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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  February 14, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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adorable. >> look at it one or two ways, we are just that aligned and that much on the same wave length or . >> we put that little effort in >> you guys stopped at the same gas station on the way home [ laughter ] >> it is the same grocery store, i tell you that much >> the same section. >> a good choice. >> it looks like one of our dogs that is why . >> you know each other well. animal lovers, both love your dog >> it looks like our retriever pack in her younger days. >> i got an electric blanket. >> that is awesome. fantastic. >> i can not wait to get under it >> it is a great gift. i love that for you, update with us later. h efully
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it turns out the one thing they couldn't give up for lent was love. ashes two passions, dust to last and she was a single meteorologist who prayed for her loved out to end. he was a great farmer whose uncle was the pope. one day an actual drought brought them together. would they find love? he has reason. you will also enjoy these lengths time classics. wine and rosary, for head over heels, and of course a pine feast of -- fine piece of ash. >> it's "the late show" with stephen colbert! tonight, smash wednesday!
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and valentine's day with stephen! plus, stephen welcomes mark wahlberg! and willie gladstone ! featuring louis cato and "the late show" band. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stephen: welcome, welcome, and here come out there, all the ships and sees, i am your host, stephen colbert. [cheers and applause] i just want to start tonight by saying calm down.
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there's no reason to panic, and i know that because of the screaming headlines that say "no reason to panic." unfortunately, having no reason is my favorite way to panic. all of this because there is some alarming news from ohio are presented and men who just walked in on his son playing catch with another dad, mike turner. the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee released an unusual statement today warning of a serious national security threat without providing any additional details. that's unnecessarily vague. it's lie labeling a pack of cigarettes "surgeon general warning, trust me, you don't want to know" read we didn't get much more than that other than reports that the threat is related to russia. oh, my god. is it a bioweapon make is that cyber warfare? are they sending stevens a call
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back? [laughter] well, whatever it is turner wants the white house to release the details of the threat to the public immediately. for their part, the white house said they were planning a congressional briefing for tomorrow adding that they couldn't do it today becaus they are little busy stocking up on candles. other congressmen on the inelligence committee have stepped forward to call for c calm. one connecticut congressman jim himes said i don't want people thinking that martians or landing or that your wednesday is going to be ruined. martians are landing? great, now my wednesday is ruined. so that was our midafternoon panic, right? midafternoon panic. by late afternoon we got some more details from sources with access to highly classified information. at mar-a-lago.used the bathroom- reportedly, the threat is russia wanting nuclear weapons in space, but before you get too worried, the nukes would not be to drop a weapon on earth from
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orbit, but to possibly use against satellites. reminds me of that famous quotes -- famous quote from "often hire." "now i am become death, destroyer of gps, find your own way to costco." i cannot say this enough, there is no reason to panic about that. the only reason to panic as if you forgot it's valentine's day. you still have 20 minutes to save your marriage. this is an extra special valentine's day this year because valentine's day and ash wednesday fall in the same day, which explains why the top gift at cbs this year was an adorable toy there that says "for dust thou art and unto dust thou shall return." for any of you viewers who aren't catholic, these holidays are very different. valentine's day is all about sensual indulgence and making mobile ash wednesday is a day of fasting and reflection marking the start of lent. some captives made -- catholics
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maybe tempted to celebrate both but one official words ash wednesday is far more significant and should be prioritized. if it sounds like somebody didn't get a valentines last year. bishop? this valentine's day, nearly half of u.s. adult population is unmarried. half, which means statistically speaking there's a 50% chance that if you're married, your spouse is not. ask. always ask. with this increase in singles, reports show that self gifting is on the rise. remember, the catholic church is against that too. [cheers and applause] okay. okay. that's a stroker. what i don't understand is what's the difference between self gifting and just buying things? this year i'm gifting myself an
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oil change and a pack of gum. i am such a terrible gift giver, i have to break up with me, but i can't do it on valentines. it's not just singles, this valentine's day, polyamory is getting more attention mostly from that one couple that keeps saying "did we tell you we are polyamorous not? because we are and it's totally cool with both of us, right? honey? she's cool with it." as a happily married monogamous, i would never go in for polyamory is who has the time? or the energy, a two-person relationship is already work enough, i'm so busy that we work our date nights into the show now. she's on tonight. hi, sweetie. [cheers and applause] darling, do enjoy these jokes about polyamory. they are just jokes. [laughter]
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donald trump celebrated the day& by writing a valentine to his wife melania and then having his campaign send a mass email blast with the subject line "i love you, melania." unsubscribe. [laughter and cheering] the actual text of the valentine is actually pretty weird. it reads "dear melania, i love you, even after every single indictment, arrest, and witch hunt, you never left my side. through thick and thin, no matter what the deal -- through thick and thin, no matter what deal the prosecutors offers offers you, you kept your trap shut. that's what i call love. also what our prenup calls minimum negotiated terms."
