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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 16, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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>> she disappeared off the face of the earth. >> i started believing she was murdered. >> the dogs went into the backyard. we found a little girl's shoe. no trace of her for 22 years. and then i got a phone call, hey, captain, you sitting down? >> announcer: "48 hours" saturday at 10/9 central on cbs. . >> now, in oakland dealing with a double digit increase in vehicle theft, we break down the numbers behind the surge, the alameda county district attorney speaking to voters as she fights to keep her job and people rally in silicon val demanding hostages in gaza be released with more fallout from killing
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hostages by mistake. we are tracking rain moving to the bay area the next few days. let's get to darren peck to find out exactly when those first drops are going to fall. >> we are close enough we can start looking at that and timing out with the high resolution forecast model. we are going to go to live first alert doppler and you can see there's rain off the coast there. we are stopping on the last frame. there's not a lot to that but the direction it was coming in was telling. that was a line frame that was training from south to north because the center of the system is out there and spinning everything in front of it. watch what happens tomorrow. we might get grazed by a shower in the morning and evening few more showers to sonoma county woman line tomorrow you notice the clouds increasing, you might get a shower don't plan on much sunday.
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monday is different. watch what appears there. that is one of the more impressive time frames the next 4-5 days, it's going to be the monday morning rain maker. it will be enough rain it's going to impact the monday morning commute. that's 5 a.m. and this is already putting down enough rain to make the roads slick and keeping up through 10 a.m. we might get a half inch or more. it's going to keep going the next few days almost the are two storms to work through so this is the initial phase to get you ready for the leading edge. we are going to look at what that brings through thursday. back to you. >> to oakland vehicle thefts have surged more than 40 percent this year despite programs specifically designed to lower numbers. >> i grew up in oakland and can
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tell count less stories over the years so nothing surprises me. until i saw the stolen cars, oakland police report almost 14,000 stolen cars between january 1st and december 10th. that's a 46 percent increase compared to last year. for the daily average that comes out to 40 stolen cars a day. to give a better perspective, these are the numbers from the last ten years and they're posted on the city's web site and the numbers have always been high close to 8,000 in 2013, 6,000, 9,000 but not passed the 10,000 mark until this year and it's not over. 13999 is a record for oakland. police recorded more car thefts than break-ins and they've received over 13,000 reports of break ins. it should be higher.
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they say a lot of people don't report break-ins anymore. aside from stealing for parts officers say criminals use stolen cars to commit other crimes like burglary and robbery will oakland police say burglaries are up 25 percent this year compared to last. robberies are up 36 percent. thieves are tarting all makes and models but police say they see more hyundai and kia because some models don't have engine immobilizers. experts say buy a steering wheel lock that should deter if not stop the thief. the city is installing 300 plate readers. leaders believe they'll alert officers to stolen cars. it's one solution to slow this crisis. >> here is how oakland's numbers stack up against san francisco and san josé and according to each city's police web site san
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francisco saw average of just under 19 car thefts every day, san josé average just over 19 per day. in san francisco, police reunited a little girl with her father after someone stole his car with her in it, near ashton and holloway. they tracked the car in just 11 minutes and the child was not hurt. the father holding onto his daughter tightly moments after the incident. so far no arrest made. >> we work too hard to let somebody come in and take it back. [applause] >> district attorney pamela price is fighting the effort to remove her from office. it's led by the group save alameda for everyone. price and some community groups rallied to keep her in office pushing back against the criticism of her policies and
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accusations of her being soft on crime. >> we are fighting back. we are standing on the right side of history. we are standing on justice. we are standing for progress. for improvement. of our criminal justice system. >> while the d.a. was holding her event the group leading the recall was out collecting signatures in jack london scare. the board of supervisors ruled to put it on the ballot and let voters decide. if changes are approved organizers may have to collect thousands of additional signatures. speaking of safety in the east bay today today's posada celebration in oakland was the town's latest attempt to try and bring crowds back to areas like fruitvale and make oaklanders feel safe in their community. john ramos has the story. >> there are plenty crime victims of crime in oakland but more fear crime. these are the people this event
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was meant to help. people turned out in droves to celebrate the posada festival 15th birthday. there it was all kinds of fun music food and dancing and even a chance to sit with san though claus and the largest piñata in oakland history. alex cox founded the event as a toy distribution party and it's grown. the event offered another experience important as fun. >> i'm telling you there's a heightened safety to enjoy the beauty of this. >> safety is a primary concern about anything happening in oakland these days and it's affecting businesses year-round. martinez was reporting a restaurant on this day and said it was nice to see people on the
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sidewalks again. >> it's good. it's good always to have something because bring people to the area. things happen in the area. the robberies and all that. so not too many people and not many people stop to buy. >> at one point like a lot of businesses the restaurant had to board up its front because of the groups of people breaking into them. >> so, they don't do it just for fun it's nothing to take but them going inside, there's nothing. so it's hard, because the people don't care. >> but some care. earlier in the week the local unity council announced a plan to try to help the merchants. >> we are excited to kick off our holiday shopping campaign called find in it vut veil. >> we have been investing heavily in public safety measures for the past probably
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couple years. >> they know if they calm fears people will come back and the more people in an area the less crime happens. it's a popular concept called activation. >> this is space-activated community-activated from the ground up because we keep us safe. >> george was calling himself homie claus but he also leads a nonprofit called courage. >> we keep them safe. truth of the matter is law enforcement budget has gone up 30 percent in the last four years and crime has gone up at the same time so can you not correlate increased police budgets with increased public safety. >> on this day in the fruitvale there were lots of people keeping each other safe and as the giant piñata showered the community with treats the community helped people like him feel there are people who care.
