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tv   The Late News  CBS  January 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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captioned by media acss group at wgbh from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00, safety over profit. in-n-out burger says crime is too much, and they're closing a location. >> we're in a state of emergency. we are in a state of emergency. and the rain is not letting up any time soon. a flood advisory is still in effect for most of the north bay leading
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to dangerous roadways and downed trees. a farm worker community in half moon bay marking a year since the deadly mass shooting that claimed seven lives. good evening, i'm andrea nakano. a flood warning remains in effect for most of the north bay right now, and that's expected to continue overnight into monday morning. taking a live look at bay area bridges, drivers have been dealing with wet conditions all day long. and here's a reminder of what can happen on wet roads. one of our photographers was driving to get some rain video when he saw this car hydroplane and smash into a wall on highway 101 nearby the lucky drive exit. you can see the car was completely engulfed in flames. no word on the driver's condition. fire officials on the scene said they responded to a similar crash just down the road on 101 a few minutes earlier. and that crash happened after the heavier rain moved into the north bay. as you can see from this time lapse video from our salesforce
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camera. let's send it over to meteorologist darren peck to find out what's in store for the rest of the night and tomorrow. andrea, that was two crashes our photographer malcolm saw in a span of 20 minutes. that's the direct result of what we call ponding of water on roadways. in this case, the roadway was 101. and the consequence was hydroplaning. that's why we still have a first alert status tonight through tomorrow, and why the national weather service still has a flood advisory specific to the north bay. look what's happened over the last 12 hours. see where the focus of the rain's been? really focused through sonoma and marin. we're going back to earlier in the afternoon when the heaviest rain fell. you can see what that did. using the virtual map to plot the rainfall totals, everybody has rain now. we're certainly seeing it in the south bay. about a quarter inch of rain. but it's wildly different in the north bay. santa rosa, you are closing in on two inches of
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rain at this point. so when the totals get that big, now you can see what the problem is. if we bring in the detail for what matters most right now, that flood advisory that stays in effect until midnight tonight for the north bay communities. when that expires at midnight, we still have a flood watch meaning all right, we'll keep our eyes on the possibility that we could still see issues even if it's not as serious as the flood advisory which goes until midnight. i'll see you with the rest of the forecast coming up in a bit. we have another rain maker coming wednesday. doesn't look that big, but we'll go into the details. this is what officials are worried about after consecutive days of rain. the wet and windy weather knocked down this tr th cruz mountains near miller hill road. pg&e crews are now working to repair the lines. in the north bay, the heavy rain over the last few hours has led to a lot of flooded
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roadways, and even some downed trees. we spoke with the santa rosa fire department about what people need to look out for. >> we do at a minimum expect nuisance flooding and ponding. likely some minor flooding. especially around the roadways where areas don't really drain as well. hopefully by now residents have heard kind of the warnings, or at least the heads up on what's coming. >> you can stay up to date with the very latest on the rain including any future road closures or power outages as well as live radar on your website, or the free cbs news app. now to oakland where conserves about crime at their only in-n out by the airport has caused the company to decide to close the location for good. they're just the latest in a long line of businesses that have shut down in the last year citing crime as a driving factor. customers and workers we spoke to today tell our da lin they are angry about the closure, but not
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surprised. >> reporter: the drive thru line at this oakland in-n out is always very long. this is a very busy and profitable location, but the company says the issue is crime and safety. dozens of cars inching along the drive thru line, and plenty more people inside the dining room, including loyal customer jan bundy. >> the first time i tasted their burger, i was like oh my god. >> reporter: he comes at least twice a week. he's well aware of the car break ins in the parking lot. they have warning signs throughout the lot. he witnessed thieves breaking into a car next to him. >> they have weapon, so you can't be a hero. >> reporter: less than two months ago, it happened to his truck. >> i had a kill switch on it. so they didn't get the vehicle, but took my belongings. >> reporter: the damage cost him around $500. now his partner stays in the truck
