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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  January 16, 2024 3:12am-4:31am PST

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a state of emergency was declared in memphis, where as much snow fell as the last two years combined, coating roads and highways. college student dominick will leave his car parked after driving in the wintry mix for the first time. >> were you sliding all over? >> yeah, i was sliding like -- i was sliding like -- >> so are you going to drive at all today? >> no, i'm not going out, no. >> reporter: blinding snow made travel near impossible in oklahoma and sent drivers sliding off the roads in north texas. in buffalo, bills fans today came to orchard park to clear about a foot and a half of snow in highmark stadium just in time for the rescheduled game to go on. schools will remain closed from tennessee to texas tomorrow because of the frigid weather. meanwhile, here in memphis, warming centers have been opened for those in need. norah. >> omar villafranca, thank you for being out there for us. and for more on those freezing temperatures and the snowstorm heading toward the northeast, let's bring in weather channel meteorologist
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mike bettes. good evening, mike. >> norah, good evening. an arctic chill is gripping much of the country in places where it just snowed like omar was showing us in memphis. we've got dangerously cold windchills overnight tonight, tomorrow morning, all the way down to the gulf coast. single digits or below zero. snow now exists through the northeast. should be gone by tomorrow evening but not before bringing our first one inch snow to washington, d.c. in two years. all that snow gone by tomorrow evening. a large area of one to three inches is on the way. to the west we go. it's all about ice here. ice storm warnings in effect, portland and salem. about half inch of weiss is on the way especially through the second half of the day tomorrow. that means very dangerous travel as well as a likelihood of power outages. that system likely to combine with another one late in the week. it aims at the ohio valley and the northeast, brings a good shot of snow as we head into the weekend. >> mike bettes, thank you. tonight an urgent search is under way for two u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s who are missing. they were trying to board a boat suspected of smuggling weapons
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from iran to yemen. it happened thursday night off somalia. officials say they were attempting to board the ship in rough seas. cbs news has learned weapons were found on the vessel, including one-way suicide drones. now to the widening conflicts in the middle east. today a u.s.-owned cargo ship was hit by a ballistic missile off the coast of yemen. that's according to u.s. central command. the attack by iranian-backed houthi militants caused no injuries or significant damage, but it follows friday's retaliatory strikes by the united states and britain. cbs's charlie d'agata reports tonight from tel aviv. >> reporter: iranian-backed houthi militants held military exercises in yemen just a day after being hit by u.s.-led air strikes, more in defiance than a show of force, a flex of military muscle on land for a battle being waged at sea. u.s. operators say the cargo ship gibraltar eagle was hit by
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an anti-ship ballistic missile 100 miles off the coast of yemen in the gulf of adan. the company said the vessel suffered limited damage to the cargo hold but that it was stable and heading out to sea with no injuries reported. the attack follows that massive u.s./uk bombing campaign to deter assaults exactly like this. the houthis retaliated by launching an anti-ship cruise missile toward the uss laboon destroyer in the red sea. before it was shot down by a fighter jet according to u.s. military officials. houthis say they're targeting commercial ships in solidarity with palestinians as the conflict in gaza reached 100 days, where hamas released undated video showing three hostages speaking under duress, including noah argamani. the 26-year-old captured on video being taken away from the music concert on the morning of the october 7th massacre.
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one of more than 130 hostages that remain missing tonight. hamas released unverified images of the two other hostages, the two men, revealing they'd been killed while in captivity. it's not clear when that video was taken. it's also unclear about the well-being of noa argamani tonight. norah. >> tough to hear that news. charlie d'agata, thank you. secretary lloyd austin is at home tonight after spending more than two weeks in the hospital due to complications from surgery from prostate cancer. austin says he's going to work from home while he recovers. a doctor says no further treatment is planned for his cancer. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression
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feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at -we're done. -what about these? looks right. nooo... nooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. when your gut is the q out of balance,per. your body gives you signs.
