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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  February 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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we begin with project developments where the chiefs super bowl parade was interrupted by gunfire. good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. >> i'm ryan yamamoto. police say at least one person is dead, up to 15 others are injured. reporter danya bacchus explains law enforcement agencies including the atf and now the fbi are working to piece together what exactly happened. >> reporter: crowds ran from the parade site. some taking cover behind vehicles. some in tears. emergency crews filled the streets. >> someone said oh, it was a fire, and she came running up with shots fired, so that is when they went around. >> i was telling everybody to get down and get down, cheering the chiefs super bowl victory. a law enforcement source says the shooting does not appear to
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be at this time. the people of kansas city deserves better. because of bad actors, this tragedy occurred. even in the presence of uniformed law enforcement officers who again ran towards them and took them into custody. >> this local tv crew was there when the shots were fired. >> i was actually down on the ground. jillian was up on the riser. i looked up at you and you said get up right now. >> we saw people running out of union station on the east side of the doors, pretty frantically. at that moment we were receiving information that we needed to change where we were. >> reporter: unseasonably warm weather brought as many as a million people to the parade. a celebration eclipsed by violence. >> police set up a reunification separated in all the chaos. chiefs quarterback, patrick mahomes, who had been on the stage leading his team into the celebration posted on social media that he's praying for kansas city. all right, switching gears
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to weather now. a live look outside on this first alert weather day. the rain has returned just as we said it would just in time for that evening commute. >> paul heggen is tracking the first of the series of storms headed our way. a bit of a soggy day today. >> just a wet valentine's day overall likely of the series of storm systems that will be impacting the bay area over the course of the next several days. you can see there is plenty of rain out there right now. we're tracking that on doppler as well. the line of heavier downpours is making its way into the bay area as expected right around the peak of rush hour. that's why today is a first alert weather day. let's zoom in for a closer look at those heavier downpours. some heavier rain falling around richmond right now as the rain has crossed over, making their way into the western arm of contra costa and alameda counties. we're looking at heavier downpours
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moving through as folks are leaving work with heavier rain moving through as well. plenty of light to moderate rain in advance of it as well. all of this will continue to move to the east over the next few hours. more rain lighting up offshore as well. let's switch over to futurecast and track this throughout the rest of tonight. light to moderate rain will be with us throughout the evening, even as the heaviest rain pushes off to the east. the sun will come up on thursday morning. a mix of clouds and sunshine throughout the day. just a slightest chance to see a few blips here and there on thursday. current wind speeds, mostly running in the 15 to 20 miles an hour range, but stronger gusts do accompany that narrow rain band. it's 31 miles an hour at half moon bay. enough to move you around on the roads. so if you are watching us on the stream before you leave work, just make sure to keep both hands on the wheel. it will be a tricky commute home. a look at the next chances of rain
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coming up. >> thanks, paul. the state is revealing the results of the governor's chp surge operation that happens in the east bay all in an effort to fight crime in that area. just last week the governor deployed more than 100 chp officers to oakland and other east bay neighborhoods. newsom's office says officers made 71 arrests, recovered 145 stolen cars, seized four guns linked to crimes. the goal of the new partnership will aim to bring in agencies from all over the east bay to approve public safety. our katie nielsen spoke to businesses and community leaders in oakland who say it is obvious something has to change. >> reporter: dominic prado's taco shop is filled with flowers, but no customers. a few months ago, he was forced to close. he says there simply wasn't enough business because of all the violent crime in the neighborhood. >> we all, in some way, have the same background and come from different circumstances. we have all been impacted.
