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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  December 22, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. >> it has been a challenging year on the california jobs front. today we're drilling down into the big picture of 2023. which industries are seeing gains and what to expect for the start of the new year. thanks so much for joining us this afternoon. from layoffs to job cuts to wages versus inflation, today we're breaking down california's employment picture and where we stab compared to the rest of the country. let's get you caught up on today's news headlines. in oakland a beloved local donut shop got robbed today for the third time in the past few months. surveillance footage shows two masked men jump the counters at colonial donuts at lakeshore avenue pulling out hundreds of dollars and a donut. in the hours that
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followed, outraged, oakland residents rallied, calling for more public action. and the latest roll back on the roll on drugs, president biden pardoned thousands for marijuana. it expands upon a previous order issued last year. the move will help get rid of barriers to employment, housing, and educational opportunities. airports are getting packed as people start their holiday weekend. here's a look at sfo earlier today. we also checked out oakland international this morning. it's estimated almost 1 million passengers will go through tsa at our three major bay area airports this week alone. all right, go to first alert weather now. jessica burch has your holiday weekend forecast and is tracking the next chance of rain from our virtual view studio, jess? >> we kicked thauf week with
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heavy showers throughout the bay area. that same exact system is now in southern california giving us a nice break and breath of fresh air as we head into this holiday weekend. great news for us, not so great for our friends in southern california. we're going to see sun and clouds the next couple days. earlier this morning some dense fog. it's starting to lift into this afternoon. we'll still see clouds roll in and out heading into early next week. as early as next wednesday, the chance of showers returning to the forecast for us. that leads up to the new year too so. wetter than normal conditions gearing up as we head into the year of 0246789 but it's still 2023, and we are a couple days away from christmas. and boy is it a beautiful and cool one for us. daytime highs deceiving. well above average this afternoon. gustier conditions in santa rosa and petaluma. we could see wind gusts up to near around 25 miles per hour. it gets lighter the more south we go. into the east bay we do, mid-60s in the forecast. near the 70s in
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antioch. close to the 70s near san jose as well as los gatos. watch what happens as we head into the next seven days. this is exciting for us. dry conditions just in time for the new year -- not the new year, but christmas day. christmas eve and christmas day. sunday into monday we're seeing partly cloudy skies, cool temperatures. we're sitting in the 50s. and then the showers return in the forecast as we head into wednesday and potentially thursday too as we get closer to the new year. keep that in mind, wrapping up the holiday season there is a chance of wet conditions, so take it slow on the roads. and of course, make sure you're prepared before you head out there. here we do into the bay forecast. upper 50s, flirting with the lower 60s. for now, back to you. >> jess, thanks so up. california's final job market report of the year is out, and unfortunately, we are not ending on a high note. in november, california's unemployment rate was at 4.9%. the second highest in the country below nevada. the
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national unemployment rate was at 3.7%. joining me now is the former director of the california edd michael. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> what do you make of these numbers? what's driving it?. >> we've had a higher unemployment rate than the national rate for some time, for decades. and our rate, 4.9% this morning, is, as you say, the second highest among all states. but by historic measures, it's still relatively low. we did gain 9,300 jobs over the month for november. that's not a high amount. in fact, that's considerably lower. in october we gained over 40,000 jobs. i think what we see as we come to the end of the year is slowing in terms of job gains, higher unemployment. still, by historic mushes not high, but well higher than the national rate, 3.7%, and other states. >> which businesses are growing and which ones are staying the same? >> well, this morning the big
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sector gain was in education and health services. 10,500 jobs. liz, all of us are going to end up in health services. that's been the big gainer over the past decade. >> work for the health department. >> we're all going to end up working in healthcare. this morning in the health sector it was residential facilities, health assistance facilities, but that's been the big job gainer. very interesting dichotomy this morning. the blue collar sectors like construction in particular gained jobs, whereas the knowledge economy sector, they lost jobs. so overall a very modest job gain, but i'd say the positive is this area within our so-called blue collar sectors. >> i want to talk about consumer confidence right now, and people's feeling about the economy. president joe biden's numbers are low because people are feeling bad about the way
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the economy is going. but when you look at the numbers, they're not that bad. what do you think is driving this low confidence in our economy? >> inflation, inflation, inflation. >> okay. >> we -- the rate of inflation for november has gone down. it was 3.1% nation -- nationally in november. that's far lower than the 8% or 9% we were seeing in 2022. but still, the prices of goods are well above what they were in 2020. they're basically 19% to 20% above what they were in february 2020. so even though the rate of inflation has gone down, the prices of goods remain higher, and i think that's the main factor driving this dissatisfaction. there's also other factors in terms of the types of jobs that -- the overall numbers don't really indicate just what type of jobs are being created. and we still have a good number of the lower wage, less stable jobs here in california.
