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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  December 25, 2023 3:30am-4:31am PST

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york. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." tonight, there's a major storm blowing through the midwest. this is nebraska. blizzard warnings are up in some areas of the state. air travel is treacherous. we'll have the latest on the weather threat coming up, but we begin in the middle east. today israel says 15 soldiers
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have been killed battling hamas militants in gaza in the last 72 hours. the deaths come as fighting appears to have intensified in this territory despite growing calls for a ceasefire. tonight christmas celebrations in the west bank city of bethlehem are canceled while the war rages on. cbs's imtiaz tyab is in east jerusalem and leads us off tonight. imtiaz. >> reporter: good evening. with so many palestinians killed in israeli attacks and 85% of gaza's population now displaced according to u.n. figures, christians in the holy city of bethlehem say there's nothing to celebrate as the violence rages on. it's the nativity scene that has captured the world's attention. and pastor munther isaac, a palestinian christian, is the man behind it. >> they're looking for jesus in the same way we see on the television with when a house is bombed in gaza people flood to that house to find any sign of
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life. >> reporter: baby jesus as if he were born in the ruins of nearby gaza. >> i don't think my faith has been ever tested more than in the last two months. it feels that even god is silent. >> reporter: silence at the church of the nativity, where by tradition jesus was born on this very spot. >> normally this area would be packed full of tourists and christian pilgrims from around the world. but this year christmas is canceled in bethlehem. >> reporter: steps away in manger square there's no tree, no tourists. few here can remember a christmas so somber. >> in this manger is also aimed to send a message to the world, that this is what christmas looks like in palestine, the birthplace of jesus. this is where it all started. >> reporter: and in gaza just 45 miles away home to one of the world's oldest christian
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communities no one is spared. >> i believe god right now is under the rubble in gaza. god is in the operation room. god is with those who are homeless, who are in despair. he's with them. he's in solidarity with them. he suffers with them. he weeps with them. this is where i think god is more profoundly experienced. >> reporter: and with that profound devotion, jericka, palestinian christians in bethlehem say they'll spend this christmas praying for an end to the catastrophic suffering in gaza. >> imtiaz tyab, thank you. in east jerusalem tonight. well, pope francis is appealing for peace, speaking to the faithful gathered in st. peter's square this christmas eve. the pope said, "our hearts are in bethlehem." francis never mentioned israel or gaza by name, but he did make numerous references to violence and war. well, tonight president biden is at camp david, the presidential retreat in maryland. he'll spend christmas there with
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his family. cbs's erica brown joins us from the white house. it's clearly a short break for the president but no break for those at war this holiday, erica. >> reporter: good evening, jericka. and before he departed the president had a call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as the war with hamas remains one of his biggest challenges into 2024. >> how's the conversation go with prime minister netanyahu? >> i had a long talk with netanyahu today, and it was a private conversation. >> reporter: as he left the white house for the holidays, president biden told reporters he did not ask for a ceasefire in gaza during saturday's call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but as the global demand for a ceasefire grows, the white house says the president did emphasize the need to protect civilians in gaza as israel intensifies its offensive against hamas. this comes as the hamas-run gaza health ministry says more than 20,000 palestinians have died since the start of the war and
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more than 100 hostages captured in israel including eight americans are still believed to be held in gaza. >> from a diplomatic standpoint we've been sending mixed messages to israel. we talk about ceasefires. we talk about sending humanitarian aid into gaza. we talk about putting conditions on aid. >> reporter: the war has also become a key political issue for the 2024 presidential race. a recent cbs news poll says most americans disapprove of president biden's handling of the conflict. now fears of a wider regional conflict grow as the pentagon announced this weekend that the iranian-backed houthi militia group has launched more than a dozen attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea. jericka? >> erica brown report free throw white house tonight. thank you. well, this weekend lawyers for former president donald trump filed an appeal. they're asking for the special counsel's case that charges the president with trying to overturn the 2020 election to be thrown out. mr. trump's lawyers argue the former president has immunity for any actions taken while he
