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tv   The Late News  CBS  January 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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>> the building in downtown oklahoma city, ripped apart by a single explosion. >> it's total chaos. cars are on fire. people are injured and hurt. >> the basic tenets of hatred for the government are alive and well. >> he was trying to start a war against the united states. . now at 11:00. they were ringing in the new year at home but the bright red glow outside was not fireworks. >> it was an out-of-body experience to see my car in flames >> it was an arson spree. he died before the flight
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left the gate. how he ended up in a jet engine. that is one way to add time to your sentence. the suspect who launched himself at a judge as she was denying his probation. this is cbs news bay area with sara donchey. broken car windows we see it all of the time here. someone setting car after car on fire, seamingly for no reason at all that is different and madden figure you were one of the people who lost their cars in that way on new year's eve. neighbors in san francisco say two people torched multiple cars and ran off. we talked to two of the victims who want answers. >> i talked with two of the victims and they say they were just inside of their home celebrating new year's eve. then, they saw a fire truck and
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then flames. they thought it was fireworks but it ended up being their cars on fire. >> reporter: residents say park street is a quiet street. this neighborhood was not expecting to see this. bright orange flames glowing under several parked cars. >> my car almost burnt to the ground, nearly. it was crazy sight to see. >> reporter: he owned his new mercedes for two months. a punch he worked extremely hard for. in minutes, it became unrecognizable. >> it was honestly a huge shock just, it was, it was out-of-body experience i can say that, to see my car just sitting there engulfed in flames. >> reporter: he used the car to get to and from work. he was not the only victim. this was all that was left of lila
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nelson's mother's car. >> we are in shock. confusing. we did not know what happened. >> security cameras captured video of one suspect. you can see him walking by with a gas can. residents believe there were at least two arsonists. >> i have no idea why someone would do this. i think it is the most heartless thing i ever dealt with. >> reporter: the biggest question people have is why? >> it just does not make any sense why somebody would victimize an innocent neighborhood. we don't have any reason to be targeted. >> reporter: residents here are hoping that if you saw anything or know about this case that you contact the police department. tonight, two people are facing murder charges for the killing of an undercover oakland police officer and the da says that she will do everything she can to put them away for life. officer tuan le was shot by a suspect stealing from a marijuana grow house. one person started shooting, he
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was shot in the head and died at the hospital a few hours later. tonight, the police confirm three men are in custody and more arrests are coming. they think 27-year-old mark sanders was the shooter. now, court records show he has a prior conviction for manslaughter. tonight, he is facing murder charges with special circumstances that could carry a sentence of life without parole. that is a break from progressive da price's stated policy of avoiding sentencing enhancements in almost all cases. >> i will leverage the full weight of my office against these people who we believe ruthlessly and wantingly murdered an officer of the law, who gave his life to protect our community against those who would do harm to us. >> 28-year-old allen brown also facing murder charges with special circumstances and the police think the 30-year-old burglarized the cannabis business before officer le was shot. the acting chief
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confirmed one of the suspects was arrested in officer le's own handcuffs. we asked him if he is confident the da will prosecute this case to the fullest. >> yes, i am confident. we believe they have charges that we believe fit the crimes at hand.. >> now, only the acting chief took reporter's questions tonight. we were told up front the mayor and the district attorney would not, that means we could not ask them any specific questions about concerns from oakland residents about if their city is safe. oakland city councilmember is raising his own issue about transparency at the press conference. he showed up to today's briefing at opd but that the police told him to leave. he says without explanation as to why. >> i am out here advocating for a police chief immediately and trying to support our police department and here i get treated that way. now i understand more so why my
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neighbors and the residents of oakland are completely frustrated and disappointed on the way we handling public business when it comes to public safety. >> now, again, he did not say why he thinks in happened and the police have not responded to our requests for comment on that issue. meanwhile, the acting police chief says they are still looking for suspects in officer le's murder. he is the first oakland police officer killed on duty in 14 years. owning a comic bookstore sounds like the kind of job kids everywhere used to dream of until the villain show up. a fed up shop owner says the same thieves just hit his place twice. this video from hq was reported last month. thieves broke in, grabbed as much stuff as they could and ran off and if you think that stuff was not worth much, think again. they stole about $1,000 worth of merchandise, the owner replaced the front door of the business and then last week he says the
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game guys came back and did it again. >> i am out replacement, you know, all of that is really property value. it does not matter. it is about the anxiety of waking up at night, having to drive over two or 3:00 a.m. in the morning and just don't know is your business in good shape? >> imagine how frustrating that is. the owner says if it happens again he might have to move. well, this move from a football field carries into the courtroom as a guy being sentenced for battery proves his own case to the judge. plus, airports have tight security, how did a man end up inside of a jet engine on a plane bound for the bay area? also, how the high surf at the coast is helping struggling businesses keeping their heads above water . there is more of that to come. the wave heights not as high tomorrow. another surge will make its way to the coast. the storm surge causing that
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will bring rain. tracking the timing of that on the first alert forecast. >> all right, paul. and the saucy seniors become calendar girls look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ in order for small businesses to thrive, w they need to be you smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000.
