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tv   The Late News  CBS  January 27, 2024 2:06am-2:35am PST

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soft and sexy skin, just return the bottles, even if they're used up and empty, and we'll give you your money back. (female announcer) with our 60 day money back guarantee you have an incredible two full months to see results on your own skin and keep all the gifts, a $145 value, as our thank you for trying crépe erase ultra. (male announcer) you won't find this limited time offer anywhere but on television. so don't miss out! go online, call, or scan the qr code and order now. (female announcer) this has been a paid presentation for crépe erase ultra. sponsored by body firm. f0 now at 11:00, the nfc championship is almost here, but one father and son set of
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fans already scored. >> yea! >> so excited. got his autograph. my helmet's complete now. plus, more businesses in one east bay city are warning workers not to wander out for lunch. and a family turning their grief into a catalyst for kindness. the unique remembrance on the two-year anniversary of a death. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey on our beautiful 360 virtual reality set. we are in the home stretch. as we countdown to the nfc championship, the 49ers facing the detroit lions at levis sunday with a trip to the super bowl at stake. so no pressure. we're just over 40 hours away from kickoff, but at the time party has already started. bars have been busy, and sfo is lit up in red and
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gold with lions fans showing up to watch their team lose. we're delighted they'll have debo samuel to contend with. the star receiver is officially a go for sunday. i'm alongside my friends meteorologist paul heggen and matt lively. weather all important when it comes to things like this, but we start with matt with the big news from the niners. >> yes, huge news. samuel was held out of practice earlier this week. missed most of the packers game due to a shoulder injury. but after being limited in practice on thursday, samuel was a full participant today with no injury designation into the weekend meaning he'll play sunday and not be holding back. >> reporter: how do you play so physical and still protect yourself? >> i ain't protecting nothing. >> samuel was a full go in
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practice the past two days. didn't show signs of being hurt. the shoulder injury isn't that much different than the one he suffered earlier this season at cleveland. here he is on what it took this week to get ready for the nfc championship game. >> right when i figured out it wasn't the same thing as the browns game it was a relief. it wasn't a fracture, just a deep bruise. but it was a lot of hours just to be here. >> all right, he brings the juice and energy, and we got his back. obviously seeing him one around at practice and looking good, it's like all right, it's on. >> after last week, you know how important is it for brock to have him back? this is huge. >> yeah, no matter what happens sunday, the niners and fans won't have to deal with the weather. the slip and slide situation we had last weekend,
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right paul? >> it was sloppy out there last weekend with the rain, the wind, the cool temperatures. but this sunday is the opposite of those conditions. it look really nice. it will feel like october in santa clara. kickoff temperature at 3:30 will be in the low 70s. we're talking near record high temperatures across the bay area on sunday. at half time still around 70, and by the time the game is wrapping up, in the 60s by the time they're hopefully setting up stands for trophy ceremonies. >> i wonder if detroit will feel anything? >> they're used to playing inside, so it won't matter a lot, but maybe we can put them in the sun and have that play a factor. >> there's an issue at levi stadium. >> matt has complained about it before. some 49er fans were not waiting for the weather to warm up. there were already at the
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stadium today staking things out, hoping to get an early glimpse of the players. we caught up with one young fan out there for hours, and his patience paid off. >> reporter: twan is dedicated. he's been coming to levi stadium almost every day for the last few months, all for a chance to catch 49ers players leaving practice and ask them to sign his helmet. >> i have a son, seven years old. he's a niner fan. he loves it. you know whatever i do, one day he can, um, inherit everything that i collect for him. >> reporter: so far he's been pretty lucky. his helmet is covered in signatures, and he's been able to meet some big names. his favorite? >> keto. a humble guy. >> reporter: but this friday before the nfc championship
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game, he has his eyes on getting the signature of one player and one player only. quarterback brock purdy. >> you just have to be patient, be respectful, wave at them, and hopefully they stop. >> reporter: tuan's son aidan came straight from school to join his dad on today's mission. >> anybody come out yet? no? >> reporter: aidan must have been good luck because not 30 minutes later, look who walked out? >> yea! >> my helmet is complete now. >> reporter: it's a moment and day both father and son will never forget and one they hope will be a sign of good luck headed into the weekend. >> it's amazing finally to get, you know. i wished him luck for this sunday. hopefully we go to the super bowl and win
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number 6 for us and the fans too. it looks like the chp is already throwing the flag on excessive celebration in san francisco. they plan to close a number of freeway off ramps to the mission district starting around when the game should be ending. and when the anyoners make it to the super bowl, when, you'll only see it here on cbs and streaming on paramount plus. all right, your lunch break is supposed to be your time to do what you want. but when oakland's biggest private employer said don't go outside, it seemed to catch on. >> the downtown looks like a ghost town. it's very disheartening. >> the other employers following suit in the name of keeping their workers safe. plus, losing a child is unimaginable, but tonight the family of an east bay murder victim is using the anniversary of her death to spread a message you might not expect. and do you believe in superstitions like super as in super bowl? the conspiracy
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theory about the game logo that even the most logical niners fans might want to buy into.