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last night -- [applause] just last night -- love. i love love. last night we got big election results in the special election to fill the house seat vacated by republican fabulous george santos sr. on television for the last time. republicans were hoping to hang onto the seat with their candidate but the clear winner was democrat, seen here -- seen here at seaworld begging for fish. [laughter] he won by a commanding eight-point lead and delivered a victory speech last night where he laid out his vision for america. >> it's time to find common ground and start delivering for the people of the united states of america. let's take our country back from
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the dividers. so listen, you want to take the country back from the people are trying to divide it? are you with me in that fight? >> stephen: and just so we are clear, there are two groups of people out here, the uniter's, that's us, and the dividers, that's them! and we are going to crush them beneath our iron boots, right? death to dividers! death! [heers and applause] he also had some think he was give out. >> i want to thank the chairman of the queens republic republican party -- should i say republican? i don't want to think the chairman of the queens republican party. i want to thank the queens democratic party. >> stephen: with a mix up like that a lot of people are asking
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if suozzi is too old to be president. the district he now represents is the most diverse district in the united states and he made sure to shout out to all his supporters... >> i want to thank the jewish voters of my district who stuck with me. i want to thank the chinese-americans who helped me. i want to thank the korean americans and i want to thank the indian americans, the pakistani, the bangladeshis, the muslim communities. the african americans, latino americans, the white, irish, and italian guys. i want to the women -- >> stephen: and i want to thank men who are under 5'5", icu, short kings! i've got to think magness, this one icelandic american guy i see sometimes. let's see, will my leaving out, left-handed ghosts back this is a swing district, so it's not a
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didn't seek donald trump's endorsement and the fact that she didn't made him mad as he posted last night "republicans just don't learn i have an almost 99% endorsement success rate in primaries and a very good number in general elections." if she just would have embraced trump she could have joined the ranks of success stories like senator's, senator brain-damaged and governor different kind of brain damage. he went on. "most of the republican party stayed home and it always will unless it is treated with the respect that it deserves. i stayed out of the race. if i want to be loved! wow, that came out of nowhere. his subconscious just jumped up his throat and strangle his brain. "we must get out of nato because they aren't paying their fair -- i want love, daddy, please hug me. hug me once, share of the
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defense budget so i would incur somatic encourage russia to -- we got a great show for you tonight. my guest is mark wahlberg and lily gladstone. when i return, my wife and i have some first draft of valentine's day cards and a special announcement. ♪ ♪ [applause] >> "the late show" with stephen colbert is sponsored by allstate, you're in good hands.
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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> stephen: "the late show" bands. happy valentines, my friends, happy valentine. you love bucket. ladies and gentlemen, tonight a couple of incredible guests coming out here. we have the one, the only, you know him, you love him, mr. mark wahlberg will be out here. and after that i am pretty excited to talk to oscar nominee for "killers of the flower moon," lily gladstone will be out here.
