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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 22, 2023 1:37am-2:12am PST

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♪honey baked ham and potatoes au gratin♪ ♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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. now at 11:00. gunned down while delivering pizzas. the murder that has a city baffled. this hiker was crushed by a boulder in the sierra and says he can not wait to get back out there again. >> i have been watching a lot of kung fu movies while in bed and trying to learn the technique to chop it in half. a group of east bay seniors leading the charge. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. a young man was putting himself through college delivering pizzas when he was gunned down in front of his own home and his mother saw it all happen. now, the oakly police department and people that live there are trying to make sense of it. andrea nakano asked the
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police chief a possible motive. >> reporter: the young man killed was just taking a break from deliveriing pizza. he was delivering pizza. he parked and a car pulled up next to him and fired at close range. >> reporter: those that live here is a it is normally quiet area. tina has lived here for roughly 30 years and she says shootings are extremely rare. >> we have had one other one about maybe a year or two ago. but, it is a nice neighborhood. i mean, we are raising kids here and, you know, it is kind of sad to have something happen like that so close to home. >> reporter: just before 5:00 on wednesday afternoon, one witness who did not want to speak on camera said they heard six rounds fired at the victim. then, the screams of a young man battling for his life and
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calling out for help. the contra costa corner's office identified the victim as 24-year-old gabe stewart a graduate from freedom high school. he had been working the last five years at domino's pizza as a delivery driver as he attended a local college. wednesday's shooting happened just across the street from an elementary school where some kids were still on campus for an after school program. >> my mom told me that i was here at school so she wanted me to hear it before so i don't get scared that my mom did not tell me. >> reporter: he talked with the family and nothing so far points to this being a targeted shooting. investigators are looking into every single lead in hopes of finding answers and restoring a sense of safety in the community. >> i raised my family here and, you know, i love oakley, hopefully it is a one time
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thing. >> the police are asking for help on this case. >> reporter: if you have information or video you are asked to contact the police department.. a suspect shot and killed himself in front the police officers after being pulled over, that is according to a chp officer that was there. he was wanted for stabbing a man to death and wounding a woman at a home this morning. the police have not given a motive but they do say it was the second domestic violence call at that home in the past week. do not do what this driver in santa barbara did. cars tried to part the flood waters which is usually a bad idea. some people were wading into water up to their thighs, all of that flood water and then this mess at an apartment complex. southern california has been getting absolutely drenched and this is not what you want to see in your living room just a few days before christmas. my goodness, presents floating around the tree. the rain has been so
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heavy in ventura county some homes were inundated. >> it just keeps coming in. everything is toast. >> reporter: not good. the city was hit the hardest. one family fruit wasly tried to use a pot to scoop up all of the flooding that poured into their living room, kitchen and under their beds, my goodness. dozens of homes evacuated. ring camera video shows how high the water rose with waves splashing the camera lens. almost three inches of rain fell in just a few hours. whoever owns these battered old boats had their chance to get them out of the area before the police moved in today and did it for them. they marked the illegally anchored vessels with warning stickers awhile back and today was d-day. robert nelson lives along here and he says he feels for the people who have nowhere else to go but crime and environmental damage in the area has gotten out of hand. >> you can not have these boats
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dumping all of this -- i mean, there is the sewage issue that is a big one. there is the oil and batteries and pollutants on all of these boats going into the water. >> opd's marine unit hauled out 13 abandoned vessels today. they plan to do more removals in the new year. tonight, seniors in an east bay retirement community are on a crusade to open a new cannabis dispensary. we met the woman leading the charge to open the green door. >> reporter: renee lee is not shy about how marijuana eases her pains. >> it just helps with everything. >> what does it help you with? >> anxiety, pain, yeah. life, dealing with life. muscle
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movement. >> reporter: the 70-year-old struggled to wean herself from countless prescription drugs. >> flexerel and antidepressants. >> reporter: until smoking cannabis 20 years ago >> it helped me get off of all of those meds. >> reporter: national survey show people over the age of 65 are the fastest dproaing -- are the fastest growing group of cannabis users >> deliver recreational cannabis products to residents but not allowed to open a store front dispensary. >> if it does not happen it makes it difficult to survive. >> reporter: the owner of urban joy believes a brick and mortar shop close to the senior community would help residents. >> customers want to come to you, they want to see, they want to see your face. they want to talk to you, sit there and then maybe purchase a product, you know. >> it is about trust. >> it is. >> reporter: especially for those unsure what to order and
