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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  February 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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feel safe at school. transforming into one of a kind pieces. the fashion-forward solution keeping it out of it. >> i am doing it a favor in my own little way. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. good evening, by now you probably received your ballot for the march 5th primary that is less than three weeks away. one of the races is the one for the u.s. senate seat held by senator dianne feinstein for over 30 years, it is a crowded field with two dozen names appearing on the ballot. there are four front-runners, senator shiff, and barbara lee is
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trailing with 7%. whoever wins the senate seat will have some big shoes to fill. >> reporter: before going into academics she was a long time. >> she was a woman of substance for sure. she brought a tremendous amount of gravatos to that role. that will be hard for anyone. >> reporter: they will have to bring their own style of leadership to washington. >> we have a chance to continue to play a big role in the senate. it is going to look different. >> front-runners adam schiff and katie porter are known, schiff for his involve of
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impeaching trump >> we must say enough is enough. he compromised our elections and he will do so again. >> and katie porter for her white board break downs. >> it costs $763 per pill. i am curious, did the drug get more effective in that time? did cancer patients need fewer pills? how did you change the formula or production to justify this price increase? >> long time house representative barbara lee from oakland is having a more difficult time gaining traction statewide. >> she probably suffering from the fact that she just is not quite as skilled at raising money. she represented oakland and berkeley and not seen as much of a national figure. >> she is right there. >> reporter: a major concern for bishop bob jackson. >> she understands the plight
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of the inner city especially people of color and those that are less fortunate than others. >> i look at politics and public service as being able to not tinker around the edges but dismantling the systems that are for full and equal opportunity for everyone. >> bishop bob worked with barbara lee many times and worries the state will not be represented if they are both from southern california. >> reporter: she does not have the money backing her but she is from northern california. where are we going to be if all of the southern california people begin to win the senate race and become senators for the california, will we be represented? will we have a voice? >> checks and balances. >> reporter: according to crane, that is a long standing issue in the senate since there are only two for the entire state. a lesson she is teaching. >> this is a really, really
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important seat for california. we just started talking about the place my classes. there is no state as big and diverse as california is. so, we have a special challenge in finding somebody who can equally represent both regions, the north and the south. >> reporter: california's primaries are somewhat unique in that the top two vote getters will move forward to the general election regardless of their political party, so, that means we could see two democrats facing off in november. >> and let's not count out the republican steve garvey, the former l.a. dodger star is offering himself up as an alternative. experts say he has a good shot at advancing to november.. >> he just has to be fine to be second place. the reason for that republican stay home to party. democrats scatter all over. deeply blue state. there are other republican candidates like for example eric early but steve garvey is clearly in the
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driver seat. >> the primary is on march 5th. stay with us, we will bring you more election stories from your communities as we approach voting day. all right, a brief shelter in place at napa's vintage high school this morning after dozens of students ifel ill. it happened during first period choir class, 20 students reporting feel sick, one of them fainted. now, santa rosa, another disturbing incident at a high school where a student was fatally stabbed last year. this week they arrested a 14-year-old boy at montgomery high school, accused of making guns with a 3d printer. this is the latest in another troubling incident in santa rosa public schools. we spoke to several parents who hope to put a stop to this violence.
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>> melisa stewart is a long time resident. her number one concern right now is her children's safety at school. >> the tipping point was realizing that there was not safety protocols in place that we felt like the school district should have implemented. >> . >> reporter: that pushed her to create a parent's group called the safe campus alliance. on thursday she met with other members to say enough is enough. just a day after 14-year-old student was arrested for allegedly manufacturing firearms using a 3d printer. >> it is what is happening in sonoma county, a lot of cities, again, not just a montgomery high school issue it is, ghost guns are a real thing. there are adults and teenagers that are printing these and getting them on our city street. >> she says there needs to be a more aggressive approach to keep students safe. >> i keep thinking we can do better. i know we can do better that is what keeps us going, we believe all students should feel safe at school. they don't right now.
