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tv   The Late News  CBS  January 17, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PST

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goli, taste your goals. now at 11:00, we are learning more about a woman who died when a plane crashed on the beach. we asked an expert what could of gone wrong. it was built by an amateur builder. >> the unhoused are used to sleeping with one eye open, now they can sleep easy thanks to a church. >> knowing we are secure, i can actually close my eyes. >> obviously this bay area native never threw a baseball but his baseball card just sold six figures. from kpix. this is the late news with sara donchey on the late news. this is a preview of what is to come this week, right? >> yeah, yeah, friday through sunday, that is the big rain event. we just came through a
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pretty rainy afternoon and evening which is just now finally starting to show signs of giving us a break. i will show you why i would say that. straight to the forecast imagery with the latest radar on it. looking at the band of rain, that is getting pushed back down to the south that just cleared the valley. it started at 5:00. steady rain, just in time for the evening commute and really has not let up until right about this point and when you put it in the future cast you can watch the left over showers right here continue to work their way south and by the time we get in the early morning hours tomorrow we will be done. so, no rain tomorrow. but tomorrow it does have one other issue that i want to make sure you are ready for because typically when we get rain like this that soaks the ground and then we clear out you can develop fog. and the visibility readings are showing us we have a couple trouble spots. you can see that when you look at the numbers tomorrow morning with the north bay valleys getting a bit foggy. just a head's up on
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this. if you look where we are going to experience the fog tomorrow morning it will be the north bay. it will not be the tule fog, it will be the stuff that we make home grown here and santa rosa and sonoma county and napa county think ahead for possibility of fog on the road. much more important things to discuss from that next storm getting here on friday through sunday. i will have that coming up in just a bit. back to you. >> thanks. we are learning more about the homebuilt plane that crashed off of the coast with four people on board and about a 27-year-old woman confirmed dead in the wreck. the other three still missing tonight. lauren toms spoke to an aviation expert on what could have gone wrong. >> reporter: the images of the wrecked plane on a rocky beach tell only a small part of the story of the final moments of a young san francisco woman. san mateo county authorities say
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they found the body of 27-year-old ema near the wreckage. ntsb says she was one of four people on board the homebuilt plane. even though the plane is assembled by whoever buys it does not necessarily make it unsafe >> it is a proven design. however, having said that t is up to the person building the plane to properly construct it and maintain good engineering and building practices. >> she was a san francisco native. attending sacred heart cathedral for high school and later went on to mit. the four-seater plane she was flying in is registered to winged wallabies in oakland and conducted several flights over the bay area. >> reporter: it is a well-tested design. and, i would be surprised if there was a structural failure but, again, this was built by a quote unquote amateur builder. >> reporter: also believed to
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be on board her mit classmate who is a pilot and his fiancee. the question investigators are tackling tonight, what caused the plane to crash? the ntsb says the plane took off from hayward for half moon bay sunday afternoon landing just after 5:00 p.m. departed there around 7:00. crashed into the water minutes later. >> just now looking at the weather that occurred during the time of the incident, the accident, and i would be looking really hard at the weather. what i am seeing historical weather record shows at the time that they said that the incident occurred half moon bay was reporting very low ceilings or low clouds and fog and mist. >> reporter: the ntsb will look into it all and then when answers come about what went wrong they may be complex.
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>> we learned over many years of accident investigation is that an accident usually is not just caused by one break in the links of the chain it is plane. it is like threading a needle through swiss cheese. when all of the holes align then you have a bad incident. i think we are going to probably find that it was not just one or maybe even two things, probably multiple contributing issues that came together to cause that accident. >> we contacted several people who knew him and described him as a capable pilot with a bright future. no word about the identity of the fourth person on the plane. living in your car is incredibly challenging, and challenging enough during the day. then comes the night. with it, worry about harassment, theft, violence, now, one congregation stepping in to help. a homeless mother told us a safe place to park has done more than just help her get a
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good night sleep. >> reporter: it is a bone-chilly night in oakland. they are searching for a place to park. like most people they are not looking for a spot near her home but this is her home. >> i basically don't sleep until the sun comes up. >> reporter: a decade ago she lost her job, then her apartment. she found herself living in her 2003 honda odyssey along with her daughter. her biggest worry is not getting a ticket it is getting attacked. >> where i was staying, there was a lot of people that roam, basically, homeless drug addicts and all. >> reporter: tonight, the west side missionary baptist church in oakland reopened its safe parking lot for people living in their cars. she is breathing a sigh of relief. known as
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mobile homeless, they are one of the fastest growing segments of america's unhoused population, survey found that people living in their cars now represent 58% of oakland's homeless. up from 45% in 2019. >> we have basically nine families here. >> reporter: the church pastor. the congregation was recently given a $500,000 grant by the city of oakland in the county of alameda to open three of these lots. he says most of his participants have jobs. the only thing keeping them afloat is their car. it is why the church not only offers them a safe place to park but also showers, laundry service and even auto repairs. >> if they lose their car they are on the ground, they are on the streets. they are on this cold concrete. so it is vital to keep the car running and legal to keep them in the car while we work to get them