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not as well-informed about the complexities of cannabis. >> they should not have to drive wherever and forced to have people in their home or have to do it on line. >> they can lobby all they want. we need somebody who wants to take on the business before it can be anything. >> reporter: the new walnut creek mayor at the helm since the beginning of december. years of armed robberies at dispensaries across california since legalization are a concern. >> i don't know it is a fear, i don't know that i expect everything to be terrible in walnut creek. i expect it to be the opposite and mostly it is. but, it is a concern. lee who founded the club at the 10,000 resident community is pushing for three pot dispensaries in walnut creek. >> the people who live here really want access and they want cannabis. >> without the educational part of it, the wellness center
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that, that my vision is, this is just another delivery service. this is just another weed business. and that is exactly what walnut creek does not want. >> they have really made it difficult for us to consume cannabis the way it should be consumed which is easy access and a lot of education. >> lee continues to battle, more than 60% of california ban the sell of legal weed. >> in 2007, less than half of a percentage of u.s. seniors reported using pot in the last year. as of 2022 it was more than 8%. a boulder crushed just about everything but one man's spirit. it is so serious that the only thing that you can really do is laugh and thank god i am still here. why a hiker who nearly died under this rock in the sierra says he can not wait to go back. the rain that has been hanging out in the bay area for
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the past several days departed from our neck of the woods but causing problems for southern california, actual thunderstorms off of the coast of san diego. we will have the travel forecast heading into christmas weekend, coming up >> this off season was a paramount importance for the san francisco giants. they needed one free agent to appease their fan base. we know they did not get this guy. plow, shoehi has another signing in l.a. who should san francisco now target? we will dive into it in sports. a herd of santas come ripping around a corner in san francisco to stop the grinch that bit christmas
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♪honey baked ham and potatoes au gratin♪ ♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company
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. tonight, a city is reeling from a rare mass shooting. people were running for their lives. 14 people killed, 20 were wounded, the shooting happened minutes away from a busy tourist area in old town. students were warned to stay put, some took cover on a ledge. you see them hanging here while others jumped to safety. a professor described the chaos that unfolded right when he was giving a lecture. >> we barricaded the door. we
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put all of the, you know, desks against the door. >> we had the sirens, like, four or five gunshots, very loud. people screaming and running for cover >> the shooter, a 24-year-old student was found dead surrounded by ammunition, the authorities believe he killed his own father right before the mass shooting. he is suspected of killing a man and an infant girl less than a week ago. the motive for all of that still unclear tonight. back here in the bay area, a group of thieves smashed their way through display cases and another jewelry store heist. that happened in fairfield yesterday. thieves armed with cameras broke glass windows and cases apparently not caring there were witnesses all around. the owner says more than 30% of his merchandise was stolen including the highest priced pieces. >> san francisco firefighters had to bring out the boat to save a dog that fell 80 feet
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down a cliff. the owners were walking the dog when it slipped off of the trail. we are told that the dog was critically hurt and taken to an emergency vet hospital. it is going to be a long road to recovery for a hiker nearly crushed to death by a boulder in the sierra. it did some serious damage to his lower body. it did not put a dent in the zest for life. >> no way, dude. >> awesome. >> meeting kevin in person you can not tell that back on december 5th he almost lost his life in the eastern sierras. >> i have been watching a lot of kung fu movies in bed. trying to learn from the technique to go back up there and karate chop the thing in half [ laughter ] >> reporter: he went for a climb with a friend named josh nelson, when a boulder that weighs thousands of bounds rolled on top of his legs while he was digging. >> i heard him say, like,
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yelled at me, look out, kevo. i look up, there is a grand piano tumbling down the hill. it was a real survival situation at that point. we needed someone's help. >> help was hours away. >> we sat there for several hours. actually at one point told him to call my mom and tell her that i am not going to make it. you are going to survive. not dieing on my watch. >> the helicopter was deployed to assist in his rescue. the injuries he suffered severe. >> i ended up having to get a muscle removed. it was so damaged from the impact. i cracked my pelvis in two different spots. specialty in trauma injuries, another surgery planned for this week but apart from the hospital gown and the yellow cast on his legs like his christmas hat he is staying cheerful. >> there is nothing to do but
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to stay positive in a situation like that. in a situation like this, so serious that the only thing that you can really do is laugh and thank god i am still here. >> he wants everybody to know if anyone is interested in turning his story into a movie he is available. >> not a bad story. >> yeah, i feel like he can play himself. >> yes. i was more impressed. they showed some of his previous hikes in mount washington and new hampshire, that is hard. that is really hard the weather up there is the worst. literally in the world. >> 100 plus mile-an-hour winds, super cold. the snow blows in all of the time. i like our weather better. >> i don't want to hike anywhere. i know that is a thing for some people. i am glad you enjoy it. i will stay here, obviously hiking or doing anything when it is raining not a good idea. we are getting a bit of a break >> we will dry out. southern california not so much. we will talk about our weather that