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>> reporter: just like rebecca, she works as a health tick in addition at montgomery high school where her 16 -- health technician at montgomery high school where her 16-year-old goes to school >> fiwas not there and my daughter was in a lockdown and another stabbing happened or a shooting happened, you know, i would never forgive myself if i just quit right now and left my daughter there on her own to deal with it. >> reporter: rebecca, a member of the alliance says it is time to get back to campus. >> we saw how easy it was to bring an sro back on campus. our district did it overnight after last year. and, and it was a good thing on our campus and we saw the reaction that our students had to having an rso. they were grateful. >> she agrees, students deserve to return to a normal life. >> they want to resume with their lives and come to school
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and not be in fear of a lockdown or an active shooter or weapon or gangs.. >> the district briefly brought back school resource officers in december because of a surge of violent fights on campuses but, it is unclear if there are any future plans to bring them back permanently. authorities in kansas city say it was a dispute that may of led to the gunfire at the chief's super bowl parade injuring 23 people and killing one person. a mother of two and a popular radio dj. the shooting happened despite the presence of more than 800 officers patrolling the parade. the police say two juveniles are now in custody. it is the opposite of fast fashion, meet the south bay designer who is saving the planet with her creations one stitch at a time. >> saving things that would be discarded or no longer needed or used such as table clothes
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and, and giving them new life. >> dry weather to finish the workweek tomorrow. then, back to back atmospheric rivers. the first to arrive on saturday. the next one, the stronger one, going to arrive sunday into monday. tracking the rain and
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to
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america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. - [narrator] unwrap bogo for $1. now you can grab the perfectly toasty hot 'n spicy mcchicken, the mouthwatering mcdouble, tender four piece chicken mcnuggets, or a juicy mcchicken. order ahead in the mcd app. ♪ da da ba ba ba! ♪
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. welcome back. we all like to look and feel our best. sometimes new cloths can help do that. it comes at -- clothes can help do that, it comes at a cost. and then some end up in the landfill, a bay area woman is creating a beautiful solution one stitch at a time. >> reporter: tucked away in a san jose store front, clothing designer is hard at work on her new collection. >> i am getting ready for
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spring. these are dusters made from old hand embroidered table clothes. >> reporter: old table clothes, once destined for landfill, or practically given away at flee markets. >> i would find things and be amazed at what i was looking at and how under valued they were. >> reporter: in her hands, she transforms unwanted linens. >> this was a blanket. >> reporter: virgil wool blankets and scraps into a one of a kind masterpiece. >> i think this one is beautiful. >> amazing, special. >> really beautiful design.. >> reporter: she is practicing up cycling >> saving things that would otherwise be discarded or no longer needed or used such as table clothes and giving them new life and new purpose and finding the beauty in them. this is all handmade lace and linen. >> reporter: her unique garmets
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stand in stark contrast to the trend of fast fashion. the pass production of cheap stylish clothes now flooding the market. consumers are likely to discard it only after a few wears. most of it ends up in landfill. the clothing decomposes it releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is 28 times as potent as carbon dioxide >> for something that you are going to wear three to four times it is not worth it. it is not worth what you are doing to the planet. >> reporter: back at the store front among her most popular garmets, these warm lightweight sweaters for toddlers, made out of cashmere scraps. they sellout first. >> they are pretty and like them and they are durable. >> being able to use old table clothes or jackets.
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>> i love the idea of up cycling recycling, right? and fashion together. >> i try to upcycle whatever i can instead of throwing away. i really appreciate when we do have more creative people doing that. >> i think i am doing the planet a favor in my own little way. >> 1-5 americans upcycles, it is a fashion-forward solution that hopefully never goes out of style. >> there is another reason to buy more durable clothing between 8-10% of total global emissions comes from the fashion industry. for a look at the research behind fast fashion and textiles head to so, tonight, we are getting a break from the rain. that is about to change big time. paul is joining us now with a break down to break it all down. >> we are going to see more rain heading into presidents' day weekend. another dry day in store for us on friday. let's take a look at what we need to
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know heading into the holiday weekend. back to back atmospheric rivers, storm number 1 arrives on saturday. the quicker-moving weaker system, the stronger persistent one is going to move in. it will happen sunday into monday. we will be tracking that as we head through the several days. i will step off screen because my ipad that controls things it just lost its connection to the internet. thereat say fun problem to have. let's go through the -- that is a fun problem to have. let's go through the forecast over the next couple of days while i try to get back on to the wi-fi connection, ever so much fun. here is the rain, light to moderate showers at first. giving way to moderate to heavy rainfall heading through saturday afternoon and evening. this is the first atmospheric river that is going to be giving us a fair amount of rain. half an inch out of that system. tapers off to lingering showers heading through saturday night and heading through sunday morning, wind the clock forward. the break in the action continues into the first half of sunday and then