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>> reporter: today, he's helping out a nearby business with their valentine's day flowers and deliveries. something he could have never imagined himself doing back in the 90s when he went to prison for robbery. he says his past is a part of the reason why he is now an outspoken advocate for improving public safety in oakland. he wants to see not just more police, but more importantly programs to prevent crime in the first place. >> we're losing our kids to violence, to crime. are we doing our best? >> oakland certainly, you know, when it comes to safety, we have an emergency. >> reporter: noel gallo represents the fruitvale and says he welcomes any and all help from outside agencies. >> we need the support, we have an emergency. for and politically let's quit playing games with it and address the needs of the people that are here. >> people like dominic who say he is committed to making oakland safer for everyone. >> i'm not going to take it
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lying down. i'm going to try to be active and be vocal about what i see needs to happen. >> reporter: according to the governor's office, chp will be increasing patrols in oakland. but the office did not provide any information about how many officers are assigned to oakland. >> that partnership is raising concerns among oakland residents. i had a chance to speak to kat brooks about the project on her thoughts about that deployment. >> the most pressing thing facing oakland and oaklanders are the rise of homicides and the rise of robberies. cops do not prevent crime. they respond to it after the fact. those of us clambering for investment, clambering for them to happen in the first place and the city and the state that are millions and millions of dollars in
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deficit. and this is likely going to be the one bite that we get at a large investment apple to make our city safer. >> tomorrow will mark one year since former oakland police chief armstrong was fired from the position. the city has had an interim chief ever since. starting today, the city of antioch has its first ever police oversight commission. the new commissioners were sworn in today. they will be tasked with overseeing a scandal plagued department, with about half the force caught up in a federal investigation into racist text messages and other alleged misconduct. >> a brawl breaks out midair on a southeast flight from oakland. this is the wild scene all caught on camera. coming up at 5:30, why the fists started flying and why flight attendants say it's a sign of a much bigger problem. i'm anne makovec with new
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numbers on accidental drug overdose deaths today in san francisco. the announcement actually turned into a plea for help to federal and state regulators. 66 people died in january. 80% of those ods involve fentanyl. it is down 21% from last january when 84 people died. the health department said they need easier access to methadone, an addiction treatment drug that can cut deaths by half. they said strict and outdated regulations are standing in the way. right now that drug can only be dispensed at a licensed methadone clinic. but some federal rules are loosening later this year. >> i don't know who thought of this one to even implement. they are limiting the requirements that patients must experience opioid addiction for at least a year before receiving methadone. i don't know where that ever came from. it's ridiculous. >> right now primary care physicians are not allowed to prescribe methadone. but starting in april, there will
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be more telehealth options and patients will be able to take home more than one dose when they get it. the city meantime is working with state lawmakers to make methadone more accessible here in california. ryan? a live look at san francisco city hall where a big celebration was held today to mark 20 years since the winter of love in february of 2004. mayor gavin newsom defied state law and called on local officials to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. and today about 200 couples were expected to tie the knot to mark the occasion. and the battles still ahead. ♪ [ music ] ♪ no better day than valentine's day to honor late tony bennett with his own san
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francisco cable car. the cable car was unveiled by his wife and members of the mta. including half way to the stars from bennett's hit song, "i left my heart in san francisco." >> tony would have been thrilled. he sang about the cable cars almost every night of his life. as i mentioned before, the song, "i left my heart in san francisco," is not just the city's anthem, but tony's too. >> the cable car will run on the california street line, which, of course, is located near tony bennett way and the fairmont hotel. that's where bennett sang his iconic song for the time in the hotel's venetian room back in 1961. and still ahead mayhem in texas after a driver plows her car into a hospital emergency room. what investigators are now revealing about that deadly crash. a pair of crashes prompting a new recall from the only self-driving car company left operating in san francisco.
