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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  February 14, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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thank you for joining us this morning. and happy valentine's day. it's wednesday, february 14th. >> i feel the love. let's get
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started. >> i was really sad. sad for the -- you know, being a father and a grandfather. you know, for the children. >> hearts rally against hurt after a tragedy. the community working to find answers as police investigate pain on the peninsula. we deserve clean air, clean water, clean soil. end of story. >> people coming together for a better east bay. refineries and a settlement begging the question about what's best in the long run? ♪ i left my heart in san francisco♪ a day for lovers and the love story that became the love letter to the city by the bay. we're talking tony. and a tribute that will be seen by millions. the first two times, i met a lot of cool girlfriends. nothing romantic has blossomed. but maybe the third time is the charm.
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>> and a reminder of the power of face-to-face when seeking love. have a valentine today? give some love and if you don't, come find us, bay area, you belong to us. and i love what she said. good morning everybody, i'm reed cowan. i love she said i met some good girlfriends too. she'll need these girlfriends when she finds out some of the guys are not the best. >> ooh reed, i'm nicole zaloumis on this valentine's day with your warning. so it's six minutes, is that what i gathered from that open there? >> the timer says. >> you get to figure out. well, we have story coming up where the man knew instantly and has been decades that they've been married. >> the perfect story for a day like today on valentine's day. i think six minutes is a good enough time to kind of at least know okay. maybe. or maybe not. >> six minutes? >> i think so. it's a good start. it's a good start. >> start training with the kids if there are the teens or 'tweens. get the stopwatch going and let them know. hey, good morning, everybody. there is a beautiful look at grace cathedral. live look outside.
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this is the calm before the storm because it's a first alert weather day. it is a first alert weather day, reed. guys, as we wake up this morning, it's starting off dry for valentine's day. but it's going to look lot different as we head into the afternoon hours. taking a look outside our window right now. we are waking up to 40s and 50s throughout the bay and off to a cool start right now down into the santa clara valley. but at least it's dry and enjoy it while you have it. the evening commute is going to look a lot different compared to the morning commute. to school, to work, wherever you are heading off to this morning. we're sitting in the low 50s right now from san francisco across the bay bridge into oakland. and it's clear at the bay bridge right now. that will look a lot different also as we head into the afternoon. where's the rain happening and how much to expect? but then a dry break as we head into the forecast tomorrow. heading into friday. with back-to-back atmospheric river events heading into this weekend. so now that we got those covered our headlines, let's dive into what's ham right now. showers to the north of us and those are going to sweep in the bay area pretty soon. i mean within the next couple of hours start
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seeing light scattered showers up in the north bay. our friends down into the santa clara valley are going to last to get hit with the rain but definitely feel the impacts of it in the afternoon hours. this is around lunchtime and we're seeing close to around 0.1 in areas like bodega bay and santa rosa and for the friends near napa. the numbers start to add up too. now in the 5:00 hour today and heavier storms moving anywhere from our coastline all the way off into the east bay. but these on and off showers will start to trickling off into the overnight hours tonight and like i mentioned we're left with drier conditions tomorrow heading into the friday forecast. but i want to talk about this weekend a little bit more. coming up in the first alert forecast because there's the big impacts we could feel here in the bay. gianna? thank you, jess. the live look here at the bay bridge toll plaza this morning. and again, later on that commute is going to be a lot different with the wet weather really coming in. just checked in with chp. there was small brush fire. a couple of flashing lights there off to the side. you have crews on scene and really not causing an issue to
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traffic or an issue to the bridge itself and it's out whatever it was. but again, just know that it's out there and we'll watch that. but that backup is building quite quickly for anyone making that ride over into san francisco. reed? all right, just into the newsroom, we're getting our first look at the results of the chp supported crime crackdown in oakland. and the east bay. governor gavin newsom's office says officers have already made 71 arrests and recovered 145 stolen cars and seized four guns linked to crime. newsom sent 120 officers to the east bay to take part in that chp operation. that temporary operation took place between february 5th and february 9th and look at the volume they accomplished just in those short amount of days. antioch mayor thorpe wants to rebuild trust between people and police. he's a part of antioch's first ever police oversight commission. so here's how this works. later this morning, the mayor will swear in seven commissioners that are tasked to oversee the police department's policies,
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practices and customs as we look live attainted i don't care. the department you might remember took a major hit last year when federal investigators turned up racist texts with officers and they found it was no small thing. it was systemic. nearly four dozen officers investigated for racist policing and routine use of excessive force and fabrication of evidence. in fact, half of the city's officers put on leave or reduced duties. as a result of three civil rights lawsuits that hit the city of antioch and its police department. so we've reached out to the police officers' association for reaction but so far, we have not had a response from them yet. good morning near the very beautiful pacifica pier. later this morning, a portion of the pier is set to reopen. you might remember it closed in late december after huge tides hit those waves into -- and made the pier fall apart into shreds. so with rain in the forecast today, and more on the way, pacifica leaders are keeping a close eye on how the pier holds up. looking live at san