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was still in office. on friday the supreme court denied special counsel jack smith's request to step in and resolve that question of potential immunity. now to the weather threat. tonight a major snowstorm is blowing through nebraska. blizzard warnings are posted and the snow is piling up fast. strong winds making roads dangerous sending big rigs off highways. at the same time many areas of the country are without a white christmas. minnesota set a record for the warmest christmas eve. but a cross-country storm this week is expected to dump a lot of rain from chicago to boston and could even cause disruptions for the trek home. well, tonight, though, getting home for the holidays appears to have mostly been smooth for millions of americans on the move. cbs's elise preston is at los angeles international airport. elise, how are things looking there? >> reporter: good evening, jericka. there's no turbulence today for
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travelers. passengers at los angeles international airport are breezing through check-in and security. americans made it home to enjoy christmas eve even after a massive holiday rush at airports. tsa screened nearly 2.6 million passengers saturday, slightly lower than the busiest day which was friday, with almost 2.8 million. >> i think the airport is -- compared to usually, it's -- not much going on. you know, it's fabulous. >> reporter: flyers are relieved that there's no raeepeat of las year's christmas chaos where winter weather wreaked havoc triggering a ten-day meltdown at southwest airlines. more than 2 million passengers were impacted. this time last year flight cancellations were in the thousands compared to around 350 this weekend. and a scare for one family, jericka. after spirit airlines put a 6-year-old boy on the wrong plane. the child was supposed to arrive in fort myers, florida but was instead sent to orlando, where his grandmother had to pick him up. spirit airlines, which says the
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boy was never left alone, has apologized. >> at least they were in the right state. elise preston, thank you. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. wowwww... this new charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth, i'm starting to get tearied away! ahhh, thank you mr. smooth bear. designed with smooth tear edges, new charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. mmmmm. huh? mom, you ok in there? i'm tear-ific! enjoy the go with charmin. ma, ma, ma—
3:39 am
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>> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." merry christmas morning and thank you for staying with us. i'm jericka duncan in new york. for the rest of this half hour we'll bring you the joys and lessons of the holiday season, and we'll begin in kentucky, where the songs of christmas are ringing out underground. here's conor knighton to
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explain. ♪ the sun shines bright on my old kentucky home ♪ >> reporter: in south central kentucky each year hundreds of people flock to mammoth cave national park, then walk deep underground to enjoy some rock around a christmas tree. ♪ we will sing one song for my old kentucky home ♪ ♪ for my old kentucky home far away ♪ the annual cave sing concert -- ♪ go tell it now ♪ features groups carolling 140 feet below the earth's surface. ♪ the weather outside is frightful ♪ ♪ but the fire is so delightful ♪ ♪ and since we've no place to go ♪ ♪ let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ♪ ♪ let it snow ♪ >> reporter: even if the weather outside is frightful, the cave stays delightfully mild
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year-round. >> the weather is great inside the cave. it's always 54 degrees. there's no raining or snowing, anything like that. so it's a perfect place to have, you know, music inside the cave. >> reporter: meet park guide kenetha sanders' family moved to this area in 1854. the park believes the first christmas in the cave occurred in the 1880s. >> there were over 600 families that lived here before we became a national park. a lot of those people worked here for the mammoth cave stage or worked at the hotel. and someone came up with a great idea of why don't we have a christmas celebration inside the cave? >> reporter: the dried out tree from that early celebration stayed in the cave for decades. but it wasn't until the 1980s when today's cave sing tradition took hold. ♪ the line-up is usually local. a brass band. ♪ or a choir from a nearby
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college. ♪ gloria ♪ mammoth cave is by far the longest known cave system in the world. to deck its hollow halls would take ages. more than 400 miles of passageways have been mapped so far. the curved stone walls also provide for some world-class acoustics. ♪ when friends come to call ♪ >> this is a great space for singers. some places you go it's very dead, you can't hear yourself singing. but once the men get in here and start singing together you'll see the joy come over them because you can hear each other really well and you can just enjoy the harmonies. ♪ caroling out in the snow ♪ >> reporter: tim cash is a member of the caveman chorus a capella group. >> to me it's like nature's carnegie hall. ♪ >> reporter: earlier this year a man who's played carnegie hall more than 100 times brought his cello down into the cave. yo-yo ma performed a special concert with the louisville orchestra here last april. >> say reindeer!