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as i was saying before, it's valentine's day and some folks, cynical people, say this is a hallmark college end up to sell andy but it has a special meaning for me because i once fell in love after being struck in the heart with an arrow shot by a man in a diaper. thanks, i hope the medication is working. and what's valentine's day without some valentine's day cards and we will take a look at some of those in my segment, first drafts. [cheers and applause] of course i can't do this alone, please welcome my own valentine, my wife evie mcgee. hello. [cheers and applause] hello. i love that dress. >> thank you.
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hi! thank you! thank you! >> stephen: now, darling, a traditional gift for valentines is flowers and chocolate and stuff like that but i'm sorry i don't have those, but we have a gift for each other tonight. >> this is very exciting. >> stephen: this is absolutely true, evie and i have written a cookbook. >> we have! >> stephen: there it is. there it is. [cheers and applause] it's called "does this taste funny." tell them when it's coming out. >> it comes out on september 17th, which makes it a perfect gift for -- >> stephen: perfect gift for -- who's got a birthday on the day? senator grassley has a birthday. and kyle chandler. >> we will send it to them but you guys order it ahead because that's a good thing to do. >> stephen: you can just click on that right there and preorder from here, i don't know where that takes you.
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i apologize ahead of time, i hope it's not a cult, or wherever you buy books. "does this taste funny." >> and my leaving? >> stephen: no! i'm thinking you for writing this book with me. >> i will say this, i think this cookbook should be an example for all couples of hope. [laughter] an example of hope for all couples. >> stephen: why is it an example of hope for all couples? >> because i cannot even chopped celery without you telling me i'm doing it wrong. [boos] but come about, it's all good now and now we've written a cookbook together. i feel like i'm being a little mean. i will back up. >> stephen: i wrote a book. >> it's beautiful! it's beautiful! we did it together! >> stephen: it was an act of love and you made ugly. we should do first drafts before our relationship deteriorates
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completely. you know how this works. you are going to hand me, if you don't mind, the first card. the first card will have the actual valentine that was sold in the second one will be the first draft that was not good enough to be sold. clear? >> yes. >> stephen: of got to warn everybody, if you've got kids in the room, this one is a little spicy. it says you will always have a pizza my heart, i want to stuff your crust, baby. i told you that was a little spicy. >> would you have said that to a girlfriend in college or anything or would that be too spicy? >> stephen: back in college? i would have been afraid. the first draft said you'll always have a pizza my heart, sorry about my weird looking sausage. i probably would have said that. >> that's worse! >> stephen: darling, as you know, we are not going out to dinner after this. are you okay with that? >> totally.
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>> stephen: good, because my idea of a romantic evening as we get to bed by 9:30. >> we could have wine and cheese and crackers. >> stephen: i'll do that. if that's what we do most of the time -- just wine -- i convince you to have wine because you're like "not going to have someone" and then i have some wine and you say "give me a taste of that" and then i just go get the bottle and a straw for you. here's one. i cherish celebrating all valentines traditions with you. chocolate, roses, and love, love, love. >> that's sweet. >> stephen: but the first draft said i cherish celebrate and all valentines traditions with you, gathering a bunch of roman priest in a secret cave to celebrate the looper caliper for slapping women with a goat hide to encourage fertility, look it up. >> you have said that. >> stephen: i would have said this in college, that's why i didn't have a girlfriend. here's a nice card. if we are just like romeo and juliet, a love for the ages. very sweet. >> where is this going to go?
