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tv   The Late News  CBS  January 16, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PST

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. i think we had a guardian angel watching over us today. now at 11:00, it happened in a second. why this freak accident had people counting their blessings when a huge tree came crashing down on their cars. >> there was a big boom and the building shook. another miraculous tale of survival when a car careens off of the offramp and into the building. the decision the driver made that probably saved her life. people that live here is a the bay stinks and they need to dump it. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. when you first look at this video the whole thing looks
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incredibly unlucky. a massive eucalyptus tree came crashing down across a very busy san francisco road crushing five cars underneath it. for the people inside it was their lucky day. once they were freed from their cars everyone was able to walk away from the scene on 19th avenue in golden gate park. the road just opened back up right before 10:00 p.m. one woman that escaped told us what it was like. >> reporter: a terrifying moment for drivers who were driving here on 19th earlier this afternoon when a massive tree came crashing down on top five cars. we actually spoke with one woman who was inside one of those cars. >> it is slow motion coming down and then as soon as that tree falls on you, everything goes silent. >> reporter: sandy young says she was enjoying the holiday off with her family, heading to the mall for fun when a massive tree crashed on to top of their
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car. >> it was back to back traffic. next thing you know, i was in the back passenger side and i could see the eucalyptus tree and the light post coming crashing down on our tree. >> sandy says her first instinct was to check on her kids and her husband. thankfully she says everyone was okay but the front of their car was crushed. >> some gentleman from the car behind us rushed over and opened the car door and got us out. my daughter came after me and my husband and my son had to climb from the front seat into the backseat to get out. >> in total, san francisco fire says the tree hit five cars with 11 people inside. miraculously every single person walked away from the scene. only two had minor injuries. >> i think it is important to note that these vehicles were in motion when this tree fell down. had this tree fallen just a second later we would be looking at a much worse scene
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behind us than what we are seeing right now. >> reporter: sandy says she understands that. that is why she is so thankful everyone is okay. >> even all of the cars around us, everybody, nobody was hurt. so, i think we had a guardian angel watching over us today. >> just last year a tree that toppled across brother hood way during a powerful storm came down crashing down on a police sergeant with major life-changing injuries as a result. paul, i know we have rain coming in tomorrow, that could loosen the soil up even more. i know this is something that you warn us about when we have these rain events. >> yes. tomorrow's rain will be light enough not to cause significant issues, before the rain, tracking fog this evening. starting to show up on our floor map on our virtual environment that is what we are looking at. all of the bright showing up in the central valley. that is the fog that has been dense already this evening and that little arm it is just reaching closer to the
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bay area. it is extending through the delta. we are going to see the reach continuing. you can see all of the spots with reduced visibility. the fog making its way through the inland valley through the east bay and north bay. it will be persistent fog. you can see by late morning a number of communities have visibilities close to 0, finally, early afternoon, the fog begins to lift that and when the rain chances start to increase, first over the north bay. you will see a 50/50 chance of showers by the afternoon. the best chance of the widespread, heaviest rain by the north bay by evening. it will take longer for it to drop down. san francisco rain chances go up heading through the afternoon. they do not peak until a couple hours after the sun goes down. it will be a later arrival in the south bay. it is a good chance of rain for everybody, brief shot of rainfall, about a quarter of an inch to half an inch on a widespread basis. we will add up how much to expect in the bay area. a look ahead
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to more significant chances of rain coming up in a few minutes >> thank you very much, paul. you would think a crash like the one you are about to see only would happen on a movie set. a car catapulting over an overpass and into an apartment building. this happened last night in san francisco. a driver took the harrison street offramp from the bay bridge so fast that she went flying over the concrete wall and went into an apartment building. her tired blew out windows on the and could third floor before crashing down. one resident thought it was a earthquake. the building shook when the car smashed into his neighbor's living room. >> this entire area is, it is destroyed as you can tell from the, from the window casement there. and then, very quickly we discovered in the hallway a
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couple weights from the window that had actually been catapulted through the window. >> everyone survived this including the driver. firefighters used the jaws of life to free her from her mangled car. the chp says it was her seat belt that saved her life. in the east bay, israeli man has been using a freeway overpass as a platform to remind people of the hostages still held in gaza. he has been returning to the spot of highway 24 in lafayette for the past 100 days since the fighting started. he grew up in one effort places that hamas attacked on october 7th. he personally knows at least 105 of the 130 hostages hamas is believed to still be holding. >> every morning i wake up and i hope and i pray that the hostages will be released but every morning i find that we have to come out here to remind
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the world. >> reporter: his demonstration is seen boy 24,000 people a day with others joining him from time to time. the families of hostaging rallied this weekend for their release. just today hamas showed the bodies of two israeli hostages, the video claimed they were killed in an israeli air strike. tonight, cbs news projects that trump won the iowa caucuses. not only that it is expected to be a record-setting victory. the roughly 30 point win smashes the record for a contested iowa caucus and trump gained big ground with a number of groups compared to 2016, that including republican voters with no college degree, very conservative voters, economy voters and white evangelicals. ron desantis wedged out nikki haley. after a fourth place finish entrepreneur ramaswamy