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>> reindeer. >> reporter: aboveground there's santa claus and cookies. for many in the surrounding communities the cave sing tradition is what kicks off the holiday season. javier hernandez and ariel cheshire got engaged here nine years ago. >> now that we have kids, it's more special. so every year as long as we can we're going to try to come and enjoy it. ♪ silent night ♪ >> reporter: the concert always ends with a group sing-along. "silent night" echoes through the cave. the crowd then exits by candlelight. ♪ all is calm ♪ a reminder of how those first cave carolers would have experienced this place. >> and that's the moment where i really think this event sets itself apart. because to hear all of those voices raised together in the cave, you can't be mad at someone when you're singing together. you forget all of your differences. and for just a moment we get to experience this amazing place and the true meaning of the
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season together. ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ >> that again was conor knighton. earlier this year we introduced you to a man in california in need of a helping hand. cashman whitely was homeless and facing a series of challenges including a cancer diagnosis. he's still being treated for that, but much of the rest of his life is looking up. thanks to his neighbors. david begnaud explains. >> reporter: it's been almost a year since we first met cashman whitely. and as you're about to see, his future is far brighter than anything he's known for most of the last decade. he is still without a home. but he does own a car now. and that is where he sleeps. >> and there you have it. sleeping back in the back end of the car. >> reporter: it's also his place of work. you see, whitely, better known as cash, is now delivering for doordash and uber eats.
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how does it feel to be making money again on your own? >> actually? fantastic. i can actually do more for myself now. things that i need to do. >> reporter: it was not always that way. cash hasn't had steady work since his job traveling with the carnival stopped. >> after ten years with the carnival i built verifiable job witnesses. i had no address, at the time no phone number. the employers, they have their standards, and i'm below it. >> reporter: but in claremont, california his fortunes started to change. >> you look good. >> reporter: after newspaper editor mick rhodes wrote a story about a man who was sleeping in front of a church. >> on a cement cold slab. and the church didn't open its doors. >> reporter: carmen flores and her partner tatyana guerrero responded. they offered their guest room to cash for a few weeks. >> i think they saved my life.
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>> reporter: he really needed help for an unsightly growth on the side of his face. >> so bad i just screamed uncontrollably. >> reporter: a local reverend jesse smith along with her husband tried to get cash the medical attention he needed. >> over and over going to the emergency rooms with him. kept calling the paramedics, having the police call them here or there or whatever. he was not seen as a human. he was seen as a nuisance. >> reporter: then dr. dave nasca, a retired pathologist who just happened to meet whitely walking on the street, helped him to overcome the health care hurdles that hobbled him. >> i kept calling, and eventually threatening. >> reporter: what makes you emotional? >> well, seeing somebody suffer like that in front of everybody and nobody was taking any initiative. nobody cared about him. >> reporter: whitely ended up being diagnosed with skin cancer. he wanted immunotherapy, but that wasn't covered under his medicaid insurance plan. so counselors at city of hope, a
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comprehensive cancer center, helped him to change his insurance so he could get the therapy he wanted. flores and guerrero, both health care professionals, became his advocates. so even now he can continue those cancer treatments. >> not exactly cancer-free. but i'm getting there. >> when we first met, we came to this park. >> right. >> and the side of your face, i remember, we didn't shoot that side. >> yeah, i know. and to be honest with you, i'm really glad you didn't because i didn't want everybody to see it. >> i've seen him before. it's a miracle. >> reporter: well, that's a diagnosis dr. nasca, the retired pathologist, does not usually give. >> i walk the streets of claremont every day, every night. and i meet a lot of the homeless people. and i can say they're all nice people. >> reporter: what makes your eyes water, dr. dave? >> guys like cash. being able to help somebody is great. >> reporter: the help cashman whitely received even extended to his car. >> in the name of the father.
