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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 24, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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f0 from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00, one local business owner is not feeling the holiday spirit after a thief takes off with his food truck on christmas eve. how it's hurting his business and his community. >> you usually give food out to the homeless in the food truck. somebody come take everything
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from you in six minutes. but this is a season of giving, and so many in the bay area are finding ways to give back and serve thousands of warm meals. plus, we tag along with some bay area shoppers scrambling to get the last minute gifts before christmas day. good evening, i'm andrea nakano. hoped you a very merry christmas eve. we now have less than an hour before christmas day. san francisco and san jose city halls both lit up in red and green tonight to mark the occasion. and a lot of people out enjoying the holiday in union square taking pictures in front of the christmas tree, hitting the ice rink, and just spending time with loved ones. and one of the hottest tickets in town every holiday season is the san francisco gay men's holiday chorus show. they concluded the series at the castro theater tonight. take a listen. ♪ deck the halls with
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boughs of holly. ♪ >> the gay men's chorus performed three shows tonight wrapping up the annual holiday tradition. they also had shows in sonoma, berkeley, and more. a man in the east bay needs help to find his food truck after it was stolen early this morning. and if losing a vital part of your business on christmas eve wasn't bad enough, it's also preventing him from helping others in need. here's the story. >> reporter: the owner of touch of soul is asking for the public's help. he woke up this christmas eve to find his food truck was stolen just hours before he was supposed to host an event in it giving out christmas meals to the homeless. eric scott is still trying to come to terms with what happened to him. >> we put, um, 6,000 hours in, and somebody come take
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everything from you in six minutes. >> reporter: eric woke up sunday morning and did what he does everything morning. he drove down to the store, bought supplies for his restaurant, touch of soul, then went to check on his food trailer. but this morning, when eric pulled into the parking lot t gone. >> oh, man, i was furious. it's something you never imagine would happen. >> reporter: the nearby store caught the robbery on camera. in the video, you can see a white car parked in front of the trailer. then seconds later, it pulls away, taking the trailer with it. eric says the worst part is that he was supposed to be using that trailer for a big christmas eve event just hours later. >> we usually give food out to the homeless from the truck. we had a big event coming up to give food to the homeless. we'll try and continue to do that, but it put a damper on the program. >> reporter: now eric is just hoping the police can track down the suspects and get his trailer back. if not, he says he'll most likely have to raise
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money to buy a new one, and that could take months. >> right now we're trying to, you know, keep our hands crossed and be positive that, um, the police or agencies recover it and get it back. >> reporter: when it comes to the christmas eve meal event eric was supposed to have on this day, he says he had to postpone it. he's hoping to reschedule it soon, but that all depends on whether or not police are able to get the food truck back. in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood, the glide foundation held a special christmas eve meal from the city's famous house of prime rib. they've been supporting the effort for 30 years. >> i grew up in a wartime in germany. i know what hunger means. trust me, it's not fun. so it is my commitment and also
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my family's commitment to feed as many people as we can. >> glide will be busy again tomorrow serving up two meals for christmas day. earlier today we saw big crowds at bay area malls and main streets looking to snag the last minute gifts hopefully, at this point, under the tree. da lin tagged along with a man who hadn't bought any of his gifts until today. >> yeah, got to buy a pair of shoes for christmas. >> reporter: shopper robert was on a mission with a tight deadline. >> i procrastinate every year and wait until the last minute to shop. i'm always the same time, one day before christmas. >> reporter: robert began his christmas shopping on sunday morning. >> they're going to be mad if i give them nothing. >> reporter: i followed him as he made his first stop at the shoe palace at the bay street shopping center. he was looking
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for a specific pair of nike shoes. >> you don't have a 7? sold out? what other colors are similar in this one? >> reporter: unfortunately nothing left in the size he needed. >> it's popular, it's sold out. >> reporter: he walked over to foot locker. he quickly learned they too were sold out. the back up plan was to get a gift card so the person can return once the shoes are back in stock. >> it's a lot of stress and anxiety, especially when someone requests something and you can't get it for them. >> reporter: next stop, gifts for women in his life. mom, sister, daughter, and grand daughter. the supervisor at pandora knows robert by now. he's shopped here quite a few times. he spent $900 on bracelets and charms. he says his family always loved the pandora gifts. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome.
