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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 27, 2023 1:37am-2:13am PST

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- this has been a production of allen media group.
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. now at 11:00. people who live near this east bay refinery say things can not go on the way they have been. . >> i want to have not to worry about a flaring every single week. >> health inspectors agree. tonight, they are digging into the documents and demanding answers. plus. like back in the old days. it is nice. >> it is a wonderful life in union square these days, we walk the beat with the retired cops patrolling it and ask are their efforts making a difference? hundreds of pizza delivery jobs are about to be sliced. how a new state law that was
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meant to help fast food workers may already be backfiring. there is the late news on cbs news bay area. hi, i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight. christmas had been over for just a few hours when a big surprise arrived at the doorstep of one east bay refinery. a surprise inspection that is. the refinery department has a lot of attention about neighbors complaining about flaring and getting answers about a big release putting tons of toxic dust on their cars and homes late last year. contra costa health says its documented 21 hazardous releases or spills in 2023 and emergency flaring that occurred on average about 1 a week. so, we are told their inspection of the refineries safety and training records could take weeks. tonight, one woman who lives nearby tells us it is
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about time. >> reporter: the unannounced inspection of the refinery here in martinez by contra costa health was a long time coming for some residents. we spoke with a woman who has been fighting for change at this refinery ever since she moved to martinez over a year ago.. >> reporter: she could barely contain her excitement when she found out the health department launched an investigation at the refinery. >> i think, yeah, i think this has been a long year. so, we are thrilled that what we have known since thanksgiving now everyone is sharing that same sentiment. >> hidy is a founding member of healthy martinez. a grass-roots group created to hold the refinery accountable for the impact on the local community o. thanksgiving last year she was one of thousands of people
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impacted when the facility accidentally released more than 20 tons of dust containing high-levels of heavy metals into the air. >> i want to not have to worry about a flaring every single week. >> reporter: on tuesday the county stepped in. showing unannounced requesting records and to observe the facilities operation and equipment. >> i want everyone to know this is not a regular inspection. there not a scheduled inspection, the county's industrial safety ordinance gives us the responsibility to perform additional work in cases where we think problems may are serious or persistent over time >> hidy told me she is thankful the health department is making this move. she just hopes real changes come from it. >> i think that they are all poised to stay on this. i think that they share our sentiments about, you know, the bad behavior of this refinery. so,
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i do believe that they will follow up and make sure that they are doing the right thing. and, i have to believe that.. >> reporter: now some of the members of the board of supervisors say they, too, are going to pay a visit to the refinery on thursday. they want to speak personally with the leadership here about what exactly is going on. in a statement the bay area air quality management district called the air quality violations quote troubling and unacceptable adding it shares the community's concern and outrage. pbf energy that owns the refinery told us we have been cooperating with all agencies related to our refinery and will continue to do so. all right, let's get to the weather now. we enjoyed a clear christmas, darren peck is here to tell us things are changing. we have stormy weather coming. >> two storms. >> okay >> the first one getting here tomorrow morning like early. the second one is coming in like friday night. >> okay. >> and there will be a
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dangerous surf in between all of that and a lot of stuff. a lot of stuff to get to. let's head over. i am going to bring up our virtual map and show you what the day looked like, what the storm looked like today, that is an impressive storm that was this afternoon before the sun went down. if we visualize it differently you can see all of the rain in that system. you will see now how this is two different storms. i will let it play forward into tomorrow morning early. i will stop it right there. you can see the rain we are about to get that is tomorrow morning and more on that in just one second. look back here that is the friday, saturday storm coming our way. more on that one next visit. let's come in closer for tomorrow morning's rain since it is now upon us. we can use the high-resolution to track it in great detail. here is the start. that is tomorrow morning, in the 8:00 hour we are seeing the rain going up 101, right through sonom accounty and getting rained on later hours of the commute. 11:00 a.m., it makes
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it to the golden gate and from there it keeps going. it also blossoms a little more. more rain from this. as it moves south over the heart of the bay. think early afternoon like, there is a great example right there. that is tomorrow like, that is rate afternoon now, we near the 5:00 hour when this has gotten down to tri-valley, east bay peninsula and the santa clara valley. by the time we get to 9:00 we are done with our share of that system. that is the storm number one. we get 3/4s of an inch of rain out of that for some of the rainier spots in the north bay. looking at the totals city south, we are looking at a quarter of an inch of rain. that is the first chapter. back together for the complete forecast this storm is going to deliver very dangerous surf on thursday. we will look at that and then we will get into that saturday storm. i will see you with that full forecast. next. >> a lot to cover, thank you. now, israeli forces
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expanded their ground offensive into urban refugee camps in central gaza. 20,000 evacuees staying there are ordered to leave. even as measure builds for a ceasefire. israel's military chief predicted its campaign to obliterate hamas will continue for months. saying there is no shortcuts to dismantling a terrorist organization. >> so, at the same time, families of kidnapped israelis protested in tel aviv saying they are afraid the world is forgetting about their loved ones. a peace proposal put forward by egypt calls for a phased hostage release and a new government in gaza. but, so far, neither side has shown enthusiasm for the plan. meanwhile, kanye west, a long history of making anticemettic -- an apology.