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>> reporter: it was donated by one of reverend smith's parishioners. part of a cascade of kindness that changed whitely's life this year. and to think, it all started with that story in the local newspaper from the editor mick rhodes. >> what's the headline now? >> well, i mean, to me the big story is cash is exploding stereotypes. he's a guy who's gotten well. >> reporter: who we invited back along with dr. nasca to see how the circle of kindness around cashman whitely has changed his life story. >> i'm grateful for every one of you jokers. every one of you guys. because you didn't have to stand there and back me up. you did it only because you wanted to. and that's a fact. and thanks a lot. that's the best i can say. >> that again was david begnaud reporting. and this is the "cbs overnight news."
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we have another reminder in this season of giving that the greatest gift of all is kindness. steve hartman found this christmas tale on the road. >> reporter: on detroit's west side we found a story on a second story. >> it's a duplex. >> yeah. >> reporter: downstairs renter colin mcconnell says the new neighbors above have been disrupting his peace below. >> i thought it was the detroit lions practicing up there some nights, you know. >> reporter: in actuality it was three pee-wees, running backs and forwards across the hardwood. the kids belong to 33-year-old don wilson. and for months colin knew nothing of don beyond what he could hear through the floorboards. but when they finally met, colin says he picked up a whisper of something much more. >> you could just tell something
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was weighing on him. so that's when i kind of was like, you good? and he just kind of was like, not really. >> reporter: turns out don had just lost the love of his life and mother of his children. lakenya had a stroke and died this past summer. she was 39. >> just not having that person here. you know what i mean? like -- i can't be like her. >> reporter: juggling the kids and a full-time job with virtually no savings was overwhelming. after colin heard that, the noise from above became the least of his worries. he posted a video on social media asking for anything to help this guy. and within hours the boxes started showing up on his doorstep. >> this is all for you, bro. >> what? >> yeah, bro. >> reporter: it was everything don would need for christmas and beyond. but he says the best gift was that it all came from strangers.
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>> that was the best feeling, because it was random people that you don't expect that surprise joy. it was just -- it's amazing. i never felt it before. >> reporter: very soon people around the world will be listening for sleigh bells. but in this tiny duplex this man will be listening happily for the pounding feet of children enchanted and know that christmas has come. >> look at
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we end this half hour with more sounds of the season, this time brought to you by the young people's chorus of new york city. ♪ two turtle doves ♪ ♪ and a partridge in a pear tree ♪ ♪ in a pear tree ♪ ♪ a partridge in a pear tree ♪ ♪ on the ninth day of christmas my true love sent to me ♪ ♪ nine ladies dancing ♪ ♪ seven swimmers swimming ♪ ♪ six geese a-laying ♪ ♪ five gold rings ♪ ♪ four calling birds ♪
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♪ three french hens ♪ ♪ two turtle doves ♪ ♪ and a partridge in a pear tree ♪ ♪ in a pear tree ♪ ♪ a partridge ♪ ♪ on the tenth day of christmas my true love sent to me ten drummers drumming ♪ ♪ nine ladies dancing ♪ ♪ eight maids a milking ♪ ♪ seven swimmers swimming ♪ ♪ six geese a laying ♪ ♪ five gold rings ♪ ♪ four calling birds ♪ ♪ three french hens ♪ ♪ two turtle doves ♪ ♪ and a partridge in a pear tree ♪ ♪ in a pear tree ♪ ♪ on the 11th day of christmas my true love sent to me ♪ ♪ 11 lords a leaping ♪ ♪ ten drummers drumg ♪ ♪ nine ladies condition ♪ ♪ eight maids a milking ♪ ♪ seven swimmers swimming ♪ ♪ six geese a laying ♪ ♪ five gold rings notes ♪ four calling birds ♪ ♪ three french hens ♪ ♪ two turtle drofz ♪ ♪ and a partridge in a pear tree ♪ ♪ on the 12th day of christmas my true love sent to me ♪ ♪ 12 pipers piping ♪ ♪ 11 lords a leaping ♪ ♪ ten drummers drumming ♪
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♪ nine ladies dancing ♪ ♪ eight maids a minimuming ♪ ♪ seven swimmers swimming ♪ ♪ six geese a laying ♪ ♪ five gold rings ♪ ♪ four calling birds ♪ ♪ three french hens ♪ ♪ two turtle doves ♪ ♪ and a partridge in a pear tree ♪ ♪ and a partridge in a pear tree ♪ this is "cbs news flash." i'm courtney kealy in new york. terrifying moments when gunshots rang out inside a colorado mall on christmas eve. one person was killed and two others seriously hurt at the citadel mall in colorado springs. police say two groups got into a fight that turned violent. overseas at least 68 people were killed by an israeli strike in central gaza.