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packed with pure aloe and camellia flower oil your hair will love. and none of the things it won't. hair that feels deeply nourished, soft and lightweight. new herbal essences. ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. tonight the crisis at the southern border has turned into a turf war between texas and the white house. the biden administration says three migrants drowned after texas national guard members physically blocked federal border agents from attempting to rescue them. cbs's weijia jiang reports this latest incident is adding more fuel to the fire in this tense
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border standoff. >> reporter: the texas national guard abruptly seized control of a 2 1/2-mile stretch of the southern border last week. dhs says on friday, federal border protection agents requested access to the area where a group of migrants was attempting to cross the rio grande, but texas officials refused. a woman and her two children drowned. in a cease and desist letter to the texas attorney general, the top lawyer for dhs said, texas' failure to provide access to the border persists even in instances of imminent danger to life and safety, calling the state's actions clearly unconstitutional. >> it's all politics. >> reporter: texas congressman henry cuellar says the state prevented federal agents from using specialized equipment to save the migrants who died. >> a scope truck is a truck that has this camera that can see what's happening in the river
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that could have had an impact of what happened here. >> what is your message to governor abbott? >> you cannot do this. this type of standoff is not helpful. >> reporter: the texas military department says two of the migrants had already drowned by the time border patrol asked to enter the area. governor greg abbott says he has the legal authority to control areas of the southern border within state boundaries. >> that authority is being asserted with regard to that park in eagle pass, texas, to maintain operational control of it. >> reporter: texas blames the biden administration for not doing enough. it has also installed controversial razor wire and changed the law to allow state police officers to apprehend migrants. texas has until wednesday to comply with the cease and desist letter to stop blocking access to the border. if it fails, dhs says it will refer the matter to the department of justice to take appropriate action. norah. >> weijia jiang at the white
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house tonight, thank you. a hot air balloon adventure ends in tragedy. we've got the details next. sffederal investigators are looking into the cause of a deadly hot air balloon crash over the weekend in the arizona desert. four people were killed and another critically injured when
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the balloon's gondola slammed into the ground. into the ground. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ ♪ did you know 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? dryness and frizz that keeps coming back, could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. you need pantene's miracle rescue deep conditioner. it's filled with pro-vitamins to help hair lock in moisture, visibly repairing six months of damage in just one use, with no weigh-down. guaranteed, or your money back. for hair that looks healthy and stays healthy.
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if you know, you know it's pantene. there was a ceremony in new york city today marking 15 years since the historic emergency landing known as the miracle on the hudson. several passengers were reunited with first responders, ferry boat operators, and others who helped to rescue the 155 people on board. hero pilot captain sully sullenberger, now 72, was forced to bring the plane down in the
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hudson river after it hit a flock of birds shortly after takeoff. an officer in the u.s. air force traded her flight helmet for the miss america crown sunday night. second lieutenant madison marsh, otherwise known as miss colorado, became the first active-duty service member to win the century-old competition, embodying the air force motto of "aim high, fly, fight, win," marsh says you can achieve anything. the sky is not the limit, and the only person that's stopping you is you. congratulations. and we celebrate the life and legacy
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finally, this year's martin luther king jr. day comes on the same day as the first contest of the 2024 election. dr. king was most passionate when he expressed the power in the right to vote and the need for that right to be given to every american. tonight we remember that fight for equality in dr. king's own
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words. >> i come to say to you this afternoon however difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long because -- will rise again. how long? not long. because no lie can live forever. how long? not long because you shall reap what you sow. how long? not long because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. how long? not long because mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord. he's looses the faithful lightning of his terrible swift sword. his truth is marching on. glory hallelujah. glory hallelujah.
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glory hallelujah. glory hallelujah. his truth is marching on. >> dr. martin luther king jr. in 1966. and that's the overnight news for this tuesday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back later for "cbs mornings" and remember you can follow us online anytime at reporting from washington, i'm norah o'donnell. this is "cbs news flash." i'm carissa lawson in new york. cbs news projects former president donald trump wins the iowa republican caucuses, capturing the first state in the race for the 2024 republican presidential nomination. he carried more than half of caucus-goers in what is the
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biggest winning margin in iowa history. ron desantis is projected to edge out nikki haley in the battle for second place. desantis telling supporters, we've got our ticket punched out of iowa. nikki haley addressed her own event, saying they are on to new hampshire. and vivek ramaswamy suspended his campaign after coming in a distant fourth place. the next contest for the candidates is the new hampshire primary one week from today. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm carissa lawson, cbs news, new york. i'm norah o'donnell in washington with an america decides 2024 update. cbs news projects donald trump wins the iowa caucuses, marking the start of the presidential election. >> and i really think this is time now for everybody, our
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country, to come together. we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat or liberal or conservative. it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straighten out the problems and straighten out all of the death and destruction that we're witnessing. it's practically never been like this. it's just so important. and i want to make that a very big part of our message. we're going to come together. it's going to happen soon too. going to happen soon. [ cheers and applause ] but i go to a lot of courthouses because of biden because they're using that for election interference, and it's on things like election, and i don't know if you know, but they did polls tonight on the election of 2020. do you believe it was honest or not? 82% said -- 82% said it was not, and we can't have that, chairman. we can't have that. you can't have a situation like that. so we're going to straighten out our elections. we're going to do a lot of great things. we're going to try and go to
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paper ballots as soon as possible, voter i.d. one day, one day, elections -- you know, we have these elections that last for 62 days, and if you need some more time, take as much time as you want, and so many bad things happen. we have to get rid of mail-in ballots because once you have mail-in ballots, you have crooked elections. actually jimmy carter's commission said that a long time ago. >> there are 40 delegates at stake tonight with the most going to trump. in our cbs news entrance polling, voters say the most important issues are the economy and immigration. cbs's chief election and campaign correspondent robert costa is at the trump rally in des moines, iowa. and so, robert, tonight can anything stop donald trump from becoming the nominee? >> reporter: norah, i've been speaking to trump campaign officials in recent minutes, and they say he is on the path to the nomination. a mood of celebration here in des moines, iowa. but talking to allies of florida governor ron desantis and former trump ambassador nikki haley,
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they say this race is far from over. she's focused on building on her momentum in new hampshire coming up this month, and desantis has his eye on nikki haley's home state of south carolina. >> we love you too. they threw everything but the kitchen sink at us. they spent almost $50 million attacking us. no one's faced that much all the way just through iowa. they, the media, was against us. they were writing our obituary months ago. they even called the election before people even got a chance to vote. but they were just so excited about the fact that they were predicting that we wouldn't be able to get our ticket punched here out of iowa. but i can tell you because of your support, in spite of all of that that they threw at us, everyone against us, we've got our ticket punched out of iowa.