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francisco. as business leaders with the chamber of commerce get set to hold the annual city beat breakfast later this morning. so business and civic leaders are going to sit around a table and discuss the newest poll results and really takes the temperature about what you the voter care about and then sets the conversation and narrative about what those who want your vote will have to face. and address in upcoming elections. nicole? san francisco mayor london breed is showcasing the bay area bouncing back. she just gave a first year progress report on the road map to revitalize downtown. breed highlighted $20 million to help small businesses. the launch of the vacant to vibrant pop-up program to draw people downtown. and jump-starting efforts to transform empty office space into housing. she also said the city had the lowest crime rate last year in a decade. with the compensation of 2020 during the shutdown. and one of the things on the mayor's to-do list, reciting more police. her budget funds
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220 new officers to get on the force and get it back to full staffing. lezla gooden got see one of the new academy classes in action and learned negative perception about crime in the city was a major motivator for many of these recruits. >> class, attention. good morning, captain. >> good morning. >> reporter: meet the san francisco police academy class 282. this is the highest turnout the academy has seen since the pandemic began. >> you are going to stop and see what they're doing. before you go up there. right? >> reporter: san francisco currently needs 500 police officers to meet the city's demand. and these cadets are helping the city reach that goal. over the next 35 weeks, they will train inside and outside the classroom. >> into that car, is that your vehicle? [ inaudible ] no? >> reporter: helping train them is captain sean perdomo, a police captain at the academy. >> i'm sorry, sir. wider step, please sir. 55. please respond. i'm going to need your assistance. >> reporter: and they're on
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track to graduate more recruits this year than previous years in the pandemic. >> so we do have a recruit that's currently in the academy that had noticed the decline in the quality of life issues here in the city and recently his relative was a crime victim and he stated that was one of the number one reasons why he applied to become a police officer. >> reporter: he attributes the increase in interest to several factors. >> to do think that the wage increase has increased applicants to the police department. i also think the public perception has influenced how many people do apply. and i also think that the conditions in the city and people wanting to make a difference has inspired people to become applicants. >> reporter: now the police academy's goal is to have a total of 100 recruits by the end of 2024 and if the momentum continues, they can meet it. >> the starting salary for sfpd officers is $112,000. it's one
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of the highest in the bay area and the country. time right now 6:9 in the morning. people doing battle with bay area refineries putting a notch in the win column. who will be getting a big check and the changes many people are promised. ♪ san francisco, above the blue ♪ and on this valentine's day, take a ride with tony. his car, his cable, and the tribute that will last for generations. sing it, tony.
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welcome back everybody. it is 6:12 in the morning and could an agreement with bay area people and two east bay refinery finally create lasting change? get this. in a major shift, two east bay companies have given up fighting local air quality managers and they've agreed to cut pollution from their plants. so along with the cuts to emissions, chevron and martinez refining company will pay $34 million in fines for hundreds of air quality violations. $20 million up front. the money will go into a richmond area
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community air quality fund. by the way the martinez refinery also agreeing to rigorous monitoring. it's been under investigation for nearly two years after allegations it spewed up dust that a lot of neighbors say coated places where they live. heidi taylor counts this development as a win for her community. >> we deserve clean air, clean water, clean soil. end of story. this is the best place i have ever lived. and i'm not going to just pack up and leave. i am going to hold that refinery accountable. >> well, the refineries have until the middle of 2026 to make those changes. a winter storm dumped fresh snow across the northeast. in new york city, more than 3 inches fell in central park. people enjoyed walking their dogs in the blanket of snow. and having snowball fights and building a snowman. further north, massachusetts got a blast of wind and snow on the coast. and jessica has more on that. yeah, you know it's interesting, nicole, these two
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things just sound wrong together. but here it is. snow on the beach. and this is in southern massachusetts which is getting the brunt of that nor'easter blasting that whole regional. and you can see intense wind and powerful waves with that slushy sand and they have been dealing with the bulk of the storm and as we take a look at what's going on there compared to here in the bay area, man, i mean, we're having our own taste of storm right around the corner but nothing hike what they have. when it comes to the heavy storms moving in from the continental u.s. we're 25 degrees warmer than them in the upper 50s and lower 60s and here in the bay it's a first alert weather day as we're gearing up for a storm of our own. this is moving in from offshore from the gulf of alaska. with that cooler weather and we're also going to see some gusty conditions into the afternoon. and some rain associated with that. which will impact that evening commute and it will impact those outdoor date night plans. so i'm sorry to say it but it's going to be a rainy