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>> i appreciate your help. merry christmas. happy as heck. >> reporter: but he wasn't done. he left to go to another location to finish his list. he says he'll try and start early next year, but admits he's been saying that for years. >> still got a little more shopping. once i get that done, i'm happy. >> reporter: as you saw in robert's experience, one of the challenges in last minute shopping is finding specific items. the popular gifts are often sold out and long gone by now, and it just adds to the stress with the pivoting and adjusting of expectation. the advice is simple. start early, and don't wait until the last day. >> great advice. similar scenes today in union square, but it looks much different today and tonight than just 24 hours ago. that's because city employees were out early cleaning up the graffiti
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and pulling down signage from yesterday's ceasefire protest. it's already christmas day in the holy land, but the war between israel and hamas has forced palestinian christians to cancel their celebrations, with the head of the christian community in the west bank saying they can't celebrate christmas' message of peace when there's so much violence happening just 30 miles away in gaza. there have also been increased reports of violence in west bank. in the valley, palestinian shepherds say they're under constant attack. >> reporter: families attacked and livestock killed. palestinian shepherds in the west bank are being driven from their homes by militant israeli settlers. >> it disturbs me, it upsets me. >> reporter: this israeli-american is helping protect the palestinians. a volunteer with the jordan valley activists. >> i empathize with them
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because i see our people doing the same thing done to us for so long to other people. >> reporter: he's 1 of about 200 volunteers, including several american, documenting settlers on a mission to seize palestinian lands. >> it's cleansing the lands of this population. >> reporter: ethnic cleansing? >> i think that term is accurate. >> reporter: settlers spring into action any time to terrorize. here, young men unafraid to show their faces to the shepherd who filmed them. a 49-year-old sheep herder is that man. they came to my house day and night for 40 days last year, he said. how does that make you feel? [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: my two children, my wife are all afraid. but he says he won't live the place that he, his father, and grandfather lived for past century, unlike a growing number of others according to an israeli human rights group. israeli settlers have attacked
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at least 16 palestinian shepherding communities since october 7th. more than 1,000 people have abandoned their homes. >> this is our right by the bible, by the jewish religion. these are our lands. >> reporter: from a hill top above the valley, he and other militarized settler youth take in the land they believe was promised to them, unashamed to say what palestinians should do. >> there is a solution if they leave. it would make our life very easy. >> reporter: there are an estimated 500 palestinian farming families in the west bank and an estimated 500,000 illegal jewish settlers. but they forge on despite the odds. i always say we should all live together peacefully, he says. we don't want war. enough.
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enough. a hope that's echoed across these hills for thousands of years. a land of serene beauty now shrouded in violence. meanwhile, the calls for a ceasefire continue to grow louder both internationally, but here in the u.s. as well with the most recent cbs news poll showing that a majority of americans now disapprove of the president's handling of the conflict. and of course, you can always stay up to date with everything happening in gaza and the impacts here at home on our website, and the cbs news app. still ahead tonight at 11 tim, you thought the holiday travel issues were over, but the rush of people coming back from their holiday destinations is expected to be even worse. and later, the grinch caught in the act. why the creator of this now viral video says it's important to poke fun at some of the issues facing the city. and coming up in the forecast, we'll have a little christmas morning fog tomorrow. the usual places. i'll show you where. it won't be terrible, but there will be spots. then
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we'll look ahead. next rain is getting here on wednesday. widespread rain. we'll time that one out in the forecast coming up next. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now.