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while he ordered inside. that's why he's not surprised they're shutting down the oakland location. >> it's a sad moment. >> definitely frustrated. >> these are people's jobs, you know? it's essential to have jobs so we can spend money in the community. >> reporter: the san francisco chronicle reports since 2019, police have recorded over 1300 incidents in and around the fast food restaurant. more than any other location in oakland. most of the reported incidents were car break ins targeting visitors coming through oakland airport. employees tell me they've seen armed robberies of customers as well. >> it's terrifying because it also puts us in danger. >> reporter: this worker says thieves stay away when officers patrol the lot, but they're only here for a few hours a day. >> they just look around all the time, and then they see police leave for a second, and that's when they take the chance. >> reporter: in-n out released a statement reading despite taking repeated steps to create
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safer conditions, our customers and associates are regularly victimized by car break ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies. we cannot ask them to visit or work in an unsafe environment. >> we're in a state of emergency. we are in a state of emergency. should it have to take a declaration to deliver when we're living this? my district has been in crisis. >> reporter: councilwoman reed represents the area, and has called on the city council and mayor to provide more police resources but says she's gotten very little support. >> the oakland airport, the 98th area corridor is a gateway into the east bay, and we have got to invest more and have dedicated regional statewide collaboration on how we're going to support and strengthen that corridor. >> reporter: starbucks in the same lot shut down late last year. raising cane's is doing
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drive thru only. in-n. out says the last day is march 24th. the workers here will be given the option to transfer to other nearby restaurants. in other news tonight, a remembrance ceremony in half moon bay tonight. tuesday marks one year since shootings at two mushroom farms left seven dead. the coastal community came together in downtown half moon bay for a candle light vigil to honor the lives lost, as well as trying to get more support for the survivors and victims' families. a mexican immigrant and the son of farm worker himself says the healing is just beginning. >> there's so many things they need. we, as a community, have not recognized that. and now we do. but it took a tragedy for us to recognize this. we are not going to forget anymore. >> on tuesday, a nonprofit will host a round table with government leaders on what needs to be done for farm
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workers. affordable housing is top of mind after the shootings last year shed light on the meager conditions that many of them live in. the suspected shooter is facing seven counts of murder and one of attempted murder. his preliminary hearing is scheduled for mid-march. he's also named in a wrongful death lawsuit along with more than 50 other defendants including both of the farms. >> good niner, baby. >> let's get it done. >> bang bang niner gang. a lot of fans went right back to levis today after the win against the packers. they wasted no time stocking up on 49ers gear at the team store ahead of the nfc championship game. the team has shifted their focus to their match up with the lions as well. our vern glenn has an early look at what to expect in tonight's red and gold report. this is the volkswagen red
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and gold report. >> the match up for next sunday's nfc championship game at levi stadium is set. 49ers, early seven point favorite to beat the incoming detroit lions. the lions defeated the bucs to reach their first conference title game in 32 years. it will be a homecoming game for jared goff who grew up in marin and is a cal alum. saturday night, san francisco barely kept their season alive with a come from behind win over the packers to send the niners to their third straight nfc championship game and a answer -- chance to reach the super bowl after falling a game short the last two seasons. >> when you lose the nfc championship, you want to snap your fingers and be there again. but you can't. there's so much that has to happen between that last loss and getting back there again. i get emotional thinking about it. like, we're back here, and it's time to take care of
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business. >> i'm 0 and 2 in nfc championship game, so this is one we have to get. obviously i'm not getting any younger. i definitely want to get to the top of the mountain. >> i'm vern glenn with the red and gold report. still ahead, stanford women's basketball coach sets a record not just in the women's game, but in all of college basketball. plus, why a simple road median is dividing more than just this north bay street, but an entire neighborhood. we'll be right back.
