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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  December 27, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. wet and windy. that is the story across the bay area today. we are timing it out on this first alert weather day. we are watching the coastline. there is a high surf warning starting tomorrow. we are already seeing big waves and more dangerous conditions could be coming. thank you for joining us today. i'm in for elizabeth cook. a lot to talk to about in our first alert weather, let's get to darren peck in the virtual studio. just about getting wet. right, we have seen the rain hitting the city but most of the rain is falling in the north bay today. in fact, if we take a look at what rainfall totals look like today, it is a
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fascinating story. an inch just today. look at everybody else. it is raining in all of those places, don't get me wrong, you can tell by the lens in san francisco. if you have been outside you have gotten wet. we only got a couple hundredths of an inch of rain. let's look at it. this is live. looking at the 3:00 image on here you can see the main band of rains coming across the bay. those rainfall totals are going to go up. in just watching the last hour it is stationary. here is what the future cast shows on there. we are going to take this for the next few hours, nothing changes a lot. take a look at the time there, 7:00. coming to a close really by the time that we get into tomorrow. the reason we are in first alert status, red banners, not because of the rain. because of the high surf warning. we will
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talk about that in just a bit back to you. >> as darren mention the north bay got hit first this morning. city streets were soaked. they are not worried about major flooding but ponding and clogged storm drains. they are asking people to do one thing. >> we have been asking people over the last couple of days knowing with the storm there is potential of winds to remove leftover holiday decorations still up with the wind advisory at the coast. we are expecting the winds inland as well. last thing we want to see the holiday decorations damaged or blown away. >> here is a look at the current pg&e power outage map. not doing well. the agency saying they staged crew resources along with poles, transformers and other equipment in their yards across the region in anticipation of blackouts and be sure to stay with us for continuing coverage on there first alert weather day. we have you covered here on kpix on our website and streaming on cbs news bay area. now for a look at today's
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news headlines, a fire at the san leandr omareena sent up a lot of black smoke. it happened at the former harbormaster office. fish and game and the coast guard were calledded in. no injuries were reported and no word yet on the cause. the office has been closed for some time. comedian tom smothers, one half of the smothers brother has died at the age of 86. in the comedy center said he died at hads home in santa rosa after a battle with cancer. the smothers brothers comedy hour debuted in in 1970. good news for former president trump, michigan supreme court will not vote to bar him from the state's primary election ballot. contrast the move by the
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colorado top court last week. discalled the former president for what they say was his role as the january 6th capitol attack. sighting an insurrection clause in the constitution. a bay area nonprofit is helping former inmates transition from prison back into their communities. it is a challenge effecting about 2500 inmates every month in california. this group is serving up hope as they teach them to serve meals. growing up, devon jordan had a lot on his plate. but these days he is able to deal with whatever life dishes out. >> this is probably the further thing from what i envisioned my life to be. >> after being in and out of prison for various offenses for a total of 16 years devon suddenly found himself on the outside with little to know prospects. >> nobody was willing to give
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me a shot because of my past. but then, he stumbled on a place called farming hope. and went from serving time to serving meals. >> they gave me a shot here. they accepted me into the culinary arts a presentishship. that is what reignited my passion. today he is a chef fora i three course menu that could rival manufacture the bay area's most popular hot spots. >> we have a three cheese mac and cheese topped with pako breadcrumbs, roost beast, vegetables n the end, olive oil cake. >> it may look like a restaurant it is not. farming hope is a nonprofit training program that helps people who have either been incarcerated, homeless, or are survivors are violent crimes. we are the
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coexecutive director. >> when you are overcoming obstacles in your life and try to move back into the workforce you may be the last person called back for a job interview or never called back. >> the meals here are free. every single customer is food insecure. the only payment accepted in this place is a thank you. >> do you love it? >> reporter: rebecca came here with her great-grandson. living on a fixed income leaves little money for eating out. >> my gosh, it is an elegant dinner with table clothes. >> reporter: for devon, it is a dream come true. >> i get to do what i love with a passion and i am helping people, you know what i am saying? >> reporter: it is a reminder sometimes all it takes to change a life is a helping hand and a delicious meal served with a side of redemption. >> if you want to help you can. just show up for dinner. they take reservations for special events and parties. they also take donations and it all goes
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to train more people with disadvantaged backgrounds get a leg up. we have more information on our website still ahead, an emotional ordeal for many families, losing a child through miscarriage. how a new state workplace law aims to give people time to grief and heal. in our health watch. how new developments and treatment are allowing patients with advanced breast cancer to live longer, healthier lives.
