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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  January 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. the man accused of killing an oakland police officer appear in court for the first time in the case, and members of the force were there in support of their fallen colleague. thanks so much for doing this this afternoon, it is been less than a week since oakland police officer, tuan le was shot and killed while on the job. alameda county's d.a. says her office will continue to follow the evidence and hold those responsible accountable. our and macisaac joins us live with the latest on what happened in court today . >> are, both men charged with murder in this case appeared before a packed courtroom
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filled with members of the oakland police force. investigators say 27-year-old mark sanders pulled the trigger that killed officer tuan le , in the early hours of december 29th. he and 28-year-old allen brown waived their rights to hear the charges against them read during today's hearing , our katie nielsen was in the court room this morning and she says sanders turned his back on the judge and onlookers while brown stared at his family in the viewing area. brown is also facing charges in this case. court documents show he drove the vehicle , a third suspect, 30-year-old russell is facing burglary charges. he died at the hospital if you are litter . the shooting happened after the business was burglarized three times that same night. and court records show that sanders has a prior conviction for manslaughter, now he is facing murder charges with special circumstances, all that
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combined could land him with a life sentence without parole. sanders and allen will be held without bail until their next hearing, right now that is set for january 18th. >> thank you so much. please people's park swarmed with protesters just hours ago as construction there is set to begin to turn a portion of the green space into housing. shawn chitnis is there with an update for us. >> reporter: here along the stretch of telegraph avenue, that remains closed at the intersection of the white, you can see one of the larger crowds we have noticed all day here as this street leads up to one side of people's park that is now being closed off by a stack of shipping containers that were brought in to try and enforce this closed construction zone that the university wants during winter break. take a look at what is happening earlier from up above as we can see some of the
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bulldozers that are inside the park, able to move large sections of dirt. the university has says that they believe that that is their right, but protesters here are concerned about trees that were planted inside and they don't think the university should be moving forward with any major changes to the park until the california supreme court ruled on the legal matters related to this housing project . those advocates were people's park have said because this location is an important landmark for the civil rights and free speech movement, they believe the park should be preserved as it is with student housing built somewhere else in berkeley. >> parks are human rights, students are not sardines, if we have more students we need more parks, too. >> the project at the people's park is a really important part for the university, the project was carefully designed for not just students but also the community at large. >> there were trees being cut down overnight as officers were brought in to help close off
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entrances to the park. protesters that were here in the early hours were shouting at those officers to leave, some were arrested, uc berkeley says that it notified protesters that they were trespassing , the university explains that it has spent millions with the city and state to provide housing for those living in the park and that it's final plan for this project includes low income housing as well as an open space it would take up two thirds of the park in addition to the planned student housing. uc berkeley says that while they do need to wait for the california supreme court to move forward on an actual construction, the courts have given them permission to enforce that close construction zone and that is why they have chp officers here and have brought in those shipping containers. they want the public to do that the surrounding streets will be closed for the next 3 to 4 days. >> we are staying on top of the story at people's park. our jose martinez will have update on the later additions of the
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cbs news bay area, also on and streaming on the free cbs news app and we are also following developments of yet another school shooting, this one in iowa. authorities there say one student, a sixth-grader, was killed. the suspect is also dead, and at least five others wounded. investigators say a 17-year-old student open fire on the first day of school after winter break. armed with a shotgun and a small caliber handgun. they say he also made a number of social media post around the time of the shooting, we will continue to follow the story and update you on air and online. to fremont now, where a solar equipment company plans to layoff 350 workers tomorrow they say market conditions are forcing the move but john ramo spoke to solar advocates who say those conditions were created by the state when it changed the rules. >> the company and defectors equipments that help solar
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power work. the reason they are laying people off is because the demand for solar has plummeted. the company , in phase energy, headquartered in fremont, produces the converters that convert the energy into usable household power work in a memo to employees, the company attributed the layoffs to an increase in interest rates and a decision that california public utilities commission made last april to severely cut the amount they pay people who contribute excess energy to the grid. to that , solar advocates, like kaylee underhill say we told you so. >> more public comment came into the cpu scene about this issue than any other topic in cpuc history, and still the governor and the cpuc chose to cut solar credit for all of these consumers and we are seeing the cliffs that this has created starting now.