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one for us on this first alert weather day forecast. here's around lunchtime. scattered showers widespread throughout the bay area. just a blanket of that light drizzle with heavier pockets of rain at times. luckily, our models are starting to show lighter conditions for us today and i mean yesterday around the time we were still expecting to see around a half inch to around an inch of rain and now models are trending a lot drier and a lot less impactful. so as we wrap up the day today, heading into the evening hours tonight, we'll see the on and off showers start to slowly taper off in the overnight hours giving us 0.1 of rain in areas like fremont and livermore. more impressive numbers in napa and fremont. like i said push the wine tasting to indoor instead. we will have a dry break tomorrow heading into friday but then back-to-back atmospheric river events heading into the weekend forecast and i want to talk a lit bit more about that and show you what it looks like on the long-range models. the storms are still well out in the pacific. but that's going to change as we head into the rest of the week. into the weekend we go, that trough develops and that allows for the huge storm system to really just sit and gain its energy offshore before it moves its
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way into the california coastline impacting anywhere from l. a. all the way up into the bay area. and back here in the bay we can see anywhere up to around 8 inches down in ben lomond and 5 inches in the north bay but that's in total from next seven days. also includes today's storm too. daytime highs today in the upper 50s and lower 60s throughout the bay area. it's pretty mild for us temperature-wise. really what i'm concerned about is more of the winds and the rain that we can see that causes issues out there on the roads potentially we can see a downed tree or two if they're already weak and well saturated at the surface level. due to the past storms that we've seen. but i don't think that's going to necessarily be the case. now we're going to hold on tight to the 60s through the rest of the week and heading into next week with heavier storms and thunderstorm activity possible heading into early next week. gianna? >> thank you, jess. but of course when it comes to driving in it, not fun at all and this afternoon commute certainly going to be a bit busy at least that's what we forecast with the wet weather really settling in for the
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evening commute. so in the meantime, get where you are going if you can quickly. and safely. taking the bay bridge this morning, it's already backed up and busy for anyone heading over into san francisco. but your morning commute is going to be a lot more quiet than the evening one so definitely plan for that. if you are headed out and about, taking some of the major freeways right now, we're only tracking brake lights through the altamont pass and everything else actually looks really good. pretty nice travel times for the most part on 80. highway 4 and even 101 out of san jose. all the way through the peninsula. it's that ride though through the altamont pass that is slow this morning. we've got brake lights coming out of tracy and then the crash here as you work your way into the altamont pass. little closer to that livermore valley area. so definitely plan for some brake lights there but it's clear the rest of the way once you are past that point to the dublin interchange. ♪ i left my heart in san francisco ♪ >> take in that beautiful
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energy this morning. remembering tony bennett. by dedicating a cable car to the legendary crooner in san francisco. by the way, you can catch a ride on tony's cable car on the famed california street line. that car built in 1907 will carry passengers up california street and every time it will pass tony bennett way. it is 6:18. on this wednesday morning. a defeat they will never forget. we head inside the 49ers' locker room hearing from the team about
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- [announcer] our world is constantly changing, and every day stanford medicine advances our understanding. our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together, expanding what we know and sharing what we discover, to make breakthroughs both possible and accessible. stanford medicine, advancing knowledge, improving lives. (gentle music)
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now taking a live look outside on this wednesday morning. it is a first alert weather day. so be prepared for some heavy rain later on today during your evening commute. meteorologist jessica burch is tracking it all this morning and we're going to hear from jess again in the next half hour. but first, the 49ers have returned home after super bowl lviii. and yesterday, the team was back at levi's stadium to clean out the lockers. >> that's a tough day. vern glenn shows us the thoughts and feelings inside the locker room ahead of the off-season. >> we get over it. it's football. life. life goes on. ♪ >> reporter: life will go on for the 49ers. but this is going to take some time to get over. >> it's hard. because i don't
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feel like -- usually i watch sports or reach down on my phone. and i don't really feel like doing any of that right now. i got to catch up on movies last night with my family. >> obviously it's a sucky feeling, but i also -- am trying to have the perspective of all right, this is happening for a reason. >> it's a kick in the gut to get this close and not get there. so i hurt for everybody here. but -- the only thing i know how to do is pick yourself up and let it hurt for a while and use that as fuel and move forward. >> reporter: they packed up and will return later this spring ready to start the quest for six all over again. >> obviously we wanted to get it done with this group. but we have -- the people in place to make another run next year. >> i think we have a lot of guys who play football at a very high level. and so yeah, you know, i have nick bosa coming back, right? i think we can win a lot of football games. >> reporter: the 49ers have won plenty of football games recently. but the clock is ticking for kyle shanahan to win the big one. >> i would love to win one for what i know about football and stuff and i know i fixed
