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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  February 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PST

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home of super bowl 58, this is kpix, cbs news bay area. right now, first alert weather with a live look outside right now. the bay area is finally starting to dry out. i saw a few rainbows but the break in the wet weather won't last long with another big storm and another forecast set
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to slam the region this weekend. good afternoon. i'm ryan yamamoto. the bay area is still cleaning up from that first storm and a second atmospheric river is headed our way that will be even more extreme. that means more fresh snow in the sierra. take a look at the conditions. this is at donner summit, the road completely covered in several inches of snow. that is good news for ski resorts but if you drive in it, that is a bit of a challenge. >> we are supposed to have a nice saturday. we are hoping lots of people will come out to enjoy this beautiful fresh powder we are getting. >> we make every effort to keep the highways open. it only takes one or two spin outs. >> let's check in with meteorologist jessica burch in our virtual weather studio. i know you have been busy tracking the next wave of storms. you can see a lot of rainbows outside. >> rainbows, sunshine, i think we have it all. today is a mixed bag of everything. as we
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gear up and get ready for a very hectic weather weekend ahead of us, here is the thing. that area of low pressure city not sure. that is what is bringing in the unsettled weather. we will see pop up storms throughout this afternoon identical to yesterday's forecast. yesterday we even saw a tornado up in sonoma. the last time we have seen 13 since 1950. this is a wicked storm as it continues to build in. we are gearing up for another atmospheric river. it will bring us snow from 40 inches as we head into mid-next week. back here in the bay, we are seeing these pop up storms continuing to linger. we are seeing light activity when it comes to that rain. that is starting to track to the east closer to concord and lafayette. this storm cell right here is continuing to
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track to the east, hitting milpitas, sunnyvale, all the way over to los altos. we will continue to watch this on futurecast as it develops tonight. it looks similar to what we dealt with yesterday. you might want to keep the umbrella handy just in case but when it comes to localized flooding, that is a concern for us as we gear up for another atmospheric river. southern california will also take a hit following torrential downpour is that dropped a month's worth of rain in a matter of hours. this happened in long beach. the flooding so bad and so severe some areas -- you can see a lot of the drivers got stuck in the water. in orange county, swiftwater teams conducted multiple rescues including a man trapped in the rushing water and another wasted to safety by helicopter. further south in the community of seal beach, water flooded homes and stores , expensive and frustrating for residents and business owners. >> the city's pumping station, which we rely heavily upon did
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not function. this is not a new problem but it persists and it persists. >> stay with us. we are continuing whether coverage. you can find first alert weather updates anytime on or the free cbs news app. two people in the hospital after crews had to rescue them from this burning home. flames broke out last night in the community of pacheco on temple drive. four people were trapped inside. crews were able to get them safely out but witnesses say two of the people rescued were in bad shape. one was sent to the burn center, another sent to a trauma center. neighbors say they woke up to the smell of smoke and sounds of screams outside. >> there was flames coming out of the living room window and the door and the roof and the corner in the front, smoke coming out of the garage area. there were two women in the driveway crying. they were on their knees, crying.
