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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  February 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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coming up. >> reporter: 20 years ago, san francisco defied the norms. one of the first couples to tie the knot, who looks back on that day as a turning point in a fight for equality. shots rang out at the super bowl parade for the kansas city chiefs. one person killed and several injured. new witness accounts of the chaos. >> the first result of a chp place in the north bay. these teens are literally juggling their studies to circus school. how they are keeping alive a unique performing art. >> i think i have learned that it is okay to try things that are scary. and even makes you
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feel dangerous. good evening, well the rain has returned in time to slow down the evening commute. it may be some valentine's day dinner plans. this is just a taste of the back-to-back storms that will pack a stronger punch starting this weekend. so there has been on and off showers since the afternoon. people walking around downtown san francisco had their umbrellas out. and the rain started earlier in the north bay. time lapse video shows the sloppy conditions for much of the afternoon on the richmond, san rafael bridge. here is a live look from our cameras across the bay. chief meteorologist paul heggen tracking high-def doppler. paul? >> reporter: the impact of this rain on the afternoon and evening commute. we are not tracking any significant flooding threat with this particular round of light to moderate rainfall. but the
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timing of it, certainly not convenient for people trying to get home from work. there are still some locally heavy downpours including around vallejo. and more rain is crossing over the bay towards hayward, fremont, union city. the batch of rain is moving offshore down the peninsula, making their way oh the coastal ranges and with some heavier showers down the coast adding up to an inch of rain so far in the santa cruz mountains. and so far, there is rain lining up offshore and track that as we head through the rest of this evening. it will be just generally wet. off and on showers still with us past midnight for the north bay because we would head towards tomorrow morning. things will quiet down. i don't think you'll need the umbrella and the rain jackets as you head out the door and the rain will calm down as well. those are
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going to settle down significantly throughout the day tomorrow and a more impactful series of systems. rivers are headed our way this weekend and we'll track those in our forecast. >> paul, thank you. the heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and tomorrow morning, all that fresh powder will create dangerous driving conditions. this is what it looks like on interstate 80 earlier today. you can see it is already coming down. other than that to checking this out. nasa released new satellite images of california's snow pack. the picture on the left was taken january 29 and the one on the right was taken on saturday. and this comes after the state was hit with back-to-back atmospheric rivers. so stay with us for updates on the first alert weather day and throughout the wet weekend. find us on air, online, at also always streaming on the free cbs news app. on this valentine's day,
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san francisco is celebrating a water shed moment in the fight for marriage equality. it's been 20 years since the winner of love. mayor gavin newsom defied state law calling on local officials to issue the marriage licenses to same-sex couples. and the following days, hundreds of same-sex couples, lined up at city hall to get married. the city issued over 4,000 marriage licenses over the next month. and today, about 200 couples tied the knot at city hall and it was a reunion of sorts for some of the people at the forefront of the fight for equality. reflecting on the historic milestone. >> we are celebrating the advocacy of so many of those same-sex couples who showed up to san francisco. year after year after year. asking for the right to do what anyone else deserves the right to do and that is to marry the person they love. >> one of the first couples to
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marry 20 years ago renewed their vows today. speaking to them about how their love story helped change the course of history. >> it's been 20 years since the winter of love. now couples are expressing gratitude today on valentine's day for compassionate equality. what better day to get married than on valentine's day. well for some, perhaps on both valentine's day and on the 20-year anniversary of winter of love. a time when former mayor gavin newsom took a stand for marriage equality. they were some of the first to marry at city hall a decade ago. john and stewart reflect on how far
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they have come as a couple and also on even with their own generations before. >> my mom is chinese america, my dad is english, irish, america, they faced discrimination and laws against their marriage and against our family. >> reporter: for john and stewart, city hall is a sacred symbol of their journey and all that has come since then. their boldness has enabled couples to be able to marry today. >> it is our understanding. they will have plans to get married this day as we did so and because it is real important to us that we would get married on this day. it's a celebration of love. it just coincided with the 20-year anniversary, which makes it so much more significant to us. >> reporter: as the two revel in the joy of their official juneon, john and stewart reunite with community members and they emphasize the significance of feeling accepted. >> and it is truly the first
