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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 23, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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children as zombies. >> inside the trial. "48 hours" saturday on cbs. listen to the "my life of crime" podcast with me, erin moriarty. f0 from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00, demonstrators using the busy shopping day at union square to draw attention to the war in gaza. >> the things that are happen right now, people are very like
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emotional about. in bethlehem, it's usually bustling with celebration, but the ongoing war put a hold on the festivities. and it's what the holidays are really about. the local food banks making a push before christmas. the last full day of shopping before christmas brought lots of folks out to union square today. many with bags on hand on this so called super saturday making their way through the shopping district and the open epicenter of the holiday festivities. that's exactly why protesters chose the site for their protest against the war in gaza. hundreds marched from market street to the square surrounding the ice rink and christmas tree. they were met with a heavy police presence. the san francisco office of emergency management even sent out an alert around 4:00 this afternoon telling people to avoid the area. our betty yu was there when the dust settled
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to see how the demonstrations impacted tonight's festivities. >> we're closed until further notice. >> reporter: on the saturday before christmas, the holiday glow that usually lights up union square was missing. wrecked ornaments lay on the ground and officers investigated the broken tree after pro-palestinian protesters climbed and damaged it. like hundreds of others, this oakland resident who came to take holiday photos was greeted by a dark tree. >> i'm so disappointed. yeah. i thought it was a joke. i asked the security guard are the lights coming on at 6 tim, and he's like no, the tree is broken. >> it feels weird. >> reporter: protesters took to the ice skating rink with flags, prompting it to be shut down for hours at a time when union square was packed with visitors. we were there as san
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francisco police arrested several protesters for crimes ranging from assault to felony vandalism. one officer was struck in the head with an object. protesters called for a ceasefire in gaza. >> i understand the anger, you know, that their feeling. but i don't think that it's going to, you know, it's not going to help, you know, you coming through san francisco, oakland, destroying, you know, beautiful monuments and trees. >> reporter: vincent came from berkeley with his friends. >> i just wanted to come and ice skate. it's the first day of break after finals. the things happening right now, people are very emotional about. they want to, like, be heard. but i think there should be other ways they can do that. >> reporter: after marching down market street, the group moved to union square to disrupt the holiday shopping rush. they ended up clashing with police officers.
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>> when you hear people chant while you're shopping, bombs are dropping, that's exactly what's happening. we have the privilege and luxury in the united states to sit besides our families during the holidays and celebrate and be amongst each other. >> the flyer is biden's holiday shopping list this year. um, we're severely mismanaging our taxpayer dollars right now. >> reporter: there was a heavy police presence throughout the night as thousands still enjoyed the festivities, including winter walk. the rink eventually reopened. >> we're going to go ice skating and make the best of it. >> and not long ago a smaller group of protesters gathered outside the jail demanding they release the those in police custody. even larger demonstrations today in new york and beverly hills, both with the same idea to use the busy super saturday
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to remind people that while they spend time with their families this christmas, the fighting continues. gaza's hamas-run health ministry says so far, more than 20,000 palestinians have been killed. the ongoing war has caused the city of bethlehem to cancel christmas celebrations this year. christians living in the ancient city are sending the message of solidarity to palestinians. >> reporter: of all the places in the world, oh little town of bethlehem, the birth place of jesus knows how to celebrate christmas. but this year, christmas is canceled. gone are the christmas tree, santa claus, and the carolers. many of the shops are shuttered with hardly a visitor in sight. even the church of the nativity, the usually packed pews sit empty. according to believers, this is the precise birth place of jesus christ. over here we have
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the manger. normally this time of year celebrations would abound, but because of the war, there's hardly anybody here. since the october 7th massacre by hamas and israel's ensuing ground offensive, tourism throughout the holy land has come to a halt. the people here have more to mourn than celebrate. at this lutheran church, they fashioned a nativity scene out of what's now found everywhere in gaza. rubble. >> we've seen so many images of children being pulled out of rubble. to us, this is a message that jesus identifies with our suffering. >> reporter: in the cradle of christianity, palestinian christians make up the world's oldest community of believers. but they're shrinking in numbers. here in the west bank, only 2% of palestinians are christians today. in gaza, it's less than 1%. the vast majority