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[ cheers and applause ] and what i learned by going around iowa is that this country has a basic decency. we've got hardworking people, god-fearing peope, patriotic people. you just don't see it every day because of all the nonsense that gets spewed out there by the media, by social media, all this other stuff. people want to have hope for this country's future, and that's what we represent. we represent a chance to reverse the madness that we've seen in this country, to reverse the decline of this country, and to give this country a new birth of freedom and a restoration of sanity. that's what we are going to do. >> i want to congratulate president trump on his win tonight. we have had an amazing 11 months here in the hawkeye state. [ cheers and applause ]
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i came to iowa early and often, and i kept coming back even though the cold weather is brutal. but the kindness of iowans will never be lost on me. you're faithful, patriotic, and hardworking americans, and i will forever be grateful for the time that we had. [ applause ] at one point in this campaign, there were 14 of us running. i was at 2% in the polls. but tonight, iowa did what iowa always does so well. the pundits will analyze the results from every angle. we get that. but when you look at how we're
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doing in new hampshire, in south carolina, and beyond -- [ cheers and applause ] -- i can safely say tonight iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. >> reporter: despite the bitter cold, despite his mounting legal challenges, former president trump has been able to keep together his conservative coalition in this conservative state. and he was battling rivals who hve been largely competing for second place, like florida governor ron desantis, who has staked much of his campaign on iowa, trying to knock on nearly a million doors through his super pac and getting the support of the iowa governor. but not enough to beat trump. meanwhile, former trump
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ambassador nikki haley, who has real momentum in new hampshire coming up on the primary calendar, she has spent a lot of time in iowa as well, hoping to get a bounce into that granite state primary. many times gop donors tell me they're watching her finish tonight very closely, and they're ready to pour millions behind her candidacy, make her the standard bearer for the non-trump wing of the party. but trump plows ahead in this race. this is the early beginning of the race. but his legal challenges will continue. sources tell cbs news he is scheduled to appear at the e. jean carroll defamation case in new york all while the january 6th case looms in washington and that classified documents case as well among myriad other legal challenges. right now the race is on, but trump in command after iowa. >> all right. this campaign just getting started. robert costa in des moines, iowa, thank you so much. so headline of the night, trump wins the republican caucuses in iowa. and the next contest for the candidates, as robert mentioned,
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new hampshire's primary. that is eight days away on january 23rd. and there will be more on the iowa caucuses on your late local news and "cbs mornings." for now, i'm norah o'donnell in washington. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts.
