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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 14, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PST

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- temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio.
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next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now. . now at 11:00, what we are learning about what may of gone on inside of a peninsula home where four people were found dead including two children. a cold case not solved until now. this building is infamous in one so cal community to what people added to the outside and it is getting attention for what people are doing on its roof. the addition of a new member is breaking barriers in major league baseball. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i'm sara donchey. if you are planning a cheesy
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picnic for valentine's day you might want to scratch the plan and take things inside. it is going to be wet. another storm, moving into the bay area. i know you would never plan an outdoor picnic for your wife for valentine's day only because it is raining not because you would not do something nice. >> already delivered the gift. >> you will have to do something tomorrow >> i am telling you. >> we will continue the cheesy theme it will be snuggle weather. i know it makes you internally queasy. sending moisture into the northern coast of california already. the bulk of that hanging off of the coast. moving in, heading through the day tomorrow, first, in the north bay, the rain chances are going to increase by late morning, peaking at early afternoon. still, off and on showers are with us for drive time and that is why tomorrow is a first alert weather day. because we are going to see some of the heaviest downpours over most of the bay area right around the peak of the afternoon and evening commute. so, the rain
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chances peak from middle to late afternoon into early evening around san francisco and oakland. a bit of a later people around san jose, a good chance of rain overall in the early evening time frame. this rain system is not associated with atmospheric river. the amounts obvious. now, a storm system out on the coast, grabbing enough moisture and send it towards us in the form of the first atmospheric river for the first day of the three day weekend. that system likely not associated with any tremendous amounts of wind energy. another one heading in, back to back atmospheric rivers, this one will arrive sunday night into monday. the path of this will bring it closer to the coast and it puts an additional squeeze on the atmosphere. not out of the woods as we look farther down-the-line in terms of gusty wind threat. we don't see what we have a week ago sunday, sunday night, something we will
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monitor along with heavy amounts of rain coming at us in waves throughout the presidents' day weekend and plenty of snowfalling in the sierra. we will add that up and talk about how much rain specifically for parts of the bay area over the next seven-days coming up in the full forecast. >> all right, paul, thank you. we have an update on a very tragic story out of san mateo. the police are investigating the deaths of a family with two young children as a murder-suicide. it has to do with what investigators found in the bathroom of their home. we show you what the police revealed today and spoke to neighbors who are having trouble wrapping their heads around this tragedy. >> reporter: a floral tribute is growing where a family of four was found dead. the police found their bodies monday morning after relatives said they had not heard from them for several days. >> you know, you start putting it in kind of context to your own family. i have children, i have grandchildren. you know,
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like you said earlier, you know, this is a fairly quiet community and not a lot of stuff happens. >> reporter: michael regan has lived in this neighborhood for decades. >> these things, you know, normally are not something that you encounter every day. i ran into a few of the police officers and said hey, i am sorry about the situation and they were in shock. i mean, you know, something they don't see very often. >> reporter: investigators told us on tuesday they saw a man and women with gunshot wounds in a bathroom and found a 9mm on the floor. two young boys found dead in the bedroom. the police will not say how they died other than they were not shot. no signed of force entry. >> no note and the motive and all of that is under investigation and all of our detectives are still actively investigating this case and trying to figure out the motive
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and what caused this. >> reporter: while the investigators are confident the adult's deaths were a murder-suicide they have not said who shot who. autopsies are underway now. >> this is a horrible crime that does not happen often, thankfully. and it impacts the family, the community, the officers, everyone that deals with this and i am sure the public is feeling the tragedy of this event. >> reporter: the supervisor told cbs news bay area quote our community is absolutely devastated by the loss of the san mateo family. >> how do you move forward? we are all sad by what happened. we can not be selfish and just think about our own area but i was, i was really sad, sad for the -- you know, being a father and grandfather for the children. >> reporter: they have not released the identity of the
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four individuals or released any motive they may tain there is no threat to the community. the sheriff's department says they got a big break in a case that went cold. back in 1993 a woman's body was found and nobody was able to identify her until now. the nonprofit dna doe project found her son and her name is robin vahedrick, born in 1953, last seen alive in 1992. they are trying to find out what happened to her. tonight, chevron's richmond refinery and the refinery are done fighting and under the deal they will pay $34 million over four years into a richmond area community air quality fund including $20 million up front. it will pay a $20 million fine for hundreds of other violations, mrc will not have to pay anything but half a million in district attorney fees as long as it
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holds up its end of the deal. the refinery has been under investigation for two years after spewing up dust that coated nearby neighborhoods. >> we deserve clean air, clean water, clean soil. end of story. there is the best place that i have ever lived and i am not going to just pack up and leave. i am going to hold that refinery accountable. >> both companies have until the middle of 2026 to make whatever changes that i need to cut pollution. some people left this texas emergency room in an ambulance after a car slammed right through the building. it has become a tower of terror for city officials in l.a. especially considering what it is doing to the police overtime budget. straight ahead in sports, a brand-new era for the oakland a's. wait until you hear about this one. also, 49ers, the reality of moving on [music] and when you turn up the right kind of music this horse
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acts like someone in a pit at a heavy metal concert. plus, things like fake spiders and snakes can give people a scare. but these are making people call 911.
