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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 27, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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. now at 11:00. >> we need help in the city of oakland. we need help now it is looking like it will be awhile. tonight, it is back to the drawing board in oakland's search for a new police chief. it is not a good idea. i wish i had a bull horn to warn them. why firefighters and lifeguards say even they would not risk being near the water tomorrow. and in some spots, high
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surf will not be the only danger. >> those are battering rams. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. good evening i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight, the rain may have been what you noticed today but darren it is the water hitting the coast. >> it is a warning, that is why tomorrow is a first alert day. exsend it into friday. there is another storm coming. we will get to the second storm in a bit. for right now we really want to draw your attention to the coastline that and what we will use our virtual set for now. it includes the entire coastline. through marin, the coastline, this is because of a large swell heading our way which has been initiated by the storm that we got today from the rain. but the swell does not get here until tomorrow. there is a little bit of a lag time. you can watch the future cast on this as the brighter
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colors of orange make it to the coast of the bay and much of northern california tomorrow. in the late morning, a couple things on this, just take a look at the way the coastline has been out lined. a high surf warning, plenty of high surf advisories but warning puts it up higher. we can see 40 foot waves tomorrow. that is dangerous. that is life-threatening for somebody on the beach and not paying attention. this is the kind of stuff that can drag people out. there is one other item to this tomorrow. even though it goes until tomorrow morning, it will be late in the morning tomorrow, i can show you why we would say that. this is going to go with high tide. so, the line shows you the high tides and there are times down here on the bottom the only thing that matters is that one right here. see how that says 11:30 tomorrow, that is when you see the high tide. that is the same
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time that we are going to be getting the swell of those higher waves as that approaches the coastline. be careful if you are going to be anywhere near the beach on any northern california coastline tomorrow. i will be back in a bit and talk about friday's rain that will be more impressive than today's was juliette, back to you. >> thank you, darren. they are closing low-lying beaches. >> here we are going to see the tide come up and the waves pushing waters across this low-lying area and to the base of the cliff. if you get swept out in the water this is going to be surf that even me as a professional lifeguard i am probably not going to go into. the waves themselves will not be will only problem for anyone who happens to get in the way. >> there are still trees and debrow from last year's storms. those basically become battering rams.. >> the weather is so unusual it
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is impacting the traffic patterns at sfo. planes are arriving from the east instead of the south over the bay. the airport tells us that is so incoming flights are landing into the winds. stay with cbs news bay area on for continuing first alert coverage as the storm rolls through. now to our other big story we are following tonight after a nearly a year without a police chief, oakland may be back to square one in its search. the mayor rejected the police commission's short list of candidates for top cop and demanded a new set of names. the list she tossed out reportedly included ousted police chief armstrong. the mayor has said giving the old chief his job back is a nonstarter. she fired him in february over his handling of a misconduct case. armstrong appealed and a reviewer found
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no evidence of wrong doing. he issued a statement tonight saying it is unfair that i am unable to continue to serve and protect the people of oakland. as a native of oakland nothing gave more pleasure and pride to work for oakland. >> reporter: businesses here in the square say they have seen a significant uptick in crime all year long. they say they want action from the city and the police department to improve things so this latest news that the mayor rejected all three candidates on the list for that open police chief position has a lot of the business owners fed up. >> are you doing okay? >> all right. all right. enjoy. >> reporter: derek johnson first opened the home of chicken and waffles back in 2004. >> we started out, robust and active, fridays, you had, you know, a lot of restaurants.