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antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! always discreet protects like no other. with double leak guards that help prevent gushes escaping from the sides. and a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. always discreet- the protection we deserve! feeling sluggish or weighed down? quickly for up to zero leaks. could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap
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and remove the waste that weighs you down... so you can lighten every day the metamucil way. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." i'm erica brown in washington. thanks for staying with us. the votes have been counted in frigid iowa, and the republican
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presidential hopefuls are already on their way to new hampshire. the granite state will hold its first in the nation primary a week from today. and as the candidates head east, one issue is following them -- immigration. a cbs news poll finds more than 80% of republican primary voters nationwide agree with donald trump's comment that immigrants coming here illegally are, quote, poisoning the blood of the country. tony dokoupil reports. >> i would build a great wall. >> reporter: in the footsteps of donald trump in 2016 -- >> you've got an open border where terrorists can come through. >> reporter: -- every republican candidate is taking a harsh approach to the border in 2024. >> they all have to go back. we have to enforce the rule of law in this country. >> reporter: and that's a worry for people like sonia morse yea go, who arrived here from honduras on foot more than 30 years ago. >> i came here to this beautiful country because we have a lot of opportunities if we have one
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purpose, to come to work. so i came in 1990 illegal. >> reporter: after shoveling snow to open the liquor store she owns in marshalltown, iowa, she told us today's politicians just don't understand people like her. >> i didn't stop working since i get to this country. i work very hard every day. >> reporter: but republican voters sure seem to have made up their minds. nearly 3 out of 4 hope to see immigration numbers decline with most believing that newcomers are making crime, drugs, the economy, and even the country's social and moral values worse. >> i want a culture that's still our culture. >> reporter: ja nita boyd is one of those republicans in marshalltown. >> people don't want to move here. they call us little mexico. >> reporter: since 1990, the hispanic population here as jumped from less than 1% of the town to more than a third, with many finding work at a
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meatpacking plant that anchors the local economy. >> what's so different about the people coming over now compared to the many waves and generations of americans who have come over before in one way or another? >> i think it's the numbers. you know, there's just so many, and it's hard to assimilate that many people. >> reporter: that's a fear we heard about often here in iowa, first on a farm. >> a lot of these people and, you know, right or wrong, but are bringing their own culture with them, and they're -- they're not interested in becoming american. >> reporter: and then on a sunday after church -- >> i mean we can't provide ourselves, how can we provide for them. >> reporter: most of them are young men. god know what's they're going to do. i fear that the most. >> reporter: but maybe the most emotional border issue of all is drugs. in the cedar rapids suburb of lisbon, hans arwine delivered
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the worst news to his wife laurie two years ago. >> he said bailey is gone, and those words continue to this day to haunt me. >> reporter: their 22-year-old son had died after taking what he believed to be xanax, she says, but was actually a fatal dose of fentanyl. >> i was angry actually and knowing what's coming across the border and looking in p that direction, i had a general idea where it came from to begin with. >> reporter: while far more fentanyl is seized at legal ports of entry than illegal crossings and the vast majority is struggled by american citizens according to customs and border protection, the candidates are promising to use the u.s. military to take out mexico's cartels. >> i'll be smoking the terrorists on our southern border. >> reporter: something the arwines fully support. >> until it hits your home and you lose someone, you lose a
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child, it's a piece of your heart. >> reporter: sonia mars yeago agrees with the need for more protection on the border, but she hopes people will appreciate the potential there too. now an american citizen herself, her daughter and grandson are in the u.s. army. >> we're at a moment where many people are saying the border needs to be shut and we can't handle any more immigrants like yourself. what do you think when you hear that? >> it's very sad. it's very sad because everybody needs help, right? everybody needs opportunities. everybody needs opportunities. >> that was tony [sfx: game controller] when occasional heartburn won't let you sleep. [sfx: game controller] get fast relief with tums+ heartburn + sleep support. love food back and fall asleep faster. ♪ tums tums tums tums ♪ honey...
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hair feels deeply nourished, soft and lightweight. plant power you can feel. new herbal essences sulfate free. for years now, she's been one of the highest paid actresses on tv. now sofia vergara is stepping away from comedy and taking on a whole new role. jonathan vigliotti reports. >> you insult a woman's driving, and you use the air bunnies. you do that to me, and i kill you. >> i want to show you it is not important what other people think. what's important is that you stay true to yourself. >> reporter: for 11 seasons, this is how we've come to know sofia vergara. >> you two work this out, or you kill each other. >> reporter: as the feisty and hilarious gloria pritchett in the abc sitcom "modern family"
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>> did you put the key in my bag? >> no. >> i won't be mad. >> in order to prove a point, i may have -- >> i knew it! >> reporter: three years after the series ended -- >> let's get to work. >> reporter: vergara is back with something completely different. >> there's a lot of women who leave the man but not the life. >> i swear i know what i'm doing. >> all my focus was that people were not going to see gloria pritchett. that's what i wanted people not to see. >> i think it was after five minutes watching you as griselda, gloria, sofia disappeared. >> so this offer is because you don't want to deal with us. it's because you don't think we can do this. >> reporter: in her new role, the 51-year-old is a chain-smoking, bat-swinging,
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gun-wielding killer. griselda, the netflix series out later this month, tells the real-life story of griselda blanco, a single mother of four and a notorious cartel leader. >> she was this colombian woman in the '70s and the '80s that actually took over the drug-dealing business, not only in colombia, here in the united states too. i mean for me as a woman, i was like fascinated. like how did she become even more ruthless, more horrific than any man? >> reporter: blanco was among the first drug lords to bring cocaine to the american masses. called the black widow, it was rumored she ordered the deaths of hundreds of people. >> when i thought of griselda, i wanted her to be like tony soprano. i wanted her to be a character that people didn't hate even
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though it was a bad guy. >> how you doin'? >> reporter: for the character, vergara changed the way she walked, talked, and even looked. >> prosthetics. you used one. >> yeah. >> the nose. >> the nose, the teeth were horrific. i had plastic from here to here because we needed to cover my eyebrows are very thick, and i wanted me to disappear, and i think that was one of my features that is very strong. >> reporter: making griselda a reality began back in 2012 when she was connected with director andy bayas for work on the netflix hit, narcos. >> i want the honest truth. when you first heard that sofia vergara was interested in playing a murder es leader of a cartel, what did you really think? >> i was nervous. >> why were you nervous? >> as a director, i was nervous because sofia is a national treasure in colombia.