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calling it bizarre and a ploy for attention. it added that posting the message in hebrew makes it inacceptable to most american jews that don't speak the language. back here in the bay area it is looking like old times in san francisco's union square. truly. the city has been trying to coax shoppers back to the area with the promise of more security. and, based on the scene there tonight it seems to be working. lauren toms walked the beat with retired police officers who are putting on a new uniform helping to keep shoppers safe.. >> it is like back in the old days. >> yeah. >> it is nice. >> reporter: union square is bustling once again after getting hit with years of crime and low visitorship because of the pandemic. police officers
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are keeping the heavily trafficked area safe. >> the difference? we have a lot more presence down here and it seems to be a lot less thefts and any type of other crimes. >> spending 32 years as police officers, it did not take long after they retired for them to return to the force as a police ambassador. >> i always loved doing law enforcement. i feel that even though i put in 32 years in the department i still have more that i would live to give. i am a community person. >> watch out for the snatch and grabs on this. >> the program is in the third year. aims to relieve the pressure facing the under-staffed sfpd. john says the impact is bigger than being the eyes and ears for officers. >> these are sfpd stickers.. >> reporter: a branch between citizens and the police. >> i think we are more approachable with the colors, a lot of people want to talk to the police and this is their way if they want to talk to the police they are welcomed to
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talk to us. >> the pair walks for miles during each shift, scanning for crime and lending a hand to tourists >> and we get our steps in. 18,000, not bad. shoppers return to high profile stores the pair use their decades of experience to keep a watchful eye out for potential crime. >> checking to make sure when a woman has a handbag it is not just being held in one hand but rather put across the bod tow make it more secure. >> if we see something that is suspicious we will notify that to the uniforms by police radio and make a presence in the area to surpress it. >> reporter: for them t is a way to help the community that they dedicated to. and paying it forward to the officers of today. >> some of the newer officers can ask us questions that we have been through as veterans and maybe we can help through that. but, we hope it continues
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for the future. >> so, the ambassadors patrol union square year and around you can spot them in the bright blue jackets. he was wedged in a cave for days, firefighters were baffled about how he got stuck in there in the first place. why they needed to call in the big guns to get him out. how a california law designed to protect fast food workers could leave hundreds out of the job. coming up later in sports, the 49ers did not get the result they wanted on christmas night. we got an interesting moment after the game. when you have a big family it can be a daunting prospect to get everyone in the same room. the grandparents that got the surprise of their lives, one by one by one by one by one. we will explain
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- [crowd] touchdown! - did you see that? - whoa, whoa, we scored? - yeah we scored, we're going to the playoffs. - i can't believe i missed that. (bell dings) every time i'm buzzed i spend too much time on my phone. - what? i should take your phone away. - no, no, no, i'll call for a ride. - hey, why does my face look like that? - (laughing) i'm playing with these new face filters. - okay you know what? that's mine. - [buzzed guy] i'm gonna need that back.