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times in our lives. we felt as if we were equal human things. >> reporter: a form of equality sparking many feels this valentine's day. >> a winter of love celebrated the long legal fight. the weddings avoided in august of that year by the california supreme court. in 2008, california voters passed prop 8, banning same-sex marriage struck down in 2013 and gay marriage has been legal in our state ever since. the u.s. supreme court made gay marriage legal nationwide two years ago. even though prop 8 isn't in effect, it is still technically in the state constitution. voters will decide on whether to appeal it in november. the state is revealing the results of the governor's chp surge in the east bay. chp releasing some video of some of their operations that started
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last week. the governor deployed more than 100 chp officers to oakland and other east bay neighborhoods. oakland has seen an alarming spike in businesses, shutting down over crime. most notably the in-n-out burger. and newsom's office says officers made 71 arrests, recovered 145 stolen cars, and seized four guns linked to crimes. east bay officials are expanding on that effort. today, they announced city leaders and law enforcement will be teaming up together to launch a public safety partnership to fight crime. and ways to share crime data, using technology. >> they are not constrained by the jurisdictional lines. they don't stop when they get to the city's borders. and that means that we cannot stay siloed. we have to work across
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jurisdictions to enhance public safety for the entire east bay community. >> officials say the move was inspired by the east bay public safety corridor partnership. it's the five-year program that launched in 1993 to address crime, gun violence, drug abuse. the investigation continues this evening in kansas city. one person is dead, several others are recovering after a mass shooting along the parade route. anne makovec has been following this in the newsroom, the latest from missouri. >> 21 people were hurt in the shooting. half of them children. eight of the people in the hospital right now have injuries described as immediately life threatening. one person died on scene. yeah, that was a reporter there capturing the moment that the shots rang out, just as they
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were wrapping up. the crowd sent into panic, some taking cover behind vehicles, others trampling. parents were separated from their children. we heard from one man, who said it was true. >> we heard the fireworks or the gunshots that sounded very semi automatic. i see the gentleman on the ground. >> they heard a second round of gunfire and saw people running the other way. a law enforcement source tells cbs news that the shooting does not appear to be an act of terrorism. as they filled the streets and at one point, somebody in the crowd tackled a
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man. >> we tackled them. >> cell phone video from a woman who watched them take down the man that he believed was responsible for the shooting before police swooped in. this all happened downtown kansas city, where everything started as a happy celebration. warm weather brought around a million people to the parade. more than 800 ofcers were there as well. the super bowl mvp posting he's praying for kansas city. again this investigation is still if their early stages. two people detained, but we don't know what they were accused of. at least one firearm has been recovered, but they will be doing ballistic testing found at the scene. they are still looking for more. >> it is just heartbreaking. thank you. and we will have much more coverage of the kansas city parade shooting tonight at 6:30 on the cbs evening news. other stories we are
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following around the bay area. it is not a trend. san francisco city leaders, they want to see new numbers show deaths jumped nearly 25% from the end of last year. 80% of those involved fentanyl, down by about 21% from last january when 84 people died. the city is working with the state lawmakers to make the addiction treatment drug methadone more accessible. a new poll finds residents feel like the city is on the wrong track with 61% of the people saying they feel safe visiting downtown during the day. but only 34% say they felt safe at night. 69% say they feel crime is actually getting worse. the new poll also found people want to revive downtown san francisco with the majority saying they support financial incentives for businesses to stay or move in the downtown
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area. and they say they support proposition e, which would expand the police department's surveillance capabilities and allow officers to use drones and cameras. dozens of pro palestine protesters briefly shut down traffic on the golden gate bridge this morning. chp quickly able to reopen all the lanes. no arrests were made. still ahead, a fitting tribute for the man who left his heart in san francisco. they are juggling in school. it's a juggling school with life under the big top. meet the bay area teams training to take their circus act across the country. >> i have been
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home.