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. a new california law set to go into effect for 2024 will allow time off for work for
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those suffering a reproductive loss. >> i can still just remember, the darkness, the clouds, just like in your darkest moment. >> under the new law california companies with 5 or more employees will be required to provide leave for those experiencing miscarriage, still birth, failed ifb, failed adoption and other reproductive laws. >> it recognizes just the pain felt by a family. it gives family time to grieve and to try again. i hope that families that are grieving now can stay home and really take care of themselves before they come back to work. an employee will be granted five days of protected leave for quarter capped at 20 days a year. a diagnose of breast cancer is tough, mastetic breast cancer can be devastating. new advancements in treatment are
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helping patients live longer and healthier lives. >> reporter: diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in 2018. despite surgeries, chemo, radiation, two years ago it returned and it spread to her bones, liver, lungs. the 52-year-old wife and mother of three teenage girls was crushed. >> it was absolutely terrifying. i was in a state of, state of panic for months. just paralyzing panic. >> there were so many available for valerie compared to a decade ago. >> now the median survival is five plus years. it is dramatically different. that is because we have so many new therapies that are available for patients. >> reporter: one therapy is antibody smart bombs, targeting the tumor, sparing healthy
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cells and reducing side effects. >> we have seen the most number of approvals for it than i have seen in my entire career over 15 years >> over time cancer cells learn to outsmart drugs, it is important to have options. valerie has gone through several therapies. when her current regimen stops working she will move on to another. >> i hope one day we will be able to tell a patient that we can cure them. we are not there yet. >> i am going to die of breast cancer. unless i am hit by a bus. i will die from breast cancer but i am determined to be here as long as i can for my family. >> no matter what it takes. >> many patients with advanced breast cancer these new targeted therapies are used in conjunction with chemotherapy or replacing it all together. as we move closer to the
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new year we are looking at ways to fill the evergrowing need of hunger. we met up with an organization doing their part in the east bay. >> redwood empire food bank. they are moving fresh fruits and vegetables here to make sure that everyone has something to eat. not only this time of the year but also all year around. small amount, big impact. we have community partners all around the bay area who are doing much to make sure that they are connected to community. we have christian here. why get your employee's involved? >> it really connects corporate responsibility piece to boots on the ground team. inviting them in the food bank to pack bags or boxes or help with distribution. hit home of what the need is in our community and how every employee's impact makes a difference. >> it has to boost moral when
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you see people doing good. >> even from team building perspective, memories and chatter between our employees >> employer matchers are so huge. how do they power your effort? >> yes. when someone gives a donation to the food bank they can check with your employer, are you able to match this? if they are, double the impact. for every $1 we receive we can distribute $3 worth of food. >> it is huge and such an impact. tell me about how many people you serve here? >> we serve about 100,000 every year. monthly i think the last number was about 59,000. >> you picture the seat venues and you fill up the seat that equals the amount of people that they serve here every plont. so, it is important that we get involved and make sure we are connected to community. if you want to do that go to
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our website or connected on our family and be part of something greater this time of the year and all year around you can get out your phone and scan the qr code on your screen and make it very, very easy. all right, back to our top story today. our first alert weather forecast. rain, wind, gray skies, depending where you are in the bay area right now. gloomy. our meteorologist darren peck tracking it all from the virtual view studio. darren? >> anne, we have rain out, there we tracked that. we still have showers to go. the reason we have the red banners up in the newscast and designated first alert status is for tomorrow's waves. the storm that we got today it is bringing us the rain. the waves we will have tomorrow are from this storm, it takes longer for the wave energy to get here. look at the last 24 hours. going back to tuesday at 3:00. here is the storm we have now. see the storm coming on choir. we have the rain from the cold