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officially ended his presidential bid. somehow this guy survived being thrown out of an suv and on to a california highway. a bear that made a run for it right in the middle of the run. and, nfl divisional playoffs are coming. only 8 teams are left. one of them wear red and gold, hey, sara, do we have a guy that once wore orange and black? >> yes. plus from the dugout, dusty bakers role with his old team
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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you might be noticing kind of a theme to this newscast tonight. people surviving car accidents that seem like they should be unsurvivable, like this one in southern california. take a closer look. an rv heading down highway 14 when the driver fell asleep at the wheel and hit the median. the force knocked her husband right out of his seat and into
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oncoming traffic. >> he was the passenger. >> had he knew everything he happened he kept asking about his wife. cool to see he was okay. >> a witness stopped and ran back 300 feet where he found the man bleeding and bruised but alert as you heard him describe. back here in the bay area, this is what was left of a small plane that crashed on to a beach. her identity has not been released. investigators believe that she was in that plane. still not clear exactly how many people were on board or what brought the plane down. people reported seeing it flying erratically shortly after it took off from the half-moon bay airport yesterday evening. >> three avalanches hit tahoe area ski resorts in less than a week. the latest one happened yesterday afternoon near mount rose. thankfully no one was hurt. on wednesday, a man with bay area ties was killed in an
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avalanchal palisades tahoe that hit near -- avalanche that happened at palisades tahoe that hit near the skiers. many are still talking about this. a black bear passed right by them on the slopes. >> oh, my god! >> a bear. it is right there. i am shaking. >> i would have been out of there. danielle said she office her snowboard when the bear appeared on one of her runs on friday. this was the second bear sighting in the past two months. >> he just flew all of the way across the run right where i was standing. >> my recommendations would be if you see a bear when you are skiing at tahoe or anywhere, keep going, don't stop and film and for god sakes do not approach him. >> all good and enthusiastic advice. the bear league says
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sightings there are common and we do talk about them from time to time. paul heggen has been talking about the hazards of going up to the sierra when there is a big snowfall. avalanches, roadways that are inundated making things difficult. bears are a hazard, too, paul. a known hazard at that. >> yeah. they know to stay inside when the worst of the storm is happening. we will be tracking another snow maker for the sierra. tricky getting up is there on the weekend because the systems are timed out like that. it appears it will be another one coming up. clear ska skies out there right now. locally dense fog will develop tomorrow morning, showed you that earlier. that will give way to a good chance of rain late tuesday, tuesday night, then a dry break on wednesday and thursday before a long stretch of unsettled weather arrives on friday and continues saturday, sunday, monday, even into tuesday and wednesday of next week. let's talk about the first chance of rain that is going to be heading our way
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potentially around sunrise. one batch of showers, a few patches of mist, drizzle, possible to start the day. the bulk of the shower activity will not ramp up until the afternoon. first for the north bay, starting to spread out for more of the bay area by the afternoon. heavier rain moving in by tuesday evening and the first half of tuesday night. not going to rain for more than about 30-45 minutes, heavily in any particular location, it will be wet tuesday evening and overnight. rain gets out of here as we head passed midnight on tuesday night. drying out. really having a hard time shaking the bulk of the cloud cover heading through wednesday and thursday. a mix of clouds and sunshine at best. how much rain are we talking about? this system, a quarter of an inch to half an inch. there will be a few spots in the rain shadow locations that come up short of quarter of an inch of rain. spots along the higher elevation that pick up more than half an inch of rain. we
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can handle that. when you add-on the rain chances that are more widespread and heavier this weekend here is the seven-day rainfall outlook, widespread bases, talking an inch and a half to 1 1/2 inches of rain. for the north bay, 3-5 inches of total rain. not going to happen all at once. the more the waves happen day after day it will bring in potential for locallized flooding conditions, something we will watch carefully as we get closer to the weekend. temperatures are topping off. we should stay in the 40s for overnight lows with the blanket of clouds in the upper atmosphere. middle 40s across the board to start the day. variation to the high temperatures, let's take a look at those. zoom around the microclimate here. you will get up in the middle 60s because you will wait longer for the clouds to arrive and rain to arrive. you will have a chance
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to warm up. temperatures will be cooler in antioch and concord because the fog will be dense in those locations it will slow down the warm up. for most of the bay area talking middle to upper 50s, close to normal for this time of the year. a couple other cooler spots in the north bay where the clouds will arrive in greater thickness. earlier in the day. you have the rain chances arriving earlier as well. limiting how much you warm up. farther down-the-line everybody will be on an even playing field temperature wise as we head through the rest of the week into the weekend. right around 60 degrees for the bay area. wednesday, thursday, even once the rain returns by friday. it is a long stretch of unsettled weather. friday, showers on saturday, the rain might intensify during the course of the 49er's game saturday evening, something we will watch carefully with more rain continuing to fall sunday and again on monday, vern? >> all right, ahead in sports, show is over for an old 49er's nemesis. and draymond green
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calling plays for the warriors for the first time since his suspension, we will see if it did any good
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. all right, if you will allow me a quick moment. >> go. there are two questions about draymond green that a lot of us have had over the last few weeks, one of them you may be able to answer the other one, maybe not yet. the first is how he will do when he hit the court again and the other how he will continue to do attitude wise and shorts manship wise. >> well, it is only one game, only one game, he came out with fire and vinegar at memphis. we wanted to see. yeah, that is fine. will it translate into wins? that is what the warriors need. they don't need him to score. they need him to lead and be effective defensively. he is calling out guys for ownership. we wanted to see it.
