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tv   Mosaic  CBS  February 4, 2024 5:30am-6:01am PST

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3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. on behalf of the archdiocese of san francisco. welcome to mosaic. we are talking about vibrant and
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vigorous moments in recent history of the archdiocese. on our website we have videos and slideshows and articles documenting and celebrating the day. on that day the archbishop spoke to us and said if this wonderful day becomes a cherished memory, i don't know if it will make a difference. but he wants people to incorporate this in their daily lives. today we will discuss this. since we find herself in the middle of lent , how do we combine the lenten observance with this focus on the gifts we can receive from and give to our mother mary. after this pause we join us for a discussion of living the consecration every day.
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welcome to 'mosaic'. today my guest is father kennedy. the pastor of our lady of fatima and a priest of the
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archdiocese of san francisco. i mentioned the consecration of the virgin mary on october 7th and you were there. >> yes. i had celebrated mass at saint monica church, next to our lady of fatima that morning. i was not able to be there at the cathedral on time for the mass celebrated by the archbishop . i came during his wonderful homily and stayed and was part of the procession, which extended blocks around the cathedral afterwards. such a great representation from various parishes and communities of the archdiocese on that beautiful morning. >> it was quite a day. you are in the byzantine catholic right. then you have byzantine icons . wanted to show you one of the consecration events was a student art contest so students could make artistic representations of the blessed virgin mary. i would like to run those as slides. we can look at the students are and i will give them credit. this is
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beautiful. the cathedral with mary and that tiny person is the bishop. this is by a seventh grader. we used as the cover of the pdf file. you recognize that. that will be the heart of the blessed mother with a sword piercing it, symbolizing her sorrows. that is an icon or a theme about which we will talk more today. this is by a sixth grader. the next one, the rosary encircling the world is nice and my nose say this is from a second grader of our lady of visitation school. and i think this is the favorite one i have seen. this is by a third grader at saint veronica school . such a motherly, mary. this is another representation of mary with roses around her. this is by peter. a fourth grader at holy name of jesus
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school and we have another. this is children of fatima and this is a representation of the blessed mother. there is a waterfall and all kinds of symbols by teresa from our lady of mercy school. interesting student art. we have used these on our website and made use of them in that way. let's get to the question i raised at the beginning, which is how do we live out the consecration? he spelled out a request a program for living the consecration in concrete ways. i hope it is readable. this is living the consecration by the archbishop. this is a prayer card that you can download from our website. why don't you read for me the elements . can you see? >> prayer is central. the daily rosary, the recommendation of the weekly family rosary. these are actually the same things that we are encouraged to do during the season of lent. :side. living the
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consecration and our lenten practices . >> in the last segment of the show you will explain about the rosary. and i look forward to that. >> fasting and prayer and penance on fridays , we abstain from meat or skip a meal or do some other bodily fasting. works of charity , confession at least once a month. prayer before the blessed sacrament. star of the sea church has adoration's and that is a wonderful place to go for prayer. before the blessed and sacrament expose, at least once a week if someone is able to do that in any parish . and the devotion of the five for saturday's, which is specific to the fatima devotion. that are lady requested people to go to confession and to celebrate mass and receive the eucharist and to meditate on the rosary for 15 minutes, especially in union with her heart , the mystery of her heart, which we will talk about
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as we reflect upon the rosary. >> fasting and penance we associate with lent typically and of course the question of confession. it seems to me that catholic practice of confession has fallen off somewhat. as a pastor, what can you say? >> the invitation to come and see and to overcome any nervousness that a person might have that this is an opportunity to be free and to enter into a new fresh start and beginning of one's life. what the lord forgives, he forgets and takes it away as if it never happened. our sins cast off. people often times will say they are very nervous going in to the confessional and they leave , presumably after a good confession. walking on a cloud because there is a great joy in being restored to the moment of one's baptism. is a great joy. >> that should be better
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known. the question of adoration is a term we use in catholicism. it is deep. what and my adoring ? in front of the blessed sacrament. >> the blessed sacrament is the presence of the lord himself. outside the eucharist we reserve outside the mass we reserve the eucharist for the sick, especially. but that is the sacramental presence of the lord. we offer that presence , our worship, loving adoration, especially this is the tradition of the western church of exposition and adoration of the blessed sacrament. it is a wonderful time to have that intimate prayer with the lord, sacramentally present , in the reserved eucharist. >> there is something attractive . in a tiny thing , sacred thing , the universe, the world . god himself. i responded that. we will come back after this brief break and talk about lent, mary and
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devotion and making the consecration visible in our lives every day. please come back and join us.