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we see the next atmospheric river moving in with more rain in store for us as we go through sunday afternoon, sunday evening, overnight sunday night, it will be a longer stretch of heavier rain and that is why we are concerned about flooding in that time frame and we are concerned about some wind damage. we will track the winds in a moment. we will be seeing the heavy rain continuing into early monday morning, really, all of the way into tuesday as well. let's take a look at the rainfall outlook. it tracks basically the potential for flash flooding. the slight risk of excessive rain. what it really means is elevated threat of flash flooding for coastal parts of sonoma county. saturday, saturday night, a marginal risk for the rest of the bay area. late sunday, sunday night, from the golden gate southward along the peninsula, the bay, the santa cruz mountains where we get the heavier downpours with the second atmospheric river moving in. marginal risk, the trend should be upgraded depending how long the heavier downpours
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linger in place. so, okay, i will step back in the screen. i will magically appear. there i am, hi, it is like an invisible doorway. 30-40 mile-an-hour gusts on the coast. not the windiest system in store for us. the winds die down on saturday night and pick back up as the second storm moves back in. that is on sunday and then we will see the wind accelerating heading through monday. 30-40 mile-an-hour gust that is not anywhere close to the level of the wind energy we have with the atmospheric river a week ago sunday. that is 11 days ago now. 30-40 mile-an-hour gusts, with soils and trees trying to keep their grip. the systems on the soil, 30-40 miles an hour is enough to do minor tree damage and result in power outages as opposed to the widespread power outages we had the last time around. in the sierra, this is a snow maker, this one, both of them will be one. prepping a winter weather advisory.
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saturday into sunday morning, there is below that winter storm warning threshold. several inches of snow is the most likely scenario. tricksy, a tricky. warning, it goes all of the way through wednesday morning and we are talking about feet of snow. probably a foot, foot and a half around tahoe. 3-4 feet with the higher elevation that say significant amount of snow. it will be impossible along u.s.-50 and i-80. not good timing for president weekend, ski week, a lot of folks trying to take advantage of it. try to get up there tomorrow or on sunday when we are in the short break in the action. so, seven-day forecast is not going to function for me. they are going to technology their way out of it. we have plenty of rain in the forecast over the next several days, talking about generally 2-4 inches of rain for most of the bay area,
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higher elevations for coastal sonoma county, picking up more than 6 inches of rainfall, jules? >> all right, paul, thank you. coming up, - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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there is a new all-time
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leading scorer in women's basketball, people packed the stadium in university of iowa to see clark make history. >> how will she go for history! there it is! [ cheers and applause ] >> i can watch that over and over and over again. clark went into tonight's game needing eight points to beat the record. she wasted no time scoring her team's first eight points of the game. demand for the tickets more than doubled this year. tonight, many fans turn to the resale market to land tickets for the game. oakland's new independent baseball team, the ballers, finally knows where they will be playing their home games this year. it is the historic ramandi park in west oakland. located in a mostly industrial part of the town. the team vowing to invest $1.6 million to update the field and improve the overall site. >> tonight, at 8:00 on pix plus. parents push back against a proposed pedestrian bridge
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demolition, let's go to devon with the prime time edition >> parents in the neighborhood are rallying to keep the bridge from being demolished. their concern is without the bridge it will be hardtory get to the nearby elementary school and so. they think it is a dangerous situation. they had a representative at today's rally. we have more over at 8:00 on pix plus. >> a giant teddy bear puts a woman in handcuffs, no, not a kinky valentine's date. the story behind this very unusual drug bust
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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. let's finish with a little creativity, shall we? the police using valentine's day to their advantage, helping bust a suspected drug dealer. here is how it went down. the officer there, dressed up like a teddy bear, holding a heart shaped balloon and a sign reading you are my reason to smile. there he is. and posted up outside of the suspect's house in the country's capital city. the female suspect came out to look at her gift. officers rushed in and took her into custody. oops. all right, thanks for watching. the news continues on pix plus, we will see you back here at 11:00. thanks for watching
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause] steve: how y'all? i appreciate that, folks. thank y'all. thank you very much. i appreciate you. thank you very much. thank y'all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man-- steve harvey! [cheers and applause] got a good one for you today. returning for their 2nd day, from houston, texas, it's the champs, it's the brooks family. [cheers and applause]


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