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. that was the aftermath of a car slamming into an emergency room in austin, texas today. the police say four people in the er got hurt because of that including a child who was left in critical condition. the driver of the car was killed. >> it is very devastating. it looked like a bomb just blew in there. at this point the police think it may have been an accident. these videos of people parachuting off a high-rise are the last thing that the los angeles police department wants to see. for much more than the obvious reasons, videos are popping up on line showing junkies jumping off and paragliding from the top of the
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building, 30 stories above downtown l.a. the luxury high-rise that was abandoned and covered in graffiti has become a nightmare for city officials, they spent 3,000 hours trying to keep people out of the building. it is still not enough. >> we are pulling resources out of the city to make sure we have accurate staffing here. we had 100 people inside of the building tagging, vandalizing, trespassing. >> some videos of the dangerous stunts were first posted in january and now the city is trying to force the developer to finish the neglected high-rise. these two things just sound wrong together. there is snow on the beach. not a very welcoming beach, this one is in southern massachusetts. it is getting the brunt of a nor'easter that is blasting the region. you can see the wind and powerful waves that were hitting the slushy sand. paul, we are not expecting anything like that. we almost never are, thankfully. [ laughter ] >> we do have storms, multiple storms heading our way. when we say storms on this part of the
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west coast we do not mean that >> no, thankfully. that is the good part about living here. we have our own things to contend with, back to back atmospheric rivers this weekend. tomorrow, this is just a regular midwinter rainmaker that is going to be sweeping across the bay area with light to moderate rainfall around the evening commute. as we look farther down-the-line, more storms are lining up and heading in our presidents' day weekend. let's focus on the first one, sending a sprinkle or two in, the bulk of the rain is not moving it in until middle to late afternoon. the heaviest in the afternoon. brief heavy downpours will not have to last five or 10 minutes in any one spot, around the evening commute and that is why tomorrow is a first alert weather day. inconvenient. that batch of rain, moving out. lingering showers and a few lingering showers possible popping up on thursday. there will be more miss than hit but a day to keep the umbrella and
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rain jacket handy just in case. how much rain? looking at half an inch to a total inch of rainfall. some spots closer to a quarter of an inch of rain. some amounts approaching half an inch of rainfall in the blue shaded areas of the higher elevations, the rain standing out more clearly. less than 1/10th of an inch will add up as the terrain blocks the heavy rain from make its way into some of the valleys, now, there will be wind with that system, not the kind of wind that we had a week ago sunday. it will be noticeable, already by noon, 20-30 mile-an-hour gusts, the strongest winds will occur with the heaviest downpours, middle to late afternoon and early evening. 30-40 mile-an-hour range. strong enough to move you around in the road but not enough in any serious threat to the power grid. now, the next couple of systems that might be a bit of a different story. depends where the centers of
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the sierra go. this is the most optimistic forecast model in terms of the amount of snow there is a winter storm warning for the higher elevations in effect until thursday. they will add up feet of snow in the sierra with the back to back sequence of storm systems heading our way as we head into presidents' day weekend. the rain chances have a little lull from thursday afternoon into friday, the first atmospheric river rolls our way saturday, saturday evening, now, another slight break from the rain chances to start on sunday. now, sunday evening, sunday night. it looks like it will hang out monday, for presidents' day and continuing into tuesday. and that means there is going to be a lot of rain. this is the seven-day estimate from the rainfall totals and even the rain shadow locations getting close to 2 1/2 inches of rain, 3-5 inches of rain coming at us in waves but that is a lot of water. the higher elevations of the north bay and the santa cruz mountains, talking 6-8 plus inches of rainfall. that is why
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we are concerned localized flooding heading into presidents' day weekend. let's talk about tomorrow's high temperatures, hitting the lower 60s in the santa clara valley. the overall pattern is easy to see. you wait on the rain a little longer, temperatures hit the 60s, normal for this time of the year. rain arrives earlier. north of the golden gate. that is where we are talking about cooler readings for valentine's day reaching up to the middle to upper 50s by tomorrow afternoon. the temperatures will not change a lot heading through this prolonged stretch of wet weather rolling in over the weekend. let's take a look at the forecast, really is the rain chances that will occupy our attention heading into that holiday weekend. we will keep you updated in terms of the flooding potential and damaging wind potential. if it shapes up it will be the second one heading our way. closer to the coast, more capable of squeezing the atmosphere over the bay area and maybe resulting in some wind gusts over 40 miles an hour and that
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is when we become more concerned about possibility of more power outages, lots to watch over the next several days. >> we know you will be busy so, we appreciate that at the very least, paul, thank you. the a's are on a path to sin city, the team can see extended play at their oakland home. and ahead, kyle shanahan and big games. and, what is next for this talent? plus the big leagues. her next time on the air is closer than you think - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist.
