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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  February 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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the first alert forecast. first, extra chp officers and now oakland is teaming up with other cities to battle crime. >> we are losing our kids to violence, crime. if we are not providing for them are we doing our best? >> one business owner who was forced to close says all of the help is welcome. the chiefs celebration takes a tragic turn after a shooting along the parade route. we are learning more about the woman killed and those injured. and for some valentine's day can bring a sense of loneliness. >> you can be a little quiet and maybe more quiet than you would like to be. >> how a pair of empty nesters have been able to form new connections thanks to a new app created with older adults in mind. this is cbs news bay area. with juliette goodrich. good evening, well, the rain is back and it is only a little taste of what is to come this weekend. in san francisco it started coming down this afternoon and it has not really
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let up. the rainmaking for a wet night and derail valentine's day plans. for more we will get to paul heggen. >> hey, jules. light to moderate rainfall. it is the spring training of weather events. something to get us ready for the major leagues that will occur this weekend. sloppy on the roads there this evening. zoom in on the heavier rain falling, contra costa county, climbing over the eastern half of contra costa county. rain covering most of the county. locally heavier downpours and the pass and east of livermore. some of the heavier rain, down the peninsula and into the santa cruz mountains, getting closer to an inch of rainfall. there is more rain lining up off shore. starting to soak the north bay, once again, looking to make its way through tapering off later tonight. lingering showers still for the north pay by 11:00, the rest of
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us get into a break in the action, showers in the north bay will quiet down just the slightest chance of a pop up shower tomorrow, they will be very few and far between. i don't think you need the umbrella or rain jacket. not as breezy. noticeable wind gusts out there right now. they will continue to die down heading through the overnight and morning hours, atmospheric rivers heading our way heading through presidents' day weekend. bringing heavier rain and some wind threat to the bay area. not the level that we had 10 days ago but something that with will get into the details of coming up in a few minutes. >> all right, paul, thank you. it was only last week that the governor sent 120 highway patrol officers to battle crime in oakland and the surrounding areas. and, tonight, we are learning about the results. so, here is a look at officers at work during their deployment. this video was given to us by the state. officers ended up arresting 71 people, recovered 145 stolen cars, and seized 4 guns linked to crimes. the
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governor says there will be similar surge operations in the future. the california justice department is sending state prosecutors to help charge crimes. and today, even more help to help curb rising crime. oakland along with alameda county, emeryville, berkeley, announcing a launch of a new public safety partnership. >> the perpetrators of crime are not constraint by jurisdiction lines, they do not stop when they get to a city's border. we have to work across jurisdictions to enhance public safety for the communitiism the hope is that more collaboration will lead to safer communities. today, we heard from one burned out business owner in oakland that says all of the help is welcome. >> these are natural roses, i think she was saying. >> reporter: dominic's taco shop is filled with flowers but no customers this valentine's day. a few months ago he was forced to close. he said there
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simply was not enough business because of all of the violent crime in the neighborhood. >> we all in some way have back different circumstances and we have all been impacted. >> reporter: today he is helping out a nearby business with valentine's day flowers and deliveries. something he could not imagine himself doing back in the '90s when he went to prison for robbery. his past is part of the reason he is now an advocate for improving public safety in oak land and wants to see not just more police pumore importantly, programs to prevent crime in the first place. >> we are losing our kids to violence, to crime. and, if we are not providing nothing as a city or a society for them are we doing our best? >> in oakland, certainly, when it comes to safety we have an emergency. >> the oakland city councilmember that represents the fruit vail. he says he welcomeses any and all help from outside agencies. >> we need to support. we have an emergency. and, politically let's quit playing games with it and let's address the needs
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of people here. >> reporter: people like dominic who says he is committed to making oakland safer for everyone. >> i am not going to take it lying down. i will try to be active and be vocal about what i see needs to happen. >> reporter: according to the governor's office, chp will be increasing patrols in oakland. but, the office did not provide information about how many officers could be assigned to oakland when those patrols will be happening, or who will be monitoring their progress. >> let's not forget that oakland still does not have a permanent police chief. tomorrow marks a year since the mayor fired former chief armstrong who is now suing the city for wrongful termination. the oakland police commission is still searching for his replacement and set to deliver the final list of candidates to the mayor by next month. so, public safety is also a hot topic across the bay. in san francisco right now, a group of advocates say prop e
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on next month's ballot is not the answer. so, prop e., supported by london breed, allowing the police to use more surveillance technology. it would loosen rules on when the police can chase a suspect. >> reporter: in the second most densely populated city in the united states they are going to allow more frequent high-speed chases when even the police chief and the leadership of the department said just a few weeks ago that we have a perfect model, it is meeting all of the national standards and there is no reason to unwind that. >> the supervisor who was running for mayor breed's seat is among those against prop e. so far, prop e. seems to be getting a lot of public support. a new poll released today shows 61% of those surveyed are in favor. all right, let's get to a developing story. the chiefs victory parade taking a violent current in kansas city the authorities there is a at least 22 people were struck by bullets in the mass shooting
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that erupted. 9 of the injured are children and one person was killed, a woman identified by her radio station as a dj. the video shows two people tackling a suspected gunman, holding the person down until the police arrived. >> he got close to me. i got the right angle on him and i hit him from behind. when i hit him from behind i either jarred the gun out of his hand or out of his sleeve. because as i am taking him down to the ground i see the gun on the ground. >> the police say three people have been taken into custody. up next, we will introduce you to a pair of empty nesters whose lives slowed down. how they are beating loneliness this valentine's day thanks to a new app. why you may be in trouble if you are trying to catch a uber for
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- [narrator] unwrap bogo for $1. now you can grab the perfectly toasty hot 'n spicy mcchicken, the mouthwatering mcdouble, tender four piece chicken mcnuggets, or a juicy mcchicken. order ahead in the mcd app. ♪ da da ba ba ba! ♪ this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good."
