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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  January 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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this is cbs news bay area, with elizabeth cook. here we go with the rain. it is a first alert weather day. when we are expecting the messiest conditions and how it will impact your weekend. troubling new numbers on cancer and younger adults. one woman's brave battle and her reasons for hope. plus, a bay area oncologist weighs in on the risk factors, treatments and prevention. playoff fever is here. the 9ers get ready to host the packers tomorrow at levis and fans are pumped. thank you very much for joining us this afternoon on this friday. let's start with our first alert weather day. round one of a rainy stretch across the bay area. your friday commute home could be a messy one. let's get to paul heggen in our virtual view studio, paul it is just the start of a series of storms, right? >> yes. this one is falling on
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the ground that is capable of absorbing the rain that we are going to see. it is the others. this is just enough to make a mess of the afternoon and evening commute. the first wave of widespread rain pushing deeper into the bay area. a closer look with the north bay, moderate to heavy rainfall over much of sonoma county inlewding santa rosa as we speak and napa county, the rain is about to intensify around napa. panning farther to the south heavier downpours along the western facing hills and plenty more of the heavier rain off shore. some of the heaviest rain is falling farther down to the peninsula. higher elevations but climbing down in elevation and towards redwood city and that is going to cross the bay and move into the east bay over the next 30 to 45 minutes or so. the rain climbed over the santa cruz mountains and did survive that trip. we see the rain. let's zoom out and put everything in motion, you can see this band of rain with plenty more off shore to follow it up. it will be a wet
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afternoon and evening across the bay area. future cast shows the rain continuing as we head towards midevening. the first batch of rain could slide to the east towards midnight tonight. does not mean we dry out. even though we are in the breaks of the widespread rain there will be scattered showers starting the day on saturday, we will see the activity picking up in intensity towards saturday afternoon and evening. 5:00 saturday, again, 9ers kick off at 5:15. it looks like it will be wet out there even in the rain shadowed spots, i would plan on bringing the poncho and enduring the rain. hopefully it effects the packers more than the 9ers. saturday night, early sunday morning, a break in the action again, scattered showers carrying us through the first half of sunday and then more rain, the heaviest rain, sunday night into monday. you add the rain up through sunday morning with the first couple of waves any wherewherefrom a quarter inch to two inches of rainfall. santa cruz mountains where you
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will squeeze the moisture out of the atmosphere, 2-3 inches of rain already out of the first few ways going into sunday, sunday night into monday. excessive rainfall. what it means is elevated threat of localized or even slightly more widespread flooding when the heaviest rain is falling on to already saturated ground. the greatest threat will be the north bay and coastal. the wind is something that we continue to monitor. picking up a bit. the winds will not be all that strong through this type of system heading through tonight into tomorrow. it will be a noticeable breeze but the strongest winds will kick in a little bit later on saturday night. the winds picking up in intensity about midnight. 30-40 mile-an-hour gusts along the coast. those will die down heading into early sunday morning, but the winds will pick back up as the band of heavier rain moves in sunday night into monday. so, there is a lot to monitor over the next few days, let's take a look at
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the seven-day forecast, more to look at there with the temperatures not changing a lot until we get to the end of next week. all of the rain chances over the next three days, saturday, sunday, monday, bringing us a stretch of wet weather that will continue into the workweek. the commute will be a mess. scattered showers following it up before we get a couple of dry days thursday and friday. keeping an eye on all of this throughout the afternoon and evening here on kpix and pix plus at 8:00. >> hunker down if you can. paul, thank you. 9ers faithful are already gearing up for tomorrow's showdown against green bay. fans gather at a sushi spot in san jose this morning for a pregame party ahead of the team's official rally in downtown san jose this evening. >> 49ers! [ cheers and applause ] . >> we just like to represent
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the 49ers. nothing better than being faithful. >> packers will have their own pep rally on the peninsula. it starts in about an hour at the patio in palo alto. cal state university is preparing for a weeklong faculty strike that could begin on monday. months of talks stalled out. administrators say the system can not afford it. monday marks the first week of the spring term for many campuses. csu officials say campuses will remain open regardless and leaving it up to professors to cancel classes. macy's plans to close its store and four others nationwide the department store chain is slashing about 3-1/2% of its workforce. that is about 2300 employees, macy's is making the cuts in response to online shopping. the closure in the bay fair center could lip
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nate 60 jobs. on the health watch, the latest report from the american cancer society finds a concerning rise in cancer deaths for people under the age of 50. it finds that coloncancer is now the leading cause of cancer death in men and it is the second leading cause of death in women in that age group. now, the study's authors and other experts are not sure exactly why that is. they do say possible factorsip cludethe increase in obesity or something in the environment. they say prevention is key. the american cancer society recommends starting screening at age 45. doctor's at ucsf are investigating a new way to treat certain patients with colon cancer with the idea that less may sometimes be more. they are trying to figure out which treatments they can actually skip without hurting their patient's chances of beating the disease. >> reporter: amy lawson needs to keep busy. a doctor herself
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it is not always easy being a patient. she is never without her -- her yarn and lucky charms. >> i have an octopus that was carved out. and a buffalo. that is strength it helps me. so these are the things i have. then i made my scarf to be my armor. >> reporter: amy is getting her second round of chemotherapy to treat her cancer. a frightening diagnose that was discovered by accident. >> i was going in for a procedure to look at my esophagus. my doctor said you are over 45 you should get your colonoscopy let's just do both tests and i woke up from anesthesia and the doctor said your esophagus is fine but i think you have rectal cancer.