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>> stephen: the first draft -- where is this one going to go? the second one should be a little bit of a switch up, right? >> okay. i'm all ears, what's it going to say? >> stephen: okay. [laughter] >> i'm so sorry! >> stephen: i love when you come on and deconstruct the nature of comedy. what do the next one say? the next one can't be the same! [cheers and applause] >> i think you gave me a lesson >> stephen: what did i do? >> was it raiders of the lost ark? >> stephen: it wasn't comedy, it was a lesson in like suspending your disbelief to enjoy anything. i believ -- >> i'm a very practical person. >> stephen: i believe we watched and you said -- >> he couldn't survive that, being dragged there, he would have died. >> stephen: can't get dragged
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behind a truck, that's not going to work. [laughter] and i thought to myself "she seems fun." and you are, your great fun. >> turned out you made me more fun. >> stephen: no, no, you've made me a more responsible person. >> this is not in a cookbook, this stuff is not -- >> stephen: this is kind of with the cookbook is like, actually. here's the first draft. but he was the first draft. the last one was about romeo and juliet. here's the first draft, we are just like romeo and juliet. okay, actually just read the play, why do we let teenagers read this? it's a sad story, that's why. it's a sad story. the go beatles i like this. >> stephen: here's a nice ca card! like the beatles said, all you need is love, but here's the first draft. like the beatles said, suddenly -- elementary penguins
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singing hare krishna, they had some good drugs. what do you -- are we giving each other presents? no, good very good. because you said we weren't. >> and we are not. >> stephen: and i didn't. did you get anything for me? >> yes i did. thank you, they were lovely. >> stephen: you're welcome. had to drag that out of you... [laughter] there's a science one, happy valentine's day, our love is like the universe, always expanding. >> suites buried >> stephen: but the first draft said happy valentine's day, our love is like universe, it's been 13.7 billion years since we had a big bang. [cheers and applause] evie mcghee, everybody! we will be right back with mark wahlberg! [cheers and applause]
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the economy is simply not working for cascade platinum plus. millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya...
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we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> stephen: thanks, everybody! welcome back! ladies and gentlemen, i first guessed tonight as an actor, producer and entrepreneur you know from "the departed," "the fighter," and "patriots' day." he now stars in "our for the
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king." please welcome back to "the late show" mark wahlberg. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> thank you for that blessing. >> stephen: you are most welcome, most welcome. i saw you are representing with the ashes. >> yes, ash wednesday today. i don't know just being here, i know you are a catholic, i'm feeling really close to god right now being here with you. >> stephen: wow. >> and then i just looked up in the rafters and there's jonathan, who played jesus on "the chosen." spilt i recognize both of you from -- it's called hello? because the reason i ask is that's what it's called but literally the symbol is a halo, which is spelled the same way, you understand you are sending a mixed message.
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>> we want to confuse you as much as possible. the messages ultimately we are getting people to come together and pray. >> stephen: are you prayed up? >> absolutely. always. >> stephen: how do i check my prior levels? is there a meter or a dipstick? you're like half a hail mary low. >> your lovely wife will tell you when you're not prayed up enough. that's what my wife does, absolutely. >> stephen: okay. you are from boston, that's not a secret. you are from boston. why are you in that dunkin' donuts commercial with ben affleck and matt damon and tom brady? what did you do? why are you not not commercial? >> you know, i was wondering the same thing. i have no idea. i'm from the wrong side of the tracks i think. i'm trying to work my way into good graces but very, very funny. you know, i think hopefully they will give me the call one of these days.
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i'm still waiting patiently. >> stephen: since the last time we saw each other you've moved to vegas. did you go to the super bowl? >> i went to the first half, i wanted to be home by the halftime show. the one second half was pretty exciting. >> is better than the first half. >> stephen: why did you leave at halftime? review intimidated by ushers abs? [laughter] >> i didn't know if he was going to come out with the abs are just doing the hip thrust, had no idea what he was going to do but i actually -- i want to do some stuff to promote the movie and then i promised my wife i would be home. i took my son and i was a little worried because my son, the last time we went to a super bowl it was the patriots versus the falcons and people always wonder why i left at halftime, but he was eight years old and he was screaming and cursing at the top of his lungs because they were down 28-3 and we were embarrassed, so i didn't know what he was going to do it the game and i was able to -- literally, 15 minutes away from the stadium, watch a little football, i had no stress. you know, i didn't care who won. a little worried about
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kansas city stealing the patriots shine and winning too many super bowl's but other than that i really just enjoyed the game and watched the halftime show. >> stephen: so since your password in their gotten to enjoy a little more? >> i've gotten so much trouble when the patriots lost to the giants,my wife wanted to know if they were going to play in the playoffs she would leave for the weekend to go to a healthy because i was cursing, yelling, kicking people out of the house. of course, if they won, it was a party and celebration. but i was a little too invested in the patriots and their success. >> stephen: i have a mild bone to pick with you as a man -- >> pick it. >> stephen: it you are 53? >> 52, slow down! >> stephen: i am still 59 for another two months and as a fellow man in his 50s i've got a bone to pick with you -- stop it. stop this. okay that's what -- what are you going to let yourself go?