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- [kevin] nope. - [buzzed guy] kevin. . we are following breaking news out of oakland. northbound 880 is down to one lane at 66th avenue after a deadly accident the chp says a person wearing all black was walking near the fast lane when they were hit and killed. it happened around 9:30 the investigation is still going on. avoid the area if you can. a new $20 minimum wage goes into effect for april for fast food workers and for some of
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them the added benefit may be backfiring. business insiders is reporting two of the biggest pizza hut franchise operators in california are citing it as the reason they are slicing 1200 delivery worker jobs. that means customers at hundreds of stores across the state will rely on an app based service like door dash or grub hub if they want it delivered at all. >> it is sad and disappointing that these big companies, you know, that are franchised are laying off the working middle class people. >> for me i am sad. i am happy working at pizza hut. it is easy and i am happy. we learned a private equity enterprise called pac-pizza is one of the two companies behind the move to eliminate drivers. we were not able to get in contact with them tonight. the pizza hut corporation said they are aware of the layoffs
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involving some of its franchise locations and those locations are complying with all of the regulations in the process. well, if you did not get the latest apple watch for christmas you may be out of luck for now. as of today, apple has halted sales of its series 9 and ultra2 models over a bitter patent dispute. the watches can read oxygen levels in blood. that is a device that infringes on its patents. >> apple and mosamo each accused each other of patent infringements t is common. but at this point they are pulling a product off of the store shelves. >> apple says they are doing everything it can to resolve the dispute and resume sales. it is possible it could involve paying a settlement. current watch apple customers will have
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to wait for it to settle out. down in san diego, a man spent days in a cave trapped from the waist down. he might still be there if two teenagers did not hear him crying for help. he was stuck in a hole off of a cliff. the entry point was a foot to 18 inches open. firefighters knew it would be a challenge to get him out. a special team that handles cave rescues was called in 12 hours after he was first spotted. they had to wait for the tide, then, spent hours drilling and digging. the man was finally freed almost a full day after the teens first spotted him. firecrews say it is still a mystery how he ended up stuck in the gave in the first place. >> okay. we have rain on the way. scattered showers rolling in the bay area in a few hours. we are keeping an eye on the water that is already here. there is some chance of monster surf along the bay area
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coastline as the week goes on. darren has been tracking it all. darren, tell us about monster surf. >> that is what i want to start off with first. look at the storm. it will give us an idea on why it is a big wave producer. look at it. if we visualize it, that is what it looked like. instead of looking at it that way i want to pull out the wind on it. now you see what is going on in there. you got 60 mile-an-hour gusts. now, the winds out here is creating a big swell. it is getting pushed our way. interesting timing. that swell in the ocean has a lag on it. we are going to get the rain on it tomorrow. we are going to get the swell in the ocean and the big waves on thursday. we are also going to feel the wind from this when the rain comes in. the wind and the rain into the bay will come in around the same time. tomorrow morning we have gusts hitting 40 miles an hour. and,
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that is along the coast. particularly up along the north coast, we could see an occasional downed tree from that might mean localized power outages. wind advisory but to the north coast. that is about it. that is the wind angle here. let's use the map. i want you to see how it is not just the bay that is going to get impact friday this. in order to tell that side of the story go to a different part of this map and get out over here. this is the part that is vulnerable to the storm in a particular way. even though that storm is 700 miles out. the swell coming our way it is just about to make it to the coast. we have a beautiful exposed coastline here. it is now set up to experience the brunt of this. by thursday, we could have 30 foot waves coming in along the coast. another way to visualize that. if we saw where the storm was a moment ago. watch the wave heights, now, get developed from the center of the storm and pushed our way and look at the timing. so, that is thursday. the national
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weather service put the high surf warning on this. it goes from thursday morning to friday morning. we have not had a high surf warning yet this season. several advisories. when they go to a warning there they are increasing the wordage on this to drive the point home a little more the people that need to be the most aware of this are not necessarily the surfers or the boaters it is people who want to go to the beach and look out at the ocean on a day when it is not raining. thursday the storm would of passed a lot of people will think we can go to the beach, the storm is done. that is where the dinner shows up. this is how people get in trouble. be careful if you are on any bay area beaches on thursday. let's look at the next storm. see it out here? that one comes in. the timing on this is friday. it is friday night late. so, let's come in for a closer look at that and watch the second storm in detail. we did it for the first storm in the last visit. now here is the second one. friday night, late, better rain, that extends into saturday morning
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really early. like in the predawn hours, a good way to think about this is, most of the rain will come while you are sleep figure that is your schedule. we will still have rain left over going into saturday afternoon. the bulk of the rain will fall. it will fall through friday night into saturday. and, there is is another chance for a few shower to come in here on new year's eve. see that? that does not look super impressive or an impact. stay on top of that. we will have more as we get closer to it. new year's eve is an important forecast. anyone traveling tomorrow in the sierra or anybody who is traveling for that second system primarily thinks saturday, it will be a big travel weekend there will be snow on i-80 and highway 50. that means anyone who is leaving to go that way or going back home over the mountains in that is you or you know somebody doing that give then the head's up. they are not blockbuster winter storms but it is enough to slow you down on the passes. you will want to