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i'm from colombia. suddenly she's taking this brave stance, this big leap in her career to do something dramatic. >> sofia is an empire builder. sofia has built herself into -- i believe anything she truly sets her mind to doing, she will do. >> reporter: the result is a gritty portrayal and cautionary tale of the true toll of narcotics, which hits close to home for vergara. >> unfortunately i grew up in colombia in the 70s, 80s, and 90s where narco traffic was moving. i know those people. i was surrounded by them. i know what they did. i know what that kind of business can do to a family, to a person, to a country. >> reporter: an estimated quarter of a million people were killed during colombia's decades-long drug war. among the casualties, vergara's own brother, rafael. >> my brother was killed during that time. my brother was part of that business. i know what it feels like.
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i know what that world is. >> reporter: vergara grew up in barranquilla, colombia. her father was a cattle rancher and her mother a homemaker. at 17, she was discovered on the beach. and cast for this pepsi commercial. >> they wanted me to do it, but i was in a catholic school, so i was very, very worried that the nuns were going to get super upset because it was in a bathing suit on the beach. >> reporter: that commercial was a launching pad to stardom. but for a time, vergara thought success meant losing her accent. >> i realized when i moved to l.a., i'm going to fix it. it didn't happen no matter what. and then it was not letting me get anything done when i would go to auditions because all i was thinking about was my pronunciation and not about the acting. so the moment that i said, you know what, let's see if i get
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anything just being myself, and i did. >> reporter: and she continues to do it as an actress, producer, entrepreneur, and judge on "america's got talent." >> when you arrived here in the united states, did you ever imagine you'd build this kind of career? >> no. i'm very happy, very grateful because it's been more than i thought it would be. >> reporter: but with all of the success, there were challenges, including this past year, when she announced she and joe manganiello, her husband of seven years, were divorcing. >> and the world took notice whe when that happened. >> yeah. >> did you expect that? >> yeah, of course. like you're out there, and people know. that's part of being a celebrity. i knew it was going to happen. you can't hide those things. >> how did you overcome that? >> it wasn't bad. i think, you know, i have to say the press was very respectful and very nice. i thought they were going to
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invent more things, and i was surprised that they kind of like just said what it was, and that was it. and, you know, i've been moving on. >> reporter: moving on and moving forward. sofia vergara in a whole new light. >> it's been a wonderful life. but of course you have to work. you have to work more than anyone if you have an accent like me. and, you know, you have to prove yourself more if you're a minority. you have to be more serious because you might not get that many opportun
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a lot of bar and restaurant workers are concerned that a.i. may end up taking their jobs. and by the looks of the electronics show in las vegas, they may be right. danya bacchus reports. >> i'm making your drink now. >> reporter: that morning cup of coffee can now come from a robot. adam uses artificial intelligence and facial recognition to take a customer's
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order and then make it. the high-tech barista can also double as a bartender. >> he can make a lot of different beverages from boba tea, coffee, iced lattes, iced tea to even whiskey shots and cocktails. >> reporter: this vending machine was also on display at the ces tech show, but there are not any chips or candy bars inside. the device makes ramen and other hot meals. >> we are actually doing the last cooking in our machine and provide a real gourmet restaurant meal. >> reporter: if you'd rather cok at home, the company brisket has a new high tech smoker that uses a.i. to cook barbecue. >> i want to cook a smoky beef shortrib. >> reporter: no need to check the meat. an app will alert you when it's ready. for urban dwellers without a backyard, ge is selling an indoor smoker. >> so you can smoke delicious barbecue right on your kitchen counter. >> reporter: set the dial for the type of meat you are cooking and the machine uses wood pellets to create smoke. but the technology traps it
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inside the appliance. if you want a beer with your barbecue, the i, gulu lets you brew at home. the machine comes with a pre-mixed recipe that can craft a fresh batch of beer in about ten days. and for dessert, how about soft serve ice cream? the cold snap works like a keurig. add a pod with your preferred flavor, and out comes a sweet treat in minutes. danya bacchus, cbs news, los angeles. and that's the overnight news for this tuesday. reporting from the nation's capital, i'm erica brown. this is "cbs news flash." i'm carissa lawson in new york. cbs news projects former president donald trump wins the iowa republican caucuses, capturing the first state in the race for the 2024 republican presidential nomination. he carried more than half of caucus-goers in what is the biggest winning margin in iowa
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history. ron desantis is projected to edge out nikki haley in the battle for second place. desantis telling supporters, we've got our ticket punched out of iowa. nikki haley addressed her own event, saying they are on to new hampshire. and vivek ramaswamy suspended his campaign after coming in a distant fourth place. the ne contest for the candidates is the new hampshire primary one week from today. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm carissa lawson, cbs news, new york. i'm norah o'donnell in washington with an america decides 2024 update. cbs news projects donald trump wins the iowa caucuses, marking the start of the presidential election. >> and i really think this is time now for everybody, our country, to come together.