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>> that's all cgi, that's all ai. >> stephen: so your abs are being played by andy serkis in a gray suit? >> exactly. my daughter does those for me. >> stephen: speaking of your daughter, you are a great entrepreneur, you've got a lot of things -- you got the wahlbergers, you've got the outcome of the municipal clothing line, and we've got some fantastic footage here that you sent us of your daughter doing an impression of you. >> municipal from head to toe, the new municipal shoes, shorts, and a support 45, the sweatshirt, hat and performance inspired. performance inspired, inspired stay prayed up, figure protein shakes. what time is it? at 8:00 a.m., i've got to go to bed. [cheers and applause] >> stephen: that's nice. that's a good relationship.
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is that a one-off or does does she do that a lot? >> that's a daily occurrence between her, my other son -- my two sons, and my oldest daughter, all they do is make fun of me and my ex end. >> stephen: how many kids do you have now? >> sgot four. >> stephen: how old is the oldest? >> she's 20, she's at clemson. >> go tigers! >> nice. that's all they do is party there. >> stephen: i'm from south carolina, i'm aware of what happens at clemson. >> i had an amazing time when i went to visit for family we can. really wish i had some college life. >> stephen: when they started dating with that difficult for you? >> it was the worst. >> stephen: or you okay or your wife? >> now that my about to be 18-year-old at his girlfriend and they were cuddling up on the couch, my wife didn't like that at all. she had no problem with the boyfriends coming, my oldest daughter, and my son has a lovely, lovely girlfriend, we already consider part of the
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family but she goes upstairs, the door shut and my wife is go open the door, go in there. it's not my place and nothing is happening. she's like oh, really, what were you doing at 17, almost 18 grade and i said waiting for you. waiting to meet you. >> stephen: we have to take a quick break but we will be right back with more mark wahlberg, everybody. stick around. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ efand because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪♪ (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to attack this new lobster & shrimp stack? that can change the world too. right?
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ready to get your mitts on lobster, shrimp and grits? they're two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. red lobster. is your party ready? wanna know how i get this glow?! i get ready with new olay indulgent moisture body wash. it smells amazing and gives my skin over the top moisture! from dull to visibly glowing in 14 days! ♪♪ see the difference with olay. out of the billions that've walked this globe, here we stand, our spirits have been charged with being the pioneers of this new frontier, what a time to be alive. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. ♪♪ at metro get a new iphone 12 with 5g. take amazing pictures, and share instantly.
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you don't take yada yada in life. don't take yada yada from your wireless provider. get a new iphone 12 with 5g for only $99.99. only at metro. mom's gonna love this! alright kids come on. it's time for bed! ( ♪♪ ) good morning, mr. snuggles. make breakfast special with the cocoa and hazelnutty goodness of nutella. ( ♪♪ ) (♪♪) ♪ healthier's not something that happens all alone ♪ ♪ it takes greg and lydia, and josie on the phone. ♪ ♪ it's grammy getting checked on in her favorite chair. ♪ ♪ or dolling herself up to go ♪ ♪ handle all of her care. ♪ ♪ with doctors to nurses ♪ ♪ and all the people in between ♪ ♪ healthier happens in more ways ♪ ♪ than ray's ever seen. ♪ ♪ healthier happens together. ♪ ♪♪ thank you agent state farm. like a good neighbaaa, state farm is there.
