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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  February 13, 2024 9:00am-9:30am PST

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get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. four bodies found inside a home in a san mateo neighborhood. the greatest threat we have to our democracy is donald trump.
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>> the leading candidates for california's coveted senate seat battle it out for the second time. good morning and thank you for joining us . i am gianna franco. let's look at this morning's top stories. former intra-mayor of san francisco mark farrell announced he is running for the city's top job and he will launch his campaign in about an hour at the san francisco baseball academy. he served as mayor back in 2018, proceeding current mayor london breed and he says mayor breed leadership has destroyed san francisco. and cannot continue another four years. he joins a growing list of candidates including incumbent mayor breed who is seeking re-election. we are learning more about the park employee and father of two stabbed to death at a park many neighbors consider to be safe. santiago jacobo working his usual night shift friday , cleaning the grounds of pleasant hill park. the next morning, when he did not make it home, his wife and searching and she found him sunrise on saturday. his colleagues at the parks and rec district are shocked with what took place on the property. >> santiago was jovial and
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worked diligently for us and a valued member of our team. and he will be missed. >> park officials say they are contemplating providing additional security to ensure staff at pleasant hill park feel safe . taking a live look at sfo . get ready to see the largest pick it actin by flight attendants in aviation history. in under two hours thousands across the globe who work for alaska, united, southwest, american and more will picket outside dozens of major airports demanding better pay and working conditions. before you head out for your flight, login to check your flight status. it's a:cloudy day for us in the bay area with daytime highs this afternoon topping off in the upper 50s and lower 60s with light winds throughout the bay area. we have big changes in the forecast as we head into a valentine's day and into this weekend as well. back-to-back atmospheric river events are in the forecast this weekend and we will get a first dose of rain as early as tomorrow. let's time that
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out, especially if you have outdoor plans you were thinking of doing for valentine's day. this might change things up. today we see partly cloudy skies and light winds move in from offshore. into valentine's day forecast in the early morning to the afternoon. around 11:00 tomorrow. that storm will enhance and develop as it moves in from offshore into the afternoon hours. around 3:00 at 4:00 we see a half an inch of rain along the coastline and we will watch the storm with heavier pockets of rain at times develop as it moves off into the east. it will clear up in the overnight hours for thursday, giving us a nice breath of fresh air before we head into another wet weekend. we will keep you updated on that in the weather center. new this morning, the u.s. senate has passed a $95 billion foreign aid package. setting up a showdown in the house. the package includes billions of dollars to support ukraine and israel, as well as humanitarian aid for civilians in gaza and the west bank. yesterday house speaker mike johnson criticized the legislation over his lack of border security revisions.
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we are starting to see the hot button issues that will become the debate points between candidates in the march primary. those who want to be elected to the california senate debating border issues, homelessness, and smash and grab robberies on the rise. all four candidates would vote to certify the 2024 election, if there opposing party nominee wins. the three democrats agree trump should not be on the ballot. while the loan republican, steve garvey coming was hesitant to commit to voting for trump this year. >> i believe the greatest single currency we have as americans is the right to vote. i think it is personal. i will make that decision when the time comes. >> he should not be on the ballot at all. because the constitution is quite clear. if you take an oath to defend the constitution as he did, and you violate that oath by engaging in insurrection, you should be disqualified . >> donald trump engaged in insurrection and in my view should not be on the ballot. but if that is what the courts decide and he won the election, i think it would be a
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grave harm and disservice to our country. >> donald trump is not above the law. he is not immune from the crimes that he has committed. and so, we have got to fight to make sure and vote to make sure that donald trump is not elected as president. >> the latest emerson college poll has adam schiff in the lead with 16%. katie porter trails with 13%, steve garvey with 10% and barbara lee with 9%. 39% say you are undecided, mostly those under 60 years of age laphonza butler filling dianne feinstein seat after a governor newsom appointment. will not seek re-election. earlier this morning we were joined by a political professor and take a listen to his overall thoughts. >> this debate is not fundamentally changing the lay of the land. it is still adam schiff. the battle is for second place. take that number and break into thirds. the third of the things will move to the left and moved to the right. it is the number that
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are truly undecided, it is smaller about 13% of 14%. it is a big number and important for he was coming in second in california's top two system. keep in mind the last day for voter registration is february 20th. primary elections happen on march 5th. this morning, neighbors to a tragedy in san mateo county of any police found two people including two four-year-olds dead inside their home. some of them told lauren toms about the deserving sound they heard right before police arrived. >> reporter: ron has lived in this lee be san mateo neighborhood a long time. he said crime is not usually top of mind. >> we have lived here 27 years and raised a daughter here. east to play in the park down the street and it is not anything you ever think about. >> reporter: that changed monday morning when four people including 24-year-old children were found dead in their home. investigators have been tight-lipped about what happened but neighbors , like