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welcome back to 'mosaic'. father kevin kennedy, pastor of byzantine catholic church, you are a priest of the archdiocese of san francisco. a roman catholic priest . many of
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us don't know much about the byzantine world but you got involved and got interested in this method of worship. >> i became interested in high school and even more so in college. and visiting orthodox churches, i always thought what a beautiful form of worship. the icons, the liturgy, i thought i could wish to be in full communion with rome and wouldn't it be wonderful to have this tradition in that full communion. that is what byzantine catholicism is . there are groups of orthodox christians that throughout the centuries have sought to reenter into that unity that existed in the first millennium of the history of christianity, the union between east and west. these byzantine catholic communities have their own hierarchy . separate from the roman catholic hierarchy. but the latest of these communities to form in the early 20th century the
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russian byzantine catholic church is so small it does not have its own hierarchy. we are entrusted to the local latin ordinary in this case the archbishop who appointed the pastor of this russian byzantine catholic parish and he was visiting us just this last january 7th for our christmas. we were delighted to have him and we rejoice in his support for us. >> it is an exotic world but can you reassure us that the services are in english. >> it is english. the catholic eucharist and in the byzantine form and you will fulfill your sunday obligation by joining us. we have a lunch afterwards to which everyone is invited. we are getting more and more people coming. they enjoy it. >> i think i will be there. in my view, last year was the anniversary of fatima, 100 years. i think of fatima as a western event. but your church is the byzantine catholic
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church of our lady of fatima. you combine the eastern and western and you are a great student of mary and i wanted to ask you to fill us in on what it means that we have consecrated ourselves to her heart. you have byzantine icons to share with us. >> the heart in the biblical sense refers to the person, himself or herself and in this case , our lady. intimate, unique self. no one else . what is unique about her? the center in core of her interior life of her love for god, wholehearted dedication to the mystery of her son. her love for us, the members of the body of christ. so that love, that obedience of faith, her memory, intellect, her will and heart, all of that is the treasure that we are invited through fatima to focus upon as a way to lead us ever closer to god. >> let me ask you about the icons you have chosen to show.
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these seem to have to do with her sorrows, her pain . explain that. >> in the second chapter of the gospel of luke in verse 19 and again in verse 51, our lady is described as holding, pondering, treasuring, all of these things in her heart. the heart as i described in the biblical sense . what things? her son . the mystery of christ and its entirety is held in her heart is a vast treasure. with a mother's love she contained and reflects upon and treasures all of this to bestow this memory, a living memory to us through her heart. >> let's bring up the icons. we should about a graphic but he was a lady with swords piercing her heart. >> this is a reflection of the prophecy of simeon of the lord is presented in the temple. simeon says to her, you, your
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self, a sword so pierce heart, innermost bering . is pierced with the reality, we were talking earlier about greek and the can this is of the lord is his humility that he enters into the human condition on our behalf. that is self emptying love is a model for us and redeems us. mary enters into that can gnosis in a very unique and intimate way. she shares in his pain, sorrow and suffering in such a way that the church has seen in her heart a model of that can gnosis. >> let's look at the next side and this is byzantine in origin. >> the title is interesting. it is called the softener of evil or cruel hearts. mary is the softener. she softens even the most hardened of hearts . the cruel or the most evil heart, looking upon her
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participation in the sorrow of her son, her unique partaking in that suffering for us, will soften the most hardened of hearts. >> let's look at the next slide . you have the western-style slides? >> this is a variation. you will see seven swords pattern after the seven traditional sorrows of our lady. this is from ecuador. and it shows this depiction and it depicts the prophecy of simeon, a sword shall into your soul and there are a variety of sorrows that are depicted, symbolize through the seven swords. the flight into egypt , the loss of the child in the temple. the meeting of our lady on the way of the cross, the crucifixion itself, the piercing of his heart . the taking down from the cross, as he is laid in her arms. all of these express
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her sharing in the passion of her son in a way that is unique to herself. >> when i see the innocent woman with the swords, i feel like if my heart are evil and cruel it would be softened. why inflict that on her ? >> because she enters into that passion , is able to know the fullness of joy. the joy of the resurrection. she who shares fully in the cross and the burial and the tomb, shares in the resurrection. she is also known as the joy of all who sorrow. the comforter of the afflicted. quick to hear and quick to listen to and respond to the needs of her children. all of this is not model so much as it is the reality out of this pain and sorrow is born a new life, the joy of life in the spirit which is the resurrection . >> the model of a mother. when we come back up this break we
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will talk about the way to meet mary through the rosary. please join us.