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cut! it's “neighbor.” that's what i said, neighbaaa. gettin' closer! ♪♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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c >> stephen: we are back with the star of "arthur the king," mark wahlberg. now you have a new film you are storing and called the 12 amount which i love the story, i knew nothing about it, tell the people what it's about. >> yeah, it's a true story of these adventure racers, extreme athletes, guy is on a race 500 miles across ecuador and basically sees this dog was clearly got lots of issues, open wounds, flies flying around, throws a meatball to get the ball away from him and the dog proceeds to follow him for the entire time where this dog travels 500 miles and he is now -- they say he's going to get disqualified from the race, cannot take the dog into the water, they are on the canoe and the dog jumps in the water and tries to follow them on the water after following them for 200 miles on foot. he sacrifices the race. this guy was obsessed with winning the world championships
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and he did the most selfless thing by throwing the race to save the dog and then the real race was to get the dog the proper help that it needed and the went home to live with him and the dog could never even been inside before, he had to sleep outside the first night that he actually had the dog and he was not a dog lover. it's an incredible story, a true story. i saw the documentary on espn and set i would love to make a movie. >> stephen: we have a clip right here. >> why is there a dog here? >> what do you mean? >> how did that dog get here? >> this is where i fed the dog right? back up with us, right there. how did he get all the way from here to there, right? while we were on bikes and zip lines and hiking and running and climbing, how did he do that? >> he must have wings we don't know about. >> that was my first guess.
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[applause] >> stephen: heartwarming. >> i back up a teddy bear, i back up a dog, it always seems to work. that's kind of what i do. >> stephen: what are you giving for lent? >> you know, i've given up many things for lent and i encourage people if it is something that distracts you from your relationship with god or prevents you from going a closer relationship with your higher power than i would suggest giving up but for me i'm just trying to do more, i'm trying to be better, trying to utilize the talents that i have, the platform that i have, to give back and encourage people that there isn't anything they can accomplish in trying to get people to do more and be better. >> stephen: bless you, mark wahlberg. >> thank you, father. >> stephen: "arthur the king" opens in theaters march 15th, when we come back, the star of "killers of the flower moon," lily gladstone. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ life doesn't stop for a cold. honey...
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honey... dayquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu symptom relief with a honey-licious taste. dayquil honey, the honey-licious, daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day, medicine. leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? "may-ow" best foods?? you can talk? ♪♪ a chicken salad sandwich. god i love you. ♪♪ [ alarm ringing ] there they are! everybody get their banking done? let's go! drive! we got to go! someone's in a hurry. annnd doo-do-do-doooo-do! one mississippi. two mississippi. -can we go!? -yeah! faster! oh, no sirree. you see, i get discounts for my safe driving with snapshot from progressive. you should see my savings -- they're nuts. you told us he was a skilled wheelman. no, i'm a wheelman. it's a family name on my mother's side. -what? -irish. [car tires screeching] (♪♪)
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos
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to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. che mack ♪ ♪ >> stephen: welcome back to "the late show"! my next guest tonight is an actress who just received an oscar nomination for her leading role in "killers of the flower moon."
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>> stephen: please welcome to "the late show," lily gladstone. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ i love this! fantastic! please, please, thank you very much. i think you might be the first guess to ever come on with their own train. >> and a valentine, have a valentine. >> stephen: should i open it
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now? this is lovely! >> got a long tail. >> stephen: it says "be mine," isn't that lovely? evie, you needn't watch this part. this is so lovely, thank you very much! >> absolutely, thanks for having me on! >> stephen: happy valentine's day to you and congratulations on your oscar nomination. what an extraordinary -- [cheers and applause] it's an amazing film, scorsese keeps finding new vocabulary to tell stories. ten nominations for this film, best actress for you, first native american woman to be nominated for an oscar in a lead role. [cheers and applause] what was that -- first of all, how did you find out about the nomination? do you get a call in the morning with the nobel prize? where were you? >> we learn like everybody else does, by watching.