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perception. that means i did everything i want to do, which isn't fix perception. it's win a damn super bowl. >> i think you are just tired and immean they're optimistic about next season but they need a break. >> they do and to be so close. and to visit -- overtime too. i mean, it's -- like that's tough. i mean i'm sure they can just taste the win. and it was kind of -- definitely a hard clean out your locker room you know, the end of the season, that's a tough day for sure. >> overtime as you mentioned. that's under scrutiny right now. so it will be interesting to see how this off-season plays out. well, to baseball news now. giants have picked up outfielder jorge soler. he reportedly agreed to a three year deal worth $42 million. the 2021 world series mvp will add some much-needed power to the team. last season, with miami, hi hit 36 home runs on his first way to an all-star
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game appearance. and happening today, spring training is fast approaching. giants' pitchers and catchers will report to scottsdale stadium in arizona today. ahead of their first workout tomorrow. position players will arrive this coming monday and the first full squad workout is scheduled for next tuesday. >> the a's spring training also kicks off today in arizona at the stadium. pitchers and catchers are holding their first workout later in the day. followed by the first full squad workouts on monday. taking a big step forward coming off the second consecutive 100 loss season. the a's have a lot of question marks surrounding their future. after the season, their lease at the coliseum will expire but sources say it may not be their last year in oakland. the team is reportedly negotiating an extension to stick around until their billion delay vegas ballpark is built. that's supposed to be done in 2028. so we're told the team is meeting with city and county officials tomorrow. and the a's of course made a big addition to the broadcast team this week. >> yeah, yesterday the a's
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announced the hiring of jenny cavnar to call play-by-play for the telecast. now she becomes the first woman to serve as a team's lead announcer in mlb history. she was previously the backup announcer for the rockkis and padres before that. her new broadcast partner dallas braden is excited to start calling games alongside her. >> you are going to love her insight and you are going to love her energy. and i, i could not be more honored to sit next to the first woman in baseball history to assume the role of play-by-play announcer. >> well, we noah it's like to have supportive male co-host. awesome and congratulations to her. it's something she's probably done most of her adult life. professional life. but to finally get that job. the coveted position. and be respected for it. >> absolutely. and it's paving the way for any young lady or little girl who's watching who thinks maybe i can do this some day too and yes, you absolutely
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can. congrats to her and i can't wait to listen to the broadcasts. still ahead -- >> breaking news. it's a whole new chapter for fairyland. i'm here to tell you why this iconic park is getting a makeover. coming up next. ♪ ♪ you have to love some music from santana on this wednesday morning. right? and now he's combining forces with another bay area - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio,
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part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. part of "morning edition." they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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right now on cbs news bay area, at 6:29 in the morning, taking a live look right there waving past the bay bridge to the friends up in the east bay. we see you are glowing against the clouds. take that in because it's a first alert weather day. things are going to change. jess? >> oh, things are going to change right around the corner and it's a first alert weather day and it has to be valentine's day too. right? >> i know. >> as we take a look at what's happening for us into this afternoon, if you were planning on doing an outdoor event today, for valentine's day, well, you are going to want to keep a close eye on the radar. not saying don't do it because there's on and off showers this afternoon. but i'm just saying it's probably going to be a washout at times for some of us in the bay. and i'll time that out for you so you are prepared and you can see
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how much your community is actually going to get hit with the showers but right now a cool cloudy start. that's a beautiful look right now of the clouds layers just kind odd holding on tight to usthroughout the bay. down into the santa clara valley we're in the 40s and 50s near san francisco and you see that bay bridge just above me. the cloud layer is holdingen high. as we head into this next couple of hours, i want to show you what's going to come. now just offshore, there's an area of low pressure moving in from offshore -- from offshore we're seeing area of low pressure develop. and that's going to bring in a series of showers throughout this afternoon and it's also going to bring in some gustier conditions for our valentine's day forecast. we will catch a break for thursday and friday but more storms are lining up out in the pacific. and we'll talk more about those coming up in a bit because back-to-back atmospheric rivers are in the forecast once again. but that's not today. today we're seeing the showers move in mostly from the north. and that's going to start changing as we head into the next couple of hours, the dry conditions replaced with sunny skies anywhere from santa rosa stretching down into san francisco just by lunchtime. that same storm track will continue to move to the south