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wraparound serving into housing. >> for them it means finally getting a good night sleep. >> knowing we are secure. i can actually close my eyes. >> ensuring a night of sweet dreams. >> good night >> steering clear of danger. >> you can learn more about the safe parking program on our website, first ahead jill biden touched down in the bay area just over an hour ago. she is in california for a string of fundraiser to support the president's re-election campaign. she will make a few stops as well as in southern california. she did not show up for work for a week. tonight her husband is behind bars. how a tip from a woman's boss may lead to a murder case. plus t might be the most ironic crash ever, the auto body shop that will need a lot of work after a car slammed into it. how do you keep your spirits up when the temperature drops below 0? if you are canadian you do things like
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this. and i guess he should not have put his mouth where his money was. the nba coach in hot water at home after a big fine forced him to cancel the family vacation
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. a man is behind bars accused of murdering his wife and possibly dumping her body in the santa cruz mountains to cover it up. the police have been looking for the 40-year-old for more than a week after her boss reported they were not able to reach her since last month. the police say 56-year-old husband gave them inconsistent information about where she might be. their investigation led them to a remote area of the santa cruz mountains over the weekend where they found human remains. no positive id yet, the police think they are her. now, to oakland, the driver that slammed into this building walked away unhurt. the same can not be said for the building which ironically is an auto body shop. the car swerved across traffic and into a support beam that was holding
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up the shop's roof. we don't know exactly why the driver lost control. that was not the only bay area driver to cheat death tonight. no one in this tiny sedan was hurt amazingly when a big rig overturned on top of it near highway 92. the big rig driver was also okay. san francisco intersection a mess tonight after a sinkhole opened up at month roomry and california street. you can see water coming up from a burst pipe there. so far we don't know if the brakes caused the hole or was the result of it. the intersection was closed while crews patch it up. right now in parts of canada if you throw boiling water up in the air it will turn into steam. this video was taken in alberta where the high tomorrow is supposed to be 0 degrees. don't even think about trying to crack an egg outside. so cold the yoke froze as it was hitting the pan leaving this, the shell suspended. same thing happened
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to ramen noodles, stuck midair and wet toilet paper was so stiff it supported the weight of the entire roll. the things you do in freezing temperatures, we obviously can not relate. it puts our rain into perspective. >> it does. i never seen the ramen noodle one before or the egg yoke one either for that matter. a bigger storm coming. so focused on today's rain, rightfully so. we talk about tomorrow's fog. i want to spend the visit talking to you about the importance of the visit. comparing the two. this is what we just had today. got half an inch of rain in general for most places. that is what is coming on friday and monday. the key over here shows you when you get into the hades of orange and red like so much of the north bay, the santa cruz mountains you could be looking at 3-4 inches of rain. so, the, the details matter on this in terps of timing. it will be two -- terms of timing. it will be two separate storms, not coming from one storm, it was a friday
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through sunday time frame. let's get a handle on how it will play out. no rain tomorrow, no rain thursday, that one is getting here friday. if you look at it, time it out, watch the leading edge of the rain, taking us off of the coast as we get into friday. we can put that into the long-range forecast models. we are able to depict that is friday's swath of rain that will have atmospheric river feeding into it. it comes across throughout the day on friday to see the line pointed through the bay. so, considering it is tuesday night, this is friday, we just are going to take a general look at it for now to see widespread rain throughout the day. probably about 3/4s of an inch of rain. more than we got today. closer to an inch even from the friday system. then it clears out. more left over on saturday, the next system comes in. then it looks like a mess. it looks like an active mess that will be difficult to get specifics this far out. the takeaway on that is sunday and monday. we can try, if we come
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in for a closer look, a big niner's home game on saturday. that falls right in the middle of this. the forecast model data is available for now. if we take it with a grain of salt we can look at what the best thinking at this point is. here is the friday system. here is saturday, i will stop saturday at 5:00. by that run, san jose there, a few light showers, this fits with the theme, saturday at this point, still kind of an in between day. we will not be getting very impressive rain. we still could get scattered showers. stragglers from friday or the leading edge of sunday. sunday comes in, and now, not only does sunday morning look good, sunday, later in the day, we see better visions of deeper green coming in on sunday night into monday. again, the timing on this is going to shift. if we look at it another way, here is friday's total. saturday, here comes sunday, monday, the one theme right now that is kind of consistent is sunday and monday have the potential
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to be bigger rainmakers. i am not entirely comfortable doing that this far out at this point only because we are a little too far down the road. the only reason we are looking at this now is because there is more consensus with the long-range models than we have seen in previous systems. it is worth giving you a head's up now that even though we are going to refine the details on this we are going to think about widespread rain coming our way for the period. here is the takeaway on the 9ers forecast. that game starting at 5:15. we will call it showers going throughout. nothing, that game, it should be fine. maybe a wet field. not the kind of thing that should postpone it. we will see how the timing works out and see if atmospheric rivers will be feeding into this. we will put the in a seven-day forecast now. after taking all of that into consideration, the thing about tomorrow, it looks like a quiet day, it is, don't forget, we
