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tv   The Late News  CBS  January 26, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient?
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mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ . vanished without a trace. >> somebody out there knows where she is. we just need that one person. >> tonight, one bay area city wants to make sure you see the missing. plus, a robbery gives a san francisco cafe a boost. how the community turned out to give the owners their just desserts. will deebo be able to shoulder his responsibility on
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sunday? the big news from the 49ers. we will take you inside a network of fully furnished caves. >> look, they, they had a fireplace. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey, for the families of people who go missing there is no working through the stages of grief. there is no closure, and for a lot of them there is no real peace, they live with the torment of not knowing what happened to their loved ones, their cases go cold and the phones stop ringing, but the santa rosa police department wants to turn it around for at least two dozen people who have been policing and whose cases have never been solved. andrea nakano sat down with the mother of one of the missing people who hopes the new effort by the police will bring her family some answers. >> reporter: her family believes she disappeared somewhere near this shopping center in santa rosa three years ago. since then they
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discovered she was last seen in the forestville area in february of 2021. they just want to know where she is and bring her back home.. >> reporter: tara disappeared when she was 28 years old. as a child she was in and out of several foster homes until she found kim at the age of 15. >> tara had anability an ability to make fun happen. >> reporter: she remembers a young girl with a big smile and young heart. she battled drug addiction and unhoused at the time of her disappearance, she knows she would not walk away from her little boy who turned seven last october. >> i also don't think that she could of overdosed or something in that light and her body not be found. so that brings me back to the conclusion it was
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deliberate or it means her remains were hidden and deliberate. >> reporter: just this week they put out this social media post highlights the case and four others. >>. we just need to refresh the case. >> an idea that an intern came up with to keep the cases in the spotlight. one person has been found and she is hoping that she will be next. >> what i need to find is that one person. >> i just need that one person that probably knows exactly where we should be looking. >> reporter: she is fairly certain that she is no longer alive but she can not let go of the tiniest bit of hope she is holding on to. >> a lot of lives can be restored. she can be put to rest with dignity that she deserves that nobody gave her, her entire life, in my opinion.
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the system failed her. a second victim of a malplane crash off of half moon bay has been recovered tonight. 26-year-old cassidy from oakland was supposed to get married this weekend. instead her fiancee and two others died 10 days ago when their small homebuilt plane went down in the ocean. the only other body found so far, 27-year-old ema, from san francisco. her fiancee and the other passenger are still missing. two people accused of shooting an alameda county sheriff's deputy during a standoff in union city have been found dead. union city police say they were found with self-inflicted gunshot wounds, they are accused of opening fire yesterday while the deputy was trying to serve them an eviction notice at an industrial park. it is unclear if they were operating a business there or living there. the deputy was hit in the arm and is in the hospital
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recovering. now to oakland, a major employer is warning its workers not to go out for lunch. kaiser says that it is just too dangerous to be out on city streets the company confirmed to us tonight that it sent out an internal memo advising workers of oakland to pack a lunch or have it delivered. kaiser added a statement oakland is our national headquarters and we are proud to serve the local community. we are committed to doing everything we can to improve the current downtown situation for all who work in oakland and call oakland home. okay. now, to the big question every 9ers fan is asking tonight and every lions fan as well, vern, deepo, is he in or is he out? >> in, deebo samuel, in, i don't know how kyle shanahan is going to use him coming off of his injured shoulder but it was good to see him humming on the practice field today, although limited. he is not
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going to miss this, collectively they waited 364 days for another shot with the lions in the way. now, the 9ers may have the best running back in the league in mccaffrey and offensive lineman, williams, and the two created quite a bond with the leading rusher following trent's lead. >> i learn today is really fun to run behind trent and i have no idea how someone that big moves like that. i have yet to figure it out. >> going for the best running back in the league. it makes our job so much easier. can not block all 11, you got to leave one and tell the running back all of the time you got to take care of one. and 99% of the time he will take care of his. >> reporter: outside of the red and gold report tomorrow and saturday, it will be the last time i even see you before kick off. this is not for me, this is from head coach kyle shanahan, he wants levi's
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stadium, loud, lit, rocking to the point where the lions offense have to go on a silent count. he wants the 49ers running game to eat all day long. sara, if they do that, they win the game. >> yeah, for some reason this one just feels like i just feel nervous for them. >> that is good >> for all of news that is good, that is good. it is hard, it is supposed to be hard. >> well, they are ready to go it sounds like. >> oh, yeah. so is vern. thank you. the last thing this cafe owner expect side this burglary can lead to a boost in sales. >> translator: he really appreciates us showing up. he thinks it is really heartwarming. >> the massive support after a family-run business was hit over and over. a state trooper has a brush with death that came in the form of an suv heading straight toward him. oh, okay. let's take a look at what is happening outside. this
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video is not nearly as dramatic. a live video, looking out over the bay, calm conditions this evening and calm weather looks like it will prevail for most of us for the weekend. details on our eventual next rain chance >> paul, thank you. these caves carved into the side of a riverbank came with flooring, furniture, even a mantle.