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into afternoon hours impacting the santa clara valley and now we're talking about an inconvenient wrap -- inconvenient time to get back to the house and get back to -- from school and as we head into the evening hours tonight i'm going to time that more out for you coming up in just a bit. now over to you, g. thank you, jess. anyone making the ride to the bay bridge already backed up and busy this morning. as you head westbound over into san francisco. so give yourself a few extra minutes there. looks like the backup is almost to the foot of the maze but not quite this morning. we're now tracking brake lights coming off of highway 4 and antioch to hercules. 38 minutes. and of course that ride into the altamont pass is a busy one. here's the good news, they cleared a crash just past north flynn but still really slow out of tracy getting on to 580. reed? all right, thank you so much. san mateo police investigating the deaths of a family of four as murder/suicide. this one happened at home on alameda de las pulgas. investigate tores found a man and a woman dead of gunshot wounds in the bathroom and found a 9-millimeter
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handgun on the floor. two 4-year-old boys also found dead in a bedroom adjacent. so police will not say how the boys died except to say they were not shot. no signs of forced entry or struggle also. >> this is a horrible crime. that doesn't happen often thankfully. and impacts the family, community, the officers, everyone that deals with this. and i'm sure the public is feeling the tragedy of this event. >> so while investigators are confident the adults' deaths were a murder/suicide, they really haven't been able to say who shot who because the investigation and autopsies are still under way. all right, good morning to those of you starting your day in the south bay. the san jose police department along with mayor matt mahan expanding a capture crime pilot program. this initiative allows business owners or vendors in communities with rising crime rates to obtain surveillance equipment at no cost. let's jump the map this morning to
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the state of texas. where a person died after a car drove into a medical center emergency room. the driver died and several inside the waiting room were injured. police do not believe that crash was intentional. let's talk politics now. crisis at the southern border and immigration battle heats up in the house. yesterday republicans voted to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas over his handling of the southern border and the issues there. by the way this was their second atreatment in a week. this is the first time a sitting cabinet member able impeached since 1876 remember though, we are only talking about action in the house. the articles of impeachment will now go to the senate where a lot of people say they are expected to fail because the senate has a democratic majority. well, remember scandal laden and ousted house member george santos? his seat is now filled in new york by democrat tom suozzi. it cuts the gop's already narrow house majority in washington and marks a return to dc for suozzi who
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served in the house for three terms before running unsuccessfully for governor. meanwhile, fairyland in oakland has been entertaining kids and families for decades. built right after world war ii in the midst of the so-called baby boom but these days the children's amusement park right by lake merritt is in the middle of reinvention and our itay hod joins thus studio with that story. happy valentine's day, so exciting. >> reporter: it is. fairyland was the first ever theme park in the country. it was built in 1950. five years before disneyland. in fact, as the legend goes walt disney himself got his inspiration for magic kingdom after visiting fairyland. over the years the park went into disarray, but now it's getting a special update for its 75th anniversary next year. once upon a time, in a land not so far away, a little boy named warren
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embarked on an enchanting journey through a place called fairyland. >> the idea there was a place in oakland that was a fantasy world made a huge impact. >> reporter: as he strode through the worlds of "alice in wonderland" and "snow white," his imagination took flight. little did he know those magical moments would become the palette for his future profession. >> growing up, you know, being black and loving fantasy, those two things kind of feel like they were at odds. >> reporter: now the set designer for fairyland's puppet theater, he's using his secret powers to cast a spell on the very place that sparked his passion. >> i put that throne as a place holder. >> reporter: these days, grown-up warren moton is working with puppet director randal metz to add color not just to the backdrops, but to the stories themselves. today,
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they're reviving an ancient fairytale called tam and cam, better known as the vietnamese cinderella. >> cam's life was about to change. for she now had a half sister as well as a vengeful stepmother. >> the city is oakland, california. >> reporter: built in 1950, fairyland was the first themed amusement park in the country. as the legend goes, it was the inspiration for another slightly more famous magic kingdom, when walt disney himself came to visit. >> it's said that he came here and took a tour of the park. hired away the first executive director and also the first puppeteer. >> reporter: from here. >> from fairyland. >> reporter: maria rodriguez is the puppet theater manager. >> this is the story of "alice in wonderland." right now we're tumbling down the rabbit hole. >> reporter: she says as the park gets ready for its 75th anniversary, it's looking to update its stories to reflect
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the community around it. >> a lot of our guests here are from oakland. and so we want to make sure that they are seeing sets that relate to stories that they grew up with. >> reporter: the park is already working on several international plays, including a cuban and mayan fairytale. >> we want to just do something different and magical that kids don't see every day. >> reporter: fairyland is also getting a new ambassador. a green mythical creature by the name of quercus. >> i live in the tree above the emerald city stage. >> reporter: if you are wondering what's so diverse about that, quercus is believed to be the first ever nonbinary mascot. >> my pronouns are they/them. >> reporter: as for warren, being part of a new, more inclusive fairyland, has been nothing short of a dream. >> what inspired me when i came here, i get to do for other kids when they come here.
