new building. not ever, really. the bay area woman whose plumbing problem is going viral tonight >> coming up later in sports. one man sticking up for the city. giants fans need that. the road to the title just got a whole lot tougher. and, when we first met her last week she was getting ready for her close-up. tonight, there is a happy ending to this former stray's tale
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♪honey baked ham and potatoes au gratin♪ ♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company
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. after slashing its robo taxi fleet. troubled starter cruise started to lay off hundreds of their employees. the company cut 900 jobs today, about a quarter of its total workforce. a day after 9 executives t. stems from an incident when a cruise car
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dragged a woman down a san francisco street after another car threw her in its path. the dmv suspended their permits and cruise halted all of their driverless operations nationwide. now the states and the feds are investigating if cruise withheld information about the san francisco crash.. >> if you say, well, you know, that was not too bad. we are going to sort of scale up any way even those these minor things are happening it will not be that long before you hit a major thing. i think it is trying to get on a sustainable path. >> analysts think it could be six months to a year before cruise robo taxis are back on the road. regarding the layoffs, they said the decision was not an easy one adding quote these changes reflect our decision to focus on more deliberate commercialization plans with safety as our north star. meanwhile, one of the major competitors is still jugging
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along just fine. waymo is still offering taxi rides in san francisco. they expanded to phoenix offering driverless drop off and pick ups at the airport. if you see a bathroom filled with bubbles you expect it to be coming from the tub not the toilet. one bay area woman had a very bizarre plumbing issue and our reporter tried to flush out the cause. >> reporter: it looks almost invite figure it were not coming out of the toilet. >> oh, my god, what do i do? >> reporter: a san francisco bay area woman who goes by the name queen akoya posted the video. >> what is this? what is happening? >> hey, if you happen to be the tidy bowl man this would qualify as a bubble path. >> for the prettiest bubbles to tickle your nose. >> the internet was nosey. why is your toilet foaming at the mouth? someone else suggested set up your christmas village. the toilet is located on the
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second floor of a brand-new 6-story building. queen akoyai had a few theorys? >> the kids upstairs were playing scientist up stairs? >> we consulted a plumber and suggested the toil set likely receiving suds from washing machines in apartments above due to a blockage in the drain line. as nice as bubbles look. >> i love it. >> kevin the plumber says these suds are most likely clean but the pipes they came from not so much. after this internet soap opera, might as well name this toilet. >> my name is mr. bubbles [music] all right, so the weather has not been all that great or we have had a spare the air alert tomorrow. let's get an
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explanation from paul heggen. >> it is all trapped at ground level by the same system keeping the weather pattern dry across the bay area. big area of high pressure camped out just off to the south. close enough that the weight of the atmosphere on top of us is trapping the smoke from woodburning fireplaces. we are going to see the same pattern continues tomorrow and saturday. passing high cloud cover. dry days in store for us the cloud cover not going to have much of an impact on solarpower generation across the bay area. let's wind the maps forward here and take a look at what the numbers look like over the next couple of days. we are going to ramp it up saturday. sunshine breaking through. tomorrow, still, filtered sunshine over head. it is some sunshine that brightens moods. looking towards oakland. the smudge of haze. the temperatures are dropping down into the 40s with low 50s on the map. san jose holding on to the lower 50s for a moment. it will be a mix of 30s and 40s by tomorrow morning. all of the
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numbers for low temperatures, close to what is normal for this time of the year. pretty much everybody in a degree or two of what is average, here is the dog walking forecast for tomorrow. featuring have n. she hangs out at the hospital every once in awhile. look out for her. this is what will be happening across the bay area, take a look at the forecast highs, we will zoom you around the bay area. warmest spots will in the valley. reaching up to 70 degrees in san jose. that is warm for the middle of december. other temperatures not quite that warm. talking mostly lower to middle 60s. coolest readings, inland, east bay. lower 60s. five or six degrees above flormal. the general theme, it is the temperatures topping out good 5-10 degrees above normal by trdz afternoon. friday afternoon. the temperatures on the chilly end in the north bay