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>> what about tech? you know, the bay area has always been the hot bed for a lot of exciting tech jobs. is that still happening? is that still a hot industry to be going into? are there jobs available? >> oh, no, no question we have a strong tech sector. now, you look at the headlines and it shows this firm is laying off people and this firm is laying off people, but that's been going on 50 years that i've been involved in the job world. there are constant layoffs throughout our economy, of course, there's constant job creation and construction. that's a particular sector that has this job creation, destruction dynamic. so yes, we see layoffs, but overall the fundamentals are there for the bay area statewide and, you know, that's a sector that will continue to grow. and obviously, here in the bay area the -- we're really the epicenter. >> mm-hmm. >> right down the street, liz, in terms of the ai boom. so i think, again, the fundamentals are there. >> you sound optimistic about
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the next year. >> well, i think the next year will see continual growth. it'll be slower. ly say, liz, i've been wrong completely about 2023. i thought we'd see a much greater slowdown in job growth. >> oh, interesting. >> especially for the second half of the year, but we didn't. in fact, our job growth with the exception of this latest month of november, the numbers this morning, has still been pretty strong. so i'm not sure i'm the best one, but certainly we have, i think, the overall number is far stronger in terms of ongrowth nationwide, certainly, here in california than many of us suspected. >> that's a great way to end this conversation. hopefully that leads us to a great 2024. >> good. >> happy holidays. and happy new year to you. >> oh, you too. well, coming up, the economy is feeling a greater need than ever across the bay area when it comes to keeping food on the table. still ahead,
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a representative from the sf marin food bank is here to talk about how you can help in big ways and small. and you might recognize this guy as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of kpix today. we'll hear from some well known alumni. how mike of dirty jobs says this station helped launch
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as we get closer to the holidays, bay area food banks are working nonstop to provide kneels to families in need, but they're behind in their goals this year, and that's where you can help. joining me today is chris, he's the chief philanthropy and engagement officer for the san francisco marin food bank. thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> just a few days away until christmas, how are you doing in terms of donations? >> well, we are down to the wire. we are a little bit behind, but we have some great donors that we know always come in at the last -- the last week of the year, so we're hoping that folks will dig a little deeper this year and help, because folks still need the help. >> and every little bit counts,
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right? i mean, there could be somebody sitting at home wondering, you know, i want to give back, but i can't afford to give back in a big way. even just a few dollars makes a huge difference, right? >> it makes a huge difference. we're able to take $1 and turn that into two meals. you can't go to the grocery store and do that. we have a lot of great matches right now, which i wanted to mention, because some of our other donors are matching gifts. you can go to our website, which means your gift goes even further. >> that's huge. give us a perspective of who is coming to the food bank every day, every week to feed their families. it's not necessarily who you might think. >> it's not. i was listening to your previous guest, and you know, we survey our participants, we call our clients, over 60% of them have one person in their household who's working. so people are often surprised about that. but again, it goes back to folk who is have low paying jobs and are trying to work. we have quite a few families, seniors who really depend on the food that
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we're able to provide. >> and we have to mention, this is a year round need. i mean, we're talking about it now, because it's the season of giving, and a lot of people want to give back during the holidays. but you need the need even greater on january 2nd. >> absolutely. we are operating on every day of the year, and folks need food every day of the year. we work with about 350 partners throughout san francisco and marin to make this possible, so yes, while we would love the donations today, folks who are interested in volunteering, we need volunteers in january, february, march. think about donating today, signing up for a volunteer shift after the new year, and yeah, it's year round. we could always use support. >> talk a little bit more about volunteering your time. because it is so rewarding to go there and give back. how can folks sign up and where do they find where they can volunteer their time? >> yeah, i know you've been to the pantries. it's so rewarding. >> it's huge. >> folks, it's very tangible. you spend a couple of hours
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either at one of our distribution sites helping folks shop all of our pantries are what we call farmer's market style. so folks can go around and pick what works for them. or come to one of our warehouses and pack boxes or unload groceries. so there's so much. and it is really rewarding. >> yeah, it's especially just rewarding to witness it as you watch people giving back. and some of the volunteers also at one point received help from the food bank themselves at one point in their lives, right? >> that's right, we have quite a few of our volunteers who give back -- i mean, who are participants. this is their way of giving back really to their community. it's heartwarming. >> what's the age requirement if you want to volunteer? >> so most of our sites you need to be above 8 years old for some of them. but it sort of depends. 8 or 11 depending on the site. all of that's on our website. >> wonderful. well, thank you so much for joining us. and as you said, it's not too late to
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give. >> no. >> a little bit more information. >> go to on our front page you'll see opportunities to donate. >> fantastic. happy holidays. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for joining us. >> thank you. all right, well, coming up, for more information how you can volunteer or donate, check out our website as well,, or scan the qr code there on your screen. that was truly a day that altered our times. 1948 kpix went on the air. >> the beatles are just minutes away from the bay area tonight. today we are celebrating a big birthday of sorts. it's been 75 years since kpix started broadcasting as northern california's first tv station. we were the first. and we've had some colorful characters on air over the years, including one who got into some really dirty work.