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according to the hamas-run health ministry. while smoke rose in gaza, christmas celebrations were canceled in the west bank city of bethlehem. the pope delivered his christmas message, calling for peace. and santa is on his way. the north american aerospace defense command is tracking his sleigh as he makes his way across the globe. for more download the cbs news p on your connected tv. i'm courtney kealy, s news, new york. the storm on the move on this christmas day. nebraska in the bullseye. blizzard warnings, icy roads, snow and big rigs piling up as minnesotans bask in record warmth. the latest on the cross-country weather system. also, silent night. christmas canceled in a holy city. >> i'm imtiaz tyab in east jerusalem.
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tonight in bethlehem in the occupied west bank palestinian christians say they won't be celebrating christmas as the carnage in gaza intensifies. pope francis celebrates christmas eve mass praying for those suffering in war. president biden pressing israel to change course. other world leaders not waiting. plus the mad dash for last-minute gifts. shoppers hitting stores. some simply taking in the sights. a sweet treat for the masses. the california store creating classic candy canes. and later, a santa for everyone, bringing joy to children in their own words. >> the most important thing about christmas is love. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." tonight there's a major
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storm blowing through the midwest. this is nebraska. blizzard warnings are up in some areas of the state. air travel is treacherous. we'll have the latest on the weather threat coming up. but we begin in the middle east. today israel says 15 soldiers have been killed battling hamas militants in gaza in the last 72 hours. the deaths come as fighting appears to have intensified in this territory despite growing calls for a ceasefire. tonight christmas celebrations in the west bank city of bethlehem are canceled while the war rages on. cbs's imtiaz tyab is in east jerusalem and leads us off tonight. imtiaz. >> reporter: good evening. with so many palestinians killed in israeli attacks and 85% of gaza's population now displaced according to u.n. figures, christians in the holy city of bethlehem say there's nothing to celebrate as the violence rages on. it's the nativity scene that has captured the world's attention.
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and paster munther isaac, a palestinian christian, is the man behind it. >> they're looking for jesus in the same way we see on the television with when a house is bmbed in gaza people flood to that house to find any sign of life. >> reporter: baby jesus. as if he were born in the ruins of nearby gaza. >> i don't think my faith has been ever tested more than in the last two months. it feels that even god is silent. >> reporter: silence at the church of the nativity, where by tradition jesus was born on this very spot. normally, this area would be packed full of tourists and christian pilgrims from around the world. but this year christmas is canceled in bethlehem. steps away in manger square there's no tree, no tourists. few here can remember a christmas so somber. >> and this manger is also aimed to send a message to the world, that this is what christmas
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looks like in palestine, the birthplace of jesus. this is where it all started. >> reporter: and in gaza just 45 miles away, home to one of the world's oldest christian communities, no one is spared. >> i believe god right now is under the rubble in gaza. god is in the operation room. god is with those who are homeless, who are in despair. he's with them. he's in solidarity with them. he suffers with them. he weeps with them. this is where i think god is more profoundly experienced. >> reporter: and with that profound devotion, jericka, palestinian christians in bethlehem say they'll spend this christmas praying for an end to the catastrophic suffering in gaza. >> imtiaz tyab, thank you. in east jerusalem tonight. well, pope francis is appealing for peace, speaking to the faithful gathered in st. peter's square this christmas eve. the pope said, quote, our hearts
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are in bethlehem. francis never mentioned israel or gaza by name, but he did make numerous references to violence and war. well, tonight president biden is at camp david, the presidential retreat in maryland. he'll spend christmas there with his family. cbs's erica brown joins us from the white house. it's clearly a short break for the president but no break for those at war this holiday, erica. >> reporter: good evening, jericka. and before he departed the president had a call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as the war with hamas remains one of his biggest challenges into 2024. >> how'd the conversation go with prime minister netanyahu? >> i had a long talk with netanyahu today, and it's a private conversation. >> reporter: as he left the white house for the holidays, president biden told reporters he did not ask for a ceasefire in gaza during saturday's call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but as the global demand for a ceasefire grows, the white house says the president did emphasize
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the need to protect civilians in gaza as israel intensifies its offensive against hamas. this comes as the hamas-run gaza health ministry says more than 20,000 palestinians have died since the start of the war and more than 100 hostages captured in israel including eight americans are still believed to be held in gaza. >> from a diplomatic standpoint we've been sending mixed messages to israel. you know, we talk about ceasefires. we talk about sending humanitarian aid into gaza. we talk about putting conditions on aid. >> reporter: the war has also become a key political issue for the 2024 presidential race. a recent cbs news poll says most americans disapprove of president biden's handling of the conflict. now fears of a wider regional conflict grow as the pentagon announced this weekend that the iranian-backed houthi militia group has launched more than a dozen attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea. jericka? >> erica brown reporting from the white house tonight. thank you.
