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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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now 11:00 am a wild weather across the bay, even a tornado. flooding down south. maybe just a preview of what's to come. a monster storm that could bring life-threatening flooding to other parts of the state. if you live in berkeley, there is a one in four chance you don't have anyone on the side of the city council. two councilmembers now calling it quits in a month. the street you will not want to cross on super bowl sunday. >> everybody is happy.
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>> is the late news on cbs news bay area. >> it feels like we have talked about rain a lot this week. we have. we saw more of it today. this next round of storms hitting our state could spell serious trouble for your present emily down south. first, we saw our fair share of interesting weather today, right here in the bay area. a tornado was actually spotted in the sonoma county. this happened around 11:00 this morning, west of petaluma. tornadoes are not actually unheard of in the north bay, they are rare. in 2011, a small twister tore up a shed at a santa rosa business. it was in ef-1, it was somewhere between 110 miles an hour. that was today in the south bay. we actually got some hail. willow glen sent in that video to us.
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parts of southern california really got inundated. >> it is coming in through this door too. standing water all through the office. >> that was a mess left behind on the orange county coastline. it wasn't much better in long beach, people they were wading through waist deep water. jeff talked to a driver that had to save herself when her car basically sunk. >> reporter: of four cars didn't stand a chance with heavy rain flooded west willow street in long beach. >> my car is the one all the way to the right. when she was behind the wheel of her mazda when it became stranded. >> it was crazy, it was storming. >> reporter: she says other dry cars were driving through the standing water, so she took a chance. >> i have a feeling i got stuck in a pothole. he stepped on the gas, my tire was moving but i was not moving.
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>> reporter: another driver recorded this video when he got stuck as big rigs drove by splashing water. he called 911 and a fire truck drove him to higher ground after he crawled out of his window because his car was taking in water. >> check out this road. >> reporter: john baird shared this clip of flooding in long beach. a neighbor used a shovel to clear out the gutters. this bmw was parked on the street. and what i bfor like three ye'e never seen anything like this. >> brought in a pair of pumps to clean up the standing water. ended up crawling out of her window and jumping into a work truck to get to safety. she said she has learned a valuable lesson. >> i will be more mindful and think things through more. i was late to work and i said i'm just going to get through it. that is what ended up happening to me. >> it looks like a scene out of texas to me. that is unusual for southern california. i
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understand that may not be the worst of what a lot of that area is going to see, right? tread what it impacted us yesterday. there is another one that is going to take shape. look at the monitor behind us here. the one that brought us rain yesterday is hanging out off the coast. there will be another that emerges with it. i will direct another atmospheric river towards the coast of california. that is highlighted on the brighter colors here on this map aiming directly towards the bay area and then focusing more on southern california a little bit later in the day on sunday. >> how bad could things get? >> it could be life-threatening flooding. we categorize that with the outlooks that the center but that with excessive rainfall. they rank the chance of a flash flooding. not read the treated area up the coast from los angeles, that moderate risk sounds like that is medium. that means there is a 50-50 chance of flash flooding. they are of valuing that already for sunday night, a few days in a advance. that is directly into the crystal
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playing into monday night. we are talking about those ranges, up to a foot of total rainfall. >> that is an exceptional amount of rain. if you have friends or family in this general area over the next couple of days or you are traveling, what is the advice? >> be prepared for a lot of rain. if there is a hint of any kind of flood prone location near you, be ready for that. these are the numbers we are anticipating in the communities. further down the coast, six inches of rain in santa barbara. five inches of rain in los angeles. five inches of rain is a ton of rain that falls in a pretty short amount of time. that is why we are so concerned. we will have a lot of rain in the bay area too. take a look at our specific forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> a lot more to talk about in sports. we are in the studio with a look at the 49ers.