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>> it is frightening. crews knocked down that fire earlier this morning but can't fire credits working smoke alarms for helping everyone escape alive. so far, no word on what caused that fire. for the second time in the month, a berkeley city councilmember has abruptly called it quits. she drop the microphone in the middle of a meeting this week but she is not dropping out of the race for mayor. >> this is the last place you would expect a councilperson to call it quits. right in the middle of a public meeting but that was the point. >> i feel like the processes are broken and that people have no idea how bad it is. >> kate harrison is now in her second term representing district 4 which covers the
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downtown area. while the announcement was sudden, the decision was not. harrison said she had been thinking about it for a while. came in the middle of a discussion about spending $7 million to put up cameras at several intersections, a project she ultimately ended up opposing. >> we have seen a steady but slow erosion of democracy . why? that would have been a great place to talk about this proposal which has some merit. i feel like people are trying to silence dissent in the city. >> even her councilmembers were caught by surprise. sophie hahn did not get what harrison meant by broken processes. >> i have to tell you that it is a mystery to me. i do not fully understand. i don't even partially understand what she is referring to. >> because harrison is less than halfway through her second term, the city will now have to hold a special election to fill her spot. it also means harrison's district will lose
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its representative. >> not having the full number of councilmembers that the people of berkeley expect the city to have means that on one or another issue, the votes might not be there. >> by putting the spotlight on berkeley city politics, harrison's hope is that in the end, it is the people that will benefit the most. the people of berkeley need to have a say in what is happening in their town. >> this time does not belong to politicians. it belongs to us. >> politics are just too toxic. there is a special election in april for a southside district near cal. it is unclear of harrison's district 4 will be added to that or done separately. a new jobs report is studying wall street. retailers brought on 45,000 workers in january. the healthcare
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industry hired 70,000 employees and jobs and professional business services. those increased by 74,000. in all, the u.s. economy added 353 jobs last month. that is almost double what economists had expected. >> 4.5% from a year ago. workers are continuing to earn more than the inflation rate. the big job numbers, as many major corporations are announcing layoffs . american airlines is letting go hundreds of customer service employees. ups says it is cutting 12,000 jobs. there are also a number of tech companies scaling back from google to tiktok. there were more than 82,000 layoffs in january. 136% surge from december. let's take a look and see how wall street is reacting. it was a bit down early this morning but positive territory to end the week as it is now up to hundred 40 points. we are counting down to super bowl lviii. bay area
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businesses are ready to host the niners but not everyone is welcoming the faithful. the local bar that is inviting chiefs fans only. what does a guy have to do to get a mug shot in las vegas? go to the las vegas mob museum. coming up, seymour from an electric chair and meet some cowboys fans who learn a little bit more about crime in the desert. here is a live look outside before we head to the break. you can see the sunshine and blue skies trying to break the role of those clouds as we get
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear.
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just nine days away from super bowl lviii. here is a live look from where that game will be played at the legion stadium. thousands of football fans have been there tickets to las vegas to see the niners take on the kansas city chiefs. reed cowan found a opportunity to learn more about the sins of sin city. >> it is the mob, see kid? the wise guys, the ones always lurking in the shadows. bad, bad guys with eyes that ended up frozen, see? frozen in
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mugshots on the wall at the mob museum in sin city, the place football fans will learn that before tackles and touchdowns, there were right hooks and lead bullets as the lights came on in the nevada desert. that there is janet coward. >> this looks like a good number. 062-0947. bravely getting ready to have her mug shot taken. >> mean mud . intimidating, serious. >> she is doing it just like hundreds of visitors will in the run-up to the super bowl at the museum that tells the story of las vegas' mafias beginnings. >> it was surreal. it was something i never hope to do in real life. >> years ago, this place held court where mob bosses were questions and televised hearings watched by millions. it was only fitting that the relics of organized crime would be gathered in the very spot so the public can see the battle between good and evil as las vegas grew.
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>> i think it is fantastic. i am a crime buff. i could understand how some people would not like this because it has sort of got a bloody history. >> the museum not only have items like bugsy siegel 's glasses and guns but pieces of mob history from all over the country. >> the wall! >> janet gasped when she saw the actual bullet ridden wall from the 1929 st. valentine's day massacre that killed seven as mob members were lined up and shot up. >> i hate to say it is fascinating but it is fascinating for me to see actual history in front of me. >> you are touching here but you are touching someone soul, someone died. to me, that is fascinating and morbid at the same time. >> we are not here to glorify organized crime. it is very much a part of american history and especially here in las vegas, it is a huge heart of
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our history but it is not about making people out to be heroes. >> mob education director claire white does not whitewash what happened here in vegas where at a time, the mob skinned money and dumped bodies. this places to show crime is a dead-end street, a message janet and her friend linda got loud and clear sitting in an electric chair. >> when you see this, it just makes you think, is it worth it? >> listen up, kid. do the crime and you will do the time. in las vegas, the monument to mob madness gives a snapshot of sin city's sins. >> on super bowl sunday, one street in san francisco will be divided. vlad cood owns both buzzworks and butter . this is on 11 street. he opened