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believed to be left homeless by the war. myrna, a christian from bethlehem, fears her community faces extinction while the world looks away. >> even some christians, some not all, have forgotten about the palestinians by the christians all over the world. >> reporter: this father serves at the church of the nativity. >> it's a big struggle because christians here always want peace. they don't want conflict or war. they just want everybody just to sit down, talk about peace. let's pray together, let's see what we can do for having this peace together. >> reporter: after all, peace, he says, is the true message of christmas. meanwhile, thousands of demonstrators came out in tel aviv tonight protesting against prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government's approach to the war demanding more be done to free the hostages still being held by
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hamas. president biden says he had a private conversation with netanyahu today, but says he did not ask for a ceasefire. negotiations for another temporary pause in the fighting in exchange for more hostages are ongoing in egypt. you can always stay up to date with everything happening in israel and gaza on our website, and on the cbs news app. back here in the bay area, taking a live look at macy's at union square. the shopping and celebrations ended for the night, but as betty yu mentioned, even after the demonstrations, union square saw decent crowds. great news for business owners hoping to cash in on super saturday. shoppers showing that very little can get in the way of them picking up the last minute gifts. the national retail federation is expecting 16 million more people will shop today than the last time christmas fell on a monday, which was back in 2017. and
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with a slight deep recently in the inflation rate paired with last minute bargains, shoppers seem to be more willing to spend this weekend. >> super saturday is the black friday for procrastinators, definitely. it's a big day for sales regardless of what we're seeing from consumer sentiment surveys or inflation trends. people are still shopping and buying for loved ones. >> salesforce who tracks this data says the reason we still see a larger turnout is despite the dominance of online shopping, people make their purchases too late to be delivered in time, so they opt for ordering online and picking up in person. still ahead tonight at 11:00, christmas came early for the dubs as they took on the blazers at chase center. but first, the need of bay area food banks doesn't end with christmas. the push they're making to ensure people have what they need when the holidays are over. hopefully you enjoyed all that sunshine, blue sky, and mid-60s today. tomorrow will be just like it. a little bit of
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fog in the morning. we'll look at that. but then we'll look ahead past christmas day, which is fine. there are two more storms coming our way. first one gets here on wednesday with rain and then another one after that for next weekend. the forecast on all this is coming up next. another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ]
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for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. children and families gathered at the philippines community center today for the
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pinoy town hall festival. there was plenty of music and shopping, plus a pancake breakfast and toy give aways for the kids. they also used the occasion to celebrate the end of their months of a tradition that celebrates a long christmas starting from september through the end of december. now to san francisco where the fire department just wrapped up their best decorated fire station competition. this is the winner. the station 39 near portola drive and mount davidson. they went all out with lights and decorations. meanwhile there was the annual food basket give away today. current and retired fire crews along with other volunteers unloaded trucks of food to pack bags for families in need. this year they were able to give out more than 1200 chicken and turkeys to families, feeding more than
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5,000 members of the community. food banks across the bay area are working hard this holiday season, and volunteers are working together to make sure food comes home to families in need. the volunteers at redwood empire food bank in santa rosa are preparing bags ready to be stuffed with food. >> these bags that we work on, the secret ingredient is sugar. our hands touch it, they sweeten the bags, and they put the food in, and everyone is happy. >> reporter: why volunteer at a food bank? >> well, because, i like to eat, i like to cook. you have such a nice face! >> reporter: and you have a nice heart. >> oh, yeah, so that's why. i can't sit and eat a meal