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the first super bowl practice today in santa clara, game plan for the kansas city chiefs franchise that beat them four years ago at super bowl liv. some guys held out, just to name a few. the niners are chasing the sixth super bowl ring, not the bling that was brought up today. >> 2019 for nfc championship and where is it, and what are your thoughts on it? >> i don't know. i don't know where the ring is. i remember we got one. >> the reason fred warner and the team did not get a super bowl ring was they came from 10 points down in the fourth quarter to win four years ago in miami. they learn something valuable that a. >> you have to play the full 60 minutes. you know? we are up by 10 points late in the game, i am thinking we are about to win a super bowl. it switched
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pretty quick. that scarred me for life. to this day, if it is preseason, regular-season, playoff game, you know, i never start getting excited until the clock is at zero. >> sarah, just to take away from that one, it is a 60 minute game. you do not play it on paper like a lot of folks i know. the team is that it again tomorrow and saturday. then the business trip to las vegas on sunday, mid day. >> good thing they are staying far off the stretch. >> no distractions, no excuses. >> thank you so much. for the second time in a month, a berkeley city councilmember has abruptly quit. she dropped the mic in the middle of the meeting this week she is not dropping out of the race for mayor. we spoke with her and her opponent. >> reporter: kate harrison was first elected in 2017, she apologized to her constituents i felt that this was something
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she had to do to spotlight issues at city hall. >> reporter: this is the last place you would expect a councilperson to call it quits. >> i wish you all the best, but i resign. >> reporter: right in the middle of a public meeting . >> i feel like at this point it is broken and the people on the council have no idea how bad it is. >> reporter: harrison is in her second term representing district 4 which covers the downtown area. while the announcement was sudden, the decision was not. harrison said she had been thinking about it for a while. it came in the middle of a discussion about spending $7 million to put up cameras at several intersections. a project she ultimately ended up opposing. >> we have seen a steady but slow erosion of democracy. we got rid of the housing community a few weeks ago. why? that would've been a great place to talk about this proposal which has some merits.
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i feel like people are trying to silence dissent in the city. >> reporter: even her fellow councilmembers were caught by surprise. they did not get what harrison exactly meant by broken processes. >> i have to tell you it is a mystery to me. i do not fully understand. i don't even partially understand. >> reporter: because harrison is less than halfway through her second term, the city will have to hold a special election to fill her spot. it also means that harrison's district will lose a representative. >> not having the full member of councilmembers that the people of berkeley expect the city to have means that on one or another issue the votes might not be there or might fall differently. >> reporter: by putting the spotlight on berkeley city politics, her hope is that in the end it is the people that will benefit the most. >> i wish you all the best, but i resign immediately.
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>> reporter: people of berkeley need to have a say on what is happening in their town. >> this town does not belong to politicians, it belongs to us, the people. >> reporter: harris says her resignation won't impact her run for mayor. she will face off in november. robinson gave up his district seven seat and his mayoral bid last month saying that he politics are just too toxic after me. there is a special election in april for his southside district. unclear if harrison's district will be added to that. still to come, the warnings about pickpockets striking store aisles in the specific part of the bay area. >> depending on who you are rooting for super bowl sunday, don't end up at the wrong side of the san francisco sea. she said we want to take over your bar. we call dibs. >> how the owner of two popular bars is throwing the bone to chief fans. you can place wild wagers in vegas with crazy bats on the super bowl. the best ones don't have much
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to do with the game at all. clear one -- two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature.