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will undergo changes. in the short term, things are looking good as we look out. we are going to see passing clouds, a dry pattern settling in all of the way through christmas and the day after christmas. breezy at times tomorrow, not a blustery day, not by bay area standards, a chance of rain not heading our way until wednesday of next week. the passing clouds will not take much out of our electricity generation in the short day time hours doing that efficiently. the shortest amount of daylight of the year. so, we will make the most of it heading through the next couple of days the rain chances arrive by the middle of next week. kicks off a unsettleeled weather pattern continuing through the rest of next week and likely through new years and january. looking at the 6-10 day outlook. taking us through new year's eve. the 1st and 8-14 day outlook, it shows a good chance of wetter that than normal conditions. different perspective looking
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out from sales force tower. clouds out there, holding in on ground level. middle 40s, otherwise, the temperatures are holding in the 50s, most of us dropping down to the 40s by early tomorrow morning, middle to upper 40s to around 50 degrees, these numbers are 3-7 degrees above normal. going to warm up from there. a good dog-walking forecast for tomorrow, courtesy of trudy. she can parade that around tomorrow. petaluma in the lower to middle 60s. not bad at all for the first day of winter. let's fill in the rest of the plan and talk about tomorrow's highs that will be 5-10 degrees above normal for one more day. this is the last warm day by december standards, most of the temperatures will be in the lower to middle 60s. some of the warmest spots, reaching the upper 60s. only upper 50s in half moon bay, we will join you heading through christmas weekend. temperatures in the lower 60'ss in san francisco, middle to upper 60s in the
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north bay. nice weather whatever you have planned if you need to run last minute errands before christmas, things are looking cooperative. if you are hitting the roads the problem areas will be in southern california. still lingering rain around los angeles, not as heavy as today. the thunderstorm threat moves down towards san diego. another unsettled day for far southern california but things will dry out for the weekend. better travel weather by saturday and sunday. a few trouble spots nationwide as well. not in terms of winter weather, it is a mild pattern across the entire country. chicago, phoenix, seattle, all seeing a descent chance of rain that will not result in cancellations but delays, make sure you are staying on top of those if you are traveling or loved ones coming into town. checking out the seven-day forecast, once again, summarize the entire bay area with one seven-day forecast instead of breaking it down by microclimates, the one place we have differences, tomorrow, friday, inland, bayside temperatures in the middle portion of the 60s while on the
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coast, in the 50s. everybody else drops down to highs in the upper 50s to around 60 degrees all of the way through christmas and next week. the changes happen by wednesday and thursday. that is when the rain chances re-enter the forecast on wednesday. wettest day next week and lingering showers in the forecast on thursday. we will likely keep those rain chances coming at us every two to three days finishing the year and heading into 2024. sara? >> all right, paul, thank you. after there commercial, we are going to show you a commercial from way back in the day when kpix used to bring actual cars into the studio to keep the place running >> they don't do that anymore >> no. giants had two major free agents on their christmas list. they struck out on both of them. we will dive into the issues. plus, christian mccaffrey has done everything right this season but
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. channel 5 in san francisco. the most pop -- the most popular station in town. >> join us for the big show on
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channel 5, the most "pop-ular" station in town. >> we need to bring the slide back if my producer is listening to this. by this time tomorrow, kpix would have been on the air for 75 years, all week digging into the archives for the good stuff. most of it news, obviously. can not forget about the commercials that kept the lights on all of this time. back in the day we brought big flew cars right into the studio. >> pontiac is such a wonderful car to drive and such a pretty car, too. >> allison pontiac in san jose, one of the world's two largest pontiac dealers is making an all out effort to hit the top. that is important. right now, today and all day tomorrow you can buy this beautiful executive star chief, just $29.88 and that includes so many extra features. radio, heater, defrost -- 2899. back
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up lights, oil filter, tinted glass, turn signal, special two-tone paint, all of these features on the star chief at allison pontiac just 2988. best yet, $2500 cash delivers any car to allison pontiac in san jose. you will find sky high trades, trades like this offered every day at allison pontiac. you can do as well. it is opened seven-days a week until midnight. that is today and all day sunday until midnight. so, why don't you drive to allisons in san jose, bring your car, bring your title you and will drive away in a brand-new beautiful star chief. that is from allison pontiac. >> open until midnight? $25 delivery. now, one of the few
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northern california buildings considered to be one of the greatest african american architects. we used to do eyewitness news reel. we wanted to bring you in for your thoughts on this item from 1982. >> okay. ♪ . >> last year's oakland a's won their division, this year bill's boys are 13 games behind the leader. what is the difference? some of the players think it is their new home uniforms, they say the pants are too tight. they never knew being in top form depended so much on what is on bottom. [ laughter ] >> i believe it. like the seinfeld episode where he wants to switch to the cotton jerseys. >> maybe that is a thing. i certainly feel like i would have mobility problems in that given situation no. i would not do well. >> hopefully the 9ers have their pants fitting just right. >> they are the best team in the nfl. close to locking up the number one seed by the way.