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another snowy night in the sierra s. this is another look at the cameras from the uc berkeley snow lab in soda springs. and let's check out the roads in sierra. this is a live look at interstate 80 at donner summit. wow, you can see the roads have been plowed, but chain controls are dropped there, but looks like you have to be very careful on the roads. the snow is creating dangerous road conditions this weekend. cal trans is working drivers to be careful if traveling to the sierra. they're advising to allow extra time to drive to your destination due to the wet roads and flooding. and we are in a first alert status for weather right now. let's turn it over to darren peck with the latest. >> still a pretty busy looking first alert doppler on here. as we check out the current situation, we've watched the heaviest rain slowly progress so that it's now down to the
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south bay and moving into the central valley. let's put it into futurecast and watch it really take its sweet time. it will still be raining over the next several hours. particularly now from the city and peninsula southward. whereas the north bay had its share for the first half of this, like the last six hour, now we'll see more of a focus from the city to the south bay. but it won't be as intense. the rainfall totals won't match. i'll show you the numbers here in a second. here's one take away. watch tomorrow morning. see the green dots on there showing up? those isolated cells where they kind of develop on their own, those are the ones that can come in the form of thunderstorms. and that is part of the forecast for tomorrow. it's a small chance. but once we get done with the widespread steady rain, tomorrow until around 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning, the possibility will there that we could get an occasional isolated thunderstorm. the story of the night, just to show it to you again using the virtual map to give us an idea
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of how wildly different this was today. quarter inch of rain so far for the south bay. i'll show you how much more you'll get. we'll look at the total accumulations in a second. but to show you where we are at this point, with a huge difference in the north bay closing in on two inches of rain up there. that's why we have the flood advisory for now and the flood watch, which will go until tomorrow night up there. let's get back into the forecast information. i'm going to show you how the system plays out from here in terms of rainfall amounts for the north bay. still a little more between now and noon. you can see the totals still to go. the numbers are bigger in the south bay if we look at just from now through noon. this will be much more noticeable. san jose, you barely got anything yesterday. we were watching some light rain on the niners during the game. this will be more noticeable from this storm. not a blockbuster snow maker, but it is about another half a foot on donner
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pass. the snow level is relatively high at 6,000 feet. that makes it a bit of an easier drive because you can get away without chains until you get up to that point, and then you'll need chains. anybody going up there need chains to get over the passes. there's a little bit of a wind issue here. already reports of downed trees in the santa cruz mountains. over the next several hour, the winds gust to 40 miles per hour along the coast. this is interesting. if you look at where the wind advisory is, it's a very narrow strip along where we saw the brightest colors. most of us are not included in this. but there's a wind advisory in the place where you could get downed trees that could give you localized power outages. the santa cruz mountains, down along the coast, and the peninsula. okay, there's another system coming our way on wednesday. so after we get done with tomorrow's system by noon and we're finished, then we get the second half of monday, all day tuesday no rain. then on wednesday the next system comes in. and that one, the best way to take a look at this is to just look at
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the accumulation. how much rain we could get on wednesday. and keeping in mind the numbers we were just looking at for today, for comparison now, this is a, it's a good reference point. we're only getting like a quarter inch of rain on wednesday. so wednesday is going to be pretty manageable. there's one way of looking at the seven-day forecast, and we talked about how we still have first alert status on tomorrow. so you can see how monday was still in red. keep that in mind. that's specific to the flood watch because it's going to take a little while for all the water to work through the hills and the landscape of the north bay. all those water sheds before it filters out into the streams and creeks. you could still get rises on streams and creeks. that's the concern from a flood watch standpoint until tomorrow evening. but the roads should be a lot easier for most of the day tomorrow. you can see the chance of rain wednesday, and nothing else towards next weekend. andrea, back to you. all right, thank you. up next, how one woman's attempt to protect local butterflies is growing into a heated battle.
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well, this seemingly ordinary median in novato has divided not just the road, but at the time entire neighborhood it leads to. as john ramos explains, it all comes down to the eye of the beholder.