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well, this weekend lawyers for former president donald trump filed an appeal. they're asking for the special counsel's case that charges the president with trying to overturn the 2020 election to be thrown out. mr. trump's lawyers argue the former president has immunity for any actions taken while he was still in office. on friday the supreme court denied special counsel jack smith's request to step in and resolve that question of potential immunity. now to the weather threat. tonight a major snowstorm is blowing through nebraska. blizzard warnings are posted and the snow is piling up fast. strong winds are making roads dangerous and icy, sending big rigs like this off highways. at the same time many areas of the country are without a white christmas. minnesota set a record for the warmest christmas eve. but a cross-country storm this week is expected to dump a lot of rain from chicago to boston and could even cause disruptions for the trek home. there's a lot more news ahead on the "cbs overnight news."
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>> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." getting home for the holidays appears to have mostly been smooth for millions of americans on the move. cbs's elise preston is at los angeles international airport. elise, how are things looking there? >> reporter: good evening, jericka. there's no turbulence today for travelers. passengers at los angeles international airport are breezing through check-in and
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security. americans made it home to enjoy christmas eve even after a massive holiday rush at airports. tsa screened nearly 2.6 million passengers saturday. slightly lower than the busiest day, which was friday, with almost 2.8 million. >> i think the airport, compared t usually it's not much going on. you know, it's fabulous. >> reporter: flyers are relieved there's no repeat of last year's christmas chaos where winter weather wreaked havoc, triggering a ten-day meltdown at southwest airlines. more than 2 million passengers were impacted. this time last year flight cancellations were in the thousands compared to around 350 this weekend. and a scare for one family, jericka, after spirit airlines put a 6-year-old boy on the wrong plane. the child was supposed to arrive in fort myers, florida but was instead sent to orlando, where his grandmother had to pick him up. spirit airlines, which says the
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boy was never left alone, has apologized. >> at least they were in the right state. elise preston, thank you. well, today was crunch time, which meant go time for last-minute shoppers. this was the scene on new york's fifth avenue. shoppers packed -- you can see right there, looking for those final gifts, and got a glimpse of the famous department store window displays. that's where we find cbs's astrid martinez this evening. good evening, astrid. >> reporter: jericka, santa, his helpers and his reindeer have a long night ahead of them. but time is ticking down for shoppers. >> merry christmas! >> reporter: hopefully, you've made your list and checked it twice. >> i'm just now getting started, so you know. >> reporter: but if you suddenly realize you forgot a gift -- >> this year's a little bit different. christmas kind of crept up on me. >> reporter: don't worry, you're not alone. >> i'm a last-minute shopper. yes, i'm a last-minute shopper. >> reporter: the national retail federation is painting a picture of resilient american consumers.