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had a good soaker coming through here. half of an inch rain is enough that we will produce patchy fog in the north bay valleys and in the santa clara valley. all eyes turning back here. friday, sunday, monday. sara, we will have a lot more on that for the week to come, back to you. >> darren, thank you. this bay area native is known for breaking records on the football field but his baseball card is selling six digits. san jose state, the zip code is about to change to 85721
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. when you think of tom brady you think of football. that is what comes to mind. before his hall of fame career he was a pretty good baseball player and someone made just over $150,000 auctioning off his old baseball card. here it is. kind of weird seeing him with a baseball glove in his hand instead of a football. it dates back to the
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'90s when he was a varsity player at sara high school. says he is a strong brooded shoulder athlete with room left for improvement but impeccable work ethic. it is safe to say he left his baseball career in the dust. vern knows about his bay area roots. >> whoever got that card knows the value of how good tom brady was. really above average baseball player class of 1995. just so that he fell in love with football, started playing it his junior year in high school, went to michigan and the rest is history. >> i will say. >> speaking of football, 49ers and the packers, going to meet for the 10th time in the playoffs this saturday. the 9ers down from 10-8. favorites, this week's match up was not expected to happen. all season. the 9ers, the cowboys, the eagles, thought to be the top dogs in the nfc. philadelphia
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was blown out by tampa bay and dallas was upset by green bay to set up saturday's 5:00 game at levi stadium. >> before we got in the playoffs, they do not have preconceived notions. once you watch the tape and get into green bay and think of their numbers and watch their players and how they are doing it, it does not surprise me at all, no. college football news and notes, brandon left san jose to be the new head coach at arizona. he was an assistant leading the spartans to three bowl games in seven years. check the degrees of separation between him and former alabama coach nick sabine. last wednesday, sabine, one of college's greatest coaches retired from the crimson tide, two days later, alabama hired
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huskies coach. then, on sunday, washington hired arizona's fish, that led to bran him filling the spot. look how close the blackhawks came to go ahead of the sharks. the puck, slid, stopped on the line during the shootout. no go! zachary, got passed blackboard, it hit the post and carried a bay. ninth round, giving it a shot, scored. chicago then needed to stop to win. it was up to san jose to extend the game and he did not. chicago won it 2-1. sharks made just one shot in the 9 round shootout. kings coach, mike brown, fined $50,000 for this ejection sunday in milwaukee. and then pointed out the calls in
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question on his laptop to report during his post game press conference. now the fine might ruin his family's vacation plans. >> my partner rochelle is upset with me because, you know, i was going to take them skiing, we were going to stay at the ritz carlton on the northside of lake tahoe. and splurge a little bit. going to take my grandson skiing, but i called her and told her we will not be able to do it today unless the ritz carlton gives me a discount. [ laughter ] >> two mentions of the ritz carlton, sara, i think he was buttering them up just a little bit. i like the way he mind was working there. >> there was a power point presentation, he probably >> he believes he was right and he was going to point it out and it cost him >> yes. her's is much more intense as to why he is in the dog house. thank you, vern.
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this street has a stinky name and the city council with the gigils might be the big
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behold my jack wraps. 100% all-white meat grilled or crispy chicken, with lettuce, cheese and sauces, in a warm tortilla for $3.29. and they're under 400 calories. so if your goal this year was to save money and eat healthy-ish, we got you.
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. we have a critical update for you tonight on a story we talked about last night on the broadcast about an unfortunate street name. as of tonight, rancho cordova poopenaut is no more. no one lives on the street but it was too much. the city council took suggestions for new names and put it to a very serious vote tonight. >> i would be fine with any of the ones on the list aside from what it is named now. >> anyone received comments about keeping it the way it is?
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>> no. >> no. >> i had a lot of people ask us why we name today that in the first place >> the winner is artist point court like all of the others it references a natural place in the area. how sad. this is no spring chicken. braving temperatures in nothing but a chicken suit. something like t
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. there is a mystery lurking in the snow in one tennessee city. it is not sinnister but it is weird. >> looking out the window and a man was walking around. >> no, no, i had not. >> i have however seen dinosaurs. >> what? >> okay. i don't know about dinosaurs but someone in a chicken suit has been walking around in the snow this week. people can not stop talking about him. >> i saw a man-sized chicken walking on two legs. >> i thought you were talking about the small chicken. >> they only appear when it is snowing. >> i am hearing this is a man-sized chicken. >> just like a beacon coming through the snow. you see a chicken. >> a little cold to be in a chicken suit. >> it was with other humans, though. >> a beacon? hopefully the chicken suit had a lot of
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insulation. it was really coupled. whoever they are, the consensus is, everyone would like to know more about this bird. better the chicken suit than the birthday suit. >> i would say so. it is just a casual walk. it is like, i mean, is it performance art? >> i don't think so. >> could be alcohol. >> did you know a chicken is related to a dinosaur? yeah, but is this one? >> well, you have to ask him. he probably has a lot of time on his hands >> does not appear to be in a hurry. casual walk. >> we will be casually walking out of the studio. stephen colbert is up next, have a good night
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(upbeat music)


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