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tv   The Late News  CBS  January 10, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PST

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- this has been a production of
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. now at 11:00. a woman accused of killing her mother and streaming it on facebook live. what the police found when they stormed a north bay apartment. that is a price we can not afford to pay. the recall is part of politics, critics say it say good way to flush your money down the drain. this famous circus group is bringing back their acrobatics to the bay area. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, good evening, i'm sara donchey. exactly a year ago today, the mayor was sworn in after a razor thin win. she
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did not have much of a honeymoon period, either. in the first weeks on the job she fired the police chief, armstrong, despite a lot of public push back from many directions and the criticism has been growing louder ever since. now, her opponents are trying to push her out with their top complaint the rise in violent crime. tonight, an effort to push back against the push back. in other words, people are speaking out against recalls in general, even though they have been a popular political trend in the bay area as of late. as you will recall, the last recall got allot of attention in 2022. price picked up that in alameda couldn't we there is a alameda county some
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are saying enough is enough. >> reporter: the group that came together say they are supporters of the mayor and against the push to recall her. not only because they believe this is a political game but they say it could cost millions, they say it will be better used towards community programs. >> stop using our pain for political gain. >> reporter: the executive director of pathways to peace. he told us that he organized tuesday's rally to show that the mayor has supporters and they believe a recall campaign against her is a waste of time and money. >> recall would disrupt the process, it could lead to an extended period of chaos and dysfunction within our city. there is, that is a cost that we just can not afford to pay. >> reporter: the mayor's opponents launched their effort last week saying the mayor is
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not doing enough to combat crime. supporters say give her a chance she has been in a short time and it will take time. >> governing takes time. we need a mayor that works with all of our community to make oakland better. >> reporter: her supporters say it can cost $4 million of taxpayer money, money they believe should go towards productive rather than something they see as divisive. >> it makes no sense having a recall against the da and that is $4.5 million, and then the mayor, $4.5 million while the city is in a deficit. it was projected to be in a deficit, now more so. the resources need to be utilized to rebuild our community. >> they need 25,000 signatures to get the recall on the
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ballot. now, a disturbing story. police say a woman stabbed her own mother to death and streamed the murder on facebook live. it happened yesterday evening at the tara linda apartment complex. they found a woman covered in blood on an apartment balcony holding a knife and standing next to the 55-year-old victim. the police arrested 28-year-old woman. investigators say that they got calls from people who saw the live stream. they later worked with facebook to get it taken down. they found a video that the suspect tooked in of the santa rosa police department lobby the same day as the stabbing. the officers are looking into that and trying to pin down a motive. the bay area's biggest city will soon be in the market for a new police chief. san jose's top cop announced today he is retiring after 28 years with the department. he says he is moving on to head the investigation's bureau at the county da office. we asked the mayor about the struggles some
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other cities faced recruiting their police departments, both officers and top brass, he did not think it would be an issue for san jose. >> i think the fact that we are a relatively safe big city, the safest big city in the bay area. a well run department. our community supports our department. i think these are things that make the job enticing. >> he was appointed three years ago and handled a string of officer misconduct scandals, some new, some inherited. when chief mata steps down they will be without a permanent police chief. in a few hours oakland police department will say good-bye to a fallen officer. a public memorial is set for officer le. it will end at three crosses church. officer le was working undercover late
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last month when he was shot when responding to a burglary. two suspects are facing murder charges in the case. we will be streaming officer le's memorial service live on starting at 10:00 a.m. san francisco is now the largest city in the country to formally call for a ceasefire in gaza. >> the resolution is adopted, next item. >> they voted 8-3 in favor of condemning hamas and the israeli government. many say it did not go far enough in denouncing hamas. a statement thanking the board for the revisions. is napa's famous welcome sign too welcoming? the push to find it a safer home. and, it is the time of the year where a lot of us head east into search of a winter wonderland. sounds like a nice idea but it might stay a dream for now. the massive winter storm heading to the sierra that will probably stop you in
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your tracks. we are actually looking at that storm right now. look at the doppler, first alert doppler. good sierra snowstorm and half of that is snow. that is just the coast range. be sides the snow in the sierra that we will look at, there is rain coming home to the bay, too. not a big one but it will rain tomorrow. >> darren, thanks. the moment has arrived. tiktok food critic is here chowing down giving two different kind of reviews
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. oh, no. oh, lost control. whoever was driving that porch is not good at it, porsche is not good at it. after spinning out he gave up. so did the two people who thought they could somehow fly under the radar in a stolen u-haul. the police say it all started with a theft at a kohl's store, the thieves barreled through city streets,