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front here. in order to get the swell in the ocean we have to look back here. that is still developing now. it does not get here until tomorrow. that is what can be deceiving about this. we will not get rained on tomorrow. it will be a day between systems, not an. from the weather, only there is. so, the high surf warning it is going to go on until 3:00 in the morning on friday. it covers pretty much the duration of thursday. wording used by the weather service when they issue a high surf warning is that it is quote unquote life-threatening situation. anybody on the beach you have to be mindful of the waves. we have already had people lose their lives this season from rogue waves, sneaker waves, just from hanging out on the beach. let's talk about the rain. you can see this in its entirety. we only gotten a couple hundredths of an inch of rain. the rain will stick around. i don't think we will
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get near an inch but we will get more rain over the next few hours and the totals will add up. plan on scattered showers sticking around. all of the way through about 9:00, 10:00 tonight. then, looking ahead, here is thursday. it is a bit cloudy. keeping a few clouds around. waiting for the next system to get here. that does not show up until it gets to friday right there. let's look at that one closely. there one is now the most recent satellite. the next storm getting into position, watch that one then throw us another cold front. getting a better handle on it. now as we time it out it is coming in earlier. by that i mean if you were with us yesterday it looks like it is coming in the cover of darkness, friday night, saturday morning. it moved up 12 hours and that is a big shift to happen in a short period of time. so, plan on this line of rain coming through in the middle of day on friday. widespread rain through the afternoon. into the evening. and that is when we will get the majority of the
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rain from the system. second half of the day on friday. there will be a few showers left over. getting into saturday morning, a few on-again, off-again showers, if you look at the totals just from that system, you get more. equally, the way the storm is oriented the showers are coming up from the south to the north. just from the way it is oriented. this means it will be different than the previous storms, everybody has an equal opportunity to get descent rain out of it. it will snow in the sierra. not huge amounts. the only problem with the systems it will snow today, snow from the second system, start thinking about tomorrow night travel. it will slow down the drive but not too big. let's get into the seven-day forecast. a chance of rain on here for friday. there is still a lingering chance on saturday. let's not forget, even though there is no rain on thursday
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that is the initial cause for this first alert status. just a reminder if you are taking friends or family to a local beach. the 49ers getting back to work after that ugly christmas night lots. why the moving forward is not as dire as it might seem
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. the 49ers and the faithful hoping to turn the page after that loss on monday night football. luckily, matt lively explains, they are still in control of their own destiny right now. there is the volkswagen red and gold report. the 49ers spoiled by the ravens on monday night and ended san francisco's six game winning streak. baltimore won the battle. 33-19. the defense forced five turnovers, four of them coming from brock purdy. they have two games left in the regular season. >> you can not let one turn into two. you have to wipe this one, learn from it of course, watch the tape hard, be honest with yourself but got to get right back to work. >> got our tails kicked in on christmas day, national television, disappointing but it is not like the building is
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on fire. sometimes the ball does not bounce your way. >> we have been through worse than this. we still have everything ahead of us and we have the guys to come back from it. >> for the red and gold report, i'm matt lively. so, while it was a tough monday night for 9ers fans here in the pay area. one guy in new jersey cheering for the 9ers still got a win out of it. he put $5 on a 14 leg parlay bet heading into the 9ers/ravens match up. all he needed to win was one touchdown from christian mccaffrey and it happened in the second quarter. that turned $5 into $489,000. coming up, hollywood's biggest names and
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. the kennedy center honors. you can watch it tonight right here on kpix at 8:00. this year's class includes barry gibbs. dion warrick. actor billy crystal and queen latifah. she is the first female hip hop artist to be inducted. >> i am part of a very, very
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special club. a very elite group of people. i am very proud to be a part of it. hip hop is part of american culture and we are representing. >> we just celebrated the 50th year of hip hop. there are more surprise guests and big performances all night long again. check it right here on kpix tonight at 8:00. all right, the "cbs evening news" is coming up next here on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service cbs news bay area. i will be right back here at 5:00. hope you will join us then. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, the high-stakes strip to back through every u.s. officials to address u.s. border crisis. the secretary of st


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