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>> you missed a spot. >> reporter: updating classical fables. so that future visitors can have their own happily ever after. >> thank you everybody. the end. >> oh. so well done. really. >> thank you. >> i love it. if you were a puppet on valentine's day. what kind of puppet would you and? >> oh my gosh. that's a hard question. >> long hair or short hair. >> cupid, duh. >> a good one. >> somebody photoshop itay hod in a diaper with a bow and arrow. [ laughter ] >> my goodness. >> it fits right? it works. >> that's what i do on the weekends. [ laughter ] >> i love that you shared that story though on a serious note. sorry to take away from the cupid on this valentine's day. because i had no idea that the walt disney element to it. >> yea, i live literally two blocks away from it and always pass by it and i have heard that legend and i wasn't even sure whether it was true or not. the first question i asked maria. was a it true? she was
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like uh-huh. it is true. and literally we have this iconic landmark right here and it does need a little love and care and they're giving to it to it now. they're updating the sets and puppet shows. so those are the first things that you can update because it doesn't cost quite as much. so a lot of different -- they literally went around the world to find all the different fairytales that they can sort of revive and some of them are completely original and it's really fascinating what they're doing. >> what's really fascinating on this valentine's day, is you just told people you live two blocks away from there. i think you are fishing for a little love itay hod. >> either that or a stalker. >> we all need one right? >> reed is trying to help. >> can you tell we're friends? thank you so much. come back to you. >> anytime. taking a live look from the san francisco flower mart. have you received flowers yet? have you given them away this morning? if not, it's not too late. on this day for lovers. we're back in a minute. plus, are you tired of
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swiping on a screen? coming up, the late ' thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection,
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liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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time now for the money watch report this morning. thousands of uber and lit and door dash drivers walk off the job today. according to the independent union ride shares' driver united. ride share drivers are protesting a
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significant pay decrease and unsafe working conditions. rallies will take place across multiple airports in the u.s. meanwhile, uber downplayed the situation, saying a driver protest that happened last year had no effect on business. it's time now for a look at what's coming up later on "cbs mornings." nate burleson joins us live from new york. not a lot of happy niner fans here in the bay area. happy valentine's day. >> what's up nicole? happy valentine's day to you too. so let me send this heart out to all the niners' fans i get it. it was a rough super bowl. kansas city, they walked away with the victory but it was still a good reason for the 49ers. you have a great coach. you have your quarterback of the future. and still have some pieces. so you will be fine for next season. that's just me. looking on the bright side. let me tell you what's coming up on "cbs mornings." happy valentine's day like we said. and now while today is all about love unfortunately, it's not all roses. romance scammers are a serious problem costing
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victims billions. yes, that's right. billions of dollars. you will hear from one woman who lost more than $1 million while getting her heart broken. but there's plenty of love to go around on the show. if you are planning a romantic dinner, we've got you covered. the executive director of food and wine is here with some wine recommendations to go with your meal. and speaking of love, the bob marley biopic one love is in theaters today. we will chat with the man who plays the legendary musician himself actor kingsley benadeere. everything you need to know and more on this show and i hope you all have a great v day. we'll see you at 7:00. >> all right nate. thank you so much for keeping it positive for all those mourning the loss here in the bay. have a great valentine's day. >> love you nate and the whole crew. taking a live look at the san francisco flower mart powering valentine's day once again. there's a headline here. business owners say costs for flowers and other valentine's day items are the highest they've ever seen. according to the national retail federation, you shoppers out there will spend an average of
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$185 today. so take a listen to what a florist says he does to get ready for valentine's day. >> wednesday, we get big loads in from south america and wednesday through saturday. so we deal with those. we separate all of the orders and a lot of the customers that do bigger volume. we ship out those orders thursday, friday. super long hours. lot of caffeine. and trying to push a lot of flowers. >> push a lot of flowers and in fact, a survey from wallet hub found 46% of americans say inflation is affecting their choices on this valentine's day. and over at city hall, mayor london breed will join the lgbtq community later today to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the so-called winter of love. it marks that historic milestone when san francisco first started issuing same sex marriage licenses in 2004. breed and other city officials plan to lead vow renewals and officiate marriages throughout the day. nearly 200 couples are registered to be married on this day. >> oh. feeling the love there. all right, more people are