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ron, are shocked. >> you hear it is an entire family. mother and father and two minor children. your mind goes to a place of, tragic event happen. >> reporter: san mateo police said someone called asking to check the home on alameda de las pulgas. when they got there around 9:15 they found all four people dead inside. neighbors say they heard what sounded like gunshots before then, but police would not talk about the adults or children who died. and did not say if or how they are related. >> we have not ruled out anything in that is why we are here and we are doing everything we can to rule out or confirm or do anything. everything is still under investigation. we will stay here until we get the questions answered. >> reporter: police insisted they are not searching for suspects and there is no threat to the public. longtime neighbors like kathy walked down the street almost every day and likely will never look at it the same way. >> i think they decorated the
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house for halloween. >> reporter: even with the details to offer, police were clear that what did happen was both unusual and awful. >> horrible and tragic call. not many people get calls like this and have to respond to this. this is not a normal call for anyone. it is tragic for the family, the community and the officers and everyone involved. >> we expect to learn more about the identities of the victims a little later today. mayor london breed is condemning the burning of a waymo robotaxi as a dangerous and destructive act of vandalism. released this statement saying in part, it was an unacceptable act that has no place in our city and we will work to hold those who committed it accountable. it is important in these moments that we both condemn acts of vandalism but also not lose sight of who we are as a city. fire officials say a group of people surrounded the car saturday night during dinner
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new year's celebrations in san francisco's chinatown. the broke the windows, tied the car with graffiti and then lit a firework inside of it. video of the aftermath you can see shows smoke pouring out of the cab crews put out the flames, the top of the car is completely gone. thankfully, no one was hurt and we checked with police and no arrests . coming up in our mind watch report, we have big news on waymo's competitor cruise. the critical hiring at a crucial time for the company. valentine's day is tomorrow and you may want to make the plans if you need a ride. protest that could complicate your romantic plans.
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time now for human watch report. the government released an inflation report this morning. inflation cooled less than expected in january. the overall consumer price index was up 3.1% from a year earlier. that is lower than it was last month . economist forecasted it would fall to 2.9% . earlier we spoke to cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger about the expectations going forward. >> the reality is we have not been below 3% , let alone 2% in three years. i think the rate will keep coming down. it is just slow going and until we get to see more progress, the
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fed will not do a thing but sit on their hands at the next meeting in march. >> let's see how the markets are reacting. it looks like the dow was down about 478 points. tough day on wall street. waymo competitor cruise has hired its first chief safety officer. at a crucial time for the company. steve kenner is a tech veteran who has worked at ford and apple, general motors and crews is trying to repair his image following a crash in october where a pedestrian was hit by another car, thrown into the path of the cruise and drag 20 feet. the dmv pulled the testing license in the aftermath and top executives including the ceo resigned. while many tech companies are cutting back, one san jose company could be planning a big expansion. according to the mercury news, supermicro commuter has bought the site of the old fries electronics in san jose. the company reportedly paid $80 million for the property . the city has
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already approved redevelopment of the site which could become an office campus. want a ride on valentine's day? you may have a heartbreak if you plan on taking rideshare. drivers will turn off their apps on wednesday. some 100,000 will not give rise to or from airports in 10 major cities. if you are planning to get a box of chocolates this on sunday, you may want to rethink your plans. cocoa prices are at an all-time high. climate experts say a shift in weather patterns have devastated the crops in west africa, home of the majority of the worlds cocoa product , sugar and other labor costs have gotten pricier, forcing her see another major chocolate companies to cut their workforce and production. today is a dry, cool and cloudy day in the bay area but we are talking about rain
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around the corner into valentine's day . we will catch a break the day after and we gear up for back-to-back atmospheric river events that will impact us heading into the weekend. let's show you how much we can expect when it comes to rainfall totals. today it is pretty much a dry day and we saw some coastal drizzle. with denser clouds moving in along the coastline. but for the most part it is cool and dry and not until tomorrow morning into the 9:00 at 10:00 hour we see showers move in from the north and the system will build as we extend into the afternoon. we are talking about 4:00 and 5:00. many are getting off of work or school and into some heavy rain with gusty conditions at times . the same system brings snow to the sierra but in the bay we are feeling the impacts until we head into the evening hours tomorrow night. around 9:00 at 10:00 we clear up . in the north bay with lingering