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so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today.
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. we were all talking about the next story in the news room today. this is the craziest video that we have seen in a long time. moves that you would see on a football field happen in a vegas courtroom. [beep] >> hey! . >> that was a defendant flying over the bench and attacking a judge in the middle of his
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sentencing for attempted battery. wow. he was enraged when the judge denied him probation because of his criminal history. >> [beep] . >> it took three men to subdue the suspect. the 62-year-old judge did hit her head but she will be okay. a court marshal ended up in the hospital t. looked like a beat down in the corner of the video and he is looking at a lot more time behind bars than he was originally facing. >> the police in salt lake city are investigating how a managed to sneak into the engine compartment of a plane bound for san francisco. he died before the engine turned on. he got on to the runway through an emergency exit, airport staff and the police found him unconscious inside of a wing mounted engine of the plane
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with passengers on board. and while we all think of airports of having tight security. a mechanic says once someone gets passed security it is easy for them to access a lot of restricted areas if they really want to. >> it would be easy for someone to crawl in there and, you know, access that if they were just walking by, unrestricted. all of the people that are out there, baggage handlers, ground crew are fairly well trained on what they can do and where they can be and can't be kind of thing. yes it is a regulated restricted area for even the people, the workers.. >> the big question tonight, how that man died. that for now is still a mystery. three hikers lucky to be alive after being stranded overnight in a sierra snowstorm. they have been missing for nearly 24 hours when rescuers found them today. the hikers set out around noon yesterday. they got lost as the snowstorm rolled in but they eventually were able to call
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for help. >> the sun goes down, we are getting down into those 30s, 20s, teens, it gets cold and that is when it gets dangerous. >> more than 40 volunteered pitched in on that successful rescue mission. a night of teen mischief in santa rosa ended up in a lot of mud and one person stuck in handcuffs. santa rosa chp says last night officers checked out a truck that was stuck in the mud on peterson road near blank road. they heard reports the people inside knocked over street signs, sure enough, they found these signs in the truck that had been cut down with a saw. 18-year-old driver and passengers admitted they did it for fun but the chp says the cost of the damage could lead to felony charges. the driver was booked into jail and the other teens were picked up by their parents. these past few days have been a dream for surfers. the swells kicked up again and
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brought in big crashing waves. a lot of people came out to enjoy it and take it in. >> it is choppy today. i have seen bigger but it is, it is nice, you know, people are out and it looks like they are catching them. >> and what better way to draw people to the shore than warning them to stay away this isshipping them, all of the people coming out to check out the huge surf. >> to see the waves and to hear them and the patterns it is just beautiful. >> when this showed up we got worried about business. but, at least it is working out with all of the tourists and people coming down to see like what is happening in nature. >> pretty amazing to see. we have seen quite a show on the coast, paul, as you know, we saw that and then we had the rain roll in and a bit of a break. sounds like rain is coming back, right? >> the rain will return heading into the weekend the storm system brings us that will send