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they estimate 142 million people will shop this weekend. 111 million are expected to do so in person. shoppers also predicted to spend an average of $875 on gifts this year. that's about 5% more than last year. a welcome gift for stores and small businesses. >> this is where brick and mortar wins. like these days people can't shop online. you have to come to us and see us. but we actually get to give you that handshake back. >> reporter: being a procrastinator might work in shoppers' favor after all. >> and there are still some good deals out to be had. >> reporter: now, jericka, there are some people that wait until christmas day to do their last-minute shopping. but keep in mind that most retail stores will be closed. there are some grocery stores that will be open with limited hours. and jericka, if you do have an emergency, several cvs and walgreen's will be open. >> some good information. astrid, thank you. coming up, santa's inclusive mission to bring joy to every child. then we'll join the crowds in california at a shop that's sharing a sweet symbol of the season.
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and straight ahead -- >> i'm ramy inocencio in the jordan valley. americans are protecting palestinians from violent settler attacks, trying to drive them off the land. jordan's sore nose let out a fiery sneeze, so dad grabbed puffs plus lotion to soothe her with ease. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. (peaceful music) - time to get up, sweetie! (kissing) - [child voiceover] most people might not think much about all the little things you do every day, but for me, just being able to do those little things is the best part of my day.
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with the world's attention on gaza and the humanitarian crisis there, violence has also erupted in the israeli-occupied west bank some 50 miles away. extremist jewish settler attacks on palestinians there have surged. cbs's ramy inocencio reports from the jordan valley. >> reporter: families attacked and livestock killed. palestinian shepherds in the west bank are being driven from their homes by militant israeli settlers. >> it disturbs me. it upsets me. >> reporter: israeli american eli charlotte is helping protect these palestinians. a volunteer with the jordan valley activists. >> i empathize with them so much because i see our people doing the same thing that was done to us for so long to other people. >> reporter: charlotte is one of about 200 volunteers, including several americans, documenting settlers on a mission to seize palestinian lands. >> it's cleansing these lands of this population. >> ethnic cleansing? >> yeah, i think that term is accurate. >> reporter: settlers spring into action anytime to
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terrorize. here young men unafraid to show their faces to the shepherd who filmed them. berhan basharad, a 49-year-old sheepherder, is that man. "they came to my house day and night for 40 days last year," he said. how does that make you feel? "my two children, my wife, we're all afraid." but he says he won't leave the place he, his father and grandfather live for at least the past century, unlike a growing number of others, according to b'tselem, an israeli human rights group. israeli settlers have attacked at least 16 palestinian shepherding communities since october 7th. more than 1,000 people have abandoned their homes. >> and this is our right by the bible, by the -- by the jewish religion. and that's our land. >> reporter: from a hilltop above the valley eivatar and other militarized settler youth take in the view of the land
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they believe was promised to them. unashamed to say what palestinians should do. >> the easy solution is they leave. it make our life very easy. >> reporter: there are an estimated 500 palestinian farming families in the west bank and an estimated 500,000 illegal jewish settlers. in basharad forges on despite those odds. "i always say she we should live together peacefully," he says. "we don't want war. enough. enough." an echo around these hills for thousands of years, a land of serene beauty now shrouded in violence. ramy inocencio in the jordan valley of the occupied palestinian territories.