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i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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anybody who has shopped at trader joe's with you it is easy to walk out of there with a full cart and a lighter wallet. some shoppers are leaving with no wallet at all. police in livermore say pick pockets are going after distracted shoppers in store aisles. it is actually happening at stores all over the valley. they are encouraging shoppers to keep an eye on their surroundings. we talked earlier in the broadcast about the storm that will bring potentially life threatening flooding to southern california. is that
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same system going to bring us some rain in the bay area? >> it is going to be hazardous around the bay area . the greatest threat of that life threatening flooding. that amount of rainfall is going to be a little bit to our south, but it will be close. for now, we have his lingering shower activity. this is what you can expect tonight and into saturday. we will zoom in for a closer look. spotty showers with heavier downpour going through petaluma at the moment. more rain that is moving through parts of oakland, just down the interstate from downtown oakland. there is more rain that is continuing to make its way steadily towards the coast and move on shore in the peninsula within the next 20 minutes or so. you can see these waves lining up like straights of rain. they are being caused by ripples of energy that are spinning around that storm system and hanging out on the coast. it will go on like this tonight into early
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tomorrow morning. even if it is not raining on you for the commute, i would allow some extra time. another wave of rain into early afternoon. it is not going to rain everywhere all the time. tomorrow, saturday, not going to be all day. be flexible trying to get anything done outside. the next wave of rain will be right over the horizon as it is moving out. down the line, we are going to see another snow maker heading for the sierra, as well. six to 12 inches of snow possible. the winter storm warning, especially the western slope continues until 4:00 a.m. on saturday. head up that way on saturday. if you do go, allow time and be prepared to stay there for a while. the snow returns sunday and it will continue into the first half of next week. there are clouds out there but drive for the most part. upper 40s in santa rosa, you will have company by early tomorrow morning. everybody starting off in the 40s. a little bit above average to the blanket of cloud cover. depth
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two to four degrees below average friday afternoon between showers. upper 50s in san jose, that will be the warm spot. most of us will settle into the middle portion of the 50s, which is just a little bit below average for dogs day. we will see some areas between the clouds. temperatures are going to be more january as opposed to feeling like early february. it is not much of a difference. let's focus on that next storm system heading our way. the next couple of days, the wave of heavier rain and testing went into the bay area on sunday. potential for more wind damage. this is arriving a little bit earlier than what we initially anticipated. then we are back to lingering showers by monday and tuesday as the heavy rain really focuses on southern california. the atmospheric river heading for us, it looks i get is going to be almost identical to the one that impacted the bay area yesterday, in terms of the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere overhead that is how they get categorized. in terms of the amount of rain, it might be more efficient and evenly
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distributed amount of reindeer the latest estimates show two to three inches of rain for most of the bay area which takes us to tuesday. some of this will be be scattered showers tomorrow and saturday. most of this will be late saturday night into sunday and sunday night. more raise -- rain into the mountains. we are talking about 5.5 inches of rain. some spots will pick up more than six to eight inches of rain over the course of the next several days. that is where we are concerned, not only about flooding, but landslides. river flooding as everything stays in place. water has to go somewhere once it falls. the seven-day forecast shows that we are going to be seeing the rain lingering in places into early next week. my tracker lost track of me. let's see if we can get those. it looks like i am levitating. either way, we will see the heaviest rain on monday. showers in the forecast
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as we head through the middle of next week. >> i like you floating in there like a weather ghost. that system in the bank that sucks you up through the tube. i miss that. >> bement yap. >> it does not get more dedicated than this. a 49er fan is willing life-saving medical treatment on the road just so we can cheer on the niners. >> straight ahead in sports, certainly something you don't see every day. this guy?
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. join the millions of people taking back their privacy steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists.
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he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. we talked a lot about the niners, as we should. the author mentioned this guy. when you think about an all-star, you have to think best in basketball, steph curry. >> one of us tried to duplicate his game today. >> it was okay. i can use some
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pointers. >> okay, he was an all-star selection to the western conference as a reserve. his 10th career all-star selection, tied for the most in franchise history. all-star weekend is february 16. the game is the 18th. the pebble beach pro-am first round, then on celebs this year. tom brady swung his blade. tv 12, he liked that. as for the pros, let's take a look at the short game. yes! that is for the outright lead. he shot nine under 63. the wind and the rain is expected to have a hand in this one. the holy cross swim team -- the basketball arena to distract an opponent at the free-throw line. let's see if it worked. there they go. okay. miss it.