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and we'll show you the protest that is suddenly shut down the golden gate bridge today. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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just a terrifying moment inside a hospital in austin, texas, as a car plows into the lobby of the emergency room, killing the driver, injuring several other people. this all happened at the st. david's north austin medical center yesterday. that crash sent people scrambling for safety. police say the driver was pulled from the car, but died at the scene. five other people were hurt including two children. they were taken to nearby hospitals. >> maybe there was an explosion of some kind. i could hear something still on the accelerator. the fires were still spinning, causing more and more smoke. >> police say there is no indication the crash was intentional or if the driver suffered a medical episode. the e.r. itself is still in good
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condition, and the rest of the hospital is just fine. back here in the bay area, an apartment fire in san jose left seven adults out of their homes as well as two small pets. this is on oak mont drive. fire crews say three people were rescued. luckily they only had minor injuries. the fire was mostly contained to one apartment. two other units had smoke damage. no word yet on the cause. a live look at the golden gate bridge where traffic is moving after protesters briefly shut it down this morning. dozens of demonstrators blocked two sides of the lane holding large banners and chanting. today's rally was in response to the bombings in southern gaza. this all happened at 8:00 impacting the busy morning commute. chp were quickly able to reopen all lanes around 8:30 in the morning. no arrests were made. after weeks of being shut
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down, a portion of the pacifica pier is finally back open. our chopper was over the pier today. we spotted some folks fishing. the pier closed back in late december after being damaged by high tides and huge waves. with the rain today and more on the way, the city will be keeping a close eye on how the new pier holds up. as we check with first alert paul heggen, the piers went down last year. we have a couple rivers heading our way this time. but will it be the same level and the same extremities? >> i don't think the amount of wind damage that we saw to start the month of february. i don't think that will be a repeat scenario. we'll get back-to-back substantial rainmakers. the threat of localized flooding will go up. this evening, it's just inconvenient. look behind me out the window. you can see the bay bridge has just clouded in and rained in at the moment. those heavier rain will move in
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right now. let's take a look at the amounts of rain picked up so far. i do want to show you the amounts that we added up to this point. almost an inch of rain, just over .6 inches of rain. for the rest of the bay area, the amounts are more modest. and maybe about a quarter of an inch of rain so far. more rain crossing over the bay bridge and towards the east bay. a look at first alert doppler, continuing to work further and further to the east. about to move in as well. this is the last band of intense rainfall accompanying the system called a narrow cold rain band that's ahead of the actual cold front driving all this as they push off to the east. we'll see the showers quieting down throughout the overnight and early morning hours. a slight chance for a pop-up shower tomorrow. a winter storm warning in effect through 4:00 tomorrow in red. a winter weather advisory at lake level around tahoe where they are expecting several inches of snow. a couple feet of total
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snowfall in the higher elevations and the wind gusts, dangerous travel conditions along u.s. 50 and i-80. looking outside right now, the heaviest rain is pushing to the east. some visibility is improving a little bit. temperatures anywhere from 51 degrees at the moment in santa rosa to 58 degrees in san jose. throughout the rest of the night, those temperatures will drop off in the mid to upper 40s. insulate the ground river temperatures, keeping them from dropping too far. despite the mix of sunshine overhead, temperatures will end up very close to what's normal. let's take a look at those nice weather for getting outside in the afternoon, low to mid-60s. 66 in san jose. that will be a warm spot. low to mid-60s inland. fremont at 64 degrees. falling just short of 60 degrees along the coast. right at 60. with temperatures in the north bay reaching up into the low to mid-60s. a degree or two
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warmer on friday. slightest chance for a pop-up shower as well. but then things will change. the pattern here. that dry break will be storm systems lining up, impacting the holiday forecast. so let's take a look at futurecast and we'll start the clock here with dry weather across the bay area. right as the sun is coming up and the rain intensifies. moderate rainfall, becoming heavier throughout afternoon and heavier downpours could result in localized flooding with the initial wave on saturday. then we're going to see the system pushing off to the east with another round of rain likely on sunday. there's two slight risks with the excessive rainfall, which means localized flooding will