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it is the most wonderful time of the year, for candy canes, that is. nearly 1.6 billion of the sweet treats are sold between thanksgiving and christmas every year in the u.s. how do we know? that's according to the sugar association. in tonight's "weekend journal" cbs's joy benedict visits one of the most seasoned candy cane craftsmen in the country. >> reporter: it's the biggest show on this quiet street. >> that is sugar water and corn syrup there. >> reporter: as tiny faces press against the glass every night during the holidays. >> so this is the same recipe we've been using here at logan's since 1933. >> reporter: they come to see and taste the magic of the candy cane. >> that is our number one selling candy cane by far at the christmas season. >> reporter: jerry rowley is the man behind the marble slab kneading the warm confection at logan's candies. >> that is triple distilled peppermint flavor right there. >> reporter: with a dab of peppermint, a dash of food coloring and a sprinkle of dad jokes he slowly brings the candy to life. >> it gets lighter and lighter with each and every pull. >> reporter: there are no machines here. >> give it a little stretch. >> reporter: no hook-shaped molds. just the precision of
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imperfection and a craft learned and formed over the decades. >> and a little bend on the other end. let's all give a big round of applause for candy cane number one there, live and in color. >> reporter: and his audience eats it up. >> stay with me, guys, because remember, we still have 398 more to go. >> reporter: whether you're 8 or older, everyone was given a warm candy cane to mold and devour. >> it was like the best. >> have you ever tried warm candy? never. it was so cool. >> reporter: but it's not just one show for this shop. as this family-owned business does this all night six nights a week, not just for the demonstration but the demand. >> i am the candy cane king. >> reporter: he is one of a handful of handmade candy cane crafters in the nation. >> this is one of the harder candies we make, is the candy canes. >> reporter: he says the flavor is worth the effort. >> they're handmade, so they're not like made by machine. so we can have control over not overpulling them, not overflavoring them. they're nice and fresh and just right. >> reporter: of course candy canes are the biggest seller during the holidays, and believe it or not on any given night
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like this they are making about 100 pounds of candy canes. that's around 2,000 of these. >> making close to 100,000 every year. that's just the christmas season too. >> reporter: all made by rowley. >> it's definitely a lost and dying art. >> turt lds. >> reporter: logan's candies opened 90 years ago in ontario, colorado. >> a big giant fish or whale. >> reporter: and rowley started working here when he was just 12. at 19 he bought the shop. and he and his wife have run it ever since. >> this is our 42nd christmas of owning the candy store. >> reporter: and with their daughter now helping -- >> we call her the crusher. >> reporter: -- they have no plans on slowing down. >> our family doesn't get a lot of christmas time this time of year but we look at it as we're part of everybody else's family christmas. so we love that. >> reporter: so they add a little love and a whole lot of sugar to make a stick of red and white striped peppermint pleasure that has truly become a symbol of the season. joy benedict, cbs news, ontario, california.
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>> now i want to try. well, next, how santa is going the extra mile to share the holiday magic with all children.
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well, finally tonight, for santa his special magic means finding a voice that works with everyone. here's cbs's mark strassmann. >> what do you want for christmas, dottie? >> reporter: santa learned along the way he needed to wrap christmas differently. >> and i said what do you want for christmas? and all he could say was "trick or treat." and i realized then that i needed to do something. >> reporter: he needed to speak more languages. the more the merrier.
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[ speaking in a global language ] starting with full immersion spanish in honduras. >> and what's the reaction of the kids when they realize santa speaks spanish? >> it takes their breath away. >> and it's so exciting to see that child's eyes light up. talk to them. what i feel like is the most important part of christmas, which is love. >> reporter: for deaf children like 8-year-old gracie mcclure he can sign his christmas message. >> and i was saying santa is happy to see you. santa loves you. >> reporter: and a special gift. getting autistic kids one by one to light up like a christmas tree. >> i talk very softly. i don't use the big barreling "ho, ho, ho." and i try not a particularly sensory santa not wearing all the glitz and the bells to cut down on the stimulation. >> do you see the change in the child?
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>> it is remarkable. >> the message is the same, regardless of the language or the way to communicate it. >> reporter: santa's job, bring joy, by meeting children in their worlds. a santa for everyone. mark strassmann, cbs news, atlanta. and that is the "overnight news" for this christmas morning. reporting from new york city, hope you got everything you asked for from santa. i'm jericka duncan. have a great day. this is "cbs news flash." i'm courtney kealy in new york. terrifying moments when gunshots rang out inside a colorado mall on christmas eve. one person was killed and two others seriously hurt at the citadel mall in colorado springs. police say two groups got into a fight that turned violent. overseas at least 68 people were killed by an israeli strike in central gaza, according to the hamas-run health ministry.
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while smoke rose in gaza, christmas celebrations were canceled in the west bank city of bethlehem. the pope delivered his christmas message, calling for peace. and santa is on his way. the north american aerospace defense command is tracking his sleigh as he makes his way across the globe. for more download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm courtney kealy, cbs news, new york. it's monday, december 25th, this is the "cbs morning news." silent night. christmas celebrations take on a muted tone in the middle east as israel appears to intensify its bombardment on gaza. the death toll growing both sides of the war. dreaming of a white christmas, nebraska in the bull's-eye. blizzard warnings, icy roads, and snow piling up. plus


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