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we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat or liberal or conservative. it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straighten out the problems and straighten out all of the death and destruction that we're witnessing. it's practically never been like this. it's just so important. and i want to make that a very big part of our message. we're going to come together. it's going to happen soon too. going to happen soon. [ cheers and applause ] but i go to a lot of courthouses because of biden because they're using that for election interference, and it's on things like election, and i don't know if you know, but they did polls tonight on the election of 2020. do you believe it was honest or not? 82% said -- 82% said it was not, and we can't have that, chairman. we can't have that. you can't have a situation like that. so we're going to straighten out our elections. we're going to do a lot of great things.
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we're going to try and go to paper ballots as soon as possible, voter i.d. one day, one day elections. you know, we have these elections that last for 62 days, and if you need some more time, take as much time as you want, and so many bad things happen. we have to get rid of mail-in ballots because once you have mail-in ballots, you have crooked elections. actually jimmy carter's commission said that a long time ago. >> there are 40 delegates at stake tonight with the most going to trump. in our cbs news entrance polling, voters say the most important issues are the economy and immigration. cbs's chief election and campaign correspondent robert costa is at the trump rally in des moines, iowa. and so, robert, tonight can anything stop donald trump from becoming the nominee? >> reporter: norah, i've been speaking to trump campaign officials in recent minutes, and they say he is on the path to the nomination. a mood of celebration here in des moines, iowa. but talking to allies of florida governor ron desantis and former trump ambassador nikki haley, they say this race is far from
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over. she's focused on building on her momentum in new hampshire coming up this month, and desantis has his eye on nikki haley's home state of south carolina. >> we love you too. they threw everything but the kitchen sink at us. they spent almost $50 million attacking us. no one's faced that much all the way just through iowa. they, the media, was against us. they were writing our obituary months ago. they even called the election before people even got a chance to vote. but they were just so excited about the fact that they were predicting that we wouldn't be able to get our ticket punched here out of iowa. but i can tell you because of your support, in spite of all of that that they threw at us, everyone against us, we've got our ticket punched out of iowa.
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[ cheers and applause ] and what i learned by going around iowa is that this country has a basic decency. we've got hardworking people, god-fearing people, patriotic people. you just don't see it every day because of all the nonsense that gets spewed out there by the media, by social media, all this other stuff. people want to have hope for this country's future, and that's what we represent. we represent a chance to reverse the madness that we've seen in this country, to reverse the decline of this country, and to give this country a new birth of freedom and a restoration of sanity. that's what we are going to do. >> i want to congratulate president trump on his win tonight. we have had an amazing 11 months here in the hawkeye state. [ cheers and applause ]
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i came to iowa early and often, and i kept coming back even though the cold weather is brutal. but the kindness of iowans will never be lost on me. you're faithful, patriotic, and hardworking americans, and i will forever be grateful for the time that we had. [ applause ] at one point in this campaign, there were 14 of us running. i was at 2% in the polls. but tonight, iowa did what iowa always does so well. the pundits will analyze the results from every angle. we get that. but when you look at how we're
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doing in new hampshire, in south carolina, and beyond -- [ cheers and applause ] -- i can safely say tonight iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. >> reporter: despite the bitter cold, despite his mounting legal challenges, former president trump has been able to keep together his conservative coalition in this conservative state. and he was battling rivals who have been largely competing for second place, like florida governor ron desantis, who has staked much of his campaign on iowa, trying to knock on nearly a million doors through his super pac and getting the support of the iowa governor. but not enough to beat trump. meanwhile, former trump
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ambassador nikki haley, who has real momentum in new hampshire coming up on the primary calendar, she has spent a lot of time in iowa as well, hoping to get a bounce here into that granite state primary. many top gop donors tell me they're watching her finish tonight very closely, and they're ready to pour millions behind her candidacy, make her the standard bearer for the non-trump wing of the party. but trump plows ahead in this race. this is the early beginning of the race. but his legal challenges will continue. sources tell cbs news he is scheduled to appear at the e. jean carroll defamation case in new york all while the january 6th case looms in washington and that classified documents case as well among myriad other legal challenges. right now the race is on, but trump in command after iowa. >> all right. this campaign just getting started. robert costa in des moines, iowa, thank you so much. so headline of the night, trump wins the republican caucuses in iowa. and the next contest for the candidates, as robert mentioned,
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new hampshire's primary. that is eight days away on january 23rd. and there will be more on the iowa caucuses on your late local news and "cbs mornings." for now, i'm norah o'donnell in washington.
