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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 26, 2023 1:37am-2:13am PST

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a christmas collapse where the red and gold 49ers dominated at home. how the faithful are reacting to a big lump of coal. >> we're faithful to the bay. we're not going nowhere. one game can't hurt us. we good. plus, it's a crime that could not have happened at a worst time for an east bay restaurant owner trying to serve the homeless. >> oh man, i was furious. it's something i never imagined would happen. in a story that combines redemption and resilience, the san francisco chef giving back to the place that saved his life. >> what better place to give to than one that has given me so much. from kpix, this is the late
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news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi there, merry christmas, thank you for joining us. i'm devin fehely the for sara donchey. niner fans went into this christmas looking at a gift, a chance to spend the holidays with family and friends and fellow members of the faithful. but that gift came with a surprise that nobody wanted and few fans saw coming. this is a live look at levi stadium where the ravens spoiled christmas for the niners. let's get out to matt lively for the latest there, matt? >> reporter: hey, devin, football fans say this one as super bowl preview between the 49ers and the ravens. the good news for 49ers fans is it's still december a lot of football left in the season. brock purdy entered this one as the mvp favorite, but that wasn't the case in this game. third quarter, picked off by patrick queen. his fourth interception of the game. in the fourth quarter, purdy under
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pressure gets taken down for the sack, and he's slow to get up. he left the game with a stinger and purdy did not return. that meant it was sam darnold's time to finish things up. niners within two scores late, but a fitting end to a night that the ninerings want to forget. darnold picked off in the end zone. the ravens snap that winning streak for the niners. it's not the result they were looking for, but they still have faith in their quarterback. >> i think the nfl script writers did a great job tonight. i've never seen brock purdy throw four interceptions before. >> the fact he's played so long and not had a game like this is unusual. wish we didn't have as many picks today. >> our team came ready to play, and you know, for me to make some decisions like that, it pains me, you know. and it's not fair to these guys so. i have to realize that and understand that. and i have to
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get better for my team. >> reporter: devin, we did not see this one coming. we're going to have full recap and more analysis a little bit later in the show during our regular sports hit, but kind of shell shocked is how i would describe fans here at levi stadium. >> yeah, this is a bad time for a bad loss. do you think that they bounce back and finish the season strong? >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. i mean, it's not a good time for this loss to come, but you can also look at it as a silver lining that they did have a loss like this before they got to the playoffs. sometimes teams need to get gut punch and a reality check. i would say that's exactly what the 49ers got tonight. and that might help them moving into january and as they hope to be playing in february. >> all right, matt, thank you so much. all right, so let's be honest, this was not the christmas day game that niner fans had on their wish list. this was not the present that they hoped to unwrap tonight and enjoy during a monday night matchup. it was a measuring stick game, and they just
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didn't measure up to the ravens tonight. but you can't win or lose a super bowl in december. the niners are still a team with super bowl aspirations and so are their fans. those fans turned out in droves tonight. our kelsi thorud, she spoke to fans on a disappointing night for the team. >> reporter: well, it was a tough end to christmas day for niners fans. the 49ers lost to the baltimore reigns here at levi stadium, but even with that loss, the niners fans that i spoke with told me they are still confident that this team can go all the way. a tough loss to a tough team made for a tough end to the night for niners fans this christmas. >> this sucks so bad. i came up from bakersfield to come to the game, and this is a heartbreaker. >> it's rough. it's heartbreaking, but i'll be a
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faithful for life. >> niners. >> niners. >> reporter: coming into the day, hopes were high as the niners looked to take down the 11-3 ravens. thousands of people made a day of it coming out to the stadium early to tailgate. >> we started tailgating earlier, and so now we're here with all the fam. it's like the best christmas ever. >> yeah, we've just been, you know, grilling, eating food, having drinks, enjoying a good time. >> reporter: that energy carried into the stadium for kick-off but quickly drained as the niners fell behind. still, fans held on to hope through the game that the team would make a come back. and even though it didn't end the way they hoped, many told us the loss doesn't leave them feeling defeated. >> we got to run the ball. like we got away from our whole game plan tonight trying to throw the ball, and that's what i think the mistake we made for sure. we'll be ready next time, definitely. >> we're faithful to the bay. we're not going nowhere. one game can't hurt us, we good.