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be possible. theless will escalate into sunday or monday. when they scale, today's rain event and the amount of moisture moving overhead. sunday night into monday, the fact they're happening back to back does elevate that flooding for the first localized flash flooding. eventually mainstream river flooding will be possible as more rain falls onto saturated ground. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast. it's a wet forecast once we get past tomorrow and friday. then we have five straight days of good rain chances. widespread rain on saturday. showers sunday. more rain moving in late sunday. evening and overnight continuing with the last parade of systems and more rain in the forecast on tuesday before they taper off to showers by next wednesday. coming up at 5:30, the amount of rain that's going to fall
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over the next seven days. >> all right, paul. sounds good. thank you so much. from patrolling the streets to patrolling the sidelines. the former bay area police chief with a new beat. for me, it is just a perfect segway. it's how you should enjoy your retirement. being around young people that will give you energy. >> and waymo issuing a recall of its self-driving cars. the pair of crashes now under the microscope.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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after a career of sending
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people to court. the former oakland police is now patrolling a court of a different kind. >> lamar leronne armstrong spoke to us about his new role. >> they didn't know who i was. oh, he's just coach. then recently they are like that's chief armstrong. >> reporter: leronne armstrong has a new beat. >> good passes, t.j. knock it down, josh. >> reporter: he's patrolling the sideline for oakland's bishop boy's basketball team. when i say coach armstrong, are you like me? do you have a double take? >> it is still new for me. i'm getting used to it. but it's something that makes me feel. feels like i'm back at the home plate. >> reporter: the former oakland police chief was let go last year. after over two decades on the force. so it was an easy decision when his friend and long-time dragons head coach, lou richi, asked him to help out. >> for me it's a perfect
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segway on how you should enjoy your retirement. being around young people who have energy watching young people developing, giving them any kind of help that you can. >> i think the coaching staff is great. the job coach has done to give him the real world aspects to things that are bigger than basketball as well as basketball. some people didn't know they used to play. some people didn't know he was a coach or a ref, so he has a great perspective. >> he is no stranger to basketball. >> well, you always got to have those stories, right? you always have to be one that says hey, i used to be able to shoot the three really well, right? when you're giving them tips to respect that, particularly when you hear them play in college, they go okay, i'll listen to you more because you have experience. >> way to shoot it. block out,
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block out. rebound. >> i didn't know he played until recently. i didn't know he was a chief of police. and that he's always positive, and he knows what he's talking about. >> he has a lot of experience under his belt and a lot of knowledge to transfer to the younger generations. >> i've taken the role to go down and get them to refocus and being back out there on the floor is my role this year and i feel good about that. >> good job and welcome to the basketball. and keep it going. >> the one thing about giving back to their community. >> and all of the stories on
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our website be sure to watch our black in the bay special at 4:00 p.m. on february 23. it will be right here on cbs news bay area. well still ahead here at 5:00, fists start flying on a plane headed from the bay area to hawaii. what may have sparked the brawl. >> and 30 years after an unidentified woman was found dead in the bay area creek bed. a major breakthrough in that investigation. and plus the 49ers announcing their first big decision of the off season on the heels
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos
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to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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finally ending with renters receiving new protections. waymo issuing its first pair of recalls after crashes. a flight headed to hawaii after taking off from the bay area. and oakland international airport when those fists started flying. >> this is just the latest in the series of midair incidents sparking safety concerns. it's all what prompted an faa investigation. >> reporter: it's not the
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first time it's been a physical altercation in the air. the faa says in the last ten years, it's initiating more than 1,000 enforcement actions against unruly passengers. >> a brawl broke out. >> it happened again, a fight breaking out between two passengers on the southwest flight just before takeoff. >> reporter: but some flight attendants tell us they're surprised it happened on a route to kawhi. >> and that is really sad. i mean they're coming to hawaii. why would they be fighting? >> reporter: they posted about the incident on x. formerly known as twitter. saying, "our department has zero tolerance for violent or unruly behavior on board an aircraft. if you act out on an airplane, you can face criminal prosecution and fines up to $37,000." but some are coming to the defense of the man who appeared to be throwing many


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