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>> reporter: 14 years ago, this median island in rural novato was adopted to become a sanctuary for pollinators, butterflies and bees. but in the process it stirred up a hornet's nest of controversy. alameda del prado leads into this neighborhood where the landscaping is orderly and plants arranged in neat rows. but back on the street, there's an island of randomness on which marcia feels very much alone. >> this is part of the monarch habitat. the milk weed right now is cut back. but it gets up to three feet, so it covers all this here. >> reporter: when she first adopted the street median in 2009, it looked like this. but over the last 14 years, she's transformed it into a natural setting meant to be a habitat for all kinds of pollinating insects, including the beautiful monarch butterfly,
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which she says just started showing up about three years ago. there's just one problem. >> they don't look at it as an improvement to the neighborhood. they think it's an eyesore. >> a lot of people are unhappy it doesn't fit. it has no design. so we're trying to have an attractive entrance to the valley, and that's the first major island that you see. and it's, it's in a erratic growth stage. >> reporter: kay white is a member of friends of pacheco valley, a group that would like to see the median changed. but there are also worries about the tall, dry grasses that exist in the summer pretending a fire hazard in case a mass evacuation is called for. there are plans to even reduce the oleander bushes that line the other medians. >> we're working to reduce the
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flammable vegetation in the middle of all the six islands. except that marcia basalla has kyrsten sinema my -- custody of one them. >> reporter: the fire department recommended changes to the homeowners saying quote the pollinator landscape sections could be renovated with an attractive and easily maintained landscape that demonstrates fire safe characteristics. but marcia has a letter saying plant away, and saying fire risks very them have been significantly reduced by work accomplished by novato fire and ms. basalla. >> first they wanted me out of here because of the appearance, and then it was the fire hazard. then that didn't work. so then they went back to the appearance, and now the fire hazard again. >> reporter: the homeowners think basalla is just being stubborn.
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>> she declined three different other places she could grow her wild flowers, and we feel that that's not very reasonable for considerate. >> reporter: but basalla has been tending her garden every weekend, and it's come to mean a lot to her. >> besides working a full time job, this is my mission. >> i've lost a lot of sleep worrying about this. worrying about the critters losing their homes because that's what would happen. >> reporter: both sides say they're willing to compromise, but so far no one has found that common ground. the city, which owns the median, seems reluctant to declare a winner, having to choose between fire safety and nature conservation. so basalla remains on her island, preferring the randomness of nature over the designs of man. >> the homeowners have convinced the city to turn the other five medians over to them for management, but at this point, the one island that basalla officially adopted remains under her control.
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and then there were two. coming up next, reaction from both remaining republican candidates to the news that ron desantis has suspended his campaign for president.
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>> i am today suspending my
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campaign. it's clear to me that a majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. the republican presidential primary is down to just two after florida governor ron desantis dropped out of the race today. it comes just a few days after he finished second in the iowa caucuses to former president trump who desantis was quick to endorse following his announcement. that leaves just nikki haley as trump's lone challenger on the gop ticket. they had different reactions to the desantis decision today. >> it's not easy. they think it's easy doing this stuff, right? it's not easy. he was very gracious, and he endorsed me, so i appreciate it. >> can you hear that sound? that's the sound of a two-person race. >> next stop is the new hampshire primary in two days where trump has a commanding lead in the polls. after the break, it was a
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historic night for stanford women's basketball coach. we'll tell you about her record breaking achievement when we come back.
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it was a historic day for stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer. she now has the most wins in college basketball history, surpassing former duke men's coach. the cardinal beat oregon state 65 to 56 today, making way for the career win number 1,003 for tara vanderveer. >> tara, congratulations. what an amazing achievement. and what's even more amazing is the manner in which you achieved so many victories. >> let me say that number
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again. it was 1,203. previously tara vanderveer became the all-time winningest coach in women's basketball in december 2020. that's amazing. she said in vern's sports cast earlier, but if other coaches wanted to do that, they'd have to coach for 25 more years and win 25 games a season, so it's in
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this is the bay area chevy dealers "gameday" on cbs news bay area. >> we were all like this is it. this is you're season. >> can they beat the packers late again? >> everybody had to put their big boy pants on. >> there's purdy and chris connelly. >> i knew if he had one more opportunity to touch that ball, he was going to go do something special with it. >> purdy will run. purdy will tuck it and go inside the ten and dive down. >> the win is the most important thing. i love those guys in that locker room. >> touchdown san francisco! >> what a better time to learn how to win a gritty game than the playoffs, just a little bit of stress for everybody. >> the 49ers headed back to the nfc championship. >> what a win. what a win. >> when i say bang bang, say not again. >> hello, everybody. welcome to a special, i mean special edition of th


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