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take a look. >> i'm mike rowe, and i'm on a mission. >> reporter: mike rowe is everywhere from broadcast tv -- >> a cup of coffee with my, with my mom. >> reporter: -- to a new series on facebook called coffee with mom. yep, that's mike's mom. >> not fat, bulky. >> muscular and hairy. >> reporter: mike may be best known for a hit show. >> someone's got to do the dirty job. >> budget fulls of back crap. >> reporter: dirty jobs. it ran for eight seasons on the discovery channel. >> dirty jobs, that was the ultimate immersed show. >> reporter: now mike's about to come clean. >> it never would have happened without evening. >> reporter: evening as in channel 5's evening magazine. in 2001, mike started working at kpix. >> i'm not even sheer what it is. >> reporter: he was hired to cohost evening. >> complete with the beer stein. >> see where we take you what?
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i am who? >> reporter: in our archives a treasure-trove of their outtakes and bloopers. >> oh crap. >> reporter: these days roe is a best-selling author but also a leading advocate for skilled labor. he's awarded nearly $7 million in work ethic scholarships and has led a national effort to reintroduce shop class into high school. on our 75th anniversary, we're happy to include mike rowe in the celebration. >> that's not bad. >> happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. happy birthday dear kpix, thank you for hiring me way back in 2001 to impersonate a host on that little show called evening magazine. happy birthday to you. and many happy returns. >> what a soothing voice. well, our very first broadcast went out from the mark hopkins hotel
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in san francisco. so tonight that's where we will be. watch this evening to see juliette goodrich reporting live from the top of the mark for cbs news bay area at 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. still ahead, the ravens are coming to town to face the red hot niners. why baltimore finds itself in unfamiliar territory heading into monday night football. and remember, you can watch us any time, anywhere on our streaming service cbs news bay area. catch all of our live newscasts plus news and weather updates throughout the day. you can find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. this is pix+, more of what you want more often. more local news in the morning and the primetime edition. the only 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. news with devin fehely, elizabeth cook, juliette goodrich, and sara donchey. groundbreaking original story telling from the kpix newsroom. the
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instead of red and green, christmas will be red and gold this year at levi stadium. the 49ers will face baltimore at home, and it will be a battle
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between two of the best in the league. and our very own matt lively shows us the ravens feathers are a little ruffled. >> this is the volkswagen red and gold report. >> the 49ers and ravens meet christmas night in a matchup of the two best teams in the nfl. and baltimore head coach john harbaugh is hoping his team will grant one of his two christmas wishes. >> world peace and a win, how about that? >> vegas doesn't think harbaugh is going to get his wish, san francisco a 5.5-point favorite despite both teams having identical records. that's fuelling baltimore's fire as they prepare to travel to the prayer. >> this is the second time you guys have been not favorites, underdogs l. that be used in any of the messaging this week with you? >> it was mentioned. it was mentioned, sure. >> i like being the underdog. >> we feel a little disrespected by that. i feel
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like we are the best team in the league, and we've got an opportunity in front of the country to show it. >> that kind of hurt my feelings a little bit. i definitely want to make that being correct, for sure. hopefully some people lose some betting with them and make some money with us. >> for the red and gold report, i'm matt lively. >> oh, it's going to be a good one. we'll have more niners action for you tonight at 7:30 on the red and gold report. that's on kpix and streaming on the free cbs news app. coming up, arts, crafts, and a taste of hawaii. the special holiday event for kids thanks to some bay area first responders. i would like to see the headlines that the national press picks up on and say, look, there's another side to the bay area. >> we take those headlines a little step further to sort of connect all these wonderful communities here. >> really embracing the positivity and hopefully spreading it. >> the bay area is full of some
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amazing innovative change makers. >> people that are out there making a difference. in fact, i feel privileged
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salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. these are your neighborhoods. this is your world. cbs news bay area. >> still ahead on kpix -- >> with juliette goodrich and the cbs evening news with norah o÷donnell taking you to the
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day's top stories. smart, comprehensive comp. join juliette goodrich and norah o÷donnell, weeknights, 6:00 to 7:30 on kpix. coming up tonight at 5:00, a push for pot from a group of seniors. why they're fighting to open a new cannabis dispensary in the east bay. that story and much more with ryan yamamoto and myself coming up tonight at 5:00. . and today dozens of kids got a special aquarium day, all thanks to san francisco firefighters. about 50 kids were chosen to take part in this event. it's a collaboration between firefighter, the firefighters union, child protective services, and aquarium of the bay. the kids checked out interactive stations where they got to do arts and crafts, make leis, and try hula dancing. >> this was the perfect way for them to have fun, as well as
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volunteering, all season long. this is the end cap for it all. it's nice they have an event for the kids to go out and meet all the firefighters. >> what a great day. families later got tickets to the aquarium so they could continue their exploring. well, the cbs evening news is next on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service cbs news bay area. and don't forget, at 6:00 and 7:00, watch our juliette goodrich live from the top of the mark celebrating 75 years of kpix. and i'll see you at 5:00. ♪ ♪ >> major: tonight, the powerful storm system that set rainfall records across california, causing flooding and landslides, is now on the move. ♪ ♪ one person is dead following the history making storm that dropped a month's worth of rain in one hour in one talent, and the effects are still being felt. >> home for the holidays. tracking the flights, the weather, and the roads, as millions are on the mood.


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