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welcome back. we will talk with father kevin about the rosary. and it consists of saying the hail mary over and over but there is a deeper thing going on in the rosary. of these things called mysteries. and this is what we contemplate. >> getting ckto the heart of our lady and why we should pray the rosary through her heart, as it were is because she is the first one described in the gospel of luke who ponders and treasures all these things in her heart. christ,
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the mystery of christ. she is the treasury of those mysteries. she is the best one to lead us through her heart into the life, death and resurrection of her son. the whole ministry of christ through joy, through sorrow, through glory. she leads us through each of those mysteries . >> the mysteries, events in the life of jesus christ, is what they are . as you say the rosary, reciting with your group, you are also meditating on the distinctive episode, mystery, event in jesus is life . what we call the mysteries? >> a mystery is not something that conceals but reveals a profound depth and meaning that takes us beyond the monday but to the reality of god's love, his presence in the world which so many times we forget about. mystery takes us into the riches and depths of love hidden within the heart of the
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lord himself. >> i cannot recite all 15 of these mysteries but i think they take an arc through life, through our lives. a set of five sorrowful , five joyful, and five glorious. coming to christ in his glory. i must say i've taken up the rosary more frequently during lent as the archbishop requested. it is soothing and interesting. >> the joyful history is the birth. the central event of the glorious is the resurrection. and from the resurrection comes pentecost. the gift of the holy spirit and our lady is a spirit bear in her own unique way, the gift of the spirit after the resurrection and ascension of the lord is the ability for us to have god's own love within us . that we are not just reflecting on past, historical events, but in the ministry of the eucharist and the mystery of the rosary , we enter into
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christ and we relive and we actualize is life and death and resurrection. in the eucharist we become . we enter into the very life of christ , his death, in order to share fully in our goal which is the resurrection . risen life, transformed life. >> the word lent, it is a pathway toward the crucifixion but that is the gate to the resurrection. and that is the gate to the beginning of the church and our participation in a brand-new life. interesting article in the catholic san francisco newspaper, the students at our lady of the visitation school have started a daily rosary. 8:15 every day there is a rosary. they say a decade of the rosary and contemplate a mystery and the principal says, it has become a soothing and uplifting experience every day. >> it is calming and centering
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in a world in great need of a kind of peace . the angelic salutation itself, when we recite the hail mary, we are repeating the words of the angel gabriel to this lady. she says yes to this great plan of reconstituting the human race and bring it to its goal which is oneness with god. >> i want to show one slide to let people know where they can find resources for the observance of lent. they can go to our website and they can go to the u.s. conference of catholic bishops to that page. rich resources. father, you are a pastor, what would you want someone to take away from watching this show? >> i would say , what we begin with. the images of the children. because any child understands the love of a mother , a mother's heart , her compassion and caring. and those images of a rosary around the globe, the images of our lady bringing children in
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over the cathedral and all the people of god, it shows she is with us and present to us and cares about us . she is what those icons say of her, the searcher for the lost, the comforter of the afflicted. >> thank you. and thank you for watching us on 'mosaic' and have a wonderful lent and easter.
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home of super bowl lviii between the 49ers and the chiefs. this is kpix cbs news bay area. wet and windy weather across the bay area and it is likely to continue for raining much of the day prompting warnings from state and local officials. with all the rain comes inea


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