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state parks police say one of their officers shot and killed a carjacking suspect in the sierra when he lunged at an officer with a knife. the officer was trying to pull the car over when the car took off and eventually crashed near palisades ski resort near an event center that's there to host weddings. >> the sheriff came in hot,
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then a chp, and then another placer, and then a fire truck and ambulance, and men more police. >> nobody else was hurt. the ranger that shot the suspect is on standard leave tonight. it's been exactly two years to the day since a young women went to visit her boyfriend and never came home. but tonight alexis gabe's family say they don't want this day to be about sadness. they want it to inspire acts of kindness. >> reporter: the family gathered here to drop off flowers at the bench dedicated to their daughter. nothing will erase the sadness, but the community turned tears into random acts of kindness. for the gabe family, this bench is one of the places they come to connect with their daughter alexis. >> it's tough, especially with my wife. she's still having a hard time. but we are slowly healing from this. >> reporter: while the gabes have been consumed by sorrow, they wanted their daughter
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remembered for who she was. a young lady with a generous heart. >> instead of dwelling on the sadness of her passing, we decided to transform it into a day of giving and compassion. >> reporter: so they declared january 26th kindness day, and the community's response has been overwhelming. sharon gave back to the officers that worked countless hours on this case, delivering coffee and donuts. >> oakley police department, a lot of them have been at the events and supported us on the searches and all of that. so i just wanted to give back to them because we need them. >> reporter: christy from concord made a simple phone call that had a huge impact. >> they just recently went through a loss, and they just completely broke down and were so touched that i took the time to call them. >> reporter: for gwyn and his
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family, seeing all acts of kindness helped them get through a very difficult day. >> every little kindness, no matter how big or small, makes a difference. >> it was more than nine months after gabe disappeared that her remains were finally found in a remote area east of sacramento. by that time, the ex-boyfriend police suspected of killing her was also dead. he was shot and killed in a confrontation with police in seattle who were moving in to arrest him. the streets outside kaiser permanente in oakland looked very quiet today. you wouldn't realize it was the company headquarters given how few people were out at lunchtime. but that probably had something to do with the company's warning about crime outside. and as da lin found out, other companies in the town are following that example. >> reporter: kaiser permanente owns multiple buildings in oakland and employs thousands
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of workers. a company memo recommended workers stay in the building during launch and bring their own food or have it delivered. >> i'll eat, walk around, do a few laps. but after the memos, i'm like a little hesitant. >> reporter: this employee works at the medical center on broadway. >> there's been a lot of break ins in the garages over here. cars set on fire. windows broken. >> reporter: his car now has a kill switch to prevent it from getting stolen. >> we have the armed security walking around patrol. there's a hot line to call to walk you to your car if you don't feel safe. >> reporter: other large oakland associations are doing something similar. clorox and blue shield now provide security guards to escort workers to bart, parking garages, and restaurants. >> the downtown looks ladies and gentlemen a ghost town, so it's very disheartening. >> reporter: many noticed
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downtown oakland was very quiet on friday during the lunchtime. while they understand why kaiser is recommending workers stay inside, they worry more restaurants will close. >> it's a sad situation because people should be able to get out during lunchtime. >> i'm not going to be too fearful to go out and get lunch. >> for its part, kaiser permanente says it's still committed to oakland and will stay headquartered there. all right, we have to talk more about the forecast. the game forecast looking decent, but what about the next couple of days? >> there's a chance of rain further down the line, but for the first time since december, we're looking at a dry weekend across the bay area. the storm track is largely going to be pushed to our north. still plenty of clouds overhead on saturday. but like today, those clouds will try to squeeze out some moisture, but it will just evaporate before reaching the ground. then a mix and sun and
