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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  January 1, 2024 3:05am-3:35am PST

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expeditiously. we cannot have the chaos that continues to come from the state of texas. clearly the governor of texas, governor abbott, is certainly afraid and mad, but he can't cut his own nose off. what we're saying and i've done over month ago, we provided an ordinance that would provide some structure and coordination around when busses should arrive. should not be dropping people off in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere without the support that's needed. >> before i let you to, i read, mayor johnson of chicago, a 5-year-old boy died after falling ill at a migrant shelter in your city. what state are people showing up in? what is the health risk here, if any? >> well, our condolences are still with the family and we continue to pray for the family who lost their child. i'm a father of three. this is just an unimaginable pain.
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what is very clear is that not only are we providing mental health related services as well as vaccinations and health screenings and providing medical health care for these families when they arrive and get off those busses, we're not seeing that same treatment at the border. there's no health screenings, no vaccinations. that process at the border is absolutely ragged and reckless. we cannot have a governor that decides he's going to cling to the vest damages of jefferson day ves when pulling to aspira frederick douglas. we have to have a response to this crisis and cannot allow chaos to dictate and divide this country. >> well, we will wait to hear from governor abbott's office in response to that. mr. mayors, thank you both for joining us. we'll be right back.
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we turn now to the 2024
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election. the supreme court is under growing pressure to quickly resolve the question of whether former president trump is eligible to serve as president after two states, colorado and maine v moved to strike him from the republican primary ballot for allegedly supporting an insurrection. for more we turn to cbs news election law contributor david becker, founder of the center for election innovation and research. it's always good to have you here to cut through the politics on this. both of maine's senators, an independent and republican, disagreed with this, even though they both personally voted to convict trump in the senate trial that -- the allegation that he helped to carry out an insurrection. do you think that this decision to try to remove him from the primary ballot in maine will stand up in court? >> it's a big question the supreme court has never resolved this issue, with regard to a president, about what engaging in insurrection means under the
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14th amendment to the constitution. the senators from maine and majority of the u.s. senate, voted to disqualify donald trump from the presidency in february of 2021 as did a majority of the united states house including 10 republican members of the house. it's clear this is an open question. there's legitimacy to the question. it has to be resolved by the united states supreme court. they are the final arbiter of what the united states constitution means, and this 14th amendment still exist, might be inconvenient but it exists and has to have meaning. it doesn't say convicted, it says engaged. we've seen in it applied in other offices just in new mexico to someone who was not convicted of insurrection but criminal trespass against the capitol on january 6th. >> the special counsel jack smith has not invoked insurrection in his federal case against the former president. in terms of what happened in
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colorado, which was the first state to try to do this, remove trump from the primarily ballot n maine, chris christie is not on the primary ballot, in new hampshire, joe biden is not on the primary ballot. does any of this really matter i guess is the question? >> it might matter and we need this resolved because donald trump may be the nominee and it's important to resolve this as quickly as we can on the merits so the republican party knows if they have a nominee and the voters know what choices are. as you point out it's not anti-democratic per se to disqualify someone from the ballot. everyone under 35 is disqualified, anyone not a natural born citizen, for instance, governor swrz, former governor schwarzenegger. barack obama and george w. bush aren't eligible to be president because they served two full terms. this is working through the process, the beginning of that process and fortunately, whether
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you agree or not, this process is moving quickly and the supreme court now has it at least in reference to the colorado case, and hopefully they'll recognize and i think they will recognize, the importance of them ruling clearly and quickly on this issue. >> so republican representative thomas massie of kentucky who endorsed governor desantis was out there yesterday on the campaign trail, and he said, congress is the ultimate or by tore of whether we recognize electors from the states or not. he said i could be inclined to not recognize electors from those states because he doesn't like what they're trying to do here. can he do that? >> well, first of all, as we saw in 2021 on january 6th, congress can't just decide to throw out the results of an election they don't like. members of congress aren't going to like the results in every year, but that's not the way the constitution works. the electoral count act which applied in 2020 and 2021 was reformed last year and we have
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an electoral count reform act. it requires more members to object, 20% of each house of congress to object to send night deliberations. it applies stronger presumptions with regards to the electoral certificates submitted by the executive, governors and states, if they're done on time december 11th and 17th as it occurs in .4. i think it's going to be very difficult for congress to dismiss that. important to note that congress that gets to decide this is the next congress, not the congress that's sitting. it's congress in november of 2024. the majorities might shift. assumptions made now might not apply in january 2025. >> if you are not a u.s. citizen you cannot vote but donald trump is saying that that's part of this migrant crisis, part of a conspiracy. >> yeah. it's true if you're not a u.s. citizen you don't have the right to vote. the protections in place are stronger than ever before. >> yeah. >> there's federal law applied for over two decades that
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requires every voter to show i.d. to register to vote and we've studied this for years and fraud is minimal. >> david, thank you. >> thank you. >> back in a moment.