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have chains for one if not both of those. seven-day forecast, slowing you the chance of rain here. look how quiet thursday is. thursday is the day that has the biggest concern at the beaches. just keep that in mind and we will be done with that january 1st. back to you. >> more on that coming up. >> it was hard to find something to cheer about during last night's game. unless you are this guy who made this bet. a single bet turned into half a million. >> i want to be that guy. brock purdy did not have his best game last night. he did not lose his confidence. we will show you how he responded. plus, did he meet his long lost relative after the game? we will explain
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. we are trying to think of the right word and it was "painful" it was a painful night for fans watching the game over dinner but for one guy in new jersey who was not disappointed. he laid $5 on a parlay bet yesterday, heading into the 9ers/ravens match up. all he needed to win was one
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touchdown from mccaffrey. turning that $5 into $489,000. well, we are so happy for that one guy. all of us here. >> it was not me i would not be here right now. >> exactly. so, i am saying last night was not "purdy." >> it was not at all. everyone was like so excited christmas day, sitting on the couch, 5:00 p.m., watch that game. >> imagine you give that gift to your kids by the way. we are going to the monday night football game. >> it would have been special any way >> it was not the result that the 49ers wanted last night against the ravens but the glass is still half full. for the 9ers they still have control to lock up the top seed in the nfc. fans can exhale. kyle shanahan thinks purdy will be just fine come sunday. the 49ers quarterback left the game in the fourth with a shoulder injury and did not return despite being cleared to play. throwing seven intersections
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through 13 games, purdy was kicked off 13 times. who are you? what do you stand for. who are you when things do not go your way. it is easy to be riding high and thinking you are the man when things are going well, winning games and all of that stuff. you don't really see a lot of diversity. i want to be the same guy every day and consist plant what they do and going well i know who i am. i will continue to hang my hat on that >> if you ari 9ers fan, count your blessings. pistons looking to avoid to be on the wrong side of history the pistons fell to brooklyn. why does it matter to you? it was their 27th loss in a row. that is a new nba record for most consecutive losses in a single
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season. we don't have it so bad here in the bay area. once you put it in those terms. brock purdy's dad goes to a lot of games. he has camera time. he was born in florida. no ties to toledo, ohio, that is the birth play of john harbaugh. i wonder if they are long lost brothers. something that they addressed. >> i have a lot of respect for him. >> here is the side by side of harbaugh and purdy. they really do look alike. maybe in 20 or 30 years he could be looking into a mirror right there. his dad looks like john harbaugh. was someone lost at birth? >> yes. what happened. do that dna test. maybe they will. >> burks i want to talk about
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glass half full. you say it may be the next best thing. getting punched in the face. you can not go in too high. you have to be knocked down a peg that is what they needed. >> yes. give it back. >> yes. thank you. >> so, the countdown to 2024 officially on in time square. the big numbers that light up when the ball drops arrived in new york city today after a cross country tour that started in los angeles. the crystal ball itself weighs 6 tons. times square might be the greatest place to ring in the new year. it was ranked over one of the best places to celebrate in the country. new wallet hub study, 11th out of 100 u.s. cities. high marks for food and entertainment on new year's eve. but, fell short when it came to safety and affordability. if carl the fog does not make an appearance the
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fireworks are spectacular over the bay. >> meanwhile, vegas is gearing up for a new year's eve that could be the busiest ever. the date, 12/31/23 could be read as one, two, three, one, two, three, that is a wedding date. special dates tend to draw big crowds to the chapels. add to the fact it is new year's eve and we can see a tideel wave of weddings. the current day is 4,492 set back on july 7th, 2007, lucky 7s. all right, a big family it can be hard to recreate old traditions when the kids grow up. but, a big group of grandkids got to
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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. this christmas was unforgettable for one couple, not because of what was under the tree but what kept coming to the door every second. take a listen. >> oh, my god. our favorite people in the world. >> awe. they have 10 grandkids who are not kids any more. 18-40, one by one they all showed up for christmas.
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>> nicholas. >> now everybody is here! >> it is heart touching. it really grabbed your heart that they would do that. that they would care enough and do all of that. it was unbelievable. i don't need another christmas present the rest of my life >> she must be a special grandmother. a granddaughter posted it all on tiktok and it has five million views and counting. wouldn't it be cute if they all had matching pajamas. >> it looks like they do. oh, my gosh. matt, you did something like this. >> i did for my mom 68th birthday. i have older brothers we all came in and surprised her. mom, we don't have to give you anything for your birthday this year. >> i don't think she said that, though, right? >> i think she did. i think i am off of the hook. before we go, the question that matt asked darren his parents are in town. he wants to go to mir woods tomorrow morning, will it rain when matt shows up with his parents? >> that is exactly when it will
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be raining tomorrow. >> take


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