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clouds take over for sunday with the near record high temperatures. more on that in a second. first alert doppler picking up on some moisture in the clouds, but it's all been evaporating on the way down. futurecast indicates that will remain the case through the weekend. plenty of clouds overhead tomorrow. glimmers of sunshine here or there. if you get a shower, it will be north of the golden gate and light, passing, not much more than a trace. a very limited chance, even for the north bay. less than 20%. still clouds on as sunday, but more a mix of clouds and sun. the clouds overhead keeping temperatures mild right now in the 50s across the board. this is closer to where we should be in the middle of the afternoon. we don't drop much throughout the rest of the night. only a mix of low 40s and 50s. tomorrow close to 70 in san jose. that
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will be the warm spot. tied with morgan hill. upper 60s in the santa clara valley. everyone else mostly in the middle portion of the 60s between 63 in antioch and 67 in redwood city. average temperatures in late january are in the upper 50s to maybe around 60 for the warmest locations, so everybody is going to be above that. and this is the cooler half of the weekend. temperatures really going to take off on sunday, and the warm weather is going to stick around into early next week. let's look at sunday's forecast high temperatures compared to record territory. we'll be likely setting records in a number of communities around the bay area. san jose, santa rosa, livermore all likely to set record high temperatures on sunday, and close to record territory in san francisco and half moon bay. the warm weather continues monday. but eventually the rain chances return. our side by side model comparisons in general agreement that we'll see a low end atmospheric river sending moisture into the bay area with
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heavy rain and gusty winds. they differ on the specific timing. the european model is pushing it into the bay area during the day on wednesday. then they get back to agreeing with each other with lingering showers on thursday, rain on friday, but not as intense as wednesday. then still lingering showers on saturday. they do differ in terms of how long the snow will linger in the high sierra. still things to narrow down through the extended forecast, but it looks like it ranks on an ar-2 on our scale meaning beneficial rain, but also some hazards like too much rain in a short amount of time and wind damage as well. but enjoy a nice weekend. tomorrow more clouds. sunday, partly cloudy skies, near record high temperatures. the warmth sticks around monday. backing down slightly tuesday with more clouds. then things shift. we cool down and the forecast turns wet for the last day of
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january on wednesday with those lingering showers likely for the first couple days of february, thursday and friday. >> all right, paul, thank you. still ahead, do you find chest hair appetizing? well, a cookie shop in kansas city certainly hopes so, matt lively. >> it's pretty hysterical. i'll give them that. coming up in sports, a couple of stanford legends pose together for a picture at dinner. plus, another stanford legend, we love the cardinal here, an emotional night
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>> i did not expect chest hair to be so appetizing. i'll read you what my producer wrote. it says, i'm going to agree to disagree with that assessment. but me personally? i don't know. jason kelce's celebration -- >> this is a family show. >> it's a family show. jason's celebration is now edible in the form of a cookie cake. the chest chair and belly hair is made of chocolate chips and chocolate curls. if you're thinking who would want to eat this, a lot of people. they're flying off the shelves of the missouri bakery making them and they've already taken 100 orders for this weekend. >> they're like america's first family. >> it's so cute. i kind of love it for them. >> you can't get more popular. well, talking about a family affair. cal men's