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falling out of love with dating apps and looking for more of a face-to-face connection. you know what it's actually making a comeback? speed dating. according to event brite atent dance at in-person singles events grew more than 40% last year. the number of events was up more than 60% compared to before the pandemic. and dating experts say gen z is even more skeptical about meeting on apps. >> using an ai generated photo online to get the swipes or is this photo slightly blurry and clearly a person and clearly real. no filters. gen z is showing us that they've grown up in digital world. they're seeking more analog dating interactions. >> well, event brite says the cities with the highest percentage of dating and singles events included new york, los angeles, and houston. but even if you don't find the right one, it's also just a good way to meet friends as well. now here i did a deep dive. [ laughter ] i was very curious about how this really works and i'm going just give
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you some -- help you out reed. all the singles out there. little tips if you do speed dating. couple of things you want to do. like things -- put the phone down. you are like can you find out someone in six minutes? you are not doing this. >> next. >> or anything else. >> right. thank you we're like gone. come prepared with questions. like don't -- think about what you want. don't ask -- do you want to get married and have kids? what's your future plans. just think about things that you really want to know about. get creative. it will make you sound more interesting. >> maybe don't talk about yourself so much. >> ask the questions. show you are interested. >> your questions reveal who you are. did you know what? listen to the people who are asking you questions. >> ask me a question. >> how do you -- when did you first know you were just amazing? [ laughter ] >> great one. >> this is so funny. you have a sense of humor. >> oh. see? i mean, sometimes. >> oh. and you are so sweet and kind. >> but i mean -- i mean it. >> this is good. >> look, gianna dressed like
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the doctor of love today. can we get a closeup on the earrings? you have heart earrings. >> helping with the -- advice because i want people to find love and be happy. right. >> you're welcome. >> yes. thank you g. dr. g. taking a live look outside on this wednesday morning. it's a first alert weather day as well. so maybe cuddle up with the honey or your dog or your cat. or just hug yourself this morning. >> or your morning co-host. because we wake up with each other pretty much every day. >> i'm safe, i promise. >> you guys are right, it's a first alert weather day and it's also valentine's day too. so this is just a good excuse for cuddle weather in general. now taking a quick look at the first alert doppler, it's dry for now. but we're going to start seeing showers move in from offshore specifically up in the north bay first within the next couple of hours and see that in santa rosa and bodega bay. and as that storm system starting to track to the south and with this we can see some gustier winds at times and wind speeds 15, 20 miles per hour along the coast. briesy at times but of
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course the rain is the big concern for us today. we're trying to do or get accomplished we're dealing with the off and on showers through the evening hours tonight. so all the outdoor activities, you might want to hold off until tomorrow. luckily we can do them tomorrow because we just have partly cloudy skies for the forecast and thursday into friday. but then this weekend and early next week, long-range models, we're talking about back-to-back atmospheric river events that will bring in a series of showers all from offshore with very strong winds at times and this is going to feel a lot like the last system that we had when we had back-to-back -- what was that? only two weeks ago. back-to-back atmospheric river events. over a weekend. this trough is developing out in the pacific and bring a series of really charged storm systems moving in from offshore and that stays consistent into early next week too. so the climate prediction center as well as the weather prediction center showing anywhere up to around 8 inches down into the santa clara valley. actually not the santa clara valley, past that into ben lomond. the santa clara valley expected to see anywhere to around 3 inches. and about 6 inches are
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expected up in the north bay. that's worth noting though because this is going to be a very strong storm system not like the one that we have today. so this is just kind of a little tease ahead what's to come heading into our weekend forecast. now daytime highs today, for our valentine's day, we're talking about upper 50s and lower 60s and honestly we don't have too much to complain about considering the fact that the northeast which we'll talk about coming up in just a bit got hit with really heavy storm cells recently. really heavy snow and really cold temperatures from the arctic but back here in the bay we're talking about 60s throughout the rest of this week. heading into this weekend. and with that rain right around the corner we could see a chance of thunderstorm activity but that's early next week. we'll keep you updated on the rainfall totals. for now g how are the roads? >> getting busy jess, and it's you know, you are halfway through the workweek so definitely wednesdays tend to be a little busier for the commute. as you kind of get over that hup. but look at the live look here at the bay bridge toll plaza. we had a hotspot not too far as you connected off 80 this morning