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another swell towards the coast. today's waves were the just right category. big enough to be a spectacle but not lead to damage potential. the storm system that brought us the rain yesterday and last night, even early today continues to move farther off to the east. breezy from time to time on thursday. but, that is really the only problem in thursday's forecast. clear skies tonight, leading to chilly temperatures by tomorrow morning, cooling off, 41 degrees in livermore, 42 in santa rosa, holding on to the lower 50s in san francisco and in san jose. we will see a mix of 30s and 40s by tomorrow morning, upper 30s, 40s inland, lower to 40s along the bay. all of the numbers within a degree or two of what is normal for this time of the year. with plenty of sunshine tomorrow. fair weather clouds, the temperatures will warm up to a couple degrees above average. two degrees above average in san scrowsa, 61 degrees, upper 50s for morgan hill. upper 50s and 60s right at 60 degrees in redwood city, upper 50s for
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fremont and livermore and oakland. there is not going to be a lot of variation, 57 degrees for the coolest spots, several of those. 62 degrees for the warmest spot on the map in nevado tomorrow afternoon. does not matter if you are inland or on the coast. the differences will be in the rain chances for various parts of the bay area. let's take a look at that with a look at future cast. we can zoom through the next couple of days. there will not be a lot happening other than passing clouds over head. there is an outside chance of a sprinkle or two before the sun comes up on friday morning. the ripple in the atmosphere will not have a lot of moisture to work with. maybe passing, literally, a sprinkle or two. that will be it. full sunshine, friday afternoon, waiting for the substantial storm system to drop a better chance of rain towards us on saturday. the moisture hanging out to the north before the sun comes up on saturday. there version of
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future cast pushes the band of showers across the bay area quickly. moving into the bay area midmorning, moving it out of the santa clara valley by late afternoon. we add up the round of rain, again, lasting longer, be flexible if you have outdoor plans on saturday. not a huge rainmaker. high end of things, a quarter of an inch. spectacular amounts, variable, i would not put a lot of faith in the community by the community numbers. i will show you the range of expectations that will not be a gully washer or anything like that. there is much better chance more of the moisture gets squeezed out of the sierra where a winter storm watch is in effect saturday, saturday night because the weather service wants to make sure people know if you plan to travel in that direction, do it on friday, not saturday, 10-20 inches of snow on the widespread basis and wind gust 40 miles an hour difficult to flat out treacherous travel conditions. travel on friday or put it off to another weekend
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and take advantage of the 10-20 inches of fresh powder they will get up there. the seven-day forecast, we don't have to worry about different microclimates. everybody has the same forecast. everyone's temperatures within 3-4 degrees of each other, heading through the entire forecast. we see a descent chance of showers on saturday. giving way to a dry pattern. taking back over by sunday, monday, likely into tuesday of next week as well with another slight chance of showers headed our way by wednesday of next week. that system also does not look like it will be too impressive. it is the middle of january. we will take what we can get. >> thanks, paul. 9ers are playing on saturday. warriors need wins no matter how they get them. it sounds like a motivational speech is inspiring one of their stars
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. super bowl 58 just over a month away. can you believe it?