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>> i was thinking worse case scenario, what if it is everywhere in my body? am i going to die? >> the cancer has not spread to other parts of her body. amy still needs to undergo intense treatment. she has been here before. >> my first cancer was in my upper thigh when i was in college. i spent a year doing intensive chemotherapy and i did radiation and i had surgery in the middle of it. so, that was like full court press, i did everything before. >> reporter: intense radiation for her cancer left her with permanent nerve damage. >> so, i have not walked completely normally since then. i have one leg that is a lot weaker than the other. >> reporter: this time around her treatment may not need to be as debilitating. her oncologist led a trial when it comes to treating patients with rectal cancer less is more. >> over the years we learned that we can cure patients with cancer but recognize that we
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may be overtreating patients doing too much therapy in our zeal to cure them we can get away with less streement if we were to step back. >> the trial followed 1100 patients over eight years and found that some patients did not have to go through radiation to cure their cancer. >> it is fair to say that every study that we do we look at what are interim results, right now we are convinced there is no compromise in patient's survival or the risk of recuring cancer. over time, though, we will make sure that is the case, similarly we will make sure not having radiation in the subset of patients will change and improve the quality of life of the patients down the road. >> reporter: it was welcomed news to amy. >> i am 46. i am not super old, i consider myself youngish and health yish and if i can not do all three treatments that would be great. >> reporter: they are still deciding what she will do to treat her cancer. it all
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depends how her body responds to chemo. in the meantime she will continue to crochet, she hands out octopus to nurses, and flight attendants and strangers >> my positive attitude got me through cancer. i am not always as positive by myself when i am around people. let myself be afraid but get done what i need to get done and talk to the people that i need to make the best decision for myself. >> for amy making others smile is medicine. the study of the first to monitor the patient's quality of life during the treatment. it is a process that is not typically done during medical studies. we just got an update on amy and asked for his take on the latest research. we will have more on that in just a few minutes. also ahead, the good luck
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charm for one player as they head into tomorrow's match up. can you see it? we will talking live with stub hub. we are tracking rain on the first alert weather day. checking in on your afternoon and evening driving in the bay area, it is starting to come down
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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. 3:14 on this afternoon, a quick check of the loop over the past couple of hours and you can see wave one of rainfall arrived for almost all of the bay area the few remaining dry spots will not remain that way much longer. heavy rain falling in downtown san francisco at the moment. there is more moderate to heavy rainfall off shore, pushing throughout the bay area throughout the evening and allow a lot of extra time and stopping distance on the evening commute. all right, back to our health watch now. we are getting an expert's take on the latest report of the american cancer society. it points to a rise in cancer deaths of people under the age of 50. notably a rise in coloncancer for younger people. i asked a oncologist who we met earlier in the show to talk about what he is seeing in his own practice and potential reasons for the uptick. >> we thought it was just maybe a center of excellence people tended to flock to us when they were younger they had access to
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the internet and likely to come. but, we realize in fact it is increasing everywhere. and, in fact, we will go, i will go weeks at a time without seeing a patient with colon cancer over the age of 50. so, at ucsf we see many young patients. it is really, it is more obvious every week. we would like to attribute it to environmental factors, perhaps that is part of it. there is no evidence that it is genetic. so, there are some patients that are at genetic risk for cancers and syndromes, lynch syndrome. this is unrelated to people getting cancer these days f it is food ingested or other things, it is not clear. there is no one general category of people who seem to be at risk. you will see triatheletes, you will see people who are weight lifters,
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you will see, you know, small ladies. it is all over the map in terms of who is getting the cancer. and not surprisingly, it turns out that people of color tend to be more effected. young latinos and african americans tend to have more younger cancer onset than others. i think probably a factor is the micro, the bacteria and species that occupy our intestines, we have loads of those bacteria and there probably is a difference across the populations in that and what makes up that. other than that i think people are guessing. again, many. >> i asked about the age recommendations for colon cancer screenings and if he thinks it should change. take a listen. >> just in the last couple years they change today from
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age 50 for the initial rectal screening to 45. that was based on modeling they thought they could find cases and still manage to do it. colonoscopy is not an easy screening test. it is very invasive with some risks. while it is true there are many more younger patients getsing rectal cancer it is still uncommon in young people. >> we wanted to check in on dr. amy lawson, the patient we introduced you to earlier in the show who is battling colon cancer. he this update to share with news we are at the point she had a major reduction from the chemotherapy to the point where we entertain the possibility of dispensing with both surgery and radiation and possibly just watching her. it turns out we will be making another intervention soon. she is on the way to being cured which is good news, nothing is showing up in the meantime. but clearly the courage it takes to go through this twice in one's