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so i was in osage county on the osage reservation and face timing with my parent's so if it were to go the way that it did, have a foot in both worlds i guess. so i was on facetime with my mom and dad and it was funny, my mom very naturally did the mom thing it at the camera up to the tv so i could see what they were seeing. couldn't really see -- just little white lines of light with no definition. i was like i can't tell what's going on so she held the phone out and make sure they were both in there. so she was holding the phone up when the announcement came in. i couldn't hear it, but i could tell by their reactions. >> stephen: you are right in their face. that's extraordinary. you could have read it someplace else because her high school yearbook in 2004 i'm at this photo going viral. they called it 20 years ago most likely to win and oscar.
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[cheers and applause] so they -- was everyone aware that they called it 20 years ago? >> yeah. and it's our 20 year reunion so the 20 year reunion is kind of building around a watch party for the oscars, it seems, which is really sweet, the initial plan was to have it in our old high school theater, but kind of reached capacity, there were really enough seats in our old theater. >> stephen: you are not going to be able to go to your 20th reunion because you will be at the oscars. >> i will waved everybody from stage, i guess. >> stephen: that's nice. let's talk about the love story of molly and ernest burkart. it's an unusual love story but they do appear for all the betrayal and how dark the story is, there does appear to be love there. how would you describe that relationship based on what you know if the character and what your research is? because it's incredibly complex. >> yeah, it's a little twofold
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in that one it is true to the history, particularly her granddaughter, who i got to meet and i can just see that's where she probably -- how he drew a lot of inspiration from how he sketched on the book but a meeting with 250 members present from the gray horse district where she was from and margie went up and said you've got to remember you are in love. he insisted to the day he died that she was a good one, as he would say. there was a legacy in the kids, people remember their kids being very fun-loving and close to each other and even after ernest had gotten out of prison his son cowboy would go pick him up and drive around with him, gave him the nickname all dynamite. >> stephen: because he used dynamite to blow up the houses of the people who were standing up? >> because of his guilt and the complicity of it.
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it doesn't make sense, yet it is. there was real love in this family. these kids had what we can assume was a happy home life because they grew into very fun-loving people who love each other a lot. so there was that element and then in our first meeting, the first time that i zoomed with them talking about some of the script changes, it very much occurred to me that this love story and serve as a greater analogy for the bigger betrayal here of colonization of indigenous people, the amount of trust on tribal parts in these relationships and these treaty relationships, that haven't been honored but have been like systemically over time just betrayed our own sovereignty being eroded, i could see this love story serves as a nice little microcosm for that larger conversation. >> stephen: is it true, and if true, i love this, that during the dash you know, the covid lockdowns of 2020 you apply for
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a job at the department of agriculture? >> i was in the process of registering for a data analytics course so i could get paid for it. kind of volunteer for citizen science of course but i was staying the county south where the murder hornets had settled in, i have a part protective, almost maternal love for bees, particularly bumblebees so it just kind of felt like a purpose calling me. >> stephen: disses you with your beloved bees. >> and those are honeybees. >> stephen: what you love about bees? >> so much. i put honey in everything. it's my go-to for every little rash or cut, it's just honey. it kind of traces back to 2018, settling into winter, it was right before i shot -- it was another sort of pause in my career and i was looking for purpose and i was bringing my
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dog back from a walk and she just fixated on this little buzz and the succulents in front of our house and it was a beat, she tends to eat bees so i just scooped it up so she wouldn't get stung and it was a little chunky bumblebee, try belted tricolored bumblebee, which is in indigenous species and i moved him to the back porch and two days later he was still there like looking inside like he was wantingto come in. i think maybe he had found a heat vent but he was just sitting there just looking inside, so i brought him in, made a little mixture of honey and water and just kept them going for another few weeks and learn about his species. they've got an incredible genome. >> stephen: you had a pet bee? >> i had a pet bee! feels above! [laughs] >> stephen: a rich and interesting life. thank you so much for being here, it was lovely to meet you. "killers of the flower moon" is
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now streaming globally on apple tv+. lily gladstone, everybody, we will be right back. usable musical
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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[cheers and applause] >> stephen: that's it for "the late show," tune in tomorrow, my guess will be billy joel! now stick around for "after midnight" with taylor tomlinson, good night! ♪


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