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taking a live look at our bay area airports now. hopefully if you're traveling for christmas, you're already at your destination. but airports have been busy all weekend long. luckily, this year was mostly smooth sailing nationwide. a relief after last year. this weekend saw less than 350 cancellations compared to thousands a year ago when bad weather and poor planning stranded 2 million southwest fliers. the tsa screened nearly 5.4 million travelers friday and saturday. all season they've been seeing the highest numbers since before the covid-19 pandemic. and of course road travel far out paced that of the skies. aaa projects the two most congested days to be yesterday and this coming thursday. and their model predicts the second highest road travel numbers on record. 104 million people taking to the roads during the period between december 21st and 31st. aaa predicts the worst congestion in our area
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will be on i-80 between san francisco and sacramento. and law enforcement is making sure the holiday spirit doesn't refer to alcoholic beverages for drivers. chp is in its maximum enforcement period. it runs tonight through monday. last year they made more than 600 dui arrests on christmas weekend. another period is scheduled for new year's as well. turning now to the weather on christmas eve. couldn't have asked for a nicer sunset today. time lapse from our camera on top of the mark hopkins earlier tonight. darren is here to deliver some good news for the christmas day forecast. >> no rain! >> no rain, i'll take it. >> and it will look a lot like today. some high clouds passing through. the only thing about christmas is a little bit of fog in the morning. i've taken the visibility map and jumped ahead to 6:15 tomorrow morning. look at santa rosa. concord, we'll play it forward through the later morning hours. what
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we have been seeing was a depiction of fog, particularly up here in the north bay, and even perhaps antioch and concord. you can see some fog from the central valley creep your way. most of us are fine. it won't be a widespread fog. going to be relatively warm to start out. nobody going into the 30s. it's low 40s for everybody. daytime highs tomorrow in the upper 50s with, yes, high clouds passing through. look at wednesday. this is the next system bringing us rain. this is the next area to focus on. the showers from this will start in the early morning on wednesday. time there has us as 7:00 a.m. by 7:00 a.m. we're starting to see the leading edge come into the north bay. right here through 10:00 a.m., 11:00, it's making its way down to the rest of the golden gate. this is going out to wednesday now. we're looking out about two and a half days. that's as far as we can go with this real pretty
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high resolution forecast model. if you'll get that much detail, they can't really forecast extremely far. pretty good with three days. in order to see what happens next, halfway through the the storm, we have to switch models. we lose a little resolution, but we can see the same story depicted here. see the widespread rain that stays with us past the morning. it pretty much goes through the afternoon and early evening on wednesday before finally coming to a close. we'll keep this rain confined from the first storm to just wednesday. thursday is fine. most of friday is fine. if we look at the rainfall totals on here, they're decent for one day. we could get about three quarters of an inch at santa rosa. some models want to think it's higher. but i think this is probably splitting the difference with the most responsible numbers at this point. it's not flooding rain, but that's pretty decent for one day's work. but when you get to the golden gate south, about a half inch, quarter inch of rain. that's the first system. and as that one leaves, so there's wednesday. here's the first storm. that one
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leaves, the next one comes in behind it for friday night into saturday. we can do the same thing with that. we'll watch it in the long range model and see the showers come in friday night, stay with us into saturday. this one primarily will be focused on friday night with a few left over showers going into saturday. but really it looks like a friday night system at that point. that's how it's depicted in the seven-day forecast. that's how much we could get just from the second system. that's friday night into saturday, and it's almost identical to the system coming in on wednesday. you put it together and you have about an inch and a half for the whole week in the north bay. to the seven-day forecast. we know wednesday's on there. we also know we can see rain coming our way for friday and saturday, and we'll see both of those on there. saturday's got a few showers on it as well there. san francisco and oakland up first, and when we look at the north bay and south bay, it is the same story. back to you. coming up next, with 2024
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almost here, we test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
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we are just a few day as way from 2024, and a new year means new laws will go into