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>> reporter: over the past 20 years a lot has changed. this last year has been one of the restaurant's most difficult. >> i mean, just look. we never been this slow, ever. >> reporter: derek says crime in the city has caused a lot of customers to avoid the area entirely. he told me that he has been trying to work with the city and the police to make improvements but that is hard when there is no police chief. >> you have to have leadership in any organization. i know we have interim police chief but we need someone stable, there, in the community. >> the mayor, threatened to declare a state of emergency in oakland if she did not get a list of candidates by the end of the year. that is exactly what she got. when he order had the mayor did not like any of them and wanted to start over. he was furious. >> that is disturbing. while you are playing russian roulette with our businesses and personal lives your job is to protect the city and keep it safe. right now that is not happening. >> derek told me he is a
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supporter of chief armstrong. he liked the chief when he was in the position and he wants the mayor to give armstrong his old job back. >> hire him back, period. he knows the city. and like everyone is saying oakland is unique, you know, place, he was born and raised here. he cares. >> reporter: derek told me that he believes the city should still declare a state of emergency while this police chief position remains open. the player's office told us that option is off of the table because the commission did give them a list of candidates before the end of the year. >> so, we reached out to the mayor's office several times to confirm the names of the candidates that she rejected and ask her on camera why they were not good enough. now, all they would give us is a statement thanking the police commission for their service and saying that the mayor looks forward to working with them to find the best possible candidate. >> this is entirely a political failure of an administration
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that can not get anything over the goal line. this year has just been horrible in oakland. >> reporter: the police union president pointed to the city's latest weekly crime report. it shows violent crime is up by 22% in the citywide over last year. burglary up nearly 25%. car theft is up 45%. i have been here 78 years. i never seen the city of oakland in the shape that it is in right now as far as lawlessness. >> bishop bob jackson thinks the last chief should get a second chance. >> i guess her pride or something would not allow her to come back and say you know what? maybe i snapped to judgment too quickly on the man let's give him another chance. i mean if you ask, if you bring out her name right now being the chief of police in oakland right now i am sure the majority of the voters would tell you, yes, that is the man
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we want.. >> the police commission told us tonight they respect the mayor's decision to ask for new candidates and will continue to provide recommendations. we have an update tonight to a story we brought you on christmas eve when thieves hauled off a food truck the same day the owner was going to use it to hand out meals to homeless. eric scott owns touch of seoul. a camera spotted the thieves using a white car to steal his trailer on sunday. today, scott posted, he got it back. no details on exactly where or how but based on the instagram video the truck seems to be in good slap. after the initial theft he plans -- good shape. after the initial theft he plans to follow-through on that meal give away as soon as he can. you will see this right after the break. plus, another reminder why you should never turn your back
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on the water. especially tomorrow. even the best of us sometimes forget, like our own john ramos. just one of those days. whoa! >> and it is a new year's eve first. why the famous time square ball will be lit not once but twice to ring in 2024
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. talk about a crazy scene in florida where a truck driver was left dangling over the highway overpass. he was hauling scrap metal when he lost control of the 18 wheeler.
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traffic was stopped while firefighters used a ladder and bucket to bring him down. apparently unhurt. somehow that was not the most miraculous driver recovery. a driver was left in his mangled pick up truck for six days. stuck in a creek under an overpass. no one heard his calls for help until a man was passing by with his nephew looking for a good fishing spot. >> it caught our curiosity. i looked inside and moved the white air bag and he, there was a body in there. and i went to touch it and he turned around. and that just -- it almost killed me there. it was shocking. he was alive and he was very happy to see us. >> wow. he was helicoptered to a hospital where he is being treated for several broken bones. all right, back to those weather warnings now. this is how things looked along the san
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mateo coast. this was earlier today. that swell is going to be much bigger tomorrow. lauren toms hit the beach with san francisco firefighters urging us all to stay away from the water for your sake and theirs. the intense power of the ocean will be on full display over the coming days. officials are warning these extraordinary conditions request quickly turn deadly >> someone walking by said worst nightmare. these are epic surf conditions that we are looking at. high swells, waves coming in directions we are not used to them coming. even the most seasoned swimmer and surfer it is dangerous water. >> reporter: justin shore spent years on the rescue fire team. today is a day he would not want to zip up his wet suit putting the lives of dozens. >> don't do it. if you get in harm's way we will need to send