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>> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." now to tonight's other big story, the brutal cold that is blanketing much of the nation.
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tonight 128 million americans under windchill alerts from the canadian border to southern texas. plus, there's snow and freezing rain. cbs's omar villafranca reports from a very snowy memphis. >> reporter: coast to coast, americans are under the threat of extreme weather from portland, maine, where record coastal flooding has left residents underwater -- >> we saw a drain back here that was just bubbling up like a geyser. >> reporter: -- to portland, oregon, where wind gusts outside the city hit 83 miles per hour this weekend and left at least two people dead from falling trees. tonight, the deep freeze is setting in. more than 100 daily cold records could be set across the nation today and tomorrow. in the south, the storm spawned a tornado that could be seen crossing the highway in port st. lucie, florida. airlines have already canceled more than 3,000 flights with some requesting full ground stops. hundreds of marchers braved negative temperatures to honor dr. martin luther king jr. today in denver.
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a state of emergency was declared in memphis, where as much snow fell as the last two years combined, coating roads and highways. college student dominick will leave his car parked after driving in the wintry mix for the first time. >> were you sliding all over? >> yeah, i was sliding like -- i was sliding like -- >> so are you going to drive at all today? >> no, i'm not going out, no. >> reporter: blinding snow made travel near impossible in oklahoma and sent drivers sliding off the roads in north texas. in buffalo, bills fans today came to orchard park to clear about a foot and a half of snow in highmark stadium just in time for the rescheduled game to go on. schools will remain closed from tennessee to texas tomorrow because of the frigid weather. meanwhile, here in memphis, warming centers have been opened for those in need. norah. >> omar villafranca, thank you for being out there for us. and for more on those freezing temperatures and the snowstorm heading toward the northeast, let's bring in weather channel meteorologist mike bettes.
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good evening, mike. >> norah, good evening. an arctic chill is gripping much of the country in places where it just snowed like omar was showing us in memphis. here we go. we've got dangerously cold windchills overnight tonight, tomorrow morning, all the way down to the gulf coast. single digits or below zero. snow now exits through the northeast. should be gone by tomorrow evening but not before bringing our first one inch snow to washington, d.c. in two years. all that snow gone by tomorrow evening. a large area of one to three inches is on the way. to the west we go. it's all about ice here. ice storm warnings in effect, portland and salem. about half inch of ice is on the way especially through the second half of the day tomorrow. that means very dangerous travel as well as a likelihood of power outages. that system likely to combine with another one late in the week. it aims at the ohio valley and the northeast, brings a good shot of snow as we head into the weekend. >> mike bettes, thank you. tonight an urgent search is under way for two u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s who are missing. they were trying to board a boat suspected of smuggling weapons
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from iran to yemen. it happened thursday night off somalia. officials say they were attempting to board the ship in rough seas. cbs news has learned weapons were found on the vessel, including one-way suicide drones. now to the widening conflicts in the middle east. today a u.s.-owned cargo ship was hit by a ballistic missile off the coast of yemen. that's according to u.s. central command. the attack by iranian-backed houthi militants caused no injuries or significant damage, but it follows friday's retaliatory strikes by the united states and britain. cbs's charlie d'agata reports tonight from tel aviv. >> reporter: iranian-backed houthi militants held military exercises in yemen just a day after being hit by u.s.-led air strikes, more in defiance than a show of force, a flex of military muscle on land for a battle being waged at sea. u.s. operators say the cargo ship gibraltar eagle was hit by an anti-ship ballistic missile
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100 miles off the coast of yemen in the gulf of aden. the company said the vessel suffered limited damage to the cargo hold but that it was stable and heading out to sea with no injuries reported. the attack follows that massive u.s./uk bombing campaign to deter assaults exactly like this. the houthis retaliated by launching an anti-ship cruise missile toward the "uss laboon" destroyer in the red sea. before it was shot down by a fighter jet according to u.s. military officials. houthis say they're targeting commercial ships in solidarity with palestinians as the conflict in gaza reached 100 days, where hamas released undated video showing three hostages speaking under duress, including noa argamani. the 26-year-old captured on video being taken away from the music concert on the morning of the october 7th massacre.