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>> more than 250 small businesses that neighborhood have joined together for the holiday campaign amount group rallied in silicon val with israeli flags demanding the safe return of hostages held by hamas a day after israel admitted to accidentally killing three of the hostages in gaza. the israeli military has also admitted to shooting an elderly woman and her daughter who took refuge inside a catholic church but israel is testifieding the killings claiming they found a rocket launcher in the church. some of the images you're about to be may be disturbing. >> tonight the backlash of urgency families of hostages still alive in gaza demanding their government bring them home now. >> i don't know how it can be any more urgent than it has been. every day is a death sentence to
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them. >> democrats operation growing after israeli military killed three hostages on friday, all in their 20s, abducted to gaza ten weeks ago. israel military sea combat in shejaiya has been intense with militants luring soldiers into traps. just north, israeli tanks and troops that bombarded the region's last functioning hospital left devastation and distress behind we don't have houses or relatives anymore said this woman. where should we go? no place is safe. in the southern city of chan younis said dozens have injured arrived in the half day. gaza will be demilitarized as
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angry israelis do more to bring the hostages home. >> do whatever you need. give them back and give me back my uncle and the hostages. >> hostage negotiations have been given a new life. cbs news can confirm israel's spy chief and qatar prime minister met last night in france days after israel's war cabinet denied his offer to restart talks. stay up to with everything happening in israel and gaza on and the cbs news app. still ahead, vendors at san josé's filly market get a reprieve. we will let you know how much longer they can stay open and how you can help bay area food banks serving the hundreds of thousands of people in need every month.
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>> hundreds of vendors as san josé flea have been waiting for eviction but now have two more years to stay open. the institution happens to be the site of an approved housing development called the urban village project but with it in the early stages city and property owners agreed to
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officially say it won't break ground for at least two years. those parties funded an advisory board aimed at helping the vendors move to a new spot whether the time comes and more communities in the bay area are giving this weekend. today in san francisco, community members packed meals for families in need and san josé hundreds of families received a bag full of new toys, delivered by the firefighters and other volunteers. and in newark, firefighters hosted third annual holiday event and toy drive. cbs news bay area continues to partner with local food banks in our food for families drive second harvest of silicon val serves half a million people a month, volunteers and staff have been helping a lot but the need that is grown this year. >> unfortunately this year we
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are receiving fewer donations than we were last year even so we are really struggling to be able to get there. this is our most important fundraising time of year. >> the food bank is supposed to rails $50 million by tend of the year but donations are down 20 percent but there is incentive in places that would hopefully help change that. >> your gift will be doubled. so for every dollar donated we can provide two meals and this doubles it to four meals per dollar you donate. >> to learn how to help go to our web site or scan the code on screen. we have a storm coming. >> yes, two coming. >> there may be more after that. >> there will be more after that we are looking at that week of christmas. i got my hands full with this first one and just we are going
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to try to give perspective on this because it's a cutoff low. there's a atmospheric river. the 7-day looks messy and the forecast has been difficult to dedetailed on but i'll show you where things stand. we looked at threeing edge a few minutes ago at the top of the news. you might get a shower tomorrow but not much tomorrow. monday morning the system comes onshore enough and we get rain. meaning monday morning commute is going to be wet through the first part of the day then it will rain more into monday evening toward tuesday morning as kind of the center of this first storm comes on shore. we are going to look at how this is put together. watch what happens when that second part comes through monday night into tuesday and i'm going to step out of the way because there's a whole other line of rain out there and that is an entirely separate storm coming
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in as the first one starts to finish up with us by the time we get to tuesday. we are going to step back to show how this is put together. this is what the current satellite looks like. that's the first storm. it's this out here that's coming in on monday. this is the monday morning rain where we have got our category 2 atmospheric river with moisture out of the subtropics wrapped into this storm but the storm is going the take that moisture and throw it onshore monday. that's why monday we get the widespread rain and monday afternoon aengd the center of the storm comes in and drags the cold front through. so that's the monday night into tuesday morning rain. now comes the second storm so this is going to take us probably through wednesday but let's take that in the long-range forecast. you're going to see a very similar pattern. that's wednesday. we are not going to nail down the time yet, probably through