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>> reporter: for any new systems installed after april 15th of last year, the net metering read, the amount of credit given for excess energy would be slashed by about 75% that led to an mad dash to install the systems, said keith crutchfield, owner of solar in santa rosa. >> for the first part of the year we were insanely busy and it was kind of liketo keep up with that amount of demand in such a compressed timeframe. that demand, after april 15th, fell off a cliff. it stopped basically wants april 15th happened , it went away. >> since then, he says he has seen many solar companies go out of business, especially those who grew too fast during the run up. >> basically, no business is , in their entirety, survive a cliff when it comes to a drop off in demand . you can't design for that. >> reporter: with the energy
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institute at uc berkeley's school of business is the old rate was much too generous, leaving those without solar to pay a higher cost to support the power grid and he says the new policy would still be a good deal for solar adopters, just not quite as good as before. >> the solar industry has fought a very hard fight against this change in policy by saying that the new policy would devastate their industry because nobody would find it profitable to put it in solar. that is not true. and i think it is a closer call than it used to be and so fewer people are going to put in solar. but we are not going to see solar go away. >> reporter: the advocates say it goes against the state's clean energy mission. clean now they have created a situation where it is a really tough economic proposition for someone to adopt this clean energy resource we need more rooftop solar, not less. >> reporter: ironically, it may
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be utilities like pg&e that will save the industry. he says his solar systems become more desirable every time the power companies ask for another rate hike. they just got one and they are already asking for the next one and that is not going to stop so we are going to be there to solve that problem. >> reporter: in the meantime, i will be tough going for a once a growing industry that are seeing its profitability them. >> just last month, the first district court of appeals upheld the puc's decision to change the net metering rates . three different environmental groups had challenged it. oakland incoming minor league baseball team, the bees, are being blocked from playing at the coliseum. who is keeping them out and why? plus and east bay comic shop is hit again by burglars, why the owner believes it is the same crew the second time around. we're looking ahead to the next widespread rainmaking for us, we may not have big rainfall totals but it is bringing colder air, we
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the owner of a comic collectibles store in hayward is set up. he believes the thieves who were caught on camera last month breaking into a shop just struck again. he tells our kelsey thor, they look like they knew what they were after this time. >> reporter: the owners of cuba eight q say they have been broken into twice , in just the last month. the owner says
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that both times the burglars got away before police arrived but he says the most annoying thing is that they believe the suspects were the same in both cases. henry has been in the collectibles industry for decades, traveling across the country, selling merchandise at dozens of conventions every year. during the pandemic, he leased this warehouse to store all of his products and opened up a small shop or customers in the front . henry says they hadn't had any issues at the location until last month. >> it was early december , they broke in, we were surprised that they came in , jimmy did the door with less than a minute , just came in. >> reporter: you share with us the security video. in it, you can see the suspects pry open the door for a run in, grab as much merchandise as they can, and run out. >> police came in about 15 minutes, it was pretty quick. i
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felt terrible because i got into the place and we thought it was always pretty safe area. >> reporter: henry says the suspects got away before police arrived, stealing about $1000 worth of merchandise. he replaced the front door and updated some of his security features , getting a better lock and keeping the lights on inside at night. but then, last week, henry says the same suspects came back and broken again. please think they got a pretty good knowledge of what they wanted so they kind of stay in that one room and just took some figurines and some cards and things like that. >> reporter: again, the suspects escaped before police arrived. henry says the whole thing has been frustrating. he is not too concerned with what was stolen but he says it is now harder for them to feel safe here. >> is not about replacement, and all that , property value, doesn't really matter. it is about the anxiety of waking up
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at night, having to drive over and 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. in the morning and just don't know as your business would be in good shape. >> reporter: henry told me right now he has no plans to change locations but he did say if they do continue to get >> reporter: and into he will have no choice but to shut down and move. the a's have killed another baseball dream in oakland, this time after blocking the minor-league oakland ballish from playing a game at the coliseum. the b's announcing on x that despite having an agreement in place, and putting in a down payment with the company that operates the coliseum , the a's, who have exclusive rights over any professional baseball played at the site declined to grant them consent to play their game, which was scheduled for june 29th. descendant, hollywood recognizes the past year's highest achievements in film and tv . the golden globe awards will be live right here on cbs this morning, the host
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of the show, comedian jo koy did the honors of kicking out the red carpet or at least trying to and before that he spoke to our gianna franco about how he is getting ready on such short notice. we were talking eight days, eight days ago and yeah, it has been nothing but hyper focused, that is all have been doing is just writing, watching movies, watching tv shows and a ton of writing. i haven't stopped. >> is probably like a binge watch bonanza right now, right? just to get ready for everything. but you know, i think you're the perfect person to do something like this because you are in your element. it feels like when you're doing your standup, we are big fans here, of course, a lot of fans here in san francisco here in the bay area. i feel like it kind of just flows. you sort of feel like you have some stuff ready to go but you're just going to see how the night played out? >> that is my intention , 100%. like this is a party, it is a celebration. it is not like all