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>> reporter: now, coming into this game, many people dubbed it a potential super bowl preview. many of the fans told me they really do think the niners could meet one the ravens again at the super bowl and they say they believe that the team will use this loss to their advantage and win when it really matters. >> all right, kelsi, thank you. niners fans are hoping the new year comes with a bounce back game, finish the season strong on new year's eve. they're in washington. and the regular season home finale pits the niners versus the rams. that's on january the 7th. earlier today we spoke with one niner fan who actually traveled from baltimore to be here today. he's sticking around for a few more days, but i don't really envy the talk he's going the hear back in maryland. he told us right before kick-off that all he wanted for christmas was a niner win. things obviously didn't g according to the plan, but what ron loves about the niners can't be stripped away after just one tough night. >> always feel like the 49ers
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are never one guy. it's always next guy up. it's always a team game. no one blames anyone for anything. i like that whole feeling from the team. >> the last time that ron visited the bay area was eight years ago, the last ravens/niners matchup near the bay. lots of niner fans took to social media to air their grievances, one saying hell of a game by the ravens. y'all were definite through better team tonight. 49ers got to go back to work. hope to see you again, merry christmas, and much love. that's really nice. others were frustrated. the niners poor play piled on to the annoyances that bay area folk deal with on the daily. another said got into bay area traffic, spent $27 on an ip a just to see purdy get picked off four times. now, i feel you, but those are first world problems. the ravens rained on the niners parade tonight, but there's some actual rain in the forecast this week. let's bring in meteorologist darren peck with
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more on that. >> wednesday, devin, there's two storms coming our way, actually, wednesday and then again friday night. but before we even get to those, look at first alert doppler, and there are a few showers on here. we come in for a close-up view. a few showers trying to hold together and get into the north bay. there's not a lot to that, but radar reading a few showers over santa rosa. don't be surprised if you notice a drop or two of rain from that. it's not impactful and won't last long. the bigger picture shows us the storm that matters more for us. that's this one out here. we get to wednesday come in for a closer look at that now. there's witness morning, a good line of rain sitting off the coast. this starts into the north bay by the time we get to commute time wednesday morning. more likely later commute, though. because if we look at when the best rain shows up right there, that's actually about 11:00 ap. and from that point on, then we're going to see some pretty decent steady rain march across the entire bay throughout wednesday. everybody will get in on the act on that. if we look at the
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rainfall totals, we're just looking at this wednesday system, we could get 0.75 of an inch of rain for some north bay communities. 0.8 for heeltsburg. the south by a, we get in on the act here. 0.4 of an inch of rain for the city. that storm, number one, is coming wednesday. i'll be back in a couple minutes, because we've got to talk about the friday storm and dane rouse waves coming to our beaches on thursday. devin, back to you. >> thank you, darren. there is a spare the air alert for the bay area tomorrow. the bay area air quality management district says that even though it is a tradition for many to burn logs over the holidays that light winds and colder temperatures could make the air quality really bad tomorrow. we've got some other headlines from around the bay. fire crews in the south bay are trying to find the cause of a large fire at a two-story commercial building in los altos. it broke out on el camino real between north san antonio road and sheerwood avenue early this morning. no
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injuries were reported. a second person has died after an apartment fire in menlo park. that fire broke out early yesterday morning near highway 101. firefighters found one person and two dogs dead inside of that apartment. they rescued a second person with critical injuries who would later tie. crews say that neighbors tried to extinguish the fire from the outside. there is no word on how it started, but firefighters say they do have an idea about why nobody got out. >> it was evident they were smokers and had removed the smoke alarms. and so the fact that there was a fire in their unit, they were not alerted to the presence of a fire so that could have definitely contributed. >> firefighters are reminding everyone to make sure that you have functioning smoke detecters in all bedrooms and hallways and on each floor of your home. the grinch ruined christmas for a restaurant owner in the east bay. thieves stole his food truck that he was planning to use in just a couple of hours to deliver meals to the
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homeless. >> oh, man, i was furious. i mean, it's something you'll never imagine to happen. you put 6,000 hours in, somebody come take everything from you in six minutes. >> the owner of that truck, eric scott, hopes police find the suspect who drove off with his food trailer. he also plans to follow through on the meal delivery when he can. a holiday story of redemption in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. a chef serving up inspiration by cooking in a kitchen that means a whole lot to him. >> it's amazing. it was always been a dream for me to work in a kitchen. and meet the volunteer who made it a mission to make sure seniors in need got a holiday meal. plus, taking in the bay area as a christmas tourist. be caught up with a couple in union square. hear why they came all the way from mexico city to celebrate.