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tomorrow morning, you will wake up for lost ground as you head into the afternoon. temperatures reaching up to the lower to middle 60s. let's take a look at future cast. not yet tomorrow, the vail of high cloud cover throughout most of the day filtering the sunshine. that gives way to breaks in the clouds and in fact, plenty of sunshine for the first half of the weekend. a chance of showers any point in the day on sunday. hit-or-miss activity for the first half of the day before more widespread shower activity starts to move in sunday afternoon and the most widespread and the heaviest rain with the first round is going to be sunday night into monday morning. so, monday morning commute is likely going to be complicated. locally heavy rainfall rates and another wave of more widespread and heavier rain is likely tuesday night into wednesday. just unsettled pattern that is associated with an atmospheric river. most likely towards the
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lower end. a strong ar-2 or 3. we are running a rainfall deficit at this point that we are on the beneficial side of the spectrum where we can use the rainfall and i don't think we will have any significant flooding potential, something we will have to watch out for if the rain comes down in a short amount of time. once you add it up sunday through thursday on the low end, some of the rain areas picking up over an inch. an inch and a quarter according to the weather prediction estimates. on the high end, higher elevations, 3 to four inches, coming at us in waves and hopefully it will help to mitigate flooding potential. the seven-day forecast, we will have a calm more calm days, things get unsettled. showers on sunday and heavier rain sunday night into monday. also tuesday night into wednesday. still lingering showers on thursday. this atmospheric river, again, likely to be towards the middle and low end of the spectrum. it helps to prevent the potential for any kind of damaging weather with this system. i don't think the wind gusts will be all that
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strong. a bit breezy on monday to go with the widespread rain. the temperatures will be nearly steady. in fact, dropping a little bit, ups and downs day-by-day. because it is a system that will be drawing tropical air towards us. the temperatures will be above average, despite the clouds and the rain chances. the snow levels will be high. it will not be a snow maker. >> thank you, paul. definitely need the rain. the countdown is on, christmas is just a few days away. bay area food banks need as much help as they can get from donors and volunteers. here is why giving is so important. >> the stories here at food banks are humbling. many people will be watching, i will never need a food bank. some people say they are only a few weeks away from not being able to put food on the table this is something that can happen to anybody. >> there is a myth in america that says if you go to school,
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get a job everything will be okay. every day we meet people who have done all of the right things but still find themselves in the line looking for help. >> and to help, scan the qr code on your screen or go to our website a little goes a long way. every dollar buys two meals. not even b.a.r.t had a delay this bizarre. the wayward long horn that made for a longer commute. . coming up in sports, historic night for the raiders. it meant a nightmare for the chargers. >> no draymond for the warriors. they look to get back on track in l.a. that is easi
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there is no denying that b.a.r.t riders have seen a lot. even though have not seen this. a bull was seen steering itself. commuters were stunned. they were delayed for almost an hour. the bull prompted the airport to warn travelers to give themselves extra time. he
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was eventually sedated and wrangled into a truck. tonight, he is on to greener pastures at animal sanctuary is taking him in. tonight, still a bit of a mystery how he ended up on the tracks in the first place. all right. so, first game minus draymond. matt lively joins us tonight. how did it go? >> we will get to the results in a minute the first time they are shooting up, no draymond green. he has the incident where he punches him. the losses keep stacking up. pressure on the doves tonight. pick it up in the fourth. warriors trail by as much as 16 in this one. but, a pull up jumper from chris paul pulled the doves within one. less than 9 minute to go. under a minute now. deficit, back to 6. needed a bucket. pulls within 4. doves
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need a stop and a quick score. missing the three. the warriors can not hang on to the basketball. clippers come up with a huge board and sending leonard to the charity stripe. warriors lose this one. they fall 10-14 and they will head home to face the nets on saturday. one bright spot in this game. klay thompson came off of the bench for the first time this season. player of the game for golden state. might be where he starts coming off. he scored a season high 30 points, eight of 12 from three. the warriors need scoring other than steph, maybe a spark set off for klay but they need more than that. thursday night football. quarterback duel. chargers, raiders, take the under, right? wrong. first quarter, meyers, leaping catch in the end zone. puts vegas up 21. just before the half. raiders up big. o conel, up the middle. to