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blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya...
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we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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. what a day to get married. the clerk extended their hours to couples can extend tying the knot. family and friends watching on. but, for some, valentine's day can bring a sense of loneliness, something that the county declared a public health crisis. we are introduced to a couple whose lives became more quiet but making new connections thanks to a app geared just for their age group. >> they are entering a new season of life. married for 30 years with two grown daughters who are now both on their own. >> you can be a bit lonely. maybe you don't want to use that word. you can be quiet, maybe more quiet than you would
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like to be. >> after an empty nester there is a void in your life and you look for areas to fill it. >> empty nesters. >> reporter: they enjoyed the activity based friendship app to meet new people and expand their social circle. >> i don't think i am old. in my head i think i am 40, mary lee let's just get that out there. but, it is a little tricky. like i am a doer. i live in the city of san francisco and i love to go out and do things and recently i had tickets for the ballet and my husband was out of town. i could not get anyone to go with me and i jumped on it and said who wants to go to the ballet and i ended up sitting next to a nice gentleman. it was not a date it was someone with a passion for the ballet >> that is what the founders were hoping for. two friends share a passion to create community and connect like-minded adults 40 years old and up. a group often
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overlooked in social apps. >> inspiration was our fathers, actually. we were thinking our fathers are lonely, you know, they near their 80s, and you know, we were worried about them. they had a love for costco that was not enough to bring them together from san diego and l.a. but we, we soon realized it is not about our fathers it is about older adults like us. >> it is clear from a number of studies that socialize lags is bad for your health as smoking ruers according to the u.s. surgeon general advisory on loneliness and isolation a quarter of americans 65 years old and up are socially isolated. and those over age 50 are at greater risk of becoming lonely. >> many people describe loneliness the way they do physical pain. >> reporter: they are choosing to break out of their comfort
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zone, make new friends, and embrace this time in their lives. >> you know, the great adventure begins, we are older but we are, you know, we all want a spin on the ball. >> they are dedicated to building strong social connection and community making their golden years truly shine. >> social connection not only important for your mental health but your physical health. someone who is very big on valentine's day is paul heggen. we saw this on your social media today. you and your wife got each other the same exact valentine's day card. >> we did. >> how cute is that? >> we are stinking adorable. >> you are. inside did you write a poem? i am curious? who was more, who had the gift card? [ laughter ] >> no, no, no poetry involved. we have a shorthand where we will sign it husband and wife instead of our names. >> perfect. there is a little
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bit of our own sense of humor coming into play. when you look at that card what is not perfect about it? >> that is pretty perfect. i would say. i love it. it is very, very cool. it looks like snuggle up weather inside, too, huh? >> more rainmaking its way through the bay area as we speak. a couple dry days to come tomorrow and friday. fall own a wet valentine's day looking towards downton san francisco and the rain amounts very from 3/4s of an inch of rain. so far it continues to rain to half an inch of rain. a quarter of an inch of rain in downtown san francisco. under 2/10th in oakland and more than a trace in the rain shadow of the mountains. two 1/100th of an inch of rain so far around san jose. there is still rainmaking its way through. the loop, over the past couple of hours shows the heaviest rain go farther out to the east. it is aimed at the forth bay for a moment. it is going to sweep
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across the bay area. tracking that a few minutes ago, we will be rain free heading through most of the day tomorrow, slightest chance of a pop up shower, you don't need to worry about that. i don't think you need the umbrella or rain jacket. the temperatures are cool. lower to middle 50s. a blanket of clouds, fog developing at ground level tomorrow morning, we will not cool off that much as we head through the rest of tonight, lower to middle 50s now to middle to upper 40s by early tomorrow morning and despite the early morning clouds and fog we will warm up with a mix of clouds and sunshine in the afternoon. the temperatures rising up to a few degrees above average, a few degrees above what is normal for the day after valentine's day. temperatures in the lower to middle 60s inland, close to 60 degrees along the coast. half moon bay falling short of 60 degrees, right at 60 in san francisco, the temperatures in the north bay, up into the lower to middle 60s the temperatures on friday, finishing off the workweek. a degree or two degrees warmer