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now to the latest in the war between israel and hamas. idf ground forces are pushing deeper into southern gaza and war planes are striking refugee camps in the center of the territory. ian lee is in sderot near the gaza border with more. >> reporter: street by street, house by house, israeli forces press the offensive deeper into gaza targeting hamas and their massive tunnel network, including what israel says is the head quarters of hamas leader sinwar. militants fight back, putting up stiff resistance. last night, prime minister benjamin netanyahu told israelis the war could last months longer, saying -- we continue to fight until the completion of all the objectives of the war. but more fighting means more suffering for the people of gaza. nearly 2 million palestinians
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have fled their homes, cold and hungry. tents now dominate the southern gaza city of rafah. cbs news witnessed thousands standing in a food line, their only hope for a meal. amina al raffi fled with her four children. a can of chickpeas is all they have to eat. we face cold, hunger, and thirst. the water is salty. as for hygiene, it's hard to keep clean, she says. the u.n. reports widespread outbreaks of disease including respiratory infections and diarrhea. while in the west bank, violence spiked after hamas' october attack. israeli military has killed more than 300 people since then. the u.n. is now warning of the rapid deterioration of palestinian rights in the territory. in northern israel militants launch rockets, mortars and missiles from syria and lebanon. israel responds in force. >> so we were called --
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>> reporter: the captain of the northern parachute brigade showed me their positions. they're all that stands between hezbollah and israeli communities. >> how tense is the situation here then? >> it could be pretty intense here and shooting mostly rockets, mortars could follow around here. >> reporter: a tension that threatens to escalate into another front in a region already at war. few, if any, margaret, will be celebrating the new year here. many hope especially in war torn gaza behind me, that 2024 brings a long and lasting peace.
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there was nor shortage of news on the technology and business beat this year. for a preview of what will dominate 2024 we turn to our business and technology correspondent jo ling kent. good morning
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>> good morning. so you cover silicon valley. there was all this talk here in washington about trying to regulate artificial intelligence, ai. is there any momentum here? >> you know, there is some momentum, but congress does not have a good track record when it comes to regulating tech or social media. artificial intelligence appears to be yet another difficult challenge for them. you have the senate ai forum, convened several times behind closed doors, and it features powerful ceos, you have sam altman of openai and meta's mark zuckerberg, microsoft satya nadella and, of course, emon musk, but no concrete progress has been made on the part of lawmakers. this comes as the newest version of chatgpt 5 is expected to come out in the coming months and it's expected to be a new increasingly complex set of capabilities. all of this happening is the backdrop of goldman sachs predicting 300 million jobs will
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disappear or change thanks to ai and you can expect voters to be asking about that impact in the year ahead. >> absolutely. in the immediate term, the biden administration has been concerned about what this will mean for our politics on the campaign trail, the use of deep fakes or misleading voters. what are the companies doing to prevent that? >> the social media companies are telling me they're throwing every resource they have to stop misinformation and disinformation. this is a sprawling endless game of whack a mole. that information spreads constantly online and it is continuing to be very hard to stop, especially with the arguments and protections of free speech. now meta, the parent company of facebook and instagram, says it removes ma nip plated media and voter misinformation and the company does use fact checking
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organizations. taking down bad information has always been an impossible task on platforms of that size. you cannot forget about x, formerly twitter. elon musk and his team have basically allowed the return of conspiracy theorists like alex jones and dramatically reduced the size of their trust and safety team. >> switching gears into the broader economy, which i know you watch as well. you know, the federal reserve had this end-of-year rosier prediction than many expected about what they may do with interest rates including potentially carrying out three cuts. what's going to determine that for people who are, you know, thinking that things are too expensive right now in terms of borrowing money in. >> yeah. borrowing money is really expensive right now. you're right. the fed is going to be looking at three main things. the job market, inflation and