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buzzworks back in 2016 and said it chiefs fans quickly claimed it as their own. buzzworks is expecting a packed crowd of chiefs fans on the big day but they also want to support the hometown team. to do that, they plan on opening their sister bar, butter and let niners fans claim that bar as their home. >> this year, we are making sure that we let all of the niners fans know that they are welcome across the street but here, this belongs to the chiefs. >> i was by myself. i needed that community. i needed that bond with other chiefs fans. >> it is a day everyone on both sides of the street is excited for. the lad says he has prepared some good smack talk between the fan bases. this is a time-lapse, a video of clouds rolling through the san francisco bay. you can see the sun is trying to track through. let's check back in with meteorologist jessica burch and that second wave headed our way. i have the
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clouds turned on on our virtual reality map. let's start off on this first alert weather day with that doppler because it is still active . we are seeing these passing storms move throughout the bay area but these are isolated events. i even played roulette with my car. i took the top off of the miata and i thought, if it rains on me, it is my fault. we saw these pop up storms, hit or miss but they were pretty evident with those dark clouds hanging over us. right now, we are seeing blue skies. some cloudy conditions south across the peninsula. here is our rainfall count since three days ago. actually wednesday when the first atmospheric river swept its way through. we have seen 2 inches near pacifica and an inch and a quarter in areas like san ramon. it is a back-to-back atmospheric weather event. the first one came on wednesday, the next one is right around the corner. now is the time to prepare. we all know our flood prone areas in our communities, especially at
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this point. heading into the weekend, by saturday morning, we see a blanket of light showers throughout the bay . it still does not let up and then we gear up for sunday as the rain really passes through. with this storm, we will see gusty conditions like wednesday and heavy showers sweep throughout the bay area. we can see 4 inches of rain in total from half moon bay all the way till sunday. think about it. we kicked off this week with 70s in the forecast. now we are talking about mid-40s. mid-50s in san francisco. into the east bay and down into the santa clara valley, it is a lot cooler than just five days ago as that area of low pressure not only brought in wind and rain but it also packed in some cooler weather that we will hold on tight to . speaking of this weekend, sunday will be the big punch for us with the atmospheric river. we are
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expecting to see lingering showers into our monday forecast with daytime highs the mid to upper 50s. we could see some scattered, unsettled weather tuesday into wednesday and thursday as well. i will talk more about that. for now, back over to you. coming up, the niners back at work on
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hi there. do you need any help? yeah. i was just wondering what nosh means? [blowing whistle] natural. organic, specialty, healthy. yay. nosh! everything marked nosh means natural, organic. specialty and healthy. that way, you can eat healthy while sticking to a budget. ummm, no.
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the 49ers are back at practice, making their final preparations before they had to las vegas this weekend. one of the more soft-spoken players is stepping up as a vocal leader. matt lively explains in the red and gold report. >> this is the volkswagen red and gold report. >> the 49ers returned to the practice field to make their final preparations before they board a flight to vegas on saturday. nick bosa will be ready. he has already been scouting the chief's offensive line.
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>> it holds a lot. >> that is great analysis. >> the teams will do everything they can to get away with slowing down number 47. bosa sacked jared goff twice on sunday. he will play a big role in getting the team ready next weekend. he has been tasked with giving the team a pep talk the saturday before a game and kyle shanahan says he was not exactly comfortable with this at first. >> it is funny how guys who are so confident in everything they do, they are not used to speaking in front of groups. he used to tell me that was the most nervous he would be throughout the week. >> i don't remember the first time, which is surprising. i usually remember dramatic experiences. >> he said thank you for doing that, by the way. i have gotten better at it. i am not as nervous anymore. he is really good at it. everything he says, he thinks through. nick does not waste words because he does not use many of them. >> it has been good for me. i
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have kind of enjoyed dealing with the stress and facing something i am not used to. >> for the red and gold report, i'm matt lively. >> if you can't snag a ticket for super bowl lviii, you can watch a game right here on kpix and streaming on paramount+. everything from bobbleheads to music to clothing, the biggest sale
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back in action for its 65th year, the oakland museum of california kicking off its annual rummage sale this week, said to be the oldest and largest in california, enough stuff to fill this warehouse. organizers say you can find gently used items, anything from furniture to kitchenware to electronics. you can even buy your wedding dress. >> some of the wedding dresses will be bought for silly fun. others will be people for their wedding. it just gets you. >> that is it for the afternoon edition. we are streaming 24/7 on the free cbs news app. next newscast is at 3:00 with elizab h cook
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[ romantic music ] >> thomas: let's do it, hope. spend our life together. take that ring off your necklace. put it on this finger. the way we look at each other. we love each other. we want this.


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