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despite a increase in cloud cover. then, things change heading into presidents' day weekend. take a look at future cast, we will start the clock at 4:00, we are still dry at that point, moisture lurking just off shore, we will see the showers making their way onshore after midnight on friday night with light to moderate rain to start the day on saturday. first of two atmospheric rivers, it will be soaking the bay area, the heaviest rain with the first one will fall midday saturday through the afternoon and into the evening. that heaviest rain pushing off to the east overnight. it will be down to lingering off and on showers as we head through sunday to start the day. the second atmospheric river will be on its heels moving into sunday night and monday. that one will likely last a little longer and produce more rain. these will be snow makers for the sierra. talking a few feet of snow on top of the peeks in the mountains, travel conditions are going to deteriorate. heading up that direction for the holiday weekend. frommed looks good for travel. first half of side. after midday on saturday all bets are off on u.s. 50 and i-80 as the snow
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will pileup. it will be two different atmospheric river events. the first peaks on saturday and the next, moves in on sunday. you see a longer tail on this one. it will extend into monday and tuesday of next week. you add up all of the rain over the seven-days, rain shadows spots likely to pick up 2-7, 3-5 on a widespread basis. it will not all fall at once but that is enough rain over the course of seven-days we will be concerned especially sunday night into monday as the rainfalls on saturated ground that is flooding urban and small stream flooding and flash flooding and river flooding becoming more and more possible with santa cruz mountains picking up several inches of rain. a lot to be determined by how exactly this whole scenario will evolve including the potential for wind damage. something else we have to evaluate. does not look like a repeat of the widespread damaging winds that we had 10 days ago. sunday into sunday
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night, the first weekend in february. but, still, enough to stress the power grid especially sunday night into monday. presidents' day with lingering rain likely on tuesday and still off and on showers on wednesday. we don't dry things out until maybe the latter half of the next workweek. we have a long way to go between now and then. we will continue evaluating all of the new data as it comes in, keeping you updated. >> appreciate it paul, thank you. another case of passengers behaving badly. the faa investigation after punches were thrown on a hawaii-bound flight from oakland >> bringing traffic to a halt on the golden gate bridge. tonight at 8:00 on pix plus, a problem in california, retail theft. now, some law enforcement officials are urging voters to change the law. >> the public has figured it out and certainly criminals know that they can steal in california and there is not going to be jail time for them. >> tonight, on the prime time
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edition, the big money rallied to overturn prop 47 and why some people say that push is just going to make matters worse. that is at 8:00 on 44 cable - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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democrats agree. - conservative republicans only vi steve garvey studio. is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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. ride share drivers across the bay area and the u.s. went on a one-day strike. this was one of the picket lines outside of uber headquarters in san francisco. thousands of drivers from uber, lyft and door dash turned off their apps today. demanding better pay and working conditions, we reached out to uber for a response. in the statement the company told us these types of rallies don't have an impact on ride share services the vast majority of their drivers are satisfied and they were making $33 an hour during the time they are giving rides. dozens of pro palestine protesters briefly shutdown traffic on the golden gate bridge this morning. demonstrators blocked multiple lanes just before 8:00 a.m. chp quickly able to reopen all of
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the lanes and no arrests were made. so, there is video of a fight on a southwest flight. it is sparking safety concerns as we speak. prompting an faa investigation. so, the brawl broke out on a hawaii-bound flight from oakland. the son of the man throwing the punches said there was a confrontation between his parents and an alleged drunk passenger who would not stop bothering his mom. >> they have been flying for 45 years, no it was not like this. the worst thing that happened many, many years ago was a passenger taking peanuts. >> the faa says in the last 10 years they initiated more than 1,000 enforcement actions against unruly passengers. all right, nothing says valentine's day like, well, shredding the photos of your ex. we will show you the bar
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. all right, nobody likes to talk about it but let's go there. break ups on valentine's day. they are celebrating them, everything on display represents broken relationship. a collection of 5,000 items donated from people around the world who fallen out of love. far example, here is a diet book a woman got from her ex-husband. valentine's day is about sharing the love, one bar is dedicating the holiday to heartbreak. it is a pop up, called crushed heartbreak. located at westwood bar in the marina. themed cocktails, there are tara card readings, write your crush's name on the wall and bring a photo of your ex and shred it. >> this year we thought what can we do that is a little different. heartbreak bars everywhere, there are
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valentine's day bars, we do a little bit of it all >> that is a great idea. you might be able to meet someone there. the pop up will happen all month long and tickets ar $20 an the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future.
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this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. announcer: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause] steve: i appreciate y'all. thank you, everybody.


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