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across the bay area, families are marking the holiday with, of course, presents, but some decided to turn christmas day into a family outing. one popular holiday spot is san jose's
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christmas in the park. every day plaza de caesar chavez is transformed. some folks say they come every year just for the food. >> it kind of became our christmas tradition that we always come here for christmas day, especially because of the hot chocolate and the huge churros there in the corner. i can't imagine christmas day without those. >> christmas in the park has been bringing people together for over 44 years. it's there until january 1st. and san francisco's union square was also a popular spot for some family this is christmas. we saw people dining and walking around and taking photos. we spoke to a family visiting from mexico city who told us they're enjoying their first time in the city. >> since we got together when we were young we wanted to come to san francisco, and now with our kids we came to celebrate christmas here. >> i like it so much. and i
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don't want to finish christmas. >> all right, so that family told us one of their favorite parts of hanging out at union square was the ice skating rink, of course. well, we now have a story of redemption at saint anthony's in the heart of san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. the group says about 50% of the people living in the tenderloin suffer from food insecurity. the group serves close to 2,000 meals every day at their location on golden gate avenue. today they plan to serve warm meals to 1,500 people for christmas. itay hod visited the kitchen where he met a chef who knows what it's like to need help. >> reporter: when he was homeless and destitute, becoming a top chef wasn't exactly on juan trujillo's menu of life. >> i got into drugs and alcohol from the age of 13. >> reporter: at 17 he discovered crack cocaine and began a downward spiral that nearly killed him. >> i remember the first hit i
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took and where i took it. and i fell in love with it. >> reporter: then a year ago just when he'd lost all hope he stumbled into saint anthony's, a social service nonprofit in the heart of the tenderloin. while enjoying his first hot meal in a while, he was introduced to a staffer who offered him a spot on the detox program. in the meantime, he worked in the kitchen as an assistant. now he's a chef at the very place that saved his life. >> it's amazing. it has always been a dream for me to work in the kitchen. >> reporter: every christmas for the last 70 years, the saint anthony foundation serves about 1,500 holiday meals. today juan and his team are cooking up 2,100 pounds of chicken, 150 pounds of rice, and 500 pounds of brownies. while homelessness is on the
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rise nationwide, a recent government report shows that san francisco saw its unhoused population drop by 15% since 2019. >> i think it's really challenging. >> reporter: still, saint anthony spokesperson sally hanes says the crisis is far from over. >> i think that's compounded with the fentanyl crisis, that along with mental health issues. the cost of housing i think is a real struggle for a lot of folks. >> reporter: for juan, it's been a chance to cook it forward. >> and what better place to give to, you know, that has given me so much. >> reporter: carving a tale of resilience by slicing through life's biggest adversities. the 2022 census in san francisco found that more than 7,700 homeless men, women, and children were living on the city streets. that includes people living in shelters. the next count happens early next year. as of november, the city
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says there are more than 500 tents and other makeshift shelters on the streets. 13% of those are in the tenderloin. all right, let's get more on the weather. we've got raining coming up a couple of day this is week. a couple of storms. let's go to meteorologist darren peck with more on that. >> wednesday and then again late friday. last i showed you what the wednesday storm is going to look like. we looked at the rain, did some timing. there's one other thing we need to talk about, and that's the wind. you look where this thing's going to be on tuesday, you see the storm sitting out here. if you visualize what the wind fields are like, 50-mile-an-hour winds on the ocean. that's gik to create a swell that's going to get here on thursday. we're going to feel the wind here at home as that system comes on and gets close enough to us. watch the screen light up on wednesday morning. and we'll see gusts the 30 to 40 miles per hour