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tucker. it is his fourth touchdown of the half. raiders lead 42-0 before halftime. it even got more embarrassing, into the third quarter. gets sacked. ball is out. that is tackle, jenkins, that is 360 pounds, go big man. hitting 17 miles an hour on the broadcast, i am not so sure. raiders win 63-21. setting a new franchise record for the most points scored in a game. >> tough day for giants fans. mvp ohtani is introduced in l.a. 10 years, $700 million. he inks it with l.a. it gets worse. the rich get richer. rays pitcher, glass, heading to the dodgers, they agree to a deal with tampa to send one of the most prized arms available in the trade market to l.a. the giants path to the nl west just got tougher. begs the question,
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are the giants having questions signing big name agents? players and their families are reluctant to move to san francisco. there were several national echoing the claims, but, one man still sticking up for san francisco. giants ace and leader of the locker room, webb, last night tweeted a jif, today, followed it up saying a lot of people have never played in sf seem to know about it. the best, a lot of poop on them streets. webb replies, been to 29 other cities and there is a lot of poop on most of the streets. the giants are defended by webb, love it. this team is aggressive. they just signed lee to $113 million deal. he will be introduced tomorrow. >> he is their ace, he is their head cheerleader but it seems
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like it is tough for the giants to get the big names >> tough when buster posy is saying guys don't want to play here. of all people. >> yes. >> it is, it is rough sledding for the giants. >> tough. >> yes. >> thank you devon. >> thank you. here is a question for you. would you wait for hours in 20 degree temperatures just to get your hands on a hot burger? i am going to say no. that is what people did in idaho when the first in-n.-out came in. >> idaho first in-n-out burger. >> i have been hopeful and waiting for 20 years >> fans waited up to six hours for their meals some, decorated their cars for the occasion. >> i have been here since 8:15. my third time through the line. the line is now longer. but, doing great. had the double double now i am going back for a shake and an animal style
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fry. >> this is the 400th location. >> believe it or not it will be hard to find a forever home for a dog like her. one dog
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. all right, so last week we
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shared a story of a senior dog that got a holiday makeover. the hope was she would get adopted. there were 100 of these senior dogs that they took in from around the bay area to save them from being put down because the shelters were filling up. >> yes, they are a great organization. >> this 8-year-old poodle was found roaming on the streets, gave her the name glitz. >> she is no longer homeless, she has a name, she is going to get put in our computer system and started off on the right foot for finding her forever home. >> glitz and others got a make over with a nail trim, bath, haircut, leading up to a professional photo shoot. she got a close-up. after our report aired, they said this happened next? >> did you see glitz on the news? >> i did. yes. >> saw it on your website. we watched the news show. >> yes. great. >> she say good one. >> we are very lucky.
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>> she is a sweetie pie. >> all right. so, nancy and gavin just adopted glitz and their family renamed her acorn. she is happiest held by humans and she has some siblings, they have a little chihuahua sister and a cat brother. i don't know if the cat, the cat does not look that happy. you know. probably all get along i am sure. after our story aired, they got 220 adoption applications, 100 pets, 220 applications. that is five times what they normally see. dozens of them were for acorn. she was a big hit. they put her on the news, she is pretty cute. a bunch of folks wanted to adopt her. mudville still has a lot of senior dogs that need homes. you can meet them
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this saturday from 11:00 until 2:00. if you need more conferencing, we will meet some of the candidates. there is mcflurry. >> perfect name. 11-year-old beagle terrier. all mixed up like the mcdonald's creation. >> he is a tripod. >> with three legs >> not stopping him from taking slow walks. you got to, you know, make some accommodations. >> this is stocking stuffer. okay. a good-looking dog. a 7-year-old french bull dog. he looks great curled up under your tree. now, last but not least this is a 9-year-old chihuahua mix. he is tiny. he only has one good eye but she is not afraid to explore and concure and leap up to the ped and the couch and give her a good home. >> i am happy when we can give dogs a boost. adoptable dogs in the forecast tomorrow at 6:00
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and 11:00. different agencies but still. >> you always need


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