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knowing somebody else is hungry. it just doesn't work for me. >> for more information on how to donate or volunteer, check out or just scan that qr code you see there on the screen. darren peck is joining us now, and it's going to be nice for christmas. >> it will be. >> looking forward to that. >> it will be a little cloudier monday, and there's going to be a storm right off the coast, actually, but it's not getting here. >> not getting here on christmas. and santa can deliver presents without any problems. >> no issues tomorrow night whatsoever. wednesday we're getting rain. wednesday and then another system for next weekend. before that, there's still tomorrow morning, christmas eve morning. it's going to be a little foggy. just like the last few mornings have been. we get a good depiction looking at futurecast. we have a few patches in the south bay. the
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north bay number down to 2.3. santa rosa down to 0.3. those numbers tell you how far you'll be able to see down the road in miles. so prepare for that. if you're driving into the central valley tomorrow, know you'll hit some fog. but after that, tomorrow is great. low 60s for daytime highs with a few clouds around. jumping ahead, this is the futurecast looking at monday. you see plenty of clouds here at home. but you can't miss this big wall of rain sitting off the coast. this is monday night. it would look like we'd get some of the rain, but we're not. that system is not going to get here. look at it fall apart and get held back. it's like nope, not on christmas. it goes north. wouldn't be surprised if monday night perhaps we get a drop or two of rain in the north bay hills. that would be it. you can see the first system on monday. that one isn't coming here, it's going up there. this is the one to
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watch right there. but we've got to go into the lower resolution models now, but we can still see the storm. here it comes. that's wednesday. but look, s goes all the way out to next weekend. so let's come in for a closer look. here's the wednesday system. wednesday morning, we start getting some light rain. then through the middle of the day wednesday we see some of the better rain move through. by the time we get into the early evening and perhaps by wednesday night into thursday, it's done. probably get a quarter inch out of that one. but here comes the next one. this one then comes in late friday night and stays with us into saturday. we're going pretty far down the road in terms of the forecast, so we're still looking at, tonight's saturday, i'm looking at next saturday. it's a little too far to try and get too specific. we're not going to hold this forecast model to this exactly. but we'll come away with the notion that after wednesday's rain, and we'll see what wednesday's totals look like here, there's another one
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coming that will get here for friday and saturday. christmas looks fine. seven-day forecast shows those opportunities for rain wednesday into saturday. i know that day after saturday is new year's eve. we'll keep a close eye on that. if that system slows down, we'll certainly keep a close forecast on new year's eve. all right, matt, over to you. coming up in sports, san jose state already get a trip to hawaii for the holidays, but did they get an extra present with a bowl win to end their season? plus the dubs are on a tear. they try to get an
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norad has been tracking santa for decades, but this year something feeling off. the
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typical sleigh departure time is christmas eve, but for the warrior, december paid them a visit on december 16th. that was the beginning of the dubs' five-game winning streak. before the game tonight, players handing out gifts to the kids getting in the holiday spirit. but it was all business for game time. third quarter, nice pass to curry. hit it is bucket. drawsthe foul. later in the quarter, klay thompson got it going. knocked down the corner three. he's on fire recently, which is what the dubs needed. then later, off the possession, the hand off, it hits. klay scored 11 straight points for the dubs, finished with 28. but it was rookie jackson providing the spark off the bench. end of the third, nice cut, leads to the two handed slam. puts the warriors up 12. then in the fourth off the portland miss, pushing in transition. slams it home. little chemistry between the rookies. warriors win 126-106. they're 15 and 14, and
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for the first time in awhile they're above 500. nothing beats a christmas in hawaii surfing, relaxing, and playing football of course. san jose state did just that saturday night trying to end the season with a seventh straight win. the spartans taking on coastal carolina to end this story book season. spartans scoreless for the most of the game. down 10 with eight minutes to go. 12-yard rush by conley pulled the spartans within a field goal. momentum on their side. but a long drive from coastal carolina ends with the incredible one handed grab. that was the dagger. coastal carolina wins 24-14. san jose state finishes the season 7 and 6. still plenty more to come in sports. who's in, who's out for the niners on christmas night against the ravens? we'll tell you. plus, it's a festivus for
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we're less than 48 hours from 49ers ravens on christmas day, and we know the injury