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basketball has turned itself around this year under first year head coach mark matson. but this one was more than just another game for the conference head coach because coach was a stanford lend facing his alma mater for the first time. the cardinal jumped ahead early on the road. tough shot here from deep. stanford led by 4 at the half. but the bears wanted this one for their head coach. two minutes to go. jalen knocks down the long range jumper. the bears win it 73-71. they're now 4 and 5 in pac-12 play. but don't worry stanford fans. the women took care of business. tara vanderveer and the team taking on arizona state. ogden puts this one out of hand. sanford wins 80 to 50. tough showing by my sun devils. they move on to 18 and 2 on the season. this past weekend tara
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vanderveer became the all time winningest coach in college basketball history surpassing coach k on sunday. during the week, 49ers running back and sanford legend christian mccaffrey who's doing pretty well herself, well, he saw her out at dinner and had to snap a picture. here's cmc on meeting the fellow stanford legend. >> yeah, she's a legend. just became the winningest coach, and i would watch her in college and watch her team. so when saw her, she had the jacket on withable all the wins. i had to go up and say high. she was awesome. what a night for luka in the nba. mavericks taking on the hawks. luka finished the night with a career high 73 points. yeah, 7-3! that comes just four days after joel embiid scored 70 on monday. it's the fourth highest performance in an nba game, and
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also the highest point total in a game since kobe bryant's 81 point game in 2006, the anniversary of his death. we're going to close this game out with the biggest news from the niners. if you've been watching all day, you're sick of hearing about this, but deebo samuel is going to play. purdy has a full arsenal of weapons. it's massive to get him back. >> yes, yes. i'm still a little nervous. i think people are confident, but concerned. >> it's the championship game. butterflies are there. >> a lot on the line. and as fans get geared up for the game, some can't help but feel happy for the guy leading the lions.
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if you can't get to sunday's game, and the sixties are expensive, you can at least drop by tomorrow and get geared up to watch at home or the bar.
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the store opens at 11:00 a.m., and will probably be even busier tomorrow than it was today. >> first time here to do some shopping, some looking, and hopefully get some 49er gear. some non-49er fans, i'm trying to convert them to the faithful. yeah! no lions, no lions! >> he's not converting anyone who flew here for the game. and no matter how much you're rooting against the lions, it's hard to hate on their quarterback. jared goff was born in novato and played college ball at cal. he sent this message out to his alma mater. >> jared goff here, looking forward to coming back to the bay this weekend. go bears. >> he played high school football at marin catholic where teachers and students told us this week they can't help but root for him at least a little bit. after the break, the growing conspiracy that the nfl has alread
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we won't stop believing. we also won't stop wondering whether journey will keep the line about south detroit when the bay area rockers play the nfc championship half time show. south city maybe? >> south bay. >> rolls right off the tongue. >> i don't know. finally tonight, if you've ever seen the it's always sunny in philadelphia meme, and paul uses this weekly. the conspiracy theory coming up next is just as intricate as this one. we're talking about the predictive powers of the super bowl logo. all right, matt. >> i've got to move. >> you have to move. the color scheme comes out before the start of every season. so does the nfl know something that we don't? super bowl 56's logo was orange and yellow, kind of. and who wound up in that game? the bengals and the rams, right? want to do the vanna white thing? then last year, bluish green and red, eagles
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and chiefs. put more pizazz in there. now this year red and purple seeming to mean the niners and ravens should make it. i mean, we have the string and everything, so it's got to be true right? >> no. >> no, this is so stupid. [ laughter ] >> okay, all right. well, we did make the graphic; so you have to. >> this is supposed to be green? that's teal. it's dolphins colors. >> that's what i thought too. >> well, she was working late. >> the physics of it. time moves in one direction. >> we're really getting technical. >> 11:34 on a friday, and we get into it. >> the graphics lady will officially put something in your coffee pot next week. we hope you have a great time watching the game.


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