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hits speeds of nearly 80 miles an hour, nearly hitting a lot of other cars in the process. they made it all of the way to long beach before they ditched the truck and they did it politely considering their earlier performance. just pulled over and cashly casually walked out. the sign welcoming people to napa might be too welcoming. a safety hazard. people take the pictures but getting the pictures comes with problems, a lot of tourists pull over, block traffic, others run across busy highway 29. right now the sign is just outside of the winery in oakville. the county board of supervisors is thinking about moving it somewhere safer. there is talk of potentially relocating the sign to a property owned by a vineyard where there is a turnout for people to pull over. >> if you are thinking of heading up to the sierra to enjoy the fresh snow, you might
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be too late already. a big winter storm is bearing down and bringing traffic to a crawl tonight. here is how things look along the stretch of i-80. we love to check this camera because it gives us the best view. explain controls are in effect right now from parts of the stretch of the highway. you can see why. the storm expected to get more intense and windier overnight. we had our own winds to contend with. we had drizzle over the last couple of days. darren peck in for paul tonight tracking all of that for us. what is the radar looking like, darren? >> look, you can see the storm. i got it zoomed in. there is an interesting image here. half of that is falling of snow. that is just way up here on the northwest coast. watch what happens in we come out for the wide view and switch from live radar,ut it in future cast, just looking at snow. i want you to see what is coming tomorrow. so, we were just looking at pictures up there, already a slow drive on donner pass, the real event is
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tomorrow. this is all that falls tomorrow. wednesday is a very unpleasant day if you plan on being in the sierra. if you can put and travel plans off to thursday you will be very happy that you did. about a foot and a half of snow. we had way worse than that last winter, this is as big as either of the two that came through last week and they made headlines for travel headaches and nightmares up there. the snow level is getting low. great news for the snowpack but not good news if you need to drive. it means rain here at home. just like the last couple of storms not super impressive rain. these storms are good at making snow. look at tomorrow, 2:00 in the afternoon, a lot going on in the sierra not as much happening here. let's go in for a closer look and watch it on high-resolution to time-out the rain. some of the leading-edge showers in the morning, a good example, 7:00 a.m., showers march along the bay. the realtime, more likely to notice this, it is going to be in the
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afternoon. that looks busier. and that gets us in the 1:00 hour tomorrow afternoon and then it will stay that way, probably through 8:00. and then, this will come to an end as the showers wind down and will be done with that. so, really t is like afternoon tomorrow. when you are more likely to notice the more impressive rain. even with that, only talking about 1/10th or a couple hundredths inch of rain. san francisco got a quarter of an inch of rain, the rest got 1/10th for the most part. it will not be equal. south bay totals showing that story, too. look at pleasanton, livermore, it will not go exactly this way but this is the direction the rain will go, some places will get more than others. most of us coming away with 1/10th of an inch of rain. once the system passes, we get into thursday. the cold air filters in. thursday morning it
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is going to be cold. let's use the virtual map to kind of get an idea for how it will go. just going to look at thursday morning's low. skipping ahead. tomorrow's cold. it is about four or five degrees warmer than what you are seeing here. these are thursday's numbers, look at livermore, down to the middle 30s. look at the number for oakland, 39 in oakland. 42 in san francisco. so, even the places that usually avoid the coldest numbers will feel this on thursday, we will have another frost advisory looking at santa rosa. your number up there will go down to the middle 30s. another item for tomorrow, and thursday from tomorrow through thursday as well. we will come out to the coast. two things, coming our way. the first one, there is another swell coming out of the pacific that will give us slightly elevated surf. not bad enough for a beach hazard statement or surf advisory. this one is really mild. what this does, too, it shows up at
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the exact time tomorrow that we are going to have a king tide. the tide will be a little higher. then it will get an assist from this elevated surf. the national weather service issued a coastal flood advisory. let's go wider on the virtual map once more. not an issue for the coast, not a high surf advisory. an issue in here. particularly like for those low spots in marin. you know the off-ramp on 101 where you take the really or highway 1 as you skirt the bay there. it gets inundated with water. that is the concern for the coastal flood advisory tomorrow. it will be late morning tomorrow and then probably again on thursday. we will keep doing it. last item, there is is another system coming on saturday. this one, it does not look that impressive either. this one really got it in for the pacific northwest. going to get a lot of rain and no to them. we are going to get just the left overs of this as it comes through on saturday. watch the
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timing there, that is saturday afternoon, into saturday evening, kind of like it evaporating as it gets here. if you want to see the latest on rainfall totals we can do that. there is not a lot. looking at a quarter of an inch of rain showing up. it is saturday. that is a big deal. any time a weekend has rain on it. we will start talking about it as early as we can to give you a head's up. we have rain in the tube for saturday at this point. even if it is not a blockbuster storm. thursday does not have anything on it. it will be cold in the morning. all right, sara, back to you. >> thank you, darren. the big top going up in the city and a clown will be the star of the show. this is no ordinary san francisco circus . a local team's win streak is going the wrong
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look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ that was another way i would smoke once an hour. that didn't work either. all that would happen at some point of the day.
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i would end up doubling up. other ways that i tried to quit was i stopped buying cigarettes totally. but if i took three puffs off of like 15 friends, those didn't count because they weren't my cigarettes and they weren't full cigarettes. (laughs) you know, i went through a lot.