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warriors unwrapped the embattled draymond green today, put a uniform on him and gave him 24 minutes, he came in after missing 16 games after a suspension, played without three of their star players and made noise right away. first attempt, he was back. like so many games this season, sara, fourth quarter told the story. how often do you see this, curry, picked at half-court. grizzlies, under manned, score 30 points off of 19 warriors turnovers? that was the game. well, memphis did pump in 23 pointers in a 116-107 win. draymond green did not mince words on the doves defense. >> there just is no pride. until every guy take pride in themselves and want to stop the guy in front of him, we suck, we can't guard nobody. until we guard we will lose. >> we can not guard nobody until that changes they will lose. that was draymond green.
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to the nfl. the 49ers, one of eight teams remaining in this post team party. packers got the 9ers attention after they dropped 48 points on the cowboys. >> i feel like we had the best team the last three to four years, we still have not gotten a ring. it was not us having the best team it is how good can you play in those three hours. how are the eagles fans these days? they lost 6 of the last 7, at tampa, they saw to this. knock out blow in the fourth. floater for chris godwin. tampa bay ended the eagles, 32-9. the nfc champs are out. tampa bay? heading to detroit next sunday in the divisional round and the winner of that will come to levi stadium if the 49ers handle the packers saturday night. and,
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the afc final 4. the top seeded ravens hosting the texans on saturday. and then, buffalo against kansas city on sunday. the bills beat the steelers 31-17 earlier today. we will get out of here with this one. dusty baker is returning to the giants as a special assistant in the front office. the 74-year-old spent the last four seasons managing the houston astros to a world series win. sara have you ever met him? >> no, i never met him. i covered the astros >> he is one of the coolest dudes, you can sit on the bench with him you will hear story after story. >> i would say he is qualified for the new role. >> he is qualified to run the team. >> he is qualified. >> he is a baseball man. >> yes. >> all right, maybe overqualified. thank you very much, vern, appreciate it. rolling out the red carpet for rivals, the local bars preparing to be packed with football fans from another bay.
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dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. kerendia presents... the abcs of ckd a is for awareness, because knowing that your chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes could progress to dialysis is important. b is for belief that there may be more you can do. just remember that k is for kidneys and kerendia. for adults living with ckd in type 2 diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia is a once-daily tablet
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that treats ckd differently than type 2 diabetes medications to help slow the progression of kidney damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause hyperkalemia, which is high potassium levels in your blood. ask your doctor before taking products containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low sodium levels. so now that you know your abcs, don't wait. kidney damage from ckd in t2d is not reversible. so ask your doctor about slowing your kidney damage with kerendia.
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. bay area bars are getting ready for big crowds on saturday when the 9ers host the packer at levi. frankly most do not care which bay you are supporting. as long as you are having fun and spending the money. they are happy to host whoever shows up. the pandemic forced them to close for awhile but they were able to reopen in 2022. there is plenty of room for the 49er faithful and the cheese heads >> it will be fun here. you know, i think the 49er fans will dominate because obviously we are home and so many here. but, that is what makes this place fun, having the opposing
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teams and the local team as well. it will be a good, good crowd and a good fun afternoon. >> workers tell us all 25tvs will be tuned to the big game on saturday. plenty of space for fans to divide themselves into groups if they so choose. people go into politics to accomplish all kinds of things. i bet the member presidency of one city council never thought this would be one of them. california street getting a new name because people can't stop laughing at it.
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. a lot of times we try to end the show with something fun and interesting. it is exactly why we are going to talk about an up coming city council meeting in rancho cordova. >> fun and interest something. >> yes. we will have to trust my producers here. they tell me it is worth it. one of the agenda items is renaming a street that people can not stop laughing at. >> it showed up in the prompter. >> you want to take a crack at this one? >> is it french?
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>> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> i don't know. it is an access road in the sun ridge park subdivision, like every other street in the neighborhood the name was inspired by the natural features of the sierra. in this case, poopano valley. right below the street sign is a no dumping sign. even the city council got the giggles when they first started tooking about changing the name. >> someone needs to think about a new name. >> what is the name? >> poopenaut? >> i can see why people want to change it. >> weird, different. you know where it is, though. >> oh, french. they are thinking about other street names that stink. dutch oven
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avenue in oregon. hairy man road in texas. and wiener cut off road. oh, no. >> are you sure it is not whiner? >> we are not. it is not as painful as it sounds t is the shortcut to the city of wiener. >> how does it not like make the late late show? >> the jokes? >> probably something letterman did awhile ago. >> i would rather live on any of those than this one also in arkansas. far from poopen road not far from fanny. >> i like to be far from poop. >> it keeps going. it takes you to the constipation ridge. >> there are places in the south. the
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