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so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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a quick check of the rain that continues to progress further to the east. and then we'll dry out later on tonight. at least temporarily. tracking some heavier rain for the weekend coming up in a few minutes. >> all right, see you soon. away to join heard the the circus. but a group of talented young teens in oakland didn't really have to go that far to do just that. lezla gooden shows us the school that's keeping the unique performance art alive. >> this is high school senior amelia. you can find her getting ready to practice at her circus school. >> i have been doing circus since i was really little. here
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she does everything from juggling acrobatics to silks. >> i think i have learned it is okay to try things that are scary. like even maybe feel a little bit dangerous. and if you do them in a safe environment, you can learn a lot and really expand your comfort zone. >> reporter: in these walls, she's practicing, balancing, counting, working with teammates, like say de. >> it is a part of the circus. it doesn't feel like it is a dying breed just because i'm here all the time. it seems like a bigger community when you're a part of it. >> reporter: preparing for the upcoming circus show called beware. already, they have been a hit. they auditioned and they
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were accepted into the traveling circus. it is here she'll travel for ten weeks performing. the magic has been happening here since 2009, sharing these young performers is why she keeps going. >> much better. >> and i will hear i did it and i know it is someone who has been struggling really hard to try to get a trick and it came together for them. that is very rewarding. that and the fact we could hire all these artists. >> i feel like i have been doing it for so long that it is hard to imagine my life without it. >> reporter: just a few weeks until her last performance, amelia is taking in every jump and moment. >> and that circus production will run at the arts center. you can get tickets online. still ahead, it is round
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one in the series of storms. heavier rain is still on the way. paul will t this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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as anticipated, a wet valentine's day. that is why today is a first alert weather day. not because of the damaging weather. it is very inconvenient. the damaging weather goes up over the weekend. today's rain is just the first in a parade of storm systems. it's going to move through over the next several days. rainfall amounts have been modest. looking out from the mark hopkins hotel, ranging from an inch of rain in the north hills, the north bay hills. two-thirds of an inch of range in the santa cruz mountains elsewhere. generally less than a quarter inch so far, but it continues to rain and we will keep those numbers updated throughout the rest of the evening. the narrow cold front marched through the peak
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of rainfall. you can see it advancing to the east. another band of rain offshore to work its way through before everything will quiet down over the next late night and early morning hours. just a slight chance for the lingering pop-up shower on thursday. generally dry weather will take over for tomorrow and friday. visibility is reduced as another batch of showers go through. temperatures in the 50s still at the moment. those numbers will not change a whole lot for the rest of tonight with the low hanging cloud cover and fog at ground level. we'll drop down to the mid to upper 40s by early tomorrow morning and despite some early morning clouds. the sun will breakthrough and temperatures will warm up to a little bit above normal for the middle of february. tomorrow is the midpoint of february already. temperatures in the low to mid-60s in the santa clara valley. and it will be the warm spot for the entire bay area. but most of our temperatures in the low to mid-60s. the exception is right along the coast. half moon bay, you will top out just short barely of 60 degrees. right now 60 in san francisco and temperatures in the north bay reaching up into the low to mid-60s. actually we
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are going to be a degree or two warmer despite more cloud cover moving in. try to get out. get some exercise over the next couple of days. same thing goes for your pups over the next couple of days because the wet weather returns as we head into the three-day presidents' day weekend after a wet valentine's day. get out here and stretch your legs tomorrow with the high temperatures in san francisco reaching up to 60 degrees. the slightest chance for a pop-up shower early on in the day and dry weather should prevail. then things will change as we would head into presidents' day weekend. we'll start the clock on futurecast here at 4:00 on friday. still dry at that point. but friday night after midnight, we're going to see a few light rain showers hitting the coast with light to moderate rain. moderate rainfall hits towards the afternoon on saturday. the first of two atmospheric rivers headed our way. there will be snow adding up as well. they are not going to last all night on saturday night, tapering off at least the first half of the
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day on sunday. and it will be heading our way. even with the first one, there is a slight marginal risk of excessive rainfall. phrasing in terms of categorizing the risk of any flooding potential for the higher elevations of the north bay. and more rain will fall with the second atmospheric river. today's rain does not qualify for the atmospheric river. not enough moisture being transported. but the one that moves through is a low-end system. and it will last longer as the storm system will park off the coast. so when they happen back to back, they are smushing the line together and moves up the scale on these back-to-back weaker atmospheric rivers with the same impact on the stronger event. that's something they need to watch for both urban flooding with
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the heavier rain moving in. we are also going to have to watch for main stem river flooding as we head into the first half of next week because the rain isn't going to shut down for a while. and they will give way to off and on showers sunday, they are continuing on sunday night and with some gusty winds as well for presidents' day on monday. not nearly the level of wind energy that we would have ten days ago, but still enough to put a little bit of stress on the power grid. something else we'll continue to evaluate as we head into the holiday weekend. jules? still ahead, san francisco shows its love for the legend who left his
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading.
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katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪[ music ] ♪ the iconic tony ben fete first performed this song here in san francisco. that was back in 1961. now commemorative tony bennett cable car has a home on california street. the refurbished cable car was unveiled today. beautiful. his
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wife attended the ceremony in members of the mta on the front of the cable car with that lyric halfway to the star from that hit song. now to the east bay, their 32-year-old animal rescue foundation has a new name. you can find your next fur child at people and pets. they held a valentine's day event celebrating the human animal bond. so they are hosting an adopt-a-thon this saturday. cbs evening news th norah o' you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion
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and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> norah: tonight, the breaking news. chaos in kansas city. >> we saw the police swarm a stairwell, and then we heard another pop from there.


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