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wednesday afternoon at this point so just plan on wednesday second system comes through and there's more widespread rain. look at deep green on there. that will it's own significant rain as well and totals on there. sunday not much but monday three quarters, actuals totals go up wednesday thursday system the numbers keep going up and it's busy so there is so much to go here. we are just going to focus on that in the 7-day forecast and you can see if we are lucky by thursday we can take the chance of rain out but we should still think about thursday as having a chance of rain in it. monday morning and then monday night into tums and wednesday that's really the simplified take-away. i didn't have time to talk about that chance for christmas and. >> thank you darren. coming up in sports cal football is rolling for the first time in four years and we will have a
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recap. because the warriors desperate for a win and guess who came to the rescue. the splash brothers put o (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪)
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>> it's been a tough stretch for the warriors losing last 4 of 5 games and into draymond green but no problem, the splash brothers put on a show. warriors allegeen monte ellis in town. we know jonathan has hops, claxton thought he was going to rim but denied warriors have 18-point lead in the third. there is no such thing as cruising to win, under 3 to be
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thompson finishes with 24 points and a minute to go, lead down to 2, curry could not be stopped final mitts of the game goes to the rack 16 points in fourth quarter, war yes 124-120ened their losing skid they'll play in portland on sun. in college football cal played in its first bowl game since 2019, strong finish to the regular season looking to top it off with a bowl win for a bowl in four years. texas tech and the independence bowl in louisiana, hot start for the bears, men dose a finds young for the touchdown cal up 7-0. later first mendoza hits big gain 51-yard reception but knocked out of bounds at the one sets up this one-yard rush for jaden and cal up 14-7 but texas
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tech was quick to respond in the the second quarter morton to tharp to tie the game red raiders led ten at the half. third quarter 7-yard touchdown run from brooks texas tech wins 34-14 cal finishes 6-7. in college hoops bulldogs against washington state nice inbounds state two hand jam from napper, santa clara wins 69-61 the broncos are 3-1 against pac-12 teams this season. still to come the 49ers are taking on the cardinals this sunday but some key defensive players have been ruled out for the game. plus we had some nfl action on a saturday with the catch of the year nominee in cincinnati. we will show you right after the break.
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>> the 49ers may have some trouble grounding the cardinals sunday in arizona. defensive tackles have been rule out linebacker greenlaw and ward are listed as questionable. it will be a home coming for brock purdy so how will the arizona native follow up against the last time against the cardinals defense? he threw one incomplete pass the first meeting and it was highest completion percentage ever by a 49ers quarterback. this week he wanted to impress his family and friends on and off the field. >> got a new haircut. >> new haircut because you're going home? >> yeah, i think so. got family and friends so i got to look clean. >> let's get to nfl action on this saturday former 49er quarterback nick mull than gets the starts for cincinnati browning throws up for higgins
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he comes down with it but great field awareness as they get the touchdown sends the game into o.t. in o.t. the vikings go for it fourth and short tries to pull off the eagles push but doesn't work and the vikings turn it over on downs and do a bengals field goal, cincinnati wins 27-24 winning a key game to stay alive in the afc wild card race, to the nfls campbell and the lions hosting the broncos this score less second quarter jared goff drops back to pass hits tight end sam laporta, detroit on the board first then just before the half, the lions up 14 goff goes to his receiver st. brown who gets into the end zone, lions win 42-17. they're 10-4 one game back of
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the 49ers in the nfc. tiger woods daughter with dad at the pnc championship competing with son charlie good approach from tiger out the bunker on 7 set up this birdie putt for charlie and knocks it down. team woods is 8 under 7 back of the lead heading into the final round. well, coming up after the break, we will head down to the bay view opera house for their annual winter wonderland celebration.
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>> san francisco's bayview district is geting into the holiday spirit hosting their annual winter wonder land' venl. children had a chance to do fun winter theme activities like ice sculpting and building a snowman there. were christmas carollers on stage and outside of the venue
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there was a s'mores station. i'm sure it was a big hit and they didn't have to deal with rain today. >> it will be busy. lot of days i think monday is the start of it. >> and then go from there. >> thank you so much for watching. take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are.
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female: thank you so much for the recent sermon on gratitude. i needed to hear that, as i often struggle with how much i'm being blessed in the moment. i'm so thankful for dr. stanley's life, and grateful that in touch is continuing his mission. female: dear in touch, the daily devotion i received this month was so timely, as i'm dealing with the loss of my mother. i now have a plan to connect with the elderly in my community


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