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it is really hard to find anything to complain about when it comes to them. but, christian mccaffrey got called out for a terrible flop on his part during the eagles game. another look. for a guy that never seems to go down he went flying easily. it was one of the worst acting jobs he ever seen. cmc agreed and his head coach was not all that impressed either. >> i thought that was the only thing he did not do well there year [ laughter ] not the best flop. you got to be, it can not be so obvious. sometimes guys can not see it because it happened so fast. they can see the reaction, you don't want it turn it into the nba too fast. >> i like the nba call out. sweepstakes come to a close. giants fans may of raided the liquor cabinet. he signed for 12 years, $325 million. the latest example of the giants whiffing on a major
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free agent. and now no. buster posey, now a part time owner, says the reputation of the city has been called out by free agents and did nothing to defend san francisco. warriors have not struggled so, what gives? plenty of other big names like snell, strowmen, they are still out there. time to make calls because this fan base brewing and anger is apparent. speaking of one of those big misses, there he is. new dodgers, shohei ohtani. playoff on the line. l.a. took care of business. before the half, robinson, up the middle for 6. up 17-7 at the half. in the third quarter. williams, puts it away. giving the rams a 3-possession lead. they never look back. rams move to 8-7. 49ers host l.a. in the final week of the regular season.
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college hoops, hot, cardinal, visits defending national runners-up, san diego state. they had a lead early. nice lob. putting stanford up 4 late in the first half. the aztec's proved to be too much. under 10 to play. great ball movement. knocking down the triple. making it a 15-point lead. sdsu wins 74-60, stanford is 5-5 on the season. we will wrap up with the 9ers, monday's game will be the first time since 1993 that the two teams tied with the best record in the nfl and playing in week 16 or later. possible and probable super bowl match up. >> i know, we are looking forward to hopefully seeing that in february. >> in vegas. >> on kpix. >> oh, boy, i don't know how we are going to make the early morning live shot but we are going to try. thank you very much. if you saw this on a
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school, it might raise arms. a hand grenade. it turns out this was a dispenser for dog poop bags. you think something this size would be kind of hard to hide but someone, somewhere seems to be succeeding
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. all right, what is 15 feet high, 300 pounds and invisible? >> i was going to go with shaq but he is visible. >> john cena >> no, we are not getting it. but i do have the answer here. it is the giant santa that is used to stand outside of the alamo post office. someone stole him. that is coal for christmas. no one saw it. if you happen to spot this guy in somebody's yard or perhaps a suspiciously-shaped object under a large sheet, the owner would like to hear from you. >> i had it for, gosh, over 50 years if anybody out there can do that, appreciate it. we really need your help and there is a reward for that. and
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please, bring it back to us. we sure would like to have it, thank you. >> wherever santa turns up we are guessing he will not be delivering anything to the people who took him. >> no >> we know the grinch stole christmas but this is the bay area after all. we have the grinch going viral, smashing a car window to steal something until a pack of wild santas came dashing from around the corner to catch him green handed. >> was it shot during santa-con? >> they would not be running in straight lines. >> that is right. zig-zag night. >> yes. >> i will say the missing santa i would love to go to a christmas party and walk into the mansion and there he is. yes. >> a lot of those in alamo. [ laughter ] >> i think he wants it back. any way, so, please, return it
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(upbeat music)


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