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effect. max darrow has the changes coming for the people of california. >> reporter: from laws impacting public safety to health care to housing and more, california will see plenty of new laws on the books once we enter 2024. that includes numerous ones surrounding employment and the work place. starting on january 1st, it will be unlawful for most employers to discriminate against employees or job applicants based upon their use of cannabis away from the work place or off the job. exceptions include those that work in building and construction trades as well as federal workers. sb616 increases the amount of paid sick days employers are required to provide employees. they must provide five sick days per year. previously employers were only required to give three. on january 1st, statewide minimum wage goes up to $16 an hour. in april, it will raise the minimum wage for
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fast food workers to $20 an hour. in june, sb525 takes effect, which will begin the process of scaling up the minimum wage for health care workers to $25 an hour by 2033. in the public safety arena, sb673 goes into effect establishing an ebony alert notification system. it's similar to an amber alert, but specifically for missing black children and women between 12 and 25 years old who proponents of the bill say are disproportionately represented on the list of missing persons. >> african american young individuals make up almost 40% of those individuals who come up missing. african americans, whether they're children or young adults are often listed as run aways. >> reporter: switching gears to ab663 which takes effect on january 1st. this law will allow mobile pharmacies to carry and dispense certain controlled substances that the fda has approved for the
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treatment of opioid use disorder. proponents of this law hope it will help prevent deaths and increase access to treatment, especially for those unhoused. fentanyl remained top of mind in 2023. starting in 2024, with the passage of ab701, those charged with dealing large amounts of fentanyl can face steeper sentences. the need
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all holiday season we're partnering with local food banks to get the word out about the incredible need they're facing and will continue to face once the holidays are over. one major challenge, sky high inflation over the past few years has made food more expensive as well as pandemic era government assistance is drying up. >> the support from the usda is down significantly from what we experienced during the pandemic, so we have to purchase more food. >> four times as much food is what they need to serve all those in need this holiday season. for more information on how to donate or volunteer, check out or scan the qr code on the screen. coming up next, how coach shanahan is
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the 49ers are spending christmas getting ready for tomorrow night's game against the raven, but as matt lively tells us, santa came early to levi stadium. >> with the game tomorrow night, san francisco won't get much of a christmas. the team will actually spends christmas eve in a hotel as head coach kyle shanahan wants to avoid any late night distractions at home. >> i've spent the nights at home before, and you think you'll finish the doll house fast, and suddenly it's 3:00 in the morning. it's good they don't have that option. everyone can be upset with me. >> he's thinking ahead. christian mccaffrey played santa in the locker room earlier this week, gifting custom golf bags and tequila. usually it's the quarterbacks,
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but brock isn't able to be as generous. >> financially i can't cover that right now, but shout out to him. everyone covered it. >> he said i have a good gift for the whole offense. i said nice. he said, i hope everyone likes it. fitted clubs and a customized bag and a bottle of tequila? i'm not upset with that. >> i'd like that gift, no complaints. 49er and ravens are both 11 and 3. it's the first time teams with the two best records in the league are playing this late in the season. >> should be a great game. thanks, matt. we've all seen car break ins at this point, but nothing like this one. the grinch seen breaking into a car, but you can see it was all just a joke for the holidays. the content creator said he was trying to bring a little humor and attention to some of the bay
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area's woes. >> it's a spin off of reality, but i'm trying to make it a joke. i know people will think it's funny, and i know people will think it's not funny. it's kind of a tradition at this point with me and my followers. >> the bipping grinch has more than 3 million combined views so far. it is a concern, but i guess sometimes it's good to make fun of it? >> sure. >> sure. okay. that does it for us here at 11:00. thank you so much for watching. a special edition of the red and gold report is coming up next. good night.
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this is the bay area chevy dealers "gameday" on cbs news bay area. >> put my hat on forwards so everybody knows i'm a champion. >> clinchmas came early for the red and gold last sunday. >> let's go, yeah! >> but they've got their sights set on something bigger. >> this could be one of the accolades on our way to the big prize. >> as long as we bring that trophy back to santa clara, that's all i'm worried about. >> monday night's match-up could be a super bowl preview. >> talk about advent, this is the season for sure. >> go 9ers! >> and one 49er might have another present under the tree. >> mvp,


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