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along the coast and in the hills between wednesday morning 9:00 a.m. to about noon. it'll be noticeably windy for the rest of us as well. the national weather service hasn't put out wind advisories yet, and they may not need to. but it's going to be windy. in order to see the impacts that this big swell is going to have coming our way, we're going to use the virtual map and go to a part of the bay that is going to be impacted by that the most. and that's actually out here. so that storm several thousand miles out that way is going to be able to put a big slosh of water up against the coast. when we visualize that differently, using the tools that we have where we can actually color code where the wave energy is, we had a beach hazard statement today. that's going to leave. watch the next one come in. this is from that storm. we get the rain on wednesday. it's 24 hours later before that energy in the ocean gets here. and the thing about that is on that thursday we're going to be in between storms.
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maybe you still have friends and family visiting. maybe the idea of showing off the california beaches in between storms would be a good idea. just know if you're going to do that on thursday, these are dangerous days on the sand. and that's not for is surfers or the fishermen, they'll be fine. the it's people who go down to the beaches that we've lost, already a couple people so far this winter. so just a heads up on that, thursday is likely the concern there. all right, before we get back into the details on the saturday system, let's talk about tomorrow morning. there's two minor issues with tomorrow. it's cold. look at the inland valleys. you're going back down into the mid-30s for antioch. that's also where we're likely going to see some of the fog coming from the central valley and creeping into those inland valleys of contra costa. it shouldn't be too widespread. and santa rosa, you're vulnerable to that tomorrow too. we've been doing this for the last few mornings. we will still see some areas with patchy fog tomorrow. let's come back to that other headline, that next storm. there it is. we'll bring that onshore. you see it gets here friday night
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into saturday. let's come in for a closer look at that, slow it down. friday night the rain arrives. this is primarily friday night rainmaker. the rain will stay with us through saturday morning and into saturday as well. and so you're going to see when we get to the seven-day forecast there's a chance of rain on both days. when we put the totals on here, it's similar to what we're going to get on wednesday. another 0.75 of an inch for the north bay and maybe half an inch of rain for, perhaps, the rest of the bay so. you put that all in the seven-day forecast, going to look a bit busy on those two days. we know about the friday and saturday rain. you know wednesday's got rain on it. and thursday be real mindful if you're going to any of our beaches. devin, back to you. >> all right, thank you, darren. and still to come, the need for food only grows during the holidays, but volunteers work year round to help those fighting food insecurity. how you can help our food for bay area families drive. coming up in sports, 49ers fans were hoping for a late christmas night gift here at
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levi stadium but instead the baltimore ravens played the role of the grinch. they stole the spirit here in santa cl
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it was a rough night for the red and gold. that is an understatement. let's go ahead and get back to matt lively out at levi stadium, matt? >> reporter: all right, thanks, devin. we know the 49ers are tough to beat when they have an early lead, but the opposite is true when they fall behind. after tonight's loss, the niners are now 0-37 under kyle shanahan when trailing by eight points or more entering the fourth quarter. it's unacceptable. brock purdy, the mvp favorite entering the game, wasn't the case and won't be the case form. we pick it up in the first quarter. weird start in this game lashgs mar jackson gets chased backwards and trips over an official. called for intentional grounding in the end zone. ruled a safety. second look, the ref wasn't quite ready for it, so advantage niners. now up two, but purdy's pass is tipped at
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the line of scrimmage into the hands of marlon humphrey. it was one of purdy's three interceptions in the first half. he finished with four picks overall. ensuing possession, ravens go for it on fourth and goal and gus edwards barrels into the end zone to put baltimore ahead. under four to play in the first half. another game, another touchdown for christian mccaffrey. pulled the niners within one. a late ravens goal made it a four-point deficit at the half. ahead in the third quarter, baltimore put the pedal to the floor. jackson escapes pressure, hits nelson agholor in the end zone, makes ate two-score game. jackson goes up the middle to zay flower, employees it wide open. the ravens win. the niners are 11-4. and with two games to play, there was a disappointed mood in the locker room, no doubt, but they have not lost their confidence. >> you can't let one turn into two. you've got to wipe this one, learn from it, of course,