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the gdp. as the main markers change and report, they'll decide how and when to cut rates. at this month's fed meeting the country's top central bankers' forecast that inflation will drop to about 2.4% in 2024 and finally reaching the target of 2% in 2026. now, we've been looking at the dot plot, some of the predictions about what's coming next year from the december fed meeting, and we expect to see at least three rate cuts next year as the fed is trying to land this plane for that soft landing, basically wanting to bring down inflation without triggering a recession. now as for when rates are going to be cut, fed chair powell said something really interesting in december and i want to share this quote. he said we're aware of the risks that we would hang on too long before reducing rates, and there is a risk that that poses to the economy. meantime we've been covering the session here. there's a disconnect between encouraging economic data on jobs, inflation and spending
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versus the reality of how people feel about their personal finances when it comes to your rent, your gas, and the rising cost of insurance. so this is a vibe session that went on throughout 2023, likely to continue well into the presidential campaign even. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> thanks. great to be with you. now to the environment. pover the last several days, rogue waves, some over 20 feet tall, have been crashing down on the southern california coastline, causing injuries and destroying property. the region is bracing for more this morning. a recent study by an oceanographer at the university of california san diego found climate change may be increasing the size and frequency of big waves in oceans. for more we go to our senior national and environmental correspondent ben tracy with a look at what more to expect in the new year. ben, you've explained climate change is not the weather.
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but these broader climate changes can impact the strength of the things we experience in the weather. after 2023, which was tough, what should we expect in the new year? >> well, the climate scientists i have been talking to say we should expect more extremes in 2024. you think of some of the things we saw this past year when you talk about these record heat waves, the wildfires in canada that sent these plumes of black smoke into u.s. cities, record rainfall and flooding. they say these are things we are going to see more of. these are not one off events that are happening. in fact, when you talk about the record heat of 2023, the hottest year on record, 2024 expected to be even hotter than that. the reason for that is scientists say we have the double whammy coming of long-term global warning, kind of making the baseline temperature warmer, but that is couple days with a strong el nino, the warming of the
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tropical pacific waters and that tends to spike temperatures around the planet. all of this is going to continue to happen as long as we contine burning fossil fuel. >> what can americans do to protect themselves and their property? >> we're going to have to start thinking about the health impacts of climate change. the wildfire smoke. people have to tart thinking about when do you wear a mask outside if you have wildfire smoke drifting into the neighborhood you live in or when do you invest in an air purifier. this is something people are not dealing with for one day, but weeks and months at a time. longer term we have to think about where we're living. we did a story this year how insurance companies are pulling out of major coastal areas, markets where flooding or hurricanes or wildfires are becoming big issues. that's impacting the rates people pay for insurance and some places they can't even get insurance anymore because the companies have said this just isn't worth it to us because there's going to be so much long-term damage.
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>> one of the things that we've seen the biden administration emphasize they want to transition away from combustion engines to the electric vehicles. and it's also a big challenge for the auto industry to make this shift. we saw that play out with the autoworkers strike this past year and the companies saying they're losing money on these vehicles. are americans actually buying electric vehicles in the numbers needed? >> for this year there's going to be a record number of ev sales in this country that will top 1 million for the first time and they make up 8% of new car sales in the united states. ev adoption is actually growing year over year, and it has for the last couple years, but it's not growing as fast as they once thought. some of the reasons for that is because these cars are very expensive when you compare them to internal combustion engine vehicles and people have real concerns not only about the range in terms of how far their car can go, when they need to
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charge are they going to be able to get one on the side of the road and that has been one of the major impediments. you're seeing the aweutomakers which had grand plans, starting to slow roll that and saying we're to the going to put these on the market as fast as we thought and not in the number we thought. >> what's the holdup with getting the chargers rolled out? >> that is one of the big things. $7.5 billion from the infrastructure law that was passed more than two years ago to create a charging network across the country. just this month, you know, almost two and a half years later, they finally installed the first charging station with that money. it actually is in place in ohio at a truck stop. i'm told there's a waffle house down the street. charging up, you can also get a little breakfast. it's sad that this is the first one and it's taken this long. part of that is, you know, what you might expect a lot of government bureaucracy, paperwork. states have to administer the programs and get the chargers set.