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one of more than 130 hostages that remain missing tonight. hamas released unverified images of the two other hostages, the two men, revealing they'd been killed while in captivity. it's not clear when that video was taken. it's also unclear about the well-being of noa argamani tonight. norah. >> tough to hear that news. charlie d'agata, thank you. back here at home, defense secretary lloyd austin is at home tonight after spending more than two weeks in the hospital due to complications from surgery from prostate cancer. austin says he's going to work from home while he recovers. a doctor says no further treatment is planned for his cancer. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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tonight the crisis at the southern border has turned into a turf war between texas and the white house. the biden administration says three migrants drowned after texas national guard members physically blocked federal border agents from attempting to rescue them. cbs's weijia jiang reports this latest incident is adding more fuel to the fire in this tense border standoff. >> reporter: the texas national
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guard abruptly seized control of a 2 1/2-mile stretch of the southern border last week. dhs says on friday, federal border protection agents requested access to the area where a group of migrants was attempting to cross the rio grande, but texas officials refused. a woman and her two children drowned. in a cease and desist letter to the texas attorney general, the top lawyer for dhs said, texas' failure to provide access to the border persists even in instances of imminent danger to life and safety, calling the state's actions clearly unconstitutional. >> it's all politics. >> reporter: texas congressman henry cuellar says the state prevented federal agents from using specialized equipment to save the migrants who died. >> a scope truck is a truck that has this camera that can see what's happening in the river that could have had an impact of
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what happened here. >> what is your message to governor abbott? >> you cannot do this. this type of standoff is not helpful. >> reporter: the texas military department says two of the migrants had already drowned by the time border patrol asked to enter the area. governor greg abbott says he has the legal authority to control areas of the southern border within state boundaries. >> that authority is being asserted with regard to that park in eagle pass, texas, to maintain operational control of it. >> reporter: texas blames the biden administration for not doing enough. it has also installed controversial razor wire and changed the law to allow state police officers to apprehend migrants. texas has until wednesday to comply with the cease and desist letter to stop blocking access to the border. if it fails, dhs says it will refer the matter to the department of justice to take appropriate action. norah. >> weijia jiang at the white
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house tonight, thank you. a hot air balloon adventure ends in tragedy. we've got the details next. federal investigators are looking into the cause of a deadly hot air balloon crash over the weekend in the arizona desert. four people were killed and another critically injured when the balloon's gondola slammed
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into the ground. the new miss america is a the new miss america is a high-flying warrior. after cooking a delicious knorr farm stand chicken cheddar broccoli recipe. you will want to close all your delivery apps and open your camera, so you can take photos of your home made masterpiece. unfortunately, no photo can capture the savory goodness of this perfect combo of juicy, sweet tomatoes, and smooth silky zucchini. tasty! - you nailed it! -i know! make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. honey... honey... nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets
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and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. there was a ceremony in new york city today marking 15 years since the historic emergency landing known as "the miracle on the hudson." several passengers were reunited with first responders, ferry boat operators, and others who helped to rescue the 155 people on board. hero pilot captain sully sullenberger, now 72, was forced
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to bring the plane down in the hudson river after it hit a flock of birds shortly after takeoff. an officer in the u.s. air force traded her flight helmet for the miss america crown sunday night. second lieutenant madison marsh, otherwise known as miss colorado, became the first active-duty service member to win the century-old competition. embodying the air force motto of "aim high, fly, fight, win," marsh says, "you can achieve anything. the sky is not the limit, and the only person that's stopping you is you." congratulations. and we celebrate the life and legacy of dr. martin luther for moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪
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learn how abbvie could help you save. this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work.
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i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me. finally, this year's martin luther king jr. day comes on the same day as the first contest of the 2024 election. dr. king was most passionate when he expressed the power in the right to vote and the need for that right to be given to every american. tonight we remember that fight for equality in dr. king's own words. >> i come to say to you this
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afternoon however difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long because truth will rise again. how long? not long because no lie can live forever. how long? not long because you shall reap what you sow. how long? not long because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. how long? not long because mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord. he is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. he has loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword. his truth is marching on. glory hallelujah.
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glory hallelujah. glory hallelujah. glory hallelujah. his truth is marching on. >> dr. martin luther king jr. in 1966. and that's the overnight news for this tuesday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back later for "cbs mornings" and remember you can follow us online anytime at reporting from washington, i'm norah o'donnell. this is "cbs news flash." i'm carissa lawson in new york. cbs news projects former president donald trump wins the iowa republican caucuses, capturing the first state in the race for the 2024 republican presidential nomination. he carried more than half of caucus-goers in what is the
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biggest winning margin in iowa history. ron desantis is projected to edge out nikki haley in the battle for second place. desantis telling supporters, we've got our ticket punched out of iowa. nikki haley addressed her own event, saying they are on to new hampshire. and vivek ramaswamy suspended his campaign after coming in a distant fourth place. the next contest for the candidates is the new hampshire primary one week from today. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm carissa lawson, cbs news, new york. it's tuesday, january 16th, 2024. this is the "cbs morning news." trump takes iowa. the former president scores a record-setting win in the state's caucuses, reaffirming his grip on the republican party while rivals ron desantis and nikki haley lag far behind and


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