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situation. jennings is out, and mitchell and others are questionable. baltimore quarterback is get this, 19 and 1 against nfc teams in his career. he's on pace for a career high in passing yards, and it's scary considering he's still the league's most dangerous running back. the san francisco defense knows this might be their toughest challenge yet. >> his game is unique. the last person similar to him was michael vick. >> he's playing so much better from a standpoint of the passing game as well which i think creates all the elements of his ability to scramble. >> i've heard it's like chasing a squirrel. i could see that. i've never chased one, but i have played against lamar. not the easiest guy to get to and get down, so definitely similarities i'm sure. it is my favorite holiday. happy festivus. the annual
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holiday that gives us the alternative for the commercialism of christmas. i figure i'll air out some grievances. >> i got a lot of problems with you people, now you're going to hear about it. >> to be fair, there's not a lot for 49ers fans to complain about this year, but we can all agree enough with the brock purdy haters. he's thrown 29 touchdowns to just 7 interceptions. i don't want to hear anymore of the system quarterback talk. >> a festivus for the rest of us. >> how about the giants down at 3rd and king? they tell their fans they'll go out and get ohtani this season, but they didn't, and their rivals got two of their top choices. they missed out on the meat loaf and the gravy. >> until you pin me, george, festivus is not over. >> pinning your opponent might
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be critical to festivus, but it will get you in trouble on the court. draymond executed a chokehold and punch so far this season giving him an indefinitely suspension. you have to wonder where the dubs would be if he was on the court this entire time. i will say, nice to see the dubs finally rolling. it feels like we've been waiting for this. >> yes, it feels like they have the right rotation and players on the court at the right time. >> and the young guys, they're fun to watch. >> great to see that change happening. thank you so much, matt. coming up next, it's the yearly kpix tradition. as the year winds down, we take
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well, santa is preparing to hop on his sleigh to deliver presents to boys and girls around the world. but before that, da lin has to deliver his
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annual present, asking people to reflect on the positive things that have happened over the last year. >> reporter: the iconic lombard street in san francisco is known abthe crookedest street in the world. in a way, it's symbolic of what this area has experienced. with all the talk of crime and safety, sometimes it's hard to focus on the good. but let's end this year on a high note. i'm setting up shop at pier 39, asking people what's your good news? >> my mom is battling stage 4 breast cancer, and i was able to fly in from texas to come here to see her. it's great to have her here, and she's still trying and fighting, and i love her for that. >> i got the job of my dreams. i finally got to run the program for infants and toddlers in sonoma county. >> i got a new cat and i learned how to read.
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>> reporter: what's your cat's name? >> claire. >> something good that's going to happen to me is there's not going to be coal in my presents. >> that is good news. >> got married! i married her! >> in august. we're best friends. >> feels good. >> we come from mexico, and it's a beautiful place, but the good news is we're in san francisco to celebrate holidays. >> reporter: something amazing happened for all of us. we are from romania and we moved to california in august. >> i just graduated with a bachelors in geo science. >> my mom had baby girlings. well, they were twins. >> reporter: you're a big sister? >> yes. >> reporter: how do you feel? >> i feel excited because it's
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new to me. >> i found a brother, or he found us, that no one knew about. he's my 100% brother, we have the same mom and dad. he's three years younger than me, and i grew up my whole life not knowing i had an extra sibling. he was put up for adoption when i was three, and he found us, and he's been searching for us for over 20 years. it's been crazy. it's been such a blessing to have him in our lives. >> reporter: 2023 has been a great year for my family filled with good news. but nothing tops the birth of my daughter. earlier this year, my wife and i welcomed our second child, a healthy baby girl. we're blessed. during the holidays we're reminded it's not what, but who surrounds us. and i hope you're surrounded by a lot of love and goodness. from my
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family to yours, merry christmas and happy new year. >> matt, i know some of your family members are coming into town. will you be able to see your family? >> no, i'll be here, but i had the last four days it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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female: thank you so much for the recent sermon on gratitude. i needed to hear that, as i often struggle with how much i'm being blessed in the moment. i'm so thankful for dr. stanley's life, and grateful that in touch is continuing his mission. female: dear in touch, the daily devotion i received this month was so timely, as i'm dealing with the loss of my mother. i now have a plan to connect with the elderly in my community to help carry on her legacy. female: oh, this is pretty.


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