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showers and we clear up widespread throughout the bay heading into thursday, giving us a quarter to a half an inch of rain. that is the for system. i mentioned we have another system moving in heading into this weekend and that will bring in more showers for us widespread throughout the bay and widespread throughout the state of california as we head into early next week. we can see up to around two or three inches of rain expected along the coastline and that is just our models as of now. things can change into the next couple days and the storm is in the pacific developing. as it strengthens or weakens we will keep you updated in the weather center. i mentioned today is a cool and cloudy day and we will feel upper 50s and lower 60s throughout the bay area. not a bad forecast for us into this afternoon. temperatures around average and winds are light and the winds will kick up as the systems move in from offshore. keep that in mind for any downed trees of power outages. tomorrow we could see some gusty conditions at times. thursday and friday, not that bad and we gear up for the showers as we kick off this weekend into early next week. coming up. a lot of critics are questioning a decision by kyle shanahan during the super bowl.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion
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and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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it has been two days and we are a little down about the nine a loss in the super bowl . and sunday we have been hearing plenty of sports hundreds
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critiquing the niners special teams and the niners overtime strategy. people are questioning kyle shanahan's decision to take the ball first in overtime. the new playoff rules guarantee the chief say possession and while chiefs players say they were aware of the new rules, after the game multiple niners players said they had no clue the rules had changed. >> we thought it would be better. we wanted to have the chance to win and we got that field-goal and we knew we had to hold them to a field goal. if we did, we thought it was in our hands after that. >> you want to win for that kind of guy. everybody wants to go to war with that guy. the way he handles himself and carries himself, we want to win for him. keep in mind the niners defense had been on the field for 11 minutes before overtime and that may have gone into kyle shanahan's decision-making. looking ahead to next season, vegas predicting the niners will be back for super bowl lix and they are favored to win the title over the back-to-back camps. i will take that. the warriors were without steve kerr last night and he attended a funeral for the teams late assistant coach.
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the rest of the team came to play against the jazz in utah. draymond green hit a half-court buzzer beater to end the happen stuff curry and klay thompson led the warriors. for refinishing the night with 25 points. thompson had 26. the dubs one 129 to 107. that is their fifth straight win. they are about .500 for the first time since late december. that is good news. heading to the war zone in gaza, leaving family behind in the bay. coming up in our 9:30 stream, hear from a doctor on a mission to make a change. there is black excellence everywhere you turn and look. >> how a parent
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition."
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♪ every other week at an elementary school in san francisco a group of students come together to learn about and to celebrate black excellence. a parent volunteer once the kids to take away important history and life lessons. max darrow has this story. >> reporter: laughter is mixed in with learning and business around this table at ulloa elementary elementary . that
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is el-khalid mccree, a parent volunteer keeping everyone on track during this get together of the black student union. they meet every other week to learn about and celebrate black excellence and to build community. the first order of business on this day -- >> what did you want to do the drive? >> reporter: they plan on giving back to the community by collecting and distributing cases of water to those in need. next up, a brief history lesson about two black inventors. >> there is black excellence everywhere that you turn and look. >> reporter: dr. gladys west who helped develop gps and howard latimer help incandescent lightbulbs become more affordable in the late 1800s. >> it is important to know the people look like us who have done amazing things on this planet called earth . >> reporter: after history lesson about electricity and light, el-khalid mccree got into a life lesson about the importance of being a light. >> you want to build a
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powerful relationship by what ? being positive or negative? being positive , right. be exactly what she is in that is a bright light, holding her light and trying to make change. >> reporter: which is what he is on a mission to do. >> i have an opportunity to make a difference in a child's life. so many people have made an impact on my life . and so i don't take for granted the opportunity when presented to make that impact. >> reporter: the principal and assistant principal are proud to partner with el-khalid mccree. >> kids teach us what they need. >> the issue has been that it has evolved over the years. >> we only have a handful of african-american students at school. and we want to give them a safe space where they can find rapport with one another. share and learn and connect to the community.
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>> it gives kids an opportunity to realize that they are all uniquely wonderful and should be celebrated. >> i want to see all kids have an opportunity to do what they want to do in life. >> reporter: there is a lot he hopes the kids will learn from their get-togethers . but there is one thing in particular he wants to make sure they know. >> that is the easiest question you have asked. love. the fact that they are loved. and they are appreciated. not only that but they have a responsibility to take what we are giving them, which is love, to their community and to the family. and to be a beacon of light. like we talked about today. >> reporter: wisdom we can all take to heart. >> always remember that , you guys are bright lights, okay. >> he is a bright light in our
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community. you can find all of our black in the bay stories on our website watch a black in the bay special at 4:00 on february 23rd right here on cb news
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ok. ok. lisa frankenstein you guys, today. cole sprouse, kathryn newton, zelda williams, diablo cody. you guys are going to freak out for this movie. it's-- i haven't seen anything like it in a long time. [music playing] [applause]


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