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. if you ever heard the term "brush with death" but brush sounds too gentle to what happened to this trooper. he pulled over a driver on the side of the highway when out of nowhere an suv smashed right into it. look at that. the trooper flew backwards, somehow no one involved in this was seriously hurt the department says they only had minor injuries and they are locking into why that driver crashed. the steeple of a historic church in connecticut came crashing down today. the video of it collapsing is pretty shocking it brought down most
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of the church with it. the michelle, no one was inside when it happened. no word yet on why the church seemed to collapse out of nowhere. the stone building dates back to 1850. it made be the middle of winter but it did not stop customers from flocking to a cafe specializing in frozen treats. it was broken into so many times. it was time to give the owner just desserts. this is the busiest sweet mango cafe and dessert has been for a long time. the business has been a victim of crime multiple times, recently back in november. >> they took some change, like quarters but they took their ordering system for door dash or uber eats. >> to get them back on their feet, the nonprofit organized what they call a bite back. a
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gathering where people around the city are encouraged to top by and support the business. >> dear community bites back, we started this company late last year. it was in response to the ongoing vandalism that asian american businesses were suffering. >> reporter: even mayor london breed stopped by to show her support for small businesses dealing with crime. and to promote her support for proposition e. that would give the police brooder powers to crack down. prop e. is a result of the officers and doing their job and our desire to provide the tools necessary to make change with the department. >> reporter: people that turned out tonight say they are glad the mayor is making crime against small businesses a priority. >> translator: he really appreciates us showing up and he thinks it is really heartwarming. he truly believes in we keep showing up as a
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community public safety will get better. >> sadly it happens often here in the city. the community hosts events like this monthly. they say they have another event coming up for a restaurant in the tender loin this weekend. we have been enjoying a nice prolong break from the rain. i don't know, i don't know if you know this, paul, it is a big up coming weekend here in the bay area. we need weather cooperation, okay? >> i heard things about the weather having a bit to play with the 9ers game considering last weekend. a prolonged period of rain, it has been 24 hours since the rain stopped. we will stay dry over the next several days, it will qualify as a prolonged break as it gets nudged to the north the exception for that, the north bay. a couple showers trying to move in. co see some returns,
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almost all of it e vaberating. evaporate. it will help warm temperatures up from an above average start thanks to the blanket of cloud cover. looking towards downtown. not much of a breeze. the temperatures in the lower to middle 50s at the moment. the clouds further up in the atmosphere, not much fog at ground level to start the day tomorrow. our temperatures will begin above normal. no one etch close to dipping down in the upper 30s, more typical for late january. the temperatures tomorrow, they are going to warm up, too, went 4-7 degrees above average. that is 7 degrees above average, san jose. the warm spot on the map. temperatures on the cool end of the spectrum. not that cool for late january. 62 degrees in antioch, that is the least warm spot on the map tomorrow afternoon. everybody, in the lower to middle 60s in late january. we are going to continue to build on these
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temperatures as we head through the weekend and into early next week. in fact, record tying high temperatures are likely at least in the santa clara valley as we head into the second half of the weekend. so, let's take a look at the 10-day outlook for san jose. despite the cloud cover sticking around the temperatures will be warm. we really spike. sunday, monday, into the 70s the latest data record-breaking highs, sunday and monday, san jose, you will be the warm spot. >> it so the other side. the rain chances return. for the 9ers game. still looking good. we will see a mix of clouds and sunshine when the game is winding down, we will see the temperatures in the lower 60s. the rain chances really return to the bay area oned with. the last day of january and the
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6-10 day outlook takes us to the last day of january into early february with a strong signal towards wetter than normal conditions, enjoy the dry weather while it lasts. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast and calm conditions for the next several days, clouds, friday, saturday, we can handle that. the slightest chance for the north bay. the really warm weather, sunday, monday, upper 60s we start backing down on tuesday and rain chances wednesday and thursday. we will keep you updated on that through the weekend. oh, paul, you will love the next story, 9ers are facing the lions, we thought why not put our weatherman against detroits in a trash talking competition, we did. and not even the competitors seem to realize how r-rated things got. vern? >> i bet it was not even close. straight ahead, we got the rest of the sports story. the
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warriors looking for some momentum from last night. trying to get it at the expense of a former warrior player from the 2015 nba championship team
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. all right, we need a little distraction from the nerves that the lions are bringing. >> but, so much, so much concentration on the 9ers >> yes, the other sports are like hey, what about us. >> yes, other stuff to talk about. the golden state warriors, terrific win. last night they were looking for more. back-to-back wins off of a bittersweet win on wednesday. wake in the death of the assistant coach last week. tonight, former warrior, barnes, and the kings were in the way. he could not be stopped. he shot like he did in the 2015 doves championship team, he knocked down 7 threes and scored a career high 39 points, sacramento led 128-121 with four minutes left in their fourth meeting this season. all right, so, here is how it came down. dove down 4, three minutes left, steph curry, 18 in the first, drilled the three to make it a 1-point game.