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watch the tape hard, be honest with yourself. but you've got to get back to work. get right back to work. >> disappointing but it's not like the building's on fire or anything like that. sometimes the ball doesn't bounce your way. not incredibly angry right now, just disappointed. i think we have a pretty good football team. >> reporter: next up for san francisco, a morning road game in washington on new year's eve, then they're going to come back here against l.a. in week 18. but the niners were not the only bay area team playing on christmas. steph curry and the warriors in denver taking on the nuggets looking for their sixth win in a row. inside six minutes left, andrew wiggins backs down jamal murray and knocks down the two to give the warriors the lead. but the nuggets were too much on their home floor, up four under a minute left. nikola jokic throws it down to deliver the dagger. nuggets win 121-114 and through 30 games the dubs are 15-15. some other nfl action, here's taylor swift in a santa
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hat at arrowhead stadium. the raiders had no respect for christmas spirit in kansas city. patrick mahomes picked off by jack jones. nobody's going to take him down. pick six to give the raiders a ten-point lead at the half. and how about this? vegas holds on to win. the raiders are 7-8. they are just one game back of a wild card spot. disappointing night here, devin, i'll send it back to you in the studio. >> all right, matt, thank you. all right, so helping feed seniors in need. meet the volunteer in san francisco who spent christmas feeding thousands.
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i would like to see the headlines that the national press picks up on and say, look, there's another side to the bay area. >> we take those headlines a little step further to sort of connect all these wonderful communities here. >> really embracing the positivity and hopefully spreading it. >> the bay area's full of some amazing, innovative change makers. >> people that are out there making a difference. in fact, i feel privileged they get to share those stories. >> wake one the morning edition, weekdays on kpix.
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all year long, but especially during the holidays, we're highlighting our partnership with food banks across the bay area. they say the need is ever growing and they're trying to feed more people than ever. from san jose up to santa rosa. that's where reed cowan introduces us to one of the many volunteers offering his time and talents to the community. >> i'm lucky enough to work for a company that makes time for this kind of stuff. my mom was a volunteer manager, so this speaks to me on a different level. and i am just super honored that i get to give back. >> to find out all the different ways that you can help out, go to our website,, or scan the qr code that you see there on your screen. the salvation army in san francisco handed out nearly 4,000 meals to seniors in need through the christmas meal delivery program. some residents picked up their meals through their drive-thru near harrison street. dozens of volunteers were out there early this morning. one of them was
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michael. he has been handing out meals for the salvation army for over a decade. >> this is michael and tim and peter from the salvation army with your holiday meal. >> hello. >> good morning. >> happy holidays. >> boy, the world would be a better place if everybody helped out everybody else instead of just complaining about how bad things are. it's just -- i think it's a lovely experience. think people should bring their children and see how other people live. >> michael says having these special moments with the people that he meets when volunteering, well, that's really the reason he copes coming back, and he encourages everyone to lend a helping hasn't. thank you so much for watching. the late show with stephen colbert is next. the news continues streaming on cbs news bay area. have a great night, merry christmas.
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(female) i grew up in a home that didn't have running water. my shoes always had holes in them. i know how it is to be poor. i listened to a message of dr. stanley's, talking about, you know, how you never really live your life until you actually give it away. he kinda gave me that push to get out there and really do something. ♪♪♪


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