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miss it. he did not miss it. okay. all right. they did not flinch. shot out to the swim team for the effort. holy cross did win the game. 65-63 if you are scoring at home and you know who you are. that is going to be it for me this week. next time i see all of you it will be from vegas on sunday. >> hopefully dressed in something other than what the swim team had on for the sake of the fcc. >> not in a jumpsuit, either. but what i really was hoping. we have heard from a lot of nine or faithful, as you know we are making a trip to vegas, just like you are. we found one fan in san jose who was on another level when it comes to dedication. spent hours in a chair three times a week for life-saving dialysis treatments. he is on the trans-plant list after going into kidney failure but ironically, he just realized he
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was sick at the 49ers and raiders came in vegas. >> it was definitely life-changing. i remember getting picked up by the ambulance. i told my dad i will be back. i never came back for 11 days. i will never forget that day. >> since then, he has bounced back enough to attend several road games complete with out-of-town dialysis treatments. he is the one scheduled in vegas, the saturday before the super bowl, where he will be to cheer on the niners whether or not he can get a ticket. >> it can feel a
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. in order for small businesses to thrive,
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they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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you have heard the
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expression the wrong side of the tracks. well, you won't want to end up on the wrong side of a certain san francisco street come super bowl sunday. the battle lines have been drawn between two bars. >> reporter: on super bowl sunday, 11th street in san francisco will become a street divided. >> if we are going to do this, let's just make it right. kansas city owns this bar, diners can own that bar. everyone is happy. >> reporter: two bars that sit across the street from each other in soma. he opened it back in 2016 and said chiefs fans quickly claimed it as their own. >> she said we want to take over your bar. be called dibs. you don't have anybody representing out-of-town teams, so we want to start coming here. >> reporter: the person brad is talking about is cricket miller, a super fan and former cheerleader who moved to san francisco in 2015. >> it was really sad, i was by myself and i needed that
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community, i needed that bond with other fans. >> reporter: cricket said she eventually found a few other chiefs fans. it was the handful of them that come to buzzwords eight years ago to . she said those first few seasons, there was only a dozen or so fans that would show up at the bar for games, now that number is in the hundreds. >> we get people that travel to come to visit here. >> that is why the super bowl is going to be so special. >> reporter: buzz works is expecting a packed crowd of bay area chiefs fans on the big day, but they also want to support the hometown team. to do that, they plan on opening their sister bar right across the street to let niners fans claim that bar as their own. >> this year we are making sure that we let all of the niners fans know that they are welcome
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across the street, over there. here, this day belongs to the chiefs. >> reporter: it is the day that both sides of the street are excited for. he says he is prepared for some old-fashioned >> talking between the fan bases. it comes to louise rooting for, that is something he is keeping close to the chest. >> i am rooting for the winner. >> we know you want to go but we will remind you anyway. we are your home for super bowl lviii. catch the game right here on february 11th or you can stream it on paramount plus. you can bet on pretty much anything when it two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear.
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i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note,
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i'm evan low, and i approve this message. some people watch the super bowl for the game, some for the commercials. maybe the halftime show. others try to cash in on
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the off chance something absurd happens. we are talking about prop up at. depending on the gambling rules where you live, there are all kinds of things you can bet on, like who wins the coin toss, how long the national anthem last even the color gatorade of the gatorade bath at the end of the game. that is fine, a little bit boring. we looked for the weirder things you can bet on this year like if the halftime show will turn scandalous. >> wardrobe malfunction. >> exposed part . >> 20 years ago today. >> wow! >> willie streaker take the field? will vegas be invaded by aliens and there for the game and max in a tie. you can bet on that. these are the best that we would like to see, like what quarter will jason kelce ripped his shirt off or what if something other than gatorade get stumped on the winning coach? clam chowder? >> tub full of dungeness crabs. >> barbecue sauce for andy
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reid. >> what would you want to bet on? >> how about a cheeseburger at the end of the game if they win. >> what would you bet on? >> we could bet the over under on cutaway shots of taylor swift. >> i don't know how weird that would be. >> it >> we're learning new information about just how much money donald trump paid in legal fees last year and where that money came from. according to two "new york times" sources, the former president spent about $50 million in donor money on legal expenses in 2023. this was done large through one of his political action committees, known as save america. >> donald trump is standing up for you. in return, all he asks is for a modest donation to his political action committee, save america. if you've already donated why


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