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the goal is to have a charger basically every 50 miles on major interstates in this country and that will be happening over the course of the next couple years. >> before i let you go, this is going to be an election issue as well. what are you watching in 2024? >> well, it will be really fascinating. this race for the white house if you care about climate issues, is going to be an important one. you have the biden administration which has passed all these climate initiatives, but you have former president trump who has campaigned on the idea of drilling more on federal land. he says drill drill drill. he has called the transition to electric vehicles the transition to hell. he has very strong opinions about these things and you also have other republican candidates who are campaigning on repealing some of the biden administration's, you know, landmark climate legislation. depending on how this election turns out you could see real changes in the climate space. >> ben tracy, thank you very much. >> margaret, thanks. that's it for us. happy new year.
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thanks for watching. ♪ >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." good morning and happy new year. i'm ed o'keefe in washington. 2024 came in with a bang, with fireworks and parties and revelers around the world raising a glass to the brand-new year. as urge, the biggest party of all was in new york's times square. 1 million people packing the
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crossroads of the world as the tiffany ball came down for a joyous start to 2024. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ auld lang syne ♪ >> the nation's largest police department was out in force to keep everyone safe. astrid martinez has the story. >> we could give a specific location, like how many people are on this corner -- >> reporter: high above the celebration -- >> when the sun goes down, it's a whole different sight, too. >> reporter: law enforcement is on high alert. >> we're covering the whole city, but we're focused on manhattan. >> reporter: anybody wants to try anything what would you tell them? >> not today. not tonight. not ever. >> reporter: this year, officers on the lookout for protests like those that interrupted the thaksgiving day parade and a tree lighting in november.
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and police will use drones for the first time ever to monitor potential dangers. >> this year, the drones are giving us a better view of exactly what's going on, you know, in realtime. >> reporter: below times square, the busiest mass transit hub of the city will be watched closely. >> our plans for policing this event is multi-layered. you know, we're talking about the subway system. you know, our riders are going to see a visible presence and an invisible presence. >> reporter: this historic celebration, named for "the new york times," dates all way back to 1904. >> u.s. citizens welcomed the new year with the loudest and most populous greeting in decades. >> reporter: in chicago, the skies over lake michigan will be lit with more than 100,000 fireworks. and las vegas will close the strip where more than 400,000 people are expected. back in new york, revelers are filling times square and focusing on the future.
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>> going to be a great year for all of us. >> reporter: nypd's safety measures go far beyond times square. police expect 2 million people to come to new york to watch the ball drop, but they will be spread out throughout the five boroughs. ed, happy new year. >> same to you, astrid martinez, thank you. we head overseas where there's a marked escalation of tensions along one of the world's busiest shipping routes. it happened in the red sea after a container ship issued a distress call saying it was under attack by iran-backed houthi militants in four boats. u.s. navy helicopters from the aircraft carrier "eisenhower" and "uss gravelly" responded, returning fire. they sunk three boats, killing its crew members. the u.s. says it's the 23rd houthi rebel attack since november. a spillover of the israel/hamas war. cbs' ian lee is in the conflict
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tonight. ian, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, ed. you can see smoke rising from the intention fighting taking place in northern gaza behind me. this comes as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu warns the war could last many more months. paramedics arrive on the scene of an artillery strike in khan younis today. "move quickly, there's a boy," shouts the ambulance driver. the boy moves amidst the rubble, alive but injured. they quickly bring a stretcher and haul him off. the war in gaza has transformed its hospitals. people gather for information or hoping to find safety. the injured seek life-saving treatment. but now gaza's largest hospital has a new addition. a cemetery. hundreds of graves line the courtyard of alshifa. signs bear the names of the men, women, and children killed since the fighting in october.
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over 21,800 have died, according to the hamas-run ministry of health. the idf has intensified its operations in recent days. going building by building, street by street, after hamas militants. destroying tunnels and hoping to rescue hostages seized by fighters on october 7th. as the year wraps up, some harbor hopes for the future. "i wish to go back to normal, for electricity to return, and to go home," says this boy. for 12-year-old mouna alsawa, even a return to the mundane seems special. she says she wants to return home and run errands again. in tel aviv, some expressed the need to end the fighting. >> in order to release these hostages, a cease-fire must be taking place. >> reporter: for now, the war grinds on. few, if any, will be celebrating the new year here. many hope, especially in gaza, that 2024 brings a long and lasting peace.


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