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our fire squad out, rescue swimmers and golden gate authority and their lifeguards and coast guard and their rescue swimmers out. that is a lot of lives at risk that did not need to be just to get that adrenaline rush. >> reporter: these intimidating conditions are seen through a different lens by shore. >> the number of waves, the size of the waves. just the amount of water that is churning in ways that we can not anticipate f. we don't need to enter these conditions, better. >> we got our wet suits and fins. >> reporter: james grew up surfing on this very beach. today puts those skills to use as part of engineer 34 surf rescue squad. they are ready to sprint into the water for a rescue. >> the surf is crummy. you know, the next couple of days who knows. >> reporter: here we saw people exploring and taking in the power of the ocean as it creates unpredictable patterns and waves and currents. shore sees a different situation, a moment that can turn into a
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disaster in rough weather. >> it is not a good idea. i wish i had a bull horn of some kind to warn them with all of the strength being shown by the waves t is easy to make good decisions. >> reporter: people making good decisions down by the water. never turn your back on the ocean during a high sneaker wave warning. stay out of the water, better yet, stay home until the conditions mellow out. last winter our john ramos was filming at lands end when he caught a wave nearly washing away a beachgoer, then, he found out firsthand just how quickly the sneaker waves can sneak up on him. sny i was caught in a sneaker wave while shooting a stand up. you can see two little girls in the distance playing at the water's edge, watch as the waves start coming up and does not stop. >> that is such a reminder. darren you remind us all of the
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time of the sneaker waves. it is serious and it will happen in the next day or so >> it gets here the day after the rain. in fact, let's go off of the coast and we have been focusing so much on this aspect of this and it is the rain that got here today from this storm. that is the storm that we had today. that is where it was yesterday. the rain, the wind gets here faster. there is a lag on all of that stuff. it is the same storm but tomorrow, you will think the storm is done but it is not. that swell still coming towards the coast. that is what we are so concerned about. we are not done with the rain from today. what we also want to take a look at is the actual leftover showers from this system. there are still a few of them out there. you can see a few showers showing up going across the central california, the central valley, into the sierra where it is turning into sunlight and snow. here at home for the most part. we are done with this tropical storm with
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one exception. watch what happens. you will see an occasional shower that still comes into the bay every now and then in the overnight hours and perhaps into tomorrow morning. it will not be a lot. we pretty much have seen everything that the storm has thrown our way. but you can not rule out a chance for isolated shower. look how we did from today's rains, unbalanced, uneven. we did not get a lot of rain that you can measure for most of bay. south bay, tri-valley. it is such a different story from today's rain in the north bay. look at the number for santa rosa. we picked up just in santa rosa, two inches of rain out of this storm. so, that says a lot about how the storm came into the bay. got hung up there in the morning and produced most of the rain up there. now, the system that is coming in for friday into saturday it will behave differently. we can see the leading edge of that one out here. now we are looking at
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the satellite from the storm. it is oriented in a different way. i will explain what i mean. look at the line of showers that arrives on friday in the middle of the day. it is going directly south to north. that is a bit unusual. watch the showers come up from the south to the north as the cold front itself moves that way. the rain within it is flow being this way. normally they are oriented from the southwest to the northeast. they go across the north bay and the north bay is able to take most of it and whatever survives that gets down to the bay. if it is coming in with that orientation, everybody has an equal chance here. we are all going to get similar amounts of rain. not one of the systems that gives most of the rain to the north bay. think of this as the second half of friday, widespread rain for everybody. when you look at the totals it is even. the numbers here are bigger. in general for the bay as a whole, the north bay might
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come away with similar numbers than today. everybody else will get more. it is nice to see. i think san jose will probably get a little more rain showers. i don't think you will get quite that much. you stand the chance of seeing half an inch of rain. there is one other element to the system coming in on friday. remembering that we are still kind of in travel mode friday and saturday. we are coming up on new year's eve, a big travel weekend. enough snow in the sierra from this system that it will impact the drive. start thinking about the second half of friday. it is not a major winter storm up there. it is enough snow. it is colder. the snow gets lower down the mountains and seeing snow down to 4,000 feet. that is enough so you are dealing with snow on a longer stretch of the drive. all right, in the seven-day forecast, new year's eve looks good. so does new year's day and there is a small chance of rain by the time we get to wednesday back here. we will keep an eye on that as we get closer to it. back to you. >> thank you.