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but things are moving well now. just a little bit slow as you come into the macarthur maze coming off the eastshore freeway, that's our slowest approach. so keep that in mind but it kind of sets the tone of where our east bay freeways are sitting which is busy on highway 4 and busy on westbound 08 and of course that altamont pass commute is a slow crawl for anyone coming out of tracy working your way over into that livermore valley. hey, we've got a crash southbound 680 at san ramon valley boulevard. or road there. and it's definitely backing things up in and around that area. it's got one to two lanes blocked there. so certainly slow and go. and getting crowded over at the san mateo bridge. ♪ ♪ well, two major bay area rock stars are joining forces for a nationwide tour. santana and counting crows have announced the oneness tour kicking off in southern california on june 14th. the tour will include a stop right here in the bay area on august
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27th at the shoreline amphitheater at mountain view. tickets go on sale at 10:00 a.m. this friday. >> i love that combo. santana and counting crows. >> a good one for sure. >> love it. all right, as we celebrate love today on valentine's day. one northern california couple shares their chance encounter about how they went from chance encounters to life partners. >> reporter: frozen on pages. >> there's our wedding party. >> reporter: are the moments in time that define a love that's lasted 64 years. >> we dated for about three weeks. got engaged. it's like, what took you so long? [ laughter ] >> reporter: but before wedding bells rang for roger and linda la presle, there was a chance encounter in 1959. >> he had a great smile. and a nice shirt. [ laughter ] so i thought, what more do you need? >> reporter: linda was on a two week trip to visit her brother
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in honolulu, hawaii. and decided to volunteer, serving free meals to the navy sailors stationed at pearl harbor. >> this young lady walked in. and i leaned over to my buddy who was another navy man and i leaned over and said, i'm going to marry that girl some day. i had no idea who she was, where she came from. >> reporter: turns out the pair was from the same town in pasadena but had never met until linda went on a dream vacation and found -- a dream man. >> we are still very much in love. and very happy. i made my mind up years ago to be happy with roger. and he's never let me down. >> reporter: from that choice came forever. >> these are part of our family. >> reporter: three children, ten grandchildren, and ten great grandchildren later. they all now live in tracy. everyone wants to know, what's the
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secret to a love that lasts? >> we just talk to each other, you know. >> you both put 100% of yourself into your marriage. you don't -- this idea of marriage is 50/50. this doesn't work. >> reporter: communication, they say, is the key to finding -- >> this is the rehearsal dinner. >> reporter: -- and keeping true love. one that only gets sweeter -- >> she's the only one i want. >> reporter: -- with time. >> i would define that as love. the time now 6:54. here's a live look outside before we head to break. on this valentine's day. looks somewhat clear now. but -- there is some rain in the forecast. jessica will be right back. here's what's going on in the bay area this weekend. love, family and tech? on stage
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in the world premiere of the drama "big dadda" at san francisco's american theater through march 10th. starring tony award winner bidi wong. and motown legend smokey robinson will come to oakland's paramount theater saturday. ♪ ♪ "mean girls" the hilarious hit musical returns tot bay area for one week only. tickets are going fast so get your tickets at the bay area event calendar
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if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg.
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well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. bounced from one doctor to the next. it's why we're here. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare... so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you.
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elliott, how do you get from kpix to pix+? >> well, you see the signal comes from the station here and exits our master control. enters the retroencabulator. and side pummeling occurs that creates a sinusoidal wobbling and then ends up going through fiberoptic cable up to sutro tower where it goes into our transmitter and modulated and sent over the air. >> elliott, what i'm asking you is, how do we change the channel to pix+? >> oh! you hit 44--1 for over the air or 1--2 for cable, for 12. >> okay, we got a lot of stuff coming up at 7:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12. the all new season of
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the hit tv show "so help me todd" premiered this week on kpix and will be joined by oscar winner marcia gay harden to chat about the show. whether you are sharing a romantic meal or watching rom-coms with your buddies, there's a good chance wine is a part of your valentine's day celebration. coming up at 8:00 we'll be talking with wino tv's monique soul that knee to chat about the best bottle to serve. >> hopefully we have some bottles in house and why don't we take a live look outside on this valentine's day? we hope to see you over on pix+ 44 cable 12. it's a beautiful day in the bay for now. weather in the forecast a full report on the other side of the break. ♪ ♪ cue those trumpets. welcome to "cbs mornings" and hello to you our viewers on the west coast on this valentine's day.


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