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curry scored, 33. under a minute to go. green, oh. he fed jonathan. he had a career night with 31 points. 20 seconds left, he lost track and made him pay. kings up 1. still time. golden state down 1. final seconds, curry could not get away. lost the handle. game. sacramento hung on to win 134-133 in a thriller. dove record fell with the loss. >> everyone making shots tonight. even this fan. wow! that is something. saint mary's hosting pacific, up big in the second. a steal, the finish the other way. they are in a laugher, final of 76-28. i did not stutter. 76-28. they stayed unbeaten in the west
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coast conference. the 28 points, the fewest allowed by and team in the country this season. that is when we got a win for santa clara and usf they slipped at conzaga. sara i will see you sunday night during and after the 49er/lions game. >> what are you going to do to stay calm? >> well, i am naturally calm through all of this >> i know. >> i am one of those guys i still got to pay the mortgage. >> about a game? >> no, other things. >> okay. fine [ laughter ] >> all right, vern, thank you very much. if you don't know how tough it is to find affordable housing around here you are probably living under a rock n. this case the crisis drove some californians to live in actual caves
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look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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. the police in modesto just cleared out an entire system of fully furnished caves carved into a local riverbank. the concern is that they could flood in a storm, trapping the people who were living there. but, before the city roped them off, our reporter got a look inside. >> reporter: movement in modesto. barricades and caution tape to keep people out of hidden homeless caves along the river. >> people were taking this serious as a safety hazard which is what i always identified this as. >> reporter: on tuesday, tracy -- >> as you can see it is hidden. >> reporter: took us inside one of the eight caves cleared out over the week neend someone spent a lot of time building this and putting it together. >> shelves and everything. >> you got to be kidding me.
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>> reporter: neighbors having no idea about the rent free living happening 20 feet below them until we showed them. progress speaks for itself. with boots on the ground wednesday. >> when was the last time you monitored that area? there is a home under there. >> reporter: neighbors finally feeling heard but now calling on more change along crater avenue. better street lighting, perm nance fencing, park signage and consistent patrols >> if they are going to say they are going to patrol i want to visibly see patrol. i want to see them active. >> a temporary solution along the river. will it make an impact for an issue rooted in people trying to seek refuge. >> a fence ain't going to stop this, no. no, not at all. >> what do you think will? >> giving them a place to live. what happens when you get a meteorologist from detroit to trash talk a meteorologist from the bay area over a friendly championship football game? we
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have the answer, coming up
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. if you watch local news and, we know you do, thank you, by the way >> yes, thanks >> oftentimes you will see stations in other markets issue
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little challenges to each other when sports teams go up against each other, right, vern? a classic. 9ers set to take on the lions in sunday's nfc championship we are ramping up with the rivalry with our sister station in detroit. >> sometimes there are wagers that go back and forth. our news directors here and in detroit had an idea for the evening meteorologist to trade trash talk. >> okay. >> yes. >> i played sports for a long time and i said, yes, i could do that. >> okay. >> well, we don't really know the meteorologist in detroit to be fair. >> no. he went first, eastern time zone, he got to it first. >> okay. let's see how he did. >> yeah, let's see. >> hey, all of you in san francisco, the city by the day, we are looking forward to the lions taking on the bay. i will see your bay and give you great lakes, a $1 does not go as far as it used to but you get 4
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solid quarters out of the dollar than a 49ers i am a father to a 1-year-old so she went and had a blowout and i will have to take care of that just like the lionsville to take care of that blowout for the 49ers >> we added the music. >> sara was not impressed. >> lame? >> it not the thrilling >> he did not come in hot. >> no fcc violation. >> it was not a smack down. >> no, we wanted to give paul a chance to respond and even though we find him masterful at trash talk in our private lives, we thought maybe we should kick it up a notch for the late news. >> okay, lions fans from the bay area, first of all, [beep] you guys have had an [beep] season and it has been nice to see from across the country you guys putting an end to your [beep] you put up with so much
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[beep] that a winless season that patricia coaching era no one deserves that and now you are in the [beep] championship game. >> you mess with the bull you get the horns >> i would like to see the director's cut. >> that was not -- what got into you, paul? >> i mean, you mess with the bull you get the horns >> to be clear he sent me a clean version and i made sure . >> my sense of humor runs pretty sarcastic and that was the general theme of that, maybe it will see the light of day some day. >> i gave him a list of things to do after a crushing defeat. go for a walk on the beach. visit a winery. >> we have a two hour post game show on sunday night we might be able to use that in the show. >> assuming things go our way. >> go for it. >> or if they don't. [ laughter ] we will be saying that any way. [ laughter ] >> thank you for watching. >> the late version. >> the bleeped version. >> thank you for watching the
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late show with stephen colbert is coming up next, have a great one


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