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for young doves fans this was probably better than christmas the special treats they had to wait a few extra days for. coming up next in sports. it will mean a little extra something for pass rushers. it
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. kids, even adults have a hard time waiting for christmas. it must have been extra difficult for them to wait two more days for this. the warriors annual cookies with rookies events. the kids had a chance to decorate holiday treats with two of the rookies on the golden state squad. here is where it gets even better. the kids were treated to a shopping spree at the warriors team store. how fun. they were able to pick out any jersey they wanted but the
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rookies of course were successful at advocating for their own. >> it is great to give back to the community, seeing a smile on the kid's faces, making cookies. >> reporter: it is part of the team's annual season of giving campaign. that is so catchy i love it. >> i would of killed for that as a kid. >> yes, heck now, even now, right? to have that. >> yes, i know. now, brock purdy. >> we don't call him a rookie. >> no longer a rookie. he is young, celebrated his 24th birthday. makes me feel old. if you wished for a healthy arm after that stinger he suffered monday night. wish granted. he practiced today and he should be good for the game on sunday against the commanders. washington will have a new look at qb as they announce jacoby will start. he is looking sharp, throwing three touchdowns and no interceptions and near come backs in two
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weeks. he will look to avoid defensive end chase young to washington less than two months ago. young is from the d.c. area. and knows to watch out for his former teammate making his homecoming. >> trust me i know he is on the other side. [ laughter ] >> another game, man. coming after a loss it is, just trying to go get it. >> this week is a huge one for him. he already is hyped-up about it and excited. so, we will try to play our best game for him. >> should be fun. >> in hockey. sharks in l.a. taking on the kings looking for their first win in two week bus it will not happen with this puck management, sharks turnover and lewis, capitalizes on the break away. unassisted goal. l.a. goes on to win 5-1. sharks have now lost 6 straight games. if your stomach is weak look away. we are in the thick
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of the college football season. there are weird bowls out there. it is hard to top the dukes mayo bowl. this bowl has taken on a cult following of sorts. tar hill fan, disgusting. they ran away with this one. if you are the head coach i am not sure it is a good thing. instead of a gatorade bath, it is a mayo bath. disgusting. that is neil browne the west virginia coach, i don't know what i would do. i would want to shower, burn my clothes i would be upset with the people dumping it. better than a mayo bath, 9ers legend, willis is a hall of fame finalist for the third time. the class of 2024 will be announced on february 8th. >> absolutely. as for the mayo i remember back in the day we would have sleep overs and put the mayo on our hair because it
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is good for your hair. maybe there is a benefit. >> i don't know. >> maybe the roots are better. >> anyway. thank you. no one hit the big jackpot in tonight's draw. but, someone struck gold, matching five of six numbers. that is good for $450,000. we will take that. it climbs now to $760 billion. new year's eve ball just got bigger and better. here it is installed on top of its perch in times square. 2600 crystal pannals and featuring a new bow-tie pattern honoring the blocks of times square. it will not be the last that you see of it >> for the first time ever, after midnight, we are going to relight the ball at 12:0 4 a.m. the ball will go back up and
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come back down to rest year around where you can see it any day of the year here in times square. very extra. 60,000 people are expected to ring in the new year in times square. still to come, remembering
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. tonight, a floral wreath stands be side tom smothers the smothers brothers comedy hour debuted on cbs in 1967 and ran until 1970. it was the content of their own act that eventually ended it. >> the laugh factory in hollywood paying tribute to comedy legend tom smothers. the contribution to the craft went far beyond laughs. >> ladies and gentlemen the
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smothers brothers. >> the smothers brothers were a comedy sensation when america was on fire in the late '60s. >> it was passionate. no hiding how i felt about war in vietnam and voter registration and civil rights all of those things were happening >> we get a lot of complementary letters but a lot of derogatory letters saying we are communists, pinkos. those are the good letters. >> reporter: the show was different than traditional met work programs, broadcasting long before cable and streaming. and the show changed dramatically with the times. ♪ blacks and whitesville to work it out. >> pollution, guns, poverty surround us ♪ no wonder everybody is dropping out ♪ but we are still here. >> reporter: cbs began to censure the humor the network would eventually cancel the show. >> the moments i spent with him
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on the show were gratifying. i mean i was in the presence of greatness, really. >> reporter: paul rodriguez admired the smothers brothers and performed with them several times. >> did more of the comedy. they sacrificed their show, the network back in the day when there were only three major networks they sacrificed the show for beliefs. they were against the vietnam war. >> they did not stop performing but the time on cbs was the height of their fame. 20 years later they hosted a reunion show on cbs. >> don't forget it was a network that fired us. >> language, mother smothers favorite son and the other one. >> reporter: tom was born 22 months before brother dick, a relatively short age gap but their close relationship would transcend time. >> a lot of fighting and no sex. >> mostly in timing and in the
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relationship between the brother that is where the comedy comes from. >> tom smothers was 86 survived by his wife, two of his children and his brother, richard. i grew up with my father watching them. he would just laugh at their comedy. any way. great tribute. >> and part of the cbs tradition, too. >> yeah. >> not firing them. that is not tradition. [ laughter ] >> yes. absolutely. all right, watching the late show next with stephen colbert. the news continues streaming on cbs news bay area. have a good night >> it's the last day before break in the house of representatives and they took up the vital question of what milk you can serve in school lunches. the bill would reverse an obama arrow rule that mo


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