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- [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ )
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. oh, it has been a couple of days for 49ers fans and the team, i imagine. >> and we are in the transition where we have to segue into baseball, nba weekend, but, boy, 49ers faithful that are downright upset. >> yep. >> it has been a couple of
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days. as sara said, still not long enough, huh? think of the players, you feel bad. what about the 49ers? you can not fake this emotion. >> the look of a super bowl overtime defeat. look at ward, second super bowl lots since 2020. that plus and nfc championship game loss essay the niners can not win the big one. kyle shanahan disagrees. >> we got to win a bunch of big games to get to super bowls. we won a lot of big games to get into playoffs, the fact that we keep getting there shows how much we can win games. i hope that i can be part of a game. to say the niners can not win a big game will be an inaccurate statement. >> all right, defensive lineman will undergo off season surgery
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for a torn maniscus. he torn the injury in philadelphia, missed the next five games, played in the playoffs, the longest 49er hopes to be ready for training camp. pivot to baseball. giants agreed to a 3-year deal reportedly worth $42 million. the 2021 world series mvp can mash 36 home runs last season with miami. san francisco, has not had a player hit over 30 homers since barry bondses in 2004. pitchers and catchers report for spring training this week. today, the oakland a's also made a big addition. not on the field. the team announced cavanor will be the plain announcer, will become the first woman to be the team's primary announcer in mlb history. her new broadcast
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partner is ready to go! >> you are going to love her insight, her energy, and i, i could not be more honored to sit next to the first woman in baseball history to assume the role of play-by-play announcer. >> guess what? cavnar will be here tomorrow night to do the warriors radio play-by-play. i can not wait to meet her, sara. she was spotlighted by norah o'donnell to close the "cbs evening news." now, it is a national story. >> oh, we love a woman in sports broadcasting, i think they do some of the best work. the national level we are lucky to have her hear. can't wait to hear about your conversation. >> me, either. the a's lease expires after this season. it may not be their last year in oakland. >> oh, really? [ laughter ] >> gosh, this story. sources are telling us the team is negotiating an extension to stick around until their vegas
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ballpark is built. supposed to be done in 2028. the team is meeting with city ask county officials on thursday [music] she is not your average rocking horse. apparently their biggest fan has four legs
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it is 1:30 in new orleans but there are still plenty of people out partying. this is a live picture right there. we are sure they will all be in church bright and early for ash wednesday [music] . >> earlier part years had to clear the streets for the parades, it ends carnival season and no one does it like new orleans t. is estimated
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last year's festivities pumped $1 billion into the local economy. hopefully you were able to pump king cake in your system. this bakery in san francisco was doing a brisk trade today. despite what is going on in new orleans tonight, i guarantee even the hardest of hard partiers have nothing on this head banger. we spoke with a stable worker who was playing mus nick the barn when she realized she had a rocking horse on her hands. >> come on. party time. >> how does this canadian race do it. he is a head banger but only to certain songs. >> metal was her like go to head banging music. she loves it. >> her groomer noticed the heavier the metal music the more the horse would head bang. >> i looked to may barmannager do you see what she is doing.
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she turn the music off she stops. >> reporter: they tested country music. she turned her butt to it. her appetite for metal was obvious. she feels like she is sort of on beat. >> she always is. it is incredible no matter what song we play, slow heavy, going with the beat. >> reporter: sometimes she gets over excited. heronline fans call her a rocking horse. her favorite band so far seem to be slipknot. we had to cut the dirty lyrics but the 7-year-old is not offended. her groomer plans to have reviews based on intensity or lack thereof. she feels like a cross between bojack of cartoon fame. and mr. ed. >> hello. the talking horse.
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>> a horse is a horse of course, of course >> if this horse could sing she would probably sing herself horse. >> that is a cute horse. >> after the break, fake gators are causing an entire arizona city to freak out. the city planning to double down.
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. no reason for anyone to panic. you would not know it from the 911 calls pouring into police dispatchers in mesa, arizona >> 911. >> there are three gators in here >> it bit my boyfriend's fishing line. we had to cut it. >> huh? >> no it didn't. >> the calls have been coming in for weeks. in all of that time they have not moved a muscle because they are fake. the city put them there to give ducks and turtles a place to
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sun. they did not dig the ramps that the city helped them get out. they like the gators, though. if you think the people calling 911 are out of control. just wait, the city is planning to add foam hippos in the next couple of weeks. >> oh! just wild kingdom. sure. >> 911 i am missing a limb. [ laughter ] >> easy to sort that out. >> the gator broke my line. >> you are just terrible at fishing. >> our producer confused this with a florida story a few moments ago. >> it is easy to do. >> yes. seems like a florida kind of thing. >> it is not. arizona thing. >> it was a florida person who dialed 911, no, they would know the difference, no, right? >> you would hope so. >> thank you any way for watching, the late show with stephen colbert is coming up next, good night
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