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where does the time go? we are getting our first look at how vegas will be transformed for the big game. the clean version. the nfl, cbs, super bowl host committee released these renderings. it is february 11th here on cbs. now, if the 9ers go i imagine matt lively will be there, too. >> i will be. did you know the stadium is close to the strip. >> i wonder what you would be up to on your off time. >> research. >> like? >> research. >> oh >> we will leave it there. we will leave it there. the last time the 9ers were in vegas it was the preseason. when we play the rams on sunday it might be played in january but it will feel like a preseason game. kyle shanahan announced brock purdy will sit out sunday, joining christian mccaffrey. now, as of those those are the only two starters
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that will not play. sam darnald will play in his place. the playoff spot clinched, cooper kupp and darnald. let's go back to purdy. selected to his first pro bowl tonight after leading all players in van voting. league high, 9 players selected of course, if san francisco makes the super bowl none of them are participating. of the nine pro bowlers half were drafted by the 9ers appointed pride for kyle shanahan. >> it has been cool that most of our pro bowlers i feel like have come from here. awesome when you bring in someone like christian, trent, different type of players we had a chance to add to this group. i think some of the stuff that we had to go through to build it up and it is cool, hitting on guys, talented guys but made of the right stuff. >> to the nba. gary peyton ii
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is expected to miss several weeks. the is brutal, he just returned on saturday from a calf injury that sidelined him over a month. they want to see him get back on the court. klay thompson broke out of a slump last night. 15 points against the magic. thompson credited a peptalk from head coach steve kerr who simply told klay stop being so hard on yourself. >> we had a conversation about just enjoying this last chapter of my career and how lucky i am to still be playing this game. it helped me change my mind set and forget about shooting flits or points for game or all-star games and just to enjoy being in this warriors uniform and appreciate what we build because it is a rare opportunity for any professional athlete to be part of the success. >> it is so weird to hear klay talking about the end of his era and likely the final chapter of his career here in
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the next few years. he seems ready to go. that is the important part. how about draymond green? he has yet to return to the team facility and the warriors are giving him space and that draymond is giving the warriors space and it just seems messy. bob meyers, former gm, he says it will be weird when he comes back and they have been playing without him and they have to learn to play with him again. seems like a mess right now. >> i wonder if you feel the tone and tenure is different this time around. it seems like they were pretty supportive including kerr, draymond the way they spoke about it. seems like they are cooling off a little bit. >> i think when he comes back steve kerr is the coach that played with dennis rodman you have to accept them. >> yes, speaking of vegas. >> yes. don't go lost. but i think he will be welcomed back and they need him back. point blank they need him on the floor. i think the warriors will say come on back. we
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support you, do not punch anyone else. >> and much like dennis rodman i better matt lively will be hard to locate at the super bowl. >> i will have find my friends on. if you find yourself with a complicated relationship status, don't worry, there is a candy that can help with the confusing emotions
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today.
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. if you struggled to get enough, you might be reaching for the caffeine like all of us. you can use your own cup, in the drive-thru tell them you have your own mug. it has to be
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clean, not dirty and less than 40 ouncees. valentine's day is coming up. something sweet for something for people who are not in a relationship, sweethearts is releasing limited addition situation boxes, heart filled candies with blurry misprints and mixed messages to capture that situationship feeling. clarity is so hard to come by when it comes to dating these days, they go on sale on monday. and, these saucy seniors are having no problem finding suiters after their photo shoot. the calendar girls with a good cause
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[music] a gift from our producers >> we did not know that was
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coming a few weeks back here on this program, we had a story about buff men and puppies in a calendar spread. there is paul haggen. it might be difficult to top we might have done it. some massachusetts seniors came together to create their own saucy calendar. and naked but classy poses. the women ranging in age from just under 70 to over 90 have been dubbed the lovely ladies of windmor pond. it was not entirely for fun. they are actually raising money for resident care and it has not been bad for their social lives, either. >> and i had a couple of the guys who are like you want to ride on the back of my bike come this summer? >> another person's reaction was, really, mom? >> mom? no. >> the women have backgrounds as old and interesting as their
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photos. some worked in show business, nursing, computer research, one says she dated frank senatra. hey! >> he can not refute it. >> he can not. $20 a piece they sold 700 calendars. about 30-40 of which have gone to matt lively >> nope. [ laughter ] >> no. as a grandson that would of ruined my christmas if i walked into my grandmother's house and there she was in her glory. [ laughter ] >> not all of the glory. [ laughter ] >> tastefully done >> if i did buy them i would give them to you. >> i love them. i do think they were tasteful and classy and i encourage andmas everywhere >> for around $500, ousted lawmaker george santos is offering limited christmas cameos as santos-claus. >> i don't know about no santa. this is all about


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