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the other award shows, do you know what i mean? the cool thing about the globes is it is like an inside look, right? just having a good time, they are eating and drinking. it is going to be a lot easier than most, i think. but i have still got a job to do. >> i think you will be just fine. speaking of making people laugh, one of the new categories really focuses on comedians as part of one of the categories this year. what do you think about that now being added to an award show? we finally! finally! we have the hardest job in show business, hands-down, standup comedy . look at some of the great actors that are out there right now. from standup. so yes, finally my peers have been recognized and i love this group of nominees and i am pulling for chris, i want chris to win this one. >> we know some of the presenters that will be happening at the show, like oprah winfrey will be visiting, will ferrell. is there anybody that you would love to meet? someone that if you just had
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that opportunity you are like hi, i am joe, nice to meet you. >> first and foremost, easter sunday was produced by ambulance, so dreamworks made it so steven spielberg is on my bucket list. i got my horse flaps on on stephen, i have yet to meet him. i only spoke to him via email so this is going to be an opportunity that i can't wait to do. >> and we should note that easter sunday focuses on daly city, right? right here in the bay. >> yep , represent. clique and watch jo koy host the golden globes on sunday, right here on kpix and streaming on paramount+ . i would like to watch the fashion, though. that is the best part. onto first alert weather now, blue skies in just a few clouds in the bay area today? pretty gorgeous, but it is january and meteorologist darren peck is looking ahead to our next chance of showers. he is in a new virtual view
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studio. darren? >> okay, we are keeping an eye on the neck system which get you very early friday morning, going to get a few light showers that come through in the early hours of 2:00 in, 3:00 a.m. and it is just for sonoma and marin and maybe it doesn't last that long. let's move onto the next system. a more important store appear, it is coming from colder climates, coming from the gulf of alaska and then diving down the california coast . you will see that system coming together to give us a better chance of rain but we need to slow that down. let's put more resolution on the and slow down. when we do that we actually see the rain is not going to be very impressive if we look at the start of it, 9:00 a.m., the showers begin in the north bay. by 2:00 p.m. they have reached the south bay. that is just the opening wave and there's not a lot to that. and then there are follow-up scattered showers that will come through for the remainder of saturday into the evening, but even those don't add up to a whole
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lot. if we look at the totals we are only getting about a 10th of an inch of rain out of this for north bay and south bay communities. so not a big rainmaker but it does pull in the colder air and that is going to make the morning lows stand out after the storm gets here so sunday morning and monday morning will be noticeably colder as a result of that. a quick producer for snow in the sierra, too. it is a shame it doesn't stick around because it is cold enough to keep snowing but it is only here from 7:00 in the morning to 7:00 at night and you only drop about five or so inches in that timeframe, not necessarily the most impactful. we do have a beach hazard statement. i want to talk to you about that. we're going to draw our attention over towards the coast. you can see daytime highs today are pretty much coming in at average. this is your thursday afternoon with high clouds and not much else going on there. so we will lose the numbers, i want to step out to the coastline and we are going to highlight the concern out here for friday you can see the next storm out there, there is a swell under those clouds that swell will be here for
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friday, and as a result, that is where we have got the beach hazard statement, the entire coastline from sonoma, marin, san francisco, san mateo all the way down to santa cruz. and beach hazard statement a little bit lower grade of a concern than a surf advisory or high surf warning but it still is certainly an important message to get out there because sneaker waves will be a risk on friday for anybody hanging out on the beach who is not paying attention. tuesday, that is our next chance of rain. more on that one as we get closer to it. the 49ers are leading the league and pro bowlers this season.
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beautiful shot of the golden gate ridge, it was a gorgeous day today. big props to the diners avenue nine of their plays which is selected for the pro bowl that is the most of any team in the nfl, among them, quarterback brock purdy. pretty is the first san francisco back selected by the all-star event since jeff garcia back in 2002. george kittle , fred warner, christian mccaffrey and five others were all selected, as well. the pro bowl will be played on february 4th and will go back to orlando, florida.
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of course the niners have a different goal in mind , the super bowl and they have one regular-season game left before the playoffs. metlife looks ahead to sunday at levi's. this is a volkswagen red and gold report. raise your hand if you had sam darnold carson wentz starting together at levi's stadium . it is going to be a week unlike any other for kyle shanahan. clear why is this more stressful for you to coach a week like this then if you needed to win this game to clinch? >> no. >> reporter: wilson, shanahan has a number of difficult decisions to make but not at the quarterback position. brock purdy was the one healthy starter ruled out sunday, sam darnold will start at quarterback all other starters are prepared to play and they're okay with it. >> i feel like we don't need two what by weeks, one by week
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is everything, that is great, when next week comes we will take full advantage of that when it does come. for now, the plan all along was to play 17 games. so we will play it. >> for the red and gold report, i met lightly. when people talk about love, sometimes we know it is complicated or coming up, see how a candy company is playing off that notion just in time for the first time i tried to quit vaping, i told myself, that it was like a mountain that i had to climb over. and once i got to the other side, it would be clear.
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but i couldn't make it over. what really got me to quit was my little sister. i saw her vaping. so i was back in the mountain, but this time. she was up there with me. it's weird what you can do for others that... you won't do for yourself.
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with valentine's day just about a month away, the beloved sweetheart brand conversation hard candies are coming back but with a twist, you're going to want to get your hands on these? according to the company, these situationship candies are, quote, as blurry as your relationship. they feature misprinted, hard to read messages on them, sound familiar? the limited-edition candy hearts are available only on the company's website that's a great idea for a gift, though. the cbs evening news is next on kpix, local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. i will see you at 5:00 . ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, the breaking news. a student opens fire, killing a sixth-grader and injuring others. police just revealing an explosive device was found inside the school. ♪


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