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( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) . the circus is coming to
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town. the highflying troop is coming back to san francisco after four years. our chopper flew over oracle park where the big top is being set up for the show january 17th through march 10th. the show first came to san francisco in 2007 [music] here is a little taste of what they have to offer. it is about a clown looking for his place in the world. speaking of athletics, i don't know how they do any of that stuff. the upper body strength required is insane. >> you go to a show and it is like wait a minute, a body is not supposed to bend back that way. unbelievable. >> i know. >> now if we found a way to get draymond green part of the show. >> how many time have we stood in front of the camera saying it is not going to change the way he plays. we will see. we wanted him to be aggressive just not cross over the line.
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all right, warriors hosting the pelicans tomorrow night. green is not expected to play but he has been practicing with the team after being reinstated from a suspension that lasted 12 games. green has been suspended twice this season for physical altercations during games. had he is known as a fiery player. that is how he became a defensive player of the year and future hall of famer. he believes he can avoid crossing that line without losing his playing style. >> i am very confident i can remove the antics. i am confident if i do remove the antics no one is worried how i play the game of basketball. no one worries about how i carry myself but it is the antics, it definitely effected the team in a negative way. it can still be repaired. there is a chance to make it right. that is my goal.
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that is my focus. >> college basketball, number 19, san diego state at san jose state tonight, spartans look to take down a ranked team. here is the corner pocket three. tied it up at 82. four minutes to play. next possession, the aztec's answered. butler, wide open. the aztec's they were in the title game in practical. final seconds, san jose state down 2, anderson, open underneath. jay blocked it and san diego state survived. 81-78, the spartans have not beaten a ranked team since 1969. between the pipes for toronto, sharks were down. backhanded it with one arm. might as well have been a tennis racket. maple leaves won
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the game. michigan football fans jim harbaugh getting to the first time since 1997. they tore the huskies apart. this is there 41 yard toss it was a co play. setting up a fourth quarter touchdown. how did the former 49ers ball coach see it? what he was trying to say is, he flicked the ball with his hand like he was getting rid of a bugger on his finger. lais another jim harbaugh saying, we miss that. [ laughter ] >> we always, we always never knew what was going to come out of his mouth when it was directing stanford and then the 49ers. >> yes, that is fun. we like hearing all of the colorful phrases. the husky that quite literally tried to let the dogs out
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♪ (majestic music) ♪ (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. and there's no better time than now. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer.
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. an arizona man may of taken the holy grail of wildlife pictures, he has been the first to capture a jaguar. he captured the big cat on a trail camera in vail, arizona. arizona game and fish says this is just the eighth unique jaguar spotted in the u.s. since the '90s the first since 2016. if you are wondering who actually let the dogs out from the early 2,000 song it was not this hungry husky but he tried. king made a daring escape from
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a pet rescue in tempee, arizona he first tried to get other dogs out of the kennels. a doing's dog. he made his way inside for a midnight snack. somewhere in there set off an alarm and notified the owner >> the police were on the way and i saw this mess in the room. oh, my gosh, there is a dog loose. >> the best part of the story happened next. the police officer showed up, turned off of the alarm and swept up king's mess before heading out on another call. king is in the dog house tonight. his reviews reach millions of people. they can make or break a restaurant. keith lee is getting his first taste of what the bay area has to offer and his first reviews were mixed.
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. all right, darren, so nice to have you here. we will catch you up. since you have been off the night shift we have been talking about keith lee. vern learned a lot about him. he is a tiktok food critic. he is bringing his famous straight shooting informal reviews to the bay area. going on a tour >> can he make you or break
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you? >> yes, he tries mom-and-pop shops specifically and ranked them 1-10, 10 is great, 1, not so good. today he was in san francisco. out of all of the suggestion he got he decided to stop at double decker a burger joint. it was not a great first impression, though. >> personally, i like crispy wings and they are not too crispy, three out of a 10. they took out a bag, put it in oil. i am not mad at it, it is not great. in my opinion, 3 out of 10 >> he tries to be respectful about it. a lot of times when he gives a good review there is a line out the door. tonight we stopped by double decker, no line, but i am sure it is heartbreaking but a taco stand in oakland might want to brace for one tomorrow after this review. >> name of this place is chef greens we in the hood, he has a tent set up over a bridge. customer service was great.
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only served three things, steak taco, shrimp tacos. -- [indiscernible] -- okay. it is seasoned. what i don't like is the grease flavor is heavy for me. but the flavor is there. it is there all over my hands. the cheese grilled on the outside. i appreciate that. 7 out of 10. almost an 8 >> that is high. he gives enthusiastic tens when he really loves it. but he just told us you are trying to cut out the midnight snack. i am so sorry. >> you have to make an exception for the stand under the freeway. >> no, no, no. >> i don't know how to do it after seeing the crunchy cheese. >> stop saying churchy cheese. >> go in the afternoon. not a
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late night snack. >> no meals after 7:00. that is my rule. >> no,


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