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lifetime is pretty remarkable. she really demonstrated that. >> she is extraordinary. now, we should note in terms of cancer deaths overall, not just coloncancer, that number continues to decline. the countdown is so to the 49ers playoff match up tomorrow. our sports direct our vern glenn reports the 9ers know they will have one lucky charm on their side. >> reporter: this is the volkswagen red and gold report. >> the 49ers have been counting down the hours until saturday night when the packers visit levi stadium for a spot in the nfc championship. the niners have had plenty of rest. for nearly three weeks since they played a game of consequence. but now, if is go time. now, george kittle is one of those that sat out the regular season finale against the rams. with
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that time off, her grandmother lucky celebrated her 100th birthday last season. she will not make it on saturday but she will still be able to wish her grandson luck with a text message. >> she was in arizona for a game against the cardinals, i don't know, i don't think she is coming to this game. who knows if the 9ers faithful want her back. she sent me a text, hey, good job, she watches it. i have a 101-year-old grandmother that watches everything that i do. >> and texts? at 101. >> she just stopped driving like a year ago. the things that you can do in small town of iowa, guys, things are different than here. as much as they travel well so do green bay packers fans. tomorrow's match up at levi stadium is having huge demand for tickets. joining me now, adam, joining us from stub hub.
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thanks for joining us, big game tomorrow. if fans still want to go to the game can they still get tickets and i don't know if i want to ask this but how much? >> the good news is there are still tickets available and comparison to previous years it is a little more affordable compared to last year. set the stage for tomorrow, currently we have about 4,000 tickets for sale on stub hub as we speak. we begin at $150. if you are looking for a little bit more of a premium seat like a club those are around $500 and higher to get in those. >> okay. regular seats are not too bad. i am curious, though, how do ticket sales compare between the 9ers fans and packers fans for tomorrow. i know the packers fans they will travel anywhere. >> exactly. it is hard to pick it up with a team like the packers where the fans are across the country and seen
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that in the past at levi stadium. currently we have seen 70% coming from the state of california so we are expecting quite a few, or quite the majority of it being 49er fans but, as should be expected, packers fans are certainly in the bay area. we expect they will show up in some fashion. but not anything that we have seen the niners on the road do. >> got it. a lot of big match ups how is this against other stuff going on? >> if you are talking about tickets sold this is leading the way for overall demand across the divisional round. 25% more tickets sold than the number 2 game which is the tampa bay buccaneers in detroit against the lions. >> all right, a lot of eyes on this game tomorrow. all right, adam, thank you very much. >> thank you. we hope to see a lot of 9ers red and gold at super bowl 58 in vegas in just a few weeks, watch that game right
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here on kpix and streaming on paramount plus on february 11th. coming up, you might be hearing this a lot more through the 9ers playoff run [music] oh, catchy. the new anthem for the 49er faithful featuring bay area artists
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. the 49ers just teamed up with bay area artists on a new anthem. it is called do it for the bay. take a listen [music] . >> both bay area natives on the track and gave a nod to rapper e-40 from vallejo. they say they are proud to create a song celebrating their team and giving the faithful something new for their game day play list. i am sure i am going to hear it at all of the tail gates tomorrow catch more 9ers action with vern glenn and matt lively coming up at 7:30
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tomorrow night on kpix and streaming on the free cbs news app. still ahead, a final check of our rainy forecasts with paul on this first alert weathe
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate.
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our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. . one more check of your weather on this first alert weather day. the doppler radar shows widespread rain surging into the bay area. there is a lot more on the shore making a mess of the evening commute. we
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will show you future cast. the model runs continue to paint the story. a break in the action tonight. scattered showers to begin the day on saturday and we will see more on what is developing on saturday evening. local news continues on our streaming service cbs news bay area, have a great weekend. i will see you at 5:00 >> reported that they landed across from the wendy's. >> norah: emergency landing. a small cessna plane forced down on a snowy highway in virginia with seven onboard. >> i look up and there is a above me. >> norah: plus millions along the east coast face freezing temps under a blanket of snow and